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DOP : Sep 5 th , 2006 DOT : Sep 11 th ,2006 Period : 2 UNIT 1 : A DAY IN THE LIFE OF … READING: I/ Objectives : 1. Educational aim : Students understand the daily life in the countryside that help students summarize their daily life. 2. knowledge : - General knowledge : Learn about the situation of the farmers , farm…. - Language: - New words : Words related to farmers, cattle , daily life in the countryside. 3. Skills : Reading for specific information. II/ Method :Mainly communication III/ Teaching aids :Real objects and pictures showing various activities as buffalo and a boy/ girl , a farmer with a plough…. IV/ Procedure : Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 15’ 8’ Warm up – Before you read. - Asks sts to work in pair . tell them to asks and answer about daily routines by using the cues. - Ex: What time / you / often / get up ? S1 : what time do you often get up? S2 : I often get up at 6 -Teacher hungs the pictures on the B.B, uses the pictures to give vocabulary. ( words and phrases) -Teacher gives handouts and gets sts to work in groups to pick out some activities which farmers usually do . -Teacher introduces the activity 2 (sts close their books ), and gives handouts and gets class to read and tick into the right column. -Teacher corrects by saying sts read the text. While-reading Task 1: -Gets class listen to the tapescript and read in silence. Students work in pairs. - Students may guess the meaning of words and phrases .(their answers may vary ) -Students do the task.(the handouts). Answers : getting up early , leading buffalo to the field , repairing the banks of the plot of land, pumping weter, ploughing and harrowing, Activity Mr Vy Ms T 1. drinking several cups of tea 2. taking care of children 3. leading a buffalo to the field 4. pumping water 5. getting up early 6. ploughing and harrowing x x x x x x x x TASK 1: -Students work in pairs. 1. Goes off -> C. ring 2. to get ready -> C. to prepare 3. Chat -> A . talk in a friendly way. 4. Contented with -> A. satisfied with -Gets class to compare with the informations in the “before you read “ -Corrects Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5’ 7’ 10’ Task 3 :Group Work -Explains sts to scan the passage and make a brief note about Mr Vy and Mrs. Tuyet daily routines. -Teacher checks – corrects.by going around pupils . Task 2 : - Teacher gets sts to read task 2 . - Gets class to read text quickly again and answer questions . -Checks and calls sts to correct. After reading: -Asks class to close their books , work in smallgroups to discuss about Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet’s activity. -Review class some words / phreses. Homework : Gets class to write a short passage about Task 3 :Group Work -Read quickly the text , ask and answer questions -Work in group . *Answers : • In the morning : o 4:30 alarm goes off, Mr Vy gets up,goes down to the kictchen, boils water for tea , drinks tea , has a quick breakfast , leads the buffalo to the field. o 5:15 : leaves the house. o 5:30 : arrives in the field , ploughs and harrows o 7:45: takes a break. o 10:30: goes home. o 11:30: has lunch with family. • In the afternoon : o 2:30p.m : Mr Vy and Mrs Tuyet go to the field again , repair the banks of the plot of land. He pumps water into the plot of land . She does the transplanting. o 6:30 P.m: finish work. o 7:00 p.m: have dinner. • After dinner : o Watch T.V , go to bed . o Sometimes visit neighbors ,chat with them . Task 2 : Work in pair -Read task 2. - Answer questions . in pairs. -Answers: 1. he is a peasant / farmer. 2. He gets up at 4:30 and then he goes down the kitchen to boil some water for his morning tea. 3. In the morning , he ploughs on his plot of land , drink tea , and smokes tobaco during his break. their parents’ day. About 80 words. 4. In the afternoon , they repair the banks of their plot of land. Mr Vy pumps water into it and his wife does the transplanting. 5. Yes , they are .because they love working and they love their children . -Close the books – work in pairs or or small groups. About Mr Vy – Mrs Tuyet’s activity. -Focus on some words / phrases. DOP : Sep 9 th , 2006 DOT : Sep 12 th ,2006 Period : 3 UNIT 1 : (CONT.) A DAY IN THE LIFE OF … SPEAKING : I/ Objectives : 1. Educational aim : Helps students ask and answer the information in their daily life .(lives)and others. 2. knowledge : o General knowledge : though this unit , sts understand the life in the countryside, ( animals,cattle, people…) o Language : sentences and expression for schedules , time , routine . 