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The socio-economic changes during urbanization process in Yen So ward, Hoang Mai district, Ha Noi : Luận văn ThS. Châu Á học: 60 31 60

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V I E T N A M N A T I O N A L UN IVE R SI T Y, HANOI INSTITUTE O F V I E T N A M E S E ST U D IE S & D E V E L O P M E N T S C I E N C E S N G U Y E N NHI! Q UYEN THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC CHANGES DURING URBANIZATION PROCESS IN YEN s o WARD, HOANG MAI DISTRICT, HA NOI M a s t e r t h e si s on the specia lit y o f V i e t n a m e s e studies Code: 603160 S c i e n c e Instructor: Prof Dr T r u o n g Ọ u a n g Hai L U C •) I c L i t J if Hanoi - 2011 G u a n tee I certify that the master dissertation on " I HI SOCIOHCONOMIC (HANCihS 1)1 RING URBANIZATION PROC'l'SS IN YEN s o WARD HOANG MAI DISTRICT HA NOI" is really my personal study and is carried out on the basis o f theoretical research, survey research and the practical sciences under the guidance o f Prof' Dr Truong Qua ng Hai The data and research results in the thesis are true Hanoi, N ove m be r 11, 2011 Student Nguyen Nhu Quyen A cknoH'ledge m en ts I o complete the master graduate program and this thesis I have received the valuable guidance, support and enthusiastic comments o f teachers working and teaching in Institute o f Vietnamese studies & Development sciences First o f all I would like to thank the leaders o f Institute o f Vietnamese studies & Development sciences, the teachers involved in teaching the master programs on Vietnamese studies and all the staff working for training department, sciences department and administrative departments for their dedicated guidance, support and for me favorable conditions to complete mv graduate program My sincere thanks also goes to all o f my friends and colleagues who have enthusiastically encouraged and assisted me in the learning process and especially in my survey process to complete this thesis It is my pleasure to thank the leadership o f Yen So Ward and the local for their support during my survey, investigation and collection o f documents in the ward {•’specially owe my deepest gratitude to Prof Dr Truong Quang Mai, who has spent much o f his precious time to dedicatedlv guide and offer me with profound and original ideas and suggestions during the implementation o f this thesis His dedication, enthusiasm and spirit on the scientific passion and serious working have deeply impressed and those impressions certainly will not he faded on the education and research way that I am determined to pursue Last bit least I wish to express my gratitude and deepest respect to my beloved family for their encourages and the great support during the period o f my master program Thanks all o f you! Hanoi, November 11, 2011 Student Nguyen Nhu Quyen INDEX INI K O D l ( I I O N 1 Scientific grounds, practical meanings and urgency o f the t o p i c Study purposes and functions o f the t o p i c 2.1 Purposes o f the th e s i s 2.2 Study functions o f the t h e s i s Study subjects, objects and scope o f the t o p i c 3.1 Study subjects and o b j e c t s ~) 3.2 Scope o f the s t u d y Theoretic arounds materials and studv m e t h o d 4.1 Theoretic groun ds 4.2 Sources o f m a te ri a ls 4.3 Study m e t h o d .4 Scientific h y p o th e s i s Contributions o f the t h e s i s Structure o f the the si s ( H A P 11 R I: T H E O R E T I C A L G R O U N D S f O R T H E S T U D Y O N S O C I O - E C O N O M I C C H A N G E S DURING THE URBANIZATION PROCESS AND GENERAL INTRODUCTION O N Y Ê N S Ớ W A R D 1.1 Theoretical grounds for the study on socio-economic changes during the urbanization pro c e ss 1.1.1 U r b a n 1.1.2 Urban iz atio n 1.1.3 Kfleets o f socio-economic developments on ur b a n iz at i o n 10 1.1.4 Hfleets o f urbanization process on the socio-economic and environmental d e v e l o p m e n t 13 1.1.5 Urbanization tendency in Vietnam and the criteria system to evaluate the urbanization level applied to V i e t n a m 20 1.1.6 Urbanization in Hanoi since 1954 1.1.7 Summary history o f studies on the to p i c 24 1.2 General introduction on Yên Sơ w a r d 26 1.2.1 Yên Sơ - people and h i s t o r y 26 1.2.2 Yen Sir duririii the period o f 1976-1985 30 1.2.3 Yên Sơ during the period o f 1986-2000 34 ( HAI M I R 2: K 'ONOMIC' C H A N G ES IN YẺN s o W ARD DURING III! U R B A N IZA I ION P R O C H S S ( R O M 0 - 2.1 Transference o f the economic