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Research on developing sustainable and climate resilient livelihood in giao an commune, giao thuy district, nam dinh province

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY NGUYEN HOAI THU RESEARCH ON DEVELOPING SUSTAINABLE AND CLIMATERESILIENT LIVELIHOOD IN GIAO AN COMMUNE, GIAO THUY DISTRICT, NAM DINH PROVINCE MASTER’S THESIS Hanoi, 2020 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY NGUYEN HOAI THU RESEARCH ON DEVELOPING SUSTAINABLE AND CLIMATERESILIENT LIVELIHOOD IN GIAO AN COMMUNE, GIAO THUY DISTRICT, NAM DINH PROVINCE MAJOR: CLIMATE CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT CODE: 8900201.02QTD RESEARCH SUPERVISOR: Prof DSc TRUONG QUANG HOC Dr KOTERA AKIHIKO Hanoi, 2020 PLEDGE I assure that this thesis is the result of my research and has not published The use of other research results and other documents must comply with regulations The citations and references to documents, books, research papers and websites must be in the list of references of the thesis Author of thesis (Signature) i TABLE OF CONTENTS PLEDGE i TABLE OF CONTENTS ii LIST OF TABLES iv LIST OF FIGURES vi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS viii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 The necessity of research 1.2 Research objectives and tasks .2 1.2.1 Research objectives 1.2.2 Research tasks 1.3 The research questions and hypotheses 1.3.1 Research questions 1.3.2 Research hypotheses 1.4 Objects and scope of the research 1.4.1 Research focus .4 1.4.2 Research scope .4 1.5 Literature review 1.5.1 Studies at the international level 1.5.2 Studies at the national level 1.5.3 Studies in the research site 10 1.6 Overview of the research site 11 1.6.1 Natural features 11 1.6.2 Socio-economic features 13 1.6.3 General assessment of natural, economic and social conditions 15 1.7 Theoretical basis 16 1.7.1 Some concepts 16 1.7.2 Some important contents 17 1.7.3 Research framework 21 CHAPTER METHODOLOGY 22 2.1 Approaches 22 2.1.1 Systematic and interdisciplinary approach 22 2.1.2 Combined top-down and bottom-up approach .23 2.1.3 DFID's sustainable livelihood framework approach 23 2.2 Research methods 23 2.2.1 Collecting secondary data 23 ii 2.2.2 Collecting primary data 25 2.2.3 Data processing 28 CHAPTER RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 30 3.1 Current situation of livelihood of Giao An commune 30 3.1.1 Main livelihood activities 30 3.1.2 Analysis of livelihood assets 34 3.1.3 Measurement and evaluation of livelihood assets 62 3.2 Climate variation in the research site 63 3.2.1 In the past 63 3.3.2 Climate change and sea level rise scenarios for Giao An commune 70 3.3 Impacts of climate change on main livelihood activities of Giao An commune 71 3.3.1 Climate change impacts on production activities 72 3.3.2 Climate change impacts on income 79 3.3.3 Climate change impacts on daily life 79 3.3.4 Climate change impacts on health 80 3.3.5 Climate change impacts on infrastructures 80 3.4 Resilience to climate change of Giao An commune 82 3.4.1 Resilience to climate change of households in Giao An commune .83 3.4.2 Resilience to climate change of local authorities 85 3.5 Solutions for developing sustainable and climate-resilient livelihoods .88 3.5.1 Proposed principle 88 3.5.2 Groups of solutions 89 CHAPTER CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .95 REFERENCES 97 LIST OF THE AUTHOR'S PUBLICATIONS 100 APPENDIX 101 iii LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 Demographics by hamlets of Giao An commune in 2017 14 Table 1.2 Opportunities and difficulties in natural, economic and social conditions of Giao An commune 15 Table 1.3 The criteria of climate-resilient livelihood 20 Table 2.1 Number of households need interviewing by each hamlet 26 Table 2.2 Reasons for doing many works and jobs at the same time of the survey respondents 27 Table 2.3 The score classification of livelihood assets 29 Table 2.4 Table of converting percentages