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Students satisfaction towards service quality a case of hochiminh city university of technical education

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STUDENTS’ SATISFACTION TOWARDS SERVICE QUALITY: A CASE OF HOCHIMINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION In International Business By Mrs Vo Thi Khanh Van ID: MBA03040 International University - Vietnam National University HCMC March 2013 STUDENTS’ SATISFACTION TOWARDS SERVICE QUALITY: A CASE OF HOCHIMINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION In International Business by Mrs Vo Thi Khanh Van ID: MBA 03040 International University - Vietnam National University HCMC March 2013 Under the guidance and approval of the committee, and approved by all its members, this thesis has been accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Approved: Chairperson Committee member Committee member - Committee member - Committee member - Committee member Acknowledgement I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and deepest appreciation to my Supervisor, Dr Luu Trong Tuan for his patient and intensive support to provide guidelines, valuable suggestions, challenging ideas and encouragement, reading and commenting on this thesis Secondly, I would like to send my sincere thanks to Dr Nguyen Quynh Mai, Dr Mai Ngoc Khuong, Dr Pham Hong Hoa – members of the proposal examination committee, for their valuable comments and suggestions Thirdly, I would like to express my thanks to the management team and students at HoChiMinh City University of technical education for their great support me by giving the constructive opinion with special sources of information and data collection I offer my great thanks to all my teachers at the Business Administration Faculty of International University for their teaching and guiding me during my MBA course Lastly, I heartily thank my families, my friends, and those who supported during my working on the thesis -i- Plagiarism Statements I would like to declare that, apart from the acknowledged references, this thesis either does not use language, ideas, or other original material from anyone; or has not been previously submitted to any other educational and research programs or institutions I fully understand that any writings in this thesis contradicted to the above statement will automatically lead to the rejection from the MBA program at the International University – Vietnam National University Hochiminh City - ii - Copyright Statement This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognize that its copyright rests with its author and that no quotation from the thesis and no information derived from it may be published without the author‟s prior consent © Vo Thi Khanh Van/MBA 03040/2013 - iii - Table of Contents Acknowledgement .i Plagiarism Statements ii Copyright Statement iii List of Figures vi List of tables .vii Abstract ix Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background 1.2 Research Problems 1.3 Research objectives and research questions 1.4 Overview of HCMCUTE 1.4.1 Name of the University 1.4.2 Brief History of HoChiMinh City University of Technical Education 1.4.3 Function, Mission, Objectives, and Quality policy 1.4.4 Functional Departments and Organizational Chart and of HCMCUTE 11 1.5 Structure of the thesis 13 Chapter 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 15 2.1 Satisfaction 15 2.1.1 Customer satisfaction 15 2.1.2 Student satisfaction 16 2.2 Service quality 17 2.2.1 Definitions of Service quality 17 2.2.2 Components of Service quality 19 2.2.3 Service quality in education 23 2.3 Service quality and student satisfaction 26 2.4 Service quality model 28 2.4.1 Service quality model of Parasuraman 28 2.4.2 Educational service quality model 36 Chapter 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 41 3.1 Research design 41 3.2 Research approaches 42 - iv - 3.2.1 Qualitative approaches 42 3.2.2 Quantitative approaches 43 3.3 Sampling 44 3.3.1 Population 44 3.3.2 Sample size 44 3.4 Data collection 46 3.4.1 Secondary data 46 3.4.2 Primary data 47 3.4.3 Measurement scale 53 3.5 Data analysis 55 3.5.1 Descriptive Statistics 55 3.5.2 Reliability Statistics 55 3.5.3 Exploratory Factor Analysis 55 Chapter 4: DATA ANALYSIS 57 4.1 Demographic 57 4.2 Descriptive statistics 59 4.2.1 Expectation scores 59 4.2.2 Perception Scores 62 4.3 Scale Analysis 64 Chapter 5: DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS 76 5.1 Service quality assessment 76 5.2 Information on students‟ expectations 87 5.3 Information on students‟ perception 90 5.4 Information of the gap scores 92 5.5 Information on students‟ comments 95 Chapter 6: IMPLICATIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS, LIMITATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 102 6.1 Implications of this research 102 6.2 Recommendations