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H37 1 r marketing căn bản

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TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC MỞ THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ LƯU HÀNH NỘI BỘ MỤC ĐÍCH Tài liệu nhằm hỗ trợ cho học viên hình thức giáo dục từ xa nắm vững nội dung ôn tập làm kiểm tra hết môn hiệu Tài liệu cần sử dụng với tài liệu học tập môn học giảng giảng viên ơn tập tập trung theo chương trình đào tạo NỘI DUNG HƯỚNG DẪN Nội dung tài liệu bao gồm nội dung sau:  Phần 1: Các nội dung trọng tâm môn học Bao gồm nội dung trọng tâm môn học xác định dựa mục tiêu học tập, nghĩa kiến thức kỹ cốt lõi mà người học cần có hồn thành mơn học  Phần 2: Cách thức ôn tập Mô tả cách thức để hệ thống hóa kiến thức luyện tập kỹ để đạt nội dung trọng tâm  Phần 3: Hướng dẫn làm kiểm tra Mơ tả hình thức kiểm tra đề thi, hướng dẫn cách làm trình bày làm lưu ý sai sót thường gặp, nỗ lực đánh giá cao làm  Phần 4: Đề thi mẫu đáp án Cung cấp đề thi mẫu đáp án, có tính chất minh hoạ nhằm giúp học viên hình dung yêu cầu kiểm tra cách thức làm thi PHỤ TRÁCH KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ Nguyễn Thúy Nga Phần CÁC NỘI DUNG TRỌNG TÂM Chương 1: THE ROLE OF MARKETING  The functions of marketing A What is marketing?  Some definitions of marketing  Marketing Mix (4Ps)  The old and new concepts of marketing  conflicting management philosophies B Marketing planning  What is Strategic marketing planning?  Stage 3: Portfolio analysis  Marketing strategies Chương 2: ANALYSIS OF MARKET OPPORTUNITIES A Market research  An overview of the market research process  Contact methods used in market research B The market environment  Market environment factors/ forces  Competitors  Publics  Publics & PR activities  How PR differs from advertising Chương 3: BUYER SEGMENTATION BEHAVIOR AND MARKET A Buyer Behavior Consumer Buyer behavior  Model of buying behavior  Factors affecting buyer behavior  Buyer decision process  types of Consumer buying behaviors Organizational buyer behavior  How organizational market classified   Differences between Industrial & consumer market buying behavior Organizational buying process  Organization Buying on Internet B Market segmentation: Targeting & positioning Step 1: Market segmentation & bases Step 2: Targeting of segments  Factors should be considered when choosing a marketcoverage strategy Step 3: Positioning for competitive advantage  Strategies of positioning  Steps to Choosing and Implementing a Positioning Strategy  Conclusion Chương 4: PRODUCTS A Product types and mix decision What is a Product?  Product Types and total product  Product types & mix decisions Branding decisions  Branding decisions process  Branding decisions & Strategies Product line decisions  Potential product line development areas  Product mix concepts and Strategies B Product development decisions New Product Development  What is a new product?  Why too many new products + completely new brand failed to convince customers? New product strategies a Acquiring new brands (Acquisition) b Developing Me- too product strategies c Reviving old product strategies PRODUCT-LIFE CYCLE Chương 5: PRICING  Price  How to set prices A Factors to consider when setting prices o Internal Factors o External Factors  Analysis of Price-Demand Relationship  Pricing Decisions B Pricing strategies  Price Wars  Price Adjustment strategies Chương 6: PLACING Distribution channels  What is a channel of distribution? Types and Organizations  Horizontal market systems  Vertical Market systems  Multi-channel Distribution system Organizations of Distribution Channels 2.1 VMS 2.1.1 Corporate VMS 2.1.2 Contractual VMS  Wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chains  Retailer co-operatives retailer joined owned business  Franchise organizations a The manufacturer-sponsored retailer franchise system b The manufacturer-sponsored wholesale franchise system c Service-firm retailer franchise system •  Advantages & Disadvantages of Franchise An administered VMS Conventional channels Horizontal Marketing Systems (Conventional) 2.3 Multi-channel system  Conventional Distribution Channel vs Marketing Systems: Channel conflict Vertical MANAGING CHANNELS Requirements: A Selecting Channel Members B Stimulating the channel members C Appreciating the channel agents  The importance of location  Four- step Process in choosing a location D Wholesaling and Retailing  Retailing and types of Retailers  Retail Marketing Decisions  Wholesaling and functions  Types of wholesalers  What is the difference between wholesale and retail  Wholesaler Marketing Decisions  Trends in Wholesaling  Wholesalers’ present characteristics in strategic decision areas and needs to be improved  Push and Pull Strategies Chương 7: PROMOTION  Promotional Tools A Communication and advertising Choosing the message  3-stage AIDA model  DESIGNING MESSAGE  Message content  Message structure  Message format  Message source Choosing the media (means of communications/adverts)  Press (newspapers & magazines)  Commercials (Radio & TV) AD Films Via mail Posters on hoardings  Internet  BASIC TERMS & CONCEPTS B Personal selling Selling styles  What is Personal Selling?  