The research objective of the dissertation on the basis of clarifying general theoretical issues and surveying the situation of Vietnamese image propaganda to the world through foreign press, the author of the thesis proposes a number of views and solutions. solutions and recommendations to strengthen the propaganda of Vietnamese images to the world through foreign press in the coming time. In order to grasp the details of the research content, invite you to consult the thesis.
MINSTRY OF EDUCATION HO CHI MINH NATIONAL AND TRAINNING ACADEMY OF POLITICS ACADEMY OF JOURNALISM OF COMMUNICATION LUU TRAN TOAN USING PROPAGANDA TECHNIQUE IN PROMOTING VIETNAM’S IMAGE TO THE WORLD VIA FOREIGN JOURNALISM NOWADAYS (case study on three programmes of VTV4, Vietnam Plus, and Vietnam Economic Times) SUMMARY ON DOCTORAL THESIS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE HANOI 2018 THE DOCTORAL THESIS IS FINISHED AT ACADEMY OF JOURNALISM AND COMMUNICATION Supervisors: Assoc. Prof., PhD Pham Minh Son PhD Luong Ngoc Vinh 1st Examiner : 2nd Examiner: 3rd Examiner The doctoral thesis is defensed at thesis committee at university level at Academy of Journalism and Communication at on 2018 The doctoral thesis can be accessed at National Library and Library of the Academy of Journalism and Communication, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics INTRODUCTION 1. Purpose of study Countries in the world are in the objective trend of globalization and international integration. This means that countries will have to compete with each other to attract the attention of the world to affirm their position of their country in the international community Therefore, regardless of whether developed or developing country, the country must know how other countries in the world see their countries That is national image Positive or negative national image influences the promotion of trade, tourism or foreign investment of that country. National image in the mind of the audience may lag behind the reality of that country if the audience does not receive new accurate information Therefore, national image promotion is one of the necessary activities of all countries, especially developing countries such as Vietnam. National image promotion is implemented through a variety of means including the foreign journalism. Advanced sciences and technologies, the spread of television broadcasting via satellite, internet and the official characteristics allow the foreign journalism to take the advantage to narrow geographic distance to provide more uptodate and effective information than other forms of propaganda. Foreign journalism makes the world know more about Vietnam including the achievements of Vietnam in the renewal period, the natural scenery, cultural values, precious quality of people, history of victory against foreign invaders to attract more investment, cooperation and tourism in Vietnam However, the current situation address the challenge in the development process of foreign journalism. One of the biggest challenges for the sustainable development of the journalism is the explosion of information, the development and intense competition of social media Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of the situation of Vietnam's image promotion to the world via foreign journalism is needed, thereby proposing solutions to enhance this promotion in the context of globalization and Vietnam’s integration to the world. On the one hand, this study will contribute to summarize the theory and practice in Vietnam's image promotion by using propaganda techniques via external journalism to the world. On the other hand, the finding of the study can be used as research and teaching material in propaganda, international relations in general, national image promotion in particular. These are my purpose to choose “Using propaganda technique in promoting Vietnam’s image to the world via foreign journalism nowadays” as the topic of doctoral thesis, which majors in Political Sciences, submajors in Political works 2. Aim and objective of the study 2.1. Aim of the study By clarifying theory and doing survey on the situation of using propaganda technique in promoting Vietnam’s image to the world via foreign journalism, the doctoral thesis proposes some principle and solutions to enhance the Vietnam’s image promotion to the world via foreign journalism in the future 2.2. Objective of the study To achieve this goal, the doctoral thesis focuses on the following tasks: Firstly, analyze and clarify a number of theoretical issues of using propaganda techniques in Vietnam's image promotion to the world via foreign media: systematization, clarification of basic concepts, identification of elements constituting propaganda image of Vietnam in the world through foreign journalism Secondly, Analyze the situation of using propaganda techniques in Vietnam's image promotion to the world via foreign media products on actor, content and method, result of propaganda to evaluates the strengths, limitations, and their causes Thirdly, based on the results of the survey, propose some ideas and solutions to promote the images of Vietnam to the world via foreign media in the coming time 3. Target, Research objective và range of the study 3.1. Aim of the study Aim of the study is using propaganda technique in promoting Vietnam’s image to the world via foreign journalism nowadays 3.2. Objective of the study The subject of the thesis is Vietnam’s