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Planning date: 25/08/2010 School year: 2010-2011 Grade Period 1: Revision A Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise knowledge they have learned at eighth form  Teaching aids: - posters  Anticipated problems: B Content: I Warmer: - Greetings Hangman - I’ve a word with letters: … - - - - - - - - ……………………… - You have to guess my word - Each letter a time - It means that we use it before we learn new lesson and doing homework - You have to help the man - If not, he will be each pant of his body +) Key : Revision II Revision: 1/ The simple past tense: - Ask sts a question: ? What did you last night? - I watched TV last night - I did my homework - Which tense is it? - The simple past tense - Let sts look at the sentences to give the form * Form: a/ For tobe: - was : I, he She, It - were: You, We, They +) Positive form: S + was/ were + O (adj./ N) ? Example? - The people were very friendly here +) Negative form: S + wasn’t/ weren’t + O (adj./ N) ? Example? - The food wasn’t delicious - Yes, S + was/ were +) Interrogative form: Was/ were + S + O (adj./ N)? - No, S + wasn’t/ weren’t ? Example? - Was you tired after the trip? - Yes, I was - No, I wasn’t b/ For Verb: +) Positive form: S + V(past) + O (adj./ N) ? Example? - He went to Hanoi yesterday - They played soccer months ago - Regular verb V(past) - Irregular verb Teacher: TrÇn Văn Thành Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade (+) Irregular verb: (Learn by heart) - Example: -> did; go -> went; write -> wrote (+)Regular verb: V + ed -> V-ed - Example: - play - played - study ed -> - studied - stop - stopped - arrive - arrived +) Negative form: S + didn’t + V(present) + O (adj./ N) ? Example: - She didn’t go to school on Sunday - Yes, S + did +) +) Interrogative form: Did + V(present) + O (adj./ N)? - No, S + didn’t ? Example: - Did he buy a new computer yesterday? - Yes, he did - No, he didn’t ? When we use this tense? * Use: - to express an action happened in the past that it’s finished ? Which adverbs of time often go with this tense? Ago; yesterday; last + N * Example: last day; last week; last year; last Monday III Homework: - Prepare for: Lesson 1: Unit 1: Getting started & Listen and read + Language focus Teacher: Trần Văn Thành Thanh Dung Secondary School Planning date: 27/08/2010 School year: 2010-2011 Grade Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal Period 1/2: Getting started + Listen and read+ Language focus A Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know know content of the text and new function the condition of “wish”  Teaching aids: - posters, tape  Anticipated problems: B Content: I Warmer: - Greetings * Brainstorm: ? Tell me famous places in Ha Tinh? Famous places in Ha Tinh II Presentation: 1/ Pre-teach vocabulary: - (to) impressed : gây ấn tợng - (to) correspond : trao ®ỉi th tõ - friendliness (n) : sù mÕn khách - mosque (n) : nhà thờ hồi giáo - (to) pray : cầu nguyện - atmosphere (n) : không khÝ *Checking : R.O.R 2/ Set the scene : (explanation) (situation) (situation) (example) (mime) (situation) Maryam Lan (Kuala Lumper) (Ha Noi - Lan has a penpal from Malaysia She comes to visit her in Ha Noi - Can you guess where she went and what she did during her stay ? Where did Maryam visit in Ha Noi? - Write sts’guesses on the board - Ask sts read the text to check III Practice: * Multiple choice: - Let sts read the text again then exercise in sts’book on p.7 - Run through - Ask sts compare with their friends - Call sts to answer and correct - Ask sts a question: ? What did Lan say to Maryam? Teacher: Trần Văn Thành Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade - I wish you had a longer vacation - Have sts look at the sentence above and translate into Vietnamese - Ask sts give the form * Form: S + wish + S + V(past) be(were) * Use: to express wishes unreal in the present - Get sts give an example - Hang on a poster on the board - Ask sts look at exercise then write the sentences using the form above * Language focus 3: Write the sentences , begin with “ I wish” a I wish I were in the swimming pool now b I wish I had a computer now c I wish I live close to my school d I wish I had a sister e I wish I drew well f I wish I had my friend’s telephone number g I wish I had know many friends h I wish it rain so often in my home town f I wish there were rivers and lakes