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Dissertation summary: The public communication of the local army in the northwest provinces of the Lao People''s Democratic Republic (LPDR) during current period

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Research objectives: Analyzing and interpreting to clarify fundamental issues of public communication of local army in northwestern provinces of Laos; assessing the status, identifying the cause and drawing some experience in conducting of public communication of local army in northwestern provinces; determining the direction and requirements and proposing measures to enhance the public communication of the local army in the northwest provinces during current period.

1 INTRODUCTION 1. Overview of the thesis Thesis’s theme: "The public communication of the local army in  the northwest provinces of the Lao People's Democratic Republic (LPDR)  during current period" is a matter to be cherished, concerned and devoted  during   many   years   studying   and   working   in   schools   and   units   The  research of this thesis is based on the theoretical system of Marxism ­  Leninism and Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, Kaysone Phomvihane’s point of  view as well as the view of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP)  on public communication Public comunication conducted by the local army in the northwest  provinces of Laos aims to build, consolidate the political foundation for  the   army’s   forces,   create   synergy   to   protect   the   territorial   integrity,  independence and sovereignty of the fatherland, motherland as well as  contribute to building strong unit on politics,  ideology,  organization,  complete all assigned tasks. During the process of the thesis, the author  has   to   acquire,   inherit   selectively   the   research   results   of   the   related  scientific work The thesis focus on interpretation of the fundamental problems of  Public communication of local army in the northwest provinces of Laos;  assessment   of   the   reality,   drawing   some   experiences   of   public  communication; identification of requirements and proposing measures to  enhance   the   Public   communication   of   local   army   in  the   northwest  provinces of Laos during current period The   structure   of   the   thesis   includes:   introduction,   overview,   3  chapters (6 articles), conclusions and list of references and appendices. This  is an independent scientific work that is new and not duplicate with any  scientific work, or dissertation, thesis has been tested and publicized 2. Reasons for choosing thesis’s theme Public communication is an activity which aims to propagandize,  mobilize,   gather   and   promote   the   strength   of   the   people's   solidarity  towards successful implementation of the guidelines and the policy of the  Party   and   the   laws   of   the   State   The   substance   of   the   public  communication is the Party’s propagation of revolutionary. Therefore,  public   communication   positioned   particularly   important   role   in   the  revolutionary   cause   of   the   Party   In   any   revolutionary   period,   LPRP  always appreciates and focuses on public communication, considers it as a  regular and strategic task of the revolution; contribute into ensuring great  victories in the cause of construction and national protection   Lao   People's   Army   organized   and   leaded   by   LPRP   is   a  powerful tool of violence, the loyal and trusted political forces of the  Party, State and people whose functions and tasks is ready to combat;  to participate into labor force; to conduct public communication and  to   build   a   strong   political   base   Implementation   of   public  communication is a basic function, an important political task, and a  strategic   issue   of   the   Lao   People's   Army   (LPA)   in   every  revolutionary period The northwestern provinces of Laos are regions with an important  strategic   position   on   economy,   politics,   culture,   society,   defense   and  security of the country. There are many tribes coexist together, have a  tradition   of   kindness,   diligence,   hard   work,   solidarity   and   mutual  assistance in the revolutionary periods, which contributes greatly into the  cause of national liberation. In general, Lao ethnics  in  the   northwest  provinces  have   patriotic   spirit,   enthusiastically   carry   out   the   Party's  guidelines  and policies,  the laws  of  the State  and  contribute  into the  renovation,   construction   and   national   protection   under   the   road   to  socialism. However, due to the geographical conditions of the northwest  provinces   of  Laos,   besides   favorable   condition,   there   are   many  challenges   especially   the   plot   tricks,   hostile   activities   against   the  revolution to agitate, entice some free people to arbitrarily act unlawful,  protest against the government, split the block of national unity. So, to  persuade the people to understand, believe, follow and actively implement  the Party's guidelines and policies, the law of the State, to successfully  implement  the two  strategic  tasks  of   revolution has  been  raised  both  regularly and urgently than ever Local army in northwestern provinces of Laos is part of the Lao  People's Army, was assigned the task of firmly defending the strategic  areas   of   the   country   Over   the   years,   Local   army   in  northwestern  provinces   of   Laos  has   gained   great   achievements   in   many   aspects,  including public communiction: positively propagandizing, advocacing,  helping and protecting people, actively participating in the construction,  strengthening   the   organizational   system   and   political   background   in  local   society,   contributing   into   economic   development,   improving  people's lives, strengthening national defence and security in local units However, besides those achievements, public communication of  local   army   in  northwestern   provinces   of  Laos   also   revealed   the  limitations and shortcomings. Awareness of soliders about the position,  meaning   and   importance   of   public   communication   is   incomplete.  Capacity of some units to undertake public communication is limited.  