foreign journalism including structure, quantity, and quality of personnel, content of promotion, forms and methods of propaganda techniques, result of propaganda 3.3 Range of the objective study Range of objective: VTV4 channel; Vietnamplus online newspapaer, Vietnam Economic Times magazine. Range of time: The author selects all articles, episodes of the newspapers, programmes broadcast, published from 1st January 2016 to 31st December 2016, specially: * VTV4: In 2016, there are 93 episodes in 3 programes of Vietnam Discovery, Fine Cuisine, Culture Mosaic. * Vietnam plus: In 2016, there are 48 articles in Attraction, Food, and Culture * Vietnam Economic Times: In 2016, there are 130 articles published on Cover story, Special Report and Bussiness report 4. Rationale and methodology of the study 4.1. Rationale of the study The doctoral thesis is based on the theory of MarxismLeninism, Ho Chi Minh's thought, the views of the Communist Party of Vietnam on politial work, propaganda, external information, journalism and communication. The author also uses the theory of communication, modern principles of propaganda 4.2. Research Methods The methodology of study is dialectical and historical materialism. The thesis uses the interdisciplinary approach of the following sciences including Politics, Journalism, International Relations, Public Relations, Sociology Political methodology is the main approach Specific methods of study include history and logic, analysis and synthesis, comparison, inductive, interpreting, statistics, literature review, observations, in depth interviews etc Methodology of Collecting information includes literature review, content analysis, indepth interview Methodology of Information Processing includes using Nvivo software based on qualitative coding to analyze the content of article and programs 5. New contributions of the thesis: Introduce a new definition of propaganda and external propaganda in the current period, distinguish propaganda with other relevant terms Introduce the definition of foreign media, distinguish the external media from the domestic media To clarify the theorical foundation of "national image", including definition, its characteristics, the distinction between national image and related concepts To give the concept of using propaganda techniqufe in promoting national image to the world via foreign media and systematize the components of Vietnam's image propaganda to the world via foreign media; Pointing out the reality of Vietnam's image promotion via the external press including the advantages and limitation, cause; Proposing directions and solutions to enhance the Vietnam's image promotion to the world via foreign media Meaning of theory and practice of the thesis In theory, the doctoral thesis contribute to the addition of the theory of ideological work, propaganda and the role of journalism in general, foreign journalism in propaganda, foreign propaganda in general, national image promotion, promotion, national images in particular In practice, results of doctoral thesis provide scientific evidence for leaders and managers on propaganda, communication and foreign media agencies to improve policies, development plan, especially the enhancement of the quality and effectiveness of foreign propaganda via journalism This doctoral thesis can be used as a reference in research and teaching on propaganda, information for foreign service, international communication, national image promotion and some suggestion for further research 7. Structure of thesis: In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion, List of References and Annexes, the content of doctoral thesis includes literature review, 3 chapters, 9 periods LITERATURE REVIEW ON USING PROPAGANDA TECHNIQUE IN PROMOTING VIETNAM’S IMAGE TO THE WORLD VIA FOREIGN JOURNALISM I. The research on propaganda, external propaganda and national image promotion 1. Research on propaganda and external propaganda In the world, propaganda and foreign propaganda have been studied extensively Authors discuss the definition of propaganda which emphasizes the nature of propaganda as a process of communication with certain techniques, especially persuasive technique. The purpose of propaganda is to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist. Regarding foreign propaganda, the authors argue that all countries use propaganda campaigns at both domestic and foreign levels. Actors of international propaganda are the government, international propaganda agency The audience is foreign audience, outlining the forms of international communication are media and journalism In Vietnam, authors have studied propaganda thoroughly including definition, functions, tasks and solutions for propaganda enhancement, propaganda on economy, politics, culture and foreign affairs including contents, modes, actors and solutions for enhancement Since the promotion of information for foreign service, foreign propaganda has also been studied more; some authors clarify the similarities and differences between foreign propaganda and information for foreign service 2. Studies on national image and national image promotion a. Studies on national image and other related terms The term “national image” attracts research in some countries in the world and in Vietnam. In addition, this term is closely related to many other terms such as “national identity”, “place image”, “countryoforigin image”, “nation brand” In Vietnam, there