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DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI TRUCING DAI HOC KHOA HOC TU NHIEN TEN DE TAI CHE TAO VA NGHlfeN CtfU TINH CHAT CHUYEN TRONG VAT LIEU PEROVSKITE DON VA KEP CO NHIET BO CHUYEN PHA CURIE GAG MA SO: QG - 06 - 05 V >K- V CHU TRI DE TAI GS TS Nguyen Huy Sinh HA NOI - 12 - 2007 DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI TRUdNG DAI HOC KHOA HOC TU NHIEN TEN f)i TAI CHE TAO VA NGHIEN CtTU TINH CHAT CHUYEN TRONG VAT LIEU PEROVSKITE DON VA KEP CO NHIET BO CHUYEN PHA CURIE CAO MA SO: QG - 06 - 05 CHU TRI D £ TAI: GS TS Nguyen Huy Sinh CAC CAN B O T H A M GIA: Pham Hong Quang VuTheHien TranDinhTho Vu Thanh Mai VQVanKhai Hoang Diic Quang Nguyen Anh Tuan Tran Minh Due D6 Viet Thang PGS TS ThS NCV NCS ThS NCS NCS Hoc vien Cao hoc Hoc vien Cao hoc HA NOT - 12 - 2007 A BAG CAO TOM T A T a) Ten de tai: Che tao va nghien cihi cac tinh chat chuyen vat lieu Perovskite don va kep c6 nhiet dp chuyen pha Curie cao Ma so: QG - 06 - 05 b) Chii tri de tai: GS TS Nguyen Huy Sinh Chii nhiem Bo mon Vat ly Nhiet thap Khoa Vat ly, Truomg Dai hoc Khoa hoc Tir nhien, DHQG Ha noi c) d) Cac Can bg tham gia Pham Hong Quang VuTheHien TranDinhThg Vu Thanh Mai VuVanKhai Hoang Du-c Quang Nguyen Anh Tuan Tran Minh Due D6 Viet Thing PGS TS ThS NCV NCS ThS NCS NCS Hgc vien Cao hoc Hoc vien Cao hgc Muc tieu va ngi dung nghien ciiu L Muc tieu ciia de tai: Che tao cac mSu nghien ctru c6 cau true perovskite dan pha va c6 nhiet chuyen pha Curie a gan nhiet phong Nghien cim tinh chat chuyen cac mSu che tao Cu the nhu cac tinh chat: nhiet, dien, tir, su chuyen cau true va mot vai hieu iJng chuye'n pha khac Dao tao cac Cu nhan Dai hgc, Thac si va Tien sL Ngi dung nghien cufu cua de tai: • Tim kiem qui trinh cong nghe on dinh che tao cac he mSu perovskite loai ABO3 c6 cau true dan pha • Nghien ciiu cac tinh chat chuyen nhu nhiet, dien, tir va cac tinh chat khac cua cac he mau Rei.,Ca,(Mn|.,Ay)03 vai Re la cac nguyen to dat hiem va A la cac nguyen 16 kim loai chuyen tiep 3d • Nghien ciru mot vai linh chat cua Van-spin va hieu tirgng ban din xuyen ngSm e) Cac ket qua dat diigc Nghien cufu + + + + + + + [1] [2] [3] Tim kiem va on dinh qui trinh c6ng nghe che tao cac mSu gom Perosvkite Che tao cac he mSu Perovskite Rei.xCa;^(Mni.yAy)03 c6 cau true dan pha va c6 nhiet chuyen pha Curie gan nhiet d6 phong Cong bo cac kel qua nghien curu ve cac tinh chat chuyen cua mot so he vat lieu perovskite Re,_xCax(Mni.yAy)03 tren mot vai tap chi Khoa hgc va cac Hoi nghi Khoa hgc nude va Quoc te So cong So cong So cong So cong So cong Nguy6n trinh Khoa hoc da cong bo: 07 trinh Khoa hgc cong bo tren cac tap chi Quoc te: 01 trinh Khoa hgc cong bo tren cac tap chi Quoc gia: 02 trinh Khoa hgc cong bo tren tuyen tap HNKH Quoc te: 02 trinh Khoa hgc cong bo tren tuyen tap HNKH Quoc gia: 02 Huy Sinh, Vu Thanh Mai, D6 Viet Thdng Tinh chat vat ly cua hap chat thieu La()45CaQ^^3Mn03.s- Journal of Science and Technology Tap 44-s6-3-(2006) 123-130 Hoang Due Quang, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Suhk-Kum OH, Thanh Nhan Huynh, Nguyen The Hien, Jerry ZiDanic and Seong Cho - Yu Reaction Mechanism of Chemical element (Co, Fe, Mn) existing in spin valves containing Oxide Layers, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol 45 N** lA, (2006)88-92 Hoang Due Quang, Cao Xuan Huu, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Suhk Kum Oh, Nguyen The Hien, Vu Van Khai and Seong-Cho-Yu Exchange bias and Related Effects in Spin Valves Proceedings of the 1th IWOFM IWONN conference, Ha Long, Viet Nam December 6-9, 2006, 788- [4] [5] [6] [7] 791 Nguyen Huy Sinh, Hoang Due Quang, S C Yu, M Mayer Suppression of Magneto-Current in FeCo-Base Magnetic Tunneling Transistors VNIJ, Journal of Science TXXH, No 2AP (2006) 135-138 Nguyen Huy Sinh, Vu Van Khai, Nguyen Thi Thuang, Ti^ tra cac hop chat La2/3Ca,;,Mn,.JM,03 (TM = Cu, Zn), Tuyen tap hoi nghi Vat ly chat ran toan quoc Ian thu 5, Vung Tau 11/2007 H D Quang, N H Sinh, S K Oh, P T Son, N Q Hoa, V V Khai, S C Yu, Conductance Behaviors of Magnetic Tunneling Transistors with FeCo Base Proceedings of the ChinaNAN()2007_International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology, June - 2007 Beijing, China Vu Van Khai, Nguyen Thi Thuang, Nguyen Huy Sinh, D6 Viet ThAng Hieu ting thay theCoban nong thdp cac hap chat La2i3Pbj,3MnOj Tuyen tap hoi nghi \M ly chat