tekla Structure là phần mềm chuyên phục vụ thiết kế kết cấu thép. Nó có khả năng mô hình 3D công trình thép ở mức độ chi tiết nhất, đồng thời tự động tạo ra các bản vẽ kỹ thuật thi công cũng như thống kê chi tiết khối lượng.
Author: Đỗ Văn Cường Mobile: 0916 299 188 Email: docuongthxd@gmail.com Tekla Structures Foundation Course 2014 Tekla Structures Foundation Course 2014 Lesson I – Lesson X Version 1.0 Nhận đào tạo Tekla Structures theo yêu cầu Author: Đỗ Văn Cường Mobile: 0916 299 188 Email: docuongthxd@gmail.com Table of Contents Lesson I – Evolution of BIM & About Tekla Structures 12 Evolution of BIM 13 a Manual Drafting 13 b Two Dimensional Computer Aided Design (2D CAD) 14 c 3D CAD – Solid Modeling 14 d Parametric Modeling 14 e First BIM Software 15 What is BIM 16 Collaboration and Information Management 16 BIM Technology 17 Why BIM? 17 BIM Is Not Everywhere 17 Tekla Structures BIM Software 18 One software solution, different configurations and environments 18 Key Benefits 19 10 Main Features 19 11 Starting Tekla Structures 21 12 Mở mơ hình Tekla Structures 24 a Exercise 24 13 Tekla Structures Toolbars 25 a Di chuyển toolbar 25 b Di chuyển mơ hình 25 c Rotating the model 26 d Exercise 26 14 Hệ tọa độ (Coordinate System) 26 a Hệ tọa độ địa phương (Local Coordinate Symbol) 26 b Hệ tọa độ tổng thể (Global Coordinate Symbol) 26 c Exercise 26 15 Lựa chọn đối tượng (Selecting Objects) 27 a Switching rollover highlight on or off 27 Version 1.0 Nhận đào tạo Tekla Structures theo yêu cầu Author: Đỗ Văn Cường Mobile: 0916 299 188 Email: docuongthxd@gmail.com b Selecting single objects 27 c Selecting multiple objects 27 d Exercise 28 16 View Manipulation 28 a Lựa chọn thể Part 28 b Exercise 30 c View list 30 d Arranging views 31 e Exercise 32 f Chuyển 3D mặt (Switching between 3D and plane view) 32 g Exercise 32 h Tạo clip plane 33 i Exercise 33 j Exercise 34 k Ẩn đối tượng chọn (Hiding selected parts) 34 l Exercise 35 m Exercise 35 n Hiện đối tượng chọn (Show selected parts) 35 o Exercise 36 p Exercise 36 q Chế độ bay mơ hình (Flying through the model) 36 r Exercise 37 17 Kết xuất thông tin (Extracting Basic Information) 38 a Inquiring the model 38 b Inquiring model objects 38 c Exercise 38 d Thống kê khối lượng (Bill of quantities) 38 e Exercise 39 18 Sử dụng lệnh (Using Commands) 39 a Lặp lại lệnh (Repeating a command) 39 b Kết thúc lệnh (Ending a command) 39 c Hủy bỏ lệnh (Undoing a command) 39 Version 1.0 Nhận đào tạo Tekla Structures theo yêu cầu Author: Đỗ Văn Cường Mobile: 0916 299 188 Email: docuongthxd@gmail.com d Làm lại lệnh (Redoing a command) 39 Lesson II – Basic Modeling 40 Tạo mơ hình (Creating a new model) 41 Lưới (Grid) 41 a Exercise 42 a Thuộc tính lưới (Grid Properties) 43 a Exercise 44 b Grid Views 45 a Exercise 46 Móng đơn (Pad Footing) 47 a Để tạo móng đơn (Creating a pad footing) 47 a Exercise 47 b Sửa móng đơn (Modify a pad footing) 47 a Exercise 48 Cột thép (Steel Column) 49 a Tạo cột thép (Creating a steel column) 49 b Thuộc tính cột thép (Steel column properties) 50 c Exercise 51 Dầm thép (Steel Beam) 52 a Tạo dầm thép (Creating a steel beam) 52 b Thuộc tính dầm thép (Steel beam properties) 53 c Exercise 54 Sao chép đối tượng (Copying an object) 55 a Exercise 55 Mirroring đối tượng 56 a Exercise 57 Xoay đối tượng quanh trục z 57 a Exercise 58 Dầm thép liên tục (Steel Polybeam) 59 a Tạo dầm thép liên tục (Creating a steel polybeam) 59 b Exercise 60 Lesson III-A – Basic Modeling 61 Version 1.0 Nhận đào tạo Tekla Structures theo yêu cầu Author: Đỗ Văn Cường Mobile: 0916 299 188 Email: docuongthxd@gmail.com Lựa chọn bắt (Selection Switches) 62 Snap switches 62 a Main switches 63 b Other snap switches 64 Component 64 a Concepts 64 b Component Types 65 c Discussion 65 Component dialog box 66 a Defining parts and plates 66 b Defining bolts 67 c Defining welds 68 Viewing components 68 Thư viện liên kết (Component Catalog) 69 a Nhóm components 70 b Exercise 71 c Exercise 71 d Exercise 71 e Exercise 72 Exploding components (Phá vỡ liên kết) 72 Lesson III-B – Basic Modeling 74 Vùng làm việc (Work area) 75 a Định nghĩa vùng làm việc (Defining work area) 75 b Ẩn tạm thời vùng làm việc (Temporary hiding the work area) 76 View Plane 76 a Basic views 76 b Tạo khung view qua điểm (Create view using two points) 78 c Tạo khung view qua điểm (Create view