In terms of Marxist - Leninist Philosophy, interpret and clarify theoretical, practical issues, and propose solutions to promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people’s Army today.
1 INTRODUCTION 1. Overview of the thesis’s research work So far, scientists and culuralists of Laos and some countries in the world, especially in Vietnam, have studied and referred to many aspects of the cultural tradition Although the researches of these scientists and culuralists have shown the regularity, the particularity of cultural tradition, there is no research work analysing the issue of "promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people’s Army today" With the acquisition, inheritance and development of traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos and the understanding for the breakthrough innovative thinking steps of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party in the current conditions today, the author has continued to study further for clarification on the issue: "promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people’s Army today" 2. Reasons for choosing the thesis topic First, promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people’s Army today is the objective dialectical process under the impact of general social rules, and operates in dialectical interaction of the peculiar relations military Second, theoretical research and analysis of the practical task of promoting the traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army is now one of the urgent tasks of all cultural workers Third, promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people’s Army today is a long process, has many stages and has to solve many problems with these measures and criminal Differently Fourth, promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people’s Army today is to solve the "relationship of tradition and modernity." 3. The research purpose and mission of the thesis * Purpose: In terms of Marxist Leninist Philosophy, interpret and clarify theoretical, practical issues, and propose solutions to promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people’s Army today * Research tasks of the thesis: Clarify the nature, structure and regularity of promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army Assess the situation and determine new requirements to promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army today 3. Propose solutions to promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army today 4. Objects and scope of research * Object of the thesis’s research Study subjects of the thesis is the nature aspects, regularity of the promotion of traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army Research scope of the thesis In the cultural treasure of the rich traditional values of Lao tribes, the thesis focuses mentioned values are directly related to the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army today. Scope survey in some military units in the province enough Vientiane. The documents refer to practices focused from 2010 until now 5. Theoretical, practical basis and research methods Theoretical basis of thesis As the system of fundamental views of Marxism Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thoughts and views of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party in culture and traditional culture, the military and cultural life in the military team In particular, it is the view of the Party Committee of the Ministry of National Defense, the directive of the Minister of Defense and the heads of the General Political Department of the built cultural agencies and soldiers in the military culture. It also works and related articles of the leaders of the Party, the State and the Lao People's Army Practical basis of the thesis Factual basis of the thesis is practical cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army. Mainly based on statistical data, document the final report of the agency or unit basis; practical research results through the Statelevel projects, Ministry of Defence; work of the agencies and individuals inside and outside the military involved. Practical basis are based on the survey results, the survey's authors promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army Research methods of the thesis Based on the methodology of dialectical materialism and historical materialism, the thesis apply social approach history, values and operations, systems and structures, synchronic and diachronic while applying synthetic methodology of interdisciplinary science, focusing especially on the survey methodology sociology, expert methods, methods of analyzing and reviewing the practice 6. New contributions of the thesis topic Contribute to build the concept of cultural life grassroots unit and systematize the traditional cultural values of the Lao tribes are present in the Cultural life in the grassroots unit of the Lao People’s Army Overview essence, regularity promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army Interpretation factual basis to propose solutions methodology, integrated and feasible to promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army today 7. Theoretical and practical significance The theoretical meaning of the thesis The thesis contributes commentaries scientific basis of the promotion of traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army, contributed to assert the role of culture for the building Lao people's army, revolutionary, regular, gradual modernization Practical significance of the thesis The thesis can be used as references for the practical activities of the leaders and commanders at all levels in the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army in the construction of cultural life for the current team The research results of the thesis can be used as references for research and teaching