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    • i. Urgency of research theme

    • ii. Purpose of research

    • iii. Research method:

    • iv. Structure of theme:


    • 1.1 General concept

      • 1.1.1 Concepts of strategy

      • 1.1.2 Concepts of strategic management

    • 1.2 Foundations of strategy

      • 1.2.1 Role of strategy

      • 1.2.2 Types of strategy

    • 1.3 The process of strategic management

      • a. Process of forming strategy.

      • b. The process of implementing strategy

    • 1.4 Steps for establishing a strategy

      • 1.4.1 Definition of mission, vision and core value:

      • 1.4.2 Analyze of external environments.

      • 1.4.3 Analyze of internal environment.

      • 1.4.4 Selection of strategy

    • 1.5 Techniques for strategy analysis

      • 1.5.1 PEST analysis

      • 1.5.2 Analysis of M.Porter’s five forces model

      • 1.5.3 SWOT analysis


    • 2.1 General introduction of ABBANK

      • 2.1.1 History of ABBANK’s development

      • 2.1.2 Developmental milestones

    • 2.2 Analyze the state of An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank

      • 2.2.1 Analyzing factors of external environment

        • Macroscopic environment

        • Sector environment

      • 2.2.2 Opportunities and threats for retail banking.

      • 2.2.3 Analysing internal environment

        • Organizational structure of ABBANK

        • The result of business operation in 2008, 2009, 2010.

        • Scope of total assets, owner’s equity.

        • Market share of total assets, loan and mobilization

        • Products and services

        • Service of modern bank

        • Channel of distribution, network

        • Marketing and trade mark development.

        • Quality of human resources

        • Technological environment

        • Risk management

      • 2.2.4 ABBANK’s opporturnities, threats, strengtsh and weakness


  • FOR THE PERIOD 2011 - 2020

    • 3.1 Vision, mission and core value.

    • 3.2 Targets of ABBANK’s retail banking development for the period 2011- 2020

    • 3.3 Strategic analysis and selection.

    • 3.4 Several solutions for retail banking development

      • 3.4.1 Construction for organizational model of retail banking

      • 3.4.2 Development of human resources

      • 3.4.3 Investment into information technology:

