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1 INTRODUCTION Rationale to choose the thesis The construction of Party members is the pivotal step, the crucial & regular task, the rule in building up the Party, and making contributions to enhance the Party’s ability of leadership & fights Having rightly been aware of the Party members’ positions and roles as well as the construction work of the members toward the revolutionary career, the Party has attached special importance to build up the force Therefore, the Party member force has constantly developed both in terms of quantities and quality The structure has been gradually changed toward the positive direction to assure for the Party’s holistic leadership A part of members, however, is weak at virtues, ability, loses trust, and ideals; the structure and allocation of Party members have remained pressing Thus, to build up the Party into really healthy and strong enough to guide the revolution, the core task lies in building up the Party member force with a relevant quantity, higher quality, and relevant structure to meet the task of leading the revolution in each period Together with the entire nation, Thái Bình Province is in the process to boost up the industrialization, modernization, and strive to realize the objective of building up a modern-based agriculture & industry with the victory However, during the last years of the XX century, especially during 1997 1998, the instability arose extensively in Thái Bình One of the key reasons for that situation related to the Party construction work, the loose in Party members’ management, education, and practices Therefore, during the years from 1998 to 2000, the Party Committee had focused on consolidating the organization of Party bases, attaching special importance to building up and strengthening the Party member force The success from this work helped Thái Bình regain the stability and created an impetus for boosting up the innovation work in the locality Upon that reality and to avoid the instability again, the cares for the construction of the Party member force are very crucial and the long-term basic requirements with profound meanings for the preservation & uphold of traditions as well as the enhancement of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee leadership & fighting power From the year 2001 until the year 2010, Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee had continued working out policies and guided the construction of the Party member force both in terms of quantities, quality, and structure Therefore, many outcomes for the construction had been achieved, making contributions to building up the Party Committee healthy, strong, and making the masses believe more in the Party while the Party’s leadership had been enhanced However, the construction of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s members had remained pressing in terms of quantities, quality, and structure, especially, ideals of some Party member parts got dimmer and dimmer Their virtues, morality, lifestyle had worsened They got negatively practical and divided into faction while their occupational ability hadn't met requirements for the task Those restrictions had impaired the Party Committee’s ability for leadership and fighting power as well as the people’s trust for officers and Party members Confronting opportunities and challenges, combined impacts and complicated happenings in the new period, the construction of Party is the key task with vital meanings It is also decisive for the Party’s roles of leadership This imposes new requirements, including the construction of the Party member force In such a context, the research to clarify Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s leadership for the construction of the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010 is necessary to rightly assess advantages, restrictions, clearly point out reasons, and withdraw experience to apply to the construction of the Party member force in the new period So far, despite having had many scientific works on the construction of the Party member force nationwide, regions, and localities, however, in the angle of Sciences & History of Vietnam’s Communist Party, there hadn't been any works that directly or systematically or extensively research the leadership for the construction of Thái Bình Provincial Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010 Upon the above-mentioned reasons, the author chooses the thesis: “Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee leads to build up the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010”as the Doctoral thesis on History, majoring in the History of Vietnam’s Communist Party Objectives and tasks of the research Objectives of the research The research on Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s leadership for the construction of the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010 is made to work out comments & assessments on advantages, restrictions, and withdraw experience for references to the construction work of the current Party member force Tasks of the research Overview on the thesis-related research; To clarify the influencers on the leadership for the construction of of the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010; To clarify the application by Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee to the reality in the locality and its guidance to realize this task in the Province from the year 2001 until the year 2010; To comment on advantages, restrictions, clarify reasons, and withdraw experience from the process of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s leadership for the construction of the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010 Objects and scopes of the research Objects of the research Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s policies and leadership for the construction of of the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010 Scopes of the research research contents To research Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s policies for the construction of the Party member force, including: Directions, objectives, tasks, and solutions to build up or construct the Party member force; simultaneously, the steering or leading process for the Party member construction upon the basic issues are systematized and explained in the thesis The basic issues include: Managing, educating, training, practicing, developing, checking, supervising, applying disciplines, and screening Party members research duration The research last from the year 2001 until the year 2010, however, to assure for the systematic feature of the research, some related contents before the year 2001 and after the year 2010 are mentioned in the thesis Space for the research In Thái Bình Province Theoreotical, practical basis and research methods Theoretical basis The thesis is implemented based on the theories of Marxism-Leninism, Hồ Chí Minh Ideology, the guidelines, and viewpoints of Vietnam’s Communist Party on the Party construction, including the construction of the Party member force Practical basis The thesis is implemented based on the actual leadership for the construction of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010 It was reflected through documents of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee, concerned authorities, and facilities The thesis is also based on the actual outcomes of the construction of Party member force in Thái Bình Province, Provinces, cities in Red River Delta, and those from the thesis-related publicized scientific works The research methods The author has utilized the combination of research methods in Sciences & History, mainly related to the historical and logical ones In addition, the author utilizes some other methods: Divergence, analysis, summarizing, comparing, and interview methods to clarify the thesis’s research contents Thesis’s new contributions To systematize documents on the construction of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s member force (2001- 2010); To systematically show the process in which Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee lead the construction of the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010; To make comments on the process n which Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee lead the construction of the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010 in both aspects with advantages, restrictions, clarification of reasons, advantages, and restrictions; And to withdraw experience from the process in which Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee lead the construction of the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010 to apply to the construction of the Party member forces in the locality in general and in Thái Bình Province in particular Thesis’s theoretical and practical meanings Theoretical meanings To make contributions to summarize the Party’s leadership for the construction of the Party member force in the new period through the reality at Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee; To add more scientific reasoning to the development of policies and guidance for the construction of the Party member force in the next coming time Practical meanings The thesis brings about references to the construction of the Party member force at the Provincial level; The thesis is used as the referential document for researches and teaching of the History of Vietnam’s Communist Party as well as the local history; to serve for the compiling of the History of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee Thesis’s structure The thesis consists of: the Introduction, 04 chapters (10 sessions), conclusions, the list of the author’s thesis-related publicized works, and the list of references & appendices Chapter OVERVIEW ON THESIS-RELATED RESEARCH’S SITUATION 1.1 The thesis-related research’s situation 1.1.1 Foreign research works * Research works in China Some key researches like: The Organization Committee of Shenzen Municipal Party Committee (1996), Handbook of the Party organization in Shenzen special zone; Trình Lập Vân (2006), Some issues on the development of Party members in new social classes; Chu Chí Hoà (the Editor, 2010), Innovation in the construction of the Party in rural areas; Lý Bồi Nguyên (2011), “The reality and learn-about the construction of grassroots organization & China’s Communist Party member force”; The Organizing Committee of the Central Communist Party of China (2012), The construction of the Party at public enterprises * Researches in Lao People's Democratic Republic Bun Phết Xuly Vôngxắc (1994), Enhancement of theoretical thinkings for officers and Party members of Lao People's Revolutionary Party in the current period; Pheng Sơn Khun Thoong Khăm (2008), Quality of Party members in rural areas in Central Part’s Provinces in Lao People's Democratic Republic in the current period; Lít Thi Đệt Xay Nha Chắc (2009), The development of Party members in rural deltas in Central Part’s Provinces in Lao People's Democratic Republic in the current period; Sa - vát Chăn - tha - pri - xay (2017), “Luông Nậm Thà Province with the development of Party members”; Khăm - phủi Chăn - tha - va - (2018), “Construction of officer and Party member forces in Luông Pha Băng Province” 1.1.2 Domestic research works * The jointly researched work groups on the construction of the Party member force nationwide Ngô Kim Ngân (1999), Enhancement of the quality of the Party member force in the career for innovation; Vũ Ngọc Am (2002), The innovation process of political & ideological education for officers and Party members at institutions in the struggle against“peaceful evolution”; Mach Quang Thắng (2006), Party members and the development for them in the socialist-oriented market economy; Mach Quang Thắng (2007), “Hồ Chí Minh Ideology with the work against degeneration in officers and Party members”; Đỗ Xuân Tuất (2011), Vietnam’s Communist Party leads the education on revolutionary morality for Party members and officers from 1994 to the year 2006; Tô Huy Rứa and Trần Khắc Việt (Co-Editors, 2014), Being Communists in the current period; Vũ Văn Phúc and Ngô Văn Thao (Co-Editors, 2014), Solutions and conditions to prevent and fight against the moral, ideological, and lifestyle degeneration in Party officers and members; Hoàng Văn Trà, Nguyễn Manh Hùng, and Đào Thị Thu Hồng (2015), Some solutions to enhance Party organizations & members’ ability to prevent against breaches; Hồng Văn (2018), “Management of Party members in the new period” * The group of research works deals with the construction of the Party member force in regions, areas, ministries, sectors, and localities Nguyễn Thị Mỹ Trang (2001), Construction of the Party members who are the youth and students at universities & colleges in Hanoi City in the new period; Đỗ Ngọc Ninh (Editor, 2003), To uphold roles of the Party members who have retired in rural areas of the Northern Delta in the current stage; Lê Kim Việt (2004), “Issues imposed for the current development of Party members in rural areas”; Bùi Văn Khoa (2005), Xây Construction of Party members in rural areas of Mekong Delta in the current stage; Nguyễn Khắc Hưng (2006), “Party Committee of Nam Định City builds up the Party grassroots organization and the Party member force”; Xuân Sơn (2008), “Solutions to develop young Party members in rural areas”; Ngô Kim Ngân (2008), “Some solutions to boost up the development of the Party in workers”; Pham Thị Lụa (2009), “Ninh Bình Province with the development of Party members who are the religious people”; Đức Lượng (Editor, 2011), Construction of the Party member force in rural areas to make it strong & solid; Nguyễn Đức Khiển (Leader, 2012), Construction of the Party member force in the Army in line with Hồ Chí Minh Ideology; Trần Trọng Đao (2014), The development of the Party among compatriots from various religions in Khánh Hòa Province from 1996 until the year 2005 * The group of research works mentions the construction of the Party member force at Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee Xuân Hải - Hà Nhân (1997), “Some things withdrawn from the complicated situation in some localities in Thái Bình Province”; National Academy of Politics, Hồ Chí Minh (1998), Thái Bình hot spot - Lessons of experience and theoretical issues; Thái Bình Party Executive Committee (2002), History of Thái Bình Party Committee (1975 - 2000); Hồng Minh (2003), “Development of Party members in Thái Bình Catholic areas”; Vũ Xuân Tuyên (2004), “Development of Party members who are the Catholic ones in Tiền Hải”; The Propaganda Department of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee (2005), History of Thái Bình Province’s Propaganda Branch (1930 - 2005); The Organization Committee of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee (2010), History of the construction work of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s member force (1930 - 2010); Đàm Văn Vượng (2012), “Thái Bình Provincial Committee enhances the quality of the Party bases’ organization in attachment with the quality of Party members”; Nguyễn Hồng Chương (2012), “The development of Party members in Thái Bình”; Hồng Văn (2012), “Admission of party members at private enterprises from the reality in Thái Bình”; Nguyễn Hồng Chuyên (Leader, 2017), Researches and suggestions for solutions to innovate and enhance the effectiveness of learning and following the President Hồ Chí Minh’s Ideology, morality, style, and instructions by officers, Party members, civil servants, and the people in Thái Bình Province; Hồng Văn (2018), “To improve the quality of the cell’s activities and Party member management”; Trần Văn Rang (2018), The construction of Party bases’ organization in communes, wards, and towns by Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee from 1998 until the year 2005 1.2 Summary of the research outcome from publicized works and issues that need further researching in the thesis 1.2.1 Summary of the research outcome from publicized works Firstly, with respect of documents, the above-mentioned works have provided many diversified documents, including books, scientific schemes, articles, and