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1 STUDENTS’ SATISFACTION ON SERVICE QUALITY PROVIDED BY THE COLLEGES OF THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY: A PROPOSED FORMATION PROGRAM _ A DISSERTATION Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School Southern Luzon State University, Lucban, Quezon, Philippines in Collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam _ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management _ By NGUYEN TAT THANG (VICTOR) October 2014 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The researcher wishes to convey his gratitude to the following persons who wholeheartedly devoted and helped make this piece of work a reality: DR WALBERTO A MACARAAN, his adviser for the supervision, guidance, suggestions and precious time in enthusiastically reading and checking the manuscript, providing the researcher with useful materials; DR CECILIA N GASCON, President of the Southern Luzon State University in the Republic of the Philippines, for her invaluable contribution and support to the Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management program in Thai Nguyen University; DR DANG KIM VUI, President of the Thai Nguyen University in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for his continuous and constant contribution and support to the Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management program in cooperation with the Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines; DR NGUYEN THE HUNG, Director of the International Training Center, Thai Nguyen University of Socialist Republic of Vietnam for his enormous pursuit to provide the Vietnamese people an opportunity to grow through education ; The faculty and research staff of the colleges of Thai Nguyen University and the respondents of the study for their active involvement and cooperation which made the conduct of the study possible; His family and friends, for the love and support in one way or another and to all who have contributed to make this study a success NTT DEDICATION This research is wholeheartedly dedicated to my family and to all my relatives, colleagues and friends, and classmates in Thai Nguyen University for giving the researcher endless support, guidance and inspiration NTT TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………… i APPROVAL SHEET ……………………………………………………… ii CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY ……………………………………… iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT ………………………………………………… iv DEDICATION ……………………………………………………………… v TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………… vi LIST OF TABLES ………………………………………………………… viii LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………………… x LIST OF APPENDICES ………………………………………………… xi ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………… xii CHAPTER I II III INTRODUCTION …………………………………………… Background of the Study ……………………….………… Objectives of the Study ……………………………….…… Hypotheses ………………………………………………… Significance of the Study ………………………………… Scope and Limitation of the Study …………………….… Definition of Terms ………………………………………… REVIEW OF LITERATURE ……………………….……… 13 Research Paradigm …………………………… ….……… 29 METHODOLOGY …………………………………………… 30 Locale of the Study ………………………….……………… 30 Research Design …………………………….……………… 30 Population and Sampling ………………….… ………… 31 Instrumentation ……………………… ………… …….… 33 Data Gathering Procedure ………………………………… 34 Statistical Treatment …….………………………………… 35 IV V RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ……………………….… 38 Demographic Profile of the Students …………………… 38 EDUSERVQUAL Analysis and Identification of Areas for Improvement ………………………………………………… 39 Correlation of Demographic Factors to EDUSERVQUAL Dimensions ………………………………………………… 52 Proposed Formation Program …………………………… 77 SUMMARY, FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary ………………… ………………………………… 87 Findings …………………….……… …………………….… 88 Conclusions ……………………………………………….… 89 Recommendations …………………………………… …… 90 REFERENCES …………………………………………………………… 91 APPENDICES …………………………………………………………… 96 CURRICULUM VITAE …………………………………………………… 121 LIST OF TABLES TABLE PAGE Distribution of the Sample size According to Population …… 31 Distribution of the Respondents by Colleges ………………… 32 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents’ Demographic Profile as to Gender, Age, Origin, and Family Income …………………………………………………………… 38 Mean Scores and T-test Results for the Students’ Perceptions and Expectations in term of Instructional, Auxiliary and Ancillary Service, and Learning support Facility Dimensions ……………………………………………………… 40 Mean Scores and T-test Results for the Students’ Perceptions and Expectations in term of Tangibles, Responsiveness, Reliability, Assurance and Empathy