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Bài Chia động từ thích hợp (thì đơn tương lai đơn) We’ll go out when the rain (stop) I (stay) _ here until he (answer) _ me Wait until I (catch) _ you She (not come) _ until you (be) ready Miss Helen (help) you as soon as she (finish) _ the report tomorrow After the class (be) _ over, ask the teacher about that sentence I (come) and (see) you before I leave here We (go) home as soon as we have finished our work I (wait) here until you (come) back tomorrow 10 I (send) you some postcards as soon as I (arrive) _ in London Bài Chia động từ thích hợp (Hiện đơn, Tương lai đơn, Hiện t ại hoàn thành, Tương lai hoàn thành) I’ll wait until he (finish) _ his novel When you (come) _ back, he already (buy) _ a new house Don’t come until I (finish) _ lunch I (hope) it (stop) _ raining by o’clock this afternoon The river (not begin) to swell until some rain (fall) _ By next month I (leave) for India The film (end) _ by the time we (get) _ there They (build) _ a house by June next year We (start) _ our plan next week 10 I (give) her your letter when I (see) her tomorrow Bài Chia thích hợp (Hiện đơn, tương lai đơn, tương lai tiếp diễn) When you (go) into the office, Mr John (sit) _ at the front desk 2 Our English teacher (explain) that lesson to us tomorrow We (wait) for you when you (get) _ back tomorrow What _ you (do) at 7p.m next Sunday? I (practise) my English lesson then When I (see) Mr Pike tomorrow, I (remind) him of that When you (come) today, I (work) _ at my desk in Room 12 He (work) _ on the report at this time tomorrow Please wait here until the manager (return) _ Don’t leave until you (see) _ her 10 The Browns (do) their housework when you (come) _ next Friday Bài Chia động từ thích hợp (thì tương lai) I’m sure they (complete) _ the new road by June He (wait) for you when you (get) _ back tomorrow At this same time tomorrow, we (drive) through Ho Chi Minh city We (see) you next Monday In two years from now, the contract (come) _ to an end Who (look) after the children when you are away? By November I (work) _ for this company for years If you call her at 6, she (practise) _ the piano then By March 15, I (be) _ here for one year 10 We (move) _ to our new house ar Chrismas this year 11 By the end of December, John (work) as a reporter for ten years 12 By the time you arrive, I (finish) _ writing an essay 13 I (give) _ him your message when I (see) _ him 14 He certainly (not do) all his homework by ten tonight 15 Don’t call him at 2:30 p.m He (interview) job applicants at that time 16 The teacher hopes we (pass) our exams 17 By this time next week, he (write) _ his novel for months 18 They (arrive) on Wednesday 19 I hop the weather (be) _ fine today 20 You (finish) your work by tonight KEY Bài 1: stops Will stay will help – finishes6 Is will wait – come Catch Won’t come - are Will come – see Will go 10 Will send – arrive Bài has finished Come – has already bought Have finished hope – will have stopped Will not begin – falls Will have left will have ended Will have built Will start Will explain 3.will be waiting – get 10 will send – arrive Bài go – will be sitting will you be doing – will be practising come – will be working see See – will remind Will be working Returns 10 Will be doing – come Bài will have completed Will be waiting – get Will be driving will se Will have come Will look will have been working Will be practising Will have been 10 will move 11 Will have been working 12 Will have finished 13 will give – see 14 Won’t have done 15 Will be interviewing 16 will pass 17 Will have been writing 18 Will arrive 19 will be 20 Will you have finished ... their housework when you (come) _ next Friday Bài Chia động từ thích hợp (thì tương lai) I’m sure they (complete) _ the new road by June He (wait) for you when...2 Our English teacher (explain) that lesson to us tomorrow We (wait) for you when you (get) _ back... stopped Will not begin – falls Will have left will have ended Will have built Will start Will explain 3.will be waiting – get 10 will send – arrive Bài go – will be sitting will you be doing –

Ngày đăng: 29/04/2019, 23:14

