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Gíao aùn tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 Monday, August 25 th 2008 WEEK 1 Period 1 THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE I.Aims: - Review the previous grammar : the simple present tense : to be and regular verbs. - Help ps systematize their knowledge. II. Preparation: - T: Teaching plan, colour chalks, hand-outs. . . - Ps:Pens, pencils, notebooks. . . III.Teaching steps: - S1: Classroom procedure - S2: Old lesson : No - S3: New lesson : CONTENT ACTIVITIES I. Grammar: 1. Tobe : * Affirmative: is S + am + n / adj . . . are * Negative: is S + am + not + n / adj . . . are * Interrogative: Is Am + S + n / adj . . . ? Are 2. Regular verbs : * Affirmative: S + Vinf / V (e)s . . . * Negative: S + do / does + not + Vinf . . . * Interrogative: Do / Does + S + Vinf . . . ? II. Exercises : 1.Miss White’s sisters ( be ) in the room. 2.His brother ( be) very good at physics. 3.Where ( be ) the market ? It ( be ) next to the hotel. 4.You ( be ) with your mother? No, I ( not , be ) with her. 5.He ( be) my brother. She ( be ) my sister. T reviews: ------------> is Tobe ------------> am ------------> are Ps pay attention to t’s instructions. T writes the structures on the bb. Ps coppy down. T shows ps how to change the affirmative form into the negative / interrogative form. Ps listen to teacher. T guides ps how to use is/am/are: He, She, It, N ------> is I -----> am We, You, They, Ns -----> are T writes the structures on the bb. T compares Vinf > < V(e)s Do > < Does Ps pay attention to t’s instructions. Ps coppy down. T shows ps how to change the affirmative form into the negative / interrogative form. Ps listen to teacher. T guides ps how to use Vinf , V(e)s , do, does : He, She, It, N ----> V(e)s ----> does Gíao aùn tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 6.They ( be ) your sons? -Yes , they ( be ). 7.It ( not,be ) my pen. It ( be ) hers. 8.We ( be ) pupils. They ( be ) workers. 9.Today ( not,be ) my birthday.My birthday ( be ) on June 9th. 10.We ( go ) to school on foot every day. 11.He ( drink ) coffee very often. 12.The sun ( rise ) in the East and ( set ) in the West. 13.Every night my mother ( watch ) TV, my father ( read ) 14.He ( have ) a television? - No, he ( not, have ) a television . He ( have ) a computer. 15.What you ( have ) in your bag?- My bag ( have ) nothing. 16.Your father ( like ) football ? - No, he ( not ). He ( like ) badminton. 17.She always ( do ) her homework at home. 18.What they usually ( do ) at weekends ? - They usually ( go ) to the cinema. 19.He sometimes ( play ) tennis and ( play ) badminton. 20.This small girl ( study ) very hard. I, We, You, They, Ns ---> Vinf ---> do Yes, S + do / does No, S + do / does + not T gives a hand-out to each pupil, then asks them to give the suitable verb in the bracket. Ps work in pairs, try to get the correct answers quickly. Ps go to bb, write their answers . Tgives feedback and correct their mistakes. Answer keys: 1. are 2. is 3. Where is. . . ? – is 4. Are you. . .? - am not 5. is – is 6. Are they. . . ? – are 7. is not – is 8. are – are 9. is not – is 10. go 11. drinks 12. rises – sets 13. watches – reads 14. Does he have . . . ? 15. What do you have. . .? - has 16. Does your father like. . . ? – doesn’t – likes 17. does 18. What do they usually do .? – go 19. plays – plays 20. studies - S4: Notes: Signature: 25 . 08. 2008 Gíao aùn tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009  o, s, x, z, sh, ch + es V(e) s  y ------> i + es  . . . . . . . + s Monday, September 1 st 2008 WEEK 2 Period 2 THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE I.Aims: - Review the previous grammar : the simple past tense : to be and regular verbs. - Help ps systematize their knowledge. II. Preparation: - T: Teaching plan, colour chalks, hand-outs. . . - Ps:Pens, pencils, notebooks. . . III.Teaching steps: - S1: Classroom procedure - S2: Old lesson : The simple present tense: to be and regular verbs - S3: New lesson : CONTENT ACTIVITIES I. Grammar: 1.Tobe : * Affirmative: S + was / were + n / adj . . . * Negative: S + was / were + not + n / adj . . . * Interrogative: Was / Were + S + n / adj . . . ? 2. Regular verbs : * Affirmative: S + V2 / Ved . . . * Negative: S + did + not + Vinf . . . * Interrogative: Did + S + Vinf . . . ? II. Exercises : 1. Kent is here today, but he ( not, be ) yesterday. 2. It’s cold this week, but it ( not, be ) last week. 3. They are at home tonight but they ( be ) out last night. T reviews: -----> is -----> was Tobe -----> am -----> was ------> are -----> were Ps pay attention to t’s instructions. T writes the structures on the bb. Ps coppy down. T shows ps how to change the affirmative form into the negative / interrogative form. Ps listen to teacher. T guides ps how to usewas / were: I, He, She, It, N ---> was We , You, They, Ns --> were Yes, S + was / were. No, S + was / were + not. T writes the structures on the bb. T compares Ved > < V2 Ps pay attention to t’s instructions. Ps coppy down. Gíao aùn tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 4. Where ( be ) you 2 hours ago ? We ( be ) at the cinema. 