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Unit 2: making arrangements I. Aims: helping students : - To talk about intensions - To use telephone to make and confirm arrangements - To take a telephone message II. Language focus: 1. going to talks about intensions and activities in the future 2. adverbs of place III. Allocation: Lesson 1 Getting started - Listen and read Reading the conversation about making and confirming arrangements Lesson 2 Speak and Listen Going to talks about intensions Listening for details and practicing adverbs of place Lesson 3 Read Reading for details about Alexander Graham Bell Lesson 4 Write Writing a message Lesson 5 Language focus Further practice in GOING TO to talk about intentions and practice in adverb of place. IV. Vocabulary: verbs Adjectives Nouns Agree Arrange Conduct Demonstrate Emigrate transmit Commercial Countless mobile Assistant Deaf –mute Device Directory Exhibition Experiment Fishing rod Message Stationary Date of preparing: Date of teaching:8A 8B Period 07 Unit 2 making arrangements Lesson 1: Getting started - Listen and Read - P18 -19 A - Aim. - Practice listening and speaking skill. - At the end of the lesson students will be able to use the telephone to make and confirm arrangements by reading for details about a conversation on the phone. B - Teaching aids: - Teacher: text book, poster, pictures - Students: pen, book C - Technique. Matching, D - Procedure I - Organization (1m) Greeting Names of absent students: II - Warm up (2m) 1. Act: Matching - Ask to match each object (pix on p. 18) with its name. - Give feedback - Give the definitions of these objects on a poster and ask students to match the object with its definitions * Answers: a. an answering machine b. a mobile phone c. a fax machine d. a telephone directory e. a public telephone f. an address book * Definitions: 1. To send fax 2. To find some one's telephone number 3. To write addresses and telephone numbers 4. To make a phone call in a street telephone box 5. To leave and take messages 6. To make phone call anywhere you like * Answers: a-5 b-6 c-1 d-2 e-4 f-3 III- New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content I. Pre teach (translation) (explanation) (translation) * Checking vocabulary. ROR I. Vocabulary. arrange (v) s¾p xÕp, s¾p ®Æt directory (n) danh b¹ ®iÖn tho¹i message (n) th«ng tin, lêi nh¾n agree (v) ®ång ý W h i l e r e a d i n g 1. Set the scene. Hoa Nga Who are they? What are they doing? St: They are talking on the phone. T. What are they talking about? St: about going to see a movie.… - Ask students look at Listen and read. - T. runs through all questions and ask students to guess their answering - T. checks students' understanding - Let's guess in 3 minutes. - Then T collects students' ideas on the board. - Give students some questions and ask them to work in pairs to answer them - Get some pairs of students to ask and answer the questions - Let all students work in pairs - Ask students to match the phrases with their meanings II. Dialogue - P19 Answer key P 19 (a-f) a. Nga made the call. b. Nga introduced herself. c. Nga invited Hoa to go to the movies. d. Nga arranged a meeting place. e. Hoa arranged the time. f. Hoa agreed to the time. * Comprehension questions: * Questions: a. What is Hoa's telephone number? b. Which movie are they going to see? Where? c. How is Hoa going to see the movie? d. Where are they going to meet? e. What time? *Answers: a. Her telephone number is 3847329 b. They are going to see the movie Deam City at Sao Mai theater c. Hoa is going by bike d. They are going to meet outside the theater e. They are going to meet at 6.30 * Matching: a. hold on 1. Nã ®îc chiÕu ë ®©u? b. Is the six thirty all right? 2. Kh¸ xa c. Where's it on? 3.S¸u giê 30 ®îc chø? d. a bit far from . 