into scores 29 Table 3.1 Livelihood assets assessed by the author 34 Table 3.2 The educational level of survey respondents 35 Table 3.3 Sources survey participants gained agricultural production experience 36 Table 3.4 Seniority in agricultural and fishery production activities of surveyed subjects 37 Table 3.5 Survey participants self-assessed the level of confidence in their occupational skills 37 Table 3.6 Information channels on climate change that respondents received by 38 Table 3.7 The definition of climate change was given by the survey participants 38 Table 3.8 The causes of climate change were identified by the survey participants 39 Table 3.9 Surveyed households self-assessed the importance level of the Commune Agricultural Production Steering Board, Cooperative, Farmer's Association to their production activities 41 Table 3.10 Surveyed households self-assessed the importance level of other organizations and unions to their production activities 43 Table 3.11 Statistics of types of land according to many different purposes 45 Table 3.12 Surveyed households assess the quality of land and water they used 47 Table 3.13 Surveyed participants assessed the role of mangroves .49 Table 3.14 Difficulties/challenges faced by mangroves and mudflats in the opinion of the survey participants 49 Table 3.15 The percentage of house types that the survey participants were living in 50 Table 3.16 The percentage of appliances was owned by surveyed households 51 Table 3.17 Assessment of households participating in the survey on infrastructure system in Giao An commune 56 iv Table 3.18 Assessment of survey respondents about extreme events that have occurred in Giao An commune in recent year 66 Table 3.19 Assessment of survey respondents about the frequency of extreme events in Giao An in recent year 66 Table 3.20 Assessment of survey respondents about the intensity of extreme events in Giao An in recent year 67 Table 3.21 The calendar of events about extreme events 68 Table 3.22 The increase in temperature in Giao Thuy district compared to the baseline period under RCP 4.5 scenario 70 Table 3.23 The increase in rainfall in Giao Thuy district compared to the baseline period under RCP 4.5 scenario 71 Table 3.24 Seasonal calendar in agricultural and fishery activities of households in Giao An commune 73 Table 3.25 Assessment of the extreme events and climate change impacts on rice farming 76 Table 3.26 Assessment of the extreme events and climate change impacts on vegetable farming 77 Table 3.27 Assessment of the extreme events and climate change impacts on livestock husbandry 77 Table 3.28 Assessment of the extreme events and climate change impacts on aquaculture 78 Table 3.29 Assessment of the extreme events and climate change impacts on family income 79 Table 3.30 Assessment of the extreme events and climate change impacts on daily life 79 Table 3.31 Assessment of the extreme events and climate change impacts on health 80 Table 3.32 Assessment of the extreme events and climate change impacts on infrastructures 81 Table 3.33 Summary of the impacts of extreme events by climate change on the livelihood of people in Giao An commune 81 Table 3.34 Preparations of households participating in the survey before the disaster occurs 83 Table 3.35 Recommendations of the households participating in the survey to reduce the risk of extreme events in production activities 84 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1 Map of disaster alerts in Giao An commune 13 Figure 1.2 The sustainable livelihood framework 19 Figure 1.3 Analytical framework 21 Figure 1.4 Logical framework 22 Figure 2.1 Primary and secondary occupations of the survey respondents 27 Figure 3.1 Different kinds of livelihoods existing in Giao An commune 30 Figure 3.2 Agricultural livelihood activities took place in Giao An commune 31 Figure 3.3 Fishery livelihood activities took place in Giao An commune 31 Figure 3.4 Percentage of survey participants trained in agriculture and fishery 