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Tiếng Anh cho học sinh các trường dạy nghề: Phần 2

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Tiếng Anh Cho Học Sinh Các Trường Dạy Nghề tập hợp 33 bài học với nhiều chủ đề khác nhau. Tác giả đã cố gắng chọn lựa cách trình bày đơn giản và dễ hiểu nhất nhằm giúp độc giả tiện theo dõi và học tập. Phần 2 gồm các nội dung chính sau: Safety, want ads,... Mời các bạn cùng tham khảo để nắm nội dung chi tiết.

125 ZInit Safety 126 Lesson Fifteen/ Bài 15 Getting Ready - Chuẩn bị What kind of safety equipment you wear? B n thường m ang lo i công cụ n o ? I wear a m ask OR I wear gloves M ìn h đeo m ột m ặt nạ H O Ặ C m ìn h đeo găng tay Why should you wear a mask? T i bạn nên đeo m ặt nạ? It protects your lungs from fumes Nó bảo vệ p h ổ i bạn k h ỏ i k h í độc hại Why should you wear gloves? T i bạn nên đeo găng tay? They protect your hands from rough objects C húng bảo vệ tay bạn k h ỏ i vật thô ráp This mask is important Chiếc m ặ t nạ quan trọ n g Then i should wear it Sau tơ i nên m ang These gloves are important N hữ n g chiêc găng tay th ì quan trọng Then I should wear them Do tô i nên mang chúng 127 Conversation - H ộ i thoại Old em ployee: T he boss isn't very happy w ith you N h â n v iê n cũ: Ô n g chủ k h ô n g v u i b n New em ployee: N h â n v iê n m i: Old em ployee: W hy not? T i k h ô n g ĩ He says you never w ear your safety equipm ent N h ă n viên c ủ : Ơ n g ta n ó i bạn chưa bao g iờ m a n g n g cụ an tồn New em ployee: Oh, you mean this m ask? It isn't that im portant N h â n v iê n m i: Ơ ý bạn n ó i ch iếc m ặ t nạ n y ? N ó k h ô n g qua n trọ n g Old em ployee: It is It protects your lungs from fumes N h â n v iê n c ũ : V ậy à, bảo vệ p h ổ i bạn k h ỏ i c h ấ t dộc k h í h i New em ployee: You really think I should w ear it? * N h ẩ n v iê n m i: B n ch án n g h ĩ tơ i nên m ang chứ? Old em ployee: I sure It’s for your own safety N h â n v iê n c ũ : C hắc chắn N ó tơ t cho c h ín h th â n mask M ặ t nạ [lungs] [p h ổ i ] [fumes] [k h í độc h i] gloves Găng tay [hands] [đ ô i bàn ta y ] [rough objects] [các vật sắc, rá p ] rubber apron Tạp dề cao su hard hat [body] [th â n th ể ] M ũ cứng [head] [đ ầ u ] [chemicals] [ch ấ t hóa học] [falling objects] [các vật rơ i] ear protectors M ặ t bảo vệ ta i goggles Kính phịng hộ [eyes] [đ i m ắ t] [fiying objects] [các vậ t bay] [ears] [đ ô i ta i] [loud noise] [tiê n g ồn lớ n ] Exercises - Bài tập Look at the picture Make a question and then answer it Follow the model N h ìn tranh Đ ặ t câu hỏi sau trả lờ i câu hỏi theo m r ì i i h ô ì i r li/ r t i 120 QUESTION ANSWER W hy should you w e ar gloves? They protect your hands from rough objects C'V\ h L^Bc Wmmj m M n si'*'"” lặỆỊloí ptsiltâl Write a Story - Viết m ột câu chuyện A Read the paragraph and then w rite one word in each blank Đ ọc đ o n v ă n sau v iế t m ộ t từ vào m ỗ i chỗ trố n g Alicia i s cleaning Lady Cleaning Ladies (2) ( 1) w ear gloves to p r o te c t hands from chem icals Alicia her gloves beucase she thinks th e y ~w im portant The boss is h a p p y _ her a lw a y s (6 ) (5) B Write a story about yourself or a friend Use the paragraph in part A as a model V iế t m ột câu chuyện bạn hay m ột người bạn S ù dụ n g đoạn văn p h ầ n A m mẫu Tasks - Nhiệm vụ Look at the posten What safety equipment should the person wear? Why? Write a sentence about each posten Follow the model H ãy n h ìn tờ quảng cáo M ộ t người nên m ang công cụ an tồn gì? tạ i sao? V iê t m ộ t câu m ỗi dòng áp p h ích quảng cáo theo m ẫu bên