IMPROVING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OF AIR FREIGHT FORWARDING SERVICE QUALITY – A CASE IN ACT MULTINATIONAL TRANSPORTATION LOGISTICS CO., LTD Logistics is a new and emerge field in Vietnam despite their enormous profit and contribution to the development of this country. Although there has been a numerous local logistics companies, it still cannot meet the customer’s demand. Therefore, service quality plays an important role in rating the logistics company as well as gaining new customer and maintaining the loyal ones. However, service quality is hard to evaluate, especially the new field such as logistics and freight forwarding. Therefore, SERVQUAL model, the popular tools to assess, is based on five factors: responsiveness, reliability, empathy, tangibles and assurance. Quantitative method was applied by sending survey via Email for logistics companies, who are the loyal and frequent ACT’s customers. The questionnaire are set by rating by scale from one to five according to the level of satisfaction. 55 responses were collected after two month. The result has shown some weakness of the service provided by ACT. From there, enhancing the knowledge and skills of professional staff, together with the connection of technology and 4.0 Industrial Revolution, is the prior to the solutions in order to improve the effectiveness of air freight forwarding in ACT in particular and economy development of Vietnam in general. Key words: Freight forwarding, customer satisfaction, service quality, SERVQUAL model
BANKING ACADEMY Faculty of Foreign Languages
Student : Academic Year : 2015 - 2019
Hanoi, May 2019
Trang 2I hereby declare that I am sole author of this Bachelor thesis “Improving customersatisfaction of air freight forwarding service quality – A case in ACT MultinationalTransportation Logistics Co., Ltd.” The data, statistics and information reported in thisthesis is the result of my own work and I have not used any sources other than thoselisted in bibliography I further declare that I have not submitted this thesis in anyinstitution in order to obtain the degree
Hanoi, May 2019 Signature
Chu Mai Huong
Trang 3This thesis research the customer satisfaction of air freight forwarding servicesfrom 2016 to the early four months in 2019 at ACT Multinational Transportation Co,Ltd Throughout the dissertation, I have received a huge of inspiration and assistance
I would like to thank my supervisor, Mr Ngo Tung Anh, the dedicated lecturer
of Faculty of Foreign Languages Department, for his encouragement and invaluableexpertise in formulating of the research topic and giving the supportiverecommendations
I would also like to give special thanks to my colleagues at ACT LogisticsCompany for their helpful collaboration All their supports are precious guidance andmade this time memorable
I would like to acknowledge the supportive participants in the online survey.Those response to the whole questionnaires and sharing their valuable experiencesgreatly help me complete my dissertation I hereby express my gratitude to all 76customers of ACT and 55 respondents for their full supportive answer With theirpassionate support, the validation survey could not have been conducted
In addition, I would like to thank my family, especially my grandmother for hercontinuous encouragement and valuable guidance Besides, thanks to my closeclassmates, who were of great support in finding the topic and advising the surveyquestions
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Objectives of the study 2
1.3 Significance of the study 2
1.4 Scope and delimitation of the study 2
1.5 Definition of terms 3
1.6 Summary 4
I Theoretical and conceptual framework 5
2.1 General overview of forwarding 5
2.1.1 Freight forwarding 5
2.1.2 Freight forwarder? 5
2.2 The role of forwarder in international trade 6
2.2.1 Carrier 6
2.2.2 Customs Broker 6
Trang 52.2.3 Cargo Consolidator: 7
2.2.4 Agent 7
2.3 Rights and obligations of freight forwarders 7
2.4 Responsibilities of forwarder 8
2.5 Steps of air freight forwarding 9
2.5.1 Prepare goods, make a booking allotment 9
2.5.2 Inspection, fumigation, tax calculation procedures 9
2.5.3 Trucking the commodities to the airport 9
2.6 Factors affecting the air freight forwarding 10
2.6.1 The objective factors 10
2.6.2 The subjective factor 11
II Research paradigm / conceptual paradigm 13
2.7 Service quality 13
2.7.1 Service 13
2.7.2 Quality 14
2.7.3 Service quality assessment 15
2.7.4 SERVQUAL model 16
2.8 Summary 19
3.1 Research Approaches 20
3.1.1 Deductive research approach 20
3.1.2 Quantitative methodology 20
3.2 Research design 21
Trang 63.4 Population, sample and sampling technique 22
3.4.1 Population of the study 22
3.4.2 Sample of the population 23
3.4.3 Sampling Techniques 23
3.5 Respondent of the study 23
3.6 Research Instrument 24
3.7 Data Gathering Procedures 25
3.8 Statistical Treatment of Data 25
3.9 Limitations of Research Methodology 26
3.10 Summary 26
4.1 The process of formation and development 28
4.2 Business Activities 29
4.3 Business Services 30
4.3.1 Air Freight 30
4.3.2 Sea Freight 30
4.4 Survey Results 32
4.4.1 Data Description 32
4.4.2 Background of the respondents 32