4. (cÇm m¸y) On the phone A movie P o s t r e a d i n g - T. asks students to read the dialogue again and make a similar dialogue the practice it with their partners III. Role play. IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V - Homework. (5m) - Learn vocabulary, Ask students to write a similar dialogue on their book. - Prepare Unit 2 lesson 2 Speak and Listen. E - Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: Date of teaching:8A 8B Period 08 Unit 2 making arrangements Lesson 2: Speak- P20 -21 A - Aim. - Practice speaking and writing skills. - At the end of the lesson students will be able to talk on the phone about intensions with going to B - Teaching aids: - Teacher: text book, cards - Students: pen, book C - Technique. Chatting D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absent students II - Warm up (5m) 1. Act: Chatting - Talk to students about using telephone Do you have a telephone at home? How often do you make a phone call? What would you say when you pick up the phone To answer it? What would you say if you are the caller? III- New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content P r e s p e a k i n g W h i l e s p e a k i n g P o s t s p e a k i n g I. Presentation dialogue: - Ask students to do exercise 1 on P 20. The ss have to work in pairs to put the sentences in the correct order to make a complete conversation. - Ask some questions to check students' understanding and focus on the structure going to - Students answer base on dialogue. 1. Set the scene Bao Ba Who are they? What are they talking about? St: about playing chess.… - T. runs through the dialogue the ask students work in pairs to complete the dialogue. - Let's do in 5 minutes. - T. collects and checks. - Asks students to practice dialogue with a partners - Ask students to make similar arrangements. T. emphasizes the useful phrases and sentence. I. Speak 1 - P20 * Answer: b- f- j- a- i- c- e- k- g-h –d * Comprehension questions 1. Are they talking on the phone? (yes) 2. What do they intend to do? (to go to the pop concert) 3. What time are they meeting? Where? (inside the center at 7.15) II. Speak 2 - P20 * Suggested answer Bao: May I speak to Ba, please? This is Bao. Bao: I'm fine, thanks. And you? Bao: Can you play chess tonight? Bao: What about tomorrow tonight? Bao: I'll meet you at the Central Chess Club. Boa: Is 2.00 o'clock. Ok? * Speak Eg: 1. Hello, 879286 2. Can I speak to . Please?… This is… IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V - Homework. (5m) - Complete the dialogue - Prepare unit 2 lesson 3 Listen-21. E - Evaluation …………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… On the phone Play chess Date of preparing: Date of teaching:8A 8B Period 09 Unit 2 making arrangements Lesson 3: Listen - P21 A - Aim - Listening for details and practice in Adverbs of places. - Practice, listening and writing skill. - By the end of the lesson students will be able to complete the message and further practice in adverbs of place. B - Teaching aids. - Teacher: Textbook, radio, tape, poster - Students: pen, book. C - Technique. Telephone transmitting D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absent students: II - Warm up (5m) 1. Act: Telephone transmitting - Divide students into two groups - Choose 6 volunteers from each team - The volunteers stand in two lines. The teacher shows the first student ( in each line ) a telephone number. (033879448) - He / She whispers the telephone number to the next person in his / her line the second student whispers to the third . until the last one. - The last student shouts out the number, if it is right, that group wins the match III- New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content P r e l i s t e n i n g - T. hangs poster on the board - Ask students look at the form of the telephone message on the board I. Set the scene. - Give situation: A woman phones the principal Kingston Junior High School but he was out. - Ask students guess the message in pairs. - Let's guess in 3 minutes. - T. collect on the board - T. plays the tape I. Listen Table. * Answers: Kingston junior high school Date: Time: For: The principal Message: Mrs. Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9.45 in the morning Telephone number: 64683720942 W h i l e l i s t e n i n g F u r t h e r p r a c t i c e - Ask students to listen 2 times and fill in the message. - Ask students work individually then compare with their partners - T. checks - Ask students match the words with their meanings - Ask students work in groups * Matching. A B outside ë tÇng díi inside ë ®ã here ë ®©y there ë tÇng trªn upstairs ë ben ngoµi downstairs ë ben trong IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson. V - Homework. (5m) - Learn vocabulary - Prepare Unit 2 lesson 4 Read - Vo0cabulary about the phone. E - Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: Date of teaching:8A 8B Period 10 Unit 2 making arrangements Lesson 4: Read - P21 -22 A - Aim. Practice