thesis to the author Reasoning & argumentation have been researched in the works while the reality of the construction of the Party member forces both in our country and abroad has been reckoned with different subjects, components, from natural, economic, political, and cultural features in each region, area, sector & locality They influence the construction of the Party member force, viewpoints, policies, objectives, solutions, and its specific data both locally and abroad These are the valuable documents for the author to inherit for the implementation of the thesis Secondly, with respect of research approaches and methods, after surveying and researching works related to the construction of the Party member force, they show the approaches are multi-directional, in many different angles in terms of specialties, research methods, topics, time, and space, thence, suggestions are worked out to help the author or postgraduate inherit them with selection and use the most relevant approach and research method, especially those for the History of Vietnam’s Communist Party Thirdly, with respect of research contents, positions and roles of the Party member force & construction of the Party member force upon Marxism - Leninism, Hồ Chí Minh, and the Party’s Ideology are focused in the works Outcomes, achievements, restrictions, causes of the achievements, restrictions of the construction work of the Party member force, and withdrawn experience are accessed for assessments whereas directions and solutions for the construction within the specific scopes, subjects, and tasks are worked out, especially, the works related to Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s member construction have helped the author consider and inherit the basic issues on policies, outcomes, and restrictions in the construction of the Party member force So, through researches and learn-about the situation of thesis-related studies, so far, none of the works, especially those into the History of Vietnam’s Communist party, has absolutely, basically, systematically, and deeply studied the process of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s leadership for the construction of the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010 Therefore, the issue of “Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s leadership for the construction of the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010” is the “gap” that needs researching very much in the angle of the History of Vietnam’s Communist Party 1.2.2 Issues that need further researching in the thesis Firstly, the influencers on Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s leadership for the construction of the Party member force (2001 - 2010); Secondly, Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s policies and guidance for the construction of the Party member force (2001 - 2010); Thirdly, advantages and restrictions from the process in which Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee builds up the Party member force (2001 - 2010); Fourthly, the experience from the process in which Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s leadership for the construction of the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010 8 Conclusions of the chapter The construction of the Party member force is the vital content cared about by organizations, bodies, individuals, and scientists for researches in many different angles and scopes, that shows the diversity and variety of each work The outcomes of the thesis-related publicized scientific works have been rather diversified and provided the postgraduate with the theoretical & practical meanings into the constructions of the Party member force Through researches, the thesis-related publicized works show the issue of: “Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s leadership for the construction of the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010” is the “gap”, in terms of sciences, that need fully explained and interpreted Chapter THÁI BÌNH PROVINCIAL PARTY COMMITTEE’S POLICIES AND GUIDANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PARTY MEMBER FORCE (2001 - 2005) 2.1 Influencers on Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s leadership for construction of Party member force 2.1.1 Positions and roles of the Party member force and construction of the force Positions and roles of the Party member force The Party member force means the combination of many Party members at Party bases and those members in the entire Party with similar objectives, ideals, and strong wills & minds for improvement and is organized into the fighting, construction & working forces The Party member force plays a specially vital role in the Party’s construction and leadership and each Party member is in charge of building up & organizing the enforcement of the Party’s policies and guidance Party members are those who propagandize the Party and State’s policies guidance to the masses as well as organizing things for the masses to enforce them They maintain and boost up the strict relations between the Party and the masses Party members are in charge of directly participating in all work items like construction of the Party, strictly implementing the disciplines for organization, Party activities & propaganda, and creating all favorable conditions for the masses to participate in making contributions to the construction of the Party and its force Positions and roles of the construction of the Party member force The construction of the Party member force is the key, pivotal step, the central and regular task of the Party It is decisive to the Party’s existence and development The construction of the Party member force is to replenish officers to the political system; simultaneously, the Party member force is the one that shall build up officers, protect them, check, and supervise the officers in the political system 2.1.2 Natural, socio-economic conditions, and the Party Committee & Thái Bình Province people’s revolutionary traditions * Natural conditions Being situated in the Red River Delta, Thái Bình Province is the coastal land of the two big rivers’ downstream in the North They are the Red River and Thái Bình rivers The climate in Thái Bình Province is basically the monsoon tropical one while the land in Thái Bình is fertile The natural factors create favorite conditions for agricultural, industrial, service activities, fishing, and aquaculture However, besides that, there are quite a few difficulties of construction & renovation of the infrastructure for production and the people’s lives in the locality * Socio-economic conditions Thái Bình is the Province with many potentials for the development in agriculture, industry, and handicraft, especially the one for agricultural economy; Thái Bình is the Province with a high density of population compared to that nationwide with the three main religions approved by the State They are Buddhism, Christianity, and Protestantism The natural & socio-economic conditions make positive impacts on the construction of the Party member force, it also, however imposes challenges to Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee in terms of leadership and guidance for the construction of the Party member force * Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee and people’s history of the revolutionary tradition Thái Bình is a locality rich in traditions of patriotism and revolution because Thái Bình Province’s people have continuously been resilient to fight against invaders and building up the homeland & country During the 30-year journey of innovation, Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee and people have been active to find out new momentum with new steps and ways 2.1.3 The actual state of leadership for construction of the Party member force in Thái Bình Province before 2001 Positive outcomes have been achieved for the construction of the Party member force: the Party Committee has led to overcome the loose management of Party members; officers and Party members’ awareness has been upgraded up step higher; the development of