3. Skills : Fluency in expressing opinions and activities in daily rountine . II/ Method : Intergrated , mainly communicative. III/ Teaching aids : Pictures, subboards IV/ Procedure : Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 10’ 10’ • Warmer : -Gets pupils close their books. -Hungs the subboards with some subjects are learnt in school. -Guides how to do , asks class to look at some subjects in 3 mins - Puts down the subboards and gets class to say the words / phrases they see . -Reviews how to say the time by giving handouts. (work in pairs ) -Goes around and checks • While-Speaking: - Close their book . - Look at the board in 3 mins and say words / phrases they see. - Technology, math, physics, biology, literature , geography, history, music… - Reviews how to say the time 8:15 -> a. a quarter past eight . 8:55 b. half past ten. 9:45 c. seven o’clock. 7:00 d . five to nine. 10:30 e. a quarter to nine . Task 1 : ( work in pair ) - Introduces the situation, and gives a model dialogue . - Teacher and a good student speak . - Gets class to open the books and practice in pairs . - Goes around and helps students (if necessary) -Checks . Task 1 : work in pairs -Listen and practice with a partner A : What time does Quan have a Civic Education lesson on Monday? B: He has a Civic Education lesson at 7:15 a.m . A: What lesson does Quan have a quarter past seven on Monday ? B: Quan has Civic Education at a quarter past seven on Monday. -practice . Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 15’ 8’ 2’ Task 2 : ( Group work ) - Gets class to look at the pictures in task 2 and describe . - Explains how to do task 2 . - Asks some questions such as : • What does Quan do at 2p.m ? • What time does he play football ? • Where does he play football ? (using present tense ) - Gets some sts practice about Quan’s activities (in class ) - Corrects Task 3 :Group Work - Gets class to close their books and guides how to do . - Calls sts to repeatabout their daily routine . - Corrects . Homework : Gets class to write about their daily routine about themselves in 50 words. Task 2: ( Group work ) - Look at the pictures and describe . - Ask and answer with pictures in the books . - Listen and describe. Answer: Quan’s activities At 2 o’clock p.m , Quan gets up after taking a short nap . He studies his lesson at 14:15 . He watches T.V at 16:30 . Then he goes to the stadium by bicycle at 17:00, he plays football with his friends there . He comes back home at 18:30 , takes a shower at 18:45 . He has dinner with his family at 19:00 . At 20:00 he reviews his lesson . This is a typical day of Quan. - Corrects with the (guider )teacher . Task 3 :Group Work ( Tell your classates about your daily routine ) - Do task 3 by groups . -Report their routine . Cues : What time do you get up ? ( have breakfast/ go to school ?) -Time : 6a.m, 6:30 a.m, 11:45a.m, 12: 00 a.m, 6p.m. -------------------***---------------------- DOP : Sep 9 th , 2006 DOT : Sep 13 th ,2006 Period : 4 UNIT 1 : (CONT.) A DAY IN THE LIFE OF … LISTENING : I/ Objectives : 1. Educational aim : Students know a daily routine of a person with his occupation. 2. knowledge : o General knowledge : Sts learn about the activity of the people who works by a cyclo . o New words :Words such as : district , pedal , purchase, drop, ride, parks, passenger, footstall. 3. Skills : Listening for gist and for specific information. II/ Method : Intergrated , mainly communicative. III/ Teaching aids : Pictures of a cyclo driver . IV/ Procedure : Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 15’ 10’ 10’ 5’ Warm up : - Gives pictures about cyclo and asks some questions .  Have you ever travelled by cyclo ?  Is it interesting to travel by cyclo ? - Gives some new words and gets class to read , and explains new words. While you listen : Task 1 : - Introduce the situation : “ you will hear Mr Lam , a cycle driver in HCM city , talk about his morning listen to the tape then number the pictures in their correct order “ -Gets class the reason after listening 3 times. - Checks and corrects by stoping at the sentence relating to the right answer. Task 2 : - Introduces and explains - Gets class to read sentences in their textbooks . - Asks if they can guess or remind some information. - Gets class to listen . - Checks pupils as if they can get the answers. - Gets class to listen again. - Look at the picture of cycle … - District (n) drop(n) - Routine (n) passenger (n) - Office (n) ride (v,n) - Pedal (n) park (n) - Purchases(n) foodstall(n) - Repeat new words : Task 1 : - Listen and read in 2 minutes to know what to do . -Listen and put numbers in the pictures and say the r reason . • Answers : a: 3 , b:5 , c: 4 , d: 6 , e:1 , f: 2 . Task 2 : - Listen to the teacher - Read - Answer. - Listen the first time. - Answer (if they can ) - Listen the second time. - Answer. 