in my hometown - Ask Ss to make three wishes of their own - Work individually - Ask sts to share with their partner - Call sts go to the board and write IV Homework: - Learn by heart vocabulary - Write the wishes you have - Prepare for Speak V Remarks: * Answer key: +) Where did Maryam visit in Hanoi? - Hoan Kiem lake -The temple of literature - Ho Chi Minh`s mausoleum - Mosque - History museum +) Multiple choice: Maryam usually write to one another every two weeks Maryam was impressed because Ha Noi people were friendly The girls went to see famous places in Ha Noi, area fore recreation, a place of worship Maryam wanted to invite Lan to Kuala Lumpur Teacher: Trần Văn Thành 4 Thanh Dung Secondary School Planning date: 28/08/2010 School year: 2010-2011 Grade A visit from a pen pal Unit 1: Period 2/3: Speak A Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to introduce themselve and respond to the introduction  Teaching aids: - posters  Anticipated problems: B Content: I Warmer: - Greetings * Pelmanism: Countries and their cities (a) Japan Australia England India Viet Nam (b) Tokyo Perth II Pre-speaking: * Set the scene: Liverpool Bombay Hoi An Maryam Nga Nga is talking toMaryam They are waiting for Lan * Matching: - Ss work in pairs to put the sentences in the correct order to make a complete dialogue (with answer key) Hello.You must be Maryam c That`s right.I am Please to meet you Let me introduce myself I`m nga b Please to meet you Nga.Are you one of Lan`s classmates? 4.Yes,I`m Are you enjoying your stay in Viet Nam? d Oh,yes very much.Viet Namese people are very friendly Do you live in a city , too? e Yes.I live in Kuala Lumpur.Have you been there? No.Is it very different from Ha Noi? a The two cities are the same in some way -T asks some questions to check student`s understanding ? Have Nga and Maryam met each other before? ( No) ? Is Maryam enjoying her stay in Ha Noi ( Yes) ? What does she like in Viet Nam ( Vietnamese people are very friendly and Ha Noi is a very interesting city -Teacher asks Ss to practise speaking dialogue Teacher: Trần Văn Thành Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade II.While- Speaking: - pair work - role play Joko / Tokyo Paul / Liverpool Jane / Perth - T : You are talking to Maryam`s friend Introduce yourself - T asks Ss to take turn to be one of Maryam`s friend and practice Example: A: Hello You must be Joko B: That`s right.I am A: Please to meet you, Joko Let me introduce myself I`m B: Please to meet you, A: Are you enjoying your stay in Viet Nam? B: Oh yes, very much I like Vietnamese people and I love old cities in Viet Nam A: Do you live in a city ,too? B: Yes I live in Tokyo Have you been there? A: No What`s it like? B: It is a busy big capital city A: I see - T lets Ss to practice in pair III Post-speaking: * Report: My friend is Yoko She is from Tokyo She likes Vietnamese people IV Home work: - Learn by heart vocabulary - Practice speaking - Prepare for “ Listen + Language focus 1, Teacher: Trần Văn Thành Thanh Dung Secondary School Planning date: 08/09/2010 School year: 2010-2011 Grade Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal Period 3/4: Listen + Language focus 1, A Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to specific information to select the correct pictures  Teaching aids: - posters, tape, pictures  Anticipated problems: B Content: I Warmer: - Greetings * Jumbled words: 1/ rpka -> 4/ ikll -> 2/ ssagr -> 5/ aattusrrn -> 3/ wfoerl -> 6/ euhmbrreg -> - Write the letters on the board - Ask sts look at them to write meaningful words - The Team which is faster with more correct words wins the game II Pre-listening: - Have sts look at the pictures on p - Run through ? What there is in each one? ? Where the place is? ? What are the people doing? - Tell sts that Tim is talking Carlos to visit some places - Ask them to think of three things that Tim and Carlos are doing ? Where will they go to? ? Where will they go through? ? How will they go? - Write sts’guesses on the board III While-listening: * Activity one: Listen and answer - Ask sts listen to the tape to check their guesses - Open the tape (twice) - Ask them compare with their partner - Have sts listen again to correct * Activity two: Listen and choose the correct pictures - Let sts look at the pictures on p - Run through the pictures - Ask sts tell what pictures talk about and the difference between