at the academy, military school 8. Structure of the thesis The thesis consists of: introduction, three chapters (8 periods), conclusion and annexes OVERVIEW OF THE RESEARCH SITUATION RELATED TO THE THESIS TOPIC 1. The research situation related to the topic Currently, there are many scientific works published in the forms of scientific articles, monographs, scientific projects at promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people’s Army todays level, industrylevel, ministerial level, national level research on the matter related to the promotion of traditional cultural values in the cultural life in general, in the military grassroots unit in particular According to research of the subject, the author of the thesis approaches related scientific work on the following fundamental issues: The typical scientific research projects with mention and commentary on the cultural life In the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the study of culture in recent years has been increasingly concerned Scientists have proposed a variety of approaches, discoveries, pointing out features and characteristics of traditional cultural values in the cultural life from many angles Typical is Nguyen Chi My (Editor), "The transformation of values in ethical market economy with the construction of a new ethics for managers in Vietnam today" [55], Huynh Khai Vinh (editor), "A number of lifestyle issues, ethics, standards of social values" [93], Do Huy (2002), "Fundamentals of the philosophy of art and culture in Vietnam" [36] In the works "creative activity is the development and self fulfillment is life" said Nguyen Van Huyen (1998), stated: "Innovation is not just creating a world outside of human culture. It has a greater meaning, which is the process of forming and developing inner qualities; is the embodiment of the cultural development "[35] The human development will now more comprehensive, more effective, and more decisive even if it’s possible to characterize outlines innovative nature, based on internal factors and promote the endogenous factors of the text itself flower The book "Building the basic cultural environment" by Assoc. Prof., Dr Van Duc Thanh (2004) mentioned some general issues regarding access to environmental concepts of cultural and environmental role of culture in building the basis of community life. The author has pointed out: "In the role of the environment as it comes to the overall development of the human condition in terms of material life and spiritual life. However, it comes to the role of the cultural environment is mainly refers to the overall effect of the conditions to nurture, cultivate and develop the cultural values of the people and communities from material life and their spiritual life "[75; p. 4647] "Vietnam Cultural Development in the period 2011 2020" by Assoc. Prof., Dr. Pham Duy Duc (editor, 2009), National Political Publishing House, Hanoi's study forecasts the strategic nature, cultural approach from the level of political theory; basic viewpoints of Marxism Leninism and Ho Chi Minh on the construction and development of culture; implementation and promotion of perspective, line and cultural policies of the Party and the State; summated construction practices and develop cultures of Vietnam; contribute to determine the direction and outlined specific solutions to policymakers cultural development of the Party and State of Vietnam In the People's Democratic Republic of Laos, in recent years, access to cultural research in general, cultural traditions and development of the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army in particular has less mentioned However, the documents of the Party and State, also has a number of research projects and a number of doctoral dissertations, master's theses "Culture and Art and its role in the renewal process in the Democratic Republic of Lao People now", Doctor of Philosophy thesis of Si Bun Da Huong Phan Da Vong (1999), Academy of Politics national administration of Ho Chi Minh Along with determining the content concept art and culture; clarify the structure, functions and social relations with other social sectors, the thesis has introduced the Essential traits in the process of cultural history of Laos, which is considered the cultural context calendar using the construction of culture under the motto art ethnic Lao, scientific and mass Lao arts and culture is formed closely associated with promoting the traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos [130] "Building cultural and aesthetic development in the People's Democratic Republic of Laos in terms of innovation and international integration", Doctor of Philosophy thesis of Xi Lua Bun Kham (2001), Academy of Politics national administration of Ho Chi Minh. The thesis proves that culture reflects the profound aesthetic beauty of life associated with the unique characteristic values of the tribe; national culture is made up of the unity of promoting cultural values, moral culture, the culture of science, culture, education, culture, art towards the truth, the goodness and the beauty. This work contributes to the protection of cultural identity in general, in particular aesthetic culture in the Democratic Republic of Lao People currently [131] "The role of culture for economic development in many components of the People's Democratic Republic of Laos today" is written by Doctor of Philosophy thesis Son Tha Nu Tham Ma Vong (2004), Academy of Politics national Administration of Ho Chi Minh. Practical reality of life in the People's Democratic Republic of Laos in the innovation shows that the role of culture is being confirmed as internal factors of economic social development The research results of the work clarify the role of culture for economic development in the conditions applied to the People's Democratic Republic of Laos, thereby contributing to