CHEMICAL BURNS/ w h a n h a n d in g ins VOUR hearing get to the m, SHOWER FAST! ! w e a r a p p e a re d PROTECT IT! SU & iU o -t ilắ - cu-e-ufi p r o te c tio n f i ũ, cap to - fí' L O - t e c t Ue-'L U a i> i 132 On Your Own Find five c la s s m a te s O ne a s ks q u e s tio n s and c o m p le te s the form T h e o th e rs a n sw e r F ollow th e model ASK ANSWER What you do? Do you haue to wear safety equip- I 'm a welder Yes, haue to wear goggles, merit? Why? To protect my eyes from heat Na m e OCCUPATION SAETY EQUIPMENT welAeA QcxffleA- P w ie c t GJ+Uf gx&cmm A WHY U eat _ _ IJ S Lesson Sixteen / Bài 16 Getting Ready - Chuẩn bị W hat kind of gloves you need to w ear? B n cần m a n g đ ô i g ă n g tay lo i n o ? You need to w ea r rubber gloves Bạn nên đeo đô i găng tay cao su W hy you need to w ear rubber gloves? T i bạn cần đeo đ ô i g ă n g ta y b ằ n g cao s u ? You need to w ear them to protect your skin from a cid Bạn cần m ang đ ể bảo vệ da bạn khỏi a xít Conversation - Hội thoại Supervisor: On this job you need to w ear gloves N gư i g iá m s t: V ới công việc n y a nh cần đeo g ă n g tay New em ployee: W hat kind of gloves ( you need to wear)? N h â n v iê n m i: G ă n g ta y lo i nào? (bạn cần m ang) S upervisor: You need to w ear rubber gloves N g i g iá m s t: (A n il cần m a ng ) đ ô i g ă n g tay cao su New em ployee: W hy rubber gloves'? N h ă n v iể n m i: T i bàn g đ ô i g ă n g tay cao su? 134 Supervisor: To protect your skin from acid Người g iá m sát: Đ ể bảo vệ da anh khỏi a xít [hands] [đ ỏ i ta y] [blisters] [vế t bỏng] leather gloves rubber gloves Đ ô i găng tay cao su Đ ô i găng tay da [hands] [hands] [d ô i ta y ] [đ ô i tay] [heat] [cuts] [c ắ t] [sức nóng] asbestos gloves Đ ô i găng tay bàng am iang cotton gloves Đ ôi găng tay bàng sợi Exercises - Bài tập Look at the words and the picture Make a question and then answer it Follow the model N h ì n c c t v ù b ứ c t r a n h Đ ặ t c u h ỏ i v s au đ ó t r l i c â u h ỏ i t h e o m ẫ u s au: '7 C arm en P erales is applying for a job as a drafter □ a m odeling/four m onths/m odeling school □ b typ ing /six m onths/high school □ c d rafting/th re e sem esters/colleg e Sun-w ing Lee is applying for a job as a billing clerk □ a d rivin g /five w eeks/driving school □ b F ren ch /three m onths/high school □ c b ookkee ping/tw o se m e ste rs/bu sin e ss school B Listen to the tape Listen for inform ation about the applican ts’ w ork exp erien ce and training C heck the item s the applicants described and w rite the inform ation Then tell w hich applicant gave a m ore com plete answ er Follow the m odel Nghe băng L ắ n g nglie để lấ y thô n g tin k in h nghiệm m việc việc đào tạo người x in việc Sau kiểm tra m ục người x in việc m iêu tả viê t thơng tin Sau n ó i ứng viê n đưa câu trả LỜI đầy đ ủ han L m theo m ẫu bên 26 S JOB EXPERIENCE accounting TRAINING Applicant A □ job: _ D class: - □ length: - ^ length. - Applicant B □ job: _ a □ length: _ sales clerk □ job: _ n □ length: _ D c,ass: D length: - Applicant A class: length: -Applicant B □ job: _ n class: □ length: _ D plumber's apprentice length: Applicant A □ job: _ □ class: □ lengthy □ length:_ Applicant B job: □ cla ss:_ □ length: □ length: □ telephone operator Applicant A □ job: _ □ class: □ length: □ length:_ Applicant B □ job:_ n lo n n th - □ class:_ I- ! Ipnnth- 269 On your own W hat kind of w ork w ould you like to d o ? C om plete the chart below with classes relevant to the job you would like to have HIG H SC H O O L C O LLE G E Do you have relevant training? O