using three points) 78 d Tạo khung view work plane (Create view on work plane) 79 10 Work plane 79 a Set work plane parallel to a plane 80 b Set work plane using three points 80 Version 1.0 Nhận đào tạo Tekla Structures theo yêu cầu Author: Đỗ Văn Cường Mobile: 0916 299 188 Email: docuongthxd@gmail.com c Set work plane parallel to view plane 81 d Set work plane to top plane of a part 81 e Work plane grid 81 f Shifting work plane 82 g Restoring the default work plane 82 h Exercise 82 11 Construction objects 83 a Tạo construction line (Creating a construction line) 84 b Tạo construction circle (Creating a construction circle) 84 c Points 84 d Tạo điểm (Creating a point) 84 12 Truy bắt điểm (Advanced Snapping) 85 a Numeric snapping 85 b Numeric location coordinates 85 c Creating a temporary reference point 86 d Locking a coordinate 87 Lesson IV – Basic Detailing 88 Bu lông (Bolts) 89 a Tạo nhóm bolt 89 b Exercise 89 c Thuộc tính Bolt 89 d Changing or adding bolted parts 93 e Exercise 93 Holes 94 a Tạo lỗ tròn (Creating round holes) 94 Đường hàn (Welds) 95 a Tạo đường hàn đối tượng 95 b Tạo đường hàn qua nhiều điểm 95 c Thuộc tính hàn (Weld Properties) 95 d Exercise 98 Cốt thép (Reinforcements) 98 a Nhóm cốt thép (Reinforcing bar group) 98 Version 1.0 Nhận đào tạo Tekla Structures theo yêu cầu Author: Đỗ Văn Cường Mobile: 0916 299 188 Email: docuongthxd@gmail.com b Tạo nhóm cốt thép (Creating a reinforcing bar group) 99 c Vùng phân bố (Distribution area) 100 d Định nghĩa vật liệu cốt thép (Defining bar grade) 101 e Phân bố cốt thép (Distribution of bars) 101 f Omitting reinforcing bars 104 g Định nghĩa bán kính uốn cho cốt thép (Defining hook for reinforcing bar) 104 h Định nghĩa lớp bảo vệ cốt thép (Defining the reinforcing bar cover thickness) 105 i Các kiểu hình dạng cốt thép (Reinforcing bar group types) 106 j Exercise 107 Lesson V – Basic Detailing & Numbering 109 Tách kết hợp đối tượng (Splitting and combining parts) 110 a Tách đối tượng (Splitting parts) 110 b Kết hợp đối tượng 110 Cắt đối tượng (Cutting a part) 110 a Fitting 110 b Line cuts 111 c Cắt dạng đa giác (Polygon cuts) 111 d Cắt sử dụng đối tượng khác (Part cuts) 112 Bản thép (Steel contour plate) 113 a Để tạo mã thép 113 b Thêm góc cho mã 113 c Vát góc (Corner chamfers) 114 Working with reinforcement 115 a Attaching reinforcement to parts 115 b Modifying reinforcement 115 c Ungrouping a reinforcement 116 d Group reinforcements 116 e Adding points to a reinforcement 116 f Removing points from a reinforcement 117 g Splitting reinforcing bar groups 117 h Splitting reinforcing bars in a group 117 i Combining two reinforcing bars or reinforcing bar groups into one 118 Version 1.0 Nhận đào tạo Tekla Structures theo yêu cầu Author: Đỗ Văn Cường Mobile: 0916 299 188 Email: docuongthxd@gmail.com j Reinforcement geometry validity 118 k Reinforcing bar bending types 118 l Exercise 118 Basic Numbering 118 a Đánh số (What is numbering) 118 b Đánh số đối tượng (Numbering objects) 118 c Numbering series 119 d Exercise 120 Lesson VI – Basic Drawings 122 Các tính vẽ (Main features of drawings) 123 Các loại vẽ (Drawing Types) 123 a General Arrangement (GA) Drawings 123 b Bản vẽ Cast Unit 127 c Bản vẽ Assembly 128 d Bản vẽ Single Part 129 e Multidrawings 131 Finding and opening drawings 132 a Opening the Drawing List 133 b What is displayed in the Drawing List 133 c Modifying Drawing List contents 134 d Selecting drawings in the Drawing List 134 e Checking whether parts have drawings 135 Lesson VII – Basic Drawings 136 Đổi tên vẽ (Renaming drawings) 137 Đưa tiêu đề cho vẽ 137 Thêm khung nhìn vào vẽ (Adding views in drawing) 138 a Để tạo detail view 138 b Tạo section view 138 c Tạo curved section view 139 d Tạo thêm views parts 139 e Tạo view view tồn mơ hình 139 f Tạo view phần chọn model view 139 Version 1.0 Nhận đào tạo Tekla Structures theo yêu cầu Author: Đỗ Văn Cường Mobile: 0916 299 188 Email: docuongthxd@gmail.com g Tạo view vùng chọn drawing view 140 h Thêm single-part views vẽ assembly 140 i Copy drawing views từ vẽ khác 140 j Di chuyển views tới vẽ khác 140 k Linking views từ vẽ khác 141 Thay đổi kích thước drawing views 141 a Thay đổi kích thước drawing view 141 b Thay đổi kích thước đường bao drawing view 142 c Di chuyển drawing view 142 d Căn chỉnh views 142 e Xoay drawing view 143 Thêm kích thước (Adding Dimensions) 143 a Thêm kích thước thơng thường 143 b Adding predefined reinforcement dimensions 146 c Adding dimension (distribution) lines to reinforcing bars 147 Editing dimensions 147 a Moving the end of the dimension line 147 Associative annotation objects 148 a Adding part marks 148 b Adding associative notes 148 c Change symbols 149 Independent annotation objects 150 a Adding text 150 b Adding links to text files 150 c Adding hyperlinks 151 d Thêm links tới file dwg dxf 152 Lưới vẽ 152 a Sửa thuộc tính lưới đường lưới 152 b Di chuyển nhãn lưới (Moving grid labels) 152 c Ẩn hệ lưới đường lưới 153 10 Ba cấp độ vẽ sửa đổi (Three levels of modifying drawings) 153 a Cấp độ vẽ (Drawing level) 153 Version 1.0 Nhận đào tạo Tekla Structures theo yêu cầu Author: Đỗ Văn Cường Mobile: 0916 299 188 Email: docuongthxd@gmail.com b Cấp độ view (View level) 154 c Cấp độ đối tượng (Object level) 155 11 Drawing layouts 155 a Table Layout 156 b Drawing size 157 Lesson VIII – Collaboration 159 b Merging two Tekla Structures models 160 Exercise 160 Multi-user mode 160 a General information on the multi-user mode 161 b Overview of the multi-user system 161 c How multi-user works 162 d Modeling in multi-user mode 163 e Drawings in multi-user mode 166 Tekla BIMsight 168 a Tải xuống cài đặt 168 b Tạo dự án 169 c Thêm model vào dự án 169 d Di chuyển model 169 e Điều hướng (Navigation) 169 f Clip Planes 170 g Validating a model 170 h Markup 171 i Commenting 172 j Documents 172 k Exercise 173 l m Exercise 173 Exercise (Optional) 174 Lesson IX – Interoperability 176 Reference Models 177 a Inserting a reference model 177 b Modifying visibility of a reference model 178 Version 1.0 Nhận đào tạo Tekla Structures theo yêu cầu 10 Lesson IX Select the Model type, which can be Analysis, Design or SP3D Select CIS/1 or CIS/2 from the CIS version list Enter the name of the model file in the Input file box You can also browse for the file Set the origin coordinates to place the file in a specific location To combine several elements in the CIS model into one part in Tekla Structures, set Combine members to Yes Use Max length for combining to define the maximum length for combining parts (the maximum length of the combined parts together) Set Ignore offsets Yes if you want Tekla Structures to use member offsets to locate the physical members In Ignore forces, indicate how forces are imported To also import part GUIDS, set Import GUID (design model) to Yes On the Conversion tab, enter the conversion file names or browse for the conversion files Click OK to go to the Import Model dialog box 10 Click Import Tekla Structures displays the Import model info dialog box 11 Select which version of parts to import 12 Click Accept all If you have changed the model and want to re-import it, you can also reject all changes by clicking Reject all, or accept or reject individual changes by clicking Select individual 13 Tekla Structures displays the message Do you want to save the import model for subsequent imports? Click Yes Tekla Structures displays the import model in a model view 14 Right-click the model view and select Fit work area to entire model to ensure that the imported model is completely visible 15 If parts are missing, check the View depth Up and Down values in the View Properties dialog box and change them if necessary Exporting to a CIMSteel analysis model To export to a CIMsteel analysis model: Open a Tekla Structures model that you want to export Select the objects to export using the appropriate selection switches or filters Click File > Export > CIMSteel > Analysis model Select the CIS version from the CIS version list CIS/1 generates a file that is compatible with the CIMsteel LPM4DEP1 schema declaration CIS/2 generates a file compatible with the CIMSteel CIS/2 (STRUCTURAL_FRAME_SCHEMA) schema declaration 185 Lesson IX Enter a name for the export file in the Step file box or accept the default You can enter the path or browse for it If you not enter a path, Tekla Structures creates the export file in the current model folder If required, enter the name and organization to identify who created the export file From the Flavor list, select one of the following standards to apply to the export: UK, EUROPEAN, or US Set units to metric or imperial in the Linear units (CIS/2 only) box