In what way personal selling styles differ?  Sales-oriented Approach  Customer- Oriented Approach  Blake& Morton’s selling styles Concepts/ dimensions  Classification of Sales Positions  Tasks Performed by Salespeople  Sales-Force Objectives  Characteristics of a good salesperson  Training Sales Representatives  Motivating &Evaluating Sales Representatives Selling tactics  Five customer service tactics to increase sales C Public Relations  Publics and public relations  Major Activities of PR Departments  Major Tools in Marketing PR D Sales Promotion  What is sales promotion?  Sales Promotion Objectives  Major consumer sales promotion tools  Local Store Marketing Chương INTERNATIONAL MARKETING  The importance is International Marketing?  The Difference between Global Marketing International Marketing A Entering foreign markets and Market Entry Methods Exporting (simplest way) Thru Joint-ventures + types     Licensing/ Franchising Contracting Joint Venture International Joint Ventures Direct Investment - Manufacturing Abroad  Three Stages of Evolution Learning from mistakes in foreign markets  Mistakes to Avoid When Entering a Foreign Market  What have you learned? B Global versus local marketing  Difference between international strategy and global strategy  Achievements of Apple’s global marketing strategies in China The world’s champion marketer: the Japanese? Key Reason: SKILLFUL USE OF MARKETING: Selecting market Entering market Building market share 10  What are the tools of media mix? State the advantages and disadvantages of television, radio, and newspapers in advertising ((Unit 7)  Talk about the difference between hard – sell and soft sell approaches Which method you prefer and why? (Unit 7) Chương INTERNATIONAL MARKETING  The importance is International Marketing?  The Difference between International Marketing Global Marketing and B Entering foreign markets Market Entry Methods Exporting (simplest way) Thru Joint-ventures + types  Licensing/ Franchising  Contracting  Joint Venture  International Joint Ventures Direct Investment - Manufacturing Abroad  Three Stages of Evolution Learning from mistakes in foreign markets  Mistakes to Avoid When Entering a Foreign Market  What have you learned? B Global versus local marketing  Difference between international strategy and global strategy 22  Achievements of Apple’s global marketing strategies in China The world’s champion marketer: the Japanese? Key Reason : SKILLFUL USE OF MARKETING: Selecting market Entering market Building market share Protecting market share Corporate versus subsidiary strategy  Parent-subsidiary structure  How Do Multinational Companies Affect Local Businesses?  Philosophy that makes Apple a Great Marketer o Philosophy that makes Apple a Great Marketer o Đọc TLHT o Làm tập VOC, tập trắc nghiệm thảo luận nhóm để rà sốt lại kiến thức  Revision questions (Câu hỏi ôn tập)  Name some common methods of entering a foreign market What method(s) is (are) commonly used by foreign investors in Vietnam and why? (Unit 8)  What is said to be the main key to the success of Japanese firms in foreign markets? What foreign companies you think are successful in Vietnam now and what makes them successful? (Unit 8) Phần 23 HƯỚNG DẪN LÀM BÀI KIỂM TRA a Hình thức kiểm tra kết cấu đề Đề kiểm tra bao gồm hai phần trắc nghiệm: Phần tâm: 40 câu hỏi va bai đọc hiểu mở rộng từ chủ đế chuong trình học bao gồm 20 câu hỏi trắc nghiem diền từ thời gian 60 phút  Phần trắc nghiệm trọng tâm có 40 câu x 1.5  điẻm ) phân phối sau:  Kiến thức ngôn ngữ ngành ( Understanding the main points) o Chương 1- 8; chương có câu hỏi trắc nghiệm- 40 câu o Reading Comprehension o đọc với nội dung mở rộng ( Extension) 20 câu hỏi khảo sát kỹ đọc hiểu SV lĩnh vực Marketing Căn ( Comprehension, Completion, T/F ) : 20x 2= điểm b Hướng dẫn cách làm phần trắc nghiệm  Chọn câu trả lời điền vào bảng trả lời Có thể đánh trước đề điền vào sau, phải dành thời gian cho việc KHƠNG ĐÁNH VÀO BẢNG SẼ KHƠNG ĐƯỢC TÍNH ĐIỂM  Chọn câu dễ làm trước 24 Phần ĐỀ THI MẪU I Understanding the main points (40 x 1.5= điểm ) Choose the correct answer Which of these is not an acceptable short name for the United Kingdom of Great Britain and North Ireland? a England b Great Britain c Britain d the United Kingdom Đáp án: A Which is the smallest of the four nations? a Ireland b Scotland c Wales d England Đáp án: C A surname beginning with ‘Mac’or ‘Mc’ is understood to be… a Scottish or English b Scottish or Irish C Scottish or Welsh d Scottish or North Irish Đáp án: B In world term, Britain has _ summers and cool winters a hot b warm c cool d cold Đáp án: B 25 