They are embarrassing to determine goals, directions, content, form and  poor method to conduct, lack of flexibility, the efficiency is not high;  advising synergistic combination loose   So, digging deep into study of  public   communication   of   local   army   nowadays   becomes   urgent  requirement, directly contributes into building strong local areas and  facilitating   construction   of   strong,   comprehensive   local   army   in  northwestern provinces. This is why I choosed the issue: "The public  communication   of   the   local   army   in   the   northwest   provinces   of   the  People's   Democratic  Republic  of   Laos  during   current   period"   as   the  subject of research in this thesis 3. The purpose and mission of the thesis  * Purpose: Interpreting to clarify the theoretical and practical  issues,   to   propose   solutions   in   order   to   strengthen   public  communication of local army in northwestern provinces of Laos during  current period * Task of the thesis: ­ Analyzing and interpreting to clarify fundamental issues of  public communication of local army in northwestern provinces of Laos ­ Assessing the status, identifying the cause and drawing some  experience in conducting of public communication of  local army in  northwestern provinces of Laos ­ Determining the direction and requirements and proposing  measures to enhance the public communication of the local army in the  northwest provinces during current period 4. Objects and scope of the thesis  *  Subjects   of   study:   Public   communication   of  local army in  northwestern provinces of Laos * Scope of the study:  Public communication of  local army in  northwestern provinces of Laos during current period. Scope of survey:  Focal point of survey ­ Public communication of  local army  in the  area of 5 provinces: Luang Nam Tha, Oudômxal, Luang PraBang,  Xalnabouli and Bokèo, with the figures and data provided for the  research mainly from 2010 until now 5. Rationale, practice and research methods * Rationale: The   thesis   is   done   on   a   theoretical   basis   of   Marxism   ­  Leninism   and   Ho   Chi   Minh’s   ideology   and   President  Kaysone  Phomvihane’s opinion; the view of the LPRP on public communication;  directions   and   guidelines   about   public   communications   of   the  Ministry of Defense and the General Political Department of the Lao  People's Army * Practical basis: All   operations   to   perform   political   duties   of  local   army   in  northwestern   provinces   of  Laos,   including   public   communication;  comments, reviews, reports of the authorities of the superiors and the  political   rooms   ­   Military  Command  of  northwestern provinces that  was   announced;   the   statistics,   author’s   survey   results   of   public  communication   of  local   army  in  northwestern provinces of  Laos  in  recent years *   Methodology:  Based   on   the   methodology   of   Marxism   ­  Leninism,   the   thesis   use   method   of   scientific   research   and  interdisciplinary majors, focusing methods: logic ­ history; analysis,  synthesis,   statistics,   comparation,   sociological   surveys   and   expert  approach, and focusing especially on fieldwork survey methodology,  practical summaries 6. New contributions of the thesis ­ Clarifying of concepts, characteristics and principle problems  of  public communication of  local army in  northwestern provinces of  Laos ­ Drawing some experiences to conduct public communication  of local army in northwestern provinces of Laos ­   Proposing   some   contents,   measures   to   implement   public  communication   of  local   army  in  northwestern provinces of  Laos  in  current period 7. Theoretical and practical meaning of the thesis ­ The result of the thesis provides further scientific basis to  help committees, local government, the commanders of the units, the  staff and the authorities in northwestern provinces of Laos to refer and  apply in performing their tasks of public communication ­   The   results   of   the   thesis   can   be   used   as   a   reference   in  research, teaching and learning in the academy, military school 8. Structure of the thesis Structure   of   the   thesis   includes:   introduction,   overview   of  research   issues,     chapters   (6   articles),   conclusions,   the   scientific  work of the related authors to this dissertation has been published, the  list of references and appendices OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH TOPICS RELATED TO  WORK OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATION OF  LOCAL ARMY IN NORTHWESTERN PROVINCES,  PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF LAOS  DURING CURENT PERIOD 1. The research related to the thesis 1.1. The situation of research related to the thesis in Laos 1.1.1. Some reference books related to the thesis Politburo,   the   Central   Propaganda   Committee   (2004),  "Summary   of   the   people’s   war   led   by   the   Party   (1945­1975)",  National   Publishing   House,   Vientiane;   the   Party’s   Central  Propaganda Committee (2002), "Read carefully, for all, understood   properly, organize to make it real and and effective", Publisher Xa­ phan   Thong­Can­Phim;   National   institute   of   Social   Sciences   and  Humanities,   Institute   of   tribes   ­   religion   research   (2009),  "Understanding   the   tribes   in   Laos",   National   Publishing   House;  President Kaysone Phomvihane (1974) ­ "Building a solid foundation   to put the country firmly on the path to socialist'', National Publishing  House; Government Office (2008), "Steering Committee of program   for rural development, alleviation ­ poverty reduction (2006­2010)",  National   Publishing   House;   Local   Department,   the   Army   General  Staff   Department   of   Laos   (2006)   "professional   training,   building   people's war posture". Military Publishing House 1.1.2. Some scientific works in Laos related to the thesis Chanthideunsavan, "The public communication of the Party in   the period of struggles for political authorities and have the backing   of the armed", Journal of Party Building, No. 2, 2010; Khan Phan  Phom Ma That "Construction of the political establishments tied to   the construction and the development of clusters of villages in Se   Koong", Journal of Party Building, No. 8, 2010; Mo Muong Khong  "The public communication of Xa La Van Provincial associated with   building, strengthening and consolidating the Party’s organization   system clean and strongly", Journal of Party Building, No. 8, 2010;  Som   Phon   Su   Van   Na   "The   mobilization   of   the   public   in   the   construction   and   consolidation   of   political   stability   ­   factor   that   guarantee the stability of the country", Journal of national defense,  No   4,   2013;   Suban Hunna  Champa "The  propaganda of  the  Lao   People's Army in building a strong local units, ensuring the overall   stability of the country", Jounal of national defence, No 4, 2014  1.1.3. Some thesises, dissertations in Laos related to this thesis Sisom Xayphon Supha (2006), "The public communication of the   army in Savanakhet in the current period", Masters thesis in political  science,   Military   Political   Academy   (Vietnam);   Vannavong   Sulseng  Alun   (2003),  "Promoting   the   role  of   military   staff   to  participate   in   building the political establishments in middle of Laos in the current   period",   Masters   thesis,   Military   Political   Academy   (Vietnam);  Vilavutpakit (2009), "Promoting the role of Government in management   of   building   the   political   establishments   in   Vientiane   in   the   new   conditions'',   Master   thesis   in  political   science,   National   Academy   of  Politics   and   Administration,   Vientiane;   Phonthoong   Phanchalonphon  (2011), "Research on the construction and operation of the local army   in defensive areas of provinces in Northern Laos", The doctoral thesis of  military science, the National Defense Academy (Vietnam); Somvay  NanhXayKhun   (2012),  "The   public   communication   of   provincial   organizations of the Partyin the Southern army of Laos", doctoral thesis  in political science, National Academy of Politics and Administration  Ho Chi Minh 1.2. The research in Vietnam related to the thesis 1.2.1. Books and scientific projects in Vietnam related to the   thesis Vietnam People's Army, General Political Department (1996),  "Innovation in public communication of Vietnam People's Army in   the new situation", People's Army Publishing House, Hanoi. “Draft   history   of   public   communication   of   Communist   Party   of   Vietnam   (1930 ­ 1996)” Central Committee on Public Communication (1999),  National   Political   Publishing   House,   Hanoi   Ministerial­level  scientific   project   "Military   participates   into   building   the   local   political system in the ethnic and religious areas in Tay Nguyen in   new   conditions"  writen   by   Brigadier   General   Le   Ngoc   Sanh,   the  Army Academy. Dr. Dam Van Tho and Dr. Vu Hung wrote the book  "The relationship between the Party and people in Ho Chi Minh’s   ideology",   National   Political   Publishing   House   published   in   1997.  