4.5 Customer Satisfaction scale rating analysis 37
4.5.1 Reliability Factors 37
4.5.2 Responsiveness Factors 40
4.5.3 Assurance Factors 42
4.5.4 Empathy Factors 43
Trang 74.5.5 Customer Satisfaction Factors (General Opinions) 46
4.5.6 Short – answer questions 47
4.6 Summary 48
5.1 Summary of the thesis 49
5.2 Conclusion 49
5.3 Recommendations 50
5.3.1 Recommendations for the Government 50
5.3.2 Recommendation for the Enterprise 51
5.4 Limitation of the research 53
5.5 Suggestions for further research 54
Table 3 1: The route from HAN with ASIA 22
Table 4 1: The revenue and profit of ACT Company in recent three years 31
Table 4 2: Statistics of Reliability Factors 37
Table 4 3: Satisfaction levels of “Be always available” factors 40
Table 4 4: Statistics of Responsiveness Factors 40
Table 4 5: Statistics of Assurance Factors 42
Table 4 6: Statistics of Empathy factors 44
Table 4 7: Statistics of Customer Satisfaction factors 46
Figure 4.1: The response rate of gender 33
Figure 4.2: Gender and Age 33
Figure 4.3: The department of the respondents 34
Figure 4.4: The business relationship with ACT Company 35
Figure 4.5: Type of company 35
Figure 4.6: Service Usages 36
Figure 4.7: Satisfaction levels of On - time delivery 38
Figure 4.8: Satisfaction levels of Being served accurately & professionally 39
Figure 4.9: Satisfaction levels of "Willing to give advice' 42
Figure 4.10: Satisfaction levels of “Arrange suitable working time” and “Provide support policy” factors 44
Figure 4.11: Satisfaction levels of “Be received the best services” factor 45
Figure 4.12: Satisfaction levels of “Satisfied with making payment 47
APPENDIX 1: ACT’s business report from 2016 – 2019
APPENDIX 2: ACT Planning Development Research, 2016
APPENDIX 3: ACT customer satisfaction levels questionnaire surveyAPPENDIX 4: ACT customer satisfaction levels survey’s result
Trang 12Logistics is a new and emerge field in Vietnam despite their enormous profitand contribution to the development of this country Although there has been anumerous local logistics companies, it still cannot meet the customer’s demand.Therefore, service quality plays an important role in rating the logistics company aswell as gaining new customer and maintaining the loyal ones However, service quality
is hard to evaluate, especially the new field such as logistics and freight forwarding.Therefore, SERVQUAL model, the popular tools to assess, is based on five factors:responsiveness, reliability, empathy, tangibles and assurance Quantitative method wasapplied by sending survey via Email for logistics companies, who are the loyal andfrequent ACT’s customers The questionnaire are set by rating by scale from one tofive according to the level of satisfaction 55 responses were collected after two month.The result has shown some weakness of the service provided by ACT From there,enhancing the knowledge and skills of professional staff, together with the connection
of technology and 4.0 Industrial Revolution, is the prior to the solutions in order toimprove the effectiveness of air freight forwarding in ACT in particular and economydevelopment of Vietnam in general
Key words: Freight forwarding, customer satisfaction, service quality, SERVQUAL
Trang 13CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTORY STATEMENT 1.1 Background of the study
The 21st century has seen a dramatic fall in trade barriers, intensiveglobalization, and rapid growth in international trade Companies of all sizes areseeking to take advantage of opportunities in this new world economy, and Vietnam is
no exception Together with the development of several innovative modes oftransportation recently, international transportation system plays an increasingly crucialrole Along with the economic growth, import and export activities creates moreopportunities in the forwarding industry’s development
In recent years, logistics and supply chain management have strongly developedbecause of the rapidly increasing import and export activities However, theinternational transportation is not as simple as domestic transportation Freightforwarding, by itself, is a process, a chain management of international logistics andthe forwarders on behalf of carrier having responsibility to deliver the commodity topredefined destination Many forwarding companies have been established,specializing in providing customs clearance services, warehousing services, truckingservices and customs brokerage services In order to achieve effective business result,the employees must master the logistics professional qualification, affreightment(renting a ship), customs procedures, etc
However, it seems that this provided services do not meet the customerrequirement and satisfaction Therefore, measuring customer satisfaction is a good way
to evaluate the quality of these service
Throughout the Internship period at ACT Multinational Transportation LogisticsCo., Ltd, together with the support of the staffs in the company, especially the
dedicated guidance of the lecturer Ngo Tung Anh, I have decided to choose this title "
Improving customer satisfaction of air freight forwarding service quality – A case in ACT Multinational Transportation Logistics Co., Ltd " as my graduation thesis.