36 Figure 3.5 Surveyed households self-assessed the importance level of local authorities to their production activities 44 Figure 3.6 Survey respondents assessed the quality of their houses 50 Figure 3.7 Surveyed subjects assessed the quality of their household devices and appliances 51 Figure 3.8 The main sources of income of the surveyed households 58 Figure 3.9 Surveyed households and local authorities assessed agricultural and fishery livelihood assets in Giao An commune 63 Figure 3.10 The trendline of average annual air temperature in Nam Dinh province in the period of 1989 – 2018 64 Figure 3.11 The maximum, minimum and average temperature in many years in Nam Dinh province in the period of 1989 – 2018 64 Figure 3.12 The trendline of total annual rainfall in Nam Dinh province in the period of 1989 – 2018 65 vi CBA CC COP DFID IPCC LEI LVI MONRE PRA RRD SLF SLR UNCED XTNP vii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Foremost, I would like to express the deepest gratitude to Prof DSc Truong Quang Hoc and Dr Kotera Akihiko, my supervisors, for their enthusiastic guidance, encouragement and useful critiques for my master thesis My appreciation also extends to all the teachers and staff of the Master’s Program in Climate Change and Development - Vietnam Japan University for their help and encouragement In particular, I would like to thank Ms Bui Thi Hoa for her enthusiastic support during the fieldwork in Giao An commune I am fully indebted to the officials and people of Giao An commune, Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province for providing information to help me complete this thesis Last but not the least, I wish to acknowledge the support and great love of my family, my friends and those who kept me going on and the thesis would not have been possible without their input viii Typhoon Tropical low pressure Whirlwind Lightning Heavy rain Flood Flashflood Inundation Sea level rise Saltwater intrusion Extreme hot weather Damaging cold Hail Drought Hoarfrost Other (Specify):…………… ……… 48.2 In which, for production activities - Rice farming and vegetable farming (Tick X) Types of natural disaster Typhoon Tropical low pressure Whirlwind Lightning Heavy rain Flood Flashflood Inundation Sea level rise Saltwater intrusion Extreme hot weather Damaging cold Hail Drought Hoarfrost Other - Livestock husbandry (Tick X) Types of natural disaster Typhoon Tropical low pressure Whirlwind Lightning Heavy rain Flood Flashflood Inundation Sea level rise Saltwater intrusion Extreme hot weather Damaging cold 127 Hail Drought Hoarfrost Other - Aquaculture (Tick X) Types of natural disaster Typhoon Tropical low pressure Whirlwind Lightning Heavy rain Flood Flashflood Inundation Sea level rise Saltwater intrusion Extreme hot weather Damaging cold Hail Drought Hoarfrost Other Fishing: Other:………… 49 Do you often be informed before a disaster strikes? Yes 49.1 If yes, how long are you informed? Be notified in advance but did not promptly prepare, still damaged Be notified in advance, but slightly urgent, still slightly damaged 49.2 Where did you get the information? (Multiple answers) Media (TV, newspaper, internet…) Department of flood and strom control/ commune and hamlet officials 50 What did you prepare before the disasters occurred? (Multiple answers) Reinforce the house Find a safe shelter in advance Reserve food and water Prepare cooking utensils Move furniture to a high place If did nothing, why? 51 Did you receive any support after the disaster? Yes 51.1 If yes, what organization did 51.2 What they supported… 51.3 Do you think this support is appropriate? …………………………………………………………… 52 How you evaluate the forecasting, prevention, rescue and recovery activities of Giao An commune? Activities 128 Forecasting Prevention Rescue Recovery 53 Have you been disseminated the knowledge to reduce and cope with risks caused by natural disasters? Yes 53.1 If yes, select the right answers (Multiple answers) Be disseminated knowledge to help