s tr u c tu r e 39 2.2 Change in land use p u r p o s e s 43 2.3 Transference in the internal structure o f agriculture in Yên Sơ W a r d 50 2.4 Transference in labor & occupational structure and imbalance in economic activities o f the farmers due to urbanization's i m p a c t s 58 2.4 ] Transference in labor & occupational structure in Yên Sở W a r d 58 2.4.2 Imbalance in the farmers' econo mic activities due to urbanization's effects 61 2.5 Improved and developed in fr a s tr u c tu re 70 2.6 Living standa rd 72 C H A P T E R 3: E N V I R O N M E N T C U L T U R A L - S O C I A L C H A N G E S IN Y Ê N S Ở W A R D D U R I N G T H E U R B A N I Z A T I O N P R O C E S S F R O M 0 T O 3.1 Landscape and environmental changes during the urbanization p r o c e s s 76 3.1.1 Landscape c hanges during the urbanization p r o c e s s 76 3.1.2 Polluted living e n v i r o n m e n t 78 3.1.3 Worries o f the local people during the urb a niz atio n 80 3.2 Rich and poor diffirentiation .82 3.2.1 The farmers w h o have a dvantages in land t r a n s f e r e n c e 83 3.2.2 The farmers w h o no advantages in land tra n s fe re n c e 84 3.2.3 The farmers w h o have no land t r a n s f r e n c e 84 3.3 Changes in the neighborhood re la ti o n s h ip s 85 3.4 Life o f faith .88 3.5 Changes in how to use the free t i m e 91 C O N C L U S I O N A N D R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S Reference Appendix List of* tables I able 1.1: Criteria svstem to evaluate the urbanization level applied to Vietnam 20 I able 2.1: I ransference in the economic structure from 2000 to 39 i able 2.2: Number of enterprises located within the ward a r e a .42 Table 2.3: Projects within Yên Sơ Ward 43 I able 2.4: The status quo of land use in Yên Sơ Ward in 200 20050 and 46 Table 2.5: Area o f agricultural land in Yên Sở Ward over the p e r i o d 47 Table 2.6: Area o f water surface growing aquatic products in Yên Sơ Ward over the period.48 Table 2.7: Changes in agricultural land use in Yên Sở Ward during the period 2000 - 2010 51 Table 2.8: Value structure of agriculture in Yên Sở Ward over the period 52 Table 2.9: Area o f rice-growing area over the period in Yên Sở Ward 53 Table 2.10: The area o f some major crops in Yen So Ward over the y ear s 54 'Table 2.11: Situation o f cattle-breeding in Yên Sờ Ward during the period 2000 - 2010 .56 Table 2.12: Productivity offish in Yên Sở Ward over the period 57 Table 2.13: Sectoral labor structure in Yên SỞ Ward from 2000 to 59 Table 2.14: Level-based labor structure in Yên Sở Ward from 2004 to 60 Table 2.15: Agricultural population in Yen SỞ Ward over the period 62 Table 2.16: Occupations o f members o f farmer households in Yên Sở Ward from 2000 to 2010 64 t able 2.17: Occupational structure of the members of farmer families following their age in Yên SỞ Ward in 65 Table 2.18: Hvaluations of Yên Sờ residents on current agriculture compared to the past 68 Table 2.19: Agricultural labor on basis of age in families 69 Table 2.20: Average income o f households in Yên Sờ Ward in 69 Table 2.21: Projects invested for construction and upgrading by Yên Sờ Ward 71 Table 2.22: Main transportation route in Yên Sở W a r d 72 Table 3.1: The situation of construction order in Yên Sư Ward year by year 77 Table 3.2: I-valuations of Yèn Sơ residents on changes in living space 78 I able 3.3: Waste dump locations in Yên Sớ W ard 78 Table 3.4: Liquid sewage dump locations in Yên Sư W a r d 78 Table 3.5: Results of the survey on local people's opinions about the contributors of environmental pollution in Yèn SỜ War d 79 Table 3.6: Sources o f water for cooking, bathing and washing done by Yên Sờ residents 80 Table 3.7: Results o f survey on the local people's opinions about whether they will continue with farming permanently in Yên Sơ W ard 81 Table 3.8: Number of criminal cases in Yên Sờ Ward over the period 82 Table 3.9: Number o f poor households in Yên Sở Ward over the p e r io d 83 Table 3.10: Locations of meetings among Yên Sở res ide nts 88 I able 3.11: Results o f the survey on proportion of Yên Sở residents taking part in worshipping activities at communal houses at the current time compared to pre-urbanization period 89 Table 3.12: Results o f the survey on the percentages of Yên Sở residents taking part in worshipping activities at pagodas at the current time compared to pre-urbanization pe riod 90 Table 3.13: Types o f entertainment of Yên Sở residents in their spare time 92 List o f figures I