reading skill. - At the end of the lesson students will be able to read the paragraph for details to know more about Alexander Graham Bell B - Teaching aids: - Teacher: text book, poster, pictures of Bell - Students: pen, book C - Technique. Brainstorming D - Procedure I - Organization (1m) Greeting Names of absent students II - Warm up (5m) 1. Act: Brainstorming - T. divides the class into 2 groups to chat with friend - Let students answer the questions by coming to the board and write - Let's write in 3 minutes. - T. checks and praise the winners to communicate * Possible answers: - to have a message - to call someone - to make arrangements - to talk to a person who lives far from - to get information at the airport or railway station quickly. III- New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content P r e r e a d i n g W h i l e r e a d i n g I. Pre teach (example: go to another country to live) (translation ) (synonym: carry out) (translation) (translation) (explanation: a person who is unable to hear and speak) * Checking vocab: what and where 1. T/F statements prediction: - T. asks. Who invented the telephone? St: Alexander Graham Bell. Do you want to know about his life? - Hang the poster of T/F statements on the board. - T. says: I have some statements about his life? - Runs through and checks vocabulary, if has. - Ask students copy table and guess which statements are true and which are false (statements on P 22) - T. gives example: a.F - Let's guess in 3 minute. - Ask students to read the text P21-22 and check their prediction - Asks students read the text again and correct false statements. I. Vocabulary. -(to) emigrate :xuất cảnh,di c - (to) transmit: truyền, phát tín hiệu - (to)conduct :thực hiện,tiến hành - (to)demonstrate: biểu diễn - device(n) : thiết bị, máy móc - deaf-mute(n): tật vừa câm,vừa điếc II. Text - P21- 22 1. Read 1 - P22 Letter Guess Read a F F b F c T d F e F f T * Correction a. He was born in Edinburgh in Scotland. b. He worked with deaf- mute patients at Boston university. d. He introduced telephone in1876. e. He experimented with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance. what is the telephone used for? P o s t r e a d i n g 2. Ordering the events: - Ask students to look at the book P22- Get students to read the events of Bell's life and put them in the correct order - Ask ss to compare with partners 3. Write it up. - Get students to write a paragraph about Bell's life, using the information from the text - Let students swap their writing and correct. 2. Read 2-P22 * Answers: 1-d; 2-e; 3-a; 4-g; 5-c; 6-b; 7-f 3. Write a paragraph Example: Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland. He went to live in Canada and then to the USA in 1870s .… IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V - Homework. (5m) - Ask students to write the paragraph into their notebooks. - Learn vocabulary - Prepare unit 2 lesson 4 Write Vocabulary. E - Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Date of preparing: Date of teaching:8A 8B Period 11 Unit 2 making arrangements Lesson 5: Write - P23 -24 A - Aim. - Writing a message. - Practice reading and writing skill. - At the end of the lesson students will be able to write a telephone message B - Teaching aids: - Teacher: text book , cards - Students: pen, book C - Technique. Jumbled words D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absents students: II - Warm up (5m) 1. Act: Jumbled words. - Write the words whose letters are in a random order on the board - Ask students work in groups Key: 1. mcuestor = customer 2. ayddmi = midday 3 essgmea = message 4. nifurretu = furniture 5. rvseice = service III- New lesson (32m) Steps Activities Content P r e w r i t i n g W h i l e w r i t i n g P o s t w r i t i n g I. Pre teach. (explanation: a person who comes to buy something at a shop) (translation) (example: pens, rulers , envelopes, papers, ) (translation) * Checking vocab: ROR 1. Chatting - Talk to ss about taking a telephone message * Reading and gap filling: - Ask students to read the message and fill in the gaps in the passage on page 23 - T. runs through the paragraph & check the meaning if it has. How many gaps are there? - Ask students copy down the numbers then fill in the gaps. - Let students work in pairs - Ask students to read the passage 2 on page 23 to get information and write the message - Let