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Cấu trúc

  • 1. Adverb + adjective

  • 3. Noun + noun

  • 1. Noun collocations( Sự kết hợp từ với các danh từ thông dụng)

  • 2. Verb collocations ( sự kết hợp từ của các động từ thông dụng)

  • Các collocations của các động từ thường nhiều và khô khan khó nhớ nên tôi sẽ sử dụng các flashcard để khiến học sinh thú vị hơn cũng như giúp học sinh dễ học hơn.

  • a) Have



    •  A. plot of land: mảnh đất nhỏ

    •  B. be contented with: bằng lòng/ thỏa mãn với

    •  B. clock goes off: đồng hồ đổ chuông

    •  B. scream in panic: la hét trong sự hoảng sợ

    •  B. the plane slowly gained height: máy bay dần lấy lại được độ cao (an toàn)

    • C. to have/ have got a cold: cảm lạnh

    •  A. general education: giáo dục phổ thông

    •  A. work extremely hard: làm việc cực kì chăm chỉ

    •  A. tragic death: cái chết thương tâm

    •  B. make efforts: nỗ lực/ có nỗ lực

    •  A. receive information aurally: tiếp nhận thông tin bằng tai/qua tai

    •  C. Heavy rain: mưa to, mưa rào

    •  B. make ends meet: làm chỉ đủ sống

    •  C. bumper crop: vụ mùa bội thu

    •  A. cash crop: cây trồng thu hoa lợi, (thường dùng cho mục đích xuất khẩu)

    •  C. move independently: di chuyển tự do

    •  A. endangered species : những loài có nguy cơ tuyệt chủng

    •  C. keep a secret: giữ bí mật

    •  A. true friendship: tình bạn thực sự

    •  B. mutual friend: bạn chung

    •  A. be extremely excited: cực kì vui sướng

    •  B. a sneaky look: cái nhìn lén lút

    •  A. a wad of dollar notes: 1 cuộn tiền đô

    •  A. make a fuss: làm ầm lên/ làm to chuyện

    •  B. blow out candle(s) thổi tắt nến

    •  B. take photo (s): chụp ảnh

    •  B. have a good time: có thời gian vui vẻ

    •  A. come to an end: finish/end, kết thúc

    •  A. look forward to s.o/sth : mong chờ, mong mỏi ai/ cái gì đó

    •  B. spend time/ money : tiêu ( giành) thời gian/ tiền bạc ( thường để làm gì đó)

    •  B. unbroken sunshine: trời nắng to, không một gợn mây

    •  D. scorching hot: nóng như thiêu như đốt

    •  C. pour with rain: đổ mưa to

    •  C. it looks like rain: trời nhìn như có vẻ sắp mưa/ muốn mưa

    •  B. freak weather condition: kiểu thời tiết quái dị

  •  C. charter flight: chuyến bay thuê bao; Scheduled flight: chuyến bay định kì/ theo lịch

    •  B. run-down: xuống cấp

    •  B. smooth flight: chuyến bay êm thấm/ êm đẹp

    •  C. in-flight: đã bao gồm trong chuyến bay

    •  C. surrounding countryside: vùng nông thôn/đồng quê xung quanh

    •  B. catch a glimpse of: bắt gặp (bằng ánh mắt/ cái nhìn)

    •  C. round a bend: turn a corner: rẽ, quẹo

    •  B. fall into ruin: biến thành đống đổ nát

    •  B. unspoiled countryside: vùng nông thôn vẫn còn nguyên vẹn (vẻ đẹp tự nhiên, chưa bị tác động ảnh hưởng bởi nhân tố tiêu cực)

    •  B. chỗ này ta cần present participle để mô tả sự chủ động/ sự việc đang diễn ra. Winding: uốn lượn.

    • A. uninterrupted views: tầm nhìn thoáng đãng (không bị che lấn bởi cái khác)

    •  C. tranquil countryside: làng quê yên bình

    •  A. secluded beach(es): bãi biển hẻo lánh/ không có nhiều người tới, trông thấy

    •  A. cobbled streets: những con phố được rải đá cuội

    •  C. quaint old buildings: những tòa nhà cổ kính cuốn hút du khách lui tới.

    • 1. “Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop excuse! (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2009)

    • 2. “How do you like your steak done?” – “ , please”. (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2009)

    • 3. The curtains have because of the strong light. (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008)

    • 4. The case against the corruption scandal was . (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2007)

    • 5. A meeting will be to discuss the matter. (trích đề thi TNPT năm 2009, 3 năm)

    • 6. Make exercise part of your daily .(trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2006)

    • 7. Many people like the of life in the countryside. (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2006)

    • 8. Today, household chores have been made much easier by electrical . (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008)

    • 9. The referee the coin to decide which team would kick the ball first. (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008)

    • 10. The hotel is so expensive. They you sixty pounds for bed and breakfast. (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008)

  • Đáp án: A. charge (v.) sb (+ $5) = tính tiền ai (5 đô la); Fine (v.) sb (+ số tiền) = phạt tiền ai

  • Cost (v.) + số tiền = có giá là…

    • 11.Having the table, Mrs. Roberts called the family for supper. (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008)

    • 12. I looked up their number in the telephone . (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ 2008)

    • 13. How long does the play ? (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ 2008)

    • 14. They all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach. (trích đề thi TNTHPT năm 2005, 7 năm)


Nội dung

Khi viết chuyên đề này, tôi hy vọng được đóng góp thêm một vài ý kiến của mình về các vấn đề liên quan đến “collocations” trong tiếng Anh, những collocations phổ biến hay có trong chương trình sách giáo khoa 12 cũng như hay có trong đề thi. Do đó, tôi thực sự mong chuyên đề sẽ là tài liệu tham khảo thêm hỗ trợ giáo viên trong công tác bồi dưỡng học sinh ôn thi THPT quốc gia ngày càng đạt hiệu quả hơn, đáp ứng yêu cầu giáo dục chất lượng cao và đổi mới giáo dục.

SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO ………… TRƯỜNG THPT ……… *************** BÁO CÁO CHUYÊN ĐỀ ÔN THI THPT QUỐC GIA TÊN CHUYÊN ĐỀ TIẾNG ANH COMMON COLLOCATIONS …………… MỤC LỤC PHẦN I PHẦN MỞ ĐẦU………………………………………….… PHẦN II PHẦN NỘI DUNG .4 A LÝ THUYẾT VỀ COLLOCATIONS I Định nghĩa…………………………………………………………………… II Các loại collocations ……………………………………… ……… … III Một số collocations SGK ……………………………………………5 IV Một số collocations phổ biến Noun collocations ……………………………………………………………10 Verb collocations …………………………………………………………….12 a Have …………………………………………………….………… 12 b Take…………………………………………… ……………………………13 c Go…………………………………………………… ……………………….13 d Make ……………………………………………………………………… 14 e Do…………………………………………………………………………… 14 f Get…………………………………………………………………………… 15 g Come ………………………………………………………………………….16 h Break………………………………………………………………………….17 V Phương pháp học collocations ………………………………………….18 VI Cách làm …………………………………………………………… …21 B BÀI TẬP ÁP DỤNG ………………………………………………… …….22 I Bài tập tự luận……………………………………………………………… 22 II Bài tập trắc nghiệm………………………………… 23 III.Bài tập tự giải ………………………………………………………… 35 C TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO………………………………………………….40 PHẦN I: PHẦN MỞ ĐẦU Lý chọn đề tài Trong xu toàn cầu hóa cơng nghệ hóa ngày nay, tầm quan trọng tiếng Anh phủ nhận bỏ qua tiếng Anh sử dụng ngành nghề, lĩnh vực nơi giới Do đó, việc biết sử dụng tiếng Anh giúp trở nên động môi trường xã hội, tự tin giao tiếp ln muốn khám phá văn hóa đất nước giới Đồng thời, bắt kịp với xu trở thành cư dân toàn cầu Nắm bắt lợi đó, học sinh cần có mục tiêu tâm để học sử dụng tiếng Anh tốt Nói tới việc học tiếng Anh người có cách học riêng giai đoạn khác nên khó nói cách học tốt hiệu Nhưng giáo viên tiếng Anh, thấy thực trạng học sinh thường học từ theo ý nghĩa riêng lẻ mà khơng để ý tới ngữ cảnh cách sử dụng hay cách xếp từ với cho Do vậy, học sinh biết từ thường gặp khó khăn việc sử dụng Chính lí đó, tơi nghĩ thực cần thiết để học sinh học từ đơn lẻ cần học theo cụm từ thường với collocations Ví dụ cụm từ “kết bạn”, học sinh cần biết nói “making friends” khơng nói “getting friends” Khi học sinh dùng cụm cách diễn đạt tự nhiên, gần với người ngữ Hơn nữa, cấu trúc đề thi THPT quốc gia có câu hỏi phần collocations, nên tơi định chọn viết chuyên đề collocations phổ biến, hay gặp hay sử dụng đề thi THPT quốc gia Mục đích chuyên đề Khi viết chun đề này, tơi hy vọng đóng góp thêm vài ý kiến vấn đề liên quan đến “collocations” tiếng Anh, collocations phổ biến hay có chương trình sách giáo khoa 12 hay có đề thi Do đó, tơi thực mong chun đề tài liệu tham khảo thêm hỗ trợ giáo viên công tác bồi dưỡng học sinh ôn thi THPT quốc gia ngày đạt hiệu hơn, đáp ứng yêu cầu giáo dục chất lượng cao đổi giáo dục Đối tượng thời gian dự kiến Đối tượng áp dụng: Học sinh khối 12 Số tiết dự kiến bồi dưỡng: tiết Thời gian dự kiến thực hiện: Học kì PHẦN II: NỘI DUNG A LÝ THUYẾT VỀ COLLOCATIONS I KHÁI NIỆM VỀ COLLOCATIONS Collocation cách thức từ kết hợp với ngơn ngữ nhằm tạo lời nói câu viết tự nhiên Chẳng hạn make/ repeat/ correct/ fix a mistake, take a bath have a shower Có thể học sinh thường gặp chúng không nhận chúng vốn kết hợp Collocation quan trọng chúng chiếm tỷ lệ lớn tiếng Anh ngày Vì việc lựa chọn cụm từ giúp người học diễn đạt cách tự nhiên, đa dạng dễ hiểu người xứ Chúng ta tùy tiện kết hợp từ với Đây ví dụ cụ thể: Hầu hết người Anh địa sử dụng từ heavy rainy (mưa nặng hạt) cho từ heavy phải kết hợp với rain thích hợp Để diễn tả gió lớn, người xứ dùng strong wind Một ví dụ khác: Một số từ kết hợp với theo trật tự riêng Người ta ln nói “Ladies and Gentlemen”, “right or wrong” Khơng nói “Gentlemen and Ladies” hay “wrong or right” II CÁC LOẠI COLLOCATIONS Có vài hình thức khác tạo thành từ kết hợp động từ (Verb), danh từ (Noun) tính từ (adjective) Có số hình thức phổ biến sau: • adverb + adjective: completely satisfied (NOT downright satisfied) • adjective + noun: excruciating pain (NOT excruciating joy) • noun + noun: a surge of anger (NOT a rush of anger) • noun + verb: lions roar (NOT lions shout) • verb + noun: commit suicide (NOT undertake suicide) • verb + expression with preposition: burst into tears (NOT blow up in tears) • verb + adverb: wave frantically (NOT wave feverishly) adverb + adjective • Invading that country was an utterly stupid thing to • We entered a richly decorated room • Are you fully aware of the implications of your action? adjective + noun • The doctor ordered him to take regular exercise • The Titanic sank on its maiden voyage • He was writhing on the ground in excruciating pain noun + noun • Let's give Mr Jones a round of applause • The ceasefire agreement came into effect at 11am • I'd like to buy two bars of soap please noun + verb • The lion started to roar when it heard the dog barking • Snow was falling as our plane took off • The bomb went off when he started the car engine verb + noun • The prisoner was hanged for committing murder • I always try to my homework in the morning, after making my bed • He has been asked to give a presentation about his work verb + expression with preposition • We had to return home because we had run out of money • At first her eyes filled with horror, and then she burst into tears • Their behaviour was enough to drive anybody to crime verb + adverb • She placed her keys gently on the table and sat down • Mary whispered softly in John's ear • I vaguely remember that it was growing dark when we left III MỘT SỐ COLLOCATIONS TRONG SÁCH GIÁO KHOA Adverb + adjective No Collocation Example Extremely excited Far better Adjective + noun No Collocation Close-knit/close family A Noisy party A Slight nod Meaning On my birthday my father gave me some Cực kì vui sướng money, so that I could buy a hat for myself, which made me extremely excited Life will be far better than it is today Tốt nhiều Example We are a very close-knit family We are at a noisy party A slight nod will Reference Sgk 12, trang 85 Meaning Khăng khít, bền chặt, gắn Bữa tiệc ồn Reference Sgk 12, trang 13 Sgk 12, trang 31 gật đầu nhẹ Sgk 12, trang 31 Core subject Noun + noun No Collocation Househol d chores Night shift English, math and science are core subjects Example I try to help with the household chores Once a week, she has to work on a night shift Body language Body language includes our posture, facial expressions and gestures School system There are two parallel school systems in England Lack of A person who doesn't look at + you is expressing lack of interest interest or is shy Noun + Verb No Collocation Example desert + lie The Simpson Desert lies between Lake Eyre in the south Mơn học Meaning Việc vặt gia đình Ca đêm (việc làm) Ngôn ngữ thể Hệ thống trường học Thiếu quan tâm, thích thú Meaning Sa mạc + nằm Sgk 12, trang 45 Reference Sgk 12, trang 13 Sgk 12, trang 13 Sgk 12, trang 41 Sgk 12, trang 45 Sgk 12, trang 41 Reference Sgk 12, trang 97 