Trang 141.2 Objectives of the study
The broad objective was to study the satisfaction levels of the ACT’s customerabout air forwarding service quality
The specific objective of the study were:
To measure the levels of satisfaction about the provided services
To determine which model and factors are used to evaluate the services
To determine which services are mostly used and highly satisfied by thecustomers
1.3 Significance of the study
The result of the study will be of great benefit to the following:
ACT LOGISTICS COMPANY The data and statistics are collected on the behavior
of customers toward the provided service of ACT This result enable the company toimprove the air freight forwarding quality and the human resource The gathered datahelp ACT understand the requirement and satisfaction in order to plan and upgradesuitable services
FORWARDER The result of the study will help the forwarder evaluate the quality of
services provided by ACT, especially the ACT’s customers The forwarder might havemore choices to use ACT’s services Besides, it is an opportunity to gain the newcustomers
STUDENTS This study will provide the information about the theoretical background
of air freight forwarding and logistics field Also, this research evaluate the servicequality in every aspects of five factors of SERQUAL model The data gathered willalso be a valuable source to help the other students
1.4 Scope and delimitation of the study
This thesis will focus on measuring and evaluating the customer satisfaction ofACT’s service Due to time constraints, this graduation thesis is limited to just
Trang 15mentioning the process of air freight forwarding without mentioning any other means
of transportation Besides, the thesis focuses only on exporting goods rather thanprocedures for imported goods This topic uses the document and information of theACT Company within three years to refer to exporting goods of the company (from
2015 to the early four months of 2019)
1.5 Definition of terms
A freight forwarder is a business, acts as an intermediary, receiving the goods ofthe shippers, or consolidating multiple cargo into larger shipments, then hiring carriers(shipping lines, airlines) to transport from the starting point to the final destination
A freight consolidator is an operator who uses the carrier as a vehicle Hegroups a small of commodities from a range of individual exporters into a fullcontainer of cargo and loads these collected goods under his own name to ultimatelyreach one or more consignees’ end destination
Air cargo is cargo transported by plane, otherwise known as by air This is themethod where the cargo is delivered by a dedicated cargo plane (FRT, Cargo Air Craft,
or Freighter), or carried in the Passenger’s Plane (PAX)
Master Airway Bill is a document issued by the carrier to confirm receipt of theshipment for air transport, usually abbreviated as MAWB This bill is used to regulatethe relationship between air carriers and consolidators and delivery documents betweencarriers and consolidators
House airway bill (HAWB) is a transport document, which is issued and signed
Trang 16It is also known as the Forwarder’s House Airway bill This bill is used to adjust therelationship between the consolidation and the individual shippers.
Manifest is the transport document that gives a detailed summary of airway billsissued by a carrier (or its agent) for a specific shipment Manifest is a system to receivecargo declarations, other relevant documents and electronic customs clearance for theagent and forwarder
Customs Declaration
A customs declaration is an official document that the owner must declare aboutthe shipment when exporting or importing into the territory of Vietnam Simply, if youhave goods to export or import, you must go through customs procedures, anddeclaring the declaration is one of the required jobs
1.6 Summary
In summary, air freight forwarding has become an increasingly important sectorwith the supply chain all around the world In order to achieve effective and efficientbusiness systems, take advantage of human source and innovation technology willbring more opportunity to enter new world Therefore, improving the efficiency ofservice quality is the prior action to meet the standard of the most fastidious customers
For four chapters below, Chapter II will present the literature review of thetheoretical framework on air freight forwarding In Chapter II, the primary topicdiscussed is the factors that affect the forwarding services In Chapter III, the thesisdiscussed the research methodology and detail information of how the study wasconducted The research results are analyzed in Chapter IV, followed by the findingsand recommendations in Chapter V
I Theoretical and conceptual framework
2.1 General overview of forwarding
2.1.1 Freight forwarding
In international trade, goods need to be shipped to many countries ranging fromseller country to buyer country In order for the goods’ process to be circulated quickly,safely and economically without the involvement of the seller and buyer, it is necessary
to have the intermediaries related to the transport process, including trucking the goods
to the seaport, carrying out customs clearance procedures, loading and unloadingprocedures, shipping the goods to the consignee at the port of destination All theseactivities are generally referred to as "Forwarding"
According to Article 163 - Vietnam Commercial Law (May 23, 1997), “Freightforwarding is a commercial activity whereby the forwarders receive goods from thesender, organize transportation, storage, paperwork and other related services underauthorized by shippers, carriers and other forwarders”
In short, forwarding is a collection of operations and procedures related to thetransport process to track the commodities from the place of shipment (shipper) to theplace of delivery (consignee) The forwarding company can do services directly orthrough the agents or other third parties
2.1.2 Freight forwarder?
A freight forwarder is a business, acts as an intermediary between a shipper andtransportation services that organizes shipments for individuals and corporation to getgoods from the manufacturers to the customers at predefined destination The freightforwarders specialize in lowering costs and facilitating the logistics of transportation
A freight forwarder is responsible for the transportation of goods between onedestination and another Freight forwarding companies specialize in arranging the
Trang 18The forwarder helps import and export business to save costs for buildingwarehouses, managing goods because it is possible to use warehouse and personnel ofthe forwarder.
