In this chapter you will learn: How does your company affect the rest of the world? What influence does the outside world have on your company? How does information technology affect individuals? As a manager and a company, do you treat individuals the way you expect to be treated by other companies? How does technology affect jobs? If computers do more of the work, what jobs are left for people?,...
Introduction to MIS Chapter 14 MIS Impact on Society Copyright © 1998-2002 by Jerry Post Introduction to MIS The IT Environment Education Government Strategy Consumers Tactics Culture Operations Privacy Businesses Employees Company Introduction to MIS Individuals Loss of jobs Physical disabilities Telecommuting Intellectual property Balance of power Education and training Social interactions Social group legitimacy Access to technology E-mail freedom Liability and control of data Introduction to MIS Representatives and agencies Democracy and participation Voting Information warfare Rise of the world state? Police powers Privacy Freedom of speech Responsibilities and ethics Outline Crime Government Vendors and Consumers Privacy Dehumanization Jobs Users Programmers and developers Companies Governments Cases: Health Care Appendix: Computer-Related Laws Privacy Governments Employers Businesses Introduction to MIS Government and Privacy Spying on “ordinary” people is not an issue Spying on business and political leaders or journalists can cause problems Collecting data on targeted individuals such as dissidents or minorities can stifle innovation Personal financial data Company financial data Introduction to MIS Health data Travel data Political negotiations Privacy Problems TRW 1991 Lost wallet Impersonator, murders and robberies NCIC database Rogan arrested times in 14 months Sued and won $55,000 from LA Jeffrey McFadden 1989 26 million monitored electronically 10 million pay based on statistics Introduction to MIS SSN and DoB for William Kalin from military records Got fake Kentucky ID Wrote $6000 in bad checks Kalin spent days in jail Sued McFadden, won $10,000 San Francisco Chronicle 1991 Employees Norwich, VT Listed everyone delinquent on property taxes Terry Dean Rogan Person found 12 others using her SSN Someone got 16 credit cards from another’s SSN, charged $10,000 Someone discovered unemployment benefits had already been collected by others Privacy Laws Minimal in US Credit reports Bork Bill can’t release video rental data Educational data limited availability 1994 limits on selling state/local data Europe Right to add comments 1994 disputes settled in 30 days 1994 some limits on access to data France and some other controls European Union, controls but undecided 1995 EU Privacy Controls Introduction to MIS Job Changes 1995-2002 Home-health Programmer/analysts Travel agents Childcare Guards Cooks Nurses Gardners Lawyers Teachers Janitors Bank tellers Electrical assemblers Typists/word processors Machine-tool operators Textile workers Switchboard operators Packaging operators Telephone & cable TV installers Directory-assistance operators Introduction to MIS Job Changes Project Job Growth 1998-2006 Database administrators, etc Computer engineers Computer engineers Systems analysts PPersonal ersonal and careaides aides and home home care Home health aides MMedical edical assistants assistants Teachers, special education Adjustment clerks Adjustment clerks Teacher aides Child workers Child care care workers Social workers Receptionists and information clerks Receptionists Food service and lodging managers Nursing aides, orderlies, attendants Nursing aides,and orderlies, etc Hand packers Hand packers and packagers Guards Teachers, secondary school Teachers, secondary school Cooks, fast food Registered nurses Food preparation workers Clerical supervisors Food preparation workers M aintenance repairers, general utility Maintenance repairers Cashiers Truckdrivers, lightexecutives and heavy General managers Truck drivers Food counter, fountain, andcounter related workers workers Food Marketing supervisors M arketing and sales worker Waiters andsupervisors waitresses Salespersons, retail General clerks Generaloffice office clerks 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 Percent increase Introduction to MIS Job Changes 2000-2010 Occupations with Greatest Growth or Loss 673 Food preparation and serving Customer service Registered nurses Retail salespersons Computer support Cashiers Office clerks Security guards Software engineers, applications Waiters and waitresses 631 561 510 490 474 430 391 380 364 Barbers Procurement clerks Eligibility interviewers, government programs Parts salespersons Wholesale and retail buyers, except farm products Postal service mail sorters, processors Telephone operators Computer operators Loan interviewers and clerks Switchboard operators, including answering service Dishwashers Sewing machine operators Word processors and typists Insurance claims and policy processing clerks Tellers Order clerks Farmers and ranchers -9 -9 -11 -12 -13 -14 -19 -33 -38 -41 -42 -51 -57 -58 -59 -71 -329 -400 Introduction to MIS -200 200 400 600 800 10 International Internet Bandwidth 162 Gbps 0.8 Gbps 0.4 Gbps 1.2 Gbps 14 Gbps 0.07 Gbps 42 Gbps Introduction to MIS 20 E-Government Government Representatives and Agencies Providing Internet access to government data Democracy and participation Getting data and information Providing feedback and participating Voting—will we ever see electronic or online voting? Information warfare Will the Internet consolidate the world? Introduction to MIS 21 Electronic Voting Challenges Prevent fraud by voters (identify voters) Prevent fraud by counters Prevent fraud by application programmers Prevent fraud by operating system