each pair of picture - Write sts’guesses on the board - Ask sts look at the pictures and listen to check Teacher: Trần Văn Thành Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade - Open the tape (twice) - Students get compare with their friends - Ask sts answer Correct mistakes IV Post-listening: * Gap fill: - Hang on the poster on the board - Get sts look at this and find out the words to fill in the missing gaps Tim and his Mexican _ (1) _, Carol wanted to go to a restaurant downtown They went _ (2) _ a beautiful _ (3) _ with the _ (4) _ and the flowers Carol walked on the grass because he didn’t see the _ (5) _ After going out the park they cought the 130 bus to go_ (6) _ - Open the tape (twice) - Ask sts go to the board to fill in - Correct mistaks * Languge focus 1: - Tell Ss you know about what they did last weekend.Tell them to copy the empty chart in their note books Then listen and take note in the chart: Nam Activities Time e S1 Went to the movie with friends Saturday at 7.30 S2 Went shopping with her mother Sunday at 8.00 S3 Saw a rock concert friday night S4 stayed at home all day and read a book All day Sunday - Get Ss to talk in pairs and ask and answer questions about their the activities in the chart *Example exchange: - What did S1 on the weekend? - When did she/ he go? * Languge focus 2: A B buy a cake make flowers hang a picture of Ha Noi go colorful lamps paint shopping -Set the sence: ‘Lan and her friends are holding a farewell party for Maryam.Write the things they did to prepare for the party” - Ask Ss to use the words and the picture in the box *Example: Hoa made a cake Hanh bought flowers Hung colorful lamps Tan paint a picture of Ha noi Nga and Ha went shopping V Homework: - Prepare for Read VI Remarks Teacher: Trần Văn Thành Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Planning date: 12/09/2010 Grade Unit 1: A visit from a pen pal Period 4/5: Read A Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to have some knowledge about Malaysia, one of the countries of the ASEAN  Teaching aids: - posters, map of Asian  Anticipated problems: B Content: I Warmer: - Greetings - Hang on the map of Asian on the board - Ask sts look at this and ask sts to say the names of the country in South East Asian - Introduce Malaysia to sts ? What is the capital of Malaysia? ? What is its population? ? How big is Malaysia? ? What language is spoken in this country? II Pre-reading: 1/ Vocabulary: - relogion (n): tôn giáo (example) - (to) separate: t¸ch ra, chia (synonym) = devide - currency (n): đơn vị tiền tệ (example) Planning date: ……./09/2007 - compulsory (adj): b¾t buéc (translation) Teaching date: ……/09/2007 - primary (adj): hàng đầu, ban đầu (situation) - Checking vocabulary: What and Where 2/ T/ F statements: No Statements T F Malaysia is a member country of Asian There are two religions in Malaysia People speak only Malay in Malaysia Primary school children learn three languages at school All secondary school children learn in English - Hang on the poster on board - Have sts to look at them, read and guess which one is true or which one is false - Write sts’guess on board III While-reading: Checking sts’guesses: - Let sts read the text on p to check - Ask sts correct false statements Lucky Number: Teacher: Trần Văn Thành 9 Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 - Explain sts how to play this game - Devide class into two teams ? When you get a mark? - Answer correctly a question Grade ? When don’t you have answer? - Get a lucky number * Questions: 1(g) 2(h) 3(c) 4(d) 9(i) 5(a) 6(e) 7(f) 8(b) 10(k) a/ What ‘s Malaysia’s population? b/ Lucky Number c/ Which’s the national language in Malaysia? d/ What’s the unit of currency of Malaysia? e/ Lucky Number f/ Which city is Malaysia’s capital? g/ How many religions are there in Malaysia? h/ What’s the weather in Malaysia? i/ What’s compulsory second language in Malaysia? k/ How big is Malaysia? IV Post-reading: * Discussion: Introduce your city - Ask sts work in group to introduce about Vietnam Use the following questions ? What language is spoken in Vietnam? ? Do Vietnamese children have to study any foreign language in secondary school? ? Which city is Vietnam’s capital? ? What’s the unit of currency of Vietnam? ? What ‘s Vietnam’s population? ? What about the people in Vietnam? V Homework: - Prepare for Write VI Remarks: * Answerkey: a/ T/ F