for HCMCUTE 105 6.3 Limitations of the study 113 6.4 Conclusions 114 REFERENCES 117 -v- List of Figures Figure 1.1: Service quality Report from Academic affair department Figure 1.2: Organizational chart of HCMCUTE 12 Figure 2.1: Gap Model of Parasuraman 29 Figure 2.2: EduQAL Model of Khan .40 Figure 3.1: Research process 42 Figure 3.2: Semi-structure Interview Experts at HCMCUTE 48 Figure 4.1: Demographic information .58 Figure 4.2: Information of Faculty 59 Figure 5.1: Dimension gap score of service quality at HCMCUTE 79 Figure 5.2: Learning outcomes dimension .79 Figure 5.3: Physical facility dimension 81 Figure 5.4: Academic dimension .82 Figure 5.5: Responsiveness dimension 84 Figure 5.6: Social integration dimension 86 Figure 5.7: The highest expectation 87 Figure 5.8: The lowest Expectation 88 Figure 5.9: The highest perception 90 Figure 5.10: The lowest perception 91 Figure 5.11: The highest gaps 93 Figure 5.12: The lowest gaps 94 Figure 6.1: Components .113 - vi - List of Tables Table 2.1: Previous studies towards service quality and student satisfaction 39 Table 4.1: Expectation scores 59 Table 4.2: Perception scores 62 Table 4.3: Cronbach‟s alpha of expected Learning Outcomes dimension .65 Table 4.4: Cronbach‟s alpha of expected Physical Facility dimension 66 Table 4.5: Cronbach‟s alpha of expected Academic dimension 66 Table 4.6: Cronbach‟s alpha of expected Responsiveness dimension 66 Table 4.7: Cronbach‟s alpha of expected Personality Development dimension .67 Table 4.8: Cronbach‟s alpha of perceived Learning outcomes dimension .67 Table 4.9: Cronbach‟s alpha of perceived Physical facility dimension 67 Table 4.10: Cronbach‟s alpha of perceived Academic dimension 68 Table 4.11: Cronbach‟s alpha of perceived Responsiveness dimension 68 Table 4.12: Cronbach‟s alpha of perceived Personality development dimension 68 Table 4.13: Cronbach‟s alpha of perceived Personality development dimension without PERSO38 70 Table 4.14: KMO and Bartlett‟s Test for Independent Variables 70 Table 4.15: Total variance explained .70 Table 4.16: Pattern Matrixa .71 Table 4.17: Factor 72 Table 4.18: Factor 72 Table 4.19: Factor 73 Table 4.20: Factor 73 Table 4.21: Factor 74 Table 4.22: Reliability Testing by Cronbach‟s alpha .74 Table 5.1: Perceptions score-Expectation score-Gap score 78 - vii - List of Appendix Appendix 1: Survey questionnaire 122 Appendix 3.1: Sources for questionnaire development: dimension of EduQUAL Model .125 Appendix 3.2: Initial questionnaire from Literature Review 126 Appendix 3.3: Final version of the questionnaire 126 Appendix 3.4: Coded measurement scale 129 Appendix 4: 132 - viii - 32 10 The University should get more self-study rooms for students Classrooms in building A and B are too small and dark Classroom Facility Classroom Facility 34 Need to equipped more lights for classrooms in building A and B Classroom Facility 44 Need to open self-study rooms for students, especially in exam time Classroom Facility 51 The University needs to supply more self-study rooms for students with well-equipped condition like fans, lights, wifi, etc…which service team work and use laptop for students Classroom Facility 52 The University should have a certain report to inform students the exact time of self-study rooms are opened Classroom Facility 56 Self-study rooms need to be opened together with wife for students to study team-work Classroom Facility 70 Classrooms need to equipped more fans Classroom Facility 79 Need to improve internet service at buildings A, B, C, D like the centre building Classroom Facility 86 Need more water machines at the A, B, C areas for students to drink Classroom Facility 115 Windows of classroom at the B area need to be opened regularly to make sure enough light for students Classroom Facility 138 Due to increase amount students, the University should supply more classrooms Classroom Facility 142 Classrooms are too small with a big quantity of students that cause the quality of teaching and learning is not good Classroom Facility 153 Classrooms need to open earlier 15 minutes for students to prepare their presentation Classroom Facility 178 To ensure the quality of the learners, the University should reduce quantity of students in classrooms Classroom Facility 221 Need to supply more wifi at self-study areas for students Classroom Facility 228 Need supply more electric sockets in self-study rooms for students to use laptop Classroom Facility - 136 - Projector systems need to be improved Equipment Facility 10 Projector systems are too old Equipment Facility Equipment Facility 15 Equipments in laboratories are not enough or unupdated 28 Need to supply more modern equipments in laboratory Equipment Facility 30 Equipments in laboratory at Chemical technology faculty is too old That leads to reduce quality study of students Equipment Facility 31 Should supply more equipment for experiments at