The book "Military’s participation into building political and social  foundation in economic ­ defense areas" by the Institute of Military  Sciences of Society and Humanities, including many articles directly  referring to the situation of the political   and social construction in  economic – defense zones in Tay Nguyen,  1.2.2. Some scientific articles in Vietnam related to the thesis General Phung Quang Thanh (2007),  "Some issues of public   communication of Vietnam People's Army" was published in Journal  of Public communication, No. 12, page. 2 ­ 5, 16. Mr. Nong Duc  Manh (2008), "The public communication must be a strategic task in   Party building, government building, strengthening and building the   National   Front   and   People   organizations",   Journal   of   Public  communication, No. 3, page. 2 ­ 6. Tran Duc Luong (2002), "Public  communication   actively   contributes   into   strengthening   and   sustaining the strong and intimate relationships between the Party,   Government and the people", Journal of Public communication No.  11,   page   5­7   Dr   Nguyen   Van   Bao   (2012),  "Coordinating   the  impletation of public communication in the field of defense ­ security   in Binh Thuan Province", Journal of Political and Military Education  No 5, page. 41 ­ 43. Lieutenant Colonel. Nguyen Van Bien (2012)  "local army in border areas of North West Province has well done the  public   mobilization   and   building   political   establishment,   which  contribute   into   preventing   disruption,   violent   overthrow   of  goverment",   Journal   of   Political   and   Military   Education   No.5,  page.51 ­ 54  1.2.3. Some of thesises, dissertations in Vietnam related to this   topic Vu Dinh Tan (2001) "Renewal of the public communication of   the Vietnam People's Army in the current period according to Ho   Chi Minh’s ideology", doctoral thesis on Party building, Military and  Political   Academy;   Nguyen   Ngoc   Chau   (2010),   "The   public  communication   of   the   military   units   in   the   area   of  religious  inhabitants in the South East areas in the current period”,  doctoral  thesis   on   Party   building,   Military   and   Political   Academy   “The   mobilization   of   Catholics   people   to   built   a   strong   local   unit   conducted by the Ninh Binh’s army in the current period” ­ Pham  Anh Linh, Masters thesis on Party Building, Military and Political  Academy,  2008;  “The  mobilization  of  ethnic  Khmer   conducted  by   B30 Unit Military Zone 9 in the current period” ­ Masters thesis on  Party   Building,   Military   and   Political   Academy,   2005;   “The  mobilization   of   people   to   participate   in   managing   the   border,   the   landmark   conducted   by   the   Border   Guard   in   the   northern   border   provinces in the current period” ­ Bui Duy Loi, Masters thesis on Party  building, Military and Political Academy , 2004; “The mobilization of   people to struggle to prevent and combat illegal missionaries in the   border areas conducted by border posts in the northwest provinces in   the   current   period”  ­   Vu   Manh   Luong,   Master   thesis   on   Party  construction, Political and Academy Military, 2004    Overview   of   the  research  results   of   the   projects   were  announced and the basics issues that were focused to resolve 2.1. The outline of some major findings of the studies related   to the thesis Firstly,   based   on   the   evaluation   in   the   approach   under   the  different   views   around   the  issues   of   feature,   position,   importance,  value and the great achievements of public communication in each  Party's revolutionary period Secondly, the author has confirmed the need to build, to promote  the role of the army in the national defense; and military plays a very  important   role   in   conducting   public   communication,   actively   and  effectively participating in the propaganda, mobilization people to join the  revolutionary movement, increasing economic production, strengthening  national defense ­ security, maintaining political and social security which  is a fundamental, regular and urgent responsibility today Thirdly,   the   authors  deeply  studied,   surveyed,   assessed  the  situation  of   public   communication   in  the   military   through   specific  objects,   which   defined   the   contents   of   the   tasks,   requirements   and  methods that the army used to conduct public communication. They also  proposed orientations, practical  and  suitable solutions to improve the  quality  of public communication  to successfully implement the  course  of  innovation,  industrialization   and   modernization   is   an  objective  requirements Fourthly, the authors asserted that the Party’s work and Politic  work in the armed forces, the army and in the missions of the military  units plays an important role, are the soul, a lifeline of the Army.  Therefore, conducting activities of party and politics in each agency  or   military   unit,   in   every   task,   including   public   communication  mission   whic   is   a   basic   operation,   the   principle   to   operate   and  develop each unit as well as the whole army Fifthly,   when   discussing   about   the   rule   to   conduct   public  communication,   the   authors   have   consistently   affirmed:   The   local  armed forces involved to conduct public communication under the  leadership and execution of committees, local government and the  direction of the direct superiors of each force 2.2. The basic issues that the thesis will be focus to resolve Firstly, researching, fully recognizing, then, based on that basis  to   interpretate   fundamently   and   systematically   theoretical   issues  about public communication of local army in northwestern provinces of  Laos, LPDR Secondly, conducting fieldwork surveys; comprehensively and  specifically   evaluating   the   situation;   drawing   some   experience   in  conducting  public   communication   of  local   army   in  northwestern  provinces of Laos, LPDR Thirdly,  analyzing   the   impact   factors,   determining  requirements   and   recommendeding   system   of   feasible  synchronization solution to increase  public communication of  local  army in northwestern provinces of Laos, LPDR in the current period 10 Chapter 1 FUNDAMENTAL ISSUES OF THEORY OF PUBLIC COMMUNICATION OF LOCAL ARMY IN  THE NORTH WEST PROVINCES