Generally speaking, which part of Britain gets the most rain in a year? a the east b the south c the west d the north Đáp án: C In passing, casual conversation, British people talk about the weather because … a they are fascinating by it b it is correct behavior c they don’t like the silences d they nothing about it Đáp án: C If you hear or read of a woman who is ‘six-and-a-half foot’, how tall is she? a very short b about average height c very heavy d very tall Đáp án: D Why British normally form queues when they are waiting for something? a they like good order b they patient c they want things to be fair d they are polite Đáp án: C In what month does the financial year begin in Britain? a January c September b April d November Đáp án: B 26 10 In what name are measurements in kilos, litres, and metres known in Britain? a the decimal system b the continental system c the European system d the metric system Đáp án: D 11 If money and access to friends and family were not a problem, where would most British people prefer to live? a in a village b in central London c in a London suburb d in town Đáp án: A 12 Which of these does not apply to the British political system? a constitutional monarchy b parliamentary democracy c presidential democracy d Kingdom Đáp án: C 13 When somebody commits a crime in Britain, who or what, legally speaking, have they committed a crime against? a the Crown b the people c the state d the Queen Đáp án: A 14 Which of the following is a royal residence? a Buckingham Palace b the Palace of Westminster c White hall d Downing 10 Đáp án: A 15 Who presented has the title ‘Price of Wales? a Prince Philip b Prince Charles c Prince William d None of them Đáp án: B 27 16 When parliament agrees on a new law, what must happen before it actually becomes law? a the royal agreement b the royal assent c the royal assignment d the royal approvals Đáp án: B 17 What percentage of children in Britain go to public schools? a more than 90% b about 50% c less than 10% d more than 10% Đáp án: C 18 What proportion of 20-year-old in Britain study at university? a more than 65% b about 35% c less than 15% d more than 15% Đáp án: B 19 At which of these places could you study for A-levels? a prep college b technical college c grade school d six form college Đáp án: D 20 What is the typical number of subjects studied at school by students in their second year of A-levels? a one b three c five d ten Đáp án: B 21 How long most university students in England take to graduate? a three years b four years c five years d four years and a half Đáp án: A 28 22 Which is the fastest growing minority group in the US in recent decades? a Hispanics b Asians c Africans d Western Europeans Đáp án: A 23 “ People from all over the world come and adopt the American culture as their own” refers to a Mosaic concept b Melting pot concept c Salad concept d modern cept Đáp án: B 24 The US constitution is one of the in the world for over 200 years a latest b longest c oldest d most modern Đáp án: C 25 Hispanic American groups are………… a from Mexico, Puerto Rico and Cuba b from Central America countries recently c the fastest growing minority group in recent decades d from all of these Đáp án: D 26 In the US, low-cost loans may be taken out …………………… a to buy a house b to buy a car c to go to college d all of these Đáp án: D 27 According to John Dewey, school should teach … a thinking process and skills b learning best by heart c memorizing all the facts d knowledge from textbooks Đáp án: A 29 28 New Englanders are ……………… a serious and self-reliance b gracious and leisure c casual and friendly d severe & unfriendly Đáp án: A 29 To people from other countries, Yankee means _ a North American b people from New England c American d Puritan Đáp án: C 30 New York is the biggest city in America, but it is not a the industrial center b the cultural center c the financial capital d the diplomatic capital of the world Đáp án: A 31 New York has five boroughs, one of the most famous is a Brooklyn b Queens c Manhattan d Bronx Đáp án: C 32 The World Trade Center is located in _ a Downtown b Midtown c Uptown d The South Street Seaport Đáp án: A 33 More conservative, less sophisticated is a character of………… a Southerners b Westerners c Californians d Mid-Westerners Đáp án: D 30 34 The Declaration says that the independence is a basic human right, was approved on _ a July 4, 1781 in Pennsylvania b July 4, 1776 in Philadelphia c July 14, 1776 in Washington d July 4, 1776 in New York Đáp án: B 35 When the Civil War broke out in 1861, there was _ a a huge difference between the economy of the Northern and Southern states b a huge difference between the slavery of the Northern and Southern states c a huge difference between the level of industry of the Northern and Southern states d a huge difference between the poor of the Northern and Southern states Đáp án: A 36 Favorite places in Florida for college students