2.2 The role of forwarder in international trade
Today, due to the development of transportation, especially multimodaltransport, the forwarder not only works as an agent, a trustee, but also a transportservice provider and the carrier The forwarder has services as the following functions:
2.2.1 Carrier
The forwarder acts as a carrier, it means that any person by whom or in whosename a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a shipper Theytransport goods from port of loading to port of discharge under their own or charteredvessels The forwarder acts as contracting carrier if he signs a contract without directlytransporting it If he directly transports, he is the actual carrier
"Actual carrier" means any person to whom the performance of the carriage ofthe goods, or of part of the carriage, has been entrusted by the carrier, and includes anyother person to whom such performance has been entrusted
2.2.2 Customs Broker
Customs broker is the person who is licensed to help importers and exportersensure complete compliance with federal law Every country has different lawspertaining to their specific interests and customs brokers assist their clients bycooperating shippers and government agencies In some countries the license or theprofessional activity is mandatory and in others not
Customs broker will review packing lists and commercial invoices, organize andsubmit necessary documentation to ensure shipments meet all legal requirements andverify that taxes and duties have been properly calculated and paid A customs brokerwill make sure that the goods are correctly classified with the appropriate HarmonizedCode, allowing their clients to pay the lowest possible taxes and duties
Trang 192.2.3 Cargo Consolidator:
A freight consolidator is an operator who uses the carrier as a vehicle Hegroups a small of commodities from a range of individual exporters into a fullcontainer of cargo and loads these collected goods under his own name to ultimatelyreach one or more consignees’ end destination
It is very simple to ship goods via a freight consolidator agency An agent orrepresentative will guide you throughout the process until the goods are brought to thefinal destination As a collector goods, the forwarder can act as a carrier or just anagent
2.2.4 Agent
Not only does the forwarder have the responsibility of the professional carrierbut also, he acts as an intermediary between the shipper and the carrier as an agent ofthe carrier or of the shipper The forwarder, under the direction of the shipper, performsseveral tasks that related to import – export procedures, such as receiving goods,delivering goods, taking documentations, clearing customs procedures, warehousingthat basing on trust contract
2.3 Rights and obligations of freight forwarders
The freight forwarders have the following rights and obligations:
Receive service commission and other reasonable expenses
During the contract performance, the forwarder may work differently with theinstruction of the shipper in case there bring good benefits for the clients,however it should be notified to his customers as soon as possible
When something occurs, it may lead to partial failure or all customer’sinstructions, the forwarder must immediately notify to his clients forinstructions
Trang 20 In case there is an agreement on the specific time to perform obligation, theforwarder must fulfill their obligations within a reasonable time.
When transporting the goods, the forwarder must comply with the provisions oflaw and transport customs
2.4 Responsibilities of forwarder
The main responsibility of the freight forwarder is to arrange the movement ofthe cargo to its final destination point Apart from that, the freight forwarder mustreview the ready documentation including the commercial invoices and the airway bill,prepare and process the documents for international freight forwarding
When the forwarder acts as a trustee, the forwarder must also be responsible forthe losses caused by the third party In this case, the forwarder usually has anagreement with the customer about the full-service price (usually a package price), notjust a commission as an agent Forwarders often act as mandates when performingtasks such as cargo consolidator, transport goods or store goods in their ownwarehouse, or when using multimodal transport types
However, the forwarder is not responsible for any loss or damage failure ofgoods from the following cases:
Customer's fault or the person entrusted by the customer
Fraud customer’s package and inappropriate code
The nature of goods
War or strike
The case of force majeure, e g: the severe weather
In addition, the forwarder is not responsible for delays or wrong addresses
Trang 212.5 Steps of air freight forwarding
2.5.1 Prepare goods, make a booking allotment
Receive the detail information about the commodities, including: name of thegoods, pieces, gross weight, dimensions, nature of goods, packed in cartons orpallet?
Check the prices with the airline and other logistics costs that related to theshipment, including AMS, handling fee, MAWB fee
Make a booking with the airline to need space and make booking confirmation
to the customers
Prepare the necessary set of documentations to make customs clearance
Declare and submit customs declarations together with other documents such assales contracts, commercial invoices, business licenses, detailed declarationsand export permits (if necessary)
2.5.2 Inspection, fumigation, tax calculation procedures
Verify the necessary goods and make certificate, such as Certificate of Origin,Certificate of Quality, …
Inspected actual goods by customs according to Customs Law
Calculate taxes and issue tax notices, complete customs procedures according tothe information that declares on VNACCS software and HS Code
2.5.3 Trucking the commodities to the airport
The forwarder will fill out and sign in Booking Note and hand it to the airlinerepresentative to sign with Cargo List
The forwarder directly delivers the goods to the airline
Notify the buyers of the delivery and cargo insurance if needed
Trang 22 Track and trace the flight to notify to the customers whether their cargoes arearrived or not.
