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MRI fMRI overview by team 3

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Cấu trúc

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) AND Functional MRI (fMRI)

  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • MRI: Medical Applications

  • Slide 4

  • Slide 5

  • MRI: Non-Medical Applications

  • Slide 7

  • Statistics on the use of MRI

  • Slide 9

  • Slide 10

  • Slide 11

  • Slide 12

  • Slide 13

  • Slide 14

  • Slide 15

  • Slide 16

  • fMRI Overview

  • Slide 18

  • Advantages of fMRI

  • Disadvantages of fMRI

  • Slide 21

  • Medical applications of fMRI.

  • Slide 23

  • Any non-medical applications?

  • Financial Cost of Functional MRI

  • Slide 26

  • Number of People Scanned Using FMRI in the US

  • Modern Advances I. Neurosurgical Planning

  • Neurosurgical Planning cont’d

  • II. 3D Color Visualization

  • 3D Color Visualization: Methods

  • 3D Color Visualization: End Result

  • III. Polygraph

  • Polygraph cont’d

  • IV. Anticipating the Future

  • Thank You

Nội dung

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) AND Functional MRI (fMRI) Group Members Denny Carvajal Steven Garcia Maurice D.Hopwood Sophia Perez Hernando Salas Magnetic Resonance Imaging ADVANTAGES • No radiation • Minimally to Non-Invasive • Change contrast • Change imaging plane without moving the patient • Higher soft tissue detail • Superior in tumor detection and identification http://www.thumbmri.com/mrivscat.asp DISADVANTAGES • Inferior to CT- bone structures • Tests can cause discomfort • Time-consuming • May require sedation • Expensive MRI: Medical Applications • Use to diagnose many forms of cancers -detection rate of most types of brain lesions exceeds 90%, compared to 77% for CT -metastases • Use to diagnose sports injuries -provide detailed images on a number of bone and joint tissues http://www.imaginis.com/mri-scan/ MRI: Medical Applications • Breast MRI -useful diagnostic tool when used in conjunction with a mammogram -show that the cancer is multi-focal • MR Angiogram -useful in detection and diagnosis of heart disease, -has limitations http://www.radiologyinfo.org/en/info.cfm?pg=angiomr http://www.imaginis.com/mri-scan Breast MRI image courtesy of Siemens Medical • • • MRI: Medical Applications MRI of the Thorax -improved its capability to take pictures by using a set of cardiac leads to monitor heart rhythms and acquire pictures with a "snapshot" eliminating heart motion -detection of aortic dissections and aneurysms -diagnose inflammatory disease -sarcoidosis -clarification of pleural thickening and effusion, obstructed lung vs tumor extension, often can be useful in the treatment planning of malignant disease MRI of the Pelvis -when ultrasound has demonstrated a pelvic mass of indeterminate signal, MRI has clarified its uterine location - aids in the staging of cancer of the endometrium, cervix, prostate and rectum - differentiation of renal masses, renal vein invasion or thrombosis, tumor extension into the inferior vena cava MRI of the Spine -clear visualization of the spinal cord, CSF spaces, spinal nerves and roots, intraspinal fat and ligaments, vertebral bodies, facet joints, vertebral marrow spaces and intervertebral discs - first choice of myelophatic disorder at all levels of the spine to rule out, for example, intra or extradural primary or metastatic tumors affecting the spinal cord with or without vertebral involvement, and to investigate radiculopathies secondary to suspected disc disease at all levels -differentiates recurrent herniated discs from post-operative scarring, an extremely difficult clinical problem not screened well by CT even with iodinated contrast http://www.thumbmri.com/clinicalapplications.asp#5 MRI: Non-Medical Applications MRI in geology  Obtain image of reservoir rocks  Study important properties such as capillary pressure and permeability MRI in food industry  Provides real time internal process control for the food industry  Analyze characteristics of fluids, baked products, processed meat, etc http://www.science.uottawa.ca/nmr/images.htm www.aspect-ai.com/applications/food/ http://www.greenimaging.com/news/files/New_Spin_On_MRI.pdf MRI: Non-Medical Applications MRI in Agriculture • Detects internal damages, bruising and pests in postharvest fruits www.aspect-ai.com/applications/food/ • Validates the fertility of an egg in day Statistics on the use of MRI • Approximately 9,000,000 MRI examinations of the spine performed annually in the U.S • Estimated 20,000,000 MRI exams performed annually in the United States http://www.imagingeconomics.com/issues/articles/MI_2007-07_08.asp www.fonar.com/news/061206.htm Raymond Damadian – 1970 • First patent in the field of MRI • He found that different kinds of animal tissue emit response signals that vary in length • Cancerous tissue emits response signals that last much longer than non cancerous tissue Magnetic Resonance - Technology Information Portal http://www.mr-tip.com/ “INDOMITABLE” • Mid-seventies the first whole body scanner was built • The scanner could produce localized measurements of resonance signals and relaxation parameters • Also produce an image in a point-bypoint scan when the examined person was moved • In 1977 the first MRI image of the human body was obtained and took almost five hours to produce one image Magnetic Resonance - Technology Information Portal http://www.mr-tip.com/ Medical applications of fMRI •It can explicitly assess the hypothesis that the normal lateralization of language is reversed in schizophrenia •Verbal fluency task: Activation task used in functional imaging studies of word generation •Event-related fMRI: pinpoints the hemodynamic response to single stimuli •MRI is used to investigate cortical representations of specific pain types, and new specific therapy options •fMRI may contribute to improved precision of seizure localization and understanding of seizure progression •Neglect syndromes, phantom pain, cerebellar dysfunction, and neural reorganization •Future directions include: neurosurgical planning ,and improved assessment of risk for individual patients, improved assessment for the treatment of chronic pain, improved seizure localization, and improved understanding of the physiology of neurological disorders •Scanners have been developed that are dedicated to low-field imaging of the breast and other designs are dedicated to orthopedic applications such as the knees, wrists, and elbows •Scanners are now being developed to permit studies of cardiac wall motion, cardiac perfusion, and the coronary arteries in conjunction with cardiac stress testing •There is now considerable interest in systems capable of performing image-guided, invasive surgical procedures   http://www.fmri.columbia.edu/fmri.htm Rachel L C Mitchell, Rebecca Elliott, Peter W R Woodruff, fMRI and cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2001 Ed Joseph D Bronzino.'The Biomedical Engineering HandBook, Second Edition." Magnetic Resonance Imaing Chapter 63 CRC Press LLC, Any non-medical applications? •Flow imaging of gases •Single-spin magnetic resonance •Imaging and spectroscopy in grossly inhomogeneous fields and in very low magnetic fields •Imaging of rigid solids and high-temperature processes •Diffusion and flow measurements over time intervals extending beyond the T_1 limit •In chemistry, NMR spectrum is extremely useful for elucidating molecular structure3 “The Frontiers of Nonmedical MRI.” Applied Magnetic Resonance Springer Wien Volume 32, Numbers 1-2 / August, 2007 D Jennings."Introduction to Medical Electronics Applications” School of Engineering University of Wales, College of Cardiff Edward Arnold 1995 Financial Cost of Functional MRI   Functional MRI is an extension of MRI technology FMRI software programs the MRI machine to detect the two types of hemoglobin (3) −  Oxygenate and deoxygenated This means the cost of an FMRI machine is equal to the cost of a normal MRI plus software Financial Cost of Functional MRI  The average MRI machine is over million dollars (4) −  FMRI has primarily been used for research (2) −  Can range from million to 2.3 million Not widely employed in clinical environments Future clinical cost per scan of FMRI should mirror its MRI counterpart − Brain MRI cost can vary from about 1,500 to 3,000 depending on whether contrast is used and clinic location Number of People Scanned Using FMRI in the US  As stated before, FMRI has primarily been used for research (2)  This means FMRI is not widely used −    Fmri scans are an extremely specific piece of statistical information The number of Fmri scans is currently added to the number of MRI scans a year The IMV is one respectable source that has this very specific value    e.g not many patients scanned using FMRI The IMV is a recognized leader in market research and online publishing for the medical imaging and clinical diagnostic instruments markets This report "covers adoption trends of new procedures", one of which is described as functional MRI Access to this report costs an astounding $7,750.00 Modern Advances I Neurosurgical Planning Language Mapping Motor Skill Identification www.fmri.org Neurosurgical Planning cont’d Motor Tests Touch Tests Vocal Test www.fmri.org II 3D Color Visualization Multimodal approach Fusing the fMRI and SPECT Volume Generation GUI platform M Aguilar and A.L Garrett: Knowledge Systems Laboratory Mathematical, Computing, and Information Sciences Department; Jacksonville State University 3D Color Visualization: Methods Process Phases:  Image Import Noise Cleaning Contouring Volume Generation Single slice analysis SPECT image blending GUI navigated M Aguilar and A.L Garrett: Knowledge Systems Laboratory Mathematical, Computing, and Information Sciences Department; Jacksonville State University 3D Color Visualization: End Result  3d Color Model Multi switched combinations User Navigated M Aguilar and A.L Garrett: Knowledge Systems Laboratory Mathematical, Computing, and Information Sciences Department; Jacksonville State University III Polygraph Current Polygraph Blood Pressure, heart & breathing rate dependent  ≈ 85% accurate Easily Manipulated fMRI Polygraph Quantifies Deception Minimizes “False Positives” Minimizes counter measures Harvard News Office: Corydon Ireland Polygraph cont’d Blood flow Neural Oxygen Metabolism Harvard News Office: Corydon Ireland IV Anticipating the Future Similar Neural Activity Similar Regional Activity  Future : Past Dependent (Memories) www.ScienceDaily.com Thank You ... (Ogawa, et al, 1990 a and b, 1992, 19 93; Belliveau, et al, 1990, 1991) http://www .fmri. columbia.edu /fmri. htm http://www .fmri. columbia.edu /fmri. htm Advantages of fMRI •Used to localize brain activity,... location Number of People Scanned Using FMRI in the US  As stated before, FMRI has primarily been used for research (2)  This means FMRI is not widely used −    Fmri scans are an extremely specific... means the cost of an FMRI machine is equal to the cost of a normal MRI plus software Financial Cost of Functional MRI  The average MRI machine is over million dollars (4) −  FMRI has primarily

Ngày đăng: 13/08/2020, 09:10