on their spring vacation a Fort Lauderdale and Daytona Beach b Miami c San Augustin Antigue d Venice, Florida Đáp án: A 37 Many Americans recognize Midwest is America’s center and heartland in many ways except for a it is the exact mid point in Smith County, Kansas b Midwest accent considered as American standard c Traditional American values associated most strongly with the Midwest d the center of American tourism Đáp án: D 31 38 Las Vegas , Nevada is famous for in America a center of gambling b center of entertainment c center of theaters d center of movies Đáp án: A 39 What other services does Las Vegas offer? a Casino b making divorce easy c Getting-married services d shows with well-known performers Đáp án: C 40 All are the features of Northern California except for a Rocky coast b cooler c Redwood forests d people are superficial and materialistic Đáp án: D 41 Which city s called the romantic and liberal city in cCalifornia? a San Diego b Los Angeles c San Francisco d Seatle Đáp án: C II READING COMPREHENSION- (20X0.2= điểm) A COMPLETION Complete the text with the correct form of one of the verbs in the box below Achieve apply concern ensure have introduce pass raise receive sit Every year, ten of thousands of people (1) for British citizenship However, (2) _ that citizenship 32 was being treated too tightly, the British government (3) a number of changes in the last decade or so One is that you have to (4) _ a test of the English language Another is that, instead of getting it through the post, you now(5) your citizenship at a semi- public ceremony And since 2005, applicants (6) an extra hurdle to jump They have to (7) _ a test about life in Britain The test is based on an official book called Life in the UK and the pass nmark is 75% It 's a tough test Before its launch, it was revealed that most groups of born-and-bred British citizens, including teachers, were unable to (8) the pass mark In response to complaints about this, the government said it's test of knowledge of the set book At least this last requirement (9) _ that all new British citizens are capable of cramming foe exams! Perhaps its' a sneaky way of (10) _ standards of exam performamce in the country! B COMPREHENSION - True/ False Read the teaxt and tick whether the folloing statements are true or false There are about 3,000 colleges and universities, both private and public, in the United States They are all independent, offering their own hoice of studies, setting their own admission standards and deciding which students meet those standards The greater theprestge of the university, the higher the credits and grades required The ter.'college' and university are often used interchangeably, as 'college' is used to refer to all underghraduate education and the four-year undergraduate programme, leading to a bachelor's degree, can be followed at either college or university Universities tend to be larger than colleges and also have 33 graduate schools where students can receive post-graduate education Advanced or graduate university degrees include law and medicine During the first two years students usually follow general courses in the artsd or sciences and then choosev a major ( the subjest or area of studies in which they concentrate- the other subjects are called minors) Credits( with grades) are awarded for the successful completion of each course These credits are often trabsferable, so students who havenot done well n high school can choose a junior college ( community college), which offers a two-year'Transfer' programme, preparing students for degree0 granting institution Community colleges also offer twoyear courses of vocational nature, leading to technical or semiprofessional occupations, such as journalism there are no minimum requirement to get into college College is used to all graduate education, leading to a bachelor Colleges and universities are exactly the same Colleges and universities are completely different Students not specialize in their degree subjects during their first two years at college Students syudy some minors during the first two years Students are awarded credits for a course.successfyullly completing Students are awarded majors for completing a corse Junior colleges only offer vocational courses 10 Junior colleges or community colleges often offer s two-year study programme 34 MỤC LỤC Phần CÁC NỘI DUNG TRỌNG TÂM Phần CÁCH THỨC ÔN TẬP 12 Phần HƯỚNG DẪN LÀM BÀI KIỂM TRA 24 Phần ĐỀ THI MẪU 25 35 36 ... sát kỹ đọc hiểu SV lĩnh vực Marketing Căn ( Comprehension, Completion, T/F ) : 20x 2= điểm b Hướng dẫn cách làm phần trắc nghiệm  Chọn câu trả lời điền vào bảng trả lời Có thể đánh trước đề điền... vào bảng trả lời Có thể đánh trước đề điền vào sau, phải dành thời gian cho việc KHƠNG ĐÁNH VÀO BẢNG SẼ KHƠNG ĐƯỢC TÍNH ĐIỂM  Chọn câu dễ làm trước 24 Phần ĐỀ THI MẪU I Understanding the main

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2019, 23:05