2.6 Factors affecting the air freight forwarding
2.6.1 The objective factors
According to VINANET News (09 Apr, 2019), the government applied 0% tax
on imported automobile components The Decree No 125/2017 / ND-CP of theGovernment gave 0% preferential import tax rate for imported car parts from 9 seats orless will apply absolute import tax of 10,000 USD/ car However, the firms mustcommit to manufacture and assemble cars to meet emission standards of level 4 inorder to apply the 0% preferential import tax rate for imported automobile components
In case an enterprise meets all the conditions of the contract and has paid the amount oftax larger than the amount of must – be- paid tax, the customs shall handle the overpaidtax amounts of enterprises in accordance with the Law on Tax Administration
b International law
Nowadays, the global economic integration brings a lot of advantages forVietnamese businesses, the scope of transporting goods is not just around nationalrange but also across the Vietnamese’s border Therefore, the enterprises not onlycomply with the legal law of its own country but also international law
International laws are set up to protect the right of related parties and IATAlikely plays a significant role in avoiding regulatory violations, emergency situations,
Trang 23and package rejection or shipping delays IATA stands for the International AirTransport Association and is the official trade organization of the world’s airlines Forair carriers, IATA provides a polled resource for scheduling, traffic and routes,standardizing services and the creation of a worldwide public service for the airindustry For consumers, IATA sets the international standard for services and businesspractices amongst member airlines.
c Customer demand for services
In the forwarding activities, when international trade is growing, customersrealize that the agency's agent role is becoming very limited Customers want to bearranged the entire transport process as well as other related services such asconsolidating, buying insurance, hiring vehicles, taking full responsibility during thetransport process in order to avoid damages and losses Therefore, the forwarder notonly gives freight forwarding services but also provides related services in order toshorten the delivery time and minimize the expenses and maximize the profit
d The competition of forwarders
In the past ten years, the logistics industry has become more and more popularand has an increasing important strategic position in the Vietnam's economicdevelopment Realizing that this is a potential field, many Logistics companies havebeen launched to provide transportation, warehousing and distribution services forimport and export companies Currently, there are more than 300 enterprises andcompanies being established in the field of international freight forwarding in Vietnam.The development of many companies creates significant competitive pressures forother forwarders However, the booming of forwarding companies has facilitatedimport-export companies to have the best choice of services with the most premiumprices
Trang 242.6.2 The subjective factor
a Operational structure of enterprise
The organizational status of the enterprise will be much more effective if it iscompact, simple, suitable to the economic - technical characteristics, managementcapacity of the managers than an enterprise with a loose organizational structure, which
is inconsistent with the requirements of the corporate governance apparatus
b Capital and facilities
Besides using capital sources to upgrade material and technical equipment forenterprises operating in international freight forwarding, the capital must also be used
in the process of providing services such as pre- shipping allotment, customs clearanceprocedures, import and export taxes paying If there is no capital or insufficient capital,
a lot of difficulties in the process of business operations occurs
International freight forwarding requires that the business has a certain amount
of facilities to meet the increasing and rigorous demands of its customers, namely thewarehouse system, transport vehicles and special-use vehicles, equipped with moderncommunication means for communication such as computer systems connected to theInternet, international telecommunications means and management means Only whenthe enterprises meet the transport facilities conditions and modern technology devices
do they can compete successfully in the market to meet the demand of freightforwarding and strongly developing as today
c Staff qualification
Human Resource has greatly affected international freight forwarding in allaspect This is because this field requires the staff have a high level of professionalskills, excellent foreign language, legal framework knowledge and sensitivity.Customers only entrust and take full authority to the enterprises when they are ensuredwith their rights in the contract That is the reason why enhancing the employee’s skills
is the imperative actions to make profits There has been some short- term course toimprove soft skills, such as computer program
Trang 25d Brand and reputation of businesses
The prestige, reputation or brand of business is one of the key factors for thesurvival of the business The service quality of a business with great prestige and agood brand name in the market will easily win customers to receive and choose moreservices of unbranded businesses The brand of the business is like a guarantee ofbusiness with customers in creating a certain advantage of service with services ofother businesses Especially for businesses involved in expanding international freightforwarding markets, the brand of enterprises will make it easier for enterprises to createtrust and favor more customers
II Research paradigm / conceptual paradigm
2.7 Service quality
2.7.1 Service
It is hard to define exactly the definition of service which is valid for the whole
of the service sector Regarding to the various types of service (using a vendormachine, healthcare consultation, sending letter, air transport, computer maintenance,renting a car…), such attempts have always failed Therefore, some service definitions
of well know authors are presented to offer a new goods-services definition below:
"A service is any act or performance that one party can offer to another that isessentially intangible and does not result in ownership of anything Its production may
or may not be tied to a physical product." (Kotler, 1987)
"A service is an activity or series of activities of more or less intangible naturethat normally, but not necessarily, take place in interactions between the customer andservice employees and/or systems of the service provider, which are provided assolutions to customer problems." (Gronröos, 1990)
Service is special product as it certainly has unique characteristics:
Intangibility: Unlike physical products, service cannot be heard, tasted, seen,
Trang 26provided; therefore, the purchaser only search for sign of quality through theprice, brand name or review.