statements: 1, 4, 5: T 2/ F: Islam is the country’s official religion In addition, there are other religions such as Buddhism and Hinduism 3/ F: The national language is Bahasa Malaysia English , Chinese and Tamil are also widely spoken b/ Lucky Number: a/ over 22 million i/ English c/ Bahasa Malaysia k/ 329,758 square kilometers d/ the ringgit f/ Kuala Lumpur g/ Islam h/ tropical climate Teacher: Trần Văn Thành 10 Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade - Let’s + V(bare) - What about + V(ing) ? - We should + V(bare) ? - I think / What you think ? * Respond: - I agree / disagree because - I don’t understand III While- speaking: - Ss work in group : Play the roles Thu - Tam - Kim - They are awarded a scholarship of US 2000 to attend an English course aboard - Each person try to persuade his / her friends to attend the school you like to go * Example: - Thu : The Brighton Language center - UK I think we should go to Because the school there has exelent reputation and we can live in dormitary on campus - Tam : seatle school of English - USA Why don’t we go to the you can stay with Vietnamese friends They will helf us alot - Kim : Brishane institute of English - Australia What you think about Brishane? - Tell sts to discuss in group to decide their first, second and third choice for where to go * Demonstration: Some group IV Post- speaking: - Take a vote to see how many people listed the UK as the first choice, the USA , Australia and take some reason - Ask sts to write down which school they like the best and two reasons they feel that way V Homework: - Learn by heart vocabulary - Do exercise in work book - Prepare for Listening lesson Teacher: Trần Văn Thµnh 42 Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade Planning date: 24/08/2009 Teaching date: 25/08/2009 Learning a foriegn language Unit 4: Period 3/22: Listen A Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to identify the correct information  Teaching aids: - a poster, tape  Anticipated problems: B Content: I Warmer: - Greetings * Brainstorm: ought to have to Modal should I Pre - listening: 1/ Pre- teach vocabulary: - international (adj) : quèc tÕ ( explanation ) - (to) forget : quªn (synonym ) - usefull (adj): cã Ých (explanation) - (to) introduce : giíi thiƯu ( situation) - national (adj): quèc gia ( translation) * Cheching : Slap the board 2/ True or false stetaments Nga is talking to Kate about her studyingEnglish Listen to their conversation No Stetaments Nga is studying for her work She learned English at school and university She works for a national bank in Ha Noi She needs to improve her writing Her listening is exellent She hopes she can talk to people from all over the world, and understand her favorite English songs - Hang on the poster on the board - Sts read the statements - Predict which statement is true or false Teacher: Trần Văn Thành 43 T F Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade II/ While - listening: 1/ Checking sts’predictions: - Open tape (twice) - Sts listen and check their predictions - Have sts correct false sentences - Open tape again - Ask sts listen one more time to correct III/ Language focus 1: Modal verbs - Must / have to: phải - should / ought to: nên - May / might: cã lÏ * Form: S + M.V + V(bare) Conditional type 1: Mai: I’m sad because I got a bad mark in English Lan: If you want to get good marks you must study hard - Practise reading * Form: If clause , main clause present simple, S + M.V + V(bare) Practice: Language focus 1: - Ask sts Language focus IV/ Homework: - Learn by heart vocabulary - Finish Language focus in your notebook - Prepare Reading lesson * Answer key: +) True or false stetaments 1.T 2.T F (international bank) T F (terrible) T +) Language focus a must study hard b have to go to university c You should exercise regularly d he might miss the train e hou ought to stay in bed f You must your homework if you want to go out Teacher: Trần Văn Thành 44 Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade Planning date: 24/08/2009 Teaching date: 25/08/2009 Unit 4: Learning a foriegn language Period 4/23: Read A Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read to get the information about the English classes from the advertisement  Teaching aids: - a poster  Anticipated problems: B Content: I Warmer: - Greetings * Brainstorm: level The information for an English course ? Do you go