      • 3.4.4 Network development

      • 3.4.5 Developing products

      • 3.4.6 Marketing and trademark development

      • 3.4.7 Risk management

      • 3.4.8 Business culture of retail banking

      • 3.4.9 Implementation schedule



Nội dung

LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ CHIẾN LƯỢC NGÂN HÀNG BÁN LẺ TẠI NGÂN HÀNG AN BÌNH ABBANK STRATEGY OF ABBANK’S RETAIL BANKING DEVELOPMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, the members of Group would like to thank sincerely to the ETC Training Centre, National University and Griggs International University, the United States to facilitate us to study in a practical and rewarding program Especially, we would like to deeply thank to the teachers who taught in the program for their precious knowledge and the tutors of the class for their invaluable assistance to help our group completed this graduation exercises The content presented in this exercise is to apply the knowledge learned in the program to analyze the state of An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank and to develop a retail banking strategy for the bank in the period 2011 - 2020 So, the analysis and contents in this exercise are completely of our group member’s opinions and efforts However, due to the limit of the time, this capstone project contents may be inevitable misunderstood and flawed Therefore, we look forward to receiving comments from the readers as well as the teachers so that we can improve our capstone project better Best regards, GaMBA.X0409 - Group i TABLE OF CONTENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i TABLE OF CONTENT i LIST OF ABBREVIATION i LIST OF FIGURES, GRAPHS AND TABLES i INTRODUCTION i Urgency of research theme ii Purpose of research .3 iii Research method: iv Structure of theme: CHAPTER I: THEORIES OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT .4 1.1 General concept 1.1.1 Concepts of strategy 1.1.2 Concepts of strategic management 1.2 Foundations of strategy 1.2.1 Role of strategy .7 1.2.2 Types of strategy 1.3 The process of strategic management a Process of forming strategy b The process of implementing strategy .11 1.4 Steps for establishing a strategy 13 1.4.1 Definition of mission, vision and core value: 13 1.4.2 Analyze of external environments .14 1.4.3 Analyze of internal environment 15 1.4.4 Selection of strategy 15 1.5 Techniques for strategy analysis 16 1.5.1 PEST analysis 16 1.5.2 Analysis of M.Porter’s five forces model 17 1.5.3 SWOT analysis 19 GaMBA.X0409 - Group ii CHAPTER 2: ANALYZE THE STATE OF AN BINH COMMERCIAL JOINT STOCK BANK (ABBANK) 21 2.1 General introduction of ABBANK 21 2.1.1 History of ABBANK’s development 21 2.1.2 Developmental milestones 21 2.2 Analyze the state of An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank .22 2.2.1 Analyzing factors of external environment 22 2.2.2 Opportunities and threats for retail banking .32 2.2.3 Analysing internal environment 33 2.2.4 ABBANK’s opporturnities, threats strength and weakness 51 CHAPTER 3: STRATEGY FOR DEVELOPMENT RETAIL BANKING OF AN BINH COMMERCIAL JOINT STOCK BANK FOR THE PERIOD 2011 2020 55 3.1 Vision, mission and core value 55 3.2 Targets of ABBANK’s retail banking development for the period 20112020 56 3.3 Strategic analysis and selection 57 3.4 Several solutions for retail banking development .59 3.4.1 Construction for organizational model of retail banking 60 3.4.2 Development of human resources 61 3.4.3 Investment into information technology: .65 3.4.4 Network development 66 3.4.5 Developing products 66 3.4.6 Marketing and trademark development .68 3.4.7 Risk management 72 3.4.8 Business culture of retail banking 73 3.4.9 Implementation schedule .74 CONCLUSION 75 REFERENCES 76 GaMBA.X0409 - Group iii LIST OF ABBREVIATION ACB Asia Commercial Bank ATM Automatic Transfer machine ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations CD Certification of Deposit CCG Corporate Customer Group GDP Gross Domestic Product HSBC Hongkong Shanghai Bank Corporate IMF International Monetary Fund IT Information Technology ICG Individual Customer Group L/C Letter of Credit NPL Non Performance Loan ODA Official Development Assistance POS Point of Service ROA Return On Assets ROE Return On Equity SBV State Bank of Vietnam SMS Short Message Service SOB State Owner Commercial Bank POB Private Owner Commercial Bank T.Os Transaction Offices WTO World Trade Organization USD United State Dollar VND Vietnam dong GaMBA.X0409 - Group iv LIST OF FIGURES, GRAPHS AND TABLES Figure 1-1 Process of strategic management 11 Figure 1.2 The basic model of strategic management 14 Figure 1.3 Eight activities of the strategy implementation and operation 16 Figure 1.4 Basic steps of strategic management 17 Figure 1.5 M.Porter’s five forces model 21 Figure 1.6 SWOT matrix 24 Figure 2.1 Structure of lending market share of credit institutions 32 Figure 2.2 Structure of mobilization market share of credit institutions 32 Figure 2.3 Organization chart of ABBANK 40 Table 2.1 Results of business operation in 2008, 2009, 2010 41 Figure 2.4 Structure of lending, mobilization of Individual Customer Group and Corporate Customer Group 43 Table 2.2 Banks’ criteria of total assets in 2009 46 Figure 2.5 Banks’ market share of loan, mobilization in 2010 48 Table 2.3 Quantity of branches/transaction offices and competitive banks 50 GaMBA.X0409 - Group v INTRODUCTION i Urgency of research theme In the process of restructure of the Vietnamese commercial banks, the development of retail banking and wholesale banking is rising in the planning and implementing strategy of each bank system as well at the macro level of State Bank We are witnessing the development and keen competition of services of Vietnamese banks, especially retail block Retail banking service is the new way of looking at financial market, therefore, major of small and retail work-people will be approach to banking products and services, making a creative, various and potential market Today, competition in banking is the hot issue of the economy; the commercial banks develop incessantly the services and products with expectation of becoming the top special