Nghiên cứu và thiết kế hệ thống giám sát và điều khiển robot qua mạng máy tính sử dụng kiến trúc truyền thông corba

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Nghiên cứu và thiết kế hệ thống giám sát và điều khiển robot qua mạng máy tính sử dụng kiến trúc truyền thông corba

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DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOl NGHIEN ClTU VA THIET KE HE THONG GIAM SAT VA DIEU KHIEN ROBOT QUA MANG MAY TINH SIJ DUNG KIEN TRUC TRUYEN THONG CORBA Ma so: QC.09.18 Chu nhiem de tai: Phiing Manh Duong DAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI_ TRUNG IA(VI I H C ' N G UN T H U V I E N 0CC6OC0OC42 HaN6i-2010 Muc luc • • CHU'VIFTTAT ^ DANH SACH NHUlMG NGLTC)] THAM GIA THUC HIEN 1)1 r \ l -i D A N H IvjuC C A C HiNH ^ TOM TAT ^ BAG CAO TONG KET Dal van de / 1.1 Sir can thiel cua de tai nghien cuu 1.2 Ung dung cua cac he thong giam sat va dieu khien rohol Ui \a S 1.3 Tinh hinh nghien ciru cac he thong giam sat va dieu khien vohoi ur xa qua niang ma\ tinh lai Viet Nam ^ Tong quan cac van de nghien cuu ^^ 2.1 PhuoTig phap phat trien cac giai thuat dieu khien tu xa cai lien ket hop voi ky ihual xa\ dung giao dien 2.2 Phuang phap xay dung cac giao thuc Iruyen tai thoi gian thuc 10 2.3 Huang liep can cua de tai I Muc lieu va Ngi dung Nghien cuu cua De lai I i 3.1 Muc lieu I1 3.2 Noi dung nghien cuu: 12 3.2.1 Dae tinh cua mang Internet va van de dieu kliien robot qua mang Internet I2 3.2.2 Kien true CORBA 14 3.2.3 Thiel ke he thong dieu kliien robot qua mang may tinh su dung kien true CORBA 15 3.2.4 Ket qua thuc nghiem 16 Dja diem, thai gian va phuang phap nghien cuu 17 4.1 Dia diem va thai gian: 17 4.2 Phuang phap nghien cuu 17 4.3 Trang thiel bi su dung de tai 17 Ket qua nghien cuu 18 5.1 Cac cong trinli cong bo 18 5.2 Kel qua dao tao cua de tai 18 Thao luan 18 6.1 Ket luan va kien nghi 18 6.2 Tai lieu tham khao 18 BAG CAO T M T A T K £ T QUA BANG TIENG ANH 20 SUMMARY 20 Objectives: 20 Main contents: 20 Results obtained: 20 CHU VIET TAT CORBA: Common Object Request Broker Architecture LAN: Local Area Network DIIQG HN: Dai Hoc Qu6c Gia Ha Noi TCP: Transmission Control Protocol UDP: User Datagram Protocol RTP: Real Time Protocol IRTP: Interactive Real-Time Protocol IDL: Interface Description Language ORB: Object Request Broker 10 HOP: Internet Interoperability Protocol l.RMl: Remote Method Invocation 12.HMS: Human Motion Sensor 13 GUI: Graphic User Interface DANH SACH N H U N G N G U O I T H A M CJA I H l C IIIKN Dl TAI TT Ho va ten Hoc vi Chuven nsan! -J - PGS TS Tran Tien sT Dien tu Vien thona Thac si Dien tu Vien thoniz Khoa Dien tu vien KIKXI Dien tu" \'icn thonu Van DanR Anh Vict *;, thong Quang Vinh Nguyen Thi Thanh - Thac sT Dieu khien tu dona Khoa lOien tu vien thons DANH MUC CAC HINH So dieu khien robot qua mang su' dung bo loc lenh Mo hinh Internet dan gian Mo hinh mane Internet mo rone Mo hinh kien true tong quat cua Internet Trieu goi doi tuang CORBA thong qua ORB Cau true phan cung he thong So phan mem he thong Ket qua thuc nehiem he thone dieu khien robot qua mane may tinh TOM TAT Ten de tai: Nghien cuu va thiel ke he thong giam sal \ a dieu khien rob(^l qua niang ma) tinh su dung kien true truyen thone CORBA Mas6:^QC.09.I8 Chu tri d^ tai: NCS.Phung Manh Duong Don vi quan ly: Truang Dai hoc Cong nghe - Dai hoc Quoc gia I la Noi Thai gian: 06/2009 dan 06/2010 Muc tieii: Muc lieu ciia de tai la ung dung kien true mai vao vice thiel ke he thong giam sal \ a dieu khien robot qua mang giup giai quyet van de ma cac he robot khac dang gap phai CORBA su dung mot doi tugng xu ly yeu cau (Object Request Broker) lam trung gian giua ehuong Irinh khach va chii (client/server) Dieu eho phep mot chuong trinh khaeh c6 the goi cac phuang thuc chuong trinh chu qua mang ma khong can phai biet vi tri he dieu hanh \ a ngon ngu' lap trinh ma chuong trinh chu dang su dung Noi dung nghien cuu: De tai tap trung vao nghien cuu kien true truyen thong CORBA de xay dijng nen mot he robot c6 the giam sat va dieu khien qua mang • Nghien cuu dac tinh cua mang internet bao gom cac van de vc kien true Urn lugng, su tri tre va su mat du* lieu qua mang internet • Nghien cuu kien true truyen thong CORBA va ung dung vao he thong dieu khien robot • Ung dung eho robot thong minh voi cac co cau chap hanh, he sensor, he ket noi truyen thong va thuat loan tu quan tri dam bao kha nang van hanh an loan cua robot moi truong kliong biet truoc Ket qua dat duoc: - Ket qua ve dao tao: 01 khoa luan tot nghiep - Ket qua ve nghien cuu: • 01 bai bao (da duge chap nhan) lai Hoi nghi quoc te ve co hoc va tu done hoa 2010 (ICEMA 2010) • 01 bai bao (dang eho ket qua) tai hoi nghi Co dien tu loan qu6c 2010 BAO CAO TONG KET Dat van de l.L Sy can