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This page intentionally left blank The Cambridge Companion to Goethe The Cambridge Companion to Goethe provides a challenging yet accessible survey of this versatile figure, not only one of the world’s greatest writers but also a theatre director and art critic, a natural scientist and state administrator The volume places Goethe in the context of the Germany and Europe of his lifetime His literary work is covered in individual chapters on poetry, drama (with a separate chapter on Faust), prose fiction and autobiography Other chapters deal with his work in the Weimar Theatre, his friendship with Schiller, his scientific studies and writings, his engagement with the visual arts, with religion and philosophy, the controversies surrounding his political standpoint and the impact of feminist criticism A wide-ranging survey of reception inside and outside Germany and an extensive guide to further reading round off this volume, which will appeal to students and specialists alike C A MBR I D G E COM P A NI ONS TO LITERATURE The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy edited by P E Easterling The Cambridge Companion to Old English Literature edited by Malcolm Godden and Michael Lapidge The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Romance edited by Roberta L Kreuger The Cambridge Companion to Medieval English Theatre edited by Richard Beadle The Cambridge Companion to English Renaissance Drama edited by A R Braunmuller and Michael Hattaway The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Humanism edited by Jill Kraye The Cambridge Companion to English Poetry, Donne to Marvell edited by Thomas N Corns The Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1500–1600 edited by Arthur F Kinney The Cambridge Companion to English Literature, 1650–1740 edited by Steven N Zwicker The Cambridge Companion to Writing of the English Revolution edited by N H Keeble The Cambridge Companion to English Restoration Theatre edited by Deborah C Payne Fisk The Cambridge Companion to British Romanticism edited by Stuart Curran The Cambridge Companion to Eighteenth-Century Poetry edited by John Sitter The Cambridge Companion to the Eighteenth-Century Novel edited by John Richetti The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry edited by Joseph Bristow The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian Novel edited by Deirdre David The Cambridge Companion to American Realism and Naturalism edited by Donald Pizer The Cambridge Companion to Nineteenth-Century American Women’s Writing edited by Dale M Bauer and Philip Gould The Cambridge Companion to the Classic Russian Novel edited by Malcolm V Jones and Robin Feuer Miller The Cambridge Companion to the French Novel: from 1800 to the present edited by Timothy Unwin The Cambridge Companion to Modernism edited by Michael Levenson The Cambridge Companion to Australian Literature edited by Elizabeth Webby The Cambridge Companion to American Women Playwrights edited by Brenda Murphy The Cambridge Companion to Modern British Women Playwrights edited by Elaine Aston and Janelle Reinelt The Cambridge Companion to Virgil edited by Charles Martindale The Cambridge Companion to Ovid edited by Philip Hardie The Cambridge Companion to Dante edited by Rachel Jacoff The Cambridge Companion to Goethe edited by Lesley Sharpe The Cambridge Companion to Proust edited by Richard Bales The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Mann edited by Ritchie Robertson The Cambridge Companion to Chekhov edited by Vera Gottlieb and Paul Allain The Cambridge Companion to Ibsen edited by James McFarlane The Cambridge Companion to Brecht edited by Peter Thomson and Glendyr Sacks The Cambridge Chaucer Companion edited by Piero Boitani and Jill Mann The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare edited by Margareta de Grazia and Stanley Wells The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film edited by Russell Jackson The Cambridge Companion to Shakepeare Comedy edited by Alexander Leggatt The Cambridge Companion to Spenser edited by Andrew Hadfield The Cambridge Companion to Beckett edited by John Pilling The Cambridge Companion to Ben Jonson edited by Richard Harp and Stanley Stewart The Cambridge Companion to Harold Pinter edited by Peter Raby The Cambridge Companion to Milton edited by Dennis Danielson The Cambridge Companion to Samuel Johnson edited by Greg Clingham The Cambridge Companion to Keats edited by Susan J Wolfson The Cambridge Companion to Tom Stoppard edited by Katherine E Kelly The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen edited by Edward Copeland and Juliet McMaster The Cambridge Companion to Charles Dickens edited by John O Jordan The Cambridge Companion to George Eliot edited by George Levine The Cambridge Companion to Thomas Hardy edited by Dale Kramer The Cambridge Companion to Oscar Wilde edited by Peter Raby The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw edited by Christopher Innes The Cambridge Companion to Joseph Conrad edited by J H Stape The Cambridge Companion to D H Lawrence edited by Anne Fernihough The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf edited by Sue Roe and Susan Sellers The Cambridge Companion to James Joyce edited by Derek Attridge The Cambridge Companion to T S Eliot edited by A David Moody The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound edited by Ira B Nadel The Cambridge Companion to Herman Melville edited by Robert S Levine The Cambridge Companion to Edith Wharton edited