to evening class? ? Have you ever read any advertisements for English course? ? What in formation you want to know about an English course? I/ Pre- reading: 1) Pre- teach vocabulary: - intermediate (adj): trung cấp (explanation) - advanced (adj): trình độ cao (explanation) - well - qualified (adj): chÊt lỵng tèt, cao (trans) - tuition (n): sù d¹y kÌm (synonym) - academy (n): trờng chuyên ngành ( explanation) - council (n): hội đồng ( trans) * Checking: R.O.R 2) True / False predictions: - Mr Nam wants to attend a foreign language course Guess what he need for his class a Mr Nam needs to learn French b He needs the intermediate level class c He wants to learn English in the morning d he wants the course to begin late November - Ss guess the answer for those questions II/ While - reading: 1/ Checking sts’predictions: - Have sts read the advertisements and check their predictions 2/ Filling in the form: A5 - p36 - Let sts loook at the Ex.b on p.36 Teacher: Trần Văn Thành 45 Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade - Run through - Ss read the note and fill in the table - Work individually - Ask sts to share with their friends - Ask sts go to the board to fill in - Correct mistakes III/ Post- reading: * Discuss: - Work in group to answer a question: ? Which class you want to attend if you want to learn English well? IV/ Homework: - Learn by heart vocabulary - Write a short paragraph about the result of the survey - Prepare for Writing lesson * Answer key: 1/ T/ F: a F (English) b T c F (early everning) d F (late October or early November) 2/ Fill in: School Class time Language Time to start (morning/ level afternoon/ (beginner/ everning) inter/ advanced) Academy of morning Advanced first week of Language afternoon November everning Foregn language morning and beginner November council everning intermediate New English institute afternoon/ everning/ weekend Teacher: Trần Văn Thành beginner 46 (today) Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade Planning date: 24/08/2009 Teaching date: 25/08/2009 Unit 4: Learning a foriegn language Period 5/24: Write A Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter of inquiring to the institution requesting for more information about the courses and fees  Teaching aids: - a poster  Anticipated problems: B Content: I Warmer: - Greetings * Shark attack - I’m thinking about letters L E T T E R ? Do you know this word? I/ Pre -writing: 1) Pre- teach vocabulary: - request (v): đòi hỏi, yêu cầu (trans) - detail (n): chi tiÕt (explanation) - look forward to: trông nom, trông chờ (synonym) - express (v): bày tá, biĨu lé (explanation) - exactly (adv): mét c¸ch chÝnh xác (trans) - edition (n): ấn (trans) * Checking: What and where 2) Reading comprehension: - Ss read the letter written by John Robinson - Work in pair to answer the questions a Where did Robinson see the school’s advertisement b What language does he want to learn? c What aspect of Vietnamese does he want to improve? d What does Robinson want to know? 3) Matching: Ss match each paragraph with asuitable headline a Instruction b Request c further information Teacher: Trần Văn Thành I speak little Vietnamese but I want to learn to read I saw your school’s advertisement in today edition of Vietnamese news I look forward to hearing from you 47 Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 d Conclusion I’m interested in learning Vietnamese and I’d like some information school II/ While - writing: - Have sts read again the three advertisements on p.36 and choose one of the school they want to attend to improve their english - Get sts use the outline above to write a letter - Sts write a letter of inquiring to the institution requesting for more information about the course and fees III/ Post - writing: - Share and compare with partner - Some Ss read their letters aloud - T correct and gives feedback IV/ Homework: - Learn by heart vocabulary - Remind the letter - Prepare Language focus * Answer key: 1/ Reading comprehension: a He saw the school’s advertisement in today’s edition of Vietnamses news b He wants to learn Vietnamses c he wants to learn to read and write Vietnamese d He wants to know some details of the courses an fees 2/ Matching: a-2 b-4 c-1 d-3 3/ Write a letter: * Suggested letter Dear sir, I saw your institute’s advertisement on today’s TV program I’m very interested in learning English and I would