thiet cua de tai nghien ciiu Su can thiel nang cao nang suat va chat krgng san pham cong nghiep cCinu nhu nhu'ng nhu cau moi cac boat dgng dich \\\ doi song, an ninli quoc ph6iig \ \ nga\ cang doi hoi viee ung dung rgng rai cac phuong lieii lu dgng hoa I rong ITnh vue na> thi xu huang thay the dan cac may tu dgng "cung" la nhfmg may chi dap ung mgl vai nhiem \ u nhat dinh bang cae thiel hj lu dgng co tinh linh hoal cao dang dan hinh ro ncl nhal la boi canh phat trien rat nhanh chong eiia cong nghe thong lin Cac robot ihuge loai cac Ihiet bi lu dgng mem deo dang duge nghien cuu phat trien rgng rai Iren the gioi V>i^ dugc trang bi cac don vi dieu khien cang thong minh hon nen robot da va dang duge su dung nhieu nhiem vu: van chuyen nguyen \at lieu, tim, iranh vat tham hicm cac moi truang co phuc tap cang cao Co the tim nhirng thi du ung dung cua chiing tu don gian nhu robot quel dgn nha cua den nhQng robot bet sue phuc tap nhu GaHlco ciia NASA la mgl tau vu try tham khong gian khong nguai lai da di UVi Mgc va da thuc hien dugc mgl loat cac nhiem vu phuc tap ve xac dinh cac phan hoa chat cau nen quyen ciia [1] Khi dugc dieu khien tu xa, nhung robot co trang bi nhung co cau chap hanh nhu lay may to co uu the vugl trgi nhung truang hgp nguai su dung muon giam sat dieu khien cae djch vu lai hien truang klii hg dang a mot noi nao khac Mgl thi du dien hinh la viee nguai dieu khien ngoi tai mot vung an loan co the giam sal dieu khien lir xa mgl robot di dgng tai khu vue nguy hiem Co vai each de thong tin giua nguai dieu khien va robot tu xa Phuang phap thong thuang la diing cac Ciuong truyen true liep lin hieu giua bai dau he thong Tuy nhien, each gap phai nhilng ban ehe nhu chi phi lap dat duong truyen eho tiing truang hgp eu the Mgl he thong nhu vfy lai cang ton kem khoang each thong lin Ion va nhieu truang hgp la khong the eho phep xay dung eac duong truyen rieng dugc May man thay, viee phat trien nhanh chong cae he thong mang may linh co day va khong day cung nhu mang Internet dua tren he thong vien thong loan cau nhung nam g^n day da ma mot kha nang moi eho viee thuc hien qua trinh giam sat va dieu khiSn lu xa nav Bang viee ket noi he thong dieu kliien va robot tu xa vao cac mang may tinh k^ tren, bang viee phat trien cac chuo'ng trinh phan mem thich hgp cac robot co th^ dugc giam sal di^u khien tu bat ky noi nao tren the giai qua cac kenh thong tin 11 ] [2] [3] 1.2 iTng dung ciia cac he thong giam sat va dieu khien rohol tiV \a Nhu va>' nhu'ng nam gan da}' thuc su da ma mgl Iricn \ ong moi ehc^ phep su dung cac kenh thong tin qua mang may tinh de co the giam sal dieu khien cac co can tu dgng lu giai Vai truyen thong lam viee nhu'ng moi truang 41) hi cae moi truang ban doe hai (dirty), dan dieu (dull), nguy hiem (dangerous) va kho khan (tlilllcull) nga> na\ cac robot eon dang dugc nghien cuu su dung nhieu ung diing dac hict khac Ta hay \ci hai ihi du linh vue lu dgng hoa phong thi nghiem va ITnh virc \ le I hi du Ihu nhal lien quan loi viee su dung cae lay may che tao vat lieu ban dan cae phong saeh (clean room) De dam bao cac quy trinh cong nghe che tao vat lieu no cae phong saeh na> doi hoi phai duge tri a mot saeh rat cao vai lugng bui la sieu nho Thay eho \ ice de gay nguy eo nhiem moi truang nguai phai vao phong cae lay ma>' robot dugc dat phong se thuc hien cac thao lac che tao vat lieu Cac thao lac duge dieu khien tu \a qua mot mang cijc bg LAN bai nguai a ben ngoai phong va vay dam bao co dugc saeh an loan eho moi truang phong Thi du thu hai lien quan den xu huang nghien cuu hien tren the giai la vice thuc hien cac ca phau thuat tu xa qua mang Internet rang chae phai mgl so nam nfra moi dugc thuc hien hoan hao Do la viee mot chuyen gia y te tu mot nuac hoan loan eo the dieu khien tti' xa mot lay may thuc hien cac thao tac phau thuat mot phong mo tai nuoe khac qua kenh thong tin bang rgng truyen du' lieu hinh anh tren Internet Nhu vay, nho vao Ihanb tuu cua cong nghe robot va cong nghe thong tin ma ky nang ciia mot chuyen gia co the dugc chuyen giao tuc thi qua cac bien giai khong gian 1.3 Tinh hinh nghien ciiu cac he thong giam sat va dieu khien robot tu xa qua mang may tinh tai Viet Nam Hoa nhap voi xu the ke tren, cong nghe tu dgng hoa noi chung va cong nghe robot noi rieng tai Viet nam nhung nam gan day cung dang gop phan tao dgng luc eho su phat trien cong nghiep hoa, hien dai hoa dat nuoe O Viet Nam, viee nghien cuu tim hieu nham thiel ke xay dung mgl mo hinh he thong dieu khien tu xa cac robot qua cac kenh thong lin may tinh, dac biet la mang Internet la mot chii de moi chua dugc nghien ciiu phat trien nhieu nhung lai la mot chii de hap dan va co tinh can thiel Vi vay, can cir vao kha nang kien thiic, CO so vat chat hien c6 a phong thi nghiem "Dieu