Party members has changed both in quantities and quality; the checks, application of disciplines, and screens of Party members have been strictly maintained Nevertheless, some restrictions in the construction of the Party member force have been still revealed: The management of the Party members 10 at some Party bases hasn’t been holistic; requirements for the education, cultivation, and practice by Party members haven't been met; the development of the Party members in some places hasn’t met the put-forward objectives both in quantities and structure; the screening work of the Party members hasn’t been cautious, determined or timely in some areas 2.1.4 Party’s policies for the construction of its member force The Party’s Congress number IX and the V Conference Resolution of the Central Executive Committee (IX session) confirmed that: The education on politics, ideologies, practice of revolutionary morality, enhancement of political, qualification, occupational, professional levels, knowledge on leadership & management for the Party member force must be offered so that every member must really be the pioneer with knowledge, health, activeness, and creativity Solutions for management, education, practice, development, and screening of the Party member force must be synchronously applied 2.2 Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s policies for construction of the Party member force 2.2.1 Directions and objectives * Directions: It was determined at the Congress Resolution XVI of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee, the Program for actions number 11 by the Party Executive Committee and the scheme number 33 by Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee that: The construction of the Party member force in all aspects so that all Party members at any positions must boost up their examples and pioneer personality, constant improvement, cultivation, strong hold of political virtues, revolutionary morality, and good performances for assigned tasks must be made Officers and Party members who are weak at virtues, ability, unable to fulfill their assigned tasks but causing loss of internal solidarity and those who aren't qualified as Party members should be strictly pushed out of the Party * Objectives Joint objectives: To build up the Party member force sufficiently both in terms of quantities, high quality, relevant structure, and screening, push unqualified ones out of the Party, making contributions to make the Party Committee really as healthy & strong as the leadership and successful organization to enforce the locality’s political tasks Specific objectives: With respect of Party member management: Committees and cells always timely, precisely, and fully grasp information on quantities, quality, structure, viewpoints, and stances of each Party member and the Party 11 member force alike With respect of education and practice for Party members: To make efforts to reach the ratio of 70% Party members to fulfill their tasks brilliantly and well; 50% of pivotal officers and occupational officers gained the qualification from colleges and universities while 80% of them gained the theoretical vocational qualification With respect of development for Party members: Annually, 2,500 Party members upward were admitted; 100% of communes, wards, and towns admitted Party members; and 50% of non-productive bodies, enterprises, and units admitted Party members With respect of screening Party members: To check and clarify Party members who didn’t fulfill their tasks or those who violated the Party’s disciplines and the State laws, and those who didn’t set up examples but at poor prestige level so that they would be screened and excluded from the Party Unqualified ones would also be excluded 2.2.2 Tasks and solutions Firstly, Committees at levels would make intensive and extensive deployment of the Party and Provincial Party Committee’s policies for the Party and its force construction among officers, Party members, and the people Secondly, to innovate the management of work allocation for the Party members; Thirdly, to innovate contents and modes of education, practice, enhance the Party members’ political enlightenment, and occupational levels; Fourthly, to the development for the Party members well; Fifthly, to well enforce the democratic mechanism at institutions, consolidate checks, supervision, and disciplines of the Party, regularly screen, and timely exclude unqualified Party members from the Party 2.3 Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee guided for the construction of Party member force 2.3.1 Guidance for the management of Party members Guidance for the management of the Party member force: To continue the enforcement of the Directive number 12-CT/TU by the Standing Provincial Party Committee that assigns the Organization Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to collaborate with Party Committees directly under the Provincial Party Committee to set up a working group for guidance, instructions, and checks to realize contents of Party organization & construction, including the file management of Party members; appraise Party members, their cards, quantities, and quality Guidance for the management of each Party member The Provincial Party Committee guided the Organization Committee of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee to work out and make the Instruction number 03 and the Instruction number 18, guided Party organizations to build up programs and plans for the management of political history, thought variables, social 12 relations, and Party activities by Party members, built up instructions for management regulations, and assigned work to Party members 2.3.2 Guidance for education, cultivation, and practice for Party members Education on politics and ideologies for officers and Party members Thái Bình Standing Provincial Party Committee guided the Organization Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to collaborate with the Organization Committee of Provincial authority, Provincial School of Politics, Provincial College of Economics - Technology, officers at Propaganda Committees of all levels, Center for suburban District, and town political cultivation to instruct & check Party organizations for innovation in teaching & learning contents, syllabus, and methods to enhance the education quality of political theory, including the heightening of the Party and Provincial Party Committee’s Resolutions Training and cultivation for officers & Party members’ occupational knowledge and skills The Standing Provincial Party Committee promulgated the Directive number 04-CT/TU, dated 06th March 2002 On the consolidation of the training and cultivation for leaders & managers; The Scheme number 26-ĐA/TU, dated 08th April 2002 On training for communal, ward, and town officers with college or university qualifications The Standing Provincial Party Committee guided Party organizations to review, supplement planning and plans for officers & Party members’ training and cultivation Thái Bình College of Economics Technology is the unit which directly enforced the Scheme of good preparation for material facilities, work-out of training contents & modes By the year 2005, over 270 learners had been trained and cultivated for the in-service college system; 600 learners had been trained and cultivated for the full-time college & university college system, and over 300 learners had been trained & cultivated for the in-service university system Practice for officers & Party members On 24th May 2002, Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee promulgated the Scheme number 32ĐA/TU On key tasks of the ideological and theoretical work in the new context Upon the guidance by the Standing Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Propaganda Committee collaborated with boards of the Provincial Committee to guide the construction of plans and organization to realize the Scheme The Standing Provincial Party Committee sent 133 comrades to learn for the Bachelor qualification of politics and high-level politics; 1,128 cultivation classes had been opened for 