have been many researches on national images and related terms “National identity” and “national image” have different meanings and in many cases are used interchangeably b. Studies on national image promotion Vietnamese authors argue that there should be a strategy to create and promote national image with the participation of ministries, sectors and localities nationwide and sociopolitical organizations, businesses and individuals, especially cultural researchers, enthusiastic people, historians, journalists etc Also, there should be a campaign of Vietnam’s image promotion to satisfy the needs of the target audience and ensure the positioning in the minds of the target audience In general, the phrase "to promote national image" is widely used, while the phrase "national image by using propaganda technique" is not much used because propaganda is associated with politics. 10 Second, use various genres, categories, programs of media Third, use flexible, effective components of media: Each type of media has its own component characteristics (photo, sound, text) that are capable of influencing the audience in different ways. Language (text, voice) of foreign media product are Vietnamese and foreign languages such as Englis, French, Chinese, Spanish, Russian Fourth, use methods that affect the psychological reception of information by audience The audience of each type of media has different characteristics of reception. Time factors including broadcast period (morning, afternoon, evening, night), day of week, month, frequency, duration etc also affect the psychological reception of the audience 1.3.5. Demand of Vietnam’s image promotion via foreign journalism First, the content of propaganda should be accurate, clear, specific, convincing Second, the content must be relevant to the needs and interests of the target audience Third, the mode of propaganda should be consistent with the level of awareness and habit of receiving information of the audience Fourth, the foreign news agencies must regularly update and apply information technology and new technical equipment in order to raise the quality of Vietnamese image propaganda, meeting the increasing demands of the public CHAPTER 2: CURRENT SITUATION OF USING PROPAGANDA TECHNIQUE IN PROMOTING VIETNAM’S IMAGE TO THE WORLD VIA FOREIGN JOURNALISM (case study on three programmes of VTV4, Vietnam Plus, and Vietnam Economic Times) 17 2.1. Overview about foreign media agencies in the study 2.1.1. Overview about Vietnam Plus Online newspaper Vietnam Plus is one of the domestic and foreign media of the Vietnam Agency. Vietnam Plus is the only electronic newspaper in Vietnam that provides information in four languages: Vietnamese, English, French, Spanish and Chinese. Thang Long Hanoi is the product for the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Thang Long Hanoi in 2010. Today, this site has many articles on culture, food and scenery of Vietnam in Discovering Vietnam including 3 sub categories of Attraction, Food, Culture. Therefore, this is three main sections with promotional content about Vietnam 2.1.2. Overview about VTV4 VTV4 was established in 2003 It is a television channel of Vietnam Television, broadcasting in Vietnam and around the world, mainly for oversea Vietnamese. Among of English programs aimed at foreigners, the programs with content of promoting Vietnam’s images to the world are Fine Cuisine, Cuture Mosaic, Vietnam Discovery. 2.1.3. Overview about Vietnam Economic Times Vietnam Economic Times is a powerful economic press association with six publications in Vietnamese and English. In particular, Vietnam Economic Times is responsible for providing accurate and impressive introduction to foreign readers about the Vietnamese government's economic policy reforms and the potentials and investment opportunities in Vietnam The three features with most frequently promotional content about Vietnam's economy are Cover story, Special report, and Business report. 18 2.2 Advantages about using propaganda technique in promoting vietnam’s image to the world via foreign journalism and the cause 2.2.1. Advantages of propaganda actors Firstly, Party, the State, the Central Commission for Propaganda and Training, the managing agencies and the editorial board have regularly paid attention to leading and directing activities of promoting Vietnam's image to the world Secondly, most reporters and editors have good qualities in politics, foreign languages, and professional skills to meet the demand of the work 2.2.2. Advantages of content of propaganda Firstly, Vietnam has many features of natural landscape Secondly, the Vietnamese people are friendly, industrious, intelligent, creative, dynamic and talented Third, Vietnam has a long tradition of building up and maintaining the country for thousands of years with many glorious victories Fourth, Vietnamese culture imbues with national identity Fifth, Vietnam is a peaceful country, stable in politics, dynamic economy with many competitive advantages to attract foreign investors. 