khien tu dgng va Robotics" \'a doi ngCi giang vien eiia khoa dien tu-Vien thong, truang Dai hgc Cong nghe, DHQG HN, loi da chgn de lai ''Nghien cuu va thiet ke he thong giam sat va dieu khien robot qua mang internet su dung kiin true truyen thong CORBA'\ Tong quan cac van de nghien cuu Giam sat va dieu khien cac he thong thai gian Ihuc qua mauL: Inlcrnel la \ an de dang nhan dugc nhieu su quan lam nghien ciiu gan da> nho kha nang niiv |-i nhung ung dung mtVi rhct cMCtr c n n o h i ^ n Ai^\ nhir n h n n a thi n o h i e m ^n he i h n n o \ \c In \ ; j h r i h o n p dit^n k h u ' n thiet bi toa nha tu xa Co the nhan thay rang, tri ire (time dela\ L Ihang giang (dehi) jitter) va bang thong Iruyen khong the du doan truae cua mang Internet cbinh la kho khan \ a thach thiic Ian nhal voi bai loan dieu khien robot qua mang ma\ n'nh noi clnuig va mang Internet noi rieng [4] De khac phuc van de co hai pluroiig phap liep can chu >eu la phuang phap phat trien cac giai thuat dieu khien tu xa cai tien kel hop voi k\ thuat xa\ dung giao dien [5]-|9] va phuong phap xay dung cac giao thiic truyen lai thoi gian thuc \A\\ 1()| Cac phan lich danh gia ve uu nhugc diem cua moi phuang phap se dugc trinh ba> sau day 2.1 Phuong phap phat trien cac giai thuat dieu khien tu xa cai fien kc( hop \ oi ky thuat xay dung giao dien Phuang phap phat trien cac giai thuat dieu khien lir xa cai lien ket hgp \ oi ky ihual xay dung giao dien khong can thiep vao van de Iruyen tai du' lieu qua mang ma>' tinh ma tap trung xay dung cac thuat loan de du doan va bii Iru nhung tham so ngau nhicn ga\' b(Vi mang may tinh nhu tri tre, thang giang va bang thong eho phep Trong [11], Kuk-Hyun Han da phat trien mot he thong dieu khien robot qua mang Internet dua tren nhiing du doan ve thai gian tri tre va vi tri ciia robot de lu xay dung mgl bg Igc lenh (command filter) eho phep dieu chinh cac tin hieu dieu khien robot Hinh trinh bay so khoi he thong Intcifncc '^•(0 1/ d] PusUire k Esliiiiiilor P'ik) n ii) Iiiicmci rd) Persona] Robot SLiiiuJaioi o Vii'inal Enviionmcjil Local S:te Remoie Site Hinh 1: Sa dieu khien robot qua mang su dung ho loc lenh Theo so mgl ban ao da dugc xa> dung o phia nguoi diing eho phep mo phong chuyen dgng eiia robot cung nhu tga ^•a \'i tri sap t(Vi NIKV i}o nguoi dung co the dc dang quan sat va lenh dieu khien robot De khac phuc tri tic dt* mang ga\ kukTJxnir^ TJot-» / i o /4o - v ' l i o t r^Arvrr t K i V r ' H I T H o o n i V i r v i r r i ' i i i t r i r r n Lik — - r r^' + I (k) + ••- f ' ( A- = t^A' + cir IA) Trong Td(k) la tri tre lai thai diem k li la chieu dai eiia lien kel thu i C la toe anh sang liR la toe dinh tuyen cua niit mang thu i, tiL(k) la tre ga> boi lai cua niit mang thu i M la lugng du' lieu, va bi la bang thong eiia lien kel thu i dN la tham so doc lap voi thai gian, va dL(k) la tham so phu thugc thai gian Til' thai gian tri tre du doan lac gia xay dung mgl bg Igc lenh truoc gui lin hieu tai dieu khien true tiep robot Trong mot nghien cuu khac [12], thay vi co gang bu tru thai gian tri Ire Dawei Wang da phat trien cac thuat loan tranh vat can va co che an loan eho phep robot co the phan ling dugc vai nhiing tinh huong khong mong dgi su tri tre gay Cac thuat loan ve co ban dua tren cac thuat loan tranh vat bien nhu thuat loan truang the hay thuat loan sir dung logic ma nhung dugc cai lien eho phu hgp vai bai loan dieu khien qua mang Mot moi truang ao cung dugc xay dung a phia nguai dung nham du doan quy dao robot va Irg giiip dieu khien Nhu vay, co the nhan thay rang huang tiep can khong co gang lam giam eac tham so ngau nhien mang gay nhu tri tre, thang giang ma lap trung vao van de giam thieu anh huang va phan ling lai vai cae yeu to Tiep sau day lac gia xin trinh bay hmVng tiep can thu hai bai loan dieu khien robot qua mang may linh Do la thiel ke eac giao Ihii'c dieu khien thai gian thuc 2.2 Phuong phap xay dung cac giao thiic truyen tai thoi gian thuc Trong phuong phap nay, cac tac gia tap trung xay dung cae giao thiic lap truyen lai (transport layer) phu hgp vai cac ung dung thai gian thuc nhu giam tri tre, thang giang Ian dung l6i da bang thong eho phep Di6n hinh theo huang tiep can nay, Peter X Liu da de xuat giao thuc lruy£n tai thai gian thuc Trinomial Giao thuc cai lien co che dieu khien luong dua tren toe lru\en tai du" lieu ( rate-based flow control) de giam thang giang va tan dune nhi^u hoii bane 10 DAI HOC QUOC CIA IIA NOI TRirONG DAI HOC CONC N(;ilE Duong Due Tien DIEU KHIEN DONG NGAT THIET BI QUA MANG INTERNET KHOA LUAN TOT NGHIEP DAI HOC HE CHINH QUY Nganh: Cong nghe dien tu- - vien thong Can bo huong dan: PGS.TS Tran Quang Vinh Can bo dong huong dan: CN Phung Manh Duong HA NOI 5-2010 aoc Gia Ha Nui Loi Cam On Truae het em xin gui toi tha}' giao PGS.TS Tran Quang \ inh chu iihiein ho mon dien tu - ky thuat may tinh va Ths Phung Manli Dirong loi cam on chan ihanh sau sac nhat hai nguoi da true tiep chi hao huong dan em tan tinh tronu snol qua irinh lam khoa luan Em ciing xin chan cam on cac thay co giao bo mon Dien lu va Ky ihual may tinh va toan the can bo giao vien khoa Dien tu - Vien thong truang t)ai Hoc Cong Nghe - DHQGHN da het long giup do, tao dieu kien cho em qua trinh hoaii khoa luan Cuoi cung em xin cam on nhung nguoi than gia dinh va ban be da giup dgng vien em qua trinh lam klioa luan Khoa luan dugc thuc hien khuon kho de tai mang ma so QC.