identify types of natural disasters in the locality Be provided necessary knowledge to be able to prevent/ respond to natural disasters that may occur in the locality 54 Did any member of your household participate in natural disaster control and rescue rehearsal of the locality? Yes If yes, you think the rehearsal is useful to your family? Yes If not, why…………………………………………………………………………… 55 Do you have any recommendations to cope with climate change and reduce the risks of natural disasters in production activities? (Multiple answers) Strengthen natural resources management Strengthen early warning system Increase support through social protection and risk management policies 56 Would you like to change this job? + If yes, why? Strenuous work Unstable income Resources are getting depleted Other (specify):…… 57 Do you orient your children to this job? Yes Why? 58 Do you have any suggestions for developing your production activities? (Multiple answers) Access to loans from banks more easily (with low-interest rate) Increase support through social protection and risk management policies Strengthen development programs and diversify local livelihoods Increase investment in irrigation systems Develop infrastructures in the locality Access market information Improve education and training in the locality Other (Specify): Sincere thanks for your cooperation Your participation is the basis for me to complete the master thesis I promise to use the information you provided for research purposes only 3.2: In-depth interview questions for local authorities 129 VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY MASTER’S PROGRAM IN CLIMATE CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL AUTHORITIES Full name of the interviewee:……………………………………………………………… Position:………………………………………… Working time:………………………… Questions What are the prominent signs of climate change (CC) in Giao An commune in the last 20 - 30 years? What are the common types of natural disasters/extreme events? Which areas are most affected by climate change in Giao An commune? Why? What are the community livelihoods in Giao An commune most affected by climate change? Why? Which group is most affected in Giao An commune? Why? What is the role of natural ecosystems and mangrove in Giao An commune in the response to climate change and natural disasters/extreme events? What is the connection to community livelihoods? What are the challenges of natural ecosystems and mangrove in Giao An commune? What are the solutions that have been implemented to minimize impacts by local authorities and the community? What are the solutions of the local authorities to mitigate the impacts of climate change, natural disasters/extreme events (especially to minimize risks to livelihoods)? Are there any benefits to climate change for local communities? If yes, please specify What are the local plans and options to take advantage of these opportunities? What is the current situation of livelihood assets of local communities (Physical/ infrastructure, financial, human, social and natural capitals)? What solutions are to improve these? 10 Do you propose and recommend to the local authorities and people to enhance the resilience to climate change of Giao An commune? 3.3: In-depth interview questions for local people VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY MASTER’S PROGRAM IN CLIMATE CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT IN-DEPTH INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR LOCAL AUTHORITIES Full name of the interviewee:……………………………………………………………… Hamlet:………………………………………………………………………………………… Questions What are the prominent signs of climate change (CC) in Giao An commune in the last 20 - 30 years? What are the common types of natural disasters/extreme events? What are the livelihoods in Giao An commune most affected by climate change? Why? 130 What is the role of natural ecosystems and mangrove in Giao An commune? What are the challenges of natural ecosystems and mangrove in Giao An commune? What are the solutions that have been implemented to minimize impacts by local authorities and the community? Are there any benefits to climate change for local communities? If yes, please specify What are the local plans and options to take advantage of these opportunities? Do you propose and recommend to the local authorities and people to enhance the resilience to climate change of Giao An commune? 