workshop in chemical technology faculty Some instruments are broken Equipment Facility 33 The University should invest more for laboratory and workshop Equipment Facility Equipment Facility Equipment Facility 49 Facilities at computer rooms of information technology faculty need to be upgraded to service students Equipment Facility 51 Computer machines need to be upgraded at practical rooms Equipment Facility 67 Some computers are old and not upgrade That causes difficult for students to exams Equipment Facility 69 All projectors at building B are too old and need to supply the new ones Equipment Facility 76 Need to upgrade computers in practical rooms Equipment Facility Equipment Facility 34 Quality of projectors at classrooms need to be invested All laboratories at chemical technology faculty are 39 nearly old That causes a lot of problems for students in doing experiments and researches The University should check and monitor all 118 equipments in classrooms and workshop to repair rapidly 183 Should upgrade practical rooms when students study professional subjects Equipment Facility 184 Workshops and laboratories need to be upgrades and update Equipment Facility Equipment Facility Equipment Facility 191 193 Should have a conjugate sport for students to practice Should have sport grounds for students to relax - 137 - after a hard studying day 207 Laboratories need to supplied more modern equipments Equipment Facility 217 All system practice computers are too old Equipment Facility 239 Civil engineering faculty needs to be invested more infrastructure and equipment Equipment Facility 241 Laboratories need to be equipped more modern instruments Equipment Facility 235 Projectors are too old to use Equipment Facility 242 Facilities currently haven‟t adapted the amount of students Equipment Facility 244 Laboratories at Civil engineering faculty need to be equipped modern facilities Equipment Facility 248 Laboratories haven‟t invested following standard Equipment Facility Equipment Facility 254 Laboratories should be invested better than at presents 268 The university should invest more for laboratories Equipment Facility 270 Classrooms are too small, projectors are too old There are lacks of equipments for workshops Equipment Facility 276 Need to invest more projectors for classrooms Equipment Facility 276 Self-study rooms and reading rooms at civil engineering Faculty haven‟t equipped yet Equipment Facility 278 Projectors are too old to use Equipment Facility 281 Facility at Civil engineering faculty is still in bad condition Equipment Facility 284 Should equip more projectors for classrooms at buildings A, B, and C Equipment Facility Equipment Facility Students at Civil engineering faculty just mainly 246 obtain modern technology and science as well as equipments through theory and books There are a lot of broken books at the library Library Facility Should update new books for students to catch up with modern technology and science Should supply more e-books for reference Library Facility Library Facility Library Facility The library needs to supply more books for students Discipline in borrowing books at the library is too - 138 - strict 10 The library need to supply more book for students Library Facility 14 Should have more reference books for students Library Facility 15 There are lack of professional books Library Facility 25 The quantity of books are not enough for students at present Library Facility 38 Students need allow to bring note-book to reading room Library Facility 48 The library needs to issue more new books Library Facility 101 There are a lot of damaged books in the library Library Facility 120 Students borrow damaged books but when they return to library they have to compensate new books Library Facility 136 Material resources at the library haven‟t updated Library Facility Library Facility 147 The library need to open an e-book on website for reference 202 Students need allow to bring note-book to reading room Library Facility 214 The library should invest more books for students Library Facility 214 The quality of reading rooms need to be increased Library Facility 259 Students need allow to bring note-book to reading rooms Library Facility 267 Need to supply more books for students Library Facility 276 The library should get more reference books for students Library Facility Sanitation service are still not good Hygiene Facility Need to improve sanitation areas for students Hygiene Facility 11 Sanitation areas need to be improved Hygiene Facility 37 Hygiene at the canteen cannot be controlled, high price Hygiene Facility 51 Sanitation areas at C and D areas need to be improved Hygiene Facility 58 Sanitation area for students are too bad Hygiene Facility 127 Sanitation A area (for male) is too dirty, usually in without water condition Hygiene Facility 216 Sanitation areas need to be improved due to the