()9.1 Dai hgc Quoc gia Ha Ngi Ha Ngi 19 thang nam 2010 Sinh vien Duong Due Tien Dirono Dire Tien - K51D Khoa Luan Tot Nghiep Paoc HOI NGHj QU6C T^ "CO HOC KY THUAT VA TU DONG HOA' (ICEMA 2010) Ha Noi, 01-H02/7/2010 vn/icema2010/ GIAY XAC NHAN Ban To chuc Hoi nghj quoc te "Co hgc ky thuat va Tu dgng hoa'" (ICEMA 2010) xac nhan: Bao cao: ''Control of a Mobile Robot over the Internet Using CORBA as Communication Architecture^' da dugc nhom tac gia: Phung Manh Duong, Quach Cong Hoang, Vii Xuan Quang, Tran Quang Vinh trinh bay tai Hoi nghj quoc te "Co hgc ky thuat va Tu dgng hoa'* (ICEMA 2010) va se dugc dang ky yeu cua Hoi nghj Ha Noi, 25 thang nam 2010 TM BAN TO CHlTC TRirONG BAN TO CHlTC Nguyen Dinh Dire DiC; :ien true tru\ en ihonc C( ^RH \ hieii c|Lid iicii iNui u u u i i i ; Kruiii^ i;ti.i iiuwv iiv>ng ung dung giam sal an ninh loa nha Kien true CORBA CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) ta mo! chuan cong nghiep cho phep goi cac phuone thu'c tii" xa va nhan ket qua tra ve f l N o co the du'gc su dung ben phia goi va ben phia phuong thuc duoc goi CO the su d u n ^ cac ngon ngir lap trinh khac nhau, tren nen tang he dieu hanh khac V e co ban, C O R B A bao gom ba phan chinh la ngon ngir dac ta giao tiep I D L (Interface Description Language), trinh chuyen tiep yen cau cua cac doi t u g n g O R R (Object Request Broker) va Giao thuc MOP (hilernet Interoperability Protocol) cac doi tu'onij VK^ ihc giao :iJp Llirgt ^oi iihai' Ircn; Internet mgl t j.^h dc Liang Prong bai h;io iia} chung !ui da ^u" '.lung iru J i c n i cua C O R B A la cho phep iricu gni doi urgng ginn ^'^^ 'L^t'"^ ngu khac dc \a> dung he iho-ig dieu khien robol qua mang Internet T h i e t ke he fhr»n J Sensni Dill Si'iilink Mnhili- Kuhol DrRohniAPI Client Module ConiiiKim.!' Server Module linh S a phan mem he ihona Ket qua thuc nghiem De danh gia boat dgng cua he thong dieu khien robot su dung CORBA, nhieu thuc nghiem da dugc chung toi tien hanh tai tang toa nha G2 thugc KJioa Dien tu Vien thong, truang Dai hgc Cong nghe, Dai hgc Qu6c gia Ha Ngi a cac thai diem khac nhau, nhung dieu kien khac va vdi nhieu tinh huong gia djuh co the xay Trong cac thuc nghiem, bang viee su dung giao dien GUI da thiet ke, nguai dung, a vi tri each xa 15km, da dieu khien cong robot di chuyen tu diem xuat phat Oo den diem dich Od qua mang Internet (Hinh 5a) Hinh 5b trinh bay mot chuoi hinh anh cua robot dugc ghi lai qua trinh dieu khien tren Ket luan Trong de tai nay, chung toi da xay dung cong mot he th6ng cho phep dieu khien robot qua mang Internet ma khong can phai quan tam cac doi tugng dieu kJii^n dugc cai dat a dau, bang ngon ngu' lap trinh gi va tren he di^u hanh nao Dieu giup khac phuc nhugc di§m cua da s6 he thong dieu khien robot qua mang may Internet hien thuang chi tuang thich vai mot nen tang ngon ngu' nh^t dinh Nhi8u phep thuc nghiem dugc ti^n hanh da chung minh tinh klia thi va cong ciia he thdng bai toan di^u khien robot noi rieng va cac he th6ng thai gian thuc noi chung qua mang may tinh Hinh Ket qua thuc nghiem he thong dieu khien robot qua mang may tinh: a) Duong di cua robot qua trinh dieu khien lir diem dau den diem dich b) Mot chuoi hinh anh cua robot qua trinh dieu khien Cong trinh dugc su tai trg cua de tai nghien cuu cap Dai hgc Quoc gia truang quan !y QC.09.1 Die kien IrOc lrLl^^n ihoni: C'ORH.A [I] Laurent A Nguyen et a! 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Springer Berlin hieidelberg Pub Januar) 2010 Cuiiiroi oj an iniciucL-based Robot S\ stem Using ihc Real-time Transport Protocol K III i ^ b l V l l k , I I \^ i •< \^ , i l l i U \ / , '1 K ; \ i r ; i i \ ' r : M f~\, u '\\> A \ Department ol Electronics and C'ompulir I iigiiuxrinj^ llni\ersit>' of Engineering and Icehtiologx Vietnam Nationiil Unix crsit\ Hanoi Email: dmniLipn^f/ vnu.cdii.