Verb + Noun Collocations Keep a secret/ Share secret Spend time/money Do household chores Offer solution(s) Take responsibility Win a place No Meaning Example Giữ bí mật/ There are people who cannot keep a secret, either of their own chia sẻ or the In of others’ USA, college students Dành thời often spend many hours as gian, tiền bạc volunteers in hospitals, In his family,oronly hisfor the Làm việc nhà orphanages homes mother does the household chores Think of three or four problems Đưa cách your class is experiencing; talk giải about them and offer solutions I take responsibility for Chịu trách looking after my little brother nhiệm Reference Sgk 12, trang 15 trang 12, Sgk 13 Sgk 12, trang 17 Sgk 12, trang 13 Sgk 12, trang 13 I am now in my final year at the Dành lấy chỗ Sgk 12, trang 13 secondary school, and in my attempt to win a place at university Hurry home/get home In the afternoon, after hospital, she rushes to the market, then hurries home so that dinner is ready on the table by the time They alsohome agree that a Dad gets wife should maintain her beauty and It is better and wiser for a appearance after couple not to share certain thoughts The cowboy fell off his horse Nhanh nhà/ nhà Sgk 12, trang 13 Maintain beauty/ appearance Duy trì vẻ đẹp Sgk 12, trang 21 Share thoughts/opinio ns/ideas Chia sẻ suy nghĩ, quan điểm, ý kiến Ngã ngựa Sgk 12, trang 21 10 Fall off horse 11 Lead a life Those people led a poor life Sgk 12, trang 75 12 Remain a mystery 13 Enact laws The desert remained a mystery until Madigan made an aerial survey in Government has enacted 1929 laws to protect wildlife Sống sống ( giàu có/ nghèo khó) Vẫn bí ẩn Ban hành luật pháp Sgk 12, trang 107 14 Make great effort Có nỗ lực to lớn Sgk 12, trang 13 The parents realized that the young teacher was making great efforts to help their poor kids Sgk 12, trang 71 Sgk 12, trang 97 No Example The plane seemed to dip and many people screamed in panic Make ends meet The villagers had to work hard in the fields all day and could hardly make ends meet Meaning La hét hoảng sợ Đủ để sống Come to an end Kết thúc Look forward to I went home feeling that it had been a delightful evening and looking forward to the next day to have the film developed Mong chờ điều Bring happiness to someone Đem lại hạnh phúc cho Collocation Scream in panic The party came to an end at about 11 p.m Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others Reference Grow in popularity Reach the figure of Communicate through words/ body language Go out with someone Run on sth (machine) 10 11 12 Lead a scientific expedition across the Plant/anima l species Be threatened with Verb + adverb No Collocation Go off Although established not long ago, the Women’s World Cup is growing in popularity In 1850, the world population reached the figure of 1.3 billion people We can communicate not only through words but also through body language I went out with my new friends Nhanh chóng phát triển./ yêu mến Đạt tới số Cars will still be with us, but, instead of petrol, they will run on anything from electricity to methane gas Chạy/hoạt động ( nguyên /nhiên liệu) Giao tiếp lời/ngôn ngữ thể Đi chơi với Three years later Madigan led a scientific expedition across the sand dunes on a more northern route Dẫn đầu khảo cứu khoa học đụn cát Over 8300 plan species and 7200 animal Loài động thực species around the globe are threatened with vật/ extinction Bị đe dọa có nguy tuyệt chủng Sgk 12 Sgk 12, trang 53 Sgk 12, trang 85 Sgk 12, trang 97 Sgk 12, trang 107 Example The alarm goes off at 4:30 a.m Meaning đổ chuông Reference Sgk 10, trang 13 ( máy bay)dần lấy Sgk 10, lại độ cao trang 18 ( độ cao an toàn) Slowly gain height When we had given up all hope, we felt the plane slowly gained height Work extremely hard In spite of her difficult living conditions, she Làm việc cực kì/ Sgk 10, worked extremely hard chăm trang 32 Move independently Some are swimming animals such fishes Di chuyển tự and sharks that move independently of water currents Sgk 10, trang 95 Gradually decrease At present, the number of illiterate people in Giảm dần the remote and mountainous areas is gradually decreasing Sgk 11, trang 57 Fall dramatically While the number of literate males went up Giảm mạnh sharply between 1998 and 2007, the number of literate females fell dramatically Sgk 11, trang 62 Go smoothly At first, things went smoothly completely disappear Offices, too, will go electronic with the result Biến hoàn toànSgk 12, that paper will almost completely disappear trang 85 Be Better looked We will also be better looked after by a after modern medical system 10 Raise hands slightly We can raise our hands slightly to show that Khẽ giơ tay we need assistance Sgk 12, trang 31 11 Look anxiously John looked anxiously at his watch Sgk 12, trang 71 12 Listen carefully 13 Pass near You won't know what to unless you listen Chăm lắng carefully nghe/ nghe cẩn thận We can wait until he passes near us, catch his Đi gần tới eyes Diễn êm đềm/êm thấm Sgk 11, trang 67 Được chăm sóc tốt Sgk 12, trang 85 Nhìn vẻ lo lắng Sgk 12, trang 73 Sgk 12, trang 31 IV MỘT SỐ COLLOCATIONS PHỔ BIẾN Noun collocations( Sự kết hợp từ với danh từ thông dụng) Danh từ Advice - Cụm từ kết hợp follow/ take/ listen to/get on sb’s advice (nghe theo lời khuyên ai) get/ obtain/ receive advice (nhận lời khuyên) pay/ settle/ pick up a bill (trả hóa đơn) be landed with/ face a bill (chịu hóa đơn) an unpaid bill (một hóa đơn chưa toán) - at the height/ peak of one’s career (ở đỉnh cao nghiệp) embark on a career (dấn thân vào nghề) have a career in (có nghiệp lĩnh vực) climb the career ladder (thăng tiến nghề nghiệp) week/ ruin one’s career (hủy hoại nghiệp mình) a promising/ brilliant career (sự nghiệp đầy hứa hẹn) get/have a chance (có hội) give/ offer/ provide a chance (tạo hội) jump at/ seize/ grab a chance (nắm lấy hội) not stand a chance of doing sth (khơng có khả làm gì) sheer/ pure chance (sự tình cờ hồn tồn) good/ fair/ high/strong chance (khả cao) minimal/ slight/ little chance (khả mong manh) Demand - Difference - meet/ satisfy/cope with a demand (đáp ứng/ thỏa mãn nhu cầu) increase/ boost/ stimulate demand (tăng nhu cầu) big/ huge/ great/ considerable/ enormous/ strong demand (nhu cầu lớn/ cao) make a difference (tạo/ mang khác biệt) make all the difference (thay đổi lớn) tell the difference (phân biệt) feel/ know/ notice/ see/ perceive/ the difference (cảm nhận, nhận thức khác biệt) considerable/ enormous/ mior/ profound/ dramatic/ sharp difference (sự khác biệt đáng kể, rõ rệt) with a difference (đặc biệt khác thường) have/ experience/ encounter/ face/ get into/ run into difficulties (gặp khó khăn) sth with/ without difficulty (làm cách khó khăn/ dễ dàng) solve/ cope with/ deal with difficulties (giải khó khăn) overcome/ surmount difficulties (vượt qua khó khăn) great/ enormous/ considerabke/ serious difficulty (khó khăn lớn, nghiêm trọng) find/ locate/ identify/ discover fault (tìm lỗi) correct/ fix/ repair/ recify a fault (sữa chữa lỗi) be all/ entirely one’s own fault (hoàn toàn lỗi ai) be hardly one’s own fault (hầu lỗi ai) at fault (chịu trách nhiệm sai lầm) Bill Career Chance difficulty - Fault - 10 Achieve/ attain a goal: đạt mục tiêu Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to inducate the correct answer to each of the following questions Before choosing a job, you should take into consideration several _ including the supply and demand for professionals in any particular field A turns B factors C ramarks D sides Trước chọn công việc, bạn nên xem xét nhiều khía cạnh bao gồm nguồn cung cầu nghề nghiệp lĩnh vực cụ thể The Business Advisory Council has been specially designed for those in of advice about setting up new businesses A absence B duty C want D need In need of advice: cần lời khuyên The city has of young consumers who are sensitve to trends, and can, therefore, help industries predict the potential risks and success of products A a high rate B a high proportion C a high tendency D a great level High/ low rate: tỷ lệ cao/ thấp Don’t to conclusions, we don’t yet know all the relevant facts A hurry B jump C rush D run Jump to conclusions / leap to the conclusion that: kết luận vội vàng I wonder if you could _ me a small favour, Tom? A bring B make C give D Could me a favour = please help me Sicientists warn that many of the world’s great cities are _ flooding A being B at risk C in danger of D endangered In danger of: có nguy The boy’s strange behavior aroused the of the shop assistant A thought B consideration C expectations D suspicions Arouse the suspicions: dấy lên/ khơi gợi lên mối nghi ngờ The young should _themselves in social activities A determine B serve C involve D promote Involve sb in sth = take part in I know from that everything will be all right A conscience: lương tâm B experience kinh nghiệm C wisdom: trí tuệ D care: chăm sóc 10 Your second essay improvement on the first one A showed B made C cast D presented Make improvement : Cải thiện Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to inducate the correct answer to each of the following questions The Women’s World Cup is _ in popularity 26 A competing B establishing C advancing D growing Grow/ gain in popularity Our class team has won four football matches A successful B.unsuccessful C success D successive Successive win: thành công liên tiếp We interviewed a number of candidates buit none of them _ us A enlivened B encouraged C delighted D.impressed _ to British univerities depends on examnation results A Admission B Admittance C Permission D Permit Gain admission to university: vé vào đại học I prefer _jobs because I don’t like keep on moving and changing all the time A demanding B challenging C steady D secure Steady job: công việc ổn định The investment has had _ on the development of our project A results B progress C interruptions D effects In China, there are still a lot of families sharing the same house A extent B extension C extended D extensive Extended family: gia đình nhiều hệ The deadline is coming, and we still have a lot of _ problems A unsolving B unsolved C insolved D solving Unsolved problem: vấn đề chưa giải He recievec a medal in _ to his bravery A turns B response C favour D reward In response to: đáp lại In favour of: ủng hộ To reward for: thưởng, tặng 10 He left the country _ arrest of he retured A in fear that B with fear of C under threat of : bị đe dọa D with threat of BÀI TẬP Ở CÁC MỨC ĐỘ Exercise 4: BÀI TẬP Ở MỨC ĐỘ NHẬN BIẾT VÀ THÔNG HIỂU We repair the banks of our……… of land A plot B piece C pie D hole  A plot of land: mảnh đất nhỏ We are contented ……… what we A on B with C on D over  B be contented with: lòng/ thỏa mãn với The alarm goes ……… at 4:30 a.m A out B off C up D down 27  B clock goes off: đồng hồ đổ chuông The plane seemed to dip and many people screamed in……… A happiness B panic C afraid D exciting  B scream in panic: la hét hoảng sợ When we had given up all hope, we felt the plane slowly gained ……… A high B height C tall D length  B the plane slowly gained height: máy bay dần lấy lại độ cao (an toàn) I think I ………… a cold A gain B obtain C have got D eat C to have/ have got a cold: cảm lạnh Marie Curie received ………… education in local school and some scientific training from her father A general B generally C generation D genetic  A general education: giáo dục phổ thông In spite of her difficult living conditions, she worked ……………… hard A extremely B absolutely C completely D perfectly  A work extremely hard: làm việc chăm After the tragic………… of Pierre Curie in 1906, she took up the position which her husband had obtained at the Sorbonne A death B happiness C living D life  A tragic death: chết thương tâm 10 The parents realized that the young teacher was ………… great efforts to help their poor kids A doing B making C having D getting  B make efforts: nỗ lực/ có nỗ lực 11 There are some ways of receiving information, including receiving information ……… A aurally B on ear C early D easily  A receive information aurally: tiếp nhận thông tin tai/qua tai 12 .………… rain during the night will occur all over the country today A Much B Strong C Heavy D Heavily  C Heavy rain: mưa to, mưa rào 13 The villagers had to work hard in the fields all day and could hardly make……… meet A end B ends C ending D endings  B make ends meet: làm đủ sống 14 The scientists introduced new farming methods which resulted in ………… crops A bump B bumpy C bumper D large  C bumper crop: vụ mùa bội thu 15 The scientists also helped the villagers grow ………… crops for export A cash B cashing C money D financial  A cash crop: trồng thu hoa lợi, (thường dùng cho mục đích xuất khẩu) 16 Some are swimming animals such as fishes and sharks that move ……………… of water currents A dependent B dependently C independently D independent  C move independently: di chuyển tự 28 17 Howletts Zoo in Kent is owned By John Aspinall, who is famous for his program of breeding…………… animals and reintroducing them into the wild A endangered B dangerous C normal D ordinary  A endangered species : lồi có nguy tuyệt chủng 18 There are people who cannot …………a secret, either of their own or of others’ A get B remain C keep D take  C keep a secret: giữ bí mật 19 What is the first quality for …………friendship and what does it tell you? A true B truth C correct D right  A true friendship: tình bạn thực 20 How many………………friends you have with her? A common B mutual C separate D deliberate  B mutual friend: bạn chung 21 On my birthday my father gave me some money, so that I could buy a hat for myself, which made me………… excited A extremely B perfectly C lonely D correctly  A be extremely excited: vui sướng 22 There was a sneaky ………… on his face, but I didn’t think much about it