by Millicent Bell The Cambridge Companion to Henry James edited by Jonathan Freedman The Cambridge Companion to Walt Whitman edited by Ezra Greenspan The Cambridge Companion to Henry David Thoreau edited by Joel Myerson The Cambridge Companion to Mark Twain edited by Forrest G Robinson The Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner edited by Philip M Weinstein The Cambridge Companion to Ernest Hemingway edited by Scott Donaldson The Cambridge Companion to F Scott Fitzgerald edited by Ruth Prigozy The Cambridge Companion to Robert Frost edited by Robert Faggen The Cambridge Companion to Eugene O’Neill edited by Michael Manheim The Cambridge Companion to Tennessee Williams edited by Matthew C Roudan´e The Cambridge Companion to Arthur Miller edited by Christopher Bigsby C A M B RI D G E COM P A NI ONS TO CULTURE The Cambridge Companion to Modern German Culture edited by Eva Kolinsky and Wilfried van der Will The Cambridge Companion to Modern Russian Culture edited by Nicholas Rzhevsky The Cambridge Companion to Modern Spanish Culture edited by David T Gies The Cambridge Companion to Modern Italian Culture edited by Zygmunt G Baranski and Rebecca J West THE CAMBRIDGE COMPANION TO GOETHE EDITED BY LESLEY SHARPE cambridge university press Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge cb2 2ru, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521662116 © Cambridge University Press 2002 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2002 isbn-13 isbn-10 978-0-511-22190-3 eBook (Adobe Reader) 0-511-22190-8 eBook (Adobe Reader) isbn-13 isbn-10 978-0-521-66211-6 hardback 0-521-66211-7 hardback isbn-13 isbn-10 978-0-521-66560-5 paperback 0-521-66560-4 paperback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate CONTE NTS List of contributors Acknowledgements List of abbreviations Chronology page ix x xi xiii Introduction les ley s h a r p e 1 The world Goethe lived in: Germany and Europe, 1750–1830 th o ma s p s n e Goethe the writer and literary history nic h o la s s a u l 23 Goethe the poet jo h n r will i a m s 42 Goethe the dramatist d a v id v pug h 66 Faust ja ne k b r o w n 84 Weimar Classicism: Goethe’s alliance with Schiller t j r eed 101 Goethe and the Weimar theatre les ley s h a r p e 116 vii contents Goethe’s prose fiction ma r tin s w a l e s 129 Autobiographical writings d ennis f m a h o n e y 147 10 In defence of experience: Goethe’s natural investigations and scientific culture d a niel s te u e r 160 11 179 Goethe and gender barbara becker-cantarino 12 Goethe and the visual arts b ea te a lle r t 193 13 Goethe and the political world w d a niel w i l so n 207 14 Religion and philosophy h b nis b e t 219 15 Reception in Germany and abroad ger h a r t ho f f m e i st e r 232 A guide to further reading General index Index of Goethe’s works 256 268 275 viii a guide to further reading ă (eds.), Aspekte der Goethezeit (Gottingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1977), pp 97–114 Saine, Thomas P ‘Goethe’s Novel: Campagne in Frankreich’ In William J Lillyman (ed.), Goethe’s Narrative Fiction: The Irvine Goethe Symposium (Berlin: de Gruyter, 1983), pp 193–223 Wackerl, Georg Goethes ‘Tag- und Jahres-Hefte’ Berlin: de Gruyter, 1970 Weisinger, Kenneth D ‘Fathering the Canon: The Correspondence between Goethe and Schiller’ In Gerhart Hoffmeister (ed.), A Reassessment of Weimar Classicism (Lewiston, Queenston and Lampeter: Mellen, 1996), pp 77–95 Zapperi, Robert Das Inkognito: Goethes ganz andere Existenz in Rom Trans Ingeborg Walter Munich: Beck, 1999 GO E TH E A ND TH E NA TURA L SCIENCES Amrine, F., F J Zucker and H Wheeler (eds.) Goethe and the Sciences: A Reappraisal Dordrecht: Reidel, 1987 ă Bohme, G Am Ende des Baconischen Zeitalters Studien zur Wissenschaftsentwicklung Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1993 ă Bohme, H Natur und Subjekt Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1988 Bortoft, H Goethe’s Scientific Consciousness Tunbridge Wells: ICR, 1986 Feyerabend, P Against Method London: Verso, 1988 Fink, K J Goethe’s History of Science Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991 Gould, Stephen Jay ‘More Light on Leaves’ Natural History (1991), 16–23 Hanson, N R Patterns of Discovery An Inquiry into the Conceptual Foundations of Science Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1958 Henderson, F ‘Goethe’s Naturphilosophie’ (review essay on R H Stephenson, Goethe’s Conception of Knowledge and Science, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1995) Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 29/1 (1998), 143–53 Kuhn, T S The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Chicago: Chicago University Press, 1970 ¨ Lenoir, T ‘The Gottingen School and the Development of Transcendental Naturphilosophie in the Romantic Era’ Studies in the History of Biology (1981), 111–205 Miller, D (ed.) Scientific Studies Vol xii of Goethe: The Collected Works in 12 Volumes Princeton University Press, 1995 Nisbet, H B Goethe and the Scientific Tradition London: Institute of Germanic Studies, 1972 Nyhart, Lynn K Biology Takes Form Animal Morphology and the German Universities, 18001900 Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 1995 ă Rehbock, T Goethe und die ‘Rettung der Phanomene’ Philosophische Kritik des naturwissenschaftlichen Weltbilds am Beispiel der Farbenlehre Konstanz: Verlag am Hockgraben, 1995 Ribe, N M ‘Goethe’s Critique of Newton A Reconsideration’ Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 16/4 (1985), 315–35 Russell, E S Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology London: John Murray, 1916 263 a gu i d e t o f u r t h e r reading Schmidt, A Goethes herrlich leuchtende Natur Philosophische Studien zur deutschen ă ă Spataufkl arung Munich and Vienna: Hanser, 1984 Seamon, D and A Zajonc (eds.) Goethe’s Way of Science A Phenomenology of Nature Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 1998 Sepper, D L Goethe contra Newton Polemics and the Project for a New Science of Colour Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988 Sherrington, C Goethe on Nature and on Science Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1949 ă ă Steuer, D Die stillen Grenzen der Theorie Uberg ange zwischen Sprache und ă Erfahrung bei Goethe und Wittgenstein Cologne, Weimar and Vienna: Bohlau, 1999 G OE TH E A ND G E NDER Becker-Cantarino, Barbara ‘Goethe as a Critic of Literary Women’ In Karl Fink (ed.), Goethe as a Literary Critic (Washington: University Press of America, 1984), pp 160–81 ‘The Discourse of Patriarchy in Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister’ Neohelicon 20 (1993), 137–53 ‘Witch and Infanticide: Imaging the Female in Goethe’s Faust I’ Goethe Yearbook (1994), 152–75 Bovenschen, Silvia Die imaginierte Weiblichkeit Exemplarische Untersuchungen ă zu kulturgeschichtlichen und literarischen Prasentationsformen des Weiblichen Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1979 Crawford, Mary Caroline Goethe and His Women (1911) Reprint: New York: Haskell House, 1973 Damm, Sigrid Christiane und Goethe Eine Recherche Frankfurt am Main: Insel, 1998 Eissler, Kurt Robert Goethe: A Psychoanalytic Study Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1963 ă und Nekrophilie Elsaghe, Yahya A ‘Wilhelm Meisters letzter Brief Homosexualitat ¨ und Literatur 24 (1995), 5–36 bei Goethe’ Forum Homosexualitat ¨ ¨ Graham, Ilse A ‘Von Eva zu Ave Uber die Wurde des Verworfenen in Goethes ă and E Mannack (eds.), Studien zur Goethezeit Faust’ In Hans-Joachim Mahl Erich Trunz zum 75 Geburtstag (Heidelberg: Winter, 1981), pp 63–89 Hart, Gail Tragedy in Paradise Family and Gender Politics in German Bourgeois Tragedy 17501850 Columbia, SC: Camden House, 1996 ă Herwig, Henriette Das ewig Mannliche zieht uns hinab: ‘Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre’ Geschlechterdifferenz, sozialer Wandel, historische Anthropologie ă Tubingen and Basel: Francke, 1997 Kuzniar, Alice (ed.) Outing Goethe and His Age Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1996 Lange Sigrid Die Utopie des Weiblichen im Drama Goethes, Schillers und Kleists Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1993 Mahlendorf, Ursula ‘The Mystery of Mignon: Object Relations, Abandonment, Child Abuse, and Narrative Structure’ Goethe Yearbook (1994), 23–39 Rigby, Catherine E Transgressions of the Feminine Tragedy, Enlightenment and the Figure of Woman in Classical German Drama Heidelberg: Winter, 1996 264 a guide to further reading Schlaffer, Hannelore ‘Goethe als Muse Der Autor und die Schriftstellerinnen seiner Zeit’ Goethe-Jahrbuch 112 (1995), 183–95 Seele, Astrid Frauen um Goethe Reinbek: Rowohlt, 1997 Simpson, James Goethe and Patriarchy Faust and the Fates of Desire Oxford: European Humanities Research Centre, 1998 Willim, Petra So frei geboren wie ein Mann? Frauengestalten im Werk Goethes Frankfurt am Main: Ulrike Helmer Verlag, 1997 G OE TH E A ND TH E V I S UA L ARTS Alewyn, Richard ‘Goethe und die Antike’ In Probleme und Gestalten Essays (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1982), pp 255–70 Allert, Beate ‘Text-Image-Relations: Seeing and Antiocular Discourse in Berkeley, Jean Paul, and Goethe’ In Werner Schneiders, Jane Godden et al (eds.), Transactions of the Ninth International Congress on the Enlightenment: Actes du Neuvi`eme congr`es international des Lumi`eres (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century 346–8) (Oxford: Voltaire Foundation, 1996), vol ii, pp 789–92 ‘Hidden Aspects of Goethe’s Writings on Color, Seeing, and Motion and their Significance for a Cultural Vision Theory’ In Laura Doyle (ed.), Bodies of Resistance: Phenomenology, Agency, Culture, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2001 (forthcoming) ă Beckmann, Peter Zur Semiotik der Straòburger Munsterfassade und der beiden ă Goethe-Aufsatze Von deutscher Baukunst (1772; 1823) Kodikas 13: 3/4 (1990), 15175 ă Munich: ¨ Bergmann, Gunther Goethe – Der Zeichner und Maler Ein Portrat Callwey, 1999 Geary, John (ed.) Goethe: Essays on Art and Literature Translated by Ellen von Nardroff and Ernest H von Nardoff Vol iii of Goethe The Collected Works in 12 volumes Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1986 Goethe on Art Selected, edited, and translated by John Gage Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1980 ă ă der Goethe-Zeit Kovalevski, Barbel Zwischen Ideal und Wirklichkeit: Kunstlerinnen zwischen 1750 und 1850 Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje, 1999 Lichtenstern, Christa Die Wirkungsgeschichte der Metamorphosenlehre Goethes Von Philipp Otto Runge bis Joseph Beuys Weinheim: VCH, Acta Humaniora, 1990 Maisak, Petra Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Zeichnungen Stuttgart: Reclam, 1996 ă ă ă ă der Zeit. Goethes Uber Muenzer, Clark ‘ “Ihr altesten, wurdigsten Denkmaler den Granit” and his Aesthetics of Monuments In Richard Fisher (ed.), Ethik und ă Asthetik: Werke und Werte in der Literatur vom 18 bis zum 20 Jahrhundert ă Wolfgang Wittkowski zum 70 Geburtstag (Frankfurt am Main: Festschrift fur Lang, 1995), pp 181–98 Osterkamp, Ernst