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ÔN tập các tác PHẨM văn học ANH

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FRANKENSTEIN • The first science fiction: It narrates the deadful consequences that arise after a scientist artificially create a “human” being • Structure of novel: Epistolary (dựa trên hình thức viết thư) • Prometheus: Just as Prometheus sculpted human out of clay, Victor sculpts what he hopes will be the first member of his superior race out of dead tissue. Yet, while Prometheus loved and nurtured his creations, going to so far as to steal fire from Greek Gods for them, Victor is disgusted by his creation, fleeing (chạy trốn) from the creature’s hideous countenance (diện mạo gớm ghiếc).

ÔN TẬP CÁC TÁC PHẨM VĂN HỌC ANH The Passionate Shepherd to His Love Pastoral Poem/ Lyric  Promotes the characteristics of the countryside over those of the town or city, presenting an idealized image of country life that may have been quite at odds with the reality of a hard life in harsh conditions Shepherds are presented as living an idyllic and innocent life in a delightful environment In fact, imminent starvation during harsh winter conditions or when the harvest had failed was a reality of everyday life in past centuries • Form  Six four-line stanzas  Iambic tetrameter rhythm • Devices  Imagery  Alliteration  Rhythm → Create poem like lyric • Analysis  Shepherd’s promises:  “beds of roses”; “fragrant posies”; “a kirtle embroidered all with leaves of myrtle”; “gown made of finest wool”;  Repeat “come live with me and be my love” → Powerful desier  Idealize nature and love • The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd Overview A young female nymph, responds to the shepherd’s vision of their "happily-ever-after." The nymph, having superior rationality, coolly objects the shepherd’s offerings and explains to him that all he proposes is of the limited timeframe of a mortal being; his offerings will not last • Analysis  Time is the “key” of the Nymph’s answer  Nymph don’t point out the bad things but she says that all good things will be decayed •  Realism: All things will never be able to escape the ravages of time • Longevity value of two poem Subject Matter Idealism Realism (wish) (know) ideal life that people look forward All will be decayed Sonnet 18 (Iambic pentameter/ Rhyme: abab- cdcd- efef- gg) Quatrains  “Summer day” Ngày đẹp năm nước Anh This image of the perfect English summer's day is then surpassed as the second line reveals that the lover is more lovely and more temperate  “Summer’s lease”: Time is too short → the beauty will fade away • Quatrains  “eye of heaven shine” METONYMY (Sun) → too hot  “gold complexion” PERSONIFICATION → the sun is hid either clouds or the set of it (sunset) → The beauty of everything will fade due to nature’s changing course by chance • Quatrains  the beauty of his beloved shall not fade he owns nor shall death be able to brag him  METAPHOR (thy eternal summer → your eternal beauty) ; (Death brag thou wanderest in his shade → Die) → Summer sometimes may go extreme and fleeting, his lover is not like that, still lovely and temperate • • Rhymed couplet  Poet sent his beloved’s beauty and youth into the poem If this poem is eternal with time, the beauty and youth of the poet’s belove is enternal too  Guarantee the lover remain young, the written word becoming breath, vital energy, ensuring life continues Sonnet 29 Quatrains (Depression/ Hopeless/ Isolation)  Having misfortunes, be looked down by others → cry in self-pity alone  Pray but no one hears prayers, feel sorry for myself • Quatrains (Depression/ Hopeless/ Isolation)  Wishing he were more like someone with more hope, handsome or popular  Wanting one person’s talent, another’s opportunity  Things that usually make him happy only make him more upset • Quatrains (Elation)  YET → The shift in the mood of the poet  Think on thee → change state  SIMILE “like to the lack at break of day arising”  “Sullen earth” >< “Heaven gate” (Sadness, hopelessness>

Ngày đăng: 24/03/2020, 15:39

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