r^n toan quoc Ian thu 5, VQng Tau 11/2007 1) 2) So seminar da trinh bay qua trinh thuc hien de tai: 05 De tai: Mot so tinh chat giong va khac Perovskite dan va kep Bao cao vien: PGS TS Nguyen Huy Sinh Chutrid6tai:QG-06-05 Ngay 20/09/2006 tai bg m6n vat ly nhiet thap De tai: Thay the kim loai chuyen tiep Fe, Co, Ni cho Mn hgp chat La2/3Cai/3Mn03 3) 4) 5) a) b) c) 1) Bao cao vien: Nguyen TuS'n San Chu trl de tai PGS TS Nguyen Huy Sinh Ngay 15/11/2006 tai Bg mon Vat ly Nhiet thap De tai: Chuyen pha tix va mot so hieu ling thay the cac Perovskite Manganite Bao cao vien: Vu Thanh Mai (ngi dung chinh luan an Tien sT) Chu tri de tai: PGS TS Nguyen Huy Sinh Ngay 30/3/2007 tai Bg mon Vat ly Nhiet thap De tai: Tir tra khong 16 cac hgp chat Perovskite Manganite Bao cao vien: PGS TS Nguyen Huy Sinh Ngay 29/06/2007 tai Bg mon Vat ly Nhiet thap De tai: Nghien ciiu tinh chat dien va tir he hgp chat Perovskite La2/3Cai/3Mn03.5pha tap Zn Bao cao vien: Vu Van Khai (ngi dung luan van Thac si) Chii tri de tai PGS TS Nguyen Huy Sinh Ngay 17/12/2007 tai Bg mon Vat ly Nhiet thap Dao tao: Hu6ng d^n thirc tap NCKH: 04 sinh vien: D6 Viet Thang, Nguyen Thi Nhung, Tran Thi Ha, Tran Qui Long K49, sinh vien Khoa Vat ly Truang Dai hgc Khoa hgc Tu nhien Hudng dSn Khoa luan tot nghiep: 04 Cur nhan Dai hgc (Tran Thi ha, Nguyen Thi Nhung, Tr^n Tuan Khoi, K49, Khoa Vat ly, Truang DHKHTN Nguyen Thi Thuong, K50 Khoa Vat ly, Truang DHKHTN Huang d^n luan van Thac sT: 03 luan van Thac si va 01 khoa luan Thac si Nguyen Tuan San Bao ve thang 11/2006 De tai: Anh huang ciia sir thay the kim loai tij tinh 3d cho Mn cac hgp chat La,,,7Cao.3 Mn„,„TMo,03.6 (TM = Fe, Co Ni) Can bg huang dan luan van: PGS TS Nguyln Huy Sinh 2) Vu Van Khai Bao vft thing 12/2007 D6 tai: Nghiftn clhi tinh cha't dien va tir he hop chat perovskite ^^2/3Cai;3Mn03^ pha tap Zn Can bo hu6ng dSn luSn vSn: PGS TS Nguyen Huy Sinh 3) Tran Minh Du-c E>^ tai: M6t s6' tinh ch^t chuyen he hgfp cha't Perovskite La,.,Pb,Mn03 Hoc vien da hoan thinh luin van nhung xin hoan d^ di cong tac a nude ngoai 4) Pham Thi Thuang De tai: Spintronics (2006) d) Hudng din luftn an Ti^n si: 01 luan an tien si va 03 chuyen de Tien sT Vu Thanh Mai Bao vfi thing 5/2007 De tai: Nghifin curu cac chuyen pha va hieu irng thay the cac perovskite manganite Can bo hudng dSn: PGS TS Nguyen Huy Sinh chuyen d^ Tifi'n sT: 1) Di huong tir tinh the vk truing tinh the NCS Vu Thanh Mai (2006) 2) Nam cham composit NCS va Thanh Mai (2006) 3) Hieu irng tir trd va spin electronics NCS va Thanh Mai (2006) f) Tinh hlnh kinh phi cua de tai: Kinh phi duoc cS'p nSm 2006: 35.000.000 (ba muoi lam trieu dong chan) Kinh phi duoc cap nam 2007: 25.000.000 (hai muoi lam trieu dOng chan) Da chi theo dir toan cac hop dong nghien ciiu khoa hoc hang nam KHOA QUAN L t CHU NHIEM DE TAI PGS TS Nguyen The Binh GS TS Nguyin Huy Sinh XAC NHAN CUA CO QUAN QUAN LY • H MI^U TRUONG GS.JS ^uluJAi^i^iJum, A SHORT REPORT OF THE SCIENCE PROJECT: Title: Preparation and study of the transport properties in the single and double - perovskite materials with high Curie - Temperature Code: QG - 06 - 05 ) Coordinator of Project: Prof Dr Nguyen Huy Sinh Head of the Low - Temperature Physics department c) Participants of the Project: Pham Hong Quang Vu The Hien Tran Dinh Tho Vu Thanh Mai Vu Van Khai Hoang Due Quang Nguyen Anh Tuan Tran Minh Due Do Viet Thang Ain1 and content of study in project d) Aims of the project are in the following: + Preparation of the samples with perovskite structure single phase and their Curie temperatures near the room temperature H- Study of the transport properties of the prepared samples, such as thermodynamic, electric and magnetic properties, change structure and some other phase transitions + Training for the Bachelor of Physics, Masters and Doctors + Report of the study results in Scientific Journals and on the workshop or Conference Contents of the project: + Find a stable Technology process to prepare the series of the perovskite samples of ABO:i type with single phase structure + Study of the transport properties of the series of Lai.,Ca,(Mn,.yA,)0:( provskite samples with Re are Rear - Earth elements and A a 3d - transition metals + Study of a some properties on the Spin - Valve (collaboration between our study group and Applied Physics laboratory, Department of Physics Chungbuk National University, Korea) e) The obtained results 1- For studying: + It is found the convenient Technology process to prepare the Perovskite samples with single phase structure and their Curie temperatures near the room temperature region + + Successfully prepared the perovskite samples of Re,.