dirty condition with bad smell Hygiene Facility 232 Sanitation areas are too dirty Facility 32 Students need to be motivated to attend some Hygiene Entertainment area Facility - 139 - sports 34 Physical subject needs proper facilitate Need a stadium for students Entertainment area Facility 37 Students cannot use the stadium and sports complex Entertainment area Facility 108 Need to widen sport conjugate for students to enjoy Entertainment area Facility Students have less chance to contact with consultant Teacher quality 26 Faculty should invite qualified lecturer Distribute subjects more proper to avoid sometimes overload and sometime idle Teacher quality Teacher 28 Should allocate sufficient professional in specialized subjects, lively teaching method and computerize the lecture Teacher quality Teacher Teacher quality Teacher 39 Some faculties lack of lecturers One lecturer has to teach too many subjects leads to boring and bad affect to learning quality Teacher quality Teacher 67 Morning class should start at 7:30 Teacher quality Teacher 109 Lecturer should be more amiable when answer to student problems Teacher quality Teacher 118 Avoid changing lecturer many times in one subject Teacher quality Teacher 118 Lecturer should listen and plan to answer all student problems Teacher quality Teacher 124 Specialized subject should be intensively trained, more practice and internship Teacher quality Teacher Teacher quality Teacher 28 Practical instructor should have a lot of experience in operating machinery, provide more reality Teacher knowledge Some lecturers give rambling content, unclear 144 main point Exam questions don‟t include what were taught in class 177 English teacher hasn‟t brought interesting to students Teacher quality Teacher 179 One subject should have more than one lecturer to facilitate student in registration and selection Teacher quality Teacher Teacher quality Teacher Teacher quality Teacher 179 200 Should recruit lecturer who can devote themselves for education Should review exam questions high fail rate - 140 - subject 210 Lecturer in Material subject has good knowledge but poor pedagogical skill Teacher quality Teacher 220 Teaching process should focus on main and necessary points of the subject Teacher quality Teacher 239 Meeting between students and head teacher should organize frequently Teacher quality Teacher 246 Knowledge hasn‟t been up to date in some specialized subject for students can self-study effectively Teacher quality Teacher 251 University should conduct surveys to acquire knowledge receiving level of students for each subject, to avoid classes being depressed by improper teaching method of the lecturer Teacher quality Teacher 257 Internship policy is still limited Teacher quality Teacher 262 Students of Civil engineering Faculty just has theory, actual knowledge is not as good as Teacher quality Teacher expectation 269 Should have vocational guidance, workshop about job opportunity for student Teacher quality Teacher 271 Create opportunity for student to contact with both practice and theory Teacher quality Teacher 280 The university hasn‟t introduce practice place for Students Teacher quality Teacher 197 Need to spend more time for self-study as well as specialized subjects More reports, presentations and opportunity to contact without side company Teaching method Teacher Teaching method Teacher 242 Teaching and learning method prevent students from innovation ideas, self researching and contacting to the subject Teaching method Teacher 226 With good teaching method but each specialized subject has only one lecture that causes the results of teaching and learning not obtain high results Teaching method Teacher 251 Meeting with head teacher need to be more regular Should listen to students and find out proper Teacher quality Teacher 47 Need to improve teaching quality, pedagogical skill Avoid rambling, just to introduce a topic then request students to google website for finding more information by themselves - 141 - solution for problems 37 Some of general subjects are impractical and irrelevant to specialization Curriculum Curriculum 64 Computerization in training Curriculum Curriculum 67 Too much credits in each semester Curriculum Curriculum 74 Reduce amount of subjects, focus on specialized, less unnecessary subjects Curriculum Curriculum 75 Should focus on intensive training in specialized subjects Curriculum Curriculum 107 Should not learn simply but take examination complexly Curriculum Curriculum 125 With subjects failed by many students, university should open more classes for students can reregister easier Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum Curriculum 126 Subjects such as microprocessors, digital should open more class, lecturer should go for more detailed and specific, don‟t talk too much out side 193 Specialized English program is too difficult, too many