OF LAO PEOPLE'S  DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 1.1. The North West provinces and the local army in the  northwest provinces, Lao People's Democratic Republic 1.1.1. Northwest Provinces in Lao People's Democratic Republic  Provinces in Lao northwestern region has contiguous borders  with     countries   such   as:   Thailand   in   the   west,   Myanmar   in   the  Northwest, China and Vietnam in the north, Vientiane Province in  the south. The northwestern provinces of LPDR include: Luang Nam  Tha, U Dom Xay, Luang Pra Bang, Xalnabouli and Bokèo The   northwestern   provinces   of   LPDR   is   strategic   areas,  revolutionary bases, important rear of national liberation as well as in  course   of   building   and   protecting   the   country   today   The  northwestern   provinces   of   Laos   is   distributed   into     provinces,  including   39   districts   with   128,740   square   metter,   accounting   for  39.46% of the country area of Laos, with a population of 2,569,100  people, accounting for 23.19% of the national population (according  to   2010   statistics),   is   place   with   so   many   resources,   especially  minerals, forest products and hydro power resources Each province has many different tribes living together, often  focused mainly on plain and urban area. Each tribe has the their own  characteristics of customs and practices. Their economic life is still in  many difficulty ; culture and society are underdeveloped with many  backward   practices ;   political   awareness   is   still   limited   They   are  mostly ethnic minorities in the remote northwestern areas in Laos.  Enemies are focusing on this characteristics, to organize propaganda,  enticement, seducement their followers against the revolution. But in  overall, the nature of the tribal people in northwest Laos is upright,  honest and trusted in the Party and State 1.1.2. The local army in the northwest provinces of the Lao   People's Democratic Republic    * The functions, tasks and organizational staff of the local   army in the northwest provinces of the People's Democratic Republic   of Laos 12 * Features of the local army in the northwest provinces of Laos Firstly,   most   of   the   staff,   officers   are   party   members,  experienced leadership, command and management in the work of  the agencies and units the local army in the northwest provinces of  Laos.  Secondly,  the local army in the northwest provinces of Laos  operates in a large geographical areas where are mainly mountainous,  remote   areas   with   many   difficulties   and   complicatedness   and   the  region   borderd   some   countries   with   different   political   systems.  Thirdly, the local army in the northwest provinces of Laos remains  difficulties of weapons, technical equipment and facilities. Fourthly,  the task of the local army in the northwest provinces of Laos is very  heavy and complex since they must both operate independently and  combinate with other forces 1.2. The basics of public communication’s work of the local army  in the northwest provinces of Lao People's Democratic Republic     1.2.1. The perception of the public communication of the   local army in the northwest provinces of Lao People's Democratic   Republic  * The concept of the public communication of local army in the   northwest provinces of LPDR The   public   communication   of   local   army   in   the   northwest  provinces of LPDR is part of the public communication of People's Army  of Laos, including general operations, measures on politics, ideology and  management,  conducted  by officers   and soldiers   to propagandize  and  mobilize people perform the Party's guidelines and policies, State’s laws,  programs and development plans of local units, to strenthen the intimate  relationship between the army and the people; under the leadership of  party   committees,   the   executive   of   officer   in   charge   of   the   unit;  simultaneously,   when   conducted   in   any   locality,   they   must   obey   the  leadership and executive of committees, local authorities there The   purpose   of   public   communication:   To   contribute   into  propagadizing and mobilizing people to implement well the guidelines  and   policies   of   the   Party,   State's   laws   and   guidelines,   policies   and  development plans of local units; maintaining and strengthening intimate  tie   between   the   army   and   people,   building   the   great   national   unity,  maitaining  political   stability,   social   order   and  safety  in  the   northwest  provinces, contributing firmly safeguard independence,  sovereignty and  territorial integrity of the country Subject, forces in charge of implementation: 13 Subject in charge of leadership, direction:  Committee level,  Party’s   organizations,   officials   in   charge   of   the   agencies,   units   of  local army; simultaneously when conducting public communication  in   one   local   unit   they   must   obey   the   leadership   and   executive   of  committees, local authorities there Forces   in   charge   of   implementation:  All   agencies,  organizations, forces and all officials and soldiers in the agencies and  units of local army in  the northwest provinces; agencies, first of all,  government   agencies   and   political   staff   advise   and   assist   the  executive committee and the officials in charged in respect of the  leadership, direction and implementation Impacted objects: All the political ­ social organizations, entire  people  of  tribes  in the  northwest  provinces  of  Laos,  in  which  the  religious   leaders,   church   members,   village   elders   and   chiefs,   and  ethnic minorities are focused Contents of public communication: Firstly, propagandizing, mobilizing people to strictly abide the  Party's   guidelines   and   policies,   State’s   laws,   including  policies   on  religion   and   ethnicity;  Secondly,  helping   people   to   develop   the  economy   –   society   in   the   provinces;  Thirdly,   propagandizing,  mobilizing   people   to   build   solid   defense   sector,   to   build   safe  localities;  Fourthly,   building   a   comprehensively   strong   localities;  Fifthly,   through   public   communication   to   build   and   train   militia  forces, reserve The forms and methods to conduct Public communication:  Firstly,   twinning   activities  Secondly,  marching   picnic   as   a  work   of   public   communication  Thirdly,   sending   working   teams.  Fourthly,  sending   additive   staff   to   localities  Fifthly,   coordinating  with other forces to mobilize and assist people in sedentary farming  and   settlement  Sixthly,   the   link   with   the   localities   to   organize  production, sales, to participate in alleviation programs and poverty  reduction. Seventhly, conducting the program of combination of civil  and   military   healthcare  Eighthly,   participating   in   the   rescue  operation, rescue, disaster, disease 1.2.2. Role of public communication of the local army in the   northwest provinces of Laos Firstly,  public   communication   contributes   to   successfully  implement   guidelines   and   policies   of   the   Party   and   State,   to  consolidate unity block and to strengthen national solidarity between  14 army and people. Secondly, public communication contributes to the  development   of   economic,   culture,   society,   poverty   alleviation,  improvement   of   people's   lives,   especially   in   key   areas.  