3.4: List of households participating in the questionnaire No Name Bui Phu Xuyen Pham Thi Nhung Nguyen Hai Vang Bui Thi Binh Tran Van Nham Dinh Ngoc Huan Dang Xuan Bien Tran Van Huu Nguyen Thi Tuyet 10 Nguyen Thi Ngoan 11 Pham Van Tuan 12 Pham Thi Thao 13 Tran Thi Kinh 14 Pham Van Ung 15 Pham Van Thoan 16 Hoang Van Bao 17 Tran Thi Voc 18 Hoang Van Cong 19 Tran Ngoc Tinh 20 Tran Trong Binh 21 Tran Van Phuong 22 Hoang Van Mui 23 Trinh Dinh cuong 24 Cao Xuan Truong 25 Dinh Quang Thao 26 Do Thi Len 27 Doan Dinh Da 28 Tran Thi Theu 29 Doan Dao 30 Tran Thi Sen 31 Tran Oanh 131 No Name 32 Dinh Tien Giang 33 Tran Thi Suu 34 Tran Thi Hue 35 Pham Thanh Duoc 36 Dang Quoc Viet 37 Nguyen Thi Thom 38 Nguyen Duy Dong 39 Le Duc Nhuan 40 Tran Thi Hong 41 Bui Thi Han 42 Tran Ngoc Quynh 43 Pham Thi Hao 44 Pham Van Liem 45 Tran Thi Rong 46 Nguyen Xuan Thien 47 Dinh Duy Hien 48 Nguyen Van Than 49 Pham Trung Truc 50 Pham Thi Huong 3.5: List of civil services involved in in-depth interviews No Name Tran Van Truong Le Quang Dan Missing Tran Van An Pham Van Tap Tran Van Quang Dinh Trung Do Tran Manh Cuong Pham Van Tinh 10 Trinh Van Hoan 11 Nguyen Van Canh 12 Tran Hai Son 13 Doan Thi Thoi 14 Nguyen Thi Dam 15 Tran Thi Hien 16 Pham Thanh Chuong 17 Do Duy Ban 18 Nguyen Van Hau 132 No 19 20 21 22 23 24 Name Nguyen Van Phien Pham Van Bong Cao Van Da Tran Van Nguyen Nguyen Van Thong Dinh Van Huy 3.6: List of households involved in in-depth interviews No Name Bui Phu Xuyen Pham Thi Nhung Bui Thi Binh Dang Xuan Bien Pham Van Liem Dang Quoc Viet Pham Trung Truc Nguyen Duc Nguyen Appendix 4: Data on temperature and rainfall at Nam Dinh meteorological station 4.1: Data on average monthly temperature for the period of 1989-2018 at Nam Dinh meteorological station Year Jan Fer Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 133 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 15.2 17.2 17.6 15.7 15.8 17.7 15.4 16.2 18.2 17.9 17.0 17.9 18.1 17.3 16.6 17.1 16.2 18 16.5 15.1 15.6 17.7 12.5 14.4 15.1 17.2 2015 2016 2017 2018 134 17.5 17 19.2 17.7 4.2: Data on total monthly rainfall for the period of 1989-2018 at Nam Dinh meteorological station Year Jan 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Fer 25.2 21.2 6.8 83.8 6.4 9.3 22.8 9.4 43.2 10.0 28.4 3.0 15.8 3.1 38.5 11.4 14.1 2.4 5.5 60.7 4.8 113.8 5.5 40.7 16.3 1.7 24.7 178.6 42.9 15.0 Mar 4.9 56.5 10.1 55.9 17.8 28.1 16.9 35.8 25.7 20.3 4.8 17.0 22.7 18.8 18.7 42.6 22.6 34.3 45.3 21.0 3.0 7.5 13.4 22.7 28.5 22.4 53.7 8.8 9.3 10.7 40.3 118.0 47.8 35.5 27.2 133.2 64.2 122.4 59.3 41.9 41.9 45.6 117.6 19.1 25.6 29.2 27.2 28.4 32.1 30.5 114.8 8.6 83.2 22.9 24.0 85.9 61.3 25.9 83.7 41.1 135 Appendix 5: Some images related to research Image 1: Sluice gate of shrimp pond 136 Image 7: Vegetable farming Image 9: Raising pigeons Image 11: Interview with people in hamlet (left) and hamlet (right) 137 ... Developing sustainable and climate- resilient livelihoods in Giao An commune, Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province 1.4.2 Research scope - Geographical scope: Giao An commune, Giao Thuy district, Nam. ..VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI VIETNAM JAPAN UNIVERSITY NGUYEN HOAI THU RESEARCH ON DEVELOPING SUSTAINABLE AND CLIMATERESILIENT LIVELIHOOD IN GIAO AN COMMUNE, GIAO THUY DISTRICT, NAM DINH PROVINCE. .. developing sustainable and climate- resilient livelihood in Giao An commune, Giao Thuy district, Nam Dinh province" The study focused on agricultural livelihoods comprising rice farming, vegetable farming

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2020, 19:57