^Ca,(Mni.yAy)0^ systems with high-quality for study Measure the physical parameters describing the transport properties of the prepared samples above, and reported the obtained results on the Scientific Journal and on the proceeding of the workshop or Conference inside or outside of Vietnam + • • • • Numbers of the Publication: 07 Which are including: Publication in the international Science Journals: 01 Publication in the national Science Journals: 02 Publication in the proceeding of Scientific international Conference: 02 Publication in the proceeding of Scientific National Conference: 02 [1] [2] [3] Nguyen Huy Sinh, Vu Thanh Mai, D5 Viet Thang Physical properties of Lantan deficient Lai, f^Caf^j^MnO3,s compounds Journal of Science and Technology Vol 44; N^ 3-(2006) 123-130 Hoang Due Quang, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Suhk-Kun OH, Thanh Nhan Huynh, Nguyen The Hien, Jerry ZiDanic and Seong Cho - Yu Reaction Mechanism of Chemical element (Co, Fe, Mn) existing in spin valves containing Oxide Layers Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol 45 N" lA, (2006) 88-92 Hoang Due Quang, Cao Xuan Huu, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Suhk Kum Oh, Nguyen The Hien, Vu Van Khai and Seong-Cho-Yu Exchange base and Related Effects in Spin Valves Proceedings of the 1th IWOFM IWONN conference, Ha Long, Viet Nam December 6-9, 2006, [4] 788-79L Nguyen Huy Sinh, Hoang Due Quang, S C Yu, M Mayer, Suppression of Magneto-Current in FeCo-Base Magnetic Tunneling Transistors VNIJ, Journal of Science T.XXE, No 2AP (2006) 135-138 [5] Nguyen Huy Sinh, Vu Van Khai, Nguyen Thi Thuong Magnetoresistance in La2j3Cajf3Mn,JM,03 compounds (TM = Cu, Zn), Proceedings of the fifth National Solid State physics Conference, Vung Tau 11/2007 [6] H D Quang, N H Sinh, S K Oh, R T Son, N Q Hoa V V Khai S C Yu Conductance Behaviors of Magnetic Tunneling Transistors with FeCo Base Proceedings of the ChinaNANO 2007 International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology, June - 2007 Beijing, China [7] Vu Van Khai, Nguyen Thi Thuong, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Do Viet Thang Effect of low concentration of Coban substitution in La2i3Pbi,3Mn03 compounds Proceedings of the fifth National Solid State physics Conference, Vung Tau 11/2007 + Number of the Scientific Seminars have been presented during completing project: 05: L Assoc Prof., Dr Nguyen Huy Sinh Title: Comparison between single and double perovskite compounds Code: Q G - - Date: 20 September 2006 Place: Low Temperature Physics Department MSc Nguyen Tuan Son Title: Substitution of 3d - transition metals for Mn in La2/iCai/3MnO:i compounds Code: Q G - - Date: 15/11/2006 Place: Low Temperature Physics Department PhD Student: Vu Thanh Mai Supervisor: Assoc Prof., Dr Nguyen Huy Sinh Title: The magnetic phase trasition and some substituted effect in perovskite Manganites Code: QG - 06 - 05 Date: 30 March 2007 Place: Low Temperature Physics Department Assoc Prof., Dr Nguyen Huy Sinh Title: Giant magnetoresistance in manganite perovskite compounds Code: QG - 06 - 05 Date: 17 Deceniber 2007 Place: Low Temperature Physics Department MSc Vu Van Khai Supervisor: Assoc Prof., Dr Nguyen Huy Sinh Title: Study of the electronic and magnetic properties in La2/3Ca,/3Mni.,Zn,Ov6 perovskite system Code: Q G - - Date: 30 March 2007 Place: Low Temperature Physics Department For training: - Coordinators of students for practising to study: Do Viet Thang, Nguyen Thi Nhung, Tran Thi Ha and Tran Qui Long - We ha\'e trained: + 04 Bachelors: Tran Thi Ha, Nguyen Thi Nhung, Tran Tuan Khoi and Nguyen Thi Thuong + 03 Masters of Science: Nguyen Tuan Son, Vu Van Khai, Tran Minh Due + 01 Doctor of Physics: Vu Thanh Mai MAU 1: TOM TAT CAC CONG TRINH NCKH CUA CA NHAN (bai bao, bao cao tai Hoi nghj khoa hoc ) I Nganh: Vat ly ; Chuyen nganh: Vat ly chat ran Ho va ten (cac) tac gia cong trinh: Nguyen Huy Sinh, Vu Thanh Mai, Do Viet Thang 2- Nam: 2006 Ten bai bao : Tinh chat vSt ly cua hgfp chat thieu Lantan LsiQ^sCsLQ^^MnO^.