T H E R (A D U LT SC H O O L, B U S IN E S S S C H O O L, ) W hat? 270 Lesson Thirty-Three: Review Ben 33: On tập _ Check Your Listening - Kiểm tra việc lắng nghe bạn A Read the questions about the conversation Listen to the conversation What did the speakers say? Circle the correct answer Đọc câu h ỏ i h ộ i thoại N ghe lạ i đàm thoại N h ữ n g người đà m th o i n ó i gì? K hoanh trị n câu trả lờ i Is M rs Lee applying for a job as a cashier? yes no Does Mrs Lee have two years of experience? yes no Has Mrs Lee done billing? yes no Has Mrs Lee had any inventory experience? yes no Has Mrs Lee had training in computers? yes no yes no yes no Does Mrs Lee mind if the interviewer calls her supervisor? Is Mrs Lee the last applicant? B Read the questions about the conversation Listen to the conversation again What did the speaker say? Circle the letter of the correct answer Đọc câu h ỏ i đoạn h ộ i thoại L ắ n g nghe đoạn h ội th o i lầ n N gười đ m th o i n ó i gì? K hoanh trị n câu tr ả lờ i Mrs Lee is applying for a job as: a an accountant c an accounting clerk b an accountant's assistant 271 W hat kind of w ork has Mrs Lee done? a She has done billing and prepared inventory b She has done billing and filed bank reports c She has prepared payroll and typed checks The com pany w ould prefer som eone who can prepare a tax reports b bank reports c inventory reports Mrs Lee used to help out in her uncle’s a grocery store b souvenir shop c real estate office Mrs Lee took com puter classes in a adult school b junior college c business school The interview er is going to a hire Mrs Lee c interview a few more applicants b call Mrs Lee Conversation Review - Ôn tập hội thoại Find a partner and practise the conversation W hen there are blanks, use information about yourselves T ìm m ột người bạn học thực h n h đ m th o i K h i có chỗ trốn g, sử d ụ n g th ô n g tin th â n bạn Interviewer: Applicant: Interviewer: Applicant: W hat can we for you today? I’m interested in the position as a I see Can you tell me about your experience? I have been a _ I h a v e Interviewer: We prefer som eone who has Applicant: Interviewer: Good Have you had any experience in ? Applicant: Interviewer: I’d like to check your references Do you mind if I call your supervisor? Applicant: Interviewer: Well, I have to interview a few more applicants Thank you for coming Applicant: Thank vou Good-bve Check Your Vocabulary - Kiểm tra từ vựng Read the sentence, look at the picture, and then fill in the blank Đọc câu, n h ìn tra n h , sau điề n vào chỗ trơng I have had experience in When he was a drafter, he 273 She built from 1977-79 He helped out in his uncle’s shop for two years Mr Lee has been ta kin g classes for six months Mrs G arcia has just com pleted a _ class W hen she was an electrician, she installed 274 Check Your Grammar - Kiểm tra ngữ pháp First read the sentences and then fill in the blanks Follow the models Đọc câu thứ n h ấ t sau viết từ vào m ỗi cliỗ trống A Did you install thermostats? Yes, I ¿ftiicM ed _ thermostats Did you draw plans? No, I _ plans Did he repair dishwashers? Did they sew jackets? Yes, th e y jackets Did she alterations? Yes, she alterations Did she drive a truck? No, s h e _ a truck Yes, h e _ dishwashers B Have you had any experi­ ence handling money? Has Rita had any experience sewing shirts? Yes, I lume lumAled money Yes, she shirts Have you had any experi ence giving injections? Yes, I injections Have you had any experience making suits? Yes, I suits Has Joe had any experience replacing springs? Yes, h