\ n - ^iti.UliX'J'V *-'^l^'Oi' Abstract— In this paper, >vc inlniclucc « novel approach in controlling robot systems over the Inlernet The Real-time Transport Piolocol (RTP) is used as the communication protocol instead ol" traditionally usin^ TCP and I'DP Phe theoretic analyses, (he simulation studies and the experimental implementation have been performed to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach for practical uses TCP (Transmission Control Piolociil i is i more sophisticated protociil which was originalh di-siiiiicd lor the reliable transmission ttf sialic data such as e-mails -A^KS lllcs o\'er low-bandwidth, high-error-i-alc nclwoiks |S| In each transmission session TCP eslablishcs a \irUial conncciiiMi between the sender and the receiver peilorni.N the acknowlcdgmcnl of receixed data packets, and iniplenicnls ihe retransmission mechanism when necessLH) T( P can aKo atiapl Keywords- Data transmission; Internet; network protocol; Real- to the variation of network condiliitn h_\ appl) inLi suicl time Transport Protocol; mobile robot: security robot; tele-robot congesli' iitter which rapidly degrades the qualit\ of ser\ ice with these works are associated with the inevitable Internet (QoS) in a congested network transmission delays, delay Jitter and non-guaranteed bandwidth To overcome these problems, most of the current In this paper, we propose a novel approach in \vhich the works focused on developing advanced remote control Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) is employed as the algorithms [2]-[4] and interface techniques [5][6] The data transport protocol for controlling an Internet-based robot communication between the human operator and the remote system Over the Internet, the operator can control a mobile robot, however, is usually treated as a given condition and robot to explore an unknown environment in real time Man) hardly addressed explicitly For example, most remote control simulations and experiments have been conducted to cxaluatc systems directly employ the Transmission Control Protocol the effectiveness and applicabilil) of the proposed approach (TCP) or the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the data transmission protocol even though neither TCP nor UDP was II REAL-TIME TRANSPORT PROTOCOL Ar^D REAL-TIME oiiginally designed for real-time applications TRANSPORT CONTROL PROTOCOL UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is based on the idea of sending a datagram from one device to another as fast as possible without due consideration of the state of the network [7] This protocol does not maintain a connection between the sender and the receiver, and it does not guarantee that the transmitted data packets will reach the destination as well as the chronological order of the data at the recei\'ing end In addition, UDP is not equipped with any congestion control mechanism, which means the sending rate cannot be adapted to the real bandwidth available The main advantage of UDP, however, is the relatively minimized transmission delay and delay jitter achieved under good network conditions FirstI}' published in 19*-)6 RTP is a rclaiixel) new transpori protocol but it has since become the standard for dcliverini.^ real-time multimedia data [9| There are two parts to RTP: the data transfer protocol called RTP and the associated control protocol called RTCP While RTP carries Ihe media streams such as audio and \'ideo RTCP is used to monitor transmission statistics and information related to the qualil) of service A Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) RTP aims to provide services useful for the transport of real-time media, such as audio and video, over IP networks These services include liming recover)', loss detection and correction, payload and source identillcation reception quality utlfj \v[\ l-.lii!('!>(:i •; M l ' Ml a) Throughpiii b) TiiriL- du'Liv )i 'i,i\ nllii Figure Simulation results in c:ise olno neiv\ork con.i."^iinii Delay (msix 10' liitL'i itp _ i _ Icp udp 250- l.OD r,ri 150 0.40 - 0.20 -Time fs' ino ri'in 50 ri,2G G 20 10 U(l|) 0.f::u 200- •Jumberx 10- nnn L '•Qi\ IJuKihrN : b) Time delav a) Throughput HI on c) Dclav inter Figure Simulation results in case of network congestion feedback media synchronization, and membership management R T P provides neither any guarantees for data delivery nor packet delivery in order The main functions o f RTP include: • • identification o f the source sending the R T P packets • Timestamps to R T P packets • Sequence numbers to R T P packets Real-time Transport Control Protocol R T C P provides feedback on the q u a l i l ) of the data distribution such as the packet loss ratio, the deiav jitter and the timestamps o f sender and receiver reports • Identification o f payload t ) p e R T C P carries an identifier o f the source sending the packets and other source description i n f o r m a t i o n • B y receiving RTCP packets from all participants each one can estimate the total number o f session participants T h i s number is used to calculate