2.2.3. Advantages of method of propaganda Firstly, advantages in using the type of media For VTV4 channel, with the advantages of television and the development of science and technology, programs and categories have impressed the audience with beautiful and realistic images, combined with vivid effects and color, light harmoniously VTV4 viewers can access and watch programs, download and actively control the program via the internet VTV4 has signed a cooperation agreement with Ariang TV channel to broadcast three of Vietnam Discovery, Fine Cuisine, and Culture Mosaic. In addition, VTV4 also cooperated with major media agencies such as CNN, DW and through the mechanism of the Asia Pacific 19 Broadcasting Union to send some Vietnamese promotional content, which broadcasted and replayed by many stations As a print journal, VET has the advantage of accurate information, high reliability, convenient for reference and comparison. The articles on VET focused on the purpose of promoting the Vietnamese economy with specific and clear quotes and data that meet the requirements. VET publishes magazine issues in the form of an epaper on the internet for readers to read in many places Secondly, Advantages in using the press category VTV4 mostly used documentary genre suitable for introducing natural scenery, historical story, and characteristics of culture presented in the form of a reality show featuring the foreigners, in the form of art documentary, and in the form of weekly magazines with a combination genres of news, interviews and reports For VET, three categories of Cover Story, Special report, Business report use two main genres that reflect and interviews accounting for 80.77% and 19.23%, respectively. Thirdly, Advantages in using language expressions of different types For television journalism, VTV4 channel takes the advantages of television including images, analysis, and dialogue of characters, annotations, illustrations, clips, subtitles to convey honest, objective, and attractive content for the convenience of the audience. For Vietnam Economic Times magazine, the content of the article is expressed mainly in the text and the combination of images, tables, expressions Forthly, Advantages in using methods of impact on the psychological reception of information by the general public VTV4 has made the most of the use of this expatriate in both the Vietnamese Discoveries and Delicacies category to ensure both language accuracy and content appeal. Report lengths that are consistent with the document format help ensure that 20 the content is sufficiently detailed and does not cause fatigue for television viewers. Reporters were repeatedly broadcast in two time frames corresponding to the Golden Hour in Europe and North America, and many were replayed throughout the month. Many content has been reused in many programs of VTV4, VTV3 and VTV1 As a monthly magazine, VET is carefully edited with clearly verified information and data Many articles written by famous foreign experts with additional content to increase their objectivity, precision and appeal to the readers. VET titles are often short with simple structure that represent the content of the article in an imaginative way to stimulate the reader's curiosity. The headlines not only contain the summary of the article, but also the author of the article briefly and in reasonable place 2.2.4. Advantage in result of promotion Vietnam’s image to the world by using propaganda technique via foreign media Firstly, foreign media is highly appreciated by foreigners and overseas Vietnamese Secondly, the propaganda of Vietnam's image by foreign news agencies have been praised by the Central Commission for Propaganda, the Central Commission for External Relations and other ministries, agencies Thirdly, the number of tourists, the investment capital of foreign investors, the number of overseas Vietnamese grow gradually Fourthly, the propaganda of Vietnam's image of the foreign media has increased the awareness, attitude and behavior of target audiences 2.2.5. Causes of the advantages Objective reasons Firstly, the process of globalization, international integration, information technology development has facilitated the Vietnam’s image to the world Secondly, Vietnam has many attractive national identities 21 Subjective reasons Firstly, the governing body, the editorial board and the staff are aware of the responsibility to improve the quality of the media Secondly, the specialization of the team of reporters, editors and their attention of receiving criticism from the audience Third, parttime actors and authorities, local people create the most favorable conditions for the production of report Fourthly, the foreign media agencies improves funds, facilities and infrastructure 2.3. Limitation of using propaganda techniques in Vietnam’s image promotion to the world via foreign journalism and the cause 2.3.1. Limitation Limitation of actors of propaganda Firstly, some foreign news agencies is not proactive in improving the quality of press works on Vietnamese image promotion Secondly, editorial staff and reporters in some press agencies are lacking in number and specialization Limitation of content of propaganda Firstly, there are not many media product on the history of Vietnam Secondly, few works mention about traditional Vietnamese architecture, instructional information, communication, customs and habits of local people Thirdly, information of Vietnam’s stability on politics, and high level of human resources are not sufficient Limitations of method of propaganda Firstly, the form of some foreign press papers is still poor, the application of science and technology is not radical and effective, so it does not meet the needs of the public Secondly, some foreign press works have not reached a high level of perfection so propaganda efficiency is not as high as expected 