Im Buchstabenbilde: Studien zum Verfahren Goethescher Bildbeschreibungen Stuttgart: Metzler, 1991 ¨ Porksen, Uwe Raumzeit: Goethes Zeitbegriff, abgelesen an seinen sprachlichen und zeichnerischen Naturstudien Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur / Stuttgart: Steiner, 1999 265 a gu i d e t o f u r t h e r reading Robson-Scott, W D The Younger Goethe and the Visual Arts Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1965 Schulze, Sabine (ed.) Goethe und die Kunst Stuttgart: Hatje, 1994 Strohschneider-Kohrs, Ingrid ‘Bilder und Gegenbilder der Antike-Rezeption In ă ă Poesie und Reexion: Aufsatze zur Literatur (Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1999), pp 249–76 Trevelyan, Humphry, Goethe and the Greeks (1941) Foreword by Hugh LloydJones 1st paperback edn, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1981 Zajonc, Arthur Catching the Light: The Entwined History of Light and Mind New York and Toronto: Bantam Books, 1993 RE L I G I ON A ND P H I L OSOPHY Bell, David Spinoza in Germany from 1670 to the Age of Goethe London: Institute of Germanic Studies, 1984 ă Bollacher, Martin Der junge Goethe und Spinoza Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1969 Cassirer, Ernst ‘Goethe and the Kantian Philosophy’ In Rousseau, Kant, Goethe Two Essays (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1970), pp 61–98 Gray, Ronald Douglas Goethe the Alchemist Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1952 ă Grutzmacher, Richard Heinrich Die Religionen in der Anschauung Goethes Baden-Baden: P Keppler, 1950 Mason, Eudo C ‘Goethe’s sense of evil’ Publications of the English Goethe Society 34 (1964), 1–53 ´ G´eza von Goethes Kantstudien Weimar: Bohlau, ă Molnar, 1994 Schmitz, Hermann Goethes Altersdenken im problemgeschichtlichen Zusammenhang Bonn: Bouvier, 1959 ă Schrimpf, Hans Joachim Das Weltbild des spaten Goethe Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1956 Thielicke, Helmut Goethe und das Christentum Munich: Piper, 1982 Vietor, Karl Goethe the Thinker Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1950 Zimmermann, Rolf Christian Das Weltbild des jungen Goethe vols Munich: Fink, 1969–79 R E CE P TI ON I N G E RM A NY A ND ABROAD Atkins, Stuart P The Testament of Werther in Poetry and Drama Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1949 Boyd, James Goethe’s Knowledge of English Literature Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1932 D´ed´eyan, Charles Le Th`eme de Faust dans la litt´erature europ´eenne vols Paris: Lettres modernes, 1954–67 Eliot, T S ‘Goethe as the Sage’ In On Poetry and Poets (1935; New York: Farrar, 1957), pp 240–64 Furst, Lilian Romanticism in Perspective A Comparative Study of Aspects of the Romantic Movements in England, France and Germany London and Melbourne: Macmillan, 1969 266 a guide to further reading ă Romantik II Vol xv of Neues Handbuch der Heitmann, Klaus (ed.) Europaische Literaturwissenschaft Wiesbaden: Athenaion, 1982 Hoffmeister, Gerhart ‘Goethe’s Faust and the theatrum mundi-tradition in European Romanticism’ Journal of European Studies 13 (special edn: Perspectives on Faust, ed by Michael Palencia-Roth, 1983), 4255 ă ă Goethe und die europaische Romantik (1295) Tubingen and Basel: Francke, 1984 ¨ Deutsche und europaische Romantik (Sammlung Metzler, 170) 2nd edn, Stuttgart: Metzler, 1990 Hoffmeister, Gerhart (ed.) European Romanticism Literary Cross-Currents, Modes, and Models Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 1990 A Reassessment of Weimar Classicism Lewiston, Queenston and Lampeter: Mellen, 1996 Howe, Susanne ‘Wilhelm Meister’ and his English Kinsmen (1930) Reprint, New York: Columbia University Press, 1966 Nemoianu, Virgil The Taming of Romanticism: European Literature and the Age of the Biedermeier Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1984 ă Schanze, Helmut (ed.) Romantik-Handbuch Stuttgart: Kroner, 1994 ă Schulz, Gerhard Chaos und Ordnung in Goethes Verstandnis von Kunst und Geschichte’ Goethe-Jahrbuch 110 (1993), 173–83 Stockley, V German Literature as Known in England 1750–1830 London: Routledge, 1929; reprint, Port Washington and New York: Kennikat Press, 1969 Strich, Fritz Goethe und die Weltliteratur Bern: Francke, 1946; 2nd edn 1957 Wellek, Ren´e Concepts of Criticism New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1963 Confrontations Studies in the Intellectual and Literary Relations between Germany, England and the United States during the Nineteenth Century Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1965 267 GENERAL INDEX Ackermann, K E., 117 Adenauer, K., Aeschylus, 69, 88 Alexander I, Czar of Russia, 7, 19 America, 7, 11, 12 American Revolution, 84, 212 Amp`ere, J.-J., 239 Anna Amalia, Duchess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, 8, 118, 119 Apollonius of Rhodes, 88 Aristophanes, 88, 118 Aristotle, 90, 163, 221 Arminius (Hermann), 51, 188 Arndt, E M., 36 Arnim, B von, see B Brentano Arnold, G Kirchen- und Ketzergeschichte, 220 Arnold, M., 84 Aubri de Mont-Didier’s Dog or the Forest near Bondy, 127 Augustus III, Elector of Saxony, 11 Austen, J., 137 Austerlitz, Battle of, 18 Austria, 8, 9, 10–20 Austrian Succession, War of, 11 Azyr, F V d’, 167 Bacon, F., 163, 176–7, 226–7, 228, 229 Bakhtin, M 145 Balzac, H de, 82, 130 Baudelaire, C., 42, 243 Baudrillard, J., 200 Baumeister, W., 196 Bavarian Succession, War of, 11 Beaumarchais (Pierre-Augustin Caron de), 71–72 Behrisch, E W., 44, 45, 61 Bellomo, J., 119, 120 B´eranger, P J de, 240 Berlin, 9, 11, 18, 121 Berlioz, H., 97, 243 La