puzzle Curriculum Curriculum 208 Increase practical time for necessary subjects Curriculum Curriculum 193 For those not specialized subjects should not be too hard for the exam Curriculum Curriculum 240 Training programe needs to change to be nearer to practical for graduate easier to adapt with reality Curriculum Curriculum 278 Too many subjects, some is not necessary Curriculum Curriculum 16 Curriculum should be designed more proper Curriculum Curriculum 209 University was not equipped with high-tech equipment for students to know and use Curriculum Curriculum 252 Need to improve teaching and learning method, more practice Curriculum Curriculum Staff attitude at Student affair Department, Finance Department are not friendly Staff Attitude Staff Staff attitude at Student affair Department, Finance Department, and Administrative Department are not courteous enough Staff Attitude Staff Staff attitude in the service departments is not courteous Staff Attitude Staff Staff attitude at some service department are not amiable enough Staff Attitude Staff - 142 - Student affair Department and Academic Department should be more amiable to students Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff 13 Staff attitude at some service departments are too bad, improper words and manners, are not respective and responsible to students Staff Attitude Staff 14 Student affair department should have clear instructions on the paperwork Staff Attitude Staff 16 Staff attitude at Students affair department should be more polite Staff Attitude Staff 18 Student affair department: Ms Thu usually scolds students Need to support students more warmly, paper work should go through faster Staff Attitude Staff 18 Academic affair office should support students when facing difficulty with subject registration Staff Attitude Staff 19 Academic affair department and Students affair department should be more polite, warmly welcome and guide students through problem if any Staff Attitude Staff 20 Service quality at Finance department should be improved, it is difficulty and long queue for students when coming for tuition fee Staff Attitude Staff 21 Finance Department, Students affair Department and Academic affair department should be more open, polite when guiding students with problem and procedure Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff Staff attitude at some service departments are not 10 friendly to students, usually shouting, some expressed discomfort Staff attitude at Finance Department, Students 27 affair Department and Academic affair department should be more friendly and amiable 28 Paperwork at the administrative departments should be implemented more quickly Staff Attitude Staff 30 Student affair department should be more amiable when contacting with students Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff 31 33 Student affair department should be more polite and amiable with students Staff at Student affair department should be more friendly with students - 143 - 37 40 41 45 46 43 49 50 Staff attitude at Student affair department need be more amiable Should seriously criticize bad attitude and rude behavior of departments in service departments Recommend the University to change or retrain staff on communication skills in the departments: Student affair office, Finance Staff attitude are not good Information about Scholarship was not widely announced Staff attitude at Students affair department and Finance department should be more courteous with students Staff attitude at Students affair department and Finance department should be more courteous with students Service attitude of some departments need to be improved Finance department should be more polite and courteous Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff 51 The common policies should be announced online through University‟s website Staff Attitude Staff 52 Academic affair Department needs long time to certify students‟ transcript Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff 59 Staff attitude at Student affair department should be more courteous, supportive and not to have nasty attitude when guiding students through on how to something 60 Very frustrating with the way that staff at Student affair department treats students Staff Attitude Staff 63 Noisy outdoor activities affect to class time Staff Attitude Staff 111 Need to reduce the time for paper to be notarized Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff The organization of scientific research is a bit 117 134 weak, it is necessary to have more information and opportunity for students to participate in workshops / seminars Create opportunities for students to contact with - 144 - 137 companies Less inform to students about the seminar /workshops Staff Attitude Staff 137 Less opportunity to interact with other universities within area Staff Attitude Staff 152 Should issue social