Imperial is only available for CIS/2 CIS/1 is always exported in metric units Enter coordinate values in Origin X, Y, and Z boxes if you want to export the model to a specific location The origin comes from the origin in Tekla Structures 10 To split a part in the Tekla Structures model into several elements in the CIMsteel model, set Split members to Yes For example, three columns may be connected to a beam in a model, so that one column is in the middle and the others are at each end of the beam With the Yes option the beam is split into two equal elements in the CIMsteel model With the No option there will be one beam, a single linear element, and two nodes (a node at each end) in the CIMsteel model 11 Click Apply and Create Tekla Structures exports the CIMSteel analysis model to the current model folder, or to another folder you specified, using the name you specified 186 Lesson IX h Exercise Create a new Tekla Structures model and import a CIS/2 file called “Space Frame.stp” Use appropriate profile conversion file if necessary Analysis and design systems Analysis and design systems are used to design and analyze the frame or components within a structure These applications calculate the loading, stresses and strains on the elements They also calculate the moments, shears and deflections on objects under various loading conditions These types of applications make use of various forms of analysis from the traditional first order static, second order p-delta, geometric non-linear or buckling analysis They can also make use of various forms of dynamic analysis from modal extraction to time history and response spectrum analysis along with the sizing of steel, concrete and timber elements to the relevant national and international design codes Some examples of these systems are CSC Orion, ETABS, STAAD.Pro, SAP2000, Robot, ISM, S-Frame, MIDAS, Dlubal, SCIA, Powerframe, GTStrudl, Strusoft, and AxisVM 187 Lesson IX a Basics Parts Loads Node Analysis bar and member Analysis model Physical and load models Physical model A physical model includes the parts you have created in the model, and information related to them Each part in the physical model exists in the completed structure Load model The load model contains information about loads and load groups It also contains information about the building code Tekla Structures uses in load combination 188 Lesson IX Analysis model An analysis model is used when structural analysis is run Tekla Structures generates the required analysis members automatically for the physical model parts when you have an analysis model selected in the Analysis & Design models dialog box The following analysis objects are generated: Nodes and analysis members and elements of the physical parts Support conditions for nodes Connectivity between the members and nodes Loads to members and elements The analysis model also includes load combinations Analysis application Tekla Structures links with a number of analysis applications and also supports export with them in several formats The analysis application you use to run structural analysis uses data from the analysis model to generate analysis results For more information on the analysis applications that you can use with Tekla Structures, visit Tekla Extranet at https://extranet.tekla.com You can also access Tekla Extranet from Tekla Structures at Help > Online Support > Tekla Extranet b Analysis and design direct links When you have a direct link to an analysis and design application, and you export the analysis model from Tekla Structures using that particular analysis application, the model is opened in the application Tekla Structures and the analysis and design application need to be installed on the same computer The analysis and design direct links are created either using the Tekla Open API or the older COM link (Common Object Model transfer technology) A number of direct links are available including AxisVM, CSC Orion, Diamonds, Dlubal, ETABS, GTStrudl, ModeSt, MIDAS, NISA, Powerframe, ISM, Robot, SAP2000, SCIA, S-Frame, STAAD.Pro, STRUDS, and Strusoft CSC Orion, ETABS, STAAD.Pro, SAP2000, Robot and ISM are available for downloading on the Tekla Extranet For the other applications, the links can be downloaded from the vendor web sites or by contacting the vendor There are special 