22 Thirdly, the number and frequency of foreign media product are not reasonable Limitations of result of propaganda Firstly, Vietnam has not attracted high quality tourists; some investors and trade promoters when in Vietnam still lack information about Vietnam Secondly, the effectiveness of the foreign media in general, the promotion of Vietnam images in particular, is not commensurate with the investment of the State and the press 2.3.2. Cause of the limitations Firstly, the leaders of some newspapers lacked the initiative and actively renewed the content and form of propaganda Secondly, in some places, human resources are inadequate, undertake many tasks and not specialize Thirdly, the capacity of journalists and editors has not met the requirements in term of foreign languages, journalism standard especially television Fourthly, inappropriate policy of human resources and lack of funding, facilities and equipment have not ensured the creation of good quality articles and programs CHAPTER 3 FORCAST, PRINCIPLE AND SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE PROPAGANDA TECHNIQUE IN PROMOTING VIETNAM’S IMAGE TO THE WORLD VIA FOREIGN JOURNALISM 3.1. Forecasting the development trend of factors affecting the foreign media in promoting Vietnam image to the world 3.1.1 Globalization and international integration create opportunities for promoting Vietnam image to the world Globalization and international integration help the science and technology revolution to boost national image promotion The development of information technology also helps audience around the world access information more easily 23 and conveniently regardless of geographical differences High speed internet, mobile equipment, software, modern technology help users to more easily access the media products with active in the selection of information on their needs according to demand, space, and time At the same time, globalization creates mechanism of cooperation in many areas, which significantly improves the quality and effectiveness of international propaganda. International cooperation on education, training and technology will help improve the quality of human resources and equipment to meet the requirements of renewal of Vietnam images to the world promotion 3.1.2 Fourth Industrial Revolution will create new media; social media will flourish and compete with traditional media fiercely The development of science and technology makes all types of communication become more perfect to maximize their advantages The advancement of digital communication has made information easier to transmit and promoted the development of the media, which leads to media convergence. The methods of communication are closely linked and interacted with each other to achieve the highest efficiency The new media is creating a modern, multimedia press Newspapers will grow in the direction of multimedia journalism, mobile media, data journalism, creative journalism, mega stories These trends have strongly influenced the activities of the Vietnamese media, requiring foreign media agencies to find appropriate plans to promote the image of Vietnam in the world efficiently. However, the revolution of science and technology will also have negative impacts on the media in general, foreign media in particular. Due to the large volume of information transmitted over the Internet, the audience can not verify the accuracy of the information 3.1.3. Demand for information of foreigners is increasing both in content and form 24 The development of information technology has created a new generation of media. Users are both information consumers and owners on the Internet. The new generation of audience will have higher demands for diversity and quality of information More and more audience tends to use social media for news and information 3.2. Some basic principle 3.2.1 Vietnam's image promotion to the world must be paid attention and directed and invested to be worth its role as an important part of external information Information about the country, people, history, culture, economics are different characteristics because each country is different. It is very attractive and very easy to affect the perception and feelings of audience for them to make good behavior for Vietnam such as boosting tourism and investment, contributing knowledge to Vietnam. Since this is an important part of information for foreign service, the image of Vietnam should be invested in all aspects including human resources, content, method, time, budget and facilities 3.2.2. Foreign media must maintain the role of official, main force, and pioneer in promotion Vietnam image to the world in the context of competition of social media In the context of the rapid growth of advanced science and technology, currently the forth industrial revolution, getting information is becoming easier and more convenient. Users have a variety of choices when doing researching about a country, especially on social media. However, information on social media also has some disadvantages such as some are spontaneous, partitial, even not true, objective and comprehensive Therefore, it is necessary to develop foreign media in the direction of renewing the content to be both rich and selective to ensure promote comple Vietnamese identity with diversified and attractive propaganda methods and 25 suitable with the trend of customization of foreign audience in order to show its role. 3.2.3. Vietnam’s