Dimensions ……………………………………………………… 44 Overall Mean Scores and T-test Results for the Students’ Perceptions and Expectations EDUSERVQUAL Dimensions 47 Correlation of the Students’ Responses on the Instructional Service Quality with their Demographic Profile ……………… 52 Correlation of Students’ Responses on Auxiliary Service Quality with their Demographic Profile ……………………… 53 Correlation of the Students’ Responses on the Ancillary Service Quality with their Demographic Profile ……………… 54 Correlation of the Students’ Responses on the Learning Support Facilities Service Quality with their Demographic Profile …………………………………………………………… 55 Correlation of the Students’ Responses on the Tangibles Service Quality with their Demographic Profile ……………… 56 Correlation of the Students’ Responses on the Responsiveness Service Quality with their Demographic Profile …………………………………………………………… 57 Correlation of the Students’ Responses on the Reliability Service Quality with their Demographic Profile ……………… 58 Correlation of the Students’ Responses on the Assurance Service Quality with their Demographic Profile ……………… 59 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 TABLE 7.9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 10 PAGE Correlation of the Students’ Responses on the Empathy Service Quality with their Demographic Profile ……………… 60 Anova Result in Student’s Perception by Group of Dimensions between Colleges ………………………………… 62 Post Hoc Multiple Analyses of Students’ Perception of One College with Other Eight Colleges in terms of Instructional Services (IN) Dimension ……………………………………… 64 Post Hoc Multiple Analyses of Student’s Perception of One College with Other Eight Colleges in terms of Auxiliary Services (AU) Dimension ……………………………………… 65 Post Hoc Multiple Analyses of Student’s Perception of One College with other Eight Colleges in terms of Ancillary Services (AN) Dimension ……………………………………… 66 Post Hoc Multiple Analyses of Student’s Perception of one College with Other Eight Colleges in terms of Learning Support Facilities (LE) Dimension …………………………… 67 Post Hoc Multiple Analyses of Student’s Perception of One College with Other Eight Colleges in terms of Tangibles (TA) Dimension ……………………………………………………… 68 Post Hoc Multiple Analyses of Student’s Perception of one College with Other Eight Colleges in terms of Responsiveness (RE) Dimension …………………………… 69 Post Hoc Multiple Analyses of Student’s Perception of one College with Other Eight Colleges in terms of Reliability (R) Dimension ……………………………………………………… 71 Post Hoc Multiple Analyses of Student’s Perception of One College with Other Eight Colleges in terms of Assurance (A) Dimension ……………………………………………………… 72 Post Hoc Multiple Analyses of Student’s Perception of One College with Other Eight Colleges in terms of Empathy (EM) Dimension ……………………………………………………… 73 Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents’ Demographic Profile as to Colleges ………………………… 74 10 LIST OF FIGURE FIGURE PAGE Schematic Diagram of the Independent and Dependent Variables of the Study ………………………………………… 29 cl (i) Difference (I - j) DTK DTS DTY DTN DTS -.29143* 09129 002* Reject DTY 00778 14418 957 Accept DTN 01333 09514 889 Accept DTU -.38875* 10755 000* Reject DTC 06824 14756 644 Accept DTE -.25256* 10507 017* Reject DTZ -.10125 10755 347 Accept DTF 16421 14108 245 Accept DTK 29143* 09129 002* Reject DTY 29921* 14517 040* Reject DTN 30476* 09664 002* Reject DTU -.09732 10888 372 Accept DTC 35966* 14853 016* Reject DTE 03887 10643 715 Accept DTZ 19018 10888 082 Accept DTF 45564* 14210 001* Reject DTK -.00778 14418 957 Accept DTS -.29921* 14517 040* Reject DTN 00556 14762 970 Accept DTU -.39653* 15591 011* Reject DTC 06046 18578 745 Accept DTE -.26034 15421 092 Accept DTZ -.10903 15591 485 Accept DTF 15643 18068 387 Accept DTK -.01333 09514 889 Accept DTS -.30476* 09664 002* Reject cl cli DTU DTC DTE DTY -.00556 14762 970 Accept DTU -.40208* 11213 000* Reject DTC 05490 15093 716 Accept DTE -.26589* 10976 016* Reject DTZ -.11458 11213 307 Accept DTF 15088 14460 297 Accept DTK 38875* 10755 000* Reject DTS 09732 10888 372 Accept DTY 39653* 15591 011* Reject DTN 40208* 11213 000* Reject DTC 45699* 15904 004* Reject DTE 13619 12067 260 Accept DTZ 28750* 12283 020* Reject DTF 55296* 15305 000* Reject DTK -.06824 14756 644 Accept DTS -.35966* 14853 016* Reject DTY -.06046 18578 745 Accept DTN -.05490 15093 716 Accept DTU -.45699* 15904 004* Reject DTE -.32079* 15738 042* Reject DTZ -.16949 15904 287 Accept DTF 09598 18339 601 Accept DTK 25256* 10507 017* Reject DTS -.03887 10643 715 Accept DTY 26034 15421 092 Accept DTN 26589* 10976 016* Reject DTU -.13619 12067 260 Accept DTC 32079* 15738 042* Reject cli clii DTZ DTF DTZ 15131 12067 211 Accept DTF 41677* 15132 006* Reject DTK 10125 10755 347 