64-bit installations for STAAD.Pro, SAP2000, Robot and ISM The other direct links should only be used with 32-bit installations of Tekla Structures, which can be loaded on a computer with a 64-bit operating system c Robot The Robot Millennium A&D application is owned by Autodesk Inc Full product details can be found on the Robot Millennium web site This application is suitable for basic interoperability, and it can export and import cis/2 files 189 Lesson IX d If you install Tekla Structures and Robot Millennium on the same computer, then a direct link can be used Currently only the EC3, LRFD, CM66, E32 and ANS design codes are available in Robot when using the direct link If you are upgrading to Robot 2012, you will need to uninstall Robot 2011 along with the Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis link Then install Robot 2012 and the link again This way you make Tekla Structures point to the Robot 2012 application SAP2000 The SAP2000 analysis & design application is written by Computers & Structures, Inc Full product details can be found on their website e The SAP2000 analysis & design application can export and import cis/2 and ifc files, and export SDNF files If Tekla Structures and SAP2000 are installed on the same computer, then a direct link can be used It is important that you run SAP2000 for the first time as a standalone application before your load the link Just start SAP2000 and create a new model, save it and close SAP2000 This will then update your registry which is needed by the link STAAD.Pro The STAAD.Pro analysis and design application is owned by Bentley Systems, Incorporated Full product details can be found on their website f STAAD.Pro can export and import CIS/2 files, along with their std format It has become a semi-industrial standard especially in the plant and heavy engineering segments If Tekla Structures and STAAD.Pro are installed on the same computer, then a direct link can be used Profile mapping for different installation environments is achieved by mapping the profiles used by Tekla Structures and Bentley in files called ProfileExportMapping.cnv and ProfileImportMapping.cnv located in the TeklaStructures\TS_STAAD folder Currently these files are only used in import ISM Bentley’s Integrated Structural Modeling (ISM) is a technology for sharing structural engineering project information among structural modeling, analysis, design, drafting and detailing applications ISM is similar to Building Information Modeling (BIM), but focuses on the information that is important in the design, construction and modification of the load bearing components of buildings, bridges and other structures Full product details can be found on their website The ISM link is different form the other analysis and design links in that the physical model is also transferred at the same time as the analysis and design model and the ISM model can be imported 190 Lesson IX into an empty Tekla Structures model The round-trip of model information is also controlled by a synchronizer If Tekla Structures version 17.0, 18.0, 18.1 or later and an ISM enabled Analysis & Design application or Bentley Viewer v8i are installed on the same computer then a direct link can be used In order to use the link the ISM Structural Synchronizer version 3.0 needs to be loaded before the link 191 Lesson Lesson X – Open Discussion & Certification Examination Open Discussion & Certification Examination Tekla Structures Foundation Course 2014 Lesson X 192 Appendix Appendix – Additional Exercise Additional Exercise Tekla Structures Foundation Course 2014 Appendix 193 Appendix Exercise 194 Appendix Exercise 195 Appendix Exercise 196 Appendix Exercise 197 Appendix Exercise 198 Appendix Exercise 199 ... đào tạo Tekla Structures theo yêu cầu 11 Lesson I – Evolution of BIM & About Tekla Structures Lesson I – Evolution of BIM & About Tekla Structures Evolution of BIM & About Tekla Structures Tekla. .. About Tekla Structures Nhấn OK Tekla Structures bắt đầu vào giao diện người dùng: 23 Lesson I – Evolution of BIM & About Tekla Structures 12 Mở mơ hình Tekla Structures Để mở mơ hình Tekla. .. cập, sử dụng danh sách hộp Model name o Để mở thư mục mơ hình hay truy cập, sử dụng hộp Look in o Để tìm kiếm mơ hình thư mục khác, chọn Browse Chọn OK để mở mơ hình a Exercise Open a Tekla