Damnation de Faust, 245 Bertuch, F., 118 Bildung, 24, 35, 107 Bildungsroman, 35, 143, 238 Bismarck, O von, 3, 247 Black, J., 242 Blake, W., 243 Boccaccio, G Decameron, 132 Bode, J J., 118, 122 Bodmer, J J., 26 Boisser´ee, S., 57, 151, 158, 195 Bonaparte, Napoleon, 2, 7, 17–20, 36, 53, 82, 85, 147, 215, 216, 241, 246 Bonnet, C., 226 ă de Faber, J N., 242 Bohl ă Borne, L., 3, 217, 249 Boswell, J., 39 ¨ Bottiger, K A., 58 Breitinger, J J., 26 Brentano, B., 53, 148, 158, 246 Brentano, C., 36, 235 Brion, F., xiii, 149, 179 Britain, 7, 12, 17, 18, 19 Brunswick, Duke of, 15, 18, 153 Buff, C., xiii, 135, 180 ă Burger, G A., 63, 181, 212, 244 Bulwer, E (Bulwer Lytton) Ernest Maltravers, 245 The Disowned, 245 Burdach, K., 246 Byron, G G., Lord, 39, 99, 232, 240, 243, 246 268 general index Cain, 241 Don Juan, 241 Manfred, 241 ´ de la Barca, P., 88, 91, 242 Calderon Life is a Dream, 126 The Constant Prince, 126 Carl August, Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, 7, 8, 12–14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 29, 48, 58, 75, 78, 118, 119, 120, 122, 126–7, 150, 151, 152, 153, 180, 208, 210, 214, 216, 217 Carlyle, T., 232, 244–5, 246 Catullus, 49 Cervantes, M de, 109 Charles I, Emperor, 37 Charles VI, Emperor, 11 Charles VII, Emperor, 11 Cimarosa, D., 122 Coleridge, S T., 113, 242, 243 Commedia dell’arte, 67 Condorcet, Marquis de (M.J.A.N Caritat), 230 Confederation of the Rhine, 18 Congress of Vienna, 2, 19–20, 53 Constant, B., 242 Convention of Reichenbach, 14 Cooper, J F., 39 Copernicus, N 55 Cotta, J F., 155 Croce, B., 250 Cuvier, G., 162 ă Gesprache mit Goethe in den letzten Jahren seines Lebens, 154, 246 Einsiedel, F H., 118, 122 Ekhof, K., 117 Eliot, G., 245 Middlemarch, 245 ‘The Morality of Wilhelm Meister’, 245 Eliot, T S., 250–2 The Metaphysical Poets, 251 Empfindsamkeit, 132 Engel, J J., 118 ă Enlightenment (Aufklarung), 25, 88, 221, 224, 230 Eschenburg, J J., 68 Euripides, 70, 75, 88 Dalberg, W H von, 127 Dali, S., 196 Dante Alighieri, 42, 53, 88, 90, 242, 247 Divine Comedy, 251 Vita Nuova, 53 Darwin, C., 164 David, J.-L., 197 Delacroix, E., 245 Destouches (pseud Phillipe N´ericault), 118 Dickens, C., 130 Diderot, D., 120, 126 Disraeli, B Contarini Fleming, 245 Dittersdorf, K V von, 122 Dresden, 19 Du Bois-Reymond, E., 167, 169, 170 Faber, B de, 242 Falk, J., 58, 246 Fastnachtspiel, 70 Fichte, J G., 105, 181, 225, 228, 237 Grundlage des Naturrechts nach Prinzipien der Wissenschaftslehre, 181 Fischer, J F., 119 Flaubert, G., 144 folksongs, 37, 45, 51 Fontane, T., 238 Forster, G., 201 Foucault, M., 203 France, 11, 12, 19, 20, 84 France at war, 15–19 French Alsace, 15 French neoclassicism, 88, 90, 116, 122–123 French Revolution, 5, 7, 11, 12, 14–16, 49, 52, 80–1, 84, 89, 132, 153, 188, 209, 212–14, 249 French troops, 36 Francis I, Emperor, 11, 12 Francis II, Emperor, 15, 18 Frankfurt am Main, 1, 7, 9, 16, 37, 44, 45, 51, 148–9, 180, 208, 215 Frankfurt Fettmilch Uprising, 208 Frederick II (the Great), King of Prussia, 3, 11, 216 Frederick August, King of Saxony, 20 Frederick William II, King of Prussia, 14, 15, 16, 18, 216 Frederick William III, King of Prussia, 18, 19 Friedrich, C D., 202 Fritsch, J F von, 210 Eben, J M., 194 Eckermann, J P., 7, 39, 125, 154, 156, 157, 158, 220, 246 Gautier, T., 243 Gellert, C F., 26 Genast, A., 119, 125 269 general index Genast, E., 119 German Confederation, Germany, 1, 2, 3, 8, 21, 26, 84, 89, 101 East Germany, 3, 249 German Idealism, 95, 96 literary identity, 34 national culture, 37–8, 101, 117, 246 national identity, 2, 36, 106 unified German state, 20 West Germany, 3, 249 Gerstenberg, H W von, 44 Gessner, S., 201 Gleim, J W L., 44 Goethe, C., xiii, 75, 180 Goethe, J C., 29 Goethe, K E., 179 Goldoni, C., 118 Goldsmith, O., 29 The Vicar of Wakeeld, 71 ă Goschen, G J., 33, 48 Gottsched, J C., 26 Gounod, C., 97, 245 Faust, 245 Goya y Lucientes, F., 197 Gozzi, C Turandot, 122, 123 Greece, 37, 38 Grillparzer, F., 128 ă Gruner, K F., 125, 128 Gutzkow, K., 84 Hackert, J P., 201 Hafiz, 38, 53 Hagedorn, F von, 44 Haller, A von, 108 Hamburg, National Theatre, 117118 Hammer, J von, 53 Hannover, 11 ă Harsdorffer, G P., 70 Hazlitt, W., 242 Hebbel, F., 128 Hegel, G W F., 86, 228, 229, 230, 237, 246 Aesthetics, 237 Phenomenology of Mind, 86 Heine, H., 82, 232, 233, 234, 236, 249 Die romantische Schule, 23, 237 Helmholtz, H., 169 On the Conservation of Force, 164 Hemsterhuis, F., 195 Herder, J G., 26–7, 28, 30, 33, 34, 37, 45, 51, 67, 104, 150, 171, 188, 194, 213, 219, 221, 230 ă Erlkonigs Tochter (translation), 51 Gott, 222 Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte, 226 Shakespear, 26–7 Von deutscher Art und Kunst: Einige ă iegende Blatter, 198 Hermes, J T., 107 Herodotus, 88 Hertz, H., 246 Herzlieb, M., 53 Hesiod, 88 Historia von Dr Johan Fausten, 87 Hitler, A., 248 Hoffmann, E T A., 235, 236, 243 Hoffmann von Fallersleben (August Heinrich Hoffmann), 36 Hofmannsthal, H von, 81, 82 Holberg, E (Caroline Paulus), 182 ă Holderlin, J C F., 236, 237 Holocaust, the, 249 Holy Roman Empire, 2, 7–9, 20, 37, 84, 106, 147, 207, 217 Homer, 29, 42, 49–51, 88, 90, 99, 136, 237, 241 Horace, 44, 49 Hugo, V., 42, 240, 242 Hernani, 239 Notre-Dame de Paris, 239 Odes et Ballades, 239 Humboldt, A von, 104, 237 Humboldt, K von, 195 Humboldt, W von, 104, 122–3, 155, 195, 327 ¨ ¨ ¨ ‘Uber die gegenwartige franzosische ¨ tragische Buhne’, 122 Hungary, 13 Iffland, A W., 120, 121, 122, 123 ¨ Die Jager, 125 Immermann, K Die Epigonen, 238 Imperial Diet (Reichstag), 8, 17 Industrial Revolution, 52, 84, 85 Italy, Goethe’s journey to, 25, 29, 48, 78, 81, 