leader in retail services that are banking services connect closely to the multi-purpose and modern technology towards to major individuals and medium and small businesses Modern banking services have become habit of most of people in the world, but quite fresh to Vietnamese people Besides, in the condition that the open economy, trade liberation and finance liberation have been wide and deep, demand for banking - financial services can develop quickly and beyond capability of satisfying of current financial intermediate institutions in the country This is the point attracting the foreign financial organizations to control domestic market, especially when barrier of financial market in Vietnam is removed, and since 01/04/2007, State of Vietnam has permitted the Bank 100% foreign capital to establish in Vietnam according to the commitments in WTO integration It is actually that people’s demand for using banking - financial services is increasing That demand connects closely to the quickly forming process of business form in the economy, as well as the transferring process from State-own enterprise to Joint Stock Company That is the demand for stock transaction, investment consulting, financial lease and purchase, debt management … At the same time, the appearance of foreign enterprises in the GaMBA.X0409 - Group 1 economy plays a role as catalyst, to promote the appearance and quick development of market demand for banking - financial services Those are services relating to non-cash payment, automatic withdraw, remittance services … Obviously, demand for the form of banking – financial service is initiatively, as breakthrough, and motive the appearance and development of supply resource of domestic services Therefore, the market of modern and new services of banks in Vietnam nowadays is the potential market which is ready to receive the new financial instruments and supply resource in the market Although the commercial banks is still sponsored by State Bank of Vietnam through the limit of establishment of joint venture banks or 100% foreign capital; the commercial banks in Vietnam have determined that in the current situation and in the future, they will not sit tight to take advantages of domestic market as before, a lot of banks determined that development of retail banking services is the important part of their development strategy; beginning from the grasping opportunity from new market, from applying technology and using system to create many new products and services, effective mean of distribution, enhancing relationship between customers and banks Actually, we see that the opinions of banks’ leaders are the same in development orientation of their banks such as: “The application of IT to create new products is the target of almost banks nowadays VietinBank will make a lot of new products allowing customers to use financial transactions in Internet and on mobile” Mr Le Viet Bac, Chief of Ebanking Services Department (VietinBank) said Or Mr Hoang Trung Dung, Director of company customer of Maritime Bank Vietnam said: “We will develop through quality of banking services, and expand market share through utility products and services” And Mr Nguyen Hung Manh, General Director of An Binh Commercial Bank said that: “An Binh will strengthen in investment in infrastructure, especially IT in the orientation of retail banking development; expanding cooperation with partners to bring utility products to many people more and more…” GaMBA.X0409 - Group Based on the above fact as well as according to the opinion and development orientation of General Director of An Binh Commercial Bank, the group has chosen the theme: “Development strategy for retail banking of An Binh Commercial Bank” to be the research theme in exercise with expectation to contribute a small part in the strategic planning at An Binh Commercial Bank ii Purpose of research Applying the knowledge learned on the subject of strategic management to explore opportunities and threats of the banking sector especially in retail banking area Also, through the analysis of the internal environment of the An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank (ABBANK) to understand its strengths and weaknesses associated with the use of SWOT matrix to select the most effective strategy for ABBANK’s retail banking development in the period 2011 to 2020 iii Research method: In the research method, the theoretical models of strategic management are mainly used to apply in the specific condition of An Binh Commercial Bank in order to form a business strategy In the theme, methods of statistics, reason, comparison, judgment and summary are used through internal data of the An Binh Commercial Bank, data of the other commercial banks, teaching materials in strategic management in domestic and international countries and through magazines resource, internet to research iv Structure of theme:  Chapter 1: Theories of strategic management  Chapter 2: Analysis the real situation of An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank (ABBANK)  Chapter 3: Strategy of ABBANK’s retail banking development for the period 2011 -2020 GaMBA.X0409 - Group CHAPTER I: THEORIES OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 1.1 General concept 1.1.1 Concepts of strategy There are many concepts of strategy, those concepts have one or more than one difference depending on each author’s conception, and we will bring out some concepts of strategy as follows: - According to Chandler, in 1962 “Strategy is the determination of longterm basic purpose and target of enterprise and the application of a series of actions as well as distribution of necessary resources in order to carry out this target” (Source: Chandler, A (1962) Strategy and Structure Cambridge, Massachusetts MIT Press.) - According to Quinn “Strategy is pattern or plan which integrate the main targets, policies and series of actions into the general united closely.” (Source: Quinn, J., B (1980) Strategies for change: Logical Inscrementalism Homewood, Illinois, Irwin.) - According to William F.Gluek: “Strategy is the united, comprehensive and co-ordinate plan, designed