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Họ tên:…………………………. Ngày sinh:……………… Lớp:…………………………. Trường:………………………… II. Use of English: Write A, B, C or D which best completes the sentences (18 points) 6. Promise that you’ll be on time. You…………….be late. A. Don’t have to B. Have to C. Must D. Musn’t 7. They went away…………holiday……… the end of last week. E. in/on F. on/in G. on/at H. at/on 9 To remember the words you’ve learnt, you have to…………….them often I. Repeat J. Rewrite K. Revise L. Replace 10. I’m…………that you want to know more. M. Please N. Pleasing O. Pleased P. To please 11. Look! I can see a boy ………… in the street now. Q. run R. running S. to run T. runing 12. The tiger succeeded in …………….from the farmer. U. going V. Getting W.running away X. Freeing 13. A bird…………….to me this morning Y. sings Z. sing AA. sang BB. is singing 14. One match can ……………a fire CC. make DD. start EE. cause FF. All are correct 15. We saw an interesting film on TV last night……………an interesting film we saw! A.Which B.What C.How D. So 16. Living conditions are good in the city, and medical facilities can be…………. A.ready B.Prepared. C.Arranged D.Accessible 17. After his wife died, he married again. He…………… A.Rearranged B.Remarried C.Reoccupied. D.Repeated. 18. ……………is a science of elements that can change the world. A.Mathematics B.Chemistry C.Physics. D.Biology 19.Photo…………is one of the most popular hobbies. A.taking b.catching c.Doing 20. I’m sorry but I have to stop………for a while. I’ve got stomach. GG. working HH. to work II. to be working JJ. what I worked 21. My dog as well as my cats………… twice a day KK. eat LL. eats MM. has eaten NN. have eaten 22. She has changed so much that……………anyone recognized her. OO. Almost PP. Hardly QQ. Never RR. No 23. Linda had a……………in her hair yesterday SS. nice bow yellow TT. bow yellow nice UU. Nice yellow bow. VV. yellow bow nice 24. Next to the refrigerator there…………a stove and an oven. WW. is XX. are YY. Have ZZ. were III. Reading Comprehension: 16 points A. Read the passage, then write True for True, F for False, for each of the sentences below, according to the information given. If the is not given, put a question mark . ( 6points) Many people think that teachers give pupils too much homework. They say that it is unnecessary for children to work at home in their free time. Moreover, they are argue that most teachers don’t properly plan the homework tasks they give to pupils. The result is that pupils repeat tasks which they have already done at school Recently in Greece, many parents complained about the difficult homework which teachers gave to their children. The parents said that most of the homework was a waste of time, and they wanted to stop it. Spain and Turkey are two countries which stopped homework recently. In Denmark, West Germany and several other countries in Europe, teachers can’t set homework at weekends. In Holland, teachers allow pupils to stay at school to do their homework. The children are free to help one another. Similar arrangements also exist some British schools. Most people agree that homework is unfair. A pupil who can do his homework in a quiet an comfortable room is in a much better position than a pupil who does in a small, noisy room with TV on. Some parents help their children with their homework. Other parents take no interest at all in their children’s homework. It is important, however, that teachers talk to parents about homework. A teacher should suggest suitable tasks for parents to do with their children. Parents are often better at teaching their own children. 26. Many teachers think that pupils should have homework. 27. Greek parents thought their children’s homework is too easy 28. A lot of homework has not been planed properly, according to many parents 29. In some countries in Europe teachers are allowed to give their children homework only at weekends 30. According to the writer, many parents would like their children to have less homework B. Write A, B,C, or D to complete the following passage. For many young people sport is a popular part of school life and……(31)……in one of school teams and playing matches is veryimportant…(32)………someone is in a team it means a lot of extra practice and often spending a Saturday or Sunday away……(33)……….home, as many matches are played then It…(34)…………also involve traveling to other towns to play against other school teams and then……(35)…… on after the match for a meal or a drink. Some parents, friends or other students will travel with the team to support…… (36)…………own