Perishability: Service is considered very perishable as it cannot be stored or
preserved Take film ticket for example, it will lose value as soon as the moviebegins
Inseparability: A service is inseparable from provider Service occur
continuously, which means the process of providing and receiving service iscarried out simultaneously and at the same time with the presence of thecustomer Therefore, the quality of service is difficult to predict due to it bases
on subjective opinion of customers
Variability: Service quality depends on providers, time and location For
instances, the delicious of the dishes is not good if the chef give wrong spices.Hence, it is important for suppliers if they want to improve the service quality.Organizations can improve quality service by investing in staff training,standardization and implementation processes, and monitoring and measuringcustomer satisfaction regularly
2.7.2 Quality
Like service, quality is not a simple matter to define The definition can varydepending on the different products, manufacturers and customer’s need Juran (1998)defines quality as factors of products which meet customer requirements and thereforeprovide client satisfaction Quality also means “freedom from deficiencies – freedomfrom errors that require doing work over again (rework) or that result in field failures,customer dissatisfaction, customer claims, and so on” The important awareness is thatnone products or services totally satisfy all customers Therefore, to ensure the servicesare on the standard, the enterprise must control all stages from manufacturers todistribution Because, just one disappointment may might damage the whole process.Quality create the differentiations with competitors and help to gain trust from loyal
Trang 27customers If the quality basically satisfies the needs, clients will continue to useproducts in the future.
2.7.3 Service quality assessment
It is not easy to give a complete definition of service quality because servicequality is intangible product and the customers only assess it after purchasing and usingthem Quality is rated not only on the result of the service but also on the wholeprocess Customer assess the service quality based on attitudes, subjective and theability to recognize
Because the service quality related to customer’s satisfactions and expectation
as well as their perception of the service, it is hard to assess Usually, there are threelevels of assessment of service quality:
Good: when customers perceive the service beyond their expectation
Satisfactory: when the service meets expectation
Poor: when the service is below their expectation
The ultimate goal of all activities of the enterprises is to satisfy customers.Together with the gradually increasing higher demands, customers have moreopportunities to choose which company satisfied them the best, and they require betterservices, such as attitude of staff, fast inquiry response as well as modern equipment
The five-gap model is considered to be specific and detailed with identificationfive gaps that may cause customers to experience poor service quality This gapcompares between the customers’ expectation and reality and also take into account theservice provided, which identifies five gaps has been formulated by Parasuraman et al(1985, pp.41-50)
Gap 1: The gap between expectation of client and perception of management.
The basic point of this gap is that companies do not fully understand the necessarycharacteristics of their own organization’s service quality as well as service delivery to
Trang 28Gap 2: The gap between perception of management and service quality
specification Even if management accurately perceive customer expectations there arestill chances of customer dissatisfaction that can be caused by the gap in planningquality of the service according to customer expectations
Gap 3: The gap between specification of quality and the delivery of service.
This happens when the staffs are unable to provide and meet the set service standard
Gap 4: The gap between the delivery of service and external communications.
This happens when the promotional campaign and advertisements do not meet reality,which will easily lose customers’ trust in the company image
Gap 5: The gap between perceived and expected service The service quality
assessment depends mostly on the fifth gap while this gap five is also affected by thefirst four gaps above If the customers do not feel any difference between theirexpectation and reality, that service would be rated excellent
Originally, the authors set out ten factors; however, it narrowed down to fivefactors: reliability, assurance, tangibles, empathy and responsiveness They are alsocalled as RATER Depending on the type of service quality measured, there will besome changes to the question and the addition of factors For example, the servicequality of banking sectors will be measured differently from logistics service quality.Therefore, qualitative research is very important to determine the model
Trang 29The strength of this model is that the scale is available, just by changing severalquestions, the research is implemented And because this model is a general model, it isapplicable to most types of services.
However, it is noted that because this model is so popular, some lecturers arenot interested in this method That also means that other special models should beimplemented If applying new model structure research, it is better to combine it withother software However, this takes a lot of time to learn about the software, such asSEM, AMOS or SPSS
Parasuraman's research (1985) argues that service quality is the gap betweencustomer expectations of the service they are using and the actual perception of theservice they enjoy These researchers introduced 5 service quality factors Thequestions are designed to measure the above five factors in the model There are twoconcepts: the expected aspect and actual aspect of the service they are received Whenthe expected aspect is greater than the actual quality received, the quality of service iscalculated as low rate and via versus
Based on the Parasuraman definition of service quality and SERVQUAL model,the searcher assesses service quality including 25 variables of 5 components tomeasure the service quality as details in APPENDIXES 1
Reliability Factors
Reliability factor are the ability to implement what was promised
Trang 30Assurance Factors
Assurance factors are the ability to create believe for customers throughcommunication (skills, expertise and knowledge)
• Does the behavior of staffs make customers trust?