A sigh B look C watch D glare  B a sneaky look: nhìn lút 23 Inside his bag, I saw a ……… of dollar notes exactly like ones my father had given me A wad B block C pile D carton  A a wad of dollar notes: cuộn tiền đô 24 He had stolen my money; I didn’t want to make a …………, so I decided just to take my money back from his schoolbag A fuss B angry C noise D sound  A make a fuss: làm ầm lên/ làm to chuyện 25 When everybody finished singing, Lisa blew ………… the candles A up B out C up D over  B blow out candle(s) thổi tắt nến 26 I had decided to bring my camera to ………… some photos of the happy family A get B take C have D gain  B take photo (s): chụp ảnh 27 The host and the wife moved around to make sure that everyone was having a good ………… A second B time C times D timing  B have a good time: có thời gian vui vẻ 28 The party came to an ……… at about 11 p.m A end B ends C ending D finish  A come to an end: finish/end, kết thúc 29 I went home feeling that it had been a delightful evening and looking forward ……… the next day to have the film developed A to B too C for D up  A look forward to s.o/sth : mong chờ, mong mỏi ai/ 29 30 In the USA, college students often ………… many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the aged A splash B spend C waste D use  B spend time/ money : tiêu ( giành) thời gian/ tiền bạc ( thường để làm đó) Exercise 5: BÀI TẬP Ở MỨC ĐỘ VẬN DỤNG 31 It’s great here Have had ………… ever since we arrived We’re having a wonderful time A broken sunshine B unbroken sunshine C unbroken light D unbroken clouds  B unbroken sunshine: trời nắng to, không gợn mây 32 In the middle of the day it’s just too scorching……… to anything but lie on the beach soaking up the sunshine This is the life! A warm B cold C freezing D hot  D scorching hot: nóng thiêu đốt 33 it’s been …………….with rain all day In fact, I’ve never seen such torrential rain like this! A raining B falling C pouring D collapsing  C pour with rain: đổ mưa to 34 It rained heavily all day yesterday but it’s dry at the moment There’s thick cloud though, and it certainly looks……….rain Quite a strong wind is blowing too! A as B as if C like D might  C it looks like rain: trời nhìn mưa/ muốn mưa 35 Yesterday ……….weather conditions hit the south-west of England Gale-force caused a lot of damage to property A high B freak C tricky D thick  B freak weather condition: kiểu thời tiết quái dị 36 We managed to get a ………….flight; it was half the price of the scheduled flight A domestic B international C charter D popular  C charter flight: chuyến bay thuê bao; Scheduled flight: chuyến bay định kì/ theo lịch 37 The Panorama is a rather run-………………hotel in a back of a street near the city center A over B down C family D through  B run-down: xuống cấp 38 The weather is fine, and we anticipate a ……………… flight to Stockholm today A bumpy B smooth C light D heavy  B smooth flight: chuyến bay êm thấm/ êm đẹp 39 Palair Airlines offers excellent…………………entertainment, with the latest movies and music A on-flight B during-flight C in-flight D over-flight  C in-flight: bao gồm chuyến bay 40 From my room I look out over the …… countryside It’s very different from the familiar landscape A surrounded B surround C surrounding D around  C surrounding countryside: vùng nông thôn/đồng quê xung quanh 41 Yesterday we followed a path down to the lake As we turned a corner, we…………….a glimpse of a kingfisher standing in the water 30 A got B caught C had D regained  B catch a glimpse of: bắt gặp (bằng ánh mắt/ nhìn) 42 A little further on we rounded a………….and St John’s Abbey came into view A round B turn C bend D slip  C round a bend: turn a corner: rẽ, quẹo 43 The church ………….into ruin about three hundred years ago A collapsed B fell C destroyed D destructed  B fall into ruin: biến thành đống đổ nát 44 The cottage is in some wonderful ………….countryside on the edge of a dense forest A far B unspoiled C great D spoilt  B unspoiled countryside: vùng nông thôn nguyên vẹn (vẻ đẹp tự nhiên, chưa bị tác động ảnh hưởng nhân tố tiêu cực) 45 There is a stream …………….through the forest near the cottage A wind B winding C winds D winded  B chỗ ta cần present participle để mô tả chủ động/ việc diễn Winding: uốn lượn 46 From most room there are………………………views of the castle A uninterrupted B interrupted C background D snow-covered A uninterrupted views: tầm nhìn thống đãng (khơng bị che lấn khác) 47 You can quickly go from the hustle and bustle of the town to the……………… countryside A crowded B noisy C tranquil D populous  C tranquil countryside: làng quê yên bình 48 You’ll love the ………………beaches A secluded B golden C tranquil D steep  A secluded beach(es): bãi biển hẻo lánh/ khơng có nhiều người tới, trơng thấy 49 The city skyline is a wonderful mix of old and new, and the city itself has a lot of busy, narrow……….streets A cobbled B brick C stone D cement  A cobbled streets: phố rải đá cuội 50 The old town is a conservation area and it has a lot of………… old buildings dating back to the city’s foundation in the 1500s A acquaint B quaint C fashioned D upmarket  C quaint old buildings: tòa nhà cổ kính hút du khách lui tới Exercise Các câu hỏi Collocations có đề thi TN ĐHCĐ năm "Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop excuse! (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2009) A having B making C doing D taking "How you like your steak done?" – " , please" (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2009) A I don't like it very much B Very little C Well-done D Very much The curtains have because of the strong light (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008) A weakened B faded C fainte D delighted 31 The case against the corruption scandal was (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2007) A discarded B refused C eliminated D dismissed A meeting will be _ to discuss the matter (trích đề thi TNPT năm 2009, năm) A run B taken C held D done Make exercise part of your daily (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2006) A regularity B chore C routine D frequency Many people like the of life in the countryside (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2006) A step B pace C speed D space Today, household chores have been made much easier by electrical (trích đề thi ĐHCĐ năm 2008) A instruments B applications C appliance D utilities The referee _ the coin to decide which team would kick the ball first (trích đề thi ĐHCĐ năm 2008) A cast B tossed C threw D caught 10 The hotel is so expensive They _ you sixty pounds for bed and breakfast (trích ĐT ĐH-CĐ năm 2008) A charge B take C fine D cost 11 Having _ the table, Mrs Roberts called the family for supper (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008) A laid B spread C ordered D completed 12 I looked up their number in the telephone (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ 2008) A guide B list