image promotion to the world must aim to clarify the positioning of national identity of the landscape, culture, history and people of Vietnam The content of propaganda should bring out the message and highlight the unique characteristics of Vietnam and different from other countries, both affect the emotions, satisfy the needs of audience and persuade them to have positive behaviors to development of Vietnam 3.3. Some solution 3.3.1 Improving the awareness and responsibilities of owners, managing board of media agency Owners and manging board of the media agencies should be aware of the importance of Vietnam’s image promotion, the role of foreign journalism and the need to change the content and methodology so that media product convey the message of the difference in national identity and in accordance with the trend of multimedia journalism and industry 4.0 3.3.2 Changing the contents of propaganda to meet increasing demand of audience There should be a survey of current Vietnam’s image in the mind of international community and overseas Vietnamese and their practical needs about Vietnam It is necessary to identify the content and clarify what content is associated with any purpose. The content and mode of propaganda should influence the psychology of receivers. Actively cooperate with the major media agencies in the world to bring more promotional Vietnam content to audience. 3.3.3 Keep regular application of modern information technology to innovate propaganda methods timely It is necessary to renovate the method in the process of produce and distributing press products to audience suitable with the current trend of technology. 26 At the same time, the agencies need to converge all types of media, find way to communicate fastest and most appropriate Reporters, editors need to actively collect information, photos, videos, interviews to have rich information. Be active in finding ways to bring media products to more audiences. Actively cooperate with major corporations in the world Enhanced use of new mean of media such as Youtube channel, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter to promote the information to audience 3.3.4 Calling for the engagement of many participants and boost international cooperation with foreign journalism to enhance using propaganda technique in Vietnam’s image promotion to the world There should be a cooperative engagement of many stakeholders, including government, individuals, and foreigners, in which the government initiates the idea to create a longterm strategy for common interests of Vietnam. There should be participation of many sectors including culture, history, language, tourism, information for foreign service, journalism, branding, marketing Call on all Vietnamese people to participate in the creation of foreign media product. Broaden the implementation of international cooperation programs on technology transfer, training, oversea exchange of training of correspondents and editors, and the participation of reporters and press collaborators, foreigners, and overseas Vietnamese 3.3.5 Enhancing professional journalism training to create strong human resource for Vietnam’s image promotion To select good quality personnel, it is neccessary to train and select personnel from a variety of major including both graduates from journalism, international relations, diplomacy with good foreign languages and graduates from other fields such as social sciences, humanities with good foreign languages. Continue to use media training centers and actively cooperate with domestic and foreign journalists in many fields to train journalists Developing a good curriculum in line with 27 reality. To provide appropriate remuneration to editors and reporters on foreign service including official and collaborators 3.3.6 Raising the budget, means, infrastructure to create favourable condition for Vietnam’s image promotion Ensure basic facilities and machinery and to upgrade and equip additional equipment and technologies for the process of increasing the productivity and quality of journalism production. Foreign media agencies need to make good use of the financial autonomy mechanism to increase revenue for the production of Vietnam’s image promotion. To invest more funds to the production of articles on Vietnam’s image promotion 3.4. Some recommendations 3.4.1. For the Party, the Government, the Central Government the Party and Government should direct the development of propaganda strategies to promote Vietnam’s image to the world with specific roadmap and clear responsibility. The method of implementation should be diversified with the combination of the introduction of natural landscapes, people, economic development potential, special cultural values, heroic history, open foreign policy of Vietnam’s Party and State. Striving for Vietnam image of peaceful, friendly and dynamic image of Vietnam in 2030 with the competitive advantage of investment environment and tourism products satisfying many in the minds of foreign audience in countries which Vietnam has diplomatic relation with, at first in Asia Pacific region 3.4.2 For Vietnam Television Vietnam Television should have persuasive measures to keep VTV4 with the new model of cooperation as it will help to save the cost and to increase effectiveness of foreign propaganda. VTV4 should actively coordinates with the central and local agencies in developing the program. Need longterm and medium term plans