• Do the employees have qualified expertise to solve all problems?
Empathy Factors
Empathy factors are the concern and the service of a company for eachcustomer
Tangibility Factors
Tangibility factors are the facilities, equipment to support services
According to the research of scientists, the ranking of the above criteria isranked as follows:
Reliability – the most important factor (32%)
The purpose of this chapter is to explain in detail the research methods and themethodology implemented for this study The chapter will explain first of all the choice
of research approach, then the research design, as well as the advantages anddisadvantages of the research tools chosen This will be followed by a discussion ontheir ability to produce valid results, meeting the aims and objectives set by thisdissertation The chapter then goes on to discuss the sample size and the samplingstrategy applied by the author, and the data analysis methods which have been used Itconcludes with a brief discussion on the ethical considerations and limitations posed bythe research methodology, as well as problems encountered during the research
3.1 Research Approaches
This thesis mainly used the deductive research approach and the quantitativemethodology to discuss the air freight forwarding quality services of ACT Company
3.1.1 Deductive research approach
Deductive research method means “the reasoning from the particular to thegeneral If a causal relationship or link seems to be implied by a particular theory orcase example, it might be true in many cases A deductive design might test to see ifthis relationship or link did obtain on more general circumstances”
In terms of the defined research, air freight forwarding, and consolidation arealready one of the identified constructs in existing theories and literature That enablesthe researcher to formulate the test for the quality of ACT services throughquestionnaires, then analyze and make some suggestions to improve the quality.Therefore, choosing this approach to research the ideas mentioned in the literaturereview about consolidation services is an appropriate one
3.1.2 Quantitative methodology
According to Questionpro website, quantitative research gathers data to showstatistical, mathematical or computational techniques “Quantitative research gathers
Trang 33information from existing and potential customers using sampling methods andsending out online surveys, online polls, questionnaires etc., the results of which can bedepicted in the form of numerical”
The data collected is explained the phenomenon, and it can be gathered throughsurvey This research is to collect the opinions of respondent, so choosing thequantitative method is a suitable one
3.2 Research design
The main aim of the research design is to convince that the chosen approach andresearch design will give the most appropriate results It includes enough details tosuggest some recommendations on the problem investigated, the theoretical framework
of a study, and its purpose to answer the core research questions
Generally, “a quantitative approach is appropriate when a researcher seeks tounderstand relationships between variables” (Creswell, 2013) “Besides, a qualitativestudy is appropriate when the goal of research is to explain a phenomenon by relying
on the perception of a person’s experience in a given situation” (Stake, 2010) In thisthesis, because the purpose of this study was to present the reality of air freightforwarding operation activities at ACT Logistics Company, quantitative methodologywas chosen as the most appropriate choice
The quantitative research methodology is chosen because it is suitable to answerthe questions and the purposes of the study The survey questionnaire is collected andanalyzed from only a few people that are representative of the entire group to assess thepublic opinion using sampling methods
3.3 Delimitation of the study
There are many logistics activities in the field of import- export Due to thelimitation of research capacity and the time of study, the thesis focuses only onanalyzing and evaluating importing the cargo, which have the direct flight and on Asia
Trang 34Company However, the essay focuses only on flights and airlines where the cargo isalways shipped on daily Flight details and locations will be listed in the table below.