programmers Prevent attacks on servers Prevent attacks on clients Prevent loss of data Provide ability to recount ballots Ensure anonymity of votes Provide access to all voters Prevent denial of service attacks Prevent user interface errors Identify and let voters correct data entry errors Improve on existing in 6,000 to in 10,000 error rates Introduction to MIS 22 Information Warfare Controlling information and knowledge Intercepting communications Breaking codes Providing false information Protecting the modern economy Winning a war depends on destroying the economic infrastructure, which today includes computers and networks Introduction to MIS 23 Rise of the World-State Early history: City-States Modern Era Laws and enforcement will require international cooperation Nations might become insular (e.g., France/Yahoo) European Union North American Free Trade Area Mercosur and more The Internet could remove boundaries Nation-State Defense within physical boundaries (oceans and mountains) International Cooperation People band together to protect a common region Economically and politically could only control limited areas Companies might be forced to least-common denominator Introduction to MIS 24 Crime Real-world/traditional crime The Internet Con artists have access to new and more victims Harassment (e-mail, cell phones, stalking, etc.) Police Powers Criminals and terrorists have access to information, communication, and money Encryption and Anonymity Carnivore Echelon “Wire” tapping Privacy Freedom of Speech (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) Introduction to MIS 25 Responsibility and Ethics Users Programmers and Developers Provide the tools to enable employees to their jobs efficiently and legally Training, compliance, security, backup Partnerships and non-disclosure agreements Governments Secure Code Confidentiality and Privacy Know your Limitations Companies Copyright Laws Confidentiality Infrastructure Laws Privacy Introduction to MIS 26 Cases: Healthcare Introduction to MIS 27 Cases: Eli Lilly Owens & Minor, Inc What is the company’s current status? What is the Internet strategy? How does the company use information technology? What are the prospects for the industry? Introduction to MIS 28 Appendix: Legal Environment Property Rights (ownership) Privacy Crime (destruction) Introduction to MIS 29 Copyright Patent Prevents use of a name or logo Trade Secret Made it a federal crime to distribute devices that circumvent protection (Probably) made it a federal crime to discuss ways to circumvent Trademark More expensive to obtain ($10,000 +) Prohibits similar works, even if created independently 20-year limitation (from date of filing) Useful and innovative Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998 Property Rights Right to sell Right to make copies Right to make derivative works Registration is not required, but increases the amount of money you can receive in a lawsuit In force for “life” + 50 years (corporate is 75 years total) Cannot copyright raw data Non-disclosure agreement (NDA) Minimal legal protection, but establishes contract Introduction to MIS 30 Privacy Freedom of Information Act Gives public access to most government files Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Limits use of educational records Fair Credit Reporting Act Gives public access to their credit data Privacy Act of 1974 Limits collection of government data—Most provisions are superceded and eroded by later legislation Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 Extended wiretap protections to cell phones and e-mail Video Privacy Act of 1988 Limits access to video and library rental lists (Bork Bill) Driver’s Privacy Protection Act of 1994 Limits access to drivers’ license records to large companies (e.g., insurance) Graham-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 Added some minor financial privacy clauses into financial deregulation Institutions must notify customers of the ability to remove their names from marketing lists U.S Patriot Act (antiterrorism) of 2001 Pretty much lets police agencies anything they want for a given period of time as long as they claim it is related to terrorism Introduction to MIS 31 Privacy Government expansion/intrusion Welfare laws require identification because of fraud some states use fingerprints Identification databases: fingerprints nationwide, DNA proposal “Deadbeat dads” 1999 act requires SSN to receive any license (driver’s, fishing, building, etc.) Introduction to MIS 32 Crime Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 outlaws access to computers without authorization damage to computers, networks, data, and so on actions that lead to denial of service interference with medical care Enforcement by U.S Secret Service Enforcement has been difficult, but some successes Introduction to MIS 33 Law Web references /com/doc/ipnii Introduction to MIS Basic links U.S. Code and C.F.R Commentary U.S. copyright office U.S. patent office Copyright clearance Electronic frontier found Privacy information center IITF white paper, proposed copyright changes Issue 4(1): Analysis of IITF 34 ... Governments Employers Businesses Introduction to MIS Government and Privacy Spying on “ordinary” people is not an issue Spying on business and political leaders or journalists can cause problems Collecting... all applications sold to the federal government have the ability to be used with adaptive technology to enable people with physical challenges to use the system A variety of hardware and software... Introduction to MIS 14 Digital Rights Management (Microsoft) Selection and purchase Customer money transfer to store Website Purchase Customer/Reader Encrypted book sent to customer with publisherspecified