iuure 1.1:1 avout o f Yèn Sơ Area 27 I iuurc 2.1: I ransf'ercncc in the economic structure from 2000 to 40 Figure 2.2: Map o f status quo o f land use in Yên Sở Ward 45 imire 2.3: I he status quo ot'land use in Yen So Ward in 200 20050 and 46 Figure 2.4: Area o f agricultural land in Yên SỞ Ward over the period 47 Figure 2.5: Area o f water surface erowina aquatic products in Yên Sở Ward over the p e r i o d 48 Figure 2.6: Value structure o f agriculture in Yên Sở Ward over the p e r i o d 53 Figure 2.7: Area o f rice-growina area over the period in Yên s W ar d 54 liiiure 2.8: The area o f some major crops in Yen So Ward over the y e ar s 55 F ieure 2.9: Productivity o f fish in Yên SỞ Ward over the p e r i o d 57 Figure 2.10: Population situation in Yên s Ward over the p e r i o d 58 l i e u r e 2.11: Sectoral labor structure in Yên Sở Ward from 2000 to 20 10 .59 Figure 2.12: Level-based labor structure in Yên Sở Ward from 2004 to 60 igure 2.13: Agricultural population in Yên s Ward over the p e r i o d 63 f igure 2.14: Occupations o f members o f farmer households in Yèn Sơ Ward from 2000 to 2010 64 l- igure 2.15: Occupational structure (%) o f the members o f farmer families following their age in Yên Sở Ward in 66 Figure 2.16: Evaluations o f Yên SỜ residents on current agriculture compared to the past 68 Figure 2.17: Agricultural labor on basis o f age in fam ili es 69 Figure 2.18: Average income o f households in Yên Sờ Ward in 70 Figure 2.19: Types o f dwelling in Yen SỜ over the pe ri o d 73 Figure 2.20: Types o f toilet rooms in Yên SỞ Ward over the period .74 l igure 2.21: Use o f furnitures in the families o f Yên Sở Ward over the period 74 Figure 3.1: Results o f the survey on local people's opinions about the contributors o f environmental pollution in Yên SỞ W a r d .80 I- iuure 3.2: Locations o f meetings amo ne Yên Sở re si den ts 88 l i u u r c 3.3: Types o f entertainment o f Yên SỞ residents in their spare ti m e 92 IN T R O D U C T IO N Scientific grounds, practical meanings and urgency o f the topic Hanoi is one o f the big cities with the highest speed o f urbanization in the whole country in which a great many o f new production enterprises and residential areas have been established Sine 1996 six new districts have been set up apart from existing interior ones and many new wards in the new districts have been renewed from the communes o f old exterior districts Not only is the renewal from a commu ne to a w ard related to the administrative work also it raises a series o f issues such as architectural planning, construction o f engineering and social infrastructure and it requires a reasonable and simultaneous solution Yên Sở Ward o f Hoàng Mai urban District, as Yên SỞ C ommune o f Thanh Trì suburb District previously, is one o f the new ly-established wards during the process o f extending the urban scale in Hanoi The urbanization process at a traditionally agricultural village has taken place there where there has been a great investment in centralized industrial zones and urban residential areas and changes in the mechanism o f farming, breeding and processing o f agricultural products and goods based on the orientation o f gradual establishment o f a truly urban area This process changes not only the spacious and physical structure but more importantly living conditions, earning one's living, opportunities to get promotion and especially living style o f the local people there On the other hand, the urbanization has brought about serious social problems during the process o f transforming the economic structure and living style The agricultural land has been continuously narrowed which has made a big pressure on jobs, especially for the labors who have low educational background and have not yet been ready for workmanship transformation A new disordered and confused living style is also unavoidable to the local people there However, there has not been a proper attention to the research and study on the effects o f urbanization process as well as the socio-economic changes within the suburbs o f Hanoi in General and Yên Sở ward in particular Regardless o f existing researches on this issue, most o f them have just covered some limited areas and separate aspects without a systematic, comprehensive and profound study Accordingly, based on the Area studies and inter-sector approach method, the study on socio-economic changes in Yên SỞ Ward during the urbanization process is a topic