Thirdly,  contributing   into   strengthening   military   capabilities,   consolidating  the national defense and security posture in the locality.  Fourthly,   contributing   into   enhancing   military   capabilities,   consolidating   the  national defense and security, struggling to frustrate any conspiracy,  sabotage tricks of the enemy forces 1.2.3  Features  of  public communication’s activities of the   local   army   in   the   northwest   provinces   of   the   Lao   People's   Democratic Republic  Firstly,  public   communication   of   the   local   army   in   the  northwest provinces of Laos is conducted in diverse conditions and  complex   locality,   organizations   and   forces   Secondly,  public  communication of the local army in the northwest provinces of Laos  is   conducted   in   conjunction   with   public   communication   of   many  forces in the province. Thirdly,  public communication of the local  army in the northwest provinces of Laos is conducted in conditions  of   underdeveloped   economy,   social   life   with   many   difficulties.  Fourthly, public communication of the local army in the northwest  provinces of Laos has been conducted on a regular basis and certain  medium batch 1.2.4   The   principal   issues   in   conducting   public   communication of the local army in the northwest provinces of the   Lao People's Democratic Republic  Firstly,  public   communication   of   the   local   army   in   the  northwest provinces of Laos must be put under the leadership and  executive of committees, officials in charge of the agencies, units of  local army, simultaneously when conducting public communication  in   one   local   unit   they   must   obey   the   leadership   and   executive   of  committees, local authorities there.  Secondly,  public communication  of local army in northwestern provinces of Laos must come from the  task of the units, and is close to the situation of all aspects in the  northwestern province of Laos. Thirdly, public communication of the  local   army in the northwest   provinces   of   Laos  has  coherence   and  direction   in   implementing   the   goals   of   development   of   economy,  society, defense and security in the localities. Fourthly,  conducting  public communication, local army in northwestern provinces of Laos  just needs to respect the customs, traditions, religious freedoms of  15 ethnic   minorities,   timely   struggle   against   the   destruction   of   the  enemies and evil. Fifthly,  when conducting public communication,  local army in northwestern provinces of Laos has to closely cooprate  with the organizations, the forces stationed in the province and duty Conclusion of Chapter 1 The   northwestern   provinces   of   Laos   are   important   strategic  areas in respect of economy ­ society, national defence, security of  Laos. On the other hand, the area is mountainous, border, deep­lying,  remote   and   ethnic   minority   areas,   slowly   developed   economy   ­  society,   people's   lives   with   difficulties,   there   are   many   traditional  backward   customs,   even   low   literacy   levels,   the   hostile   forces  regularly sabotage the political security and social order and safety  faces   complex   movements   Therefore,   propagandizing,   mobilizing  the people in the in the northwest provinces of Laos is significant and  urgent issue today Military   public   communication   is   an   important   part   of   the  Party’s public communicationd; is the political task of local army.  Proceeding   public   communication   is   the   responsibility   of   every  organization, force in the political system, in which the local army in  the   northwest   provinces   of   Laos   plays   a   crucial   role   Public  communication of local army not only contributes to consolidate and  strengthen   the   unite   between   military   –   people   and   build  comprehensively strong unit, fulfill their assigned tasks, but also pays  an   important   contribution   into   national   solidarity   block,   creating  synergy   power   for   economic   and   society   development,   maintain  national   defense,   security   in   the   area,   building   the   northwest  provinces increasingly prosperous and civilized The  local army in the northwest provinces of Laos  must well  know   all   characteristics   of  the   northwest   provinces  in   all   aspects;  mastering   the   problems   of   principles   of  public   communication’s  implementation. At the same time, identifying and correcting conception  of subject, object, content, form of public communication. Since then, it  used as a basis for assessing the true state, drawing experience, identifying  requirements and proposing real solutions to strengthen of the local army  in the northwest provinces of Laos in the current period 16 Chapter 2 REALITY AND SOME EXPERIENCE IN  PUBLIC COMMUNICATION OF THE LOCAL ARMY IN  THE NORTH WEST PROVINCES OF THE LAO PEOPLE'S  DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC 2.1. Situation of public communication of the local army in the  northwest provinces of the Lao People's Democratic Republic 2.1.1. The advantages and results of public communication   of the local army in the northwest provinces of the Lao People's   Democratic Republic Firstly,   the   majority   of   organizations,   forces   and   personnel,  soldiers has thoroughly and strictly abide the views and policies of  the Party on public communication  Secondly, the local army in the  northwest provinces of Laos has actively implemented the content,  used   flexible   forms,   methods   of   public   communication  Thirdly,  actively  contributing  to  political   stability,   development   of   politics,  culture, society and strengthening national defense and security in the  locality  Fourthly,   has   done   a   good   job   of   advising   the   executive  committee,   in   collaboration   with   governments   and   organizations,  forces in localities in conducting public communication 2.1.2. These limitations, cons Firstly,  some officers and soldiers have not received properly  and   full   significance   and   importance   of  public   communication   of  local   army   recently   Secondly,  quality   and   efficiency   of   public  communication is not high, not yet value for the time, effort, force,  investing   money   Thirdly,   content,   forms,   methods   of  public  communication in local units are slow to innovate, not realistic and   not deep enough 2.2   Reasons   and   some   working   experiences   in   public  communication of the local army in the northwest provinces of  the Lao People's Democratic Republic 2.2.1. Reasons of advantages Firstly,   the   public   communication   of   the   local   army   in   the  northwest   provinces   of   Laos   was   conducted   in   the   time   that   the  country   is   changing,   obtained   many   great   and   comprehensive  achievements of economy, politics, culture and social development,  national defense and security constantly strengthened; People's lives  17 are   increasingly   enhanced  Secondly,   committees,   party  organizations,   officials   and   