overcome both cultural decoupling the economic and cultural trends look just passive product of economic [132] "Political Culture in the People's Democratic Republic of Laos in the current period", Dissertation on Politics of Kham Man Chan Tha Lang Sy (2002), National Academy of Politics Administration of Ho Chi Minh. The thesis states: during the study of politics through the stages, different historical periods of nations, peoples, scientists have noticed the relationship between cultural traditions and activities politic. The thesis describes the work of the political culture in Laos today confirm a right from its inception, the Lao People's Revolutionary Party has taken Marxism Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought as the ideological foundation and guideline for all activities In the current renewal process, need comprehensive awareness and insight into the impact of many factors to suggest orientations and measures to improve the quality and efficiency of the political culture in Laos at present [121] 1.2 The typical scientific research works of traditional cultural values In the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Many studies have made the concept of traditional cultural values and the overall picture of the value system of traditional culture of Vietnam; new shocks, trend of change scale cultural values, ethics and lifestyle in the market economy Typical: The book "The origin of traditional culture of Vietnam" by Assoc. Prof., Dr. Le Van Quan (2007), Labour Publishing House, Hanoi is a collection of research results and surveys about Vietnam culture underwent centuries affirmed inexplicable cultural phenomena in each period as well modern culture as if detached relationship with traditional close In other words, it will be extremely onesided and wrong to consider the cultural phenomenon in isolation There are many works delve generalized system of traditional cultural values typical of the people of Vietnam The work "Traditional spiritual value of the people of Vietnam" (1980) by Prof. People's Teacher Tran Van Giau, National Political Publishing House, Hanoi, reprinted in 2011, Vietnam Scholars discussing 10 traditional culture will put it in the perspective of modern match. The work of the authors Nguyen Trong Chuan Pham Van Duc Ho Sy Quy "Learn traditional cultural values in the industrialization and modernization", National Political Publishing House, Hanoi (2001). The works "Vietnam Culture in innovative ways the opportunities and challenges", Social Sciences Publishing House, Hanoi (2010) In the People's Democratic Republic of Lao, traditional cultural issues. Typical are: Doctor of Philosophy thesis of Bua Phon Bun Nha Nit "The relationship between tradition and innovation in the building of a new culture in the People's Democratic Republic of Lao" (1990), the Nguyen Ai Quoc Academy, Hanoi Dissertation on Politics of A Luon Boun Mi Xay "The cultural values of traditional Lao and political implications for the renovation of the People's Democratic Republic of Laos today" (2013), the Academy of politics national administration of Ho Chi Minh In the journal of military political science, Cay Xon Phom Vi Han Academy of national defense (freshman, No. 2, June 12/2011, pp 1621) with articles of Colonel, Dr. Som Phon Si Su Van Na on "Building cultural environment in the Lao People's Army" Recently there has been a directive on construction standards for cultural bodies and cultural soldiers, No 144/CTH, dated 05.27.2001 of the Ministry of Defense under Lao People's Army 2. Overview of the results of scientific work related to the themes and issues that the thesis continues to resolve 2.1 Overview of the results of the scientific work related to the topic First, theoretically: The scientific work was mentioned above but pretty much to promote traditional cultural values in today's cultural life 13 terms of cultural life, including exploring the cultural and creative exchange and acculturation, evaluate and enjoy culture, enter and shine cultural body, but takes place in a special habitat military environment Cultural life in the grassroots unit of the Lao People’s Army Cultural productive life grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army contains cultural imprint with the nuances of the different regions and ethnic groups Cultural life in the grassroots unit of the Lao People’s Army is characterized reflects the nature of the grassroots unit Cultural life in the grassroots unit of the Lao People’s Army is characterized as reflecting the best system cultural diversity of Laos Cultural life in the grassroots unit of the Lao People’s Army is characterized reflects traditional ties cultural modern Laos 1.2 Nature and regularity in promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army 1.2.1 Essentially promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army Essentially promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army is a review of the following aspects First: To promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army is placed on the role of an objective premise own traditional cultural values for all fields and all aspects of the cultural life in each grassroots unit 14 Second: The role of traditional cultural values Lao tribes for Cultural life in the grassroots unit of the Lao People’s Army, although the objective, but only the impact, influence and gain real high efficiency operation with the voluntary, organized and unified scientific officers and soldiers Third: The value of traditional culture Lao tribes is well promoted not only to the direct development of the cultural life of officials and soldiers in promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people’s Army todays units advanced towards imbued with national identity which also and primarily aimed to promote the growing unit, successfully complete political