to ensure that the enterprise’s basic targets will be complemented successfully However, this perspective isn’t actually sufficient, it is practically proved that: Sometimes the official plans scheduled concretely are unsuccessfully" - According to Johnson and Scholes: “Strategy is the orientation and scope of a organization in long term in order to gain competitive advantage for the organization through formatting its resources in the changing environment, in order to meet demands of market and satisfy the related parties’ expect” (Source: Johnson, G., Scholes, K (1999) Exploring Corporate Strategy, 5th Ed Prentice hall Europe.) - According to Mintzberg, strategic management is: GaMBA.X0409 - Group Constructing programs and image advertisement via the media with a message that ABBANK is a professional working place with stable job, appropriate income, healthy working environment, and many opportunities for development and experience gain The bank always develops on a sustainable basis, offering good treatment to officers who have a long-term attachment to the job, having opportunity of promotion, full potentiality for anyone who dedicates his or her heart to the job, and training its personnel regularly and in the right direction Building corporate culture, giving prominence to core values of an organization by the way that human beings are considered as invaluable property of the bank, creating the image of ABBANK’s personnel “dynamic, creative, responsible, towards the results, solidarity, friendly and sympathetic”; Building up the personnel’s belief and pride not only to popularize the bank’s image but also to attract more new human resources Extending affiliation and joint venture with economic universities and establishing scholarship funds for excellent students; Building up trainee supporting programs for students who prepare for graduation and come to practice the work at the bank, and then seeking and discovering capable candidates for selection This shall be a very good source of manpower supply in the future Creating healthy cultural environment, with high spirit of responsibility, solidarity, share and aim at work efficiency; Building up system of salary, bonus and allowance for personnel, encouraging training and self-training for continuous improvement of professional knowledge, regularly holding professional tests and exploiting ideas to find out internal candidates who own suitable capabilities in the future positions + Solution to selection GaMBA.X0409 - Group 61 Basically, recruitment work of the Bank is now to meet the requirement in respect of method However, to improve the quality of selection, the bank needs to attach special importance to the following issues: + Guaranteeing objectiveness, honesty, and accurate and just assessment during recruitment; having clear recruitment status which ascertains functions, tasks of recruits + People in charge of recruitment are required experience, ability, objectiveness in assessment, classification of candidates This is also a bad phase of ABBANK now + Building up specific sets of exam questions for various jobs in order to ensure the quality and standards required by each position For senior personnel, high-ranking officers have to invite them in person or via “head hunter” companies; Having attractive policies and specific treatment for individuals so that they can have a strong attachment to their jobs for a long term (ii) Training Due to the feature of the retail bank’s customers mainly including individuals, customers, business entities, knowledge necessarily equipped for retail personnel has specific characteristics Training contents for retail personnel can be divided into 02 parts: hard skill and soft skill The first, hard skill or professional knowledge, education level of retail personnel is not limited in the scope of service products for individual customers only, including: mobile product, credits product, card product These are key fields which have been trained by ABBANK Besides, product deployment courses for enterprises, international payment products, bank services and other services needs to be introduced to retail personnel so as to increase opportunity for cross selling if necessary GaMBA.X0409 - Group 62 The second, soft skills – an element approved by international scientists that it decides 85% of success of individuals is a term used to refer to skills in the life, not relating to professional knowledge Soft skills for retail personnel necessarily considered include: Listening skill – Presentation skill – Interpersonal skill – Problem solving skill – Negotiation skill – Telesales skill – Cross-selling skill (iii) Grey matter management: Grey matter management is to help the bank have a stable labor force, optimize investment efficiency, create and improve the bank’s position This is an important task during establishment and development of human resources because it will be a risk for the bank in case of recruitment of good personnel, full training of skills and professional knowledge without any policies for management and labor attraction Therefore, in order to prevent grey matter of the bank from bleeding, the bank needs to create a very good working environment with appropriate salary and bonus policies and treatment for these professional personnel It is necessary to thoroughly understand desires and expectations of labor forces at all ages, learn about potential interests that they expected to receive from the bank, accordingly putting forward plans and policies suitable for each subject so that demands of its personnel can be satisfied in the highest way (iv) Construction of the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) For better control of performance of personnel, especially retail specialists, ABBANK needs to build up key performance indicator of personnel through specific quota on lending, mobilization, amount of issued cards, amount of advisory services, successful marketing service with customers, which shall be calculated for each staff on each period so as to create the objectiveness for all personnel in case of reward or discipline Depending on development