soldiers   regularly   view   the   Party   and  State’s points  and policies  and more increasingly concerned about  public communication. Thirdly, leadership, education and training to  enhance the quality and capacity of  officials, soldiers  increasingly  become   routine  and  better   quality  Fourthly,   officials   and   soldiers  directly conducted public communication well defined responsibility,  had   high   efforts,   which   are   fundamental   causes,   significant   direct  decisions on quality, efficiency of public communication 2.2.2. Reasons of limitations, cons Firstly, the economic – social situation are slowly developing,  social life of people generally faces many difficulties  Secondly, a  number   of   party   committees,   unit   commanders   are   not   really  respected leadership, steering of  public communication  in the new  situation  Thirdly,  the education officers and soldiers on  officials is  missing, defected, responsibility of conducting public communication  in   a   number   of   officers   and   soldiers   are   not   high  Fourthly,   the  development, improvement of the quality of the task force also has  limitations,   significantly   affected   the   outcome   of  public  communication 2.2.3. Some working experience in public communication of   the   local   army   in   the   northwest   provinces   of   the   Lao   People's   Democratic Republic Firstly,   respecting   and   implementing   the   education   to   raise  awareness   and   responsibility   of   officials,   Party’s   members   and  soldiers on public communication. Secondly, often fostering quality,  capacity of public communication for officials, soldiers and the direct  working   teams   of   public   communication  Thirdly,   regularly  renewing,   improving   the   quality,   effectiveness   of   public  communication. Fourthly, to actively participate in helping people to  develop   ecomy   and   society,   strengthen   national   defense,   maintain  political   security,   social   order   and   safety  Fifthly,   to   enhance   the  work   of   inspection,   reviewing   and   drawing   experience   in   public  communication  Sixthly, promoting the role of the village’s leaders  and   religious   leaders   who   have   a   reputation   in   the   population   to  conduct public communication Conclusion of Chapter 2 In   general   view,   the   units  of   local   army   in   the   northwest  provinces   of   Laos   are   better  aware   and   had   flexible   and   creative  18 application   of   the   forms   and   measures   to   conduct  public  communication   Public   communication   of   local   army   in   the  northwest   provinces   of   Laos  has   directly   contributed   to   maintain  political   stability,   economic,   cultural   and   social   development,  consolidate national defense, security and order and security in the  area;   intimate   relationship   between   the   Party   and   the   people,  strengthening   relationships   between   the   army   and   people   in   the  northwestern   tribes   of   Laos,   advising,   assisting   committees,   local  authorities, political ­ social organizations and people, contributing to  defeat any conspiracy, sabotage tricks of the enemy forces to divide  national unity, civil ­ military relations However  public communication  of the units  of local army in  the   northwest   provinces   of   Laos  also   has   many   limitations,  shortcomings, still modest effectiveness which is not commensurate  with   the   potential,   strength   and   effort   spent   These   results,  limitations,   lessons   learned   should   be   studied   to   apply   to   the  determination   of   requirements   and   solutions   to   enhance   the   unit's  public communication  of local army in the northwest provinces of  Laos in the coming years 19 Chapter 3 DIRECTION, REQUIREMENTS AND SOLUTIONS ON  STRENGTHENING PUBLIC COMMUNICATION OF THE  LOCAL ARMY IN THE NORTH WEST PROVINCES OF THE  LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC DURING  CURRENT PERIOD 3.1. The impact factors, directions and requirements to enhance  public communication of the local army in the northwest provinces of  the People's Democratic Republic of Laos during current period 3.1.1   These   factors   impact   on   strengthening   the   public   communication of the local army in the northwest provinces of the   People's Democratic Republic of Laos during current period Firstly,  the changes  of the worldwide and regional situation  impacted   the   public   communication   of   the   local   army   in   the  northwest   provinces   of   Laos   Secondly,  the   national   situation   and  situation of the northwest provinces of Laos and plot, tricks of hostile  forces   frequently   impact   on   the   quality,   efficiency   of   public  communication. Thirdly, the development of national defense tasks in  the new situation posed high demands on function and tasks of the  Army and the units 3.1.2   Orientation,   requirements   to   strengthen   public   communication of the local army in the northwest provinces of the   People's Democratic Republic of Laos during current period * Orientation to enhance public communication of the local   army in the northwest provinces of LPDR during current period The   basic   direction   to   strengthen   public   communication   is  identified   as:   "Continuing   to   thoroughly   understand   the   views,   guidelines   and   policies   of   the   Party   and   the   State   on   public   communication,   promoting   military   tradition   of   the   revolutionary   system,   focusing   efforts   to   implement   well   contents,   applying   flexiblely forms and methods to cheive quality, practical efficiency,   contributing into building the strong northwest provinces, creating   motivation   to   boost   the   development   and   keep   sustainability   of   politics, economy, society, defense and security, constantly improve   and   enrich   the   lives   of   ethnic   minority   people   to   make   political   foundation, a solid society, building robust army in the northwest   provinces   of   Laos   on   politics,   ideology   and   organization,   combat   power enhanced, successfully completed all assigned tasks. " 20 *   Requirements   to   strengthen   public   communication   of   the   local army in the northwest provinces of Laos during current period Firstly,  thoroughly  remind  views,  guidelines  and policies  of  the Party and the State on  public communication; purposes, tasks,  guiding ideology of the army on public communication in the new  situation   Secondly,  content,   form,   measures   to   conduct  public  communication must conform, close to the object, constantly ensure  good   infrastructure,   facilities,   funding   for   activities   of   public  communication of the local army in the northwest provinces of Laos.  Thirdly,  to build a comprehensively strong political units, acting as  the base for the comprehensive development of politics, economy,  culture,   society,   defense   and   security.  