tasks 1.2.2 The regularity of promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army The first regularity: To promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army on the premise, the basis is essential to make the thickness of traditional cultural values permeate the team's mind The second regularity: To promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army to follow methods to make the traditional cultural values converted into live operation of the team The third regularity: To promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army tends to overcome the opposition is extremely modern cultural values The problems outlined above arguments and rationale is important to cognitive science and organizational practices that promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the 15 grassroots unit of the People's Army Laos became the "cradle to nurture" and perfecting the basic human values the grassroots unit has been gradually approaching, efforts improve the quality of promoting cultural values in the right direction and there effective Chapter 2 PRACTICE OF PROMOTING TRADITIONAL CULTURAL VALUES IN CULTURAL LIFE OF GRASSROOTS UNIT UNDER LAO PEOPLE'S ARMY TODAY 2.1 Situation of promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army 2.1.1 The overall situation relating to promotion of traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army now On the positive side: Practical impact, the impact of traditional cultural values Lao tribes to personality development process revolutionary soldiers and building collective military increasingly better oriented with tradition; Make Practical impact, the impact of traditional cultural values Lao tribes to personality development process revolutionary soldiers and building collective current military personnel can also evident in the development of consciousness "toward the roots" On the negative side: The process of building units with cultural establishments is primarily advanced process of enlightenment about goals, great 16 fighter, created in the military collective unity of purpose and the consistency of motor the activities of armed forces personnel In recent years the People's Democratic Republic of Laos has shown, in the context of socialistoriented market economy today, the phenomenon of chasing profits, put their own interests above all else is not present individual objects anonymous That has impact, influence makes a number of cadres and soldiers fluctuations in the value orientation: uphold, the absolute value of material goods, economic value, lightly refined moral values God; too much importance to individual interests that disregard collective interests, indifferent to the common interests of the army and the society 2.1.2. Situation of promoting traditional cultural values in terms of cultural life in the grassroots unit of the Lao People’s Army today The extensive promotion of traditional cultural values in terms of Cultural life in the grassroots unit of the Lao People’s Army today on some of the following items: Promoting the political and cultural life the thought; Promote the moral and cultural life, lifestyle; Promoting cultural life law and discipline; Promoting cultural life science, wisdom; Promoting cultural life and aesthetic life Promoting physical culture 2.1.3 Situation of awareness, use of entities to promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots units First is: The awareness of the value of traditional culture and its role for the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army today 17 Second: The advantage of the positive effects, overcoming the negative image of huuong social environment and mining issues, receive the traditional cultural values, combating the current counter value Third, the perception of uniformity, comprehensive practical organizing cultural educational process in order to promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the current grassroots unit Fourth, the organization and establish the conditions for a cultural environment where grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army today Fifth, the demandoriented culture, actively promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the current grassroots unit 2.2 Requires to promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army before the current practical trends 2.2.1. Practical trend of traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army now First, National independence associated with socialism is fundamental cultural values and is an ideal target team fighting officers and soldiers; Marxism Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought, perspective ways of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party continues to be consistent with the character of the system kernel traditional cultural values, is fundamental reasoning oriented to the 18 improvement and promotion of cultural values, politics, law, ethics, aesthetics, scientific Second, these values reflect the cultural traditions of law as the legal awareness, sense of civic responsibility, responsible officers are the officers and soldiers acknowledged and followed; fighting spirit negative, rejecting the counter values, consciously abide by state laws and discipline of the army, the spirit of life and follow the constitution, law, military discipline continues to be Advanced Third, the moral cultural values and aesthetic traditions established in society and the army would be the value standards officers and soldiers receive and development. Fourth, in the team of officers and soldiers of the Lao People's Army, the attitude before the life, career quite clear 2.2.2. Requirement to promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army now * The requirement for awareness First, to promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army today must comprehend the views of