Accept DTS -.19018 10888 082 Accept DTY 10903 15591 485 Accept DTN 11458 11213 307 Accept DTU -.28750* 12283 020* Reject DTC 16949 15904 287 Accept DTE -.15131 12067 211 Accept DTF 26546 15305 084 Accept DTK -.16421 14108 245 Accept DTS -.45564* 14210 001* Reject DTY -.15643 18068 387 Accept DTN -.15088 14460 297 Accept DTU -.55296* 15305 000* Reject DTC -.09598 18339 601 Accept DTE -.41677* 15132 006* Reject DTZ -.26546 15305 084 Accept clii cliii REPORT 9: Post Hoc Multiple Analyses of Student’s Perception of One College with Other Eight Colleges in terms of Empathy (EM) Dimension Colleges Colleges (j) (i) DTK DTS Mean difference Std error Sig Ho (I - j) DTS -.36533* 09902 000* Reject DTY -.13867 15638 376 Accept DTN -.12867 10320 213 Accept DTU -.56033* 11665 000* Reject DTC -.05239 16004 744 Accept DTE -.38673* 11397 001* Reject DTZ -.35533* 11665 002* Reject DTF 04730 15302 757 Accept DTK 36533* 09902 000* Reject DTY 22667 15746 151 Accept DTN 23667* 10482 025* Reject DTU -.19500 11809 100 Accept DTC 31294 16110 053 Accept DTE -.02140 11544 853 Accept DTZ 01000 11809 933 Accept DTF 41263* 15412 008* Reject cliii cliv DTY DTN DTU DTC DTK 13867 15638 376 Accept DTS -.22667 15746 151 Accept DTN 01000 16012 950 Accept DTU -.42167* 16910 013* Reject DTC 08627 20150 669 Accept DTE -.24806 16726 139 Accept DTZ -.21667 16910 201 Accept DTF 18596 19597 343 Accept DTK 12867 10320 213 Accept DTS -.23667* 10482 025* Reject DTY -.01000 16012 950 Accept DTU -.43167* 12162 000* Reject DTC 07627 16370 642 Accept DTE -.25806* 11904 031* Reject DTZ -.22667 12162 063 Accept DTF 17596 15684 263 Accept DTK 56033* 11665 000* Reject DTS 19500 11809 100 Accept DTY 42167* 16910 013* Reject DTN 43167* 12162 000* Reject DTC 50794* 17250 003* Reject DTE 17360 13088 186 Accept DTZ 20500 13323 125 Accept DTF 60763* 16600 000* Reject DTK 05239 16004 744 Accept DTS -.31294 16110 053 Accept DTY -.08627 20150 669 Accept DTN -.07627 16370 642 Accept cliv clv DTE DTZ DTF DTU -.50794* 17250 003* Reject DTE -.33434 17069 051 Accept DTZ -.30294 17250 080 Accept DTF 09969 19891 617 Accept DTK 38673* 11397 001* Reject DTS 02140 11544 853 Accept DTY 24806 16726 139 Accept DTN 25806* 11904 031* Reject DTU -.17360 13088 186 Accept DTC 33434 17069 051 Accept DTZ 03140 13088 811 Accept DTF 43403* 16413 009* Reject DTK 35533* 11665 002* Reject DTS -.01000 11809 933 Accept DTY 21667 16910 201 Accept DTN 22667 12162 063 Accept DTU -.20500 13323 125 Accept DTC 30294 17250 080 Accept DTE -.03140 13088 811 Accept DTF 40263* 16600 016* Reject DTK -.04730 15302 757 Accept DTS -.41263* 15412 008* Reject DTY -.18596 19597 343 Accept DTN -.17596 15684 263 Accept DTU -.60763* 16600 000* Reject DTC -.09969 19891 617 Accept DTE -.43403* 16413 009* Reject DTZ -.40263* 16600 016* Reject clv clvi REPORT 10: Frequency and Percentage Distribution of Respondents’ Demographic Profile as to Colleges COLLEGES SCALE TOTAL Strongly Strongly disagree Disagree DTK Count % within college DTS Count % within college DTY Count % within college DTN Count % within college Agree agree 19 50 75 4.0% 25.3% 66.7% 4.0% 100.0% 48 13 70 4.3% 8.6% 68.6% 18.6% 100.0% 12 18 0% 33.3% 66.7% 0% 100.0% 17 35 60 5.0% 28.3% 58.3% 8.3% 100.0% clvi clvii DTU Count % within college DTC Count % within college DTE Count % within college DTZ Count % within college DTF Count % within college TOTAL Count % within colleges 21 12 40 0% 17.5% 52.5% 30.0% 100.0% 17 0% 41.2% 52.9% 5.9% 100.0% 31 43 0% 11.6% 72.1% 16.3% 100.0% 27 40 0% 20.0% 67.5% 12.5% 100.0% 12 19 0% 63.2% 36.8% 0% 100.0% 87 240 46 382 2.4% 22.8% 62.8% 12.0% 100.0% CURRICULUM VITAE NGUYEN TAT THANG (Victor) Thai Nguyen University, Tan Thinh Ward, Thai Nguyen City, Thai Nguyen Province +84 912014516 nguyentatthang.tnu@gmail.com clvii clviii I PERSONAL DATA Birthday : October, 05th, 1966 Birth Place : Thai Nguyen Province Nationality : Vietnamese Sex/ Marriage Status : Male/ Married II EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Institution Thai Nguyen University Year to year Degree(s) Obtained 1984 - 1988 Bachelor in Mathematics HaNoi Open University 1991 - 1994 Bachelor in English Thai Nguyen University 1999 - 2001 Master in Mathematics of Education of Education III WORK EXPERIENCES Organization VietBac College Year to year Position 1989 - 1993 Lecturer 1993 - 1996 Lecturer; Secretary of Communist Youth Union of of Education Thai Nguyen University clviii clix of Education Thai Nguyen University of Education Head office of Thai Nguyen University 1997- 2007 Lecturer; Vice Secretary and Secretary of Communist Youth Union of Thai Nguyen University Head office of Thai Nguyen University 2007- present Lecturer; Director of Student Affairs Department of TNU clix clx clx clxi clxi clxii clxii clxiii clxiii clxiv clxiv [...]... LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A B PAGE Questionnaire for the Survey of Students Satisfaction on the Service Quality Provided by Colleges of Thai Nguyen University …………………………………… 97 Reports of Computations …………………………………… 102 12 ABSTRACT Title of Research : STUDENTS SATISFACTION ON SERVICE QUALITY PROVIDED BY THE COLLEGES OF THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY: A PROPOSED FORMATION PROGRAM Researcher : NGUYEN TAT THANG... based on his/her requirements Measuring service quality is a complicated and difficult task (Parasuraman et al., 2008; Carman, 2000) The service quality construction is measured either as a gap expectation/perception of service or just as a perceived performance alone (Hurley & Estalami, 2008) Furthermore, service quality dimensions are seen as the criteria to assess service quality (Parasuraman et al.,... to maintain or improve the service quality provision in the colleges, to attract and sustain good students and maintain their commitment and reputation of the colleges Aiming at the holistic growth of colleges, service quality improvement of colleges would likely satisfy students demands As a result, the assessment of students satisfaction on service quality in HE may provide contribution that may... for management, faculty and staff members of TNU and other colleges in the region to continuously improve quality of education imposed and required by quality standards Cognizance of the present condition of TNU including its strengths and weaknesses, the researcher was prompted to conduct a study on students satisfaction on service quality provided by colleges of Thai Nguyen University with an end-view... towards industrialization and modernization To become a world class university within Vietnam and the Southeast Asia in providing HE in agriculture and forestry, education, technology, economics, business administration, information and communication technology, foreign languages, and medicine and pharmacy among others The study of students satisfaction on service quality provided by colleges of TNU will... stone in marketing literatures, so it often pointed out as basic goal of all organizations (Razavi, et al., 2012), and customer satisfaction reduces the defection and positively associated with the retention, purchase intention and loyalty (Cameran, et al., 2010) The views on student’ satisfaction and their perception of educational experience is very complex and the prior research on the concept of. .. involved in a ranking criteria (Al-alak, 2009) These rankings are increasingly disseminated with great detail about the different components of overall score, and the issues that frequently accompany the presentation of overall position of an institution often refer to general climate on campus and level of students satisfaction In the context of Vietnam, Vietnam HE institutions cover undergraduate and postgraduate... opinion Further, SERVQUAL allows the organization to make the standards that can meet the quality requirement issued by clients and other stakeholders LaBay and Comm (2003) developed a number of measures to evaluate student expectations and perceptions concerning their tutor using a sample of undergraduate and distance learning students Similarly, Slade et al (2000) adapted the SERVQUAL to assess and... explain perceived quality among the students, like competent teaching, the availability of the staff for the students consultation, library services, computer facilities, recreational activities, class sizes, level and difficulty of the subject content, and students workload Mahiah, S et al (2006) confirmed Parasuraman, et al (2005) and they suggested that increasing the sophistication of reliability,... empathy, tangibles, responsiveness and assurance can increase a customer satisfaction towards services rendered by Human Resource department Ilias, Hasan, Rahman & Yasoa (2008) identified that the main factors that could affect the level of the students satisfaction were: students perception on the learning and teaching, support facilities for teaching and learning such as (libraries, computer and ... Computations …………………………………… 102 12 ABSTRACT Title of Research : STUDENTS SATISFACTION ON SERVICE QUALITY PROVIDED BY THE COLLEGES OF THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY: A PROPOSED FORMATION PROGRAM Researcher... due attention Curricula are less suitable for professional demanding practice These limitations can be a major influence on the student satisfaction of services and quality of training as well as... foreign languages, and medicine and pharmacy among others The study of students satisfaction on service quality provided by colleges of TNU will help provide valuable information to present and future