for the broadcast and production of Vietnam image promotion. Need 28 enhance knowledge and professional skills of foreign affairs for reporters. VTV4 must expand the coverage of the channel in a variety of ways, such as bringing the program to the cable network, enhancing efficiency on the OTT platform, Youtube channels, social media fanpage to connect and interact with the audience It is necessary to carry out a largescale survey on the demand of audiences and on the effectiveness of Vietnam's image promotion in order to increase the coverage of VTV4 channel in key localities. Strengthen cooperation in television to bring more programs to promote the image of Vietnam on channel of international agancies’s. 3.4.3. For Vietnam News Agency It is necessary to strongly in the implementation of the planning of the system foreign journalism with a vision towards 2030 of the VNA. It is necessary to focus on developing a modern and professional foreign journalism system and database system To strengthen cooperation between the foreign media agencies at both central and local levels, international cooperation with foreign agencies, diversification of forms of cooperation Continuing to innovate the content of Vietnam’s image promotion suitable with the needs and interests of different group of audience To diversify propaganda methods and apply scientific and technological achievements in the production of promotional programs. Vietnam Plus should be on state’s budget VietnamPlus must become a independent electronic newspaper in charge of all language versions. At the same time, there should be representative offices in Ho Chi Minh City and Da Nang City to expand coverage and cooperation with other organizations in the South and the Central region 3.4.4. For Editor Board of Vietnam Economic Times First of all, the editorial staff of the Vietnam Economic Times should do a survey on readers to understand the needs of target audiences. Then, develop a longterm development plan for print and magazine products Maintaining collaborative relationships with reporters, scientists, and expanding cooperation 29 with leading and foreign experts. Continue to build thematic magazines to provide complete, insightful information on various topics. VET should continue to expand target audience, promote cooperation with publishing companies, organizations and training institutions in the field of economic and investment to increase the number of broadcast to increase advertising revenues, therefore have good financial condition to improve magazine efficiency CONCLUSION By clarification of the basis of theory on the Vietnam’s image promotion via foreign journalism in chapter 1 including, urveyed by three media agencies VTV4, VietnamPlus, VET on actors and content, propaganda methods are displayed in the press articles in the specialized pages, many columns have newspapers. Vietnamese imaging in Chapter 2 30 Research results show that in the context of our country's deep international integration, information technology including social network and new media in order to effectively promote the image of Vietnam to the world, media agencies in general and foreign media in particular should pay more attention to this task. The solution are as follows: to train journalists and editors in professional skills, foreign languages, political theory, basic knowledge in politics, economics, and culture; to strengthen invest more in facilities, salary policy for collaborators, official reporters and correspondent It is necessary to renovate the contents of the propaganda campaign to be more diversified, dynamic and persuasive Despite fierce competition with social media, foreign journalism still needs to be honest, objective, and uptodate. This is also the purpose of the Vietnam’s media which serve the interests of the nation to persuade audience to participate in the national renewal and international integration to improve Vietnam’s status in international affairs. LIST OF PUBLISHED ARTICLES RELATED TO DOCTORAL THESIS Lưu Tran Toan (2017), “Some point on nation branding and practical use in Vietnam”, Information for Foreign Service Reviews, No.10 Lưu Tran Toàn (2018), “Foreign Journalism in the task of Vietnam’s image promotion to the world”, Information for Foreign Service Reviews, No.4 Lưu Tran Toan (2018), “Propaganda and using propaganda technique in national’s image promotion nowadays”, Vietnam’s Front Review, No.4 Lưu Tran Toan (2018), “Advantage of VTV4 in promoting the image of Vietnam to the world”, Political Thoery and Communication Reviews, No.6 31 ... 2.1. Aim? ?of? ?the? ?study By clarifying theory and doing survey? ?on? ?the? ?situation? ?of? ?using? ?propaganda? ? technique? ?in? ?promoting? ?Vietnam’s? ?image? ?to? ?the? ?world? ?via? ?foreign? ?journalism, ? ?the? ? doctoral ? ?thesis? ?proposes... Vietnam''s image? ? promotion? ?to? ?the? ?world? ?via? ?foreign? ?media Meaning? ?of? ?theory and practice? ?of? ?the? ?thesis ? ?In? ?theory,? ?the? ?doctoral? ?thesis? ?contribute? ?to? ?the? ?addition? ?of? ?the? ?theory? ?of? ? ideological... Fourthly,? ?to? ?help foreigners support Vietnam and enhance? ?the? ?position? ?of? ?Vietnam in? ?international relations 1.3. Elements? ?of? ?using? ?propaganda? ?technique? ?in? ?Vietnam’s? ?image? ?promotion? ?to? ? the? ?world? ?via? ?foreign? ?journalism 1.3.1. Definition Using? ?propaganda? ?technique? ?in? ?Vietnam’s? ?image? ?promotion? ?to? ?the? ?world? ?via? ?