102, 104, 110, 151, 193, 227 Jacobi, F H., 154, 220, 222 Jagemann, C., 126, 127 Jena, 18, 102, 104, 120, 121, 127, 156, 157, 161, 213, 214, 235, 237 Jena, Battle of, 126, 153 Jenaische Allgemeine Literaturzeitung, 182 Johnson, S., 39 Joseph II, Emperor, 12–13, 148 270 general index Kant, I., 33, 55, 84, 91, 97, 105, 163, 171, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230 Critique of Judgement, 34, 107, 168–9, 228 Critique of Pure Reason, 227 Kaufmann, C., 30, 58 Kaunitz, W A von, 11 Keats, J., 243 Keller, G ă Heinrich, 238 Der Grune Kestner, J G C., 135 Klee, P., 196 Kleist, E von, 108 Kleist, H von, 36, 232, 235, 236 ă Das Kathchen von Heilbronn, 235 Der zerbrochne Krug, 126 Klettenberg, S von, 219 Klinger, F M., 30 Klopstock, F G., 29, 45, 46, 61, 69, 1089, 181, 233 Der Messias, 108 ă Die Fruhlingsfeyer, 136 Knebel, K L von, 155 Knittelvers, 63, 70, 124 Koran, the, 54 ă Korner, T., 36, 155 Kotzebue, A von, 57, 58, 107, 120, 122, 123, 127 Krafft, L., 58 Kranz, J F., 119 La Roche, S ă Die Geschichte des Frauleins von Sternheim, 184 Lavater, J C., 57, 58, 194, 220, 224 Physiognomik, 161 Physiognomische Fragmente, 23 ă League of Princes (Furstenbund), 13–14 Leibniz, G W von, 225, 227, 228, 229 Th´eodic´ee, 226 Monadologie, 226 Leipzig, 19, 23, 26, 44, 45, 67, 148 Leipzig, Battle of (Battle of the Nations), 19 Leisewitz, J A., 30 Lemercier, N., 242 Lenz, J M R., 30 Pandaemonium Germanicum, 23 Leonardo da Vinci, 204 Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, 14, 15 Lessing, G E., 26, 68, 71, 72, 88, 107, 118, 208, 209 Briefe die neueste Literatur betreffend, 88 Emilia Galotti, 71, 92, 136 Hamburgische Dramaturgie, 117 Miß Sara Sampson, 71, 72 Nathan der Weise, 76 Leuchsenring, F M., 58 Levetzow, U von, 55–6 Levin-Varnhagen, R., 235, 243, 246 Linn´e, C., 165 Lisbon Earthquake, 148 Loder, J C., 161 Lorrain, C ‘The Mill’, 205 Louis XVI, King of France, 14–15, 153 Louis XVIII, King of France, 19 Lucan, 88 Lucretius, 49, 62 ´ Lukacs, G., 145, 248 Luther, M., 45, 67, 219 Mackintosh, Sir James, 242 Maeterlinck, M., 81 Mann, T., 217 Mannheim National Theatre, 127 Martial Xenia, 105 Manzoni, A., 39, 232, 240, 242 Adelchi, 240 Il Conte di Carmagnola, 240 I promessi sposi, 240 Maria Theresia, Empress, 11, 12–13 Marlowe, C The Tragical History of Dr Faustus, 87, 91, 92 Marx, K., 9, Masson, A., 196 Mazzini, G., 232, 246 Menander, 148 Menzel, W., 58 Merkel, G., 58 Merleau-Ponty, M., 197 Metternich, W L., Prince, 7, 19, 21 Meyer, J H., 151, 195 Mickiewicz, A., 246 Mieding, J M., 118 Milton, J., 85, 88, 90 Paradise Lost, 90 Moli`ere (pseud Jean-Baptiste Poquelin), 109 Montesquieu, Baron de (Charles de Secondat), 230 Moore, H., 196 Moritz, K P., 32, 200, 230, 231 ¨ ‘Uber die bildende Nachahmung des ¨ Schonen’, 158, 230 271 general index ă Moser, J., 217, 230 Mozart, W A., 122 ă 76, 143 Die Zauberote, Musset, A de, 232, 243 Nerval, G de, 242, 245 Newton, I., 5, 37, 58, 169, 171, 172, 227, 237 Opticks, 162, 172–5, 204 Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, 163 Das Nibelungenlied, 60 Nicolai, F., 58, 107, 249 Nietzsche, F., 103, 196, 247, 248, 251 ă ă Gotzend ammerung, 103 Nodier, C., 243 Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg), 23, 35, 235, 236, 237, 249 Die Christenheit oder Europa, 35 Heinrich von Ofterdingen, 35 Oeser, F., 194 Orientalism, 37–8 Ortega y Gasset, J., 250–1 Ossian, 29, 45, 136 Ovid, 49, 88 Tristia, 152 Paer, F., Sargino, 126 Paisiello, G., 122 Pallagonia, Prince of, 152 Paracelsus, 225 Percy, T Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, 51 Peter III, Czar of Russia, 11 Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca) 53, 63, 242 Pietism, 143, 219, 238 Pindar, 28, 45, 46, 61, 69 Plato, 227 Symposium, 27 Plotinus, 227 Poggendorf, J Annalen der Physik und Chemie, 164 Poland, 16, 17, 18, 20 Propertius, 49 Prussia, 2, 8, 10–20, 147 Pushkin, A., 232, 242 Pustkuchen, J F W., 58 Putbus, M U., Count, 118 Raabe, W., 238 Racine, J., 76 Mithridate, 122 Ph`edre, 122 Raphael, 194 Realpolitik, 111 Reformation, the, 8, 14, 45, 88 Regensburg, Reil, J C., 54 Reinhold, C., 127 ă ¨ dem Tage der Saat von Gothe gesaet Garben zu reifen, 127 Reinhold, K L., 227 Renaissance, the, 86, 87, 88 Restoration, the, 21, 84 Rhineland, 16–17, 53, 64 Richardson, S Clarissa, 184 Richter, J P., 243 Riemer, F W., 156 Robespierre, M de, 16 Robinson, H C., 242, 243 Romanticism, 5, 25, 34–6, 42, 52, 63, 84, 86, 89, 106, 114, 202, 232, 233, 234–41, 243, 245 Rosenkrantz, K., 246 Rousseau, J.-J., 21, 29, 67, 88, 97, 230, 233 Confessions, 147 Julie, ou la nouvelle H´eloise, 184 Runge, P O., 202 Russia, 11, 18, 19, 20 Sachs, H., 70 Sade, D A F., Marquis de, 143 St Augustine ordo caritatis, 223 St Cyprian, 87 St Hilaire, G., 162 Saint-Beuve, C A., 232, 242, 251 Saintsbury, G History of Criticism and Literary Taste in Europe (1900–1904), 233 Salzburg, 20 Saxe-Weimar-Eisennach, 5, 7, 12, 20, 21, 208, 210 Saxony, 20 Schelling, F W J., 35, 167, 228, 237 Epikurisch Glaubensbekenntnis Heinz Widerporstens, 35 System des transzendentalen Idealismus, 229 Schiller, C., 155 Schiller, Friedrich, 2, 3, 4, 25, 33–6, 37, 51, 62, 66, 71, 75, 89, 101–14, 116, 117, 121, 123, 125, 126, 128, 147, 155, 156, 272 general index 170, 171, 180, 181, 188, 195, 213, 225, 226, 228, 229, 231, 235, 238, 240, 242, 246, 247, 248 Die Braut von Messina, 121, 123 Demetrius, 111, 156 ‘Das Distichon’, 62 Don Carlos, 110, 121 ă Die Gotter Griechenlands, 106 Die Horen, 34, 102, 105, 106, 114 Die Jungfrau von Orleans, 111 Kabale und Liebe, 107, 212 ‘Das Lied von der Glocke’, 181 Maria Stuart, 111 ă Die