115,500 learners 2.3.3 Guidance for the development for Party members Cultivation and formation for admission of Party members Through conferences and seminars on the construction of the Party member forces like: Summary of the Party development for 10 years (1993 - 2002), the Conference Seminars on the cultivation for elite Youth Union members and 13 the Party development among the young at schools”; Reports on the enforcement of the Directive 44 by the Secretary Committee Each Party Committee and cell diversified modes for propaganda of cultivation and study on the Party; applied the content of checks for the Party development to the authorized levels’working programs Party development at types of Party organizations and bases According to the spirit of the Directive 51 by the Politburo and features of each organization mode for Party bases, the Provincial Party Committee guided to choose vital & crucial areas such as those where the people the fishing and salt work in coastal areas, those where Catholics live, those where the admission of Party members was difficult, those where Youth Union members were females in rural or where the people were workers or those who directly made production at production & business units 2.3.4 Guidance for checks, disciplines, and screening Party members Party members with degeneration, corruption, wastes, breaches of Party’s disciplines up to the level that they aren't qualified enough were excluded from the Party The Standing Provincial Party Committee brought the Central Steering Committee to full strength (2nd time) with 13 comrades led by the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee to guide and address pressing & prominent issues with struggles for clarification; officers & Party members with breaches, and those with degeneration in political, moral, lifestyle thinking, corruption, and those Party members who violated the Party’s disciplines up to the level that they weren't qualified as Party members any more must be immediately excluded from the Party The review and screening work of Party members must be done in a democratic & cautious way; Party members with poor work performance or without ability to fulfill their tasks must be timely found out for settlement and excluded from the Party Upon the guidance by the Provincial Party Committee, the screening and settlement of Party members who had made breaches were strictly done From the year 2001 until the year 2005, authorities at levels settled 1,745 Party members who violated regulations; 759 of them were reprimanded, 634 of whom were warned while 71 of them were dismissed from their current titles; 281 were excluded from the Party; 1,790 of them were taken from the Party and their names were deleted from the list of the Party member force, making contributions to clean the Party force Conclusions of the chapter To continue overcoming the shortcomings in the construction of the Party, its member force during the years when Thái Bình had suffered from the instability, closely linger on requirements for the construction of the Party, its member force, and the reality in the locality During the 2001 - 2005 period, Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee had made policies and guidance for the 14 construction of the Party member force to create positive changes in quantities, quality, and structure at all units and localities in the entire Province, overcome the shortcoming in the construction of the Party member force during the years of instability, making vital contributions to the enhancement of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s leadership & fighting power Chapter THÁI BÌNH PROVINCIAL PARTY COMMITTEE’S POLICIES AND GUIDANCE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PARTY MEMBER FORCE (2005 - 2010) 3.1 New influencers on leadership by Thái Bình Provincial Party Committe e for construction of Party member force 3.1.1 The world, country, and Thái Bình Province’s situations * The world and country’s situations: The scientific and technological revolution in the world had continued developing faster and faster; the tendency of globalization & economic internationalization had got commoner and commoner; many globally pressing issues that requested nations and international organizations to collaborate with one another for the settlement; Asia - Pacific region, and South East Asia, the tendency of peace and collaboration had continued moving on but there always remained hidden factors that might cause instability That impact was made on all of the construction of the Party member force * The situation in Thái Bình Province: Thái Bình Province overcame difficulties and challenges during the last years of the XX century and early of XXI century so the socio-economic situation had enjoyed new progress; however, the development hadn't been firm with lower growth speed compared with that of other Provinces in the area and the average one nationwide The Party and Party member force construction had still been pressing or hadn't caught up with the realistic happenings in the socio-economic life Those issues had made quite big impacts on the leadership for construction of Party member force by Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee 3.1.2 Party’s policies for enhancement of construction quality of Party member force * Directions and objectives With the policy of forming clear changes in the Party construction, the X National Congress of Deputies (2006) of the Party asserted: Construction of the Party member force is really pioneer, an example with virtues & revolutionary morality; awareness of organization for disciplines, ability for task fulfillment, firmness with stances of the worker class, efforts for the Party’s ideal objectives; activeness, creativity, and steadiness in front of all difficulties & challenges The Resolution number 22-NQ/TW dated 02nd February 2008 the 6th Conference of the Party Central Executive Committee (X Session) On 15 enhancement of Party organizations & bases’ ability for leadership and fighting power as well as the quality of officers & Party members asserted: 1- To focus on consolidating, building up Party organizations, and admitting new Party members in places where there aren't any Party organizations with few or none of the Party members 2- To care about building up the force of commissioners, firstly, Party Secretaries, officers, and Party members who are really pioneer and as examples with moral, revolutionary virtues, awareness of organization, disciplines, good fulfillment of assigned tasks; and exclude unqualified Party members from the Party * Tasks and solutions Firstly, to consolidate the education on politics, ideologies, enhancement of levels, ability, virtues, morality, and lifestyles for the Party member force; Secondly, to enhance the development quality of Party members; Thirdly, to attach special importance to the screening work of Party members 3.2 Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s policies for quality enhancement of construction of Party member force 3.2.1 Directions and objectives * Directions The XVII Thái Bình Provincial Party congress (2006) determined: Consolidation of the management and practice of Party members; enhancement of Party members’ levels, political enlightenment, pioneer feature, and awareness of responsibilities On 20th November 2008, the Party Executive Committee promulgated the Resolution number 08-NQ/TU On continuity of innovation and enhancement of cells’ activity quality and consolidation of Party member management and pointed out: The consolidation of education, practice for officers & Party members’ morality, lifestyle, pioneer feature, virtues, and ability should be made whereas measures with effectiveness to fight against opportunistic and practical thoughts, individualism should be worked out and conducted; corruption, wastes, bureaucracy, and other negative signals should be pushed away; democracy in the Party, the people, based on the people should be applied to build up the officer and Party member force * Objectives Joint objectives: To build up the Party member force that is