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Lecture Applied econometrics course - Chapter 2: Multiple regression model

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Lecture Applied econometrics course - Chapter 2: Multiple regression model has content: Why we need multiple regression model, estimation, R – Square, assumption, variance and standard error of parameters, the issues of multiple regression model, Illustration by Computer.

APPLIED ECONOMETRICS COURSE CHAPTER II MULTIPLE REGRESSION MODEL NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 Today’s talk  Why we need multiple regression model  Estimation  R – Square  Assumption  Variance and Standard Error of Parameters  The issues of multiple regression model  Illustration by Computer NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 I WHY WE NEED MULTIPLE REGRESSION MODEL?  Reality and flexibility  Avoid the biasedness caused by omitted variables  Generally, multiple regression model is written by Yi    1 X 1i    k X k  u (2.1)  The terminology in (2.1) is similar as simple regression model NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 II ESTIMATION: OLS  The matrix form of multiple regression model:  Y1      Y            Yn 1    Y  1  n   X 21 X 22 X n 1 X 2n X k1   u1    1    X k     u2               X kn 1     un 1  k      X kn  u  n   Compactness: Y  X u (2.2) NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 II ESTIMATION: OLS ˆ ˆ  RSS  uu  (Y  X ˆ )(Y  X ˆ )  Y Y  X ˆ Y  Y X ˆ  ˆ  XX ˆ  YY   ˆ  X Y  ˆ  XX ˆ  Take derivative respect to parameters, we have: RSS ( ˆ )  2 X Y  X X ˆ  ˆ  X X ˆ  X Y NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 II ESTIMATION: OLS  The parameters are estimated in form: ˆ   X X   X Y  1 (2.3)  where:  n  X 2i   X X      X ki X X X ki 2i 2i X X X X 2i X 3i 2i 3i ki X 3i NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 X X X   2i ki     X ki  ki Computer 1: WAGE1.wf  Explain the meaning of education’s parameter? NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 III R- SQUARE Y  Yˆ  uˆ  X ˆ  uˆ  Take square both sides, we obtain: YY   ( X ˆ  uˆ )( X ˆ  uˆ )  X ˆ X ˆ   uˆ uˆ  Remember again that: 2 ( Y  Y )  Y  nY  i  i  Then, we have 2    Y Y  nY   XX   nY   uˆ uˆ   TSS  ESS  RSS (2.4) NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 III R - SQUARE ESS RSS R   1 TSS TSS  R2   R2 is the non-decreasing function of the explained variables  Therefore, R2 is not good indicator to measure the fit of your model  You should use adjusted R-square instead: n 1 R   (1  R ) n  k-1 2 NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 (2.5) Computer 2: WAGE1.wf NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 IV ASSUMPTION  Assumption 1: Yi    1 X 1i    k X ki  ui  Assump 2: X is the randomness  Asssump 3: No perfect multi-collinearity  Assump 4: E(u | x1 , , x k )  Theorem 2: The unbiasedness of OLS Under the assumption 1- 4, the estimators of OLS are unbiased: E ( ˆ j )   j NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 V VARIANCE AND STANDARD ERROR  Assumption 5: Homoscedasticity Var(ui )   Theorem 3: The unbiasedness of estimator’s variance Under the assumption1- 5, the variance of estimator is unbiased: E (ˆ )    The variance of estimator is estimated by: Var(ˆ j )  2  X  X  R   ij j  (2.6)  Note that, R 2j is the R-square obtained by regressing all independent variables together NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 Computer 3: WAGE1.wf NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 VI THE ISSUES OF MULTIPLE REGRESSION MODEL 6.1 The redundancy of explained variables  Suppose that we have the true model as: Yi    1 X 1i  ui (2.7)  However, we form the model as below: Yi    1 X 1i   X i  ui (2.8)  This means that, X2i is a redundant variable in (2.8)  Follow by the theorem 2, the estimators of (2.8) are still unbiased NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 VI THE ISSUES OF MULTIPLE REGRESSION MODEL  But, the variance of estimator will decreases  Lose the degree of freedoms  Difficulty to get statistically significant of estimator  Increase probability of multi-collinearity NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 VI THE ISSUES OF MULTIPLE REGRESSION MODEL 6.2 The omitted variables  The true model: Yi    1 X   X  u (2.9)  The wrong model : Yi    1 X  u (2.10)  We can show that: E ( 1 )  1   21 (2.11)  Where 1 is the parameter obtained by regressing X1 on X2  Thus, the omitted variable X2 will lead to biasedness: Bias (1) =  21 NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 (2.12) VI THE ISSUES OF MULTIPLE REGRESSION MODEL  The estimator of the model below will be positive or negative bias if omitted the povrate variable? NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 Solution: Proxy variable  The true model: y    1 x1   x2   x3*  u (2.13)  Suppose that we are unable to have 𝒙∗𝟑 variable, but we have a proxy variable for 𝒙𝟑∗ , called as: x3  Whether x3 is a good proxy variable or not? x3*    1 x3  v3 (2.14)  If x3 is a good proxy variable, the estimators in (2.13) will be biased NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 Solution: Proxy variable  Substitute 𝒙𝟑∗ in (2.13) by (2.14), and rearrange again: y  (    3 )  1 x1   x2   3 x3  (u   3v3 )  If e = 𝑢 + 𝛽3 𝑣3 , we have: y  (    3 )  1 x1   x2   3 x3  e (2.16)  Assume that E(e/x1, x2, x3) = 0, the estimators in (2.15) are unbiased:  Example: log(wage)     1educ1   exp er   ability  u  If omitted the ability variable, the model will be positive or negative bias? NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 Example: Wage2.wf  Assume that we have the true model as: Log(wage) = β0+ β1educ+ β2exper+ β3ability+u (true model) Due to omitting the ability variable, we only estimate the following model: Log(wage) = β0+ β1educ+ β2exper +u (omitted model)  whether β1 will be biased or not? and why?  Positive bias or negative bias? And why? NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 Example: Wage2.wf NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 APPLIED ECONOMETRICS COURSE END OF THE CHAPTER II NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 ... NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 I WHY WE NEED MULTIPLE REGRESSION MODEL?  Reality and flexibility  Avoid the biasedness caused by omitted variables  Generally, multiple regression model is written... probability of multi-collinearity NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 VI THE ISSUES OF MULTIPLE REGRESSION MODEL 6.2 The omitted variables  The true model: Yi    1 X   X  u (2.9)  The wrong model : Yi ... The terminology in (2.1) is similar as simple regression model NGUYEN BA TRUNG - 2016 II ESTIMATION: OLS  The matrix form of multiple regression model:  Y1      Y          

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2020, 19:02

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