C directory D catalogue 13 How long does the play ? (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ 2008) A last B stretch C extend D prolong 14 They all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach (trích đề thi TN THPT năm 2005, năm) A passed B used C spent D occupied Trích đề thi THPT quốc gia năm 2016 18: The university administrations are introducing new measures to that the enrolment process runs smoothly A improve B maintain C ensure D facilitate 19: The US president Barack Obama an official visit to Vietnam in May 2016, which is of great significance to the comprehensive bilateral partnership 20: In a modern family, the husband is expected to join hands with his wife to the household chores A B make C take D run Trích đề thi THPT quốc gia năm 2017 21 A survey was to study the effects of smoking on young adults A commented B filled C conducted D carried Trích đề thi THPT quốc gia năm 2018 22 Several measures have been proposed to the problem of unemployment among university graduates A pose B admit C address D create 32 23 It to reason that Jason passed the exam with flying colours on account of his working hard during the term A comes B gets C stands D lays Trích đề thi THPT quốc gia năm 2019 24 I’m sorry I didn’t mean to your feelings when I said such a thing A enjoy B hurt C destroy D break 25 The aroma of freshly baked bread in the morning has always memories of his chidhood home A evoked B instilled C reminisced D incited ANSWER “Please, will you just tidy your room, and stop excuse! (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2009) A having B making C doing D taking Đáp án: B make excuses = viện lý do, kiếm cớ “How you like your steak done?” – “ , please” (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2009) A.I don’t like it very much B Very little C Well-done D Very much Đáp án:C well-done (adj.) = chín tới | Trong tiếng Anh nói thức ăn (các thịt), có từ như: rare (adj.) = under-done = hồngđào/ tái; medium (adj.) = vừa; welldone = chín tới; overdone (adj.) = chín nhừ The curtains have because of the strong light (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008) A weakened B faded C fainte D delighted Đáp án: B fade (v.) = phai, nhạt màu (dùng cho vải, rèm…) The case against the corruption scandal was (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2007) A discarded B refused C eliminated D dismissed Đáp án: D dismiss a case/ a class = giải tán vụ xử/ lớp học A meeting will be to discuss the matter (trích đề thi TNPT năm 2009, năm) A run B taken C held D done Đáp án: C hold (held/held) a meeting = tổ chức họp Make exercise part of your daily (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2006) A regularity B chore C routine D frequency Đáp án: C (daily routine = thóiquen, lịch trình thường nhật) Many people like the of life in the countryside (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2006) A step B pace C speed D space Đáp án: B (the pace of life = nhịp sống) Today, household chores have been made much easier by electrical (trích đề thi ĐHCĐ năm 2008) A instruments B applications C appliance D utilities Đáp án: C (electrical appliances /ə`plaɪəns/ = đồ điện, đồ dùng điện) The referee the coin to decide which team would kick the ball first (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008) A cast B tossed C threw D caught Đáp án: B toss a coin = tung/ quăng đồng xu 10 The hotel is so expensive They you sixty pounds for bed and breakfast (trích đề thi ĐH33 CĐ năm 2008) A charge B take C fine D cost Đáp án: A charge (v.) sb (+ $5) = tính tiền (5 đô la); Fine (v.) sb (+ số tiền) = phạt tiền Cost (v.) + số tiền = có giá là… 11.Having the table, Mrs Roberts called the family for supper (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ năm 2008) A laid B spread C ordered D completed Đáp án: A laid Lay the table: dọn bàn ăn ra/ bày biện bàn ăn 12 I looked up their number in the telephone (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ 2008) A guide B list C directory D catalogue Đáp án: C directory Telephone directory: danh bạ điện thoại 13 How long does the play ? (trích đề thi ĐH-CĐ 2008) A last B stretch C extend D prolong Đáp án: A last Last (v): diễn ra; stretch (v): làm cho vật dài ra, rộng nới lỏng ra; extend (v): duỗi thẳng tay/ kéo dài thời gian/ gia hạn thêm; prolong (v): làm cho diễn dài hơn, lâu 14 They all day swimming and sunbathing at the beach (trích đề thi TNTHPT năm 2005, năm) A passed B used C spent D occupied Đáp án: C spent Vì ta dùng “spend time + V-ing” Trích đề thi THPT quốc gia năm 2016 18: The university administrations are introducing new measures to that the enrolment process runs smoothly A improve B maintain C ensure D facilitate 19: The US president Barack Obama an official visit to Vietnam in May 2016, which is of great significance to the comprehensive bilateral partnership A delivered B gave Pay a visit: đến thăm C offered D paid 20: In a modern family, the husband is expected to join hands with his wife to the household chores A B make C take D run Do the household chores: Làm công việc nhà Trích đề thi THPT quốc gia năm 2017 21 A survey was to study the effects of smoking on young adults A commented B filled C conducted D carried Conduct a survey: tiến hành nghiên cứu Trích đề thi THPT quốc gia năm 2018 22 Several measures have been proposed to the problem of unemployment among university graduates A pose B admit C address D create 23 It to reason that Jason passed the exam with flying colours on account of his working hard during the term A comes B gets C stands D lays Trích đề thi THPT quốc gia năm 2019 24 I’m sorry I didn’t mean to your feelings when I said such a thing A enjoy B hurt C destroy D break 25 The aroma of freshly baked bread in the morning has always memories of his chidhood home A evoked B instilled C reminisced D incited 34 Evoke memories: gợi lên, gợi nhớ kỉ niệm III BÀI TẬP TỰ GIẢI Exercise 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to inducate the correct answer to each of the following questions You can’t get a soda from that machine There’s a sign on it says that “ ” A Out of job B Out of hand C Out of order D Out of mind Don’t have much cash , but I can get some from an automatic teller machine A in hand B on hand C into hand D inder hand “I like that paiting you bought Did it cost much?” “No, the artist sold it to me for _” A close to nothing B next to anything C next to nothing D anything next “What’s Peter’s cousin’s name?” “It’s on the tip of my , but I can’t quite remember” A mouth B lips C tongue D memory What a confusing story! I can’t make of it A sense B meaning C logic D understanding Women have struggled for the same social, economic, and political _for them as for men A state B status C being D welfare Women now are more in the public life than years ago A.involved B ensured