like some more information about your institute I can speak a little English but I read it slowly and my writing is bad So I want to improve my reading and writing could you please to provide more information about the lenght of course and fees? I can suply my record of English study if necessary I look forward to hearing from you soon Your sincerely Grade Teacher: TrÇn Văn Thành 48 Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade Planning date: 24/08/2009 Teaching date: 25/08/2009 Unit 4: Learning a foriegn language Period 6/25: Language focus A Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review the conditional sentences type one and report what they hear by using reported speech  Teaching aids: - posters  Anticipated problems: B Content: I Warmer: - Greetings * Jumbled words: 1/ cilioeuds -> 4/ reictd -> 2/ deronufwl -> 5/ viertinwe -> 3/ edeorrpt -> II Revision: 1/ Modal verb with “if” - Ask Ss to make one sentences with one of the modal verbs above Eg: You should study harder - T adds : If you want to pass the exam * Model sentence: If you want to pass the exam, you should study harder ? What kind of sentence is it? - Ss: Conditional sentence ? T explains: There are two clauses in conditional sentence, they are: - If clause: S + Modal verb + V(bare) - Main clause: S + V(s/es) * Matching: A B If you want to get good marks, A If he comes home late She might be sick B You should ask your mom If you want to catch the bus, C If you want to be fitter If you want to go out, D You must study harder He must stay outside E If you go in the rain You have to morning exercise F You ought to leave now regularly 2/ Reported speech: T elicits from Ss: ? What are you doing now? - Ss: We are learning English now - Ask Ss to report this sentence Nam said that they are learning English then Teacher: Trần Văn Thành 49 Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade Note: “said” is an introduction verb - Remind Ss to remember how to change a direct speech into reported speech b) Wh questions: Example: Mai asked: “Where you live?” Mai asked me where I lived b/ Yes/ No questions: Minh asked: “ Do you like music?” Minh asked if / whether I liked music - Give Ss the rule of changing reported speech - T hangs the poster and ask Ss to complete the table Direct speech Reported Direct Reported speech speech speech this these here now today tomorrow Present simple present progressive simple future: will can must - T asks Ss to come to the board and write * Turn these sentences in to reported speech ( Play the game: Noughts and crosses) 1.He said: “I am a student” Nam asked Hoa: “ What will you study tomorrow?” They said: “We are learning English now” He asked : “ Is your school near here” Mrs Nga said: “ I must leave now” Lan asked Ba: “Where are you going” Mai said: I’m having a wonderful time here She asked “ Can you use a computer?” Ba asked Nga: “ Why you want this Job?” IV: Homework: - Do all exercises in language focus in text book - Do exercise 4,5 in work book - Prepare for the test * Answer key a/ Jumbled words: 1/ delicious 2/ wonderful 3/ reported 4/ reictd 5/ interview b/ Matching: 1- D ; 2- E ; 3- A , 4- B , 5- F , 6- C Teacher: TrÇn Văn Thành 50 Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade Planning date: 24/08/2009 Teaching date: 25/08/2009 MS: 01 Period 26: Writing Test I Complete the sentences Using the suitable prepositions of time in the box: on before in at between Nam phoned to Hoa - 6.45 We saw Lan in Hue September They will come back 8.30 and 8.45 My dad goes to work - he has breakfast I usually listen to music - Sunday morning II True (T) or false (F)? Read the text then tick () the statements Greece is a great place to visit, and there are plenty of tourist attactions there However, there are not many rooms available in the summer, so reservations are important The weather is usually pleasant, and there is not much rain in the summer, although there is plenty in the winter There is a little snow in the winter, except in the north, which is the mountainous If you like swimming, there are lots of beautiful beaches Greece is a safe place to visit because there is hardly any crime Outside Athens, the capital, there is not much pollution because there is not much industry in other parts of the country Transportation is good, and there are many taxis and buses There are also plenty of large ferries that go to the islands Statements T F Greece is a small place to visit There are many tourist attractions there There are many hotel rooms available in the summmer There isn’t much rain in the winter There is pollution in the capital III Change sentence into reported speech: “Do you often play soccer, Tam?” asked Nam -> Nam asked “What’s your telephone number, Hoa?” asked Ba -> Ba asked Hoa 3.