the rale In the view o f real-time system control, some earlier works have suggested that the buffer mechanism o f R T P may render i l inappropriate for real-time control applications [ ] [ I ] However, in this paper, it w i l l be shown that w i t h an appropriately o p t i m i z e d buffer time and size, the amount o f network jitter can be significantly reduced w h i l e still satisfying the conditions for S)Stem slabilit)' B • at w h i c h the packets are sent • RTCP supplies the information needed t(t S)'nchronize media streams Correct implementation o f R T C P can s i g n i f c a n l l ) - enhance an R T P session: It permits the receiver to l i p - s \ n c audio and video, identifies the other members o f a session, and allows ihc sender to make an i n f o r m e d choice o f error protection scheme to use to achieve o p t i m u m q u a l i t ) (RTCP) The control protocoL R T C P , is based on the periodic transmission o f control packets to all participanls in the session, using the same distribution mechanism as the data packets It performs four functions: Ill SiML'LATiON S T U D I E S In this section, w e present our simulation studies on RTP In evaluate its network characteristics such as transmission d e k i ) delay jitter and network throughput in comparison w i t h T C P and U D P W e use the w i d e l ) ' adopted network simulation tool '" ^ ^ — ^ Research Projecis Agenc) (UAKIVM through the Virtual inierNetworl, Testbed (VIN'i ) project, lor the simuiali.^ns | ) : | Ivx scenarios will be discussed in this section: • • A One RTP flow, one TCP tlow and one UDP How share a link without the congestion One RTP Jlow one TCP tlow and one IIDP tlovv share a bottleneck link under a heavy congestion One RTP floM\ one Td' flow and one UDP floM share a hnk without the congestion The network lopolog)' of this simulation is shown in lig.3 Three sources of traffic corresponding to the RTP UDP and TCP ones are connected to a router The router forwards the trafllc to a sink through a 1.5Mbps duplex link The RTP and UDP sources send data to the network at 0.5Mbps and the TCP source creates the traffic based on the state of the network In rcal-linic coiMro! -;v,;lcni il is iinporuin! ih.ii :IIL J.MA transmissiiMi should '-"c •i;.ui't.iinc*.l al :i -!c:!j- -PCCL' '^^'liic \\wtriinsmissn>n Ui.i;i; a n i dcl.r iiUcr need f* rcJuccJ }•< 'h* minimunv> I-M'II MU- •-milaiioi, results, il is ••i.-^^ 'CV-,"JIH cd that TCP is n-il :ipprn|>!TiU' in ival-tinic conlrol hc.Musc the dclav jitter is rclaiivciv hii:h and the suddcri drop in MMIIIC is not accejitablc Rl P ;i!i'.: HDIVsliow the similar bclijv in the simulations ll.'WL\er j ' mentioned in the "liUroJuetion" section UDP is merciv a raw protocol that was not intended lor practical ulili/ation while K I P was oricinallv designed h'r transmitting real-time media with the support (H R l ( P CMOI concealment and multieas' mechanism Ihe choice ol R IT lor real-lime eonlml ihcrelore '< proper I\ To verify the validilv and elfecliv encss o\' the [iropiiscd approach in control, we iinplemented an Internet-based robot S)slem in which a nmbile rohoi could be cinitrollcd over tin Internet using R IT A SMbps Sink Figure 3: Network topology in llie no network congestion simulation From the results shown in flg.l we can see that all RTP, UDP and TCP flows share a fair bandwidth of the network and they introduce a common transmission delay behavior The network iitter of TCP flow is however quite large in comparison with RTP and UDP flows B- One RTP floM\ one TCP flow and one UDP flow share a bottleneck link under a heavy congestion The network topolog) in this simulation (fig.4) is similar to the previous one except that both RTP and UDP flows send the data at 1.0Mbps to the network causing a heavy congestion at the router Fig.2 shows the simulation results We can see that the TCP flow cannot compete with RTP and UDP flows to send the traffic to the network and it is dropped from the network Rjp ] 0Mbps 10Mbps 10Mbps /D„.,_\ 5Mbps Figure Network topology in Ihe network congestion simulation i:xri-KIMI:NlS Hardware ennf/^jiiii/tKjn The hardware eonllgnralion ol the svsicm is shown in \'\v ? It consists oJ'three components: the mobile rob(tt the ecnlia! seiA'er and the client computer The server has two network interfaces: one to link it to the Internet ihi-ough a static IP and the other interface allows it to communicate with ilie mobile robot via an 802.1 la wireless router The robot is a commercial Sputnik mobile robot | It has basic components for motor control, sensing and navigation including batter) povvei- drive motors and wheels, position/speed encoders, infrared senst)rs integrated sonar ranging sensors and a visual s)stem Sensing and motor control are managed by an on-board digital signal processor (DSP) with an independent motor/power and sonar controller boards for a versatile operating en\*ironment The drive system uses high-speed, high-torque reversible-DC motors The Sputnik mobile robot provides three sonar sensors One is mounted to the front of the robot and the others are mounted to its left and right side respeclivel) The visual system is detachable and mounted on the head of the Sputnik mobile robot It mainl) consists of a MCI390S color image module with Sharp mini color camera head LZ0P390M The image size can be up l several seconds It is also noted Ironi lig.'