C felt D influenced Every citizen can enjoy the same _ to vote, to gain education and to work A authority B right C way D chance The local council _campaigns against illiteracy A requires B advocates C admits D affects 10 Widespread _about women’s intellectual ability restricted their job opportunities A suspicion B challenge C doubt D rumour Exercise 2: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to inducate the correct answer to each of the following questions Parents have great hopes of great when they send their children to school A wishes B obligations C ecpectations D plans No one ever takes any notices of what I say They never give to what I say A reply B opinion C attention D support She has changed so much that I didn’t _ her right away A admit B recognize C know D believe After graduation, she found _ with a local finance company A career B workplace C service D employment Education in Britain has improved since the government started a programme of educational _ A reform B resources C experience D system The group leader wanted that everyone worked together; she asked for everyone’s _ A combination B responsibility C competion D coopperation With hard work and study, you can the goals you set for yourself A establish B succeed C achieve D increase David never wastes in his time; he tries to improve himself at every _ A technique B opportunity C consideration D operation All the students in the school are free to any youth club they wish A perform B become C join D participate 35 10 His , has always been to become a movie director He wants very much to achieve it A direction B ambition C business D study Exercise 3: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to inducate the correct answer to each of the following questions All the negative violence on television has had a negative _ on children A damage B programme C process D effect My mother for an environmental group She helps raise money to protect wildlife A indentifies B encourages C shares D volunteers Students can _ a lot of information just by attending class and taking good notes of the lectures A absorb B provide C transmit D read Some people _ that you can learn more by travelling to a place than by reading about it They say firmly that it is true A require B encourage C insist D offer Electric cars are better for the environment , they can save money gas A In brief B In conclusion C In constrast D In addition Overpopulation tends ro create conditions which may result in of food in developing countries A supplies B surpluses C shortages D.failures Because of the intensive farming, it’s now hard to find certain wild birds in the region Actually, the have become _ birds A unknown B fightened C hungry D rare While some areas are suffering from _, others are experiencing heavy rains and floods A the weather B the climate C drought D problems It will certainly enhances your of reading when you are aware of very slight differences in the writer’s expression A condition B recommendation C material D enjoyment 10 A nurse must be to the patients’ needs; he must understand what they need, and be helpful and kind to them A sensitive B elegant C aware D likeable Exercise 4: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to inducate the correct answer to each of the following questions The area has an _ of wildlife; there are lots of animals, birds, fish, and insects living there A abundance B impression C entertainment D organization You should read this novel It has been recommended by all the critics A deeply B fully C highly D truly True learning does not _ in gathering facts from the teachers; it requires active assimilation of knowledge A achieve B consist C depend D come There should be a law against A violent family B fight for households C violent domestics D domestic violence The documentary was so _ that many viewers cried A moody B touching C touchy D moved of patience, noone can beat Martha A in front B in spite C In terms D Regardless 36 The manager of the hotel always puts a _ on the service quality A pressure B great stress C stressed D stressful Human carlessness has been _damaging marine life A warned against B said to C prevented D accused of During the flood, many local people ran out of food and starved to A dying B die C death D dead 10 The saying that “Problems don’t come _,” means that may problems can happen at the same time A soon B at once C single D singly Exericse 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to inducate the correct answer to each of the following questions In fairy tales, bad witches often try to cast a spell on the A innocent B innovative C innovation D initative The assistant manager is going to present a complete report on the situation of the company A funded B finacial C financing D finance The environmental impact of tourism can be shocking and upsetting, but many governments think it is _ A negative B comprehensive C bad D acceptable In the recent decades, greater cultural has been encouraged by tourism A contract B relation C touch D details The majority of people agree that modern drugs are the most effective way to cure a (n) A treatment B symptom C illness D sicken The government should take _ to reduce the current high unemployment rate A solutions B charge C measures D steps Janet has to travel a lot in her new job She is on the _ all the time A field B mood C way D go Many companies now advertise their new products by distributing free in public places A deals B examples C instances D samples While there has been a significant _ in the sales figures, there has been no corresponding profit growth because of increased production cosrs A addition B form C boost D encouragement 10 There can be no doubt that recent statements the company’s true financial position were misleading A referring B dealing C concerning D respecting Exercise 6: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to inducate the correct answer to each of the following questions _The Tet holidays come, the children feel A The more near- the more exciting B The nearer- the more excitng C The nearesr – the more excited D Nearer- more excited They solved the problems we had expected A more effectively than B most effectively as C most effectively as D as effective as Although I have _my cousin, I felt _ A fewer money – happier B more money- more hapy C much more than – less happy D less money than- happier The institute was _ by a a famous scientists 37 A put up B set up C erected D founded Women in developing countries have spent time looking for and encouragement from the society A realization B modernization C development D recognition The Red Cross is to giving medical aid and other help to victims of disasters A aimed B promoted C dedicated D designed In 1864, twelve nations signed the first Geneva Convention, down rules for