^ Ten Tap chi/Tuyen tap Hoi nghi, Sd, trang: Tap chi khoa hoc va cong nghe Tap 44, Sd 3; (2006) 123 - 130 Tom tat cong trinh bang tieng Viet: Hgfp chat thieu Lantan Lao.45Cao,43Mn03.6 dugc che tao bang phuang phap phan ung pha ran Cac tinh chat vat ly cua vat lieu da dugc nghien cuu vung nhiet til 77K 350K - Nhiet chuyen pha Curie nhan dugc la 305K tir ca hai phep ve sir phu thuoc nhiet cua tij* hoa va momen tir cua mSu Gia tri entropy thay doi cue dai dat duac la 2,45 J/KgK tai iix trudng 5T Do thieu hut Oxi xac dinh dugc la 5=0,0237 va ti so ion Mn^'^/Mn'*' cua mSu la 0,3466 Dac biet la trang thai trat tu dien tich xuat hien tai Tco = 175 K va chuyen pha kim loai - dien moi tai Tp=99 K Trong viing nhiet - 99 K vat heu bieu hien tinh kim loai Cac tinh cha't vat ly cua hgp chat dugc giai ihich bang sir canh tranh tuang tac giira tuang tac sieu trao doi (SE) va tuang tac trao doi kep (DE) thay doi nong 16 trong hgp chat Branch: Physics; Major: Solid State Authors: Nguyen Huy Sinh, Vu Thanh Mai, Do Viet Thang Year: 2006 Title: Physical properties of Lantan deficient Lao,45Cao,43Mn03.6 compound Journal: Journal of Science and Technology Vol 44, No 03; (2006) 123- 230 Summary in English A La-deficient sample of Lao45Ca,)43MnOv6 was prepared by solid - state reaction method The physical properties of the sample were studied in the temperature range os 77 K - 350 K The obtained Curie temperature was 305 K from both of magnetization and a.c susceptibility measurements The maximum value of magnetic entropy variation reached AS = 2.95 J/KgK at magnetic field of 5T The oxygen deficient value of and ratio of Mn^'^/Mn'^'^ were determined as 0,0237 and 0,3466 respectively Especially, it was found that the charge-ordering state at TQ) = 175 K and metal - insulator transition at Tp=99 K in this compound It showed metaUic behavior in temperature range - 99 K The physical properties of this compound have explained by the competition between superexchange (SE) and double-exchange (DE) interations when hole-concentration changed in the compound 14 IL Nganh: Vat ly ; Chuyen nganh: Vat ly chat ran Ho va ten (cac) tac gia cong trinh: Hoang Diic Quang, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Suhk-Kun OH, Thanh Nhan Huynh, Nguyen The Hien, Jerry Zidanic va Seong-Cho Yu, Nam: 2006 Ten bai bao : Ca che phan iirng ciia cac nguyen to (Co, Fe, Mn) ton tai cac van spin chiira cac Idrp oxit Ten Tap chi/Sach/Tuy^'n tap Hoi nghi So, trang: Tap chi vat ly limg dung Nhat Ban, Tap 45, So lA; (2006) 88 - 92 Tom tat cong trinh bang tieng Viet: Tren ca sa dac tinh hoa hoc ciia cac nguyen to (Mn, Fe, Co, etc.) ton tai cac lap van spin chua cac lop oxit, chiing toi nghien cuu hieu ung cac ca che phan ung cua cac nguyen to dua tren dac tinh nhiet cua cac van spin Su giam nhiet ciia van spin MMn- ca sa (M = Fe, Co, Ir, Pt, etc.) a nhiet cao dugc gay bai sir khuech tan ciia phan Mn cau triic Vai tro ciia oxit Mn nhu hang rao khuech tan ngan can sir di chuyen ciia Mn xac dinh dugc bang phuang phap phan tich nghieng quang ion thii cap (SIMS) va quang quang dien tii' tia X (XPS) Sir khuech tan Mn lap tir bi han che 6* nhiet 300 C ti"ong mot van spin co lap oxit ma a xay sir tao MnO lap oxit dugc xac dinh bang cac dinh 2p3/2 va 2pi/2 Khi Mn khuech tan tir FeMn (khong co lap oxit) thi Idiong co sir tao oxit nao dang ke Cac ca che phan ling lien quan den cac nguyen to hoa hoc ton tai cac lap oxit co the biet dugc bang sir thay doi nang lugng tu theo quy tac Gibbs nhu mot ham phu thuoc nhiet doi voi cac nguyen to (Co, Fe, Mn, etc.) 15 n Branch: Physics; Major: Solid State Authors: Hoang Due Quang, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Suhk-Kun OH, Thanh Nhan Huynh, Nguyen The Hien, Jerry Zidanic and Seong-Cho Yu Year: 2006 Title: Reaction mechanism of chemical elements (Co, Fe, Mn) existing in spin value containing oxide layers Journal: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol 45, N** lA; (2006) 88 - 92 Summary in English On the basic of chemical properties of the elements (Mn, Fe, Co, etc.) contained in the pinned layers of spin valves (SVs) with oxide layers (OXLs), we attempted to clarify the effect of reaction mechanism of these elements on the thermal properties of SVs The thermal of degradation of MMn-based (M = Fe, Co, Ir, Pt, etc.) specular SVs at high temperatures (> 250*'C) is thought to be caused by the diffusion of the Mn component in the structure The role of Mn oxide as a diffusesion barrier of Mn migration was clarified by the secondary-ion-mass spectroscopy (SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) depth profile analyses Mn diffusion in the free layer was inhibited at up to 300"C in a SV with an OXL, where MnO formation occurs in the OXL, which is confirmed by the MnO 2py2 and 2p,/2 peaks As Mn diffused from FeMn (without an OXL), there appeared to be no significant oxide formation in the pinned layer The details of the possible reaction mechanism concerning the chemical elements that exist in the OXLs can be understood by ultilizing the standard Gibbs free energy change (AG**) as a function of temperature for all chemical elements (Co, Fe, Mn, etc.) 16 in Nganh: Vat ly ; Chuyen nganh: Vat ly chat ran Ho va ten (cac) tac gia cong trinh: Hoang Dure Quang, Cao Xuan Hum, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Suhk-Kun OH, Nguyin The Hien, Vu Van Khai, va Seong-Cho Yu, Nam: 2006 Ten bai bao : The hieu dung trao ddi va cac hieu limg lien quan van spin Ten Tap chi/Sach/TuyIn tap Hoi nghj, So, trang: Hoi nghi quoc te Ian thur nhat ve Vat lieu va Hoi nghi quoc te Ian thii ve vat ly nano va cong nghe nano Ha Long, - thang 12 nam 2006 Tom tdt cong trinh bang tieng Viet: Mot nhiing hieu ling anh huang den dac tinh dich chuyen tu ciia cau tnic van spin la hieu ung dich chuyen qua lai ciia Meiklejohn va Bean xay a cac lap luang sat tir (FM) va phan sat tu (AF) Mac du da co nhung nghien cuu nhung vai tro ciia sir bat dang huong a be mat phan each ciia cac lop sat tir va phan sat tir van chua dugc lam sang to De hieu ro su bat dang huang a be mat phan each, chiing toi chi tao ca cSu tnic van spin va he dich chuyen qua lai ba lap Cac tinh chat tu va cau tnic vi mo cua van spin ba lap da dugc khao sat bang phuang phap nhieu xa tia X, nghieng quang ion thu cap (SIMS) va tu kg miu rung (VSM) in Branch: Physics; Major: Solid State Authors: Hoang Due Quang, Cao Xuan Huu, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Suhk-Kun OH, Nguyen The Hien, Vu Van Khai, and Seong-Cho Yu Year: 2006 Title: Exchange bias and related effects in spin van Proceedings: The P* International Workshop on Functional Materials and The 3"* International Workshop on Nanophysics and Nanotechnology Conference, HaLong - December, 2006 Summary in English One of the effects influencing the magneto-transport properties of the spin vale structures is the exchange bias effect of Meiklejohn and Bean occurring in ferromagnetic (FM)/antiferromagnetic (AF) bilayers Although it has been studied vigorously but the role of interfacial anisotropy between ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic layers is not fully understood To understand the interfacial anisotropy, we fabricated both the spin value structure and trilayer -IrMn exchange bias system The microstructure and magnetic properties of the spin valve and trilayer were investigated by using X-ray diffraction (XRD) profiles, secondary-ion-mass-spectroscopy (SIMS) depth profile analysis, and vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) 17 IV Nganh: Vat ly ; Chuyen nganh: Vat ly chat ran Ho va ten (cac) tac gia cong trinh: Nguyin Huy Sinh, Hoang Dure Quang, Seong - Cho Yu, M Mayer Nam: 2006 Ten bai bao : Su suy giam dong dien tir cac ban dan xuyen ngam tir goc FeCo Ten Tap chi/Sach/Tuyen tap Hoi nghi So, trang: Tap chi khoa hoc Dai hoc quoc gia Ha Noi, Toan hoc - Vat ly Tap XXII, so 2AP, (2006) Tom tat cong trinh bang tieng Viet: Khao sat dac tinh dich chuySn tir va transistor hieu ung xuyen him tir cSu tnic FeCo - ca sa (MTT) ciia Si (100)/CoFe/AlO,(W)/CoFe/FeMn/Cu/Ta a nhiet thSp va nhiet phong Nghien ciiii hieu ung bh mat bang phuang phap phd quang dien tu tia X (XPS) Chiing toi vira xac dinh dugc nghieng XPS ciia nguyen t6 (Co, Fe, O, Mn, Si) ton tai hh mat ca sa ciia ciu tnic MTT va tim dugc sir triet tieu dong tu (MC) true tiep la su giam tinh bat d6i xiing quang duang tir trung binh ciia cac electron da s6 t va thieu so ?