Fourthly,  strengthening,  increasing   awareness   of   the   revolutionary   awakenness   of   tribal  people   of   Laos   Fifthly,  to   promote   reviewing   and   drawing  experience and forecasting, positively and proactively improve the  effectiveness of quality improvement public communication of the  local army in the northwest provinces of Laos 3.2. Solutions to enhance the public communication of the  local army in the northwest provinces of the People's Democratic  Republic of Laos during current period    3.2.1   Raising   awareness   and   responsibility   of   the   organizations, the forces, all officials and soldiers of the local army   in the northwest provinces of the People's Democratic Republic of   Laos for the work of public communication *   Raising   awareness   of   the   organizations,   the   forces,   all   officers and soldiers against public communication Firstly, committees, commanders, political agencies, officials  and   regular   political   leadership   at   all   levels   should   closely   direct  political studies and research to raise awareness for the organizations,  the forces, all officers and soldiers.  Secondly, education for officers  and soldiers of the guidelines and policies of the Party, the State, and  the army on public communication. Thirdly, educating organizations,  forces, officers and soldiers the guidelines and policies of the Party,  State   and   local   areas   about   social   life   and   the   current   military  mission  Fourthly, raising awareness of education for organizations,  forces,   officers   and   soldiers   about   the   position,   importance,  objectives, requirements, content and form of public communication 21 *   Strengthening   education   aimed   at   making   organizations,   forces   and   all   officers   and   soldiers   clearly   aware   of   their   responsibilities towards public communication First of all, the committees, the party’s organizations in the  units must uphold the responsibilities of mastering and thoroughly  understanding the Party’s views, guideline on public communication.  Political   superior,   based   on   the   resolutions   of   committees,   party’s  organizations, the working plan of the unit and the commander well  organizes   the   implementation   Commanders   must   constantly  thoroughly grasp resolutions  of  committees,  party organizations  to  conduct   public   communication’s   task   Political   bodies   must  constantly grasping and mastering guidelines and measures to lead  the   public   communication’s   activities   The   advisory   agencies,  logistics,   engineering   offices   need   to   uphold   the   responsibility,  assigning  capable  comrades  to  sucessfully  conduct  the  preparation  with hight quality of public communication 3.2.2. Innovating content, using flexible forms and methods   to   conduct   public   communication   of   the   local   army   in   the   northwest provinces of the People's Democratic Republic of Laos Contents and innovative measures Firstly,   innovating   content   of   propagation,   mobilization.  Secondly, innovating content to participate in building a strong local  base, to help people in production and daily life, to protect people in  all   circumstances  Thirdly,  innovating   educational   content,  management   of   the   executive   team   to   discipline   and   strengthen  relationship between the army and people Flexiblely, innovatively applying forms and methods of   communication of the local army in the northwest provinces of LPDR The forms and methods of public communication in the northwest  provinces of Laos has been done in accordance with the form of Lao  People’s   army,   including     key   forms:   twinning;   Picnic   matching  combined with public communication; working teams and additional  officers in local bases Through forms of public communication above, dereived from  the   characteristics   of   the   northwest   provinces   of   Laos,   specific  political   task   has   been   identified   with   the   following   basic   forms:  Along with the basic form of of public communication above, local  army of the northwest provinces of Laos also apply some other forms  below: Collaborating with other forces to mobilize, assist people in  sedentary farming in the border’s areas; links with local authorities in  22 the   production,   trading,   participating     program   of   alleviation   and  poverty reduction; implementing the program of military and civilian  combined; participating in the rescue operation, rescue 3.2.3   Promoting   the   role   of   institutions   and   forces   in   conducting   the   public   communication   of   the   local   army   in   the   northwest provinces of the People's Democratic Republic of Laos Firstly,  to   promote   the   role   of   party’s   organizations,   in  leadership and direction go conduct public communication. Second  one   is   to   focus   on   building   and   strengthening   capacity   building,  efficient   operation   of   the   system   of   agencies   and   public  communication   officers  Thirdly,   to   promote   the   role   of   staff   in  conducting public communication’s command. Fourthly, to promote the  role of political authority in conducting public communication. Fifthly,  to promote the role of the people’s organizations in conducting public  communication  Sixthly, to promote the role of officers and soldiers in  conducting  public communication  Seventhly,  to promote   the  role  of  committees, local authorities in conducting CTDV 3.2.4. Strengthening to advise committees, local government   and coordinate closely with related forces to condu  * Strengthening to advise committees, the local goverments in   the leadership and direction on public communication Firstly, in the process to conduct public communication in the local  units, if any problem raised at the local units which directly impacts public  communication   of   the   local   army   in   the   northwest   provinces   should  promptly report the situation, and actively advise and recommend to the  executive committee, local government timely solutions Secondly,  need   to   use   rich   forms,   methods   to   advise   and  recommend to the executive committee, local government guidelines,  methods of public communication *   Coordinating   with   relevant   forces   to   conduct   public   communication Firstly,  supplementing   and   improving   regulations   to   closely  cooperate with organizations and forces in the province to ensure the  practical   and   effective   public   communication  Secondly,  resolving  harmoniously relations with local political and social institutions and  friend’s units on the basis of mutual respect, regular contact 3.2.5   Increasing   investment   and  efficient   use   of   facilities,   technical means for conducting of public communication 23 Firstly, the investment fund from supplies of superior, supplies  from local and accumulation of units  Secondly, utilizating material  resources,   local   technicians   to   ensure   implementation   of   public  communication  Thirdly, ensuring the facilities and means required  for   all   activities   of   public   communication  Fourthly,   increasing  responsibility of officials at all levels in the use of funds, materials,  ensuring the saving, efficiency and against waste 3.2.6. Strengthening inspection and reviewing and drawing   the working experience of public communication   * Strengthening the review, supervision and firm grasp of the   practical operation of public communication Firstly,   directing,   guiding,   inspecting   institutions,   forces.  