GaMBA.X0409 - Group 63 target of ABBANK, each period, and these indicators shall be changed suitably 3.4.3 Investment into information technology: Information technology is always considered as a prior area for all banks, especially for retail bank Due to large number of customers, and there’s more and more demand for service quality and fast speed of work processing, investment into information technology is very essential in the development strategy of the bank In the period 2011- 2020, ABBANK’s investment into information technology needs to focus on the following things: - Building up information technology infrastructure strong, stable, able to meet the bank’s need for expansion in the next – 10 years - Building up information technology infrastructure friendly, easy to use, highly adaptable to systems inside and outside the bank - Co-ordinating with strategic partners such as Maybank, IFC in the survey and applying the most advanced technologies suitable for the scope and general development orientation of the bank - Developing applications of T24 core banking system: subsystems for management of customer list, product list, limit management, risk management, guaranteed asset management, one-door teller process, credit approval process, report systems according to standards - Developing security system in banking - Developing applications on product and criteria for personnel assessment - Improving personnel for two Information technology and Corebanking centers so as to better meet the bank’s need for development; Coordinating with Maybank in training and development of staff for Information technology 3.4.4 Network development GaMBA.X0409 - Group 64 ABBANK aims to focus on developing its network in direction of continuous consolidating and exploiting the potential markets in the main economic centers, related areas and to come to extend network covering over 63 province and cities around the country in order to increase market share - Developing network covering over 63 provinces and cities around the country in order to increase market share (forcussing on development of network in HCMC and Hanoi, then extending in the neibourghing areas), absolutely exploiting EVN’s network On average, there are new 25 – 30 transaction offices per year - Combining and absolutely exploiting advantages with strategic partner EVN, VNPost to place transaction point at the electrical fee collection points, broadcasting ABBANK’s image, products and services and finding out constomers’s demands - Developing mobile banking model 24h, kios and concentrating on populous areas, hospital, schools, super-market, trade centre, stations, airport, university village, industrial zone … - Regularly monitoring and up-to dating the situation of network development of competitors to find out areas which still have spaces and regulating timely plan - Guaranteeing that Internet banking becomes the top safe, convenient and multi-purpose transaction channel in Vietnam Ensuring transaction speed on Internet Banking quickly and timely - Standardizing the transaction network system 3.4.5 Developing products In the process of 2011-2020, ABBANK aims to develop retail banking services which play an important role in its developing strategy ABBANK defines that retail banking is the type of banking specialized in serving person, customers and individuals who have business activities but don’t register as a business according to Business Law Therefore, retails banking products/ GaMBA.X0409 - Group 65 services will be products/ services primarily to individuals, households, small businesses which have no certificate of business registration Customer object of retail banking services is very various but the value of each transaction is not high Products of retail banking have at once products belonging to assets and products belonging to liabilities (saving account, current account, bill payment, debit card, credit card and customer borrowing) The development of retail banking products/ service mainly depends on the information technology qualification of each bank With that orientation, ABBANK’s target on retail banking products/ services in the coming time: - Diversifying products, focusing on high-technological products, which bring salient features compared to products in the market in order to make the difference in competition - Enhancing quality of products based on current technological foundation - Implementing the electronic payment and the automatic electronic transaction systems on the large scale - Developing products based on the foundation of traditional customers and specific products for customer group of EVN, and developing new products based on careful research on demand, customer features and ability to pay … in order to expand the market share to the open market segmentations - Promoting investment and research, outspread application of new payment instruments according to international standard, including internal payment cards, multi-purpose cards, intelligent cards and check, focusing on promoting account services, first of all, personal account with safe and convenient procedures closing utilities, contributing to the development of non-cash payment services To carry out the above targets requiring ABBANK: GaMBA.X0409 - Group 66 - To establish department of market research and products developing research in order to research customers’ taste and tendency based on ABBANK’s inherent advantages to bring out the high-technological product lines meeting customers’ demands; - To apply technologies to help industrialization and modernization of professional operations, to increase utilities of products We can say that technology is the foundation, the successful key to retail operation Therefore, ABBANK is order to have general strategy, from investment, design, upgrading techniques to software development, training cadres to have ability to apply, exploit and improve system in order to bring the highest effect for the Bank - To build Marketing department, reasonable marketing strategy to popularize products, services helping customers understand and approach the new product line effectively - To specialize in personnel group for retail banking, to build and maintain the style of service bearing ABBANK’s specific culture 3.4.6 Marketing and trademark development Two model: 3Cs (Customer engagement, customer expectation, and customer loyalty) and 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) will be used and combined together fexibly to increase an effect of implementation of marketing strategy and trademark development 3Cs Model - 3Cs Model is used to help the Bank to build marketing strategy based on the key factor: customers - At first, the Bank needs to have awareness that in order to have a successful marketing strategy, it is necessary to approach and engage to customers (customer engagement) And to engage to customers, the products of the Bank have to satisfy or beyond the customer expectation GaMBA.X0409 - Group 67 - To this, the Bank needs to well the research on customer expectation, to understand what customers actually require In the determination of customer expectation, the Bank need to always show creativeness, not to put under compulsion of a fixed framework, it is required to have break-through to create chance in the market - After approaching and engaging to the customers, concurrently satisfying their expectation, the Bank step by step built the customer loyalty 4Ps Model 4Ps Model helps the Bank to grasp the basic elements of a marketing strategy primarily based on target market, including the following correlative targets and elements: GaMBA.X0409 - Group 68 - - Product- Policy on product + + + Evaluating the effect of issued product Developing new product to meet customer’s demands each time Determining product for each market segmentation to promote the + effect of each type of product Researching the life period of product to have the appropriate response Price- Policy on product’s price + + + Determining target of product Researching and forecasting customer’s demand Analyzing cost structure, then setting interest-rate policy, flexibly competitive fees depending on many criteria - Place- Policy on distribution + + + Upgrading, developing the current distribution network Researching, developing the market segmentations and new customers Building norms for valuation of achievement, operating effect, quality of distribution channels - Promotion- Policy on promotion + By advertisement form, it is to introduce product and promote demand + on product to the target market By propaganda, it is to provide the important and reliable information on Bank’s operation on mass media, or to organize the social activities, + in order to build the Bank’s beautiful image in masses’ eyes It is required to have appropriate measures to protect ABBANK’s prestige and trademark in community and society To well implement Marketing strategy towards to retail banking, ABBANK needs to pay attention to the following things: - Establishing the department for analyzing customers and competitors with aim to grasp the competitors’ information in order to timely policymaking, including policies on price, product, and distribution channel to GaMBA.X0409 - Group 69 promotion Marketing staffs must be chosen and trained professionally, and collected enough skills in marketing - Setting up a consistently marketing strategy, applying from branches to transaction offices such as: model of services flyer, product, logo, slogan The unified application will make ABBANK’s image in masses’ mind and impress customers - Promoting strongly the promotion for product to customers through internet banking services and SMS-banking services Besides, to some new products and services for customers as individuals, the plan for promotion of these products should be set up from weeks to month before publishing, in order to enhance impression to customers about the new products - Moreover, besides the building the marketing strategy, Marketing department also care about the policies and customer care activities Researching and improving the service quality, transaction quality, concurrently learning about customer expectation in order to guarantee the customer satisfaction when using services Simultaneously, the Bank also needs to have some surveys to learn about the level of customer satisfaction about the Bank’s products and services - Building the communication standard, in order to have profession in transaction with customers, concurrently enhancing the ABBANK’s specific cultural features Promoting awareness of all staffs in spirit of serving and care about the customer’s interest - Organizing to train staffs in customer care task with motto “keep old customers, attract new customers” - Promoting advertisement and participating in activities of community and society to strengthen Bank’s identity and to build good impression about GaMBA.X0409 - Group 70 the Bank of friendship, sympathy, professional serving and development for general interest of community and society - Combing with the other elements such as: PR, Event organization, communication, advertisement, or sponsor for program to maintain and more and more develop its trademark 3.4.7 Risk management Risk management is one of the most important factors to decide the sucess of banks because bank operation connects closely to many diferent types of threat To retail banking business, the personal credit products bring a great turnover but quite high level of threats, due to the large number of induvidual customers meanwhile their financial information is less or dificult to inspected exactly Therfore, ABBANK need to pay attention to the following things: - Increasing the automation of credit scoring system (including norms such as: personal information, ability to pay, relation with ABBANK, operation method and collateral assests valuation) in order to make decision consistently and decreasing time for processing the borrowing procedures The credit scoring system needs to quickly make the decision to acceptance of refusal of loan, only exception needs to intervention of loan teller - Regually organizing to train staffs in custumer relationship, about sales skills as well as some other skills for them to able to exploit and