^ / A IV Branch: Physics; Major: Solid State Authors: Nguyen Huy Sinh, Hoang Due Quang, Seong-Cho Yu, M Mayer Year: 2006 Title: Suppression of magneto-current in FeCo - base magnetic tunneling transistors Journal: VNU Journal of Science, Mathematic - Physics, Vol XXII, NQ 2AP, (2006) Summary in English, The magneto - transport properties and structure of FeCo - base Magnetic Tunneling Transistors (MTT) of Si (100)/CoFe/AlO,(W)/CoFe/FeMn/CuAra have been investigated at low and room temperature The base collector interface was studied by using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) XPS profiles of the element (Co, Fe, O, Mn, Si) existing in the base collector interface of the MTT structure have been avaluated It is found that the suppression of magneto-current (MC) is directly due to decrease of the mean free path asymmetry od majority and minority electron XIX 18 V Nganh: Vat ly ; Chuyen nganh: Vat ly chat ran Ho va ten (cac) tac gia cong trinh: Nguyin Huy Sinh, Vu Van Khai, Nguyin Thi Thuang Nam: 2007 Ten bai bao : Tir tra cac hgp chat La2/3Ca,/3Mni.^TM,03 (TM=Cu, Zn) Ten Tap ehi/Sach/Tuyen tap Hoi nghi So, trang: Hoi nghi vat ly chat ran toan quoc Ian thii 5, Vung Tau 12 - 14/11/ 2007 Tom tat cong trinh bang tieng Viet: Cac mau dan pha perovskite La2/3Cai/3Mn,.,TMx03 (TM = Cu, Zn) dugc ch6 tao bang phuang phap phan ling pha rSn a nhiet ISC'C Nhiet chuyen pha Curie (Tc) dugc xac dinh va cho thay Tc giam theo sir gia tang ciia nong pha tap Cu va Zn Cue dai tren duang cong dien tra ciia cdc miu tai Tp cho hik chuyin pha Kim loai - Dien moi/ban din Nhi?t chuygn pha Tp thong thuang thlp han nhiet chuyen pha Tc Tir tra Ian ciia cac miu xult hien xung quanh Tp va dat dugc gia tri 23,4% ddi vai miu pha tap Cu va 12,2% d6i vai miu pha tap Zn vai ndng dong pha tap x = 0,20 tir tnrang thap H = 0,0 - 0,4T Duang cong tir tra phu thuoc tir truang d nhirng nhiet xac dinh co dang chij" V va tang len d vimg nhiet thip Giai thich cho hieu ling tir trd Idn dugc lam sang td bdi cac nguyen nhan: su suy giam tuang tac DE, linh ddng ciia cac dien tu Cg va ling suat noi tai dan den meo mang Jahn - Teller cac hgp chat V Branch: Physics; Major: Solid State Authors: Nguyen Huy Sinh, Vu Van Khai, Pham Thi Thuong Year: 2007 Title: Large Magnetoresistance in La2/3Cai/3Mni.j,TMx03 (TM=Cu, Zn) Proceedings: The 5'*" national conference on solid state physics, Vung Tau 12 14 November 2007 Summary in English, The single phase Perovskite La2/3Cai/3Mni.^TM^03 (TM=Cu, Zn) samples have been prepared by soHd state reaction at 1150"C The Curie temperature Tc decreased by increasing doping concentrations of Cu and Zn The maximum point on the resistivity curves showed the metallic - insulator/semiconductor phase transition (Tp) The value of Tp usually lower than Tc- However, the large magnetoresistance of samples appeared around Tp and it reached 23.4% for Cu - doping and 12.2% for Zn - doping sample les with X = 0.20 concentration in the low magnetic field (H = 0.0 - 0.4 T) The share magnetoresistance curves of sample at different temperatures were V - behaviors and increased in low temperature range The results have been explained by the suppression of DE - interaction, the mobility of e^, electrons and Jahn - Teller lattice distortion in the compounds 19 VI Nganh: Vat ly ; Chuyen nganh: Vat ly chat ran Ho va ten (cac) tac gia cong trinh: Hoang Diic Quang, Nguyin Huy Sinh, S K Oh, P T San, N Q Hoa, V V Khai, S C Yu Nam: 2007 Ten bai bao : Tinh dan ciia ban dan xuyen ngam tir ca so FeCo Ten Tap chi/Sach/Tuyen tap Hoi nghi, So, trang: Hoi Nghi Bac Kinh Trung Quoc nam 2007 Tom tat cong trinh bang tieng Viet: Cac transistor hieu ung xuyen ngam tir (MTTs)cau tao bdi Si(100)/CoFe-x/A10y4/CoFe-6/FeMn-20/Cu-5/Ta5 (dan vi nm) cd cac rdng ca sd khac dugc che tao va khao sat d nhiet phong Nhan thly sir bat thudng cua dan hieu ung xuyen ngam tir gia tri dIc/dV dang tu hda song song thay ddi the hieu djch Vbjas khoang 1.8-2.1 V Sir bat thudng ciia dan phu thudc vao dang tir hda dugc lam sang td nhd dieu chinh dan hieu ling xuyen ham bang sir phan cue spin va su bat ddi xumg quang t J, ' t ' dudng tu trung binh, X I X day, xac dinh vai trd ciia XIX bang phuang phap phd quang dien tii' tia X (XPS) hoac he sd gdc ciia dan hieu ling xuyen ham tir cho ca dang tir hda song song va ddi song song Ngoai ra, the hieu dich qua lai, H^B, va cac hieu ung lien quan ciing dugc khao sat nhd dudng cong tir trd hieu ling xuyen ham thay ddi nhiet u khoang 100 - 300^C 20 VL Branch: Physics; Major: Solid State Authors: H D Quang, N H Sinh, S K Oh, P T Son, N, Q Hoa, V V Khai, S C Yu Year: 2007 Title: Conductance Behaviors of Magnetic Tunneling Transistors with FeCo Base Proceedings: Proceedings of the ChinaNANO2007_International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology, June - 2007 Beijing, China Summary in English Magnetic tunnehng transistors (MTTs), structured as Si(100)/CoFe-x/AlOy-4/CoFe6?FeMn-20/Cu-5/Ta5 (unit in nm) with various base thicknesses, were fabricated and then investigated at room temperature (RT) An anomaly of the magnetic tunneling conductance, dIc/dV, in the parallel magnetization configuration was observed as we vary the bias voltage, V^j^s within 1.8 - 2.1 V The anomaly, which depends on the magnetization configurations, is interpreted in terms of modulation in tunneling conductance owing to spin polarization and mean free path asymmetry, XIX Here the role ofXIX was clarified via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)and/or the slope of the magnetic tunneling conductance for both parallel and anti-parallel magnetization configurations Moreover, the exchange bias HER, and related effects were investigated via tunneling magneto-resistance (TMR) curves as we vary the annealing temperature within 100-300^'C 21 VII Nganh: Vat ly ; Chuy6n nganh: Vat ly chat ran Ho va ten (cac) tac gia cong trinh: Vu Van Khai, Nguyin Thi Thuang, Nguyin Huy Sinh, D6 Viet Thdng Nam: 2007 Ten bai bao : Hieu umg thay the Coban nong thap cac hgp chat La2/3Pb,/3Mn03 Ten Tap chi/Sach/Tuy6'n tap Hoi nghi, So, trang: Hoi nghi vat ly chat ran toan quoc Ian thir 5, Vung Tau 12 - 14/11/ 2007 Tom tat cong trinh bang tieng Viet: Thay the 10% Co cho Mn hgp chit La2/3Pb]/3Mn03 va nghien cuu cac tinh chat cua chiing Cac ket qua cho thay rang mau cd cau triic hexagonal va thira sd dung han thay ddi khdng dang ke Nhiet chuyen pha Curie (Tc) xac dinh dugc la 345K giam lOK so vdi mau khdng pha tap Nhiet chuyen pha kim loai - dien mdi/ban dan (Tp) giam rat manh bdi Co thay the vi tri Mn Tir trd Idn cac mau nam viing nhiet thap han Tp Dieu dac biet la da xac dinh dugc diem udn tren dudng cong tir trd phu thuoc nhiet triing vdi nhiet chuyen pha Tp Cac gia tri tir trd viing tir trudng thap (H = 0,0 - 0,4T) d nhiJng nhiet Ichac ciing dugc xac dinh VII Branch: Physics; Major: Solid State Authors: Vu Van Khai, Nguyen Thi Thuong, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Do Viet Thang Year: 2007 Title: Effect of low - concentration of Coban substitution on La2/3Pbi/3Mn03 compounds Proceedings: The S'*'national conference on solid state physics, Vung Tau 12 14 November 2007 Summary in English Substitution of 10% at Co for Mn - sites in La2/3Pbi/3Mn03 compounds and their properties have been investigated It is showed that the samples were hexagonal structure with tolerance factor (t) nearly unchanged The Curie temperature (Tc) has been determined at 345K in Co - doping sample it lowed about lOK in comparison with those of ion - doping sample The metallic - insulator/semiconductor phase transition temperature (Tp) strongly decreased in Co - doping sample Large magnetoresistance of samples have been obtained in the lowe-temperature range than Tp Especially, it is found that the reflexion point on magnetoresistance curves versus temperature is in agreement with Tp The values of magnetoresistance in low magnetic field (H = 0.0 - o.4T) at different temperatures also have been determined 22 MAU 2: SCIENTIFIC PROJECT BRANCH: SOLID STATE PHYSICS PROJECT CATEGORY: NATIONAL UNIVERSITY LEVEL Title: Preparation and study of the transport properties in the single and double -perovskite materials with high Curie - Temperature Code (or partner/funding agency in the case of international cooperation projects) QG - 06 - 05 Managing Institution: College of Natural Sciences, VNU, Hanoi Implementing Institution Collaborating Institutions 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Coordinators Pham Hong Quang VuTheHien Tran Dinh Tho Vu Thanh Mai VuVanKhai Hoang Due Quang Nguyen Anh Tuan Tran Minh Due Do Viet Thang Key implementors Duration: (from 2006 to 2007) Budget: 60 000 000 VND 10 Main results: a • • • Results in science and technology Technology processes of sample preparation for Perovskite compounds of La,.|Ca,Mn03 and La^.iCa,Mn,.yTMy03 (with TM = transition metals) Determination of the physical parameters for characteristics of phase transitions in Perovskite manganites Study of the electronic, magnetic and thermodynamic properties for La,.