Rauber, 101 Shakespeares Schatten, 106 ă ă Uber die asthetische Erziehung des Menschen, 23, 34, 105, 1089 ă Uber naăve und sentimentalische Dichtung, 103, 108, 109, 231, 238 Wallenstein, 111, 112, 113, 121, 124, 156 Wallensteins Lager, 124 ă Was kann eine gute stehende Schaubuhne eigentlich wirken’, 117 Wilhelm Tell, 111, 128 Xenien, 34, 49, 58, 62, 105–6, 108, 109–10, 113 Schlegel, A W., 23, 34, 52, 63, 122, 234, 235, 236, 242 Ion, 124 ă Vorlesungen uber dramatische Kunst und Literatur, 242 Schlegel, F., 23, 24, 34, 35, 145, 234, 235, 236, 237, 242 Alarcos, 124 Athenaeum, 35 Schlosser, J G., 154 ă Schonemann, L., xiii, 46, 47, 69, 148, 180 Schopenhauer, A., 228 Die Welt als Wille und Vorstelhung, 229 Schopenhauer, J., 228, 246 Schreyvogel, J., 128 ă Schroter, C., 119 Scott, Sir Walter, 39, 232, 244, 245 Anne of Geierstein, 244 Kenilworth, 244 Peveril of the Peak, 244 Seckendorff, K F S von, 118 secularization, 84, 96 Sesenheim, 45 Seven Years’ War, 7, 8, 11–12, 26 Seyler-Ekhof Theatre Company, 118 Shakespeare, W., 27, 42, 45, 63, 66–9, 70, 76, 92, 109, 112, 237, 242, 247 A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 88 Hamlet, 88, 185 Julius Caesar, 122 Macbeth, 122 Pericles, 81 The Tempest, 77 The Winter’s Tale, 81 Shelley, P B., 243 The Revolt of Islam, 241 Silesia, 11–12 Sismondi, J C L., 242 Sophocles, 27, 88 Spinoza, B de, 55, 70, 225, 227, 228, 229 Ethics, 222 ă A L G de, 89, 236, 241, 242, Stael, 244, 245 De l’Allemagne, 89, 242, 243 Stapfer, F.-A., 239 Stein, C von, 31, 32, 33, 47, 78, 150, 180 Steinbach, E von, 27, 198 Stendhal (Henri Beyle), 82 Stifter, A Der Nachsommer, 238 Stock, J M., 194 Stolberg, C., 28 Stolberg, F L von, 28, 30, 107, 221 Storm and Stress (Sturm und Drang), 25–9, 30, 61, 69, 71, 89, 92, 148, 194, 197, 198, 202, 208, 209, 212, 220, 233, 234, 239, 242 genius, 26–7, 32, 38, 61, 197 Strasbourg, xiii, 26, 44, 45, 51, 67, 148, 194 Switzerland, xiii, 46 Talma, F.-J., 122–3 Terence, The Brothers, 122 Theater an der Wien, 128 Third Reich, 3, 248 Thirty Years’ War, 8, 16, 214 Thompson, D’Arcy On Growth and Form, 253 Thuringia, 20 Tibullus, 49 Tieck, L., 234 Tischbein, J H W., 195, 250 Trebra, F W H von, 161 Turner J M W., 197 Unger, F., 191 Unger, F H., 191 ă Bekenntnisse einer schonen Seele, von ihr ă selbst erzahlt, 182 273 general index Virgil, 42, 88 Aeneid, 90 Voigt, C G., 153, 161 Voltaire (Franc¸ois-Marie Arouet), 44, 118, 219, 244, 251 Mahomet, 122 Tancr`ede, 122 Voß, J H., 188 Luise, 50 Vulpius, C., 33, 102, 157, 180, 221 Wackenroder, W H., 235 Herzensergießungen eines kunstliebenden Klosterbruders, 35, 234, 236 Wackerl, G., 156 Wagner, R., 248 ă Wanderbuhne (travelling theatre companies), 116 Waterloo, Battle of, 16, 21 Weimar Goethe’s first decade in Weimar, 25, 30, 47, 48, 75, 210 Goethe’s move to Weimar, 25, 69, 89, 179, 210 Weimar Classicism, 25, 30, 32, 49, 62, 101–15, 194, 198, 200, 233, 249 Weimar court theatre, 5, 34, 66, 90, 113, 116, 118–28 Weimar Republic, Weiße, C., 44 Weltliteratur (world literature), 38, 232, 234, 237, 239, 240, 241, 244, 245, 250, 251, 252 Werner, F L Z., 23, 36, 52, 57, 63 Westphalia, Treaties of, 8, 9–10, 207 Wieland, C M., 30, 44, 58, 68, 70–1, 104, 181 Willemer, M von, 53–4, 180, 183 Winckelmann, J J., 126, 194, 198, 199, 202, 230 Wolff, C., 225 Wolff, P A., 125, 128 ă Wolfflin, H., 202 Wordsworth, W., 97, 113, 242 World War II, 157, 210 Zachariae, J F W., 44 Zelter, K F., 155 Ziegesar, S von, 53 Zukovsky, V., 242 274 INDEX OF GOETHE’S WORKS Achilleis, 62 ‘Amor als Landschaftsmaler’, 205 Amtliche Schriften, 210 ‘An Belinden’, 46 ‘An den Mond’, 47 Annette, 44, 63 ‘An schwager Kronos’, 28, 46, 61 ‘Antepirrhema’, 54 ‘An Werther’, 56 ‘Auf dem See’, 46, 59–60 Die Aufgeregten, 80, 209, 216 Auf Miedings Tod, 48, 118 ă ‘Aussohnung’, 56 ‘Ballade’, 52 ‘Baukunst’, 198 Belagerung von Mainz, 153–5 Die Braut von Corinth, 52, 63 ă Der Brautigam, 56, 60 ă Der Burgergeneral, 80, 209 Caesar, 69 Campagne in Frankreich, 153, 154, 158 ‘Chinesisch-deutsche Jahres- und Tageszeiten’, 56 Claudine von Villa Bella, 71 Clavigo, 71–2, 149, 184 ‘Dauer im Wechsel’, 54, 222 ‘Dem aufgehenden Vollmonde’, 57 Dichtung und Wahrheit, xv–xvi, 25, 36, 37, 72, 147, 148–52, 156, 157, 158, 219 Egmont, xiv, 30, 37, 47, 66, 72–4, 76, 78, 79, 82, 110, 121, 150, 184, 209, 216, 230, 244 ‘Einfache Nachahmung der Natur, Manier, Stil’, 33, 115, 161, 200, 231 ‘Ein junger Mensch, ich weiß nicht wie’, 58 ‘Eins und Alles, 55, 222 Einwirkung der neueren Philosophie, 237 ă junge Dichter, 39 Ein Wort fur ă Ein zartlich jugendlicher Kummer, 45, 60 Des Epimenides Erwachen, 82 Epirrhema, 54 ă ‘Erlkonig’, 47, 51, 63, 250 ‘Die erste Walpurgisnacht’, 97 Erwin und Elmire, 71, 118 Faust I, xiv–xvi, 3, 27, 32, 34, 36, 47, 54, 66, 70, 80, 84–100, 105, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 149, 158, 179, 189–91, 212, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 233, 236, 237, 241, 242–3, 245, 249, 250, 252 ‘Abend’ (Evening), 92 ‘Auerbachs Keller’ (Auerbach’s Tavern), 92, 934, 97 ă Hexenkuche (Witchs Kitchen), 32, 89, 93–5, 189 ‘Kerker’ (Dungeon), 89, 95, 97 ‘Nacht’ (Night), 89, 93–4, 95 ‘Prolog im Himmel’ (Prologue in Heaven), 85, 86, 88, 90, 95 ‘Vor dem Tor’ (Before the City Gate), 96 ‘Vorspiel auf dem Theater’ (Prelude on the Stage), 85, 86, 95, 127 ă Wald und Hohle (Forest and Cavern), 32, 89, 93 ‘Walpurgisnacht’ (Walpurgis Night), 58, 86, 88, 89, 189 ‘Walpurgisnachtstraum’ (Walpurgis Night’s Dream), 85, 91 ‘Zueignung’ (Dedication), 86, 95 Faust II, xvi, 1, 30, 39, 61, 62, 70, 81, 84–100, 175, 190, 195, 203, 204, 232, 245 275 i n d e x o f g o e t h e ’ s works Faust II (cont.) ‘Anmutige Gegend’ (Charming Landscape), 98 Helen Act, xvi, 89, 98, 99, 195 ‘Klassische Walpurgisnacht’ (Classical Walpurgis Night), 86, 95 Faust Ein Fragment, xiv, 89, 91, 93, 95, 112, 242 ‘Der Fischer’, 47, 51 Die Fischerin, 118 ă wenn Tal, Gebirg und Garten’, 57 ‘Fruh, ‘Ganymed’, 28, 61 ‘Gefunden’, 180 Die Geheimnisse, 221, 223 ă Gesang der Geister uber den Wassern, 47 Die Geschwister, 75, 118 Der getreue Eckart, 52 ă Gluckliches Ereignis, 155, 170 ă Gotter, Helden und Wieland, 58, 701 ‘Gott und Welt’, 54, 222 ‘Der Gott und die Bajadere’, 52, 63 ă Das Gottliche, 47, 77 ă von Berlichingen, xiv, 23, 27, 28, 31, Gotz 66, 67–9, 71, 72, 73, 74, 78, 79, 92, 110, 128, 149, 184, 208, 209, 230, 233, 244 ‘Grenzen der Menschheit’, 47 DerGroß-Cophta, 80, 154 Harzreise im Winter, 301, 46, 47, 61 ă Heidenroslein, 51, 250 Hermann and Dorothea, xv, 5, 34, 49–51, 62, 103, 154, 188, 213, 229 ‘Hoch auf dem alten Turme’, 51 Hochzeitlied, 52 Ilmenau, 48, 216 ă Im Herbst (later ‘Herbstgefuhl’), 46 Iphigenie auf Tauris, xiv, 30, 31, 47, 66, 75–8, 82, 93, 110, 119, 184–5, 221, 229, 236 Italienische Reise, xvi, 32, 78, 114, 147, 150–3, 155, 161, 170, 195, 230 ă Jagers Nachtlied, 47 Das Jahrmarktsfest zu Plundersweilern, 70, 118 ă Jery und Bately, 118 Johanna Sebus, 52, 63 ă Kleine Blumen, kleine Blatter, 45 ă Der Konig in Thule’, 51, 60 Die Laune des Verliebten, 67, 118 ‘Legende’, 52 Die Leiden des jungen Werther, xiv, 1, 5, 23, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 37, 58, 67, 88, 92, 109, 110, 132–6, 146, 149, 151, 180, 184, 189, 208, 209, 220, 233, 241, 249, 250 ‘Lida’, 31 ‘Liebliches’, 54 Lieder mit Melodien, 44 Lila, 75, 118 ‘Lilis Park’, 46 ă ă Machtiges Uberraschen, 52 Mahomet, 69 Mahomet (Goethes translation of Voltaire), 122, 124 ‘Mahomets Gesang’, 61 ‘Maifest’ (later Mailied), 45, 60 ă Das Marchen, 34 Marienbader Elegie, 56 Maximen und Reflexionen, 225, 229 ‘Die Metamorphose der Pflanzen’, 62, 170 ‘Die Metamorphose der Tiere’, 62 ‘Mir schlug das Herz’ (later ‘Willkommen und Abschied’), 45 Die Mitschuldigen, 67, 118 ‘Natur und Kunst, 52, 81 ă Die naturliche Tochter, 801, 229 Naturwissenschaftliche Hefte, 161 Nausikaa, 83 ă Neudeutsche religios-patriotische Kunst, 151, 234 Neue Lieder, 44, 63 Noten und Abhandlungen zum besseren ¨ ¨ Verstandnis des West-ostlichen Divan, Novelle, 130–2, 146 Palaeophron und Neoterpe, 82 Pandora, 82 ‘Parabase’, 54, 222 ‘Paria’, 52 Pater Brey, 58, 70 ă ă Poetische Gedanken uber die Hollenfahrt Jesu Christi’, 44 Principes de philosophie zoologique, 162 Prometheus, 69–70, 75 ‘Prometheus’, 27–9, 61, 234 ‘Prooemion’, 54, 55, 222 ¨ Die Propylaen, xv, 122, 124, 181, 201, 202, 203 Prosperina, 75 276 index of goethe’s works ‘Raserei der Liebe’, 53 ă Schauspieler, 125, 128 Regeln fur Reineke Fuchs, 4950, 62 ă Romische Elegien, xv, 34, 489, 52, 58, 62, 105, 147, 180, 221 ă Das romische Karneval, 161 Ruysdael als Dichter, 202 ă Der Sanger Satyros, 58, 70 Schillers Reliquien, 62 ă Schwebender Genius uber der Erdkugel, 55 Seefahrt, 47 Sonnets, 52–3 ‘Das Sonett’, 52 Stella, 71, 72, 184 ‘Das Tagebuch’, 62 Tag- und Jahreshefte, 155, 156, 157, 166 Torquato Tasso, xiv, 30, 31–2, 38, 47, 56, 66, 71, 78–80, 109, 110, 157 ‘Der Totentanz’, 52 ‘Trilogie der Leidenschaft’, 55 Der Triumph der Empndsamkeit, 83, 118 ă Uber allen Gipfeln, 47, 60, 250 ă Uber Granit, 161 ă Uber Kunst und Altertum, xv, 195, 198, 204 ă Uber Laokoon, 109 ă Uber Wahrheit und Wahrscheinlichkeit der Kunstwerke, 124 Unterhaltungen deutscher Ausgewanderten, 132 ‘Der untreue Knabe’, 51 Urfaust, 64, 89, 92–3, 96, 97 Urpflanze (Primal Plant), 32, 102, 170, 171 ‘Urworte Orphisch’, 62 Venezianische Epigramme, 49, 58, 62, 220, 221 ‘Der Versuch als Vermittler von Objekt und Subjekt’, 162, 226 Versuch die Metamorphose der Panzen zu ă erklaren, xiv, 161 ‘Von Arabesken’, 198 ‘Von deutscher Baukunst’, 194, 197–8, 234 ‘Vor Gericht’, 51 Die Wahlverwandtschaften, xv, 5, 130, 136–40, 146, 147, 161, 195, 229 ‘Die wandelnde Glocke’, 52 ‘Der Wanderer’, 61 ‘Wandrers Sturmlied’, 28, 45–6, 61 ‘Warum gabst du uns die tiefen Blicke’, 31, 47, 60 Was wir bringen, 82 ‘Weimarisches Hoftheater, 123 ă West-ostlicher Divan, xvi, 378, 43, 534, 56, 63–4, 183, 195, 224 Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre, xv, 23, 24, 34–5, 47, 105, 110, 111, 113, 140–4, 149, 156, 182, 185–8, 220, 229, 233, 236, 238, 244, 245, 249 Wilhelm Meisters theatralische Sendung, xiv, 30, 34, 140, 145, 148 Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre, xvi, 39, 144–5, 150, 158, 223, 248 ‘Willkommen und Abschied’, 45, 60, 179 Winckelmann, 231 Xenien, 34, 49, 58, 62, 105–6, 108, 109–10, 113, 246 ‘Zahme Xenien’, 55 ‘Der Zauberlehrling’, 52, 63 ‘Zueignung’, 62 Zum Shakespeares Tag, 68 Zur Farbenlehre, xiv, 37, 161, 162, 165, 172–6, 195, 196, 200, 204, 205, 237 Zur Morphologie, 161, 16570 ă Zwo wichtige bisher unerorterte biblische Fragen’, 223 277 ... Sitter The Cambridge Companion to the Eighteenth-Century Novel edited by John Richetti The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Poetry edited by Joseph Bristow The Cambridge Companion to the Victorian... Hardie The Cambridge Companion to Dante edited by Rachel Jacoff The Cambridge Companion to Goethe edited by Lesley Sharpe The Cambridge Companion to Proust edited by Richard Bales The Cambridge Companion. .. The Cambridge Companion to Milton edited by Dennis Danielson The Cambridge Companion to Samuel Johnson edited by Greg Clingham The Cambridge Companion to Keats edited by Susan J Wolfson The Cambridge

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