evaluate true information provided by customers, knowing how to balance between threat and chance, in order to make a decision exactly when lending - Usually organizing to check the capital use after disbursement, because this is the very important period in threat prevention and minimization - In addition to, it is required to constinuously monitor the loan payment, including the monitoring of loan payment forms of customers Overdue loans GaMBA.X0409 - Group 71 need to be determined reasons such as: personal issues of financial dificulties, to give a resonable solution - In the debt solving task, it is required to set up plan to collect debt in every periods of overdue debt and the priority order for loans with great value and high ability to take back debt 3.4.8 Business culture of retail banking Business culture is the soul of each enterprise Business in retail banking has the particular features so it is necessary to pay attention to build the Bank’s culture Due to the large number of customers, inconsiderable transactions’ value, various demands on products and services, in addtion to keen competition from bank competitors; in order to exist and develop unshakeably, ABBANK need to build its specific cultural feature based on “Serving with spirit towards customers, towards result and high responsibility” These mesages is not only stated in the norms about core value, but also carried out unifiedly in the internal bank from superior leadership to staffs in every business processes + To customers, it is required to express much care about utilities of product, fees, interest payable, safety to account and increase service quality Processing quickly, professionally, punctually, listening attentively and trying best to solve dificulties together with customers + To community: Retail sales block actively participates in the social and charitable programs: helping orphans, the disabled, grainting scholarship for poor students, curing for victims of natural calamity … accordingly building ABBANK’s image associated business with social responsibility, with the development of community + To colleague: it is usually ready to listen attentively, to share, to unite, to build the spirit of inquiring in internal organization, to promote initiative, GaMBA.X0409 - Group 72 to commend individuals, teams who have achievements contributing to the general development of the Bank With the cultural features, ABBANK will step by step build the image of enthusiastic Bank which is always towards to customers; it will increase the belief, customer engagement for a long time when using bank’s service and will build foundation for strong development 3.4.9 Implementation schedule To meet our planed targets, we propose an implementation schedule of solution groups to ABBANK as follows: Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Building retail banking model HR development Investing in technology Network development Product development Marketing and trademark development Business culture of retail banking  Note: The colored squares express the priority of implementing the above plans in ABBANK's development roadmap GaMBA.X0409 - Group 73 CONCLUSION Vietnam is one of the countries which have stable economies and politics, in compare with other Southeast Asian countries Vietnam’s economic growth over the past years has shown the important innovation and right direction of Government in management of running the country The characteristics of young population, increasing income, technological development and increasing needs of service of domestic market are actively prerequisite to help the retail banking system to develop With current position, capital resources, technology, partnerships and networking activities, the optimal strategy for ABBANK to develop focusing on retail banking business Therefore, through this research and based on the theoretical basis of the study program "Strategic Management" from Griggs University, USA, we have developed a retail banking strategy for ABBANK for the period 2011-2020 The specific strategic directions and the proposed solutions were drawn from general analysis of the factors inside and outside the bank, and mounted with a roadmap to help ABBANK to maximize available resources, reduce risk and develop follow the right direction:"Becoming a leading commercial bank with a focus on retail." However, due to time limitation of the program as well as the subjective view of our group, this study still needs adjustments and supplements to fit and appropriate with actual bank operation Hence, we look forward to getting feedback from the teachers, as well as readers in order to accumulate more knowledge and accomplish this research We would like to thank to the Training Center of International Business Administration Master (ETC) by the National University of Hanoi and the International School of Griggs, thank to the teachers (both in domestic and abroad) and all tutors who supported us to complete this course GaMBA.X0409 - Group 74 REFERENCES   Grigss University, Lecture of Strategic Management, Ha Noi 2011 Strategic Management – Prof Dr Lê Thế Giới - Dr Nguyễn Thanh Liêm -      MBA Trần Hữu Hải (Statistic Publisher, 2009) Strategic Management Concept and Cases - Fred R David Website: www.vietnambranding.com AnBinh Bank documents Website: www.sbv.gov.vn Websites of Techcombank, ACB, Sacombank, VCB, SCB, SHB, Habubank,  Ocean Bank, Sea Bank GSO Publications and website www.gso.gov.vn GaMBA.X0409 - Group 75 ... matrix CHAPTER 2: ANALYZE THE STATE OF AN BINH COMMERCIAL JOINT STOCK BANK (ABBANK) 2.1 General introduction of ABBANK 2.1.1 History of ABBANK s development ABBANK (An Binh Commercial Bank) is established... through quality of banking services, and expand market share through utility products and services” And Mr Nguyen Hung Manh, General Director of An Binh Commercial Bank said that: An Binh will strengthen... 1: Theories of strategic management  Chapter 2: Analysis the real situation of An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank (ABBANK)  Chapter 3: Strategy of ABBANK s retail banking development for the

Ngày đăng: 19/05/2020, 15:03



