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THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES NGUYEN THI SAC IMPROVING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS THROUGH GAMES FOR 11th GRADE STUDENTS AT YEN PHONG N0.2 HIGH SCHOOL (Cải thiện kĩ nói Tiếng Anh thơng qua trị chơi cho học sinh khối 11 trường THPT Yên Phong số 2) M.A THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201 THAI NGUYEN – 2020 THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES NGUYEN THI SAC IMPROVING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS THROUGH GAMES FOR 11th GRADE STUDENTS AT YEN PHONG N0.2 HIGH SCHOOL (Cải thiện kĩ nói Tiếng Anh thơng qua trị chơi cho học sinh khối 11 trường THPT Yên Phong số 2) M.A THESIS (APPLICATION ORIENTATION) Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201 Supervisor: Assoc Prof PhD Hoang Tuyet Minh THAI NGUYEN - 2020 DECLARATION I, the undersigned, declare that this thesis is the result of my own research for the Degree of Master at Thai Nguyen University and that this thesis has not been submitted for any degree at any other university or tertiary institution Thai Nguyen, 2020 Student Nguyễn Thị Sắc i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to my supervisor, Ms Hoang Tuyet Minh for her wholehearted assistance Without her advice, comments, and corrections, it would have been impossible for me to fulfill the thesis Besides, students at Yen Phong No.2 high school are people to whom I want to send my grateful thanks Last but not least, I am willing to show my deepest thanks to my family and friends who encouraged and supported me a lot ii ABSTRACT One of the most challenging tasks facing any language teachers is to capture students’ interest, and therefore, keep them in high learning spirit Meanwhile, English speaking skills are a hard skill which can sometimes be frustrating especially students To realize this situation, the teachers are supposed to find out teaching ways corresponsive to students’ needs and wants The study, in that light, lays a focus on students’ improvement in English speaking skills through games The study was conducted in the form of an action research with the research tools being observational note, pre-test, post-test 1, post-test and survey questionnaire to collect data Then the data from observational note and tests were exploited to find out the improvement in students’ English speaking skills And the data from survey questionnaire was used to find out students’ attitude when using games in speaking lessons Through the results of the teacher’s observation, the pre-test, post-test and post-test 2, it can be concluded that games could help improve students’ English speaking skills The results collected from the questionnaires showed that most of the students expressed their positive attitudes towards the games carried out in teaching English speaking skills TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale for the study 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Research question .2 1.4 Scope of the study .2 1.5 Design of the .3 thesis CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 The Nature of Speaking .4 2.1.1 The Definitions of Speaking .4 2.1.2 The place of speaking among the four language skills 2.2 Games 2.2.1 Definition of games 2.2.2 Role of games to improve the student’s speaking skills 2.2.3 Benefits of using games 2.2.4 The importance of games 2.2.5 Kinds of games in language teaching and learning .10 2.2.6 How to play games 12 2.2.7 The Relationship between Games and Speaking skills 13 2.2.8 Using Games in the Speaking Class .14 2.3 Review of previous 16 2.4 .17 studies Summary CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 19 3.1 The setting of the study 19 3.2 Participants .19 3.3 The Method of the Research 19 3.4 The Procedure of Action Research 21 3.4.1 Identifying problems .21 3.4.2 Planning the action 22 3.4.3 Implementing the action 22 3.4.4 Observing the action 23 3.4.5 Reflecting 23 3.5 Data collection instruments .23 3.5.1 Observation 23 3.5.2 Pre-test and post-test 24 3.5.3 Questionnaire 25 3.6 Data collection procedures 26 3.6.1 Teacher’s diary .26 3.6.2 Pre-test and Post-test .26 3.6.3 Questionnaires 26 3.7 Data analysis procedures 27 3.8 Summary 28 CHAPTER 4: RESUTLS AND DISCUSSION 29 4.1 Research question 1: To what extents games improve students’ speaking skill? 29 4.1.1 The Result of Post Observational Note 29 4.1.2 The Result of pre-test and post-test 29 4.2 Research question 2: What are learners’ attitude when using games in speaking lesson? 32 4.3 Summary 37 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 38 5.1 Conclusion .38 5.2 Implications and suggestions for teaching and learning English 39 5.2.1 Implications 39 5.2.2 Suggestions for teaching and learning English 40 5.3 Limitations and suggestions for further study 41 5.3.1 Limitations of the study 41 5.3.2 Suggestions for further studies .41 REFERENCES 43 APPENDICES 46 APPENDIX 46 APPENDIX 2: SCORES .49 APPENDIX 3: STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRE 55 APPENDIX 57 APPENDIX 5: GAMES APPLIED IN THE PROCESS .59 LESSON PLANS OF TEACHING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL 59 LISTS OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 4.1: The students’ responses to the question 33 Table 4.2: Students’ responses to the question 33 Table 4.3: Factors interfere in the students’ speaking skill when the class was taking place 34 Table 4.4: Learners’ attitude when the teacher use games in teaching speaking lesson? 