really pioneer as the example to well fulfill assigned tasks Specific objectives: 1- With respect of management, education, and practice for Party 16 members To strictly manage Party members in terms of political history, studies, work performance, virtues, and lifestyles; 98% of the working Party members at non-productive bodies, enterprises, units, and the armed forces took Party activities in their residential areas 100% of the Party members in the cells are assigned with specific work 70% of them upward well fulfilled their tasks Pivotal officers, pivotal officer sources, and those who deal with occupational activities must graduate from colleges or universities 2- With respect of the development for Party members Every year, over 2/3 of the cells admitted Party members None of the village cells hadn't been able to admit Party members for years 3- The work of checks, supervision, and screening of Party members: To timely consider and settle Party members who violated the Party’s Charter & the State’s laws; exclude those with degeneration in political virtues, morality, lifestyles, rationally settle with emotions cases of Party members who made breaches of personalities or didn’t fulfill their tasks 3.2.2 Tasks and solutions Firstly, to boost up the education in politics, ideologies, enhancement of political enlightenment; occupational levels and skills for Party members; Secondly, to innovate contents, modes, and enhance the management quality of Party members; Thirdly, to care for the development of Party members, especially for those places where there hadn't been any Party organizations; Fourthly, to consolidate checks, supervision, Party disciplines, strict settlement of cases in which Party members who made breaches, exclude unqualified Party members, and gradually clean the Party member force 3.3 Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee guided for enhancement of construction quality of Party member force 3.3.1 Management enhancement of Party members The management of Party member force: on 27th March 2006, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee launched the Official Dispatch number 59-CV/TU on summary of the implementation of the project to build up and manage the Party members’ data base To enforce the guidance by the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, suburban District, municipal Party Committees, and Party Committees directly under the Provincial Party Committee guided institutions to make plans for the management of Party members’ data base; the work of changes and distribution of Party member cards; such issues related to offering & awarding Party badges; and assignment of work to the Party members Guidance for management of each Party member Thái Bình Provincial Party Executive Committee and Provincial Party Committee promulgated the Official Dispatch number 376-CV/TU on the summary of 17 the Directive 12-CT/TU on consolidation of the Party member management, innovation in quality enhancement for activities Party organizations worked out regulations and measures to consolidate the management work to each Party member and Party members’ participation in the activities Those Party members who regularly go far away for business from their residential areas and those who go abroad or have relations with foreign organizations & individuals, and those Catholics ones should participate in religious activities 3.3.2 Guidance for enhancement of education, cultivation, and practice for Party member force With respect of political education on ideologies, morality, and lifestyles for officers & Party members Based on the leadership by the Provincial Party Committee, Standing suburban District, municipal, and Party Committees directly under the Provincial Party Committee, Party & Youth Union Committees work out plans for actions, organize officers & Party members to learn about the Party’s resolutions and Directives High consistency in the awareness of ideologies & actions by all officers and Party members had been formed for the political education on ideologies Guidance for the training and cultivation to enhance officers & Party members’ occupational levels: To continue the enforcement of the scheme number 26 and the Resolution number 05 by the Provincial Party Executive Committee By the year 2010, pivotal titles at institutions where Party members hold positions of Secretaries, Deputy Secretaries, Chairmen of People’s Councils, chairmen of cooperatives basically with qualifications gained from colleges or universities Practice for officers & Party members: With many ways and measures, the Party Committee guided Party organizations to the work of education & practice for Party members well, especially attaching special importance to the education and implementation of the movement called “learning and following the moral example by Hồ Chí Minh” Many Party organizations applied good, creative, and practical ways o the reality at bodies and units, typically Party Committee Block of the Provincial People's Committee & Party Committee of Business Block for education & practice for Party members 3.3.3 Consolidation of the development of Party members The selection of plans and forming sources for development of Party members: Party organizations and bases had made plans, planning, measures, worked out norms to admit new Party members into annual resolution by the Party Committee Committees and Party organizations worked out plans to assign the cells to find out sources, cultivate elite masses; many Party Committees comrades in the Party Executive Committee to remind the cells to regularly participate in activities and assess situations to detect the elite masses 18 for the formation of the Party development Guidance for the education and cultivation to enhance the levels and knowledge of those who are going to be admitted to the Party Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee guided the Propaganda Department of the Provincial Party Committee of the Party Committee directly under the Provincial Party Committee so that Centers for Regular Education and Centers for Political cultivation in suburban districts & cities would take initiatives to open classes for educational and awareness cultivation on the Party for those going to be admitted to the Party; to cultivate common theories to new Party members; innovate teaching contents & methods for relevancy to each subject Determination of conditions and standards to admit Party members To enforce the Plan number 01 of the Organization Committee of the Provincial Party Committee; Consulting bodies verified conditions, standards, procedures, and prepared files of proposals for admission to the Party before submitting them to the Standing Committee of the Party Committee for approval and checks of new Party members’ admission; from the2006 until the year 2010, 171 classes for learning about the Party for 17,507 elite Party members and positive masses had been opened 11,218 Party members had been admitted 3.3.4 Special importance to checks, supervision, disciplines, and screening of the Party member force Guidance for checks, supervision, and settlement of Party members that make breaches; Right after the X National Party Congress, Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee led Committees at all levels to consolidate, build up the machinery, train, cultivate for the enhancement of officers’ occupational levels; organize training classes for occupational cultivation on checks & supervision for controllers and supervisors Timely push Party members with degeneration in political, moral, lifestyle ideologies and those who violate the Party’s disciplines up to the level they aren't qualified for Party members; To enforce the Official Dispatch number 898 by Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, suburban District Party Committee, municipal one, Party Committee directly under the Provincial one They had checked and screened to push Party members with political, moral, and lifestyle degeneration or those with poor political enlightenment Through checks, 1,180 Party members violated these, 375 of which made breaches