with scientific and practical meaning and urgency, forming a scientific ground for policv planning as well as steady development orientation o f the ward Study purposes and fuctions of the topic Purposes o f the thesis To explore, survey, analysis and evaluate the actual situation o f both positive and negative socio-economic changes during the urbanization process o f Yên Sở Ward, Hoàng Mai District Hanoi and accordingly to propose some justified solutions with the aim to complete the management process and a stable development policy in the Ward 2.2 Study functions o f the thesis - To clarify the theoretic grounds and fundamental concepts related to the topic - To explore, survey, analysis and evaluate the actual situation o f socio­ economic changes during the urbanization process o f Yên Sở Ward under the eye o f Area studies and inter-disciplinary research methodology - Based on the research results, to make some proposals and recommendations to finalize the management process and a stable development policy o f Yên Sở Ward Study subjects, objects and scope of the topic 3.1 Study subjects and objects The high-speed urbanization and industrialization process have contributed to the socio-economic development o f Yên Sở Ward, changed the economy and social structure as well as the local living style to an urban structure and directly affected the local lives Therefore, the study subject is socio-economic changes Table 3.13: Types o f entertainment o f Yên Sở residents in their spare time (unit: %) Period of Period of 1986-1999 2000-2010 Types o f entertainment Listening to radio 45.7 2.5 Reading books and newspers 3.6 15.4 Watching televisions and videos 35.2 ,7.3 Taking part in sports activities 16.4 34.8 V isiting neighbors, relatives and friends 62.5 21.9 V isiting com mu nal houses and pagodas 21.7 1.5 CỈ 16.8 Going to cinemas, karaoke 2.5 10.7 Tourism 0.8 8,5 Going to entertainment parks N u h e (til Đ ọ c Siicli X e m tivi T h e d y e th e T l ứ m hoi Đ iđm h Đi c o n n Oi \ c m b.io v id e o lh;io lu njz \ o m c Ihki M C litiinitn p lu m , ca Dil hell nliyc lull ka r;iok c Figure 3.3: Types o f entertainment o f Yên So residents in their spare time 92 In summary, the rapidly 12rowi 111» urbanization process as well as economy, especially duriniỊ the recent years improve the living standards o f the local people in Yen So Ward compared to the previous period when urbanization still taken place slowly This provides them with the conditions to come in for a materially prosperous life and mentally abundant one The residents have much more time to enjoy the culture and concurrently the use o f free time has many changes and become more diversified and plentiful During the period o f 1986-1999 visiting neighbors, relatives and friends attracted the attention o f local people the most among tvpes o f entertainment (62.5%) followed by listening to radio (45.7%) watching television (35.2%); visiting communal houses and pagodas (21.7%) and taking part in sports activities (16.4%) However, in the next period o f 2000-2010 such up-down order changed into watching television and videos (97.3%): participating in sports activities (34.8%); visiting communal houses and pagodas (31.5%) and going to entertainment parks (16.8%) and listening to radio no longer attracted the local residents (a decline from 45,7% to 2.5%) On the contrary, some types o f entertainment that in the past the local people did not get involved much due to their lack o f economic and time conditions, etc such as reading books and newspapers, going to entertainment parks, going to cinemas & karaoke and tourism have made an increase in the proportion o f attracting the local people (from 3.6% to 15.4%: 3.2% t o ] 6.8%: 2.5% to 10.7%: and 0.8% to 8.5% respectively) C ompa red to the pre-urbanization period, the cultural living conditions and habits o f the local residents have changed quite much Not only they visit the neighbors for chatting, playing chess and children, etc also they take part in many in-home or outdoor cultural and spiritual activities However, outdoor activities cover a small proportion The activities attract the residents the most include the leisure ones at home such as watching television (some families even own televisions), participating in sports activities, visiting pagodas and visiting neighbors Going to cinemas and karaoke accounts for a small proportion because it requires money and preparation; however, its proportion