5. You ( be ) born in 1991 ? No, I ( be ) born in 1992. 6. Two days ago he ( receive ) a letter. 7. Yesterday afternoon, I ( visit ) my friends. 8. They ( stop ) drinking coffee many years ago. 9. You ( finish ) your homework ? Yes, I ( finish ) it a long time ago. 10. Miss Lan ( watch ) TV last night. 11. We ( play ) football last week. 12. Where she ( study ) last night ? - She ( study ) at the library 13. In 1995 their father ( build ) this house. 14. The children ( go ) to the zoo last Saturday. 15. I ( see ) these woman last week. 16. Our parents ( come ) to the party 15 minutes ago. 17. She ( not, cook ) dinner yesterday night. 18. Minh ( not, learn ) English when he was 10. 19. What you ( do ) yesterday ? I ( do ) my homework. 20. What time you ( go ) to bed last night ? - We ( go ) to bed at 10:30 pm T shows ps how to change the affirmative form into the negative / interrogative form. Ps listen to teacher. T guides ps how to use the structures. T gives a hand-out to each pupil, then asks them to give the suitable verb in the bracket. Ps work in pairs, try to get the correct answers quickly. Ps go to bb, write their answers . Tgives feedback and correct their mistakes. Answer keys: 1. was not 2. was not 3. were 4. Where were you ? were 5. Were you . . . ? was 6. received 7. visited 8. stopped 9. Did you finish? finished 10. watched 11. played 12. Where did she study. .? - studied 13. built 14. went 15. saw 16. came 17. didn’t cook 18. did not learn 19. What did you do ? did 20. What time did you go . ? - went - S4: Notes: Gíao aùn tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009  e + d Ved  y ------> i + ed  . . . . . . . + ed Name………………………………………………….Class 10C… THE SIMPLE PAST TENSE ( hand-out 2 ) I . Structures: 1. Tobe: S + was / were + n / adj . . . S + was / were + not + n / adj . . . Was / Were + S + n / adj . . . ? 2. Verbs: S + Ved / V2 . . . S + did + not + Vinf . . . Did + S + Vinf . . . ? II. Exercises: 1. In the past, mumps ( be ) a serious ill. 2. It’s cold this week, but it ( not, be ) last week. 3. They are at home tonight but they ( be ) out last night. 4. Where ( be ) you 2 hours ago ? We ( be ) at the cinema. 5. ( be ) you born in 1991 ? No, I ( be ) born in 1992. 6. Two days ago he ( receive ) a letter. Signature: 01 . 09 . 2008 Gíao aùn tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 7. Yesterday afternoon, I ( visit ) my friends. 8. They ( stop ) drinking coffee many years ago. 9. You ( finish ) your homework ? Yes, I ( finish ) it a long time ago. 10. Miss Lan ( watch ) TV last night. 11. We ( play ) football last week. 12. Where she ( study ) last night ? She (.study ) at the library . 13. In 1995 their father ( build ) this house. 14. The children ( go ) to the zoo last Saturday. 15. I ( see ) these woman last week. 16. Our parents ( come ) to the party 15 minutes ago. 17. She ( not, cook ) dinner yesterday night. 18. Minh ( not, learn ) English when he was 10. 19. What you ( do ) yesterday ? I ( do ) my homework. 20. What time you ( go ) to bed last night ? We ( go ) to bed at 10:30 pm WEEK 3 Monday, September 8 th 2008 Period 3 THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE I.Aims: - Review the previous grammar : the present perfect tense - Help ps systematize their knowledge. II. Preparation: - T: Teaching plan, colour chalks, hand-outs. . . - Ps:Pens, pencils, notebooks. . . III.Teaching steps: - S1: Classroom procedure - S2: Old lesson : The simple present and simple past tense: to be and regular verbs - S3: New lesson : CONTENT ACTIVITIES I. Grammar: 1. Affirmative: has S + --------- + V3/ed . . . have 2. Negative: has S + --------- + not + V3/ed . . . have 3. Interrogative: Has ---------- + S + V3/ed . . . ? Have T reviews: ---> is ---> was ---> been Tobe ---> am ---> was ---> been ---> are ---> were--->been Vinf ---> V2 / Ved ---> V3 / Ved Ps pay attention to t’s instructions. T writes the structures on the bb. Ps coppy down. T shows ps how to change the affirmative form into the negative / interrogative form. Ps listen to teacher. T guides ps how to use has / have: Gíao aùn tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 II. Exercises : 1. He ( just, tell ) me about you. 2. He ( not, make ) any mistakes yet. 3. You ( see ) Mai and Nam recently ? - Yes, I ( just, see) them. 4. They ( do ) their homework yet ? - Yes, they ( already, do ) their homework. 5. Daisy ( write ) many books since she lelf school. 