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lesson plan12-unit5

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LESSON PLAN UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION A. READING: PERIOD: 25 I. TEACHING AIMS: _ To practise students’ speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. _ To help students to guess the meaning of some words and do the task given in order to understand the reading. II. TEACHING AIDS: _ Textbooks, pictures, colour chalks, hand-outs, tape, cassette player . III. TEACHING STAGES: 1. GREETING AND CHECKING ATTENDANCE: _ Teacher greets the class and checks if anyone is absent. 2. PREVIOUS LESSON: _ Tenses in English. 3. NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES _ asks students to look at the pictures then answer the questions provided. _ asks students some guiding questions. _ asks students to answer the questions orally. _ asks students to give comments if possible. _ explain the pictures and give the suggested answers. _ presents some new words. _ gives the brief meaning of the words using various techniques. _ helps students pronouce the words correctly. _ asks students to take notes of the words and the example if possible. _ plays the tape then ask students to do task 1. _ asks some students to give the answers then correct their answers if necessary. A. Before you read _ observe the pictures then answer the teacher’s question orally. Guiding questions: 1. How do you say in English the names of these universities? 2. Which of them would you like to apply to and why? _ students answer the questions orally. _ students give comments if possible. New words 1. tertiary 2. on behalf 3. undergraduate 4. severly 5. veterinary 6. insuarance B. While you read Task 1 _ listen to the tape then read the reading again and do task 1 individually. _ compare their results with those of their friends. _ some of them give the answers, others give 1 _ asks students to give the evidence to illustrate their answers to make sure that they understand the reading. _ asks students to copy the right answers. _ asks students to read the reading again then do task 2 in pairs orally. _ asks some students to give the answers. _ can ask students to give the evidence to illustrate their answers. _ corrects the students’ answers and give suggested answers. _ asks students to rewrite the sentences basing on the information given. _ asks students to read the sentences carefully then put a tick if the information is mentioned in the text and cross if it is not. _ asks some students to give the answers. _ can ask students to give the evidence to illustrate their answers. comments. _ take notes of the suggested answers if necessary. Task 2 _ work in pair and ask and answer the questions given. _ compare their results with those of their friends. _ some of them give the answers, others give comments. _ take notes of the suggested answers if necessary. Suggested answers 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. A Task 3 _ read the sentences carefully then put a tick if the information is mentioned in the text and cross if it is not. _ some of them give the answers, others give comments. _ take notes of the suggested answers if necessary. 4. CONSOLIDATION: _ Students work in groups, discussing the questions: How important is tertiary study to you? _ Some students report their results of the discussion to the whole class. _ T gives comments on the students’ work. 5. HOMEWORK: _ Read the reading carefully the translate it into Vietnamese. _ Learn the vocabulary listed by heart. _ Prepare B. speaking on pages 55-56 for next class. LESSON PLAN UNIT 5: HIGHER EDUCATION B. SPEAKING PERIOD: 26 I. TEACHING AIMS: _ To practise students’ speaking and listening skills. _ To help students to be able to talk about the application process to tertiary study in Vietnam using the cues provided. II. TEACHING AIDS: 2 _ Textbooks, pictures, colour chalks, hand-outs, tape, cassette player . III. TEACHING STAGES: 1. GREETING AND CHECKING ATTENDANCE: _ Teacher greets the class and checks if anyone is absent. 2. PREVIOUS LESSON: _ Questions and answers about the reading. 3. NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES _ Asks students to read the information carefully then tick the phrases. _ Asks students to compare their results with those of their friends. _ Asks students to explain why to choose the option if possible. _ give suggested answers if necessary. _ Asks students to read the requirement of the task carefully. _ explains the requirement of the task then ask them to do the task in pairs. _ can give some more suggested questions and suggested information if possible. _ asks students to work in pairs and practice asking and answering the questions and the answers given. _ change their roles then practice them again. _ walks around to help students if possible then correct their pronunciation when necessary. _ asks some pairs to present their talks to the whole class. _ asks students to work in groups and talk about the problems in their class using the suggestions provided then offer solutions. _ asks some of them present their talks to the whole class. Task 1: _ Students read the information carefully then tick the phrases. _ compare their results with those of their friends. _ some give the answers, others give comments. _ listen to the teacher’s explanation. Task 2 _ read the requirement of the task carefully. _ listen to the explanation of the requirement of the task. _ work in pairs and practice asking and answering the questions and the answers given. _ change their roles then practice them again. _ ask their teacher if having any difficulties. Task 3 _ work in pairs, discussing the process of applying to a tertiary institution in Vietnam. _ some of them present their talks to the whole class. 