e springs C In 1978 h e _ _ a first-aid class Since 1978 h e _ _ three first-aid classes The s e c re ta ry _ six letters since 2:30 p.m Yesterday the secretary only one letter Mr C h a n I _ _ a taxi from 1972 to 1974 shirts five years ago 275 S h e an electrician for the past six years H e an accounting clerk in 1979 M ay-ling _ a cook since 1977 J a c k a typist from 1975 to 1979 Mr V o g e l a bus driver tw o years ago in Dallas She u s e d ; inventory when she helped out in her father’s grocery store She a l s o souvenirs Mrs Ito u s e d _ telephones when she w orked in a motel They u s e d shelves and cabinets They a ls o _ cabinets Peter u s e d records for his father’s real estate office The editorial assistant u s e d _ proofreading She a l s o copy Read and Think - Đọc suy nghĩ Read the story and then answer the questions Đọc câu chuyện sau tr ả lờ i càu hỏi Before going to an interview, applicants should always plan their answers They should begin by thinking about their past jobs and looking for relevant experience For example, someone who is applying for a position as a clerk-typist should look for clerical experience in past jobs Then in the interview the applicant should talk about the clerical experience In interviews, applicants should not just tell the interviewer they have a lot of experience They should give the name of the job, describe the duties, and tell the employer how long they have been in the job 276 Experience does not mean only paid experience Some people often work without pay for their families or relatives They should always talk about this kind of experience if it is relevant Besides experience, an interviewer would also like to know about relevant training Therefore, applicants should also talk about classes they have taken in schools if they are relevant Applicants who can say many good things about them selves have a better chance of getting hired Q u e s tio n s What should people before they go to an interview? When applicants talk about relevant experience, what should they tell the interviewer? Should applicants talk about work that they did for their relatives or families without pay? Besides experience, what else should applicants talk about at an interview? Why should applicants say many good things about themselves? W h a t Do Y ou T h in k? When the interviewer asks Mrs Hill about her work experience, Mrs Hill answers, "I have a lot of experience." Is that a good answer? Why? Sadat is interviewing for a position as an auto mechanic He says to the interviewer, "I have taken typing and filing classes in business school." Is that a good answer? Why? Why should applicants talk only about relevant experience? ¿77 Put It Together A Listen to the Interviews Did the applicants talk about the things in the list? Circle the correct answer Sue Lily relevant job(s) yes no yes no the length of the job(s) yes no yes no relevant duties yes no yes no relevant training yes no yes no Now tell w hich applicant you would hire and why B Think of a jo b you would like Find a help wanted ad for that job Put it in the box Find a classm ate or a teacher to interview you Have that person ask you these questions: a W hat kind of experience have you had? b Have you had any experience in experience in ad) ( r e q u i r e d _ _ ? Ask your classm ate or teacher to listen to your answers and check the items below a relevant job(s)? yes no b the length of your job(s)? yes no c relevant duties? yes no d relevant training? yes no 27

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