1. False (in district 5 ) 2. true . 3. False ( he gives an old man a ride from district 5 to … 1 ) 5 Stops at the right sentence to get sts understand the information . After you listen : - Gets class to work in pairs , ask and answer about Mr Lam .using some words given : - Gets class to tell story before class . - Corrects Homework : Write about Mr Lam in 50 words 4. False(his passenger is an old man ) 5. False(he has lunch at a foodstall near Bthanh market ) 6. False ( after lunch time, he parks his cyclo under the tree and takes a short rest ). - work in pairs name(n) occupation (n) start work . lunch(n) rest (n,v) passengers(n) Tell the story before class . -------------------****** --------------------- DOP : Sep 9 th , 2006 DOT : Sep 18 th ,2006 Period : 5 UNIT 1 : (CONT.) A DAY IN THE LIFE OF … WRITING : I/ Objectives : 1. Educational aim : Helps sts write a narrative about a fire in a hotel with simple past tense. 2. knowledge :  General knowledge: Sts understand the content , language, tense and structure in a narrative.  New words : be due to (a): stare death in the face (v): take off (v): air-hostess (n): fasten seatbelt (v):… 3. Skills : Writing a narrative . II/ Method : Intergrated , mainly communicative. III/ Teaching aids : Some pictures of some situations or events . IV/ Procedure : Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 10’ Warmer: Asks class some questions . - Have you ever heard a frightening story ? - When did it happen ? - How did you feel about that ? While you write : Answer questions - Yes, I have / No, I haven’t. - It happened when I was in the 10 th grade… - It made me frightened . Task 1 : Group work Read the model text , (hyphen ) underline the verbs in 15’ Task 1 : Group work - Gets class to read the model text , and explains some words ( if necessary ). - Goes around and helps . - corrects . Gets class to take notes that they should use simlpe past tense to tell / report a past story . past , crircle the word of time such as : first, second, then … Answers : Verbs: started. was, arrived, got, took off, began, thought, were, told, seemed, realised, were, screamed, thought, felt, announced, was, landed,. Connectors: on that day, at first, then, just, a few minutes later, one hour later. Note :The simlpe past tense is use to tell / report a past story. • New words : o be due to (a): because of, owing to (bởi vì ) o stare death in the face (v): so scared, afraid (đối mặt Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 10’ 5’ Task 2 : Group work Explains how to do task 2 Explain to pupils the format of a narrative: the events, the climax. and the conclusion Tell pupils to work in groups and identify the events, climax, and the conclusion of the story. Goes aroung and helps. Ask them to report the results to class. Checks (corrects) Task 3 :Individual and group Explains task 3 – gets class to write a narrative about a fire in a hotel: using the cues given. - Corrects one or two papers on the board. Với cái chết ) _ take off (v): (plane) leave the ground (cất cánh ) _ air-hostess (n): person who takes care of passengers on a plane (tiếp viên hàng không ) - fasten seatbelt (v): fix the seatbelt around the body to keep safe on the plane (thắt dây an toàn ) - dip (v) nhúng , ngâm, chìm xuống . - We had only minutes to live : còn vài phút để sống . Task 2 : Group work Listen Identify the events, climax, and the conclusion of the story. The events: Got on plane, plane took off, hostesses were just beginning to serve lunch when plane began to shake, plane seemed to dip, people screamed in panic. The climax: We thought we had only minutes to live. The conclusion: Pilot announced that everything was all right. we landed safely. Task 3 :Individual and group Practice in group, write in a sheet of paper . Change the sheet of paper to each other to correct. Answer: Last year, I spent my summer holidays at a seaside town. The hotel was modern and comfortabl:? I had a wonderful holiday until the fire. It was Saturday evening 5’ Homework : Gets class to continue their writing correctly at home . and everybody