Secondly, the system for committees, authorities, departments, local  associations,   test   content   must   focus   on   the   implementation   of  policies and leadership measures of the local Party Committee; plans  and   programs   of   the   People's   Committees,   People's   Councils   of  public communication  Thirdly,  for the joint forces in the province  participated   in   conducting   public   communication,   contents   of  direction, guideline and inspection focused on the responsibility of  these forces in implementing the Party’s guidelines and policies and  the laws of the State about public communication *   Reviewing,   assessing   ,   learning   from   experience   in   conducting public communication Firstly, synthesizin, analysizing and assessing the situation and  result in practical activities of public communication  Secondly, the  contents of the preliminary and final review of the practical activities  to   keep   clse   to   the   content   and   form   of   public   communication  identified  Thirdly,  reviewing the practice, learning from experience  and   practically   contributing   into   the   study   of   these   problems   to  develop the theory of public communication. Fourthly, promoting the  role   and   responsibilities   of   the   organization,   the   forces   in   the  preliminary   and   final   review,   evaluation   and   learning   from  experience,   and   requirement   to   be   conducted   routine.  Fifthly,  organizing the preliminary and final review of public communication  requires truly democratic and open Conclusion of Chapter 3 The public communication of the local army in the northwest  provinces of Laos is affected diversely, complicatedly and in multi­ dimensional impact of worldwide and regional situation; conspiracy to  destroy of the enemy forces; the situation of society – economy,  24 national defense, domestic security, especially the situation in all  aspects of Laos Strengthening of public communication of the local army in the  northwest provinces of Laos to meet the requirements: strictly require  to follow guidelines and policies of the Party, State, objectives, tasks,  guiding ideology must match with public communication; public  communication must contribute into building a strong local base in the  respect of economy, politics, culture, society, national defense and  security; apply flexiblely, creatively the content, forms, methods,  experience in conducting public communication, promoting  preliminary and final review and drawing experience To enhance the public communication of the local army in the  northwest provinces of Laos in current period should raise the  awareness and responsibility of the organization, force; innovativing  content, using flexible, creative forms and methods of public  communication; promoting the role of the organizations and forces in  conducting public communication; advising committees, local  authorities to close coordination with forces to conduct public  communication; investing and using efficiently facilities and means  to conduct public communication; strengthening preliminary and  final review and drawing experience of conducting public  communication the local army in the northwest provinces of Laos 25 CONCLUSION 1. The northwestern provinces of Laos is an important strategic  area of economy ­ society, national defense and security of Laos. On  the other hand, the area is mountainous, border, remote and ethnic  minority   areas   with   the   slow   development   of   economy   ­   society,  people's   living   meet   many   difficulties,   there   are   many   traditions  backward,   even   low   literacy   levels   Besides,   the   hostile   forces  regularly   sabotage   political   security,   social   order   and   safety   of  complex movements   To   implement   public   communication   in   the   northwest  provinces   of   Laos,   entities   and   forces   conducted   public  communication need to realize, firmly grasp objects, content, form  and method for conducting public communication; simultaneously, to  proactively follow characteristics, situation and tasks of local army  and characteristics of public communication; on this basis, selecting  the   content,   form,   method   to   conduct   public   communication  appropriately and effectively. In particular, they must strictly require  and implement the principled issues of public communication in the  northwest provinces of Laos   Conducting   public   communication   of   local   army   in   the  northwest provinces of Laos recent years, besides the basic advantages,  there   are   still   drawbacks   and   shortcomings   to   be   overcome   That  situations   stem   from   objective   and   subjective   reasons   Through  practical   implementaion   of   public   communication   in   the   northwest  provinces of Laos, the authors initially draw some experiences as a  basis for enhanced orientation of  public communication of local army  in the northwest provinces of Laos in the future 4. Studying to master the impacts’s elements and requirements  of   public   communication   are   important   issues   that   directly  contributed   significantly   to   improve   the   efficiency   of   task  performance of public communication of local army in the northwest  provinces  of  Laos.  However,  to enhance  public  communication  in  current   period,   it   should   continue   to   perform   synchronization   and  unify the above solution 5. Currently, the implementation of public communication of  local   army   in   the   northwest   provinces   of   Laos   are   meeting  26 difficulties, certain complex, but very urgent and important. The task  of conducting public communication of local army in the northwest  provinces of Laos has improvement, meanwhile, local army in each  province   (provincial   and   district)   has   its   own   advantages   and  difficulties and experience in conducting public communication not  completely identical. Therefore, new research results is the first step  as   a   basis   to   continue   to   examine,   supplement   and   develope   the  specific   content   and   the   broad   and   complex   issues public  communication, in order to meet the requirements and tasks in the  new situation of the Lao People's Army in general and local army in  the northwest provinces of LPDR ... this area. Thirdly,? ?the? ?local? ?army? ?in? ?the? ?northwest? ?provinces? ?of? ?Laos  plays   in? ?developing all   aspects   of ? ?the? ?locality  Fourthly, ? ?the ? ?local? ? army? ?in? ?the? ?northwest? ?provinces? ?of? ?Laos has a role? ?in? ?maintaining? ?the? ?... 1.2.? ?The? ?basics? ?of? ?public? ?communication? ??s work? ?of? ?the? ?local? ?army? ? in? ?the? ?northwest? ?provinces? ?of? ?Lao? ?People''s? ?Democratic? ?Republic? ?    1.2.1.? ?The? ?perception? ?of? ?the? ?public? ?communication? ?of? ?the   local? ?army? ?in? ?the? ?northwest? ?provinces? ?of? ?Lao? ?People''s? ?Democratic. .. local? ?army? ?in? ?the? ?northwest? ?provinces? ?of? ?Lao? ?People''s? ?Democratic   Republic? ? *? ?The? ?concept? ?of? ?the? ?public? ?communication? ?of? ?local? ?army? ?in? ?the   northwest? ?provinces? ?of? ?LPDR The   public   communication   of   local   army

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