tends to increase The fact 93 that most o f the people select visiting neighbors as their top entertainment activit) indicates that the nature o f village community is still maintained in the society under urbanization process The close and open communication is an indispensable demand o f the rural residents Nevertheless, visiting to neighbor is done less frequently than previously The close communication with easy-going and intimate behaviors is gradually decreasing and replaced by the introverted and private liferespect behavior Tourism, going on holidays and going to entertainment locations like parks, zoos are outdoor activities attracting a lot o f people Such entertainment tvpes are becoming more visible in spite o f small proportion compared to the others and income is an important reason The families who regularly or sometimes take part in outdoor activities mainly are high-income ones During the recent time, some traditional cultural activities have been restored and developed, especially communal houses, pagodas, shrines have been repaired, improved and rehabilitated to enable the local residents and visitors to go for sightseeing The annual festivals o f "Rước nước" and regatta have attracted the attentions o f the people 94 C O N C L U S I O N AND R E C O M M E N D A T I O N S Conclusion The initial and preliminary analyses show that the economv-society o f Yên Sơ Ward has had profound and double-faced changes during the urbanization process The material changes have taken place more rapidly and clearly In addition, the invisible changes such as changes in psychology, habits, and mental cultures and so on have happened in the local people's wavs o f living Some o f changes are positive, turnina a traditionally agricultural Yên Sở village in the suburb to a new Yên Sở Ward with mode m urban space, gradually integrating into the co mm on dev elopment process o f the capital and the whole nation The economic structure has made an important transference from agrieultureservices-industry- into services-agriculture-industry Changes in land use purposes from agriculture land to buildine and specialized land have quickly reduced the area o f agriculture land The structure o f agriculture itself also has had a big change where fish raising has been attached special importance, economically high value plants and animals have been put into production and it has been relevant to the market economy On that basis, urbanization has strongly impacted on the structure o f labor and occupation Non-agricultural sectors has developed and played an essential role in the labor structure o f the ward The proportion o f income from those sectors has risen step by step in the structure o f income o f the households Normally, non-agricultural families gain higher income than the agricultural ones Although agriculture's importance has been declined in the structure o f occupation and income o f local people in Yên SỞ Ward, it has been still indispensable in the economic structure o f the ward The technical infrastructure such as power, transportation system, schools, healthcare centers, clear water supply system and drainage system, markets, etc have been newly-built, upgraded and significantly improved alone with the increased living standards o f the people, making the living quality greatlv enhanced 95 Apart form the mainly positive changes; the socio-economic situation in Yen Sơ Ward also has confronted negative ones and limitations The transference in economic structure still has been slow and unstable compared to the advantages and exploitation potentials The commercial and service activities have been in smallscale and o f spontaneous nature The area o f agriculture land basically has been transformed into building and specialized land supporting the development o f a m o de m urban space which has not created anv further job but made a big quantity o f people lose their jobs The transference in labor structure has been passively done There has been a huge source o f m an pow er but the cultural level and professional knowledge have been quite low while there has been an increasingly decline in quantity o f new jobs and an increase in the requirements for higher professional skills and cultural level That is the reason why it has been difficult for many people to t'ond out a stable job and they have face a possible risk o f long-term unemployment The improvement and development o f infrastructure has been done