|Ca,Mn03 and their family compounds 23 • • b • • Investigation of the variation of Properties in Perovskite manganites with the substitution of the 3d transition elements Study of the Jahn - Teller effect Results in training Coordinators of students for practising to study: Do Viet Thang, Nguyen Thi Nhung, Tran Thi Ha and Tran Qui Long We have trained: - 04 Bachelors: Tran Thi Ha, Nguyen Thi Nhung, Tran Tuan Khoi and Nguyen Thi Thuong - 03 Masters: Nguyen Tuan Son, Vu Van Khai, Tran Minh Due - 01 Physical doctor: Vu Thanh Mai c [1] Publications Numbers of the PubUeation: 07 Which are including: - Publication in the international Science Journals: 01 - Publication in the national Science Journals: 02 - Publication in the proceeding of Scientific international Conference: 02 - Publication in the proceeding of Scientific National Conference: 02 Nguydn Huy Sinh, Vu Thanh Mai, D6 Viet Thang Physical properties of Lantan deficient Laf)_f^Ca()_fjMnOj,s compounds Journal of [2] [3] Science and Technology Vol 44; K- 3-(2006) 123-130 Hoang Due Quang, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Suhk-Kun OH, Thanh Nhan Huynh, Nguyen The Hien, Jerry ZiDanic and Seong Cho - Yu Reaction Mechanism of Chemical element (Co, Fe, Mn) existing in spin valves containing Oxide Layers, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Vol 45 N" lA (2006) 88-92 Hoang Due Quang, Cao Xuan Huu, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Suhk Kum Oh, Nguyen The Hien Vu Van Khai and Seong-Cho-Yu Exchange base and Related Effects in Spin Valves Proceedings of the 1*^ IWOFM IWONN conference, Ha Long, Viet Nam December 6-9, 2006, [4] [5] 788-791 Nguyen Huy Sinh, Hoang Due Quang, S C Yu, M Mayer, Suppression of Magneto-Current In FeCo-Base Magnetic Tunneling VNU, Journal of Science T.XXH, No 2AP (2006) 135-138 Nguyen Huy Sinh, Vu Van Khai, Nguyen Thi Thuong 24 Transistors Magnetoresistance in La,j^Cai,jMn,.JMp^ compounds (TM = Cu Zn), Proceedings of the fifth National Solid State Physics Conference, Vung Tau 11/2007 [6] H D Quang, N H Sinh, S K Oh, P T Son, N Q Hoa, V V Khai, S C Yu Conductance Behaviors of Magnetic Tunneling Transistors with FeCo Base, Proceedings of the ChinaNANO2007_International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology, June - 2007 Beijing, China [7] Vu Van Khai, Nguyen Thi Thuong, Nguyen Huy Sinh, Do Viet Thang Effect of low concentration of Coban substitution in La2ijPb,/jMnOj compounds Proceedings of the fifth National Solid State Physics Conference, Vung Tau 11/2007 11 Evaluation grade (if the project has been evaluated by the the evaluation committee: excellent, good, fair) 25 PHlf U DANG KY K £ T Q U A NGHlfiN Ciru K H C N Ten de tai (hoac du an): Che tao va nghien cuu cac tinh chat chuyen vat lieu perovskite don va kep CO nhiet chuyen pha Curie cao Ma so: QG - 06 - 05 Co quan chii tri de tai (hoac dtr an): Trircmg DHKHTN, DHQG - Ha Noi Dia chi: 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Ha Noi Tel: Co quan quan ly de tai (hoac dir an): Trudng DHKHTN, DHQG - Ha Noi Dja chi: 334 Nguyin Trai, Thanh Xuan, Ha Noi Tel: Tong kinh phi thirc chi: 60 000 000 dong Trong do: - Tir ngan sach Nha nu6c: - Kinh phi ciia trucmg: - Vay tin dung: - Von tu co: -Thu hoi: Thdi gian nghien ciiu: nam Thdi gian bat dau: 1/2006 Thdi gian ket thiic: 12/2007 Ten cac can bo phoi hgfp nghien ciiu Pham Hong Quang VuTheHien Tran Dinh Tho Vu Thanh Mai VuVanKhai 26 Hoang Dure Quang Nguyen Anh Tulh Tr^n Minh Dure D6 Viet Thang So dang ky de S6' chirng nhan dang ky Bao mat: tai ke't qua nghien ciiu: a Phd bien rong rai: X b Ph6 bien han che: Ngay: c Bao mat: Tom tat ket qua nghien ciiu: - Tim kiem - Che tao - Nghien ciiu mot vai tinh chat ciia van spin chiia cac tang oxit - Cong bo cac ket qua - So cong trinh nghien ciiu khoa hoc da cong bd: 07 • Sd cong trinh Khoa hoc cong bd tren cac tap chi Qude te: 01 • Sd cong trinh Khoa hoc cong bd tren cac tap chi Qude gia: 02 • Sd cong trinh Khoa hoc cong bd tren tuyen tap HNKH Qude te: 02 • Sd cong trinh Khoa hoc cong bd tren tuyen tap HNKH Qude gia:02 - To chiic 05 seminar thuoc linh virc nghien ciiu ciia de tai - Dao tao: • Hudng d^n 04 sinh vien thirc tap nghien ciiu khoa hoc • Huong dan 04 khda luan tdt nghiep Dai hoc • Hudng dan 03 luan van Thac si • Hudng dan 01 khoa luan Cao hoc • Hudng dan 01 luan van Tien si • Hudng dan 03 chuyen de Tien si Kien nghj ve quy mo va ddi tugfng ap dung nghien ciiu: Ap dung cho cac ca quan nghien eiiu ve cac vat lieu tir va cac vat lieu cau triic 27 perovskite va ngoai nude Thii trudng ca quan chu tri de tai Chii nhiem de tai Ho ten Nguyen Huy Sinh Chu tich Hoi dong danh gia chinh thuc i^acJli 7hai4 Thu truang ca quan quan ly de tai ^ Tl.OiAM 0