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Tran Van Trung, MA in TEFL Ha Tinh Specialized School Date: 07/ 10/ 2007 UNIT FIVE Allotted period in course: 26 ILLITERACY -- ----- * ----- PERIOD: 1 (READING) I. Aim - Improve reading skills and learn some new words and structures related illiteracy issues. II. Objectives By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: + develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, guessing meaning in context. + Use the information they have read to discuss illiteracy issues. III. Materials - Textbook, pictures and handouts. IV. Anticipated problems - Ss may lack vocabulary related to illiteracy issues, so T gets ready to help them. V. Procedure Time Steps Work arrangement 8’ 5’ WARM – UP Competition game - Divide the class into small groups of 4 to 5 and deliver the handout to each group of Ss. - Ask them to fill in the missing part of speech in each row below; and then ask them to write out a list of words or phrases that relate to “Illiteracy”: 1. Part of speech Verb Noun Adjective/P II Adverb Meaning 0 illiteracy 0 literate 0 educate promotive eradicable 0 eliminate 2. Words or phrases that relate to “Illiteracy” + Suggested words: Illiteracy rate, literacy rate, ethnic minority groups, poverty, mountainous areas, remote areas, reading and writing, eradicate/ eliminate illiteracy, illiterate, volunteer teacher, drop out, primary education, compulsory education, low-income families. - After Ss have finished filling in the table and writing out the list, call on each representative of each group to write out the answers on the board. - Give good marks to the group which has most correct words. PRE-READING - Get Ss to work in pairs and try to describe the pictures in the text book answering the following questions: 1, What can you see in the picture? 2, Who is the teacher? 3, What about the students? 4, Where do you think the class is taking place? - Make comments and give some suggested answers Group work Individual work, then pair work and the whole class Tran Van Trung, MA in TEFL Ha Tinh Specialized School 22’ WHILE YOU READ TASK 1: You are going to read about education in mountainous areas and do the reading tasks that follow. - Ask some guiding and checking questions. - Guide them to read the passage silently and then do the task according to the requirement - T may write the given phrases on the board so that Ss can find it easy to guess the meanings from the reading text. - Ask Ss to work individually and the in pairs - Check Ss’ understanding of the phrases by calling on some Ss to tell the equivalents in Vietnamese. - Check the answers with the whole class and give feedback and corrective answers. - If possible, ask Ss to make sentences with the given words and phrases. * Asnswers: 1.Phổ cập giáo dụctiểu học 2. Hội khuyến học Viêt Nam 3. Xoá mù chữ 4. Kỹ thuật canh tác 5. Kế hoặch hóa gia đình TASK 2: Get Ss to read the task requirement and do the task individually and then find a peer to compare their answer with. - Guide them to read the text carefully and then try to summarize it in the the Ss’ own words. - Ask them then to search the list of main ideas provided in the task to find the most suitable on. - Ask for the others’ agreement or disagreement and give correct answers after making comments. *Answer: D TASK 3: Ask Ss to scan the comprehension questions in the task without having to read the text again. - Guide them to do the task individually and then find a peer to compare their answer with. - Call on some Ss to write their answers on the board and ask them to explain their choice. Give feedback and the correct answers: 1, 94% of the population 2, The campaign for illiteracy eradication 3, 600 in 200 4, They willingly/voluntarily spent their vacations teaching ethnic minority illiterate people to read and write. 5, Illiteracy will soon be eradicated Individual work, then pair work and the whole class 8’ POST-READING - Introduce the task and provide some useful structures and vocabulary for them to discuss the questions “How to help illiterate people in the advantaged areas to read and write?” Group work and whole class 2’ WRAPPING - Summarizes the main points of the lesson - Assign homework: read and translate the passage into Vietnamese. - Ask them to prepare the next lesson, too: Speaking Whole class • Self – remarks and assessment: - Has the aim of the lesson been achieved? . - Have Ss grasped the focus of language? . - Has the teaching lesson been implemented according to the steps planned? - Have the activities such as pair and group work and individual work been carried out? - Has the time been allotted appropriately for each step? - What are the strong points? . - What is the weakness that needs to be improved?

Ngày đăng: 26/06/2013, 01:26

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