Marxism Leninism, Ho Chi Minh thought, a People's Party Lao cultural networks and cultural life, and comes from military and cultural activities, in accordance with the requirements of building the army in the new period Second, promote the value of traditional culture in the Cultural life in the grassroots unit of the Lao People’s Army on the one hand to a deep awareness of traditional culture of the nation in the 19 traditional cohesion of the Party, the army and the develop new values, struggle remove the counter values Third, promotion of traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army must particularly aware and focused construction, improvement of educational content military cultural values * The organizational requirements in practice First, directing practices promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army is always placed on the basis of compliance with the basic methods of promotion Second, direct practical activities to promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army must thoroughly grasp and implement an integrated perspective Chapter 3 RESOLUTION TO PROMOTE TRADITIONAL CULTURAL VALUES IN THE CULTURAL LIFE OF GRASSROOTS UNIT UNDER LAO PEOPLE'S ARMY TODAY 3.1 Better organize the inheritance, development and education of traditional cultural values in the grassroots unit 3.1.1. Inherit and develop traditional cultural values in the grassroots unit 20 First, encourage officers and soldiers involved in the inheritance and development of traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos Secondly, create a change in the perception and practice organization of officers and soldiers in contributing to preserving traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos Third, encourage and held for officers and soldiers participating in the management, preservation, maintenance and promotion of the cultural heritage of the tribes of Laos Fourth, encourage and held for officers and soldiers involved in the research and exploitation of the cultural heritage and cultural value systems of the tribal traditions of Laos 3.1.2 Innovation and improve the quality of education the traditional cultural values for officers and soldiers in the grassroots unit First, focus the content of traditional cultural values in the political education program periodically for officials and soldiers in promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people’s Army todays units Second, improving the quality of education the traditional cultural values of officials and soldiers in the grassroots unit Lao People's Army must be linked to the process of improving "quality culture" in all activities Third, to promote the educational value of traditional culture in each grassroots unit forms through rich, vivid, practical 21 Fourth, continue to expand the movement, propaganda, "Live, fight, work and learn in ideology, morality, style of previous generations," the officers and soldiers in units skull Fifth, strengthen and improve the quality of the forms of specialized activities of traditional culture in the grassroots unit 3.2. Positively make the traditional cultural values deeply ingrained in all aspects of life and work at promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people’s Army todays units 3.2.1 Actively cultivate cultural activities, cultural character development of cadres and soldiers under traditional standards First ensure the comprehensiveness of content cultivate, culture character development of cadres and soldiers under traditional standards Second, ensure the voluntary plan and cultivate cultural activities, cultural character development of officers and soldiers under traditional standards Third, build roads, effective measures in cultivation, culture character development of cadres and soldiers under traditional standards Fourth, there are regimes, policies to encourage, cultivate typical human, cultural character development of officers and soldiers under traditional standards 3.2.2 Construction collective military culture in bold absorbent grassroots unit value traditional culture of the tribes of Laos 22 First, encourage positive, selfdiscipline, creativity of the actors in the construction environment and military operations in deep permeable grassroots unit value traditional culture of the tribes of Laos Second, constant attention and demandoriented culture of the officers and soldiers under the standards of traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos Third, properly handle the relations of military culture within the unit, fostering a sense of community in the military exercise, focusing on the relationship bearing deep cultural, traditional values of the tribe Laos Fourth, well organized forms of cultural activity in the unit and military cultural exchanges civil, focused activities bearing deep cultural, traditional values of the country, military units and localities where they are stationed Fifth, vigorously promoting the role of cultural institutions as military shine traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos in task performance and improve the quality of synthesis, the fighting strength of the unit 3.2.3. Applying the traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos in building the cultural field in the grassroots unit Firstly, use the traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos in building political culture ideology 23 Secondly, use the traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos in building the culture of law and discipline Third, the use of traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos in building the intellectual culture ethics aesthetics, lifestyle, building cultural units and culture warriors Fourth, use the traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos in building cultural behavior communication, advanced civilized lifestyle Fifth, use the traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos in building culture science, engineering, advanced military ground position Sixth, use the traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos in building physical culture cultural life skills and aesthetics 3.3. Satisfactory settlement traditional modern relations in the cultural life of grassroots units 3.3.1. Connecting traditional cultural values with the values of modern culture in the cultural life grassroots unit First, identify, assign relevance of traditional cultural values and cultural values in the life of modern culture grassroots unit Second, define the role of traditional cultural values and cultural values in modern cultural life at promoting traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people’s Army todays 3.3.2. Optimal handling the interaction between traditional cultural values with the values of modern culture in cultural life 24 First, "traditionize" of the modern cultural values tradition to enrich the cultural life of the grassroots unit Second, improve the modern traditional up range to increase the vitality of the cultural practices of traditional cultural life grassroots unit Third, create a positive interaction between tradition and modernity in the cultural life to connect the past with the present and look to the future 3.3.3 Combining construction and settlement against the traditional relations to develop modern cultural life First, inherit traditional cultural values attached to weed out countervalue or obsolete elements, backward in the cultural life of the grassroots unit Second, the quintessence of modern culture tied to prevent the counter value, standard deviation tradition in the cultural life of the grassroots unit Third, against the conservative tendencies and inclinations denied arbitrarily past, unscrupulous in the cultural life of the unit base profile The thesis proposed solutions in a unified whole: legacy solutions, development and education of traditional cultural values Lao tribes; solutions put traditional cultural values in all aspects of life of soldiers; solutions solve traditional relations modern. The solution is mainly on issues related to each other dialectical unity. So 25 in reality the organization must have a consolidated view of content and implementation of measures in a uniform 26 CONCLUSION Access to the concept of cultural, traditional cultural values as a particular form of promotion of traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army is now connected to promote the cultural lifeblood of ethnic Lao tradition, is the expression of concentrated relationship unity and diversity, between tradition and modernity, the perception is in place and correctly apply the rules cultural development and the rules associated with economic development economic development of the people's democratic Republic of Laos; insists on the theoretical and practical promotion of traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army today Based on surveys of the promotion of traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao People's Army and the situation awareness, handling matters regularity of organization practices too this process, the thesis focuses on clarifying the positives and negatives in the cognitive, practical organization promoting the traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit leaders, commanders at all levels; detection of major conflicts and resolve perceived need to improve the efficiency of promoting the traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit and pipe People's Army today. At the same time, from the scientific forecasting and trend of promoting movements that, the thesis analyzed the new requirements for the cognitive, practical organization promoting the traditional cultural values of cultural life grassroots unit to meet the new demands of the 27 revolutionary tasks and trend volatility promote traditional cultural values in the cultural life of the grassroots unit of the Lao people's Army in the next year The thesis proposes three basic solutions: First, legacy solutions, development and education of the traditional cultural values of the tribes of Laos; Second, groups of solutions to traditional cultural values in all aspects of life of soldiers; Third, groups of solutions for traditional relations modern This is a holistic solution, including measures related dialectical unity, reflecting logical inevitability of organizational methods to organize practice, in line with the diverse manifestations of the problem problems with regularity in reality. So in practical organization, must have a consolidated view, sync and history namely to promote the highest role of all organizations and all forces improve efficiency promoting cultural values transmitted system of Cultural life in the grassroots unit of the Lao People’s Army ... 1.1.? ?Traditional? ?cultural? ?values? ?Lao? ?tribes and? ?cultural? ?life? ? at? ?promoting? ?traditional? ?cultural? ?values? ?in? ?the? ?cultural? ?life? ?of? ?the? ? grassroots? ?unit? ?of? ?the? ?Lao? ?people’s? ?Army? ?todays units? ?of? ?the? ?Lao? ? People''s? ?Army 1.1.1.? ?Traditional? ?cultural? ?values? ?of? ?Laos tribes ... Study subjects? ?of? ?the? ?thesis is? ?the? ?nature aspects, regularity? ?of? ? the? ?promotion? ?of? ?traditional? ?cultural? ?values? ?in? ?the? ?cultural? ?life? ?of? ?the? ? grassroots? ?unit? ?of? ?the? ?Lao? ?People''s? ?Army Research scope? ?of? ?the? ?thesis In? ?the? ?cultural? ?treasure? ?of? ?the? ?rich? ?traditional? ?values? ?of? ?Lao? ?tribes, ... Secondly, use? ?the? ?traditional? ?cultural? ?values? ?of? ?the? ?tribes? ?of Laos? ?in? ?building? ?the? ?culture? ?of? ?law and discipline Third,? ?the? ?use? ?of? ?traditional? ?cultural? ?values? ?of? ?the? ?tribes? ?of Laos? ?in? ?building? ?the? ?intellectual culture ethics aesthetics, lifestyle,