“Where you live, the boy?” asked the man -> The man asked 4.“Is there a hotel near here?” The tourist asked -> The tourist asked me -IV Make sentence Use adverb clauses of result: “so“ Lan studies hard She passes exam easily -> -Teacher: Trần Văn Thành 51 Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade It is rainning We take our umbrellas -> MS: 02 I Complete the sentences Using the suitable prepositions of time in the box: on before in at between Nam goes to school - 6.45 We saw Lan in Hue September They wil come back 8.30 and 8.45 He is leaving for Vinh Monday afternoon The English class begins at 9.00 so I have to come 9.00 II True (T) or false (F)? Read the text then tick () the statements Greece is a great place to visit, and there are plenty of tourist attactions there However, there are not many rooms available in the summer, so reservations are important The weather is usually pleasant, and there is not much rain in the summer, although there is plenty in the winter There is a little snow in the winter, except in the north, which is the mountainous If you like swimming, there are lots of beautiful beaches Greece is a safe place to visit because there is hardly any crime Outside Athens, the capital, there is not much pollution because there is not much industry in other parts of the country Transportation is good, and there are many taxis and buses There are also plenty of large ferries that go to the islands Statements T F There is a little snow in winter in the north There is much industry outside Athens, the capital The weather is wonderful Greece is good place for people who like swimming In Greece, it is not easy to go to the iselands III Change sentence into reported speech: 1.“What are you doing now?” I asked -> I asked her -2.“Can you clean the living-room?”asked My mother -> My mother asked me “What’s your date of birth, Hoa?” The teacher asked -> The teacher asked “What is your favorite subject, Ba?” asked Lan -> Lan asked -IV Make sentence Use adverb clauses of result: “so“ He practices English everyday He wins the first prize in the English speaking contest -> -Teacher: Trần Văn Thành 52 Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade I stayed up late last night I went to school late this morning -> -Planning date: 24/08/2009 Teaching date: 25/08/2009 Unit 5: The media Period 1/27: Getting started & Listen and read & Language focus 3, A Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the text for details to understand the text and know more about the media gerund after some verbs  Teaching aids: - posters, pictures  Anticipated problems: B Content: I Warmer: - Greetings * Brainstorm: reading magazines watching TV - Have sts to think about their favorite Favorite activities and how much time they activities spend on each activity * Example exchange: S1: Which is your favorite activity in your free time? S2: Watching TV S1: How many hours a week/ a day you spend waching TV ? S2: About or hours, I guess S1: II Presentation: 1/ Vocabulary: - crier (n): ngêi rao hµng, ngêi rao tin trªn ( picture) - channel (n): kênh ( example) - interactive (adj): tơng tác ( translation) - remote control (n) : ®iỊu khiĨn tõ xa ( relia) - benefit (n) = profit lỵi Ých, lỵi ( synonym) - develope (v): ph¸t triĨn ( explanation) * Checking: R.O.R 2/ Ordering statement predicion: a/ Television is cheap and convenient entertainment b/Vietnamese enjoy reading”KiÕn thøc ngµy nay” one of the most popular magazines c/ Long tiime ago, criers had to shout the lastest new as they were walking in the street - Get sts read the statement then order them III Practice: 1/ Checking stsguessing: Teacher: Trần Văn Thµnh 53 Thanh Dung Secondary School Grade - Have sts read the text to check 2/ Complete the table: Have Ss read the text and then coplete the table Facts and events School year: 2010-2011 Passage number 1/ Remote controls are used to interac with T.V D 2/ One of the most popular magazines B 3/ People of different ages like this magazine B 4/ Benefit