3 _ asks some of them to give comments on their friends’ talks. _ can give comments or marks to some of them to encourage them on practicing speaking. _ some of them to give comments on their friends’ talks. 4. CONSOLIDATION: _ Students work in pairs, comparing the process of applying to a tertiary institution in Vietnam with that in America. _ Teacher can help them to organize the ideas. _ Some students present their talks. _ Others observe and give comments. 5. HOMEWORK: _ Learn the structures listed by heart. _ Prepare C. listening on pages 54- 55 for next class. LESSON PLAN UNIT 5 : HIGHER EDUCATION C. LISTENING PERIOD: 27 I. TEACHING AIMS: _ To practise students’ speaking and listening skills. _ To help students to guess the meaning of some words and do the task given in order to understand the listening about the problems when studying abroad as international students. II. TEACHING AIDS: _ Textbooks, pictures, colour chalks, hand-outs, tape, cassette player . III. TEACHING STAGES: 1. GREETING AND CHECKING ATTENDANCE: _ Teacher greets the class and checks if anyone is absent. 2. PREVIOUS LESSON: _ Talk about the problems of overpopulation and offer solutions. 3. NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES _ asks students to work in pairs, ask and A. Before you listen Guiding questions: 1. What are the problems you may 4 answer the questions given. _ asks some students to answer the questions given. _ notices students that they can use the information in their speaking lesson. _ presents some new words. _ gives the brief meaning of the words using various techniques. _ helps students pronounce the words correctly. _ asks students to read the task 1 carefully then ask their teacher if cannot understand nay difficult words. _ plays the tape then ask students to do task 1. _ asks some students to give the answers then correct their answers if necessary. _ give the suggested answers. _ asks students to copy the right answers. _ asks students to read the task 2 carefully and try to guess the answers if possible then compare with their friends’. _ asks students to do task 2 in pairs orally. _ asks some students to give the answers. encounter when studying in a new school? _ some students answer the questions given. _ some students answer and others give comments. New words 1. proportion 2. international 3. agricultural 4. majority 5. available 6. rural 7. tutorial 8. appointment 9. thoroughly B. While you listen Task 1 _ read the task 1 carefully then ask their teacher if cannot understand any difficult words. _ listen to the tape once or twice then do the task 1 themselves. _ compare their answers with their friends’. _ some do the task orally, others give comments on the answers. _ listen to the teacher’s explanation and take notes of the suggested answers. Suggested answers: 1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. T Task 2 _ work in pair discuss the requirement of the task carefully. _ try to guess the answers if possible then compare with their friends’. _ listen to the tape once or twice then do the task themselves. _ some give the answers, others give 5 _ can ask students to give the evidence to illustrate their answers. _ corrects the students’ answers. _ gives the right answers to them if possible. comments. _ can give the evidence to illustrate their ideas if possible. _ notice the right answers and copy them if possible. 4. CONSOLIDATION: 1. _ Students work in groups and answer the questions given. _ Some students report their results of the discussion to the whole class. _ T gives comments on the students’ work. 5. HOMEWORK: _ Learn the vocabulary listed by heart. _ Prepare D. Writing on pages 55 for next class. LESSON PLAN UNIT 5 : HIGHER EDUCATION D. WRITING PERIOD: 28 I. TEACHING AIMS: _ To practise students’ speaking and writing skills. _ To help students to able to write a paragraph about the problems that Vietnamese students may encounter when studying abroad. II. TEACHING AIDS: _ Textbooks, pictures, blackboard, colour chalks, hand-outs, . III. TEACHING STAGES: 1. GREETING AND CHECKING ATTENDANCE: _ Teacher greets the class and checks if anyone is absent. 2. PREVIOUS LESSON: _ Questions and answers about the listening. 3. NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES _ asks students to observe the chart carefully then use the words or phrases suggested to Task 1 1. language 2. learning style 6 make sentences of their own. _ asks some students to give their answers. _ asks some to give comments. _ asks some of them give the answers to the questions, others give comments on the answers and give supported ideas if possible. _ asks some of them to give the answers, others give comments. _ asks students if they need more information which can help them to organize their ideas. _ asks students to write the draft of the writing first. _ asks students to exchange their writing with their partners’ then correct the mistakes themselves. _ walks around to help students if possible. _ asks students to take their own drafts back then write the complete writing in their notebooks. _ explains or correct some common mistakes if necessary. _ asks students to copy the correction of some common mistakes and perfect their own writing with the accurate structures and vocabulary. _ can give the sample writing if having enough time. _ asks students to copy the sample writing then compare with their own writing if necessary. 