knowledge to students by extra curriculum activities Staff Attitude Staff 157 Staff at Student affair department was not amiable to students in answering students‟ question Staff Attitude Staff 210 Mechanical engineering faculty, student affair department and Finance department need be more amiable when contacting with students Staff Attitude Staff 223 Staff attitude at Mechanical engineering faculty still doesn‟t have friendly and suitable attitude Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff 249 Staff attitude at student affair department was not really good, did not meet the requirements and aspirations of students, making it difficult in some paper work Staff Attitude Staff 251 Staff at student affair department, administrative department and Academic affair Department have bureaucratic work, making it difficult for students Staff Attitude Staff 175 Staff attitude at service Departments should be polite when students meet problems Staff Attitude Staff 215 Staff attitude at Finance department is not polite with students when receiving tuition fee Staff Attitude Staff 219 Staff at Finance department should be more polite with students when receiving tuition fee Staff Attitude Staff 237 Staff at Student affair office should be more amiable, work on time Staff Attitude Staff 241 Staff at Student affair department should be more polite and respect students Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff Staff Attitude Staff Procedure transparent Student Service departments should support students more 225 284 235 158 warmly, not necessary to make it difficult because of small mistake Student affair department needs to change working -behavior, should be more friendly Student affair department should answer students‟ question with a more amiable attitude Some students want to participate in scientific research but not have specific knowledge and - 145 - clear direction Should support students to improve scientific-research knowledge for this activity Should return examination results through internet quickly Procedure transparent Student 170 Regularly make survey questionnaire for common opinion and aspiration of students Procedure transparent Student 174 Should increase meeting time between students and Management board Procedure transparent Student 177 Training Bureau should increase department quantity in rush days Procedure transparent Student 178 Should held more interaction activities between businesses and students Procedure transparent Student The University should extend more time for tuition-payment for students Procedure transparent Student 167 195 119 Should organize some low cost soft skill classes for students to participate Procedure transparent Student 208 The University should arrange more times for students to visit factories Procedure transparent Student 213 Procedures transparent are still complex to students at Student affair department Procedure transparent Student 215 Information system is not good 216 Information comes to students still slow 216 Need to enlarge paying tuition area Procedure transparent Procedure transparent Procedure transparent 217 Student affair department gave wrong information; unclear answer Procedure transparent Student Procedure transparent Student 223 There should be a large notice board with the content as: time for paying tuition, insurance, scholarships, etc right where students can recognize easily for information Student Student Student 231 Organize soft skill classes for students, such as: writing CV, Interviewing… Procedure transparent Student 231 Add more information channel to bring information to students more quickly Procedure transparent Student When having new notice, Faculty should post quickly and in time for students to perform Procedure transparent Student Some information hasn‟t been updated promptly Procedure transparent Student 14 - 146 - Student affair department should guide student when doing paper work with courteous attitude Procedure transparent Staff Student affair department should guide student when doing paper work with courteous attitude Procedure transparent Staff 119 Document-certify procedure at Student affair department should be more convenient Procedure transparent Staff 244 University should associate with the construction company to introduce jobs for students Responsiveness Student 245 Recommend for more job counseling and introduction Responsiveness Student 246 During the course, didn‟t have change to have real observation for Construction Faculty Responsiveness Student 252 Create interaction opportunity between company and student Responsiveness 132 133 Student Support job opportunity for students after 258 graduated Responsiveness Student 260 Students of Civil engineering Faculty almost don‟t have opportunity to practice or trained at construction area Responsiveness 261 Students need probation in construction area to