• Literary Devices Simile (So sánh) likeas Metaphor (Ẩn dụ) Metonymy (Hoán dụ) Dùng khái niệm này để chỉ khái niệm khác Synecdoche (Đề dụ) Dùng toàn thể chỉ bộ phận Dụng bộ phận chỉ toàn thể Symbolism (Biểu tượng) Personification (Nhân hóa) Irony (Nói mỉa) Paradox (Nói ngược) Foreshadowing (Nghệ thuật báo trước) Hyperbole (Cường điệu, nói quá)
ĐỀ CƯƠNG ƠN TẬP VĂN HỌC ANH • Matching Tác giả Phong cách viết Washington Irving humor, imagery, and satire (making gentle fun of something) Cống hiến Tác phẩm the first American Rip Van Winkle writer to set his stories firmly in the United States even as he poached from German or Dutch folklore Theme Freedom vs Tyranny Constancy vs Change Volunteerism vs Work for profit History vs Fiction Henry Wadsworth Longfellow anapestic and trochaic forms, blank verse, heroic couplets, ballads, and sonnets Brahmin poet (A poet, bear the European-oriented viewpoints→retarde d the development and progress of The tide rises, the tide falls ( AABBA) All about the process of birth-deathrebirth in the world Man vs Nhân vật/ tính cách nhân vật Tone/Mood Rip Van Winkle: kind-neighbor, simple, goodnatured, obedient henpecked husband Dame Van Winkle: shrewing, domineering, sharp- tongued, termagant, nagging Tone: a cold, dark tone → peaceful, calm/ accepting, relaxing tone Emily Dickinson Nathaniel Hawthorne American literature) The first American celebrities was also popular in Europe Powerful and persistent figure in American culture short lines, typically lack titles, often uses slant rhyme as well as unconventional Innovative protocapitalization and modernist poet (nhà punctuation thơ tân thời tân tiến) As a Dark Romantic, he used symbols and metaphors to teach lessons His focus on the psychological is also typical of the Dark Romantic style, which he one of the greatest American novelists, dark romantic, short stories writer, a master of the allegorical and symbolic tale Nature Hope is the thing with feathers (Alternative) The Scarlet Letter Hope: resides in the hearts for good It liberates us from despair and gives us the strength to move on It only empowers us and in return demands nothing Sin and Punishment Public judment and individual guilt Feminine bravery Mood: Stz 1: Regret Stz Hopeless Stz Hopefull Tone: Optimistic, motivational and hopeful Mood: no shift in the mood, stayed motivational, hopeful, encouraging, and positive Hester Prynne: beautiful, strong, kind, proud, but also humble Always remains her dignity Arthur Dimmesdale: A Puritan minister the used to illustrate themes of sin, guilt, and hypocrisy O Henry Robert Frost witty, plot-twisting American short endings stories writer whose tales romanticized the commonplace in particular the life of ordinary people in NYC O.Henry Award The gift of the Magi Setting from rural life in New England The simple beauty The Road not taken (ABAAB) One of America’s rare public literary figures, almost an artistic institution LOVE Love and sacrifice Wise and Foolish in love personification of "human frailty and sorrow," is young, pale, and physically delicate Della: adores her husband, puts his needs before hers, and is kind, sweet and generous Jim: a loving husband Understand the true meaning of the gifts they have given each other is not what the gifts are, but what they represent the greatest gift they have is each other Human beings are confronted with and Mood: Ambiguous and meditative of his verse, his sensitive, observing spirit, his quick sympathies and gentle understranding all revealed in simple language that has the tang and twist of Yankee speech • Congress Gold Medal defined by the choices they make Literary Devices Simile (So sánh) like/as Metaphor (Ẩn dụ) Metonymy (Hoán dụ) Dùng khái niệm để khái niệm khác Synecdoche (Đề dụ) Dùng toàn thể phận/ Dụng phận toàn thể Symbolism (Biểu tượng) Personification (Nhân hóa) Irony (Nói mỉa) Paradox (Nói ngược) Foreshadowing (Nghệ thuật báo trước) Hyperbole (Cường điệu, nói quá) ... like/as Metaphor (Ẩn dụ) Metonymy (Hoán dụ) Dùng khái niệm để khái niệm khác Synecdoche (Đề dụ) Dùng toàn thể phận/ Dụng phận toàn thể Symbolism (Biểu tượng) Personification (Nhân hóa)