hut slowly and asynchronously and has not yet met the physical requirements o f the life; the drainage and waste treatment system have been poor The living standard o f the residents in Yên SỞ Ward has been improved significantly but unstably, the rich and poor differentiation has become rapidly and clearly The space o f Yèn SỞ has become a tnodemer urban space but the planning has not been synchronous; the construction order still has had many problems with the growth o f many architectural styles which has made the urban space in disorder and shortage o f urban beautiful looking The living environment o f Yên SỞ residents has been increasingly polluted The neighborhood and communication connection have been gradually faded Recommendations The urbanization process have created a more civilized and m odem appearance for Yên Sơ Ward but also many changes to life o f the people, especially the farmers They have had both advantages and difficulties in changing their life to 96 comply with new conditions Based on the survey results, the writer o f this thesis would like to propose some recommendations with the aim to reduce the negative socio-economic chances during the urbanization process in Yên Sơ Ward Such recommendations focus on the mitigation o f the distance between the technical urbanization and human civilization urbanization in the survey area Firstly, as far as landscape is concerned, the city and ward need to have a synchronous plannina on the dev elopment o f the urban space and promptly prepare regulations on dwelling architecture and planning o f public utilities with the aim to avoid the re-architecturing o f the urban landscape and any impact on the co mmunity development The construction o f lodging-houses has to follow a strict c om m on regulation Secondly, with reference to the environmental pollution in order to resolve the waste problem, the competent agencies need to further improve the work o f waste collection, not only waste from families but at public places like streets, canals or empty land The local can arrange a group in charge o f waste collection and campaigns to persuade and encourage the people, the youth to collect waste, clean the environment regularly or periodically because those will not only ma ke a cleaner environment hut also enhance the residents' proper awareness o f the environmental protection Currently, most o f the sewage include living sewage and untreated sewage from factories and manufacture organizations In order to deal with the increasingly growing environmental pollution, it is necessary to build a drainage structure Additionally, a solution to sewage problem needs the attention o f not onlv a ward or a district but a higher scale and higher level including a group o f different urban districts, rural districts or city with the aim to avoid a partial solution, i.e transference o f sewage from a place to another The city needs to have a resolute solution to require all the manufacture organizations, factories and enterprises to compulsorily process waste, especially liquid sewage Besides, the administration has to prepare a plan to encourage and 97 support the cattle-raisiim households with the construction o f cattle-waste- treatinent- system (treatment canister or hiogas canister) Thirdly, regarding the social evils the local administration needs to pay special attention, make a detailed & resolute plan and closely co-operate with the competent city agencies, unions and the people to hunt, prevent and limit the social evils such as robberies, gambling, drua activities arisen from the urbanization process and greatly affecting the social order and security in the ward area Fourthly, the fanner households need to maintain the diversification in ways o f making a living in the household economy model at the new-urbanized areas When using the land compensation money, all the households should not only invest in the home building, furniture purchase, etc hut should try to bring this m o n e y 's advantages into full play The issues o f studying a profession, transference o f jobs for family member should be paid attention Fifthly, it is necessary to minimize the use o f agriculture land for purposes o f urban construction in order to limit the speed o f reduction in farming area The infrastructure construction, urban extension should not he considered as reasons for massive and wasteful land withdrawal The situation o f current uncultivated agriculture land