^ that an average Jitter of 4nis is much better than the 15ms jiuei requirement for normal v idco stieaming 11 51 1-10 i C Experimental results To evaluate the performance of the system, we have carried out many experiments Fig.7 shows the setup of the environment that the Sputnik mobile robot moves through The robot is located at the Automatic Control and Robotics Laboratory (ACRs Lab) of the Hanoi University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University, and it is controlled over the Internet by an operator who is 12km far avsay The average speed of the robot is lOcm/s The goal of the experiments is to remotely guide the Sputnik robot from the starting point Oo to the objective point Od- 120 •/•l IOC) h' \ ^ > so 1 rj rz (i t 60 f j f a ao - '-'••J^ » r-\ \ 20 t 10 10 ••0 40 50 CO Sequence number X 10' SO OO Figure Packet delav during the experiment 60 50 4n > Fitiure 7: Remotely navigating the mobile robot around the laboratory In the experiments, by using the designed client GUI , the user successfully navigated the Sputnik mobile robot from the point Oo to the point Oj via the Internet (Fig.7) This result can be verified from the fig.8 and llg.9: an average delay of 43ms and an average jitter of 4ms definitely satisfy the stable conditions of this particular setup which can tolerate the delay 10 20 JP S e q u e n c e n u m b e r xlO- Ficure Delav iittei during the experiment 00 R! rri;rN(~i-s e Sputnik mobile robot when it was remotel) being guided via the Inlernet to move from point O, to point Oj in the ACRs Lab We have conducted the experiments in different da\ timesmorning, noon, afternoon and night-trying to capture the "rush hour" of the Internet traffic At all times, the u.ser succeeded to navigate the mobile robot through the ACRs Lab Hcyund Welicams \ n liitnuin.'.uti' U' Mpln , KOIMU R Stegv\;m Fds t ;uiibrul!.c M \ \ M I I'K-.- ."""n: K I n'jivi;' IPIJ K ("iolhcrg and M Miis'.h;! Vsl,;')p klcopcr.iMnn • r:i ihi W >trM \\ idt Web." Proi-ccdnigs oT IIK- I'*''."- I I ! I IiiieniaiioM;il C.>nlcuin.'- 'ii; Robotics i\ni.\ AulnmiiiHui Mav "')-^ pp hSj-f.-^'i { ] U C l u o ;ind I M t'lK-n "l)i.\clnpnii-nt iM :i mulii-b h;n loi based ntohile loboi lin remole supco rsn[\ ituurol iliiou-'li ilic Ink-int-i lEEF/A.SMF Ir.itis M.x hain-m^ - \ol ^ n., p|', ; ;.^^ \h K Taylor and B tialton "Issues in IMICIIILI Iclciobotics in I'IHL lui C'onl Field and SeiAici.- Kob')lK-s t ;inbcna AuviMha I ' " ' ' ' pp I "^ I 157 l-^l IM C' Savers Rcmoic Coniii>t knhniKs Nl.•\^^•^l!l W IM PoMel RFC 76S, - l i s c i Halai'iam I'rolocol ' l^JSd PI H Schulzrinne S Casncr R FreckTick \ ' lacobson R l t l S S w RIP A Tran?;porl Protoci>l loi Real- Fimc A p p l k a l i o u s ' InteniL-i l i u ' m c c n i i ; ! Task Force % Figure 10; A sequence ofimages showing the motion ot robot in a laboratorv environment during the tele-opcmtion V CONCLUSIONS In this paper, we propose a no\el approach in controlling Internet-based robot systems: the use of the Real-time Transport Protocol The core part of this approach RTP is analyzed theoretically and its performances, such as time delay and network throughput, are evaluated b)' using simulation studies The results confirm the theoretical analysis ver)' well Furthermore, the experimental implementation on an Internet mobile robot shows that the introduced scheme provides acceptable delay and jitter for the real-lime control Spr nii'ci Vcria;' '1 Foiifi and C Tlidipe A'chn.k k k-opcratinn inkTlaci's Kobols vol I no I, pp '' IS lij| : i i ( , l! RFC 703 •Transnii.'JsioM Control iMoitKnl Program Protocol SpeciFk'atinn I'•'XI l'''V AulniinniiniN l_)\RPA ItUcruci P X Lni.O M a \ Fl Mensz, S X Vanu I)ata coinniuniLaiions (oi Internet robots" .Autonomous Robnis :> I ! ! ^ ; : ^ ^ r u n " k l i i w c i academic publishers 111 L Ping L Wenjuan S ZcngL|i, "'Iransptiri Wuci I'miiKnl Reconllguralioii for Netv\ork-Based Roboi C'onintl S\sicni II I I Networking, Sensing and Conlrol 2t)n5 The Network Simulator-ns-2 lOnlmt"] htip ''\\\\\\ isi cdii'iisnani'iis The Sputnik mobile lohoi |niilincl hitp / / w w w drroboi com/pro(.liicts/item_do\vnluatK/Spuiink ? pdl' 14 I Horton, 'Beginning la\a." W r o \ Press PJ''7 Mohamed Koubaa and Mauiice Clagnaire A Pcrlormancc Suid\ ni MPEG-4 Video Stream in c m IP Networks"" European com r act N' CP53 B A O C A O TOM Ty\T KET QVA BANG ! IINC; ANl SUMMARY Projecl Title: Investigation and Designing of CORBA Communication Architectui-c InicnicM-lxi.