35 Table 4.5: Students’ attitude towards necessity and importance of using games in teaching English speaking skills? 35 Table 4.6: Students ‘ activeness while playing games 36 Figure 3.1: Dialectic Action Research Spiral 20 Figure 3.2: Simple Action Research Model 55 (from MacIsaac, 1995: p53) .21 Figure 4.1: The Improvement of Speaking Skill’s score .31 vii APPENDIX KHẢO SÁT HỌC SINH Bảng câu hỏi khảo sát thiết kế cho nghiên cứu “Cải thiện kĩ nói Tiếng Anh thơng qua trò chơi cho học sinh khối 11 trường THPT Yên Phong số 2” Sự hỗ trợ bạn việc trả lời câu hỏi sau cảm kích Bạn tự tin bạn không bị nhận thảo luận liệu Xin đọc kỹ vấn đề sau trước trả lời câu hỏi Nếu bạn gặp khó khăn nào, xin vui lòng hỏi người hướng dẫn bạn Câu hỏi 1: Kỹ ngôn ngữ mà bạn cho khó thực hiện? A Nghe B Nói C Đọc D Viết E Không trả lời Câu hỏi 2: Bạn thường nói tiếng Anh lớp? A Ln B Gần luôn C Đôi D Không Câu hỏi 3: Những yếu tố cản trở kỹ nói bạn khiến bạn khó nói học tiếng Anh? A Sợ bị cười nhạo B Ngại ngùng C Áp dụng vào thực tế D Không trả lời Câu 4: Thái độ em giáo sử dụng trị chơi tiết dạy luyện nói? A Rất thích B Thích C Tàm tạm D Khơng thích Câu hỏi 5: Bạn có nghĩ trò chơi cần thiết quan trọng việc dạy kỹ nói tiếng Anh? A Rất cần thiết quan trọng B Cần thiết quan trọng C Tàm tạm D Không cần thiết Câu hỏi 6: Bạn thường tham gia trò chơi nào? A Tích cực tham gia trị chơi B Chỉ tham gia trò chơi giáo viên yêu cầu C Chỉ tham gia trị chơi có hứng thú D Khơng tham gia trị chơi Câu hỏi 7: Vai trò trò chơi giáo viên sử dụng trị chơi tiết 57 học nói? Kh ôn Họ c Để vư Để giú Để họ Để thu Sự hò Tự tin Đư ợc Để cải Tậ p Để vui Họ c Để ph Ý 58 APPENDIX 5: GAMES APPLIED IN THE PROCESS LESSON PLANS OF TEACHING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILL ENGLISH 11 * Preparing date: September 4th, 2019 * Teaching date: September 20th, 2019 Distributive Period: UNIT 1: THE GENERATION GAP Lesson 4: SPEAKING A Objectives: - To teach students to have responsible attitude towards family rules - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain: - Solve conflicts between teenagers and parents - To talk about conflicts between teenagers and parents and give opinions and advice on how to solve the problems between teenagers and parents - Lexical items: related to the topic B Preparations * Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers * Students: Textbook C Methods The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative * Skill: - Main skill: speaking skills: talking about parent-child relationship problems and offering advice on how to solve them D Procedures: Stage/ Time Teacher’s activities 59 Students’ activities S Te Stu t ac den W - Have Ss aplay the Lis ( game called “Find m i someone n who…” u - Explain t Ge Par the rulePar t ent ent wit spe crit h nd ici tim stu e dyi res ult ParPar Par ent ent ent s list me to try en opi the to nio tim - Asks Ss Wa to go around lk aro the class un and ask d 60 * Preparing date: September 4th, 2019 * Teaching date: October 10th, 2019 Distributive Period: 13 UNIT 2: RELATIONSHIPS Lesson 4: Speaking (Seeking advice) A Objectives: - To provide learners some vocabulary related to the topic of relationship problems - To provide learners expressions of asking and giving advice - Lexical items: related to the topic - Grammar points: B Preparations * Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers * Students: Textbook C Methods The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative * Skill: - Main skill: speaking - To promote Ss to develop their speaking skills - To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups D Procedures: S Teacher’ Stu t sden W - aHa Lis rve ten mSs an pla d –y ans the we 61 NOPRESAL BLOMPRE -T raise some questions and calls on some Ss to give their answers T: Are you having any problem at your school or at home? Ss: … T: What you often when having a problem? Ss: … T: Who you often talk with? Ss: … - Lead to the new lesson 62 * Preparing date: September 4th, 2019 * Teaching date: October 21th, 2019 Distributive Period: 22 UNIT 3: BECOMING INDEPENDENT Part 4: Speaking A Objectives By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain the skills teens need to develop in order to become independent and the reason why those skills are necessary B Preparations * Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers * Students: Textbook C Methods The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative * Skill: - Main skill: speaking - To promote Ss to develop their speaking skills - To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups D Procedures: S t aAftH sa p (v 7e S Teacher’ t s u activiti - L i