of T.V C 5/ People got the news from town criers A 6/ Interactive T.V is available now D 3/ Comprehension questions: - Asks Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions on page 42 - Call on some Ss to ask and answer the questions - Give feedback and check a) What was a town crier? b) How popular is the Kien Thuc Ngay Nay magazine? c) What benefit does T.V bring about to people’s life? d) What kind of magazines and newspapers you read? e) What is your favourite type of media? Why? 4/ Grammar point: Gerunds T asks: What kind of magazine Vietnamses people like reading? - They love raeding Kien Thuc Ngay Nay * Form: love/ like/ enjoy/ hate + V(ing) - We have to use gerund after the following verbs: finish avoid enjoy suggest dislike imagine support quit - từ bỏ prevent delay : trì hoÃn deny - chi consider :cân nhắc risk - liều lĩnh - We can use V(ing) or to V after these verbs: begin continue hate love like prefer stop remenber start forget intent try * Language focus 3, 4: - Get Ss to exercise on page 46 - Have Ss ask and answer questions about each item in the box - T makes a model: a) soccer - Do you like playing soccer? Yes , I - Mai suggested going to the movie IV Homework: Teacher: Trần Văn Thành 54 Thanh Dung Secondary School Grade - Learn by heart vocabulary - Prepare the Listening lesson School year: 2010-2011 Planning date: 24/08/2009 Teaching date: 25/08/2009 The media Unit 5: Period 2/28: Speak & Language focus 1, A Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk to their friends about the programs they like or dislike  Teaching aids: - posters  Anticipated problems: B Content: I Warmer: - Greetings * Brainstorm: cartoons T.V programs sports films II Pre-speaking: 1/ Vocabulary: - violent (adj): bạo lực ( explanation) - documentary (n):phim tài liệu ( translation) - Information (n): th«ng tin ( translation) - informative (adj): giàu thông tin - opposite (adj) : đối ngợc ( explanation) * Checking : R.O.R 2/ Dialogue build: Lien: You like watching sports, (1) ? Trung: Not really Some sport are so violent, and I don’t .(2) watching them I prefer documentaries Lien: I’m the opposite I (3) watching sports, and documentaries seem quite boring to me Trung: but you (4) the news, (5) ? Lien: Yes, everyday It’s very (6) Trung: I enjoy it too You don’t like foreign films, (7) ? Lien: No, I don’t - Ask Ss to complete the dialogue between Lien and Trung * answer key: 1) don’t you Teacher: Trần Văn Thành 55 Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade 2) like / enjoy 3) Like / enjoy 4) watch 5) don’t you 6) informative 7) you *Tag- Questions: You like watching sports, don’t you? You don’t like foreign films, you? * Form: Auxiliary verb + personal pronoun * Use: + , - , + - For present simple we use auxiliary verb “ do”, “does” for Tag - Questions Eg: He like coffee, doesn’t he? They don’t play football, they? III While- speaking: - Have Ss read the dialogue in pairs before class - Check their pronunciation / intonation of tags questions - Have ss pick out sentences showing agreement and disagreement and ask them to practice * Disagree: * Agree: - Not really - I prefer documentaries - I don’t like atching sports - I love watching sports - I’m the opposite - I enjoy it too - Documentries seem quite boring to me - Ss talk to each other about the Tv programs they like or dislike making similar dialogues a) You like reading magazine, ? Yes, I b) You don’t like watching TV, ? No, I don’t c) She likes film, ? No, she doesn’t d) He can’t sing, .? No, he can’t e) Is he a student, .? Yes, he is f) They didn’t enjoy playing chess, .? No, they didn’t IV Homework: - Learn by heart vocabulary - Do exercise A2 in work book - Prepare for Reading lesson Teacher: Trần Văn Thành 56 Thanh Dung Secondary School ... Hoa made a cake Hanh bought flowers Hung colorful lamps Tan paint a picture of Ha noi Nga and Ha went shopping V Homework: - Prepare for Read VI Remarks Teacher: Trần Văn Thành Thanh Dung Secondary... tợng - (to) correspond : trao ®ỉi th tõ - friendliness (n) : mến khách - mosque (n) : nhà thờ hồi giáo - (to) pray : cầu nguyện - atmosphere (n) : kh«ng khÝ *Checking : R.O.R 2/ Set the scene :... answer and correct - Ask sts a question: ? What did Lan say to Maryam? Teacher: Trần Văn Thành Thanh Dung Secondary School School year: 2010-2011 Grade - I wish you had a longer vacation - Have

Ngày đăng: 19/10/2013, 02:11