^cd Rolxnics Sxsicni I siiiii Code number: QC.09.18 Coordinator: Phuna Manh Duons Implementing Institution: Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering I lni\crsil> of Engineering and Technology VNUH Cooperating Institution(s): Duration: from 08/2009 to 06/2010 Objectives: Supervising and Controlling real-time systems over the Internet lias becii allraeting more i\nd more research interests recently due to its potential in opening new appliealit)ns lor our modern life such as the virtual laboratory, tele-homecare and tele-robot The objeeli\e of this project is the use of CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) to devch-)p an Internet-based robotic system in which the client can transparently invoke a method t)n a server across the network in real time without any need to know where the appliealion servers are located, or w^hat programming language and operating system are used This lets the system overcome the shortcomings of typical Internet robotic systems which are only compatible with a specific programming language and operating system Main contents: An Internet-based robotic system using CORBA was successfully developed in the project To reach this objective, we did a lot of work that Avas generally classified into three followed categories: - Analysing Internet characteristics and previous Internet-based robot systems - Understanding CORBA architecture - Developing an Internet-based robotic system using CORBA Results obtained: 3.1 Publications: - Phung Manh Duong, Quach Cong Hoang Vu Xuan Quang and Tran Quang Vinli "Control of a Mobile Robot over the Internet Using CORBA as Communication 20 Architecture", International Conference on Engineering Mechanics and Xiiiomalion (ICEMA 2010), Hanoi, July 1-2 2010 - Manh Duong PHUNG Thanh Van Thi NGUYEN Quang \ inh TRAN -Conirol of an Internet-based Kobot System Using the Keal-fune inmspori J^roiocol Ihe "^lli Vietnam Conference on Mechatronics Ho Chi Minh Vietnam 3.2 Training - 01 Undergradate Thesis: Student: Duong Due Tien Thesis I'itle: ^'Controlling Switching Devices Over the Internet " PHIEUDANG KV KET QUA NGHIEN CUl I CAC Of: f Al Kl K N Ten de tai: Nghien cuu va thiet ke he thong giam sat va di^u khien robot qua mang ma\ linh su diino kien true truyen thong CORBA Mas6:QC.09T8 Co quan quan ly de tai: Dai hoc Quoc gia Ha Ngi Dia chi: 144, duong Xuan Thuy, Chu GiSy - Ha Noi Dienthoai: 7548664 ^ • _ Co quan chu tri de tai: Truang Dai hoc Cong nghe Dia chi: 144, duong Xuan Thuy Cau Giay - Ha Noi Dienthoai: 7548664 T6ng chi phi thuc chi: 25.000.000d Trong do: - Tu ngan saeh Nha nuoe: 25.000.000d - Nguon khac: Od Thai gian nghien cuu : Thai gian bat dau: 08/2009 Thai gian kat thuc: 06/2010 22 _ Ten eac can bo phoi hop nghien ciiu: - Chu nhiem de tai: Phung Manh Duong - Nhung nguai tham gia: Dang Anh VieU Pham Dinh I uaii I ran Van I luan NguNcii I hi Thanh Van Tom tat ket qua nghien cuu: - Tim hieu dac tinh ciia mang Internet va van de dieu khien robot qua mang Internet - Tim hieu kien true truyen thong CORBA - Thiet ke cong he thong giam sat va dieu khien robot qua mang max tiiih su kien true truyen thong CORBA - Cong bo 01 bai bao tai hoi nghi Quoc te ATC 2010 - Cone bo 01 bai bao tai hoi nshi trono nuac ICME 2010 - Huong dan 01 khoa luan sinh vien tot nghiep Dai hoe Chuc vu Ho va ten Chii nhiem de tai Thii truang ca quan chii tri de tai Chii tieh hoi dong danh gia nghiem thu chinh thii'c Phung Manh T/L HIEU TRUONG Duong J :tJdNGPHQr,KHOAHnr,ro^jiU'r IL TL.GIAM O6C ILSUdN^eAN KHOA HQC • CONG NCHf f ^ TRUONG BAN •*^^—' 7?^ fhii truang CO' quan quan ly de tai - ^ — ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ — r ( ^ jolm 23 ... va van de dieu kliien robot qua mang Internet I2 3.2.2 Kien true CORBA 14 3.2.3 Thiel ke he thong dieu kliien robot qua mang may tinh su dung kien true CORBA 15 3.2.4 Ket qua thuc nghiem 16 Dja... hinh kien true tong quat cua Internet Trieu goi doi tuang CORBA thong qua ORB Cau true phan cung he thong So phan mem he thong Ket qua thuc nehiem he thone dieu khien robot qua mane may tinh TOM... h) Hinh 8: Ket qua thuc nghiem he thong dieu khien robot cpui mang may linh a) Duong di cua robot qua trinh dieu khien tu diem dau den diem d/ch b) Mot chuoi hinh anh ciia robot qua trinh dieu

Ngày đăng: 12/05/2020, 18:35

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