have practical knowledge before graduate Responsiveness Student 267 Training soft skill for juniors and seniors students Responsiveness Student 277 Should organize for students to have reality observation at factories and companies Responsiveness Student 283 University should link to external companies to help students reach real job before graduation Responsiveness Student 176 Students need to visit production facilities; workshops Responsiveness Student 172 Students need to visit automobile factory Responsiveness Student 234 Giving more practice time for students Responsiveness Student 246 Lacking of practice; reality observation during course of Construction Faculty Responsiveness Student 236 Giving more extra curriculum Responsiveness Student 29 Giving change for students has more contact with reality, can communicate with veteran for job orientation and guideline Responsiveness Student 48 Reduce class member quantity Update new technology and curriculum material Students need Responsiveness Student Student - 147 - more chance for probation 22 Registration-system need to be improved to prevent unnecessary registration or rejection of Responsiveness Student required subject 24 Students should have more change to contact with common special equipment, machinery Responsiveness Student 118 Students should be provided more thematic extracurricular classes Responsiveness Student 173 Provide enough relevant document and practical equipment for student Responsiveness Student 129 Should organize extracurricular activities which coordinate which outside companies / enterprises to equip students with knowledge / skill for earning job after graduate Responsiveness Student 226 Should have living rooms specified for students Responsiveness Student Responsiveness Student 227 Should build more self-study area / room for students 56 Need lunch break(between morning class and afternoon class?) for students Responsiveness Student 121 Slow time table and transcript updated Teacher quality Teacher 63 Should have policy to support students in toxic subjects / faculties Responsiveness Student 37 School fee was too high, including fee for second register Tuition fee Students 38 Fee for failed subject should not increased when re-register Tuition fee Students 109 School fee payment procedure should be faster and more convenient Tuition fee Students 141 Urge for school fee reduced Tuition fee Students Tuition fee Students 140 Urge for school fee reduced, especially poor students 142 Urge for school fee reduced Tuition fee Students 143 Urge for school fee reduced Tuition fee Students 197 Urge for school fee reduced and payment deadline prolonged Tuition fee Students 214 Reduce school fee Tuition fee Students Tuition fee Students School fee need to be adjusted more properly, 40 especially for poor student can accomplish the course - 148 - Bilard club inside Student Supermarket should be closed Personality Development Student Billard club should not be placed inside Supermarket Personality Development Student 22 Billard club inside Supermarket better be replaced by gym club Personality Development Student 26 Daily register is not necessary since students are old enough to have consciousness of studying Personality Development Student 45 Need more activities for all students to participate and exchange Personality Development Student 45 Environmental activities were not popular Personality Development Student 99 University should arrange more sporty activities and art performance for student Personality Development Student Should organize more social activities for students to participate in Personality Development Student 118 Should increase students‟ consciousness about proper wearing; preserving common properties and hygiene Personality Development Student 127 University should request students not to wear tshirt when coming to class Personality Development Student 165 Should organize more exchange activities among faculties Personality Development Student 170 Launching environmental-construction movement(Youth project) Personality Development Student 220 Using and practical activities for increasing students‟ consciousness Personality Development Student 117 - 149 - - 150 - ... “disconfirmation paradigm” of SERVQUAL measures customer satisfaction instead of service quality SERVQUAL is based on a disconfirmation paradigm rather than an attitudinal paradigm; and a SERVQUAL fail... service quality? - What are recommendations to top management team regarding to these factors of educational service quality for increasing students? ?? satisfaction related to educational service quality. .. service quality and student satisfaction are shown in table 2.1 2.4 Service quality model 2.4.1 Service quality model of Parasuraman According to Parasuraman et al (1985, 1988) service quality based

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2015, 15:38



