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giao an 12 anh, unit3,pảt A

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School: Date : August 10, 2009 Teacher’s name: Pham Thi Ngoc Hieu Time: Class: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lesson plan Unit 3: WAYS OF SOCIALISING Part A: READING COMPREHENSION I. Objectives and Requirements: 1. Ideology: After studying, student know: ways to communicate in many situations. How to be polite in communicating. What should and shouldn’t to attract S.O attention. 2. Knowledge: o Vocabulary: non- verbal, nod, common, point at, rude, signal, socialize. o Structure:  If- Clause  It is + adj + to.V o Skills: reading, listening, writing, speaking (intensive reading). II. Methods and teaching aids: 1. Methods: a. Main method: Lecturing b. Others: Visual, Aural, Oral, Practicing, Communicative approach. 2. Teaching Aids: hand-out, worksheet, cassette player, CD, tape, pictures. 3. Teaching steps: A. Classroom Procedures: (1mnts) • Greetings • Checking attendance B. Checking the previous lesson: (10mnts) *. Multiple choices: 1. The workers_____________go to work late last week. A. use to B. used C. used to D. were used to 2. Today, the scientists in the world______________research on Aids. A. doing B. does C. make D. are doing 3. What time did you …………at your office yesterday? A. come B. arrive C. reach D. leave 4. Maria ………off the light when the doorbell rang. A. had just turned B. just turned C. was just turning D. would turn 5. By the time he …… for Paris, the contract will have completed . A. has left B. will leave C. leaves D. left. **.Put the verbs in the right column /t/, /d/, /id/ 1. defined 2. hoped 3. agreed 4. relaxed 5. prepared 6. watched 7. helped 8. asked 9. needed 10. tolerated KEY: * 1c 2d 3b 4a 5c **. /t/: 2,4,6,7,8, /d/: 1,3,5. 1 School: Date : August 10, 2009 Teacher’s name: Pham Thi Ngoc Hieu Time: Class: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /id/: 9,10. C. New lesson: 2 School: Date : August 10, 2009 Teacher’s name: Pham Thi Ngoc Hieu Time: Class: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Pre-reading : 1. Warm up: Rearrange order(2mnts) a. iprtparsehn partnership b. yasurtda saturday 2. Lead in: (8mnt) Questions: • What are the people in the picture doing? • What will you do and/or say if  you want to get your teacher’s attention in class?  you need to ask someone a question, but they are busy talking someone else? 3. New words: Matching: (5mnts) b) Fill in the blank with one suitable word or phrase in the box.(4mnts) Socialising Point at Approaching Common Signal whistle i. you shouldn’t _____ your friends when you want to call him. ii. The weather was getting colder as winter was_________. iii. I enjoy______with other student. iv. Nguyen is a_____ Vietnamese family name. v. Waving is a ____ way of socializing. vi. You shouldn’t_____ in a crowded party. 4. Scanning and Skimming(8mnts) a. Scanning for details: Decide whether Ask the students to rearrange orders of these letters to make an appropriate word. Ask stusent to look at the picture and answer the question. Ask Ss to answer the questions. Ask Ss to match the numbers in colum A with the letters in column B. Column B is Vienamese meaning of these words in A Key : 1.d 2.c 3.e 4.g 5.b 6.h 7.f 8.a Write on the board the box and these sentences. Ask students for the right answer. Key: i. point at ii. approaching iii. sociailising iv. common v. signal vi. whistle The students try to reorder to make a word. Ss try look at the pictures and answer the questions: - waving - shaking hand Ss answer: - Raise hands. - saying “ excuse me!” -waving… Ss match. Choose which one to fill in. 3 A B 1.Verbal: a. một cái gật đầu nhẹ là đủ 2. Non- verbal: b. thô tục 3. Attract someone’s attention c. không bằng lời,phi ngôn. 4. Attention getter: d. bằng lời, hữu ngôn 5. Rude e. thu hút sự chú ý của ai 6. Informality f. Đi đến 7. Approach g. Cử chỉ thu hút sự chú ý 8. A slight nod will do h. thân mật, không nghi thức School: Date : August 10, 2009 Teacher’s name: Pham Thi Ngoc Hieu Time: Class: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D. consolidation:(2mnts) Decide which of the three option below is the best title for the passage: A. Attracting attention: Non- Verbal cues B. Attracting attention by waving. C. The best ways of attracting attention. Key: A E. Homework: (1mnt)  Learn vocabulary by heart.  Reviews tenses. 4 . Methods and teaching aids: 1. Methods: a. Main method: Lecturing b. Others: Visual, Aural, Oral, Practicing, Communicative approach. 2. Teaching Aids: hand-out,. Teacher’s activities Students’ activities I. Pre-reading : 1. Warm up: Rearrange order(2mnts) a. iprtparsehn partnership b. yasurtda saturday 2. Lead

Ngày đăng: 16/09/2013, 16:10

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