was sitting in the discotheque (which was) on the ground floor.I was crowded with people. They were dancing andsinging happily. Suddenly we smelt smoke. Then smoke began to fill in the room . Everybody started to scream in panic. People ran toward the fire exits. One door was blocked.Many people began coughing and choking . Then, just as we thought we had only minutes to live, The fire brigade arrived. Firemen fought their way into the room and soon everyone was safely out of building. Luckily nobody was seriously hurt. It was the most frightening experience of my life. Gets class to continue their writing correctly at home . DOP : Sep 10 th , 2006 DOT : Sep 19 th ,2006 Period : 6 UNIT 1 : (CONT.) A DAY IN THE LIFE OF … LANGUAGE FOCUS : I/ Objectives : 1. Educational aim : Identifying the sounds III and Ii:I Reviewing the present and past simple tense and adverbs of frequency. 2. knowledge : - General knowledge:Helps sts to practice and understand the language, vocabulary, grammar…in the lesson they’ve learnt. 1. Skills : Communicative approach. II/ Method : Intergrated , mainly communicative. III/ Teaching aids : Some pictures and subboards . IV/ Procedure : Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5’ 5’ Warmer: Categorising: Ask pupils to work in groups. Give out 10 to 15 words and tell pupils to put them under appropriate heading: Adverbs of manner Adverbs of frequency Adverbs of time Adverbs: Tomorrow, usually, carefully, beautifully, yesterday, . Pronunciation : / I / - /i:/ Gives class the picture of a sheep and a ship . Gets class to commplete this sentence : - I see a sheep on the ship. -Demonstrate the : sounds III and Ii: / by pronouncing them clearly and slowly. -Help Ss to distinguish these two sounds. Instruct the way to pronounce: / i:/ : Open your mouth very litte to make the sound /i:/. / i:/: is a long sound . /I/: first practice the sound /i:/ , then open your mouth a little more . / i:/: is a short sound . Group work Practice in group, write in a sheet of paper . Listen Look at the pictures and commplete this sentence. Distinguish the difference between the word : ship – sheep /I/ - /i:/ Listen and repeat . Minimal pairs : /I/ (short ) - /i:/(long) hit.bit,… heat, beat, ceiling, he… Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 7’ 6’ - Gets class to practice the words . -Opens the book and gets class to practice in pairs , Find out the sound III and Ii: / Grammar : - Shows a picture of a boy going to school by bycicle to introduce the grammar of present , past, adverbs of frequency . - Review the form : Listen and repeat . Practice sentences to find out III and Ii: / o I s he coming to the cinema? o We’ll miss the beginning of the film. o I s it an interesting film, Jim? o …… Look at the picture . Form : The present simple tense: S + V 1 / Ves / V s + …. S + don’t / doesn’t + V ( bare infinitive ) Do /does + S + V ( bare infinitive ) The past simple tense: S + V 2 / V ed + … 7’ 5’ 5’ 5’ Exercise 1: Explains exercise 1( how to do ) Corrects Exercise2 : - Explains, except “ as a rule “ adverb stands before the sentence, but as usual adverbs always stand before ordinary verbs and behind to be. - Gets class to practice and corrects . Exercise 3: - Guides how to do . - Goes around and explains some new words ( if necessary ) - Corrects . Homework : Gets class todo language focusin their exercise book . S + didn’t + V( bare infinitive ) Did + S + V( bare infinitive ) Ex : - He is a schoolboy . He usually goes to school by bycicle everyday but yesterday he went to school on foot . Exercise 1: - Practice Answer: 1 . is 2. fish 3. worry 4. are 5. catch 6. am 7. catch 8. go 9. give 10. says 11. realize 12. am Exercise 2: Position : S + Adverb + V S + to be + Adv Ex: o He usually goes to bed at 10 p.m o He is usually late for class. o As a rule , I go to bed at 10 p.m Exercise3: Practice : Answer: 1. was done , 2. cooked , 3. were , 4. smelt, 5. told , 6. sang, 7. began, 8. felt , 9. put out , 10. crept , 11. slept , 12. woke, 13. was , 14. leapt, 15. hurried, 16. found ,17. wound, 18. flowed . DOP : Sep 12 th , 2006 DOT : Sep 20 th ,2006 Period : 7 UNIT 2 : SCHOOL TALKS READING: I/ Objectives : 1. Educational aim : Reading the passage to find the informations. Learning the new words through guessing the meaning, answering the questions and brain storming. 2. knowledge : 3. Skills : Reading for gist and for specific information. II/ Method : Intergrated , mainly communicative. III/ Teaching aids : Some pictures and subboards . IV/ Procedure : [...]