students write then share with a partner - Ask ss to write another message. * Set the scene: “Tom phoned Nancy, but she was out. Lisa, Nancy's sister took a message for Nancy. Help Lisa to write a message. - Let students work in pairs - T. monitor and give feedback I. Vocabulayr. - customer (n) Ng¬p× mua hµng - delivery (n) cung cÊp - stationary (n) ®å ding v¨n phßng - (to) pick someone up ®ãn 1 ai ®ã * Question - Have you ever taken a telephone message? - When you take a message, what should be mentioned in the message? II. Write 1- P23 Answers: 1, phoned 2, Mary 3, speak 4, took 5, name 6, delivery 7, Mr Ha 8, number III. Write 2 P23- 24 * Answers: Thanh Cong Delivery Service Date: June 16 Time: after midday For: Mrs. Van Message: Mr. Nam called about his stationary order. He wanted you to call him at 86334082. Taken by: Mr. Toan. VI. Writing a message Date: . Time: For: Nancy Message: Tom called about playing tennis this afternoon. He will come over to pick you up at 1.30 IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson. V - Homework. (5m) - Ask students to write the message on their notebooks - Prepare Unit 2 lesson 5 Language focus.P25. E - Evaluation [...]... teaching:8A 8B Period 12 Unit 2 making arrangements Lesson 6: Language focus - P25 -2 6 A - Aim - Further practice in "Going to" to talk about intentions - Practice reading and writing skills - By the end of the lesson students will be able to talk on the phone abut intention with "Going to" - Make students interested in learning English B - Teaching aids - Teacher: Textbook, poster - Students: pen, book C -. .. Technique Word cues D - Procedure I - Organization (2m) Greeting Names of absent students: II - Warm up (5m) 1 Act: Telephone transmitting: - Divide students into two groups - Choose 6 volunteers from each team - The volunteers stand in two lines The teacher shows the first student (in each line) a telephone number - He / she whisper the telephone number to the next person in his / her line - The second student... Infinitive - T asks students some question to Use: Express an intention elicit the form - T T runs through cues * Words cues: - Give example a see a movie - T - WC, half - half, open pair, b play sports close pair c meet your friends d help your mother e do your homework f watch T.V Example exchange: P1: Are they going to see a movie? P2: Yes, they are - Ask students look at LF 1- P25 II Language focus 1- P25... P25 - Run through all statements Example: - Ask students say what the people T Nga has a movie ticket are going to do P Nga's going to see a movie - Give example * Answers: - Ask students to do in pairs a They are going fishing b She is going to read the new novel c She is going to do her homework d He is going to watch an action movie on T.V tonight e She is going to give him a birthday present - Ask... focus 3 -P26 * Setting the scene: * Answers: "Ba is playing hide and seek with a Where is Tuan? I think he is upstairs his cousin, Tuan Use adverbs of b No, he isn't here place to complete the speech c He isn't upstairs and he isn't bubbles” downstairs - Give feedback d Perhaps he's outside - Ask some students to read out the e No, he isn't there speech bubbles f I'm not outside, I'm inside, Ba IV - Summary... outside - Ask some students to read out the e No, he isn't there speech bubbles f I'm not outside, I'm inside, Ba IV - Summary (2m) - Repeat the content of the lesson V - Homework (5m) - Do all exercises again - Prepare Unit 3 lesson 1: Vocabulary, write work you often do at home E - Evaluation ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ... third until the last one - The last student shouts out the number, if it is right, that group wins the match III- New lesson (31m) Steps Activities 1 Set the scene movie theater Content I Language focus 2- P25 Model sentence: P1: Are they going to the movie theater? P2: Yes, they are Mai Lan or No, they aren't What are they intent to do? What are they going to do? * Check: - T gives model sentence . phrases and sentence. I. Speak 1 - P20 * Answer: b- f- j- a- i- c- e- k- g-h –d * Comprehension questions 1. Are they talking on the phone? (yes) 2. What. telephone box 5. To leave and take messages 6. To make phone call anywhere you like * Answers: a-5 b-6 c-1 d-2 e-4 f-3 III- New lesson (32m) Steps Activities

Ngày đăng: 17/09/2013, 16:10

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