3. cost of living 4. tuition fees 5. food 6. security 7. accommodation _ some students give their answers. _ some others give comments. _ then collect the ideas and organize them and start to write complete passage. Task 2 _ can ask their friends or their teacher to supply some ideas they do not know if necessary. _ start to write the draft of the writing first. _ exchange their writing with their partners’ then correct the mistakes themselves. _ ask the teacher for help if having any difficulty in correcting the mistake themselves. _ take their own drafts back then write the complete writing in their notebooks. _ listen to the teacher’s explanation or his correction on the blackboard. _ copy the correction of some common mistakes and perfect their own writing with the accurate structures and vocabulary. _ copy the sample writing then compare with their own writing if necessary. 4. CONSOLIDATION: _ Teacher correct some writing of the students if having time. _ Students take notes of the teacher’s explanation. 5. HOMEWORK: 7 _ Learn the lesson by heart. _ Prepare E. language Focus on pages 56-57 for next class. LESSON PLAN UNIT 5 : HIGH EDUCATION E. LANGUAGE FOCUS PERIOD 29 I. TEACHING AIMS: _ To practise students’ pronunciation and writing skills. _ To help students to be able pronounce the words listed correctly and revise conditional sentences (type1,2,3). II. TEACHING AIDS: _ Textbooks, pictures, colour chalks, hand-outs, tape, cassette player . III. TEACHING STAGES: 1. GREETING AND CHECKING ATTENDANCE: _ Teacher greets the class and checks if anyone is absent. 2. PREVIOUS LESSON: _ Questions and answers about the writing. 3. NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES _ play the tape and asks students to listen to the words listed in their books. _ asks students to listen to the tape then repeat the words in chorus. _ asks students to repeat the words individually. _ correct their pronunciation if necessary. _ asks students to read the sentences suggested individually. _ can read the sentences first and notice the sounds in words. _ asks some students to read the sentences aloud. _ asks others to give comments then correct their pronunciation if necessary. 1. Pronunciation _ listen to the words listed in their books. _ listen to the tape then repeat the words in chorus. _ some individuals repeat the words. _ listen to the teacher’s correction. _ read the sentences suggested individually. 2. Grammar 8 _ explains how to change direct speech into reported speech with gerund briefly then give some examples to illustrate and asks students to work in pairs to do the exercise suggested. _ asks students to discuss the answers with their friends. _ asks some of the students to do the exercise orally. _ asks others to give comments. _ gives the suggested answers if necessary. _ explains the example carefully. _ asks students to work in pairs to do the exercise suggested. _ asks students to discuss the answers with their friends. _ asks some of the students to do the exercise orally. _ asks others to give comments. _ gives the suggested answers if necessary. _ explains the example carefully. _ asks students to work in pairs to do the exercise suggested. _ asks students to discuss the answers with their friends. _ asks some of the students to do the exercise orally. _ asks others to give comments. _ gives the suggested answers if necessary Exercise 1 _ listen to the teacher’s explanation. _ work in pairs. Do the exercise given in the textbooks. _ discuss the answers with their friends then correct the mistakes themselves. _ discuss the answers with their friends. _ some of the students to do the exercise orally. _ other students give comments. _ take notes of the suggested answers. Exercise 2 _ notice the teacher’s explanation. _ work in pairs. Do the exercise given in the textbooks. _ discuss the answers with their friends then correct the mistakes themselves. _ some of the students to do the exercise orally. _ other students give comments. _ take notes of the suggested answers. Exercise 3 _ notice the teacher’s explanation. _ work in pairs. Do the exercise given in the textbooks. _ discuss the answers with their friends then correct the mistakes themselves. _ some of the students to do the exercise orally. _ other students give comments. _ take notes of the suggested answers 4. CONSOLIDATION: _ Teacher can ask students to give the structures of the conditional sentences. 5. HOMEWORK: _ Learn the structures and the vocabulary listed by heart. 9 _ prepare Unit 6: A. Reading on pages 58-59. 10 . greets the class and checks if anyone is absent. 2. PREVIOUS LESSON: _ Tenses in English. 3. NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES _ asks students. class and checks if anyone is absent. 2. PREVIOUS LESSON: _ Questions and answers about the reading. 3. NEW LESSON: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES

Ngày đăng: 05/09/2013, 22:10