side. When a school team wins a match it is the whole school which feels proud,…… (37)……only the player. It can also mean that a school…(38)……… well- known for being good at certain sports and pupils from that school may end up playing……(39)……… national teams so that the school has some really…… (40)………names associated with it. 31. A.having B.Being C.Taking D Putting 32. A.If B.As C.Then D.So 33. Aat B.On C.For D.From 34. A. oughtB. isC. canD. has 35.A.StayingC. leavingD. Spending 36. A. TheirB. itsC. ourD. whose 37. A. butB. HoweverC. AndD. not 38. A. turnsB. makesC. comesD. becomes 39. A. upC. forD. beside40. A. oldB. newC. CommonD. Famous THI HỌC SINH GIỎI LỚP 9 (VÒNG I) Môn thi: Tiếng Anh Năm học 1998-1999 Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút I. Look at this story and give the correct forms of the verbs. (7.5 pts) When I (1. be) a child, things (2. be) very different. I (3. live) very happily with my parents like all the other children I (4. know). We (5. have) a small but comfortable house and I (6. go) to school, which I (7. not like) very much. Then when I (8. be) fourteen, my parents (9. get) divorced. I will never forget how they (10. tell) me. I (11. study) geography in my bedroom when my mother (12. come) in and (13. tell) me the news. When I (14. be) sixteen, (at that time I (15. live) with my father), he (16. tell) me some more news. The news (17. be) that he (18. want) to get married again, and his new wife (19. have) two small children, so I would have to leave school and start working because there would not be enough money. I (20. cannot) believe it, but I (21. see) that he really (22. want) to get married, and so I (23. agree). Well, three years ago I (24. find) a job as a secretary and translator in an office near my home. I (25. work) there since then. I (26. save) some money during the last years. Life at home is not perfect because I (27. not like) children very much, but it (28. not be) really difficult - just boring! And so next year I (29. move) into my own flat and I (30. study) at night school. Or perhaps a handsome prince on a beautiful horse will save me! II. There are twelve mistakes in the following passage, underline and correct them. (6.0 pts) Dear Mr and Mrs Wilcox, I'm very happy that you can come to visit us in August, but I would like to tell you something in my town. The weather here in August is usually very good, and bring a warm jumper or jacket with you because it is sometimes cool in the evenings. I know if you like going to the theatre and to the opera, then I have booked tickets for the performance of 'Aida' in August 4th. An opera will start at 9.00 in the evening. Because there are lots of people when the seats do not have numbers we must arrive very early. I know that you will like the monuments in Verona, especially the Arena and the Roman theatre. There is a lot of good restaurants and cafés in Verona and we can try some of the local dishes. I'm sure you like our food, especially the pasta and the fruit ice- cream. Please write to me early and tell me early what time you are arriving in Verona. With best wishes, III. Arrange these sentences to make a complete passage. (5.0 pts) a. As they built bigger and bigger ships, they were able to sail further and further away. b. They don't really mean that the world is getting smaller, of course. c. They found that as they sailed further away from their home countries, the world became bigger. d. Then men began to use ships to explore the world. e. Today, there are no undiscovered countries left to put on the map. f. But 2,300 years ago the Egyptians and the Greeks thought that the world was very small and flat and that around it was the ocean. g. We often hear people saying that the world is getting smaller. h. So they had to make new maps to show the countries that they found. i. And they discovered new countries that they didn't know about. j. What they mean is that with modern means of transport, we can now reach every part of the world very quickly. IV. Use the suggested words to make a complete letter. (1.5 pts) Dear Jane, 1. It/ be/ month/ since/ I/ write/ you. 2. And we/ not meet/ or see/ each other/ three months. 3. Now/ here/ be/ suggestion/ I/ be/ very happy/ make. 4. You/ come/ stay here/ me/ weekend/ after next? 5. I/ love/ have you/ Friday evening/ Monday morning. 6. I/ have/ lot of/ news/ give you/ many questions/ ask. Please write back to me as soon as possible. Yours ever

Ngày đăng: 14/09/2013, 08:10

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