6. I ( not, see ) you for a long time. 7. She ( learn ) English before ? No, she ( not, learn ) it . 8. Mr. Nam and his wife ( visit ) Ha Long Bay for two days. 9. How long you ( live ) here ? We ( live ) here for 10 years. 10. Since when this peasant ( harrrow ) his plot of land ? - He ( harrow ) it since last week. III. Irregular verbs: Tell told told Make made made See saw seen Do did done Write wrote written Learn learnt learnt Go went gone Sing sang song Come came come He, She, It, N -----> has I,We, You, They, Ns ----> have Yes, S + has / have. No, S + has / have + not. T compares Ved > < V2 > < V3 T gives a hand-out to each pupil, then asks them to supply the correct present perfect form of the verbs in the brackets. Ps work in pairs, try to get the correct answers quickly. Ps go to bb, write their answers . T gives feedback and corrects their mistakes. Answer keys: 1. has just told 2. has not made 3. Have you seen . . . ? - have just seen 4. Have they done . . . ? – they have already done 5. has written 6. haven’t seen 7. Has she learnt . . . ? - hasn’t learnt 8. have visited 9. How long have you lived . . . ? – have lived Gíao án tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 Build built built 10. Since when has this . . . ? - has harrowed - S4: Notes: Signal words: since / for / recently / before / just / yet / already / till / untill . . . Signature: 08 . 09 . 2008 THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE – THÌ HIỆN TẠI HOÀN THÀNH ( hand-out 3 ) I. Structures: 1. Affirmative – Thể khẳng đònh: He, She, It, N has S + ---------- + V 3 / ed . . . I, We, You, They, Ns have 2. Negative – Thể phủ đònh: He, She, It, N has S + ---------- + not + V 3 / ed . . . I, We, You, They, Ns have has not  hasn’t / have not  haven’t 3. Interrogative – Thể nghi vấn: Has He, She, It, N --------- + S + V 3 / ed . . . ? Have I, We, You, They, Ns Yes, S + has / have ; No, S + hasn’t / haven’t II. Exercises: 1. He ( just, tell ) me about you. 2. He ( not, make ) any mistakes yet. Gíao aùn tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 3. You ( see ) Mai and Nam recently ? Yes, I ( just, see) them. 4. They ( do ) their homework yet ? Yes, they ( already, do ) their homework. 5. Daisy ( write ) many books since she lelf school. 6. I ( not, see ) you for a long time. 7. She ( learn ) English before ? No, she ( not, learn ) it . 8. Mr. Nam and his wife ( visit ) Ha Long Bay for two days. 9. How long you ( live ) here ? We ( live ) here for 10 years. 10. Since when this peasant ( harrrow ) his plot of land ? He ( harrow ) it since last week WEEK 4 Sunday, September 14 th 2008 Period 4 THE PRESENT & PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE I.Aims: - Review the previous grammar : the present continous, past con- tense. - Help ps systematize their knowledge. II. Preparation: - T: Teaching plan, colour chalks, hand-outs. . . - Ps:Pens, pencils, notebooks. . . III.Teaching steps: - S1: Classroom procedure - S2: Old lesson : The simple present , simple past tense and present perfect tense. - S3: New lesson : CONTENT ACTIVITIES I. Grammar: 1. The present continuous tense: * Affirmative: is S + am + Ving . . . are * Negative: is S + am + not + Ving . . . are * Interrogative: Is Am + S + Ving . . . ? Are 2. The past continuous tense: * Affirmative: T reviews: ---> is ---> was Tobe ---> am ---> was ---> are ---> were Vinf ---> Ving Ps pay attention to t’s instructions. T writes the structures on the bb. Gíao aùn tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 was S + --------- + Ving . . . were * Negative: was S + --------- + not + Ving . . . were * Interrogative: Was --------- + S + Ving . . . ? Were B. Exercises : 1. Keep quiet. My mother (watch) TV, my father ( read ) books. 2. She ( do ) her homework now ? – No, she ( draw ). 3. Phong ( ride ) his bike to school. 4. What you ( do ) now ? We ( cook ). 5. Listen ! They ( sing ). 6. At the moment I ( work ) with children. 7. Look, Mr Ha ( worry ) about his son safely. 8. He can’t answer the phone now. He ( have ) a bath. 9. As I ( run ) to school, I fell down 10. While I ( talk ) to John, the telephone rang. 11.Mr Taylor ( watch ) television while his wife ( read ) a newspaper. 12. At 9:00 pm yesterday, my grandfather ( sleep ). 13. At this time last Sunday we ( swim ). 14. I ( enjoy ) the party when they came. 15. Yesterday, at half past seven, we ( listen ) to an interesting play on the radio. 16. All last weeek they ( stay ) with me. Ps coppy down. T shows ps how to change the affirmative form into the negative / interrogative form. Ps listen to teacher. T reviews ps how to use was / were He, She, It, N, I -----> was We, You, They, Ns ----> were T gives a hand-out to each pupil, then asks them to supply the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. Ps work in pairs, try to get the correct answers quickly. T goes around and gives help then asks many ps to present their answers on the board. Ps go to bb, write their answers . T gives feedback and corrects their mistakes. Ps pay attention to the teacher and take note carefullly. [...]