up to the level of punishment that was applied to 344 of them; 163 of them were reprimanded; 128 of them were warned; 18 of them were dismissed from their current title; and 35 of them were excluded from the party force Conclusions of the chapter The policy to enhance the construction quality of Thái Bình 19 Provincial Party Committee’s member force during the 2005 - 2010 period was the outcome of the profound thinking & creative application of the Party’s policies, the reality in the locality to the construction of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s member force During the leading process for the construction of the Party member force, the Party Committee had closely lingered on the National, Party Committee’s policies & guidance, and requirements raised up in line with the reality for each type of Party organizations and Party members; simultaneously upholding the roles of Party organizations, forces, each member with focuses on the construction of the Party member force Chapter COMMENTS & EXPERIENCE 4.1 Comments on process in which Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee leads the construction of Party member force (2001 - 2010) 4.1.1 Advantages and causes * Advantages Firstly, the Party Committee had legitimately and creatively applied the Party’s policies to the local reality and worked out other relevant policies to build up Party member force Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee had always been close to the Party’s policies for right solutions & relevancy to the local realistic situation, leadership of the Party member force construction attached with key and pressing issues like: Party construction; move of agricultural structure; development of industrial production; trades, craft villages; sea economy; innovation in mechanism & policies for the economic growth Secondly, Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee had always closely followed the reality of holistic & synchronous guidance for the construction of the Party member force Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee had guided the construction of the Party member force in a holistic & synchronous way with focuses and relevancy to each Party base’s organization mode at bodies, units, and localities in each specific moment in each aspect of the Party member force construction Thirdly, the construction of the Party member force had gained crucial outcomes, creating firm changes in the construction of the Party Committee & making contributions to the socio-economic development in the locality Each forward step in the construction of the Party member force & the Party’s construction and regulation at Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee had been boosted up, making contributions to enhancing the ability for leadership & fighting power by Party organization, simultaneously boosting Thái Bình’s economy to the rather good level & 20 the economic structure had positively moved * Reasons for advantages Firstly, with the close leadership and guidance by the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Politburo, and National sectors Secondly, Party Committees at various levels and Party members in the entire Party had got aware more fully and upheld their roles, responsibilities, solidarity, and unity in the construction of Party member force Thirdly, the people show their agreement and supports for the construction of Party member force 4.1.2 Restrictions and causes * Restrictions Firstly, the plans for the construction of Party member force hadn't been specific yet Making policies for the construction of the Party Committee member force remained slow or hadn't timely caught up with steps of socio-economic development in the locality due to impacts and challenges in the country and the world The policy to build up the Party member force in each aspect as well as Party organization modes hadn't been holistic or synchronous or consistent Secondly, the guidance for the implementation of the Party member force construction in some fields hadn't been timely yet confusing & not highly consistent The management of Party members at some Party organizations had been loose without specific measures; the education, cultivation, and practice hadn't been profound but general; the development of Party members had shown instability in terms of quantities, quality, and structure; the screening work of Party members at some Party organizations hadn't been timely or determined yet confusing & inconsistent among the Party organizations * Causes of the restrictions Firstly, due to the socio-economic features that affect the Party member force; Secondly, due to the aftermaths of the unstable period that affected one part of Party members; Thirdly, in each certain period, some Party Committees, Party organizations, and members hadn't upheld the roles and responsibilities for the construction of the Party member force; Fourthly, the collaboration among levels and sectors for the construction of the present Party member force hadn't been synchronous yet 4.2 Experience from the process in which Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee leads the construction of Party member force (2001 - 2010) 4.2.1 Right assessments on Party member force and its construction to make policies for its construction 21 The right assessments of Party member force and its construction mean one crucial step and principle in the Party construction From the year 2001 until the year 2010, Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee had made many policies and solutions toward the direction of broadening democracy, contents for assessments, the assessing process of the Party member force had become closer compared with other types of Party organizations In reality, the Party Committee had focused on addressing the following issues: Firstly, to attach special importance to the leadership for checks, verification, and right assessments on the actual state in each aspect of the construction of the Party member force; Secondly, to uphold the spirit of self-criticism and criticism, enhancement of Party members’ self-awareness, especially that of Party Committees, to respect opinions by the people and organizations in the political system; Thirdly, contents of assessments on the Party member force in relevancy to each type of Party organizations had been specified based on the Party’s resolutions, Directives, the reality in each locality, unit, Party Committee, and organizations 4.2.2 Extensively developing Party members with attention to direct laborers and areas where many compatriots are the Catholics From the year 2001 until the year 2010, Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee had planned to extensively develop the Party member force with attention to direct laborers and Catholics issues can be withdrawn based on the development of Party members at Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee: Firstly, to grasp the Party’s guidelines and viewpoints as well as specifying regulations, conditions, and standards to admit people into the Party Secondly, to attach special importance to forming the elite source of masses for the Party, especially direct laborers and Catholics Thirdly, to assure for disciplines, procedures, and standards to admit Party members 4.2.3 Construction of Party member force is always attached with that and organization of Party bases The ability for Party bases’ leadership and fighting power and quality of officers & Party members are the basic issues in the Party construction From the year 2001 until the year 2010, Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee had always attached special importance to the construction, enhancement of leadership & fighting power for Party organizations and bases, adjustments toward the enhancement of officers & Party members’ quality The experience withdrawn from the construction of the Party member force in attachment with that of Party organizations & bases (2001 - 2010) by Thái 22 Bình Provincial Party Committee is shown in: Firstly, the Party Committee works out synchronous, holistic, and consistent policies & measures between the construction, consolidation of Party organizations & bases in attachment with that of the Party member force Secondly, to attach special importance to overcoming the restrictions in the construction of Party organizations & bases, the Party member force & focus on absolutely addressing weak Party organizations, bases, and Party members Thirdly, to build up the Party member force in relevancy to each type of Party organizations & bases 4.2.4 Constructing the Party member force based on the masses From the year 2001 until the year 2010, Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee had strongly upheld the masses’ roles, expanded the democracy to build up the Party member force Upon the reality of basing on the masses to build up the Party member force at Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee (2001 - 2010), the following key issues can be withdrawn: Firstly, to institutionalize and specify the Party’s policies to uphold democracy, make regulations and rules for the people to supervise officers & Party members’ cultivation, moral practice, and lifestyle Secondly, to uphold the people’s roles through the Fatherland Front and social - political unions to build up the Party member force Thirdly, to attach special importance to enhancing the knowledge on the construction of the Party and Party member force for the masses, especially those in rural areas Conclusions of the chapter With the activeness in the awareness, policy-making, holistic leadership, and breakthroughs in the construction of the Party member force, many crucial outcomes had been achieved, making contributions to enhancing the ability for Party Committees, organizations, and the entire Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s leadership and fighting power Nevertheless, the construction of the Party member force had still revealed some restrictions & shortcomings in awareness, leadership, and guidance for the enforcement The author has withdrawn four pieces of experience upon the reality of the Party member force construction by Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee The experience brings about the meanings for references in the current construction of the Party member force and Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee CONCLUSIONS After having researched the thesis of “Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s construction of the Party member force from the year 2001 23 until the year 2010”, the author makes some of the following conclusions: The construction of the Party member force to make it healthy and strong is the crucial fulcrum for the enhancement of the leadership, fighting power, and strong hold of leaders’ holistic roles at Party organizations Thái Bình is a Province of agriculture; from the year 2001 until the year 2010 when Thái Bình just experienced the political instability in rural areas and the process of socialist-oriented market economy’s construction & development At the time, they also boosted up the industrialization and modernization Therefore, the construction of the Party member force with a high quality & relevant quantities & structure is the pressing and essential requirement for the consolidation & enhancement of the Party Committee’s ability for leadership and fighting power Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s policies to build up the Party member force from the year 2001 until the year 2010 are the outcomes from the right awareness of the Party member force’s positions and roles as well as its construction, natural, socio-economic conditions, the Committee and people’s traditions & the actual state of the Party member force construction before the year 2001 Those policies and guidance are also the outcomes of the right & creative application of the Party’s policy for the construction of the Party member force to the reality at Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee The policies are clearly shown in the system of directions, objectives, tasks, and solutions to build up the Party member force, the Party’s joint policies for the Party and its member force’s construction, simultaneously reflecting the strongly practical requirements for the actual state in the locality as well as the construction of the Provincial Party Committee during the 2001 - 2010 period Having closely lingered on the Party’s policies to build up its member force, the Provincial Party Committee and manoeuvre in the reality, from the year 2001 until the year 2010, Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee had made strict & timely guidance, upheld the roles of Committee, Party organization levels, and forces in the entire political system to build up the Party member force to meet the practical requirement at each body, unit, and locality to lead for the socio-economic recovery & development as well as to implement the work to encourage for the Party construction and adjustment & enhancement of the construction quality for the Party member force Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee have taken initiatives to get aware of and make policies for the construction of the Party member force; simultaneously & closely cling to the reality of the holistic and synchronous guidance for the above-mentioned construction Therefore, the Party member force has gained a remarkable development through each year while the quantities and quality have been further & further enhanced & the structure has been improved However, the construction of the Party 24 member force has still caused some restrictions even in awareness, guidance for implementation, and the objectives to build up the Party member force Those outcomes and restrictions are caused by both objective & subjective reasons that influence the construction of the Party member force at Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee Based on the reality of the Party member force construction at Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee from the year 2001 until the year 2010, the author has withdrawn the four pieces of experience: 1- Right assessments on the Party member force and its construction to make relevant plans and policies 2- Extensive development of Party members & special importance to direct laborers and the localities where there are many Catholic compatriots living 3- Construction of the Party member force that is always attached with that of organization of Party bases 4Base on the masses to build up the Party member force Experience of theoretical meanings is good for references and applied to the leadership for construction of the Party member force for each unit and locality in the new period Because of strong impacts made by the world and domestic situations, tasks and requirements for Vietnam’s revolution, new tasks in the Party construction, and features in each locality, the outcomes of the research gained from the thesis offer the openness and make contributions to further providing scientific foundations and experience for Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee and Party Committee of other sectors & localities to refer for the construction of Party member force However, the construction of the Party member force is the regular task that needs further researching and summarizing in the entire Party upon the reality in each locality for more accomplishment of policies, guidance, and meeting more & more demanding requirements for the Party construction and its construction in the new period ... History of Thái Bình Province’s Propaganda Branch (1930 - 2005); The Organization Committee of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee (2010) , History of the construction work of Thái Bình Provincial... documents on the construction of Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee’s member force (2001- 2010) ; To systematically show the process in which Thái Bình Provincial Party Committee lead the construction... Politics, Hồ Chí Minh (1998), Thái Bình hot spot - Lessons of experience and theoretical issues; Thái Bình Party Executive Committee (2002), History of Thái Bình Party Committee (1975 - 2000); Hồng