the treatment and protection of the wounded A laying B lying C lied D laid The Red Cross all over the world has carried out a lot of _ A jobs B works C missions D responsibilites The tsunami in 2004 some countries and caused a lot of damage A reached B beat C defeated D hit 10 The belief that a woman’s place is in the home is A seating- deep B deep- seating C seated- deep D deep- seated Exercise 7: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions The policeman lost his temper He _ A got nervous B was in a bad mood C lost his nerve D was on bad humour I decided to visit a fortune- teller That’s what I _ to A made up B made up my mind C minded D cared You should go to your sentist for regular A check-ins B check- outs C check- ups D check- up _, Carlos is very punctual, but he was late tonight A For a rule B Like a rule C As a rule D For a rule of thump Without written evidence, we don’t have a _on A leg to stand B foot to stand C leg to lean D foot to lean I was taking a quiet walk last night when, _, there was a loud explosion A all in all B all at once C suddenly at once D once at all Everything could be done by _ A a nod and bow B a nod and wink C a wink and a nod D a nod and a wink These workers are at the _ of the economic A line- heap B heap- bottom C bottom- heap D heap- line Tickets are avaible on a first come, basis A first got B early served C first served D early got 10 “You should het gid of that old leather jacket.” I know, but I hate to with it A part B leave C break D cut Exercise 8: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to inducate the correct answer to each of the following questions Governments have laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade and overhunting A practiced B acted C enacted D observed He was chosen for the post because of his keenness and of responsibility A sense B meaning C from D way My brother rarely responsibilities in the family, which makes my father really angry A gets B takes C receives D puts on My mothet always _ that we leave home for school with breakfast A ensures herself B checks again C takes certain D makes sure The shop assistant is ready to me a helping hand She was very nice A offer B take C.get D lend Many people not realize that they are causing disasters _ themselves 38 A to B for C with D about Forests all over the world are being _ into deserts A switched B turned C sent D transferred Many countries have built _ to carry water to desert areas A rivers B channels C canals D lakes People living in that area are the threat _ lead poisoning A in- on B with- to C under- of D on- for 10 Maps are made with the help of _ photography A air B.aeronautics C aerial D areoplane Exercise 9: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to inducate the correct answer to each of the following questions The dunes in the Simpsion Desert have gently _ western faces and _ eastern faces A sloping – steep B downward – upward C shallow- deep D low- high The great stretches of sandy desert almost the centre of Australia A round B circle C hold D keep Spinifex grows on the slopes of the dunes, which are up to 20 metres _ A in high B of height C high D tall Hummock grasses grow in sand on the crest, the top of the slope A loose B lost C lose D loosened It was a vey nice apartment, I decided to rent it right away A if B because C so D but A newborn baby can neither walk nor crawl A newborn antelope, _,can run with minutes of birth A however B.so C otherwise D even though Endangered animals should be well protected in their natural _ A position B condition C habitat D status The government has _ different measures to protect the wildlife A made B listed C done D taken One of the conservation efforts is the development of wildlife A conserves B reserves C reservoirs D reverses 10 Commercial exploration has driven many species to the of extinction A verge B bank C limit D edge Exercise 10: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to inducate the correct answer to each of the following questions The biggest company in our local area is the verge of bankruptcy A in B on C at D to The Congress has laws to protect wildlife from commercial trade and overhunting A impled B carried C acted D passed The book is so interesting that I can hardly _ it _ A, get- down B pick- up C put- down D not put- down Books are a wonderful _ of knowledge A source B resource C flow D provision She had just enough time to _ the report before the meeting A turn around B dip into C get through D go into The book quite well during the first few months A had been solved B was sold C sold D sells If a water polo game is tied, there are two _periods of three minutes each A overdue B overlong C overwork D overtime 39 The player was ejected after committing five personal _ A mistakes B faults C fouls D errors Sports competitions are held to cooperation and solidarity among countries A grow B upgrade C spring up D.promote 10 We have made careful preparations to welcome the from 40 countries A acquaintances B attendants C delegates D hosts C TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO https://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/collocations.htm https://notdoubledutch.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/11027958_1012097632136711 _2843808214109905845_n.jpg https://englishstudypage.com/grammar/collocations-with-make-in-english/ https://www.eslprintables.com/grammar_worksheets/sentence_construction/collocat ions/COLLOCATIONS_WITH_GET_245873/ https://vndoc.com/download/bai-tap-thuc-hanh-do-va-make/99013 https://ielts-fighter.com/tin-tuc/Collocations-la-gi-Cach-hoc-va-tai-lieu-hocCollocations-IELTS-hay-nhat_mt1539705519.html https://tuhoctienganhhieuqua.com/hoc-cum-tu-vung-collocation/ Tài liệu ôn tập COLLOCATION cho kì thi THPT Quốc Gia mơn Tiếng Anh – Cô Nguyệt Ca - https://thichtienganh.com/tai-lieu-tap-collocation-cho-ki-thi-thpt-quocgia-mon-tieng-anh-co-nguyet-ca/ https://ielts-fighter.com/tin-tuc/Collocations-la-gi-Cach-hoc-va-tai-lieu-hocCollocations-IELTS-hay-nhat_mt1539705519.html https://www.facebook.com/30ngaychinhphuc6.5ielts/posts/2263758927183530/ https://www.britishcouncil.org/voices-magazine/fun-ways-teach-englishcollocations 40 ... quốc gia có câu hỏi phần collocations, nên tơi định chọn viết chuyên đề collocations phổ biến, hay gặp hay sử dụng đề thi THPT quốc gia Mục đích chuyên đề Khi viết chun đề này, tơi hy vọng đóng... đóng góp thêm vài ý kiến vấn đề liên quan đến collocations tiếng Anh, collocations phổ biến hay có chương trình sách giáo khoa 12 hay có đề thi Do đó, thực mong chuyên đề tài liệu tham khảo thêm... VỀ COLLOCATIONS I Định nghĩa…………………………………………………………………… II Các loại collocations ……………………………………… ……… … III Một số collocations SGK ……………………………………………5 IV Một số collocations phổ biến Noun collocations

Ngày đăng: 19/05/2020, 10:19