under the plan and yet to he built should he avoided and this plays an important role because it related to many issues like investment capital, training and arrangement o f idle labor in the agriculture The transference in occupational structure needs to have an active plan and consideration about suitable strategies and speed; otherwise, serious social consequences will happen Sixthly Yên Sỡ Ward has a large area o f land under the planning o f urban development which requires a profound explanation for the farmers to be aware of and have a proper attitude towards the transference o f agriculture land into urban construction A justified land withdrawal and compensation should be done within a short time to enable the farmers with the adaptation to the context o f urban society The reality in Yên Sơ Ward shows that the households have not yet effectivelv brought into full play the advantages o f the money gained by land compensation 98 They have invested in purchasing furnitures, building houses, paying debts and lead a life o f debauchery; hence, a series o f n e u a t i v e consequences has taken place: out o f money, out o f land, increasingly difficult life Seventhly, the ward needs to co-operate with the city and enterprises to support the farmers with occupational transference: training and arranging new occupations for the youth, paying attention to the d em an d for work o f the female labor, brirming the secondary occupations into full play and looking for the consum ing markets Apart from taking priority on the use o f the people in the families whose land has been withdrawn in factories and enterprises, it is necessary to give preferential to private companies and small-scale manufacturing organizations in order for them to enhance the manufacture and attract more labor, resolve the employme nt problems o f the withdrawn-land farmers However, the preferential shall be enclosed with specific conditions on labor use and justified salary Highthlv in reality a portion o f the youth are not yet aware o f the importance o f learning a profession It is required to educate them with the importance o f learning a profession and owning a professional occupation in order to ensure their life, wh ether they work for a factory, an enterprise, a manufacture organization or arrange the production by themselves The education is more essential for the young people w ho are from the family becomi ng rich thanks to land selling or compensation and lead a life o f debauchery Ninthly, it is necessary to pay attention to and further encourage the farmers wh o still ow n agriculture land and continue with farming with the aim to avoid the cultivation and waste ( issues o f irrigation, protection o f crop and vegetables, cost for production, etc.) and facilitate them with the transference in the structure o f cultivated plants and animals in terms o f not only fa nning and cattle-raising technology but also collecting and processing the products to meet the market demand 99 With a proper development strategy, during the urbanization process Yen S(T Ward will become a modern urban space with new standards and values o f urban way o f liv ing but remain the linkage with the close relationship and positive impacts in the past Those relations will help the community there maintain the beautiful community traditions in the new wav o f living and consequently Yên Sơ will develop more powerfully and stably during the urbanization process 100 Reference material V i e t n a m e s e reference material Đào Duy Anh (1992) Việt Nam văn hóa sư cương Nxb Thuận 1lóa Huê Nguyễn The Bá (2004), Q uy hoạch xây dựng p h t triền đỏ thị Nxb Xây dựng, Hà Nội Ban chấp hành đảng xã Yên sơ (2002) Yên S truyền thonạ cách m ạng ỉ 930-2000 Nxb Hà Nội Ban chi đạo quốc eia kỳ niệm 1000 năm Thăng Long (2010) KỶ yếu H ội thao khoa học quỏc tẻ Phát triền bên vừnẹ thù đủ Hà N ội văn hiên, anh hùnẹ, hịa bình, Hà Nội I ran Văn Bính (ch) (1998) Văn hoả q trình thị h nước ta Nxb Chính trị Quốc gia ố Bộ Kê hoạch đầu tư (1997) Quy hoạch tỏng thê p h t triên kinh te - xã hội Việt Nam đên năm 2010 C M ác Ph Angghen tồn tập (1993) Tập 23 Nxb C hính trị Quốc gia Hà Nội Vũ Thị Chuyên (2010) Phân tích q trình đỏ thị hỏa thành p h o H Phòng gia i đoạn 1985-2007 LATS Địa lý Phạm Hùng Cườn g (2001), C huyên đỏ i câu trúc vùng ven đô thị lớn đông băng sông H ỏng thành đơn vị trình thị hố LA I S Kiên trúc 10 Võ Kim Cương 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