Table 3 1: The route from HAN with ASIA
(Source: ACT Planning Development Research, 2016)
3.4 Population, sample and sampling technique
3.4.1 Population of the study
The target population for this research is defined to include the logisticscompany and the airlines in Vietnam The customer of ACT Company is the logisticscompany – the agent that also has functions of ACT However, ACT is theintermediary between that logistics company and the airline ACT Logistics Companyco-operates with the airlines to define the best rate for each level There have beenseven rates that are defined by the airline as follows:
- 45, + 45, +100, +300, + 500, + 1000, +3000
In this thesis, the population comprised all logistics company that have abusiness relationship with ACT Company Therefore, it is easy to collect the data andwilling to participate in the study
Trang 353.4.2 Sample of the population
For some studies, the population may be small enough to warrant the inclusion
of all of them in the study But a study may entail a large population which cannot all
be studied
A sample in this study is, therefore, a small group of elements drawn through adefinite procedure from an accessible population The elements making up this sampleare those that are studied
The sample of the population of this study stood at 50 Logistics Company fromthe company’s customers and sales’ customers
3.4.3 Sampling Techniques
A sampling technique was used to select the respondents of the research Thesample was concentrated on the company’s customers and sales’ customers of ACTLogistics Company Selection customers was by collect the background information ofall ACT customers The sampling technique was employed to select 55 customers fromall the participants chosen to conduct the survey
3.5 Respondent of the study
The sample was drawn from a population of the logistics companies who havelong time business relationship with ACT Company All of ACT’s customers aremaybe the large and high reputation in logistics fields and their customers are also thelarge import – export companies in Vietnam and all over the world They have a huge
of cargo to be transported daily; however, sometimes, they just have a small package to
be delivered The characteristics of these commodities are small volume but need to beexpress transported That is the reason why that logistics company needs the third party
to be offered the reasonable rate
Some logistics companies were asked to respond the questionnaire via email tohelp them to fulfill the questionnaire and evaluate the reputation and quality of services
Trang 36of ACT Company All the responses of the forwarders are recorded However, random
is conducted to evaluate the quality services of ACT Company
3.6 Research Instrument
Research instruments refer to the devices that are used to collect data such asquestionnaires, tests, interviews, etc In which, questionnaire is defined as “a method ofgathering information from respondents about attitude, knowledge, belief and feeling”.The instrument used was a researcher making a predetermined questionnaire checklist
to gather the customers’ feedback
For the limitation of the research, the online questionnaire survey are designedand separated into two parts: respondent’s background information questions andrating scale questions
The questionnaire for background information from the companies consisted ofsix multiple choice questions, related to the information of the respondents This part ofthe questionnaire consisted of demographic questions, related to age, gender, andquestions related to the professional role of the participants, such as length of theirrelationship with ACT, exact position and the service usages
The second part of the questionnaires consist of the scale of rating to evaluatethe customer satisfaction of air freight forwarding service quality The questions areorganized into two groups: 25 rating scale questions about customer satisfaction fromlevel 1 to level 5 (from strongly dissatisfied to strongly satisfied) and 2 open-endedquestions
3.7 Data Gathering Procedures
About the questionnaire, the researcher use simple but easy questions in order tomake no time for customers to fill in After gathering data, the researcher collects it forchecking the score and to apply the statistical treatment to process data
Trang 37Most of the communication with the participants took place via email Beforethat, the researcher collected the database of customers supplied by ACT Company Atfirst, the researcher conducted a set of questionnaire survey based on the five factors ofSERVQUAL model Then, sending this enquiry to the customer and ask for permission
to answer this questions For confidentiality, the Gmail of the customers are notdisclosed The questionnaires were distributed and completed in one month They werethen recorded and analyzed by the researcher The interviews were completed withinfour weeks
The draft of the questionnaire based on the observation and knowledge duringthe time working here During the preparation, the requirement in the designing ofgood data collection instrument was considered For instance, some questions are short– answers to collect the opinion of the respondents Open – ended options wereprovided to collect supportive comments related to the topics The questionnaire wasdesigned to gather information about the quality services of ACT Logistics Company
3.8 Statistical Treatment of Data
The gathered data are grouped, tabled and carefully organized into tables Theeasiest and fastest way of gathering information is through questionnaire In thisresearch, the data will be collected using questionnaire survey
Every question was rated on the scale as follows:
Trang 383.9 Limitations of Research Methodology
This methodology has several problems and challenges which the researcherencountered while conducting the research for this dissertation
The first limitation was recruiting the participants for this survey The creation
of the questionnaire survey took quite long time, and it take time to wait the feedback
of the customer Besides, the sample of this survey is not large enough to make aconclusion Thus, accessing to the participants and collecting to survey result of thisresearch was a major challenge
Another challenge of research methodology was the strict of time and cost,which determined the choice of more efficient method, such as the questionnaire,instead of more time consuming focus on other research types, such as face-to-faceinterview
In term of methodology chosen, there are several limitations which need to bementioned The first one is the fact that because of small sample and only a fewrespondents answer all the questions, the data collected and the findings made cannot
be extrapolated on a broader scale In other words, the conclusion might be not exact
3.10 Summary
In summary, the chapter give detail information about research approach andmethodology on this research Further explanation is provided on the survey to designthe sample of data The main propose of this chapter is to set out the research design totest whether the air freight forwarding services that ACT provides is suitable and goodenough for forwarders
This chapter defines the research methodology used for the research It discusses
on the methodology, quantitative methodology, survey design and specific approaches.Quantitative methodology is the main approach of this study In addition to that, itdefines the sample and sampling technique, the respondents of the study, the research
Trang 39instrument, the data gathering procedures and the statistical treatment Deductiveapproach is also used to analysis the data and statistics and give the conclusion.
This chapter will analyze the detail information about the result from the survey.From the target 76 potential respondents, a total 55 responses were received, whichaccounts for 72.4% response rate for the survey Out of 76 respondents, 92%completed all the questions and 8% have not finished some of the questions Theresponses gather from survey have been listed and calculated by the researcher This