... bb, write their answers T gives feedback and corrects their mistakes Gíao án tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 bed Signature 20 10 2008 Tuesday, September 21st 2008 WEEK 10 Period 10 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES I.Aims: - Review the previous grammar : conditional sentences – type 1, 2, 3 - Help ps do exercises well II Preparation: - T: Teaching plan, colour chalks, hand-outs - Ps:Pens,... cook ) 5 They can ( play ) football ? - Yes, they can ( play ) tennis, too Gíao án tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 6 I ( not, see ) you tomorrow 7 She (learn) English when the telephone rang 8 Mr Nam and his wife (visit) Ha Long Bay next week 9 He must (clean) his shoes 10 He can’t answer the phone now He (have) a bath in his bathroom 11 At 9:00 pm yesterday, my grandfather ( sleep)... businessman and I can’t afford to buy an expensive car 3 My parents do not allow me to go, so I have to stay at home Ps pay attention to t’s instructions T gives a hand-out to each pupil, then asks them to choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) Ps do the exercises individually and then compare their answers with another pupil T goes around and gives help then collects the answers... Lan and her mother ………… here tomorrow A will B will be C won’t D A&B 8/ He is going to market ……… A now B tomorrow C at the present D all Ps work in pairs, try to get the correct answers quickly T goes around and gives help then asks many ps to present their answers on the board Ps go to bb, write their answers T gives feedback and corrects their mistakes Gíao án tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban... address T goes around and gives help Ps go to bb, write their answers T gives feedback and corrects their mistakes Gíao án tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 Signature 13 10 2008 WEEK 9 Period 9 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES Tuesday, September 14th 2008 I.Aims: - Review the previous grammar : conditional sentences – type 3 - Help ps systematize their knowledge and do exercises II Preparation:... introduces the structures by writing the structures on the bb can + must + Vinf T shows ps how to change the affirmative form into the negative / interrogative form Gíao án tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 S can + - + not + Vinf must * Interrogative: Can + Must S + Vinf ? B Exercise 1: 1 Kent is here today, but he ( not, be ) tomorrow 2 They can ( play ) football... their answers Gíao án tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 Miss Lan 7 The thief has just been arrested He admitted stealing my car The thief 8 The passage is long It is mainly about mass media The passage 9 She takes eggs to market every day Eggs 10 “ It is raining now”, she said She said that 11 Lan likes reading this book Her parents bought it 10 years ago Lan 12 Miss Joe wants to... gives a hand-out to each of Gíao án tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 the pupil Ps complete the given sentences by changing direct speech to indirect speech T goes around to observe and gives help, next gets some pupils to present their answers Ps go to the board to write the answers T leaves detailed instruction to help ps understand the lesson well Ps listen to teacher and take... án tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 * Những động từ tường thuật thường gặp: advise, answer, ask, complain, continue, cry, decide, demand, feel, forbid, hear, imagine, inform, invite, order, think, warn, wonder III Một số biến đổi cơ bản khi đổi sang lời nói gián tiếp: 1 Modal verb changes: Direct speech Can Will May Reported speech Could Would Might 2 Time changes: Direct speech... careless driver He had an accident last week Tim Ps go to the board to write the answers T leaves detailed instruction to help ps understand the lesson well, then gives correcttive feedback Ps listen to teacher , take notes carefully and correct the mistakes Signature: 24 11 2008 Gíao án tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 CONTENT ACTIVITIES T reviews the main changes in reported speech, . individual and then compare their answers with another pupil. T goes around and gives help. Ps go to bb, write their answers . T gives feedback and corrects. their mistakes. Gíao aùn tự chọn tiếng Anh 10 – Ban cơ bản – Năm học 2008-2009 Signature 13 . 10 . 2008 WEEK 9 Tuesday, September 14 th 2008 Period 9 CONDITIONAL

Ngày đăng: 01/09/2013, 03:10

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