s t S m e is n n up t tl o a e y t s 63 - Write down some board: 64 Problem solving Decision making Coping with loneliness Interpersonal communication -Asks describe the words by giving - Listen and take definition notes - Asks Ss to summary the skill necessary for people to be independent 65 * Preparing date: November 14th, 2019 * Teaching date: December 5th, 2019 Distributive Period :43 Unit 5: BEING PART OF ASEAN Lesson 4: SPEAKING A Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Ss can: - talk about ASEAN member states - know about the cooperation and solidarity among ASEAN countries B Preparations: textbooks, posters, pictures and cassette C Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative * Skills: - Main skill: Speaking - Sub skills: Listening; Writing D Procedures: S Teacher’ Stu t sden W - aHa Lis rve ten m Ss to pla the –y T the uga pme cal (led 7“T ab m oo i” n uEx tpla ein L sthe o )rul o APPENDIX 6: LESSON PLANS FOR PRACTICING Lesson Plan Time: 45 minutes Topic: Talking about “Snow White and Seven Dwarfs” Strategy: Story game Objective: To develop the speaking skills by using the story “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” Resources: Pictures of the Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs story Warming up: Teacher will show students some pictures in which Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs appear Then teacher will ask student for their names and characteristics by trying to speak in English the best they can Activities: – Teacher will divide the group into three small groups – Teacher will give the students some sentences about the most important events of the story in order to be organized in a chronological way – Students, in groups, will retell orally the story in front of the whole class Lesson Plan Time: 45 minutes Topic: Likes and Dislikes Strategy: Caring and Sharing game “Let me know about you” Objective: To develop the speaking skills through the game “Let me know about you” Resources: Photocopies of the chart (game) dices, pictures and counters Warming up: - We will talk about Juan’s and Juan Pablo Montoya “Likes and Dislikes” - We will ask students if they know the famous people shown in the pictures and some details of their live: Who is he? Who are they? Where have you seeing him / her? What does he or she do? What you think they like or don’t like to in their free time? Activities: – Teacher will divide the class in groups of three students Then, teacher will give each group a photocopy of the game The game consists of a chart in which the students will solve some personal questions about likes and dislikes by taking turns – To develop the game students will throw the dices, in order to move their chips advancing according to the number given by the dice? In each space students will get and specific Yes, No, WH questions that they have to answer -Examples: Do you like music? What kind of music you like? Do you like to read? What is your favorite book? – After the game is over, each group will choose the best speaker player to represent it, in a whole class competence The chosen student is going to answer two more questions in order to win points for the final score of the game After that, teacher will organize new groups of 12 people, in which each group is going to decorate a specific place (restaurant, mall, video, and store) with materials given by the teachers They will perform like people who are commonly in these places Students have to use Yes, No, WH and questions to ask and answer for likes and dislikes Lesson Plan Time: 45 minutes Topic: describing and talking about objects Strategy: guessing and speculating game Objective: to develop the speaking skills through the game describing and talking about objects Resources: 20 objects Warming up: Teacher will give students an object by saying it is not and each one of them is going to use the same structure but changing the final word: It is not a cat It is not a beautiful dog Activities: – Teacher will divide the whole class in small groups of four students – Teacher will give each group a different object: Ruler - square - triangle After that, one student of the group will say the real name of the object, the second one will change the real name for another creative word, the third one is going to say an imaginative use of the new object, and the fourth one will say another use of the object ... chơi cho học sinh khối 11 trường THPT Yên Phong số 2) M.A THESIS (APPLICATION ORIENTATION) Field: English Linguistics Code: 822 020 1 Supervisor: Assoc Prof PhD Hoang Tuyet Minh THAI NGUYEN - 20 20... UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES NGUYEN THI SAC IMPROVING ENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS THROUGH GAMES FOR 11th GRADE STUDENTS AT YEN PHONG N0 .2 HIGH SCHOOL (Cải thiện kĩ nói Tiếng Anh thơng qua trị chơi. .. pre-test score ∑y1 = the sum of post-test score ∑y2 = the sum of post-test score 3.4 3.5 2. 9 3 .2 3.15 3.06 2. 62 2.94 3 .2 2.53 2. 97 2. 62 3 .2 2.5 1.5 0.5 Fluency Pronunciation Mean Pre-test Vocabulary

Ngày đăng: 09/11/2020, 01:39