... occupation, marital status,… Work in pairs 20-25’ While you writing : Vocabulary pre-teach: Checking technique Task 2 – Matching Asks pupils do task 2 Match a line in A with a question in B Asks pupils compare their answers with a partner Gives clear instructions of Task 2 Country of origin: quê quán Present address:chỗ ở hiện tại Marital status:tình trạng hôn nhân Occupation: nghề nghiệp Block capitals:chữ... food , drink… o They are talking about their holiday Asks pupils to listen the tape then match the conversation with the pictures 7 Task 2 - Answering Questions Asks pupils listen to the tape again and answer the questions Lets pupils listen to the tape several times if necessary and have a pause between conversations to make it easier for pupils while they are doing the task Calls on some pupils... activities Where are they standing ? Can yoy guess what are they talking about ? Students’ activities - Picture d: I can see sea, ship, sun and two people • A They are talking about their hotel • B they are in school • C They are at a party • D They are standing on a beach o I think they are talking about their hotel o They are talking about their teachers, friends, studying… o They are talking about their... going to listen to a conversation between her and Bob and do the tasks followed Task 1 - True or False: -Asks Ss to listen to the tape and decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) Time Teacher’s activities -Play the tape several times if necessary -Calls on some Ss to explain their answers in front of the class 10’ Task 2 - Gap filling: -Tells Ss to read the sentences carefully and try... activities 5’ WARM-UP: Group work Table completion Asks Ss to work in groups and give each The group which completes the table first and has group a table containing 10 verbs Tells Ss to complete the table following the more correct verbs will be the winner instruction Verb infinitive Past form Past participle take met left broke come gone got been do 5’ saw PRONUNCIA TION: PRESENTATION 1: Demonstrates the... Conversation 2: Picture c Conversation 3: Picture d Conversation 4: Picture a Task 2 - Answering Questions Individual work Individual work 1 She takes English 2 She is in Miss Lan Phuong's class 3 He is at a party 4 He stays there for a week 5 No, she doesn't She travels alone Task 3 - Conversation Completion Play the last conversation again 7 Task 3 - Conversation Completion Asks pupils to work in pairs and... been very ntce talking to you 1 has nice, to, you, talking, been, it, very 2 Did you have a nice weekend? 2 weekend, did, nice, havt:, a, you? 3 Catch up with you later 10 3 up, later, catch, you, with 4 school, evervthing, how, at, is? PRESENTATION Task 1 : -Ask pupils to look at Task 1 in the book -Asks pupils work in pairs to put the expressions which are commonly used in making small talks under appropriate... university 7 Time 7 7 While you read : Asks pupils to open the books Asks pupils to listen the teacher Task 1 : Fill each blank with one of the words in the box corrects Teacher’s activities Task 2 : - Finding who Read the small talks again Pair work and find out who Ask pupils to work in pairs Corrects Task 3: - Answering Questions 1 Where does Phong study? 2 What subjects does he study? 3 Why does he... background and work expenence PRACTICE: Gap – filling: Group work A Curriculum Vitae or a C V is a personal (1) … of a person's background, experience, training and skills It (2) … an applicant's suitability and potential for certain jobs Its main (3) ….is to prove that someone are (4) ….of doing the job he/she is looking for A C V generally (5)… Personal information/ data, Education, Previous jobs, Interests…... group which finishes the task first with the WARM-UP: most correct words will be the winner Divides The class into small groups E.g: Gives each group one card containing 10 bsutcej -> subject words whose letters are jumbled skat -> task Asks ps to rearrange the letters to make lmeeaf -> female good words ctarjif -> traffic… Time 5 Teacher’s activities PRONUNCIA TION PRESENTATION 1 Demonstrates the . PRESENTATION Task 1 : -Ask pupils to look at Task 1 in the book -Asks pupils work in pairs to put the expressions which are commonly used in making small talks. They are standing on a beach. o I think they are talking about their hotel. o They are talking about their teachers, friends, studying…. o They are talking

Ngày đăng: 28/09/2013, 19:10

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