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Jacqueline pascal a rule for children and other writings the other voice in early modern europe 2003

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A RULE FOR CHILDREN AND OTHER WRITINGS THE OTHER VOICE IN EARLY MODERN EUROPE A Series Edited by Margaret L King and Albert Rabil Jr RECENT BOOKS IN THE SERIES TULLIA D’ARAGONA FRANÇOIS POULLAIN DE LA BARRE Dialogue on the Infinity of Love Three Cartesian Feminist Treatises Edited and translated by Rinaldina Russell and Bruce Merry Introductions and Annotations by Marcelle Maistre Welch Translation by Vivien Bosley CASSANDRA FEDELE Letters and Orations Edited and translated by Diana Robin VERONICA FRANCO Poems and Selected Letters Edited and translated by Ann Rosalind Jones and Margaret F Rosenthal MARIE LE JARS DE GOURNAY “Apology for the Woman Writing” and Other Works Edited and translated by Richard Hillman and Colette Quesnel LUCREZIA MARINELLA The Nobility and Excellence of Women, and the Defects and Vices of Men Edited and translated by Anne Dunhill with Letizia Panizza ANNE-MARIE-LOUISE D’ORLÉANS, DUCHESSE DE MONTPENSIER Against Marriage: The Correspondence of La Grande Mademoiselle Edited and translated by Joan DeJean SISTER BARTOLOMEA RICCOBONI Life and Death in a Venetian Convent: The Chronicle and Necrology of Corpus Domini, 1395–1436 Edited and translated by Daniel Bornstein MARÍA DE SAN JOSÉ SALAZAR Book for the Hour of Recreation Introduction and Notes by Alison Weber Translation by Amanda Powell ANNA MARIA VAN SCHURMAN “Whether a Christian Woman Should Be Educated” and Other Writings from Her Intellectual Circle Edited and translated by Joyce L Irwin LUCREZIA TORNABUONI DE’MEDICI Sacred Narratives Edited and translated by Jane Tylus JUAN LUIS VIVES “The Education of a Christian Woman”: A Sixteenth-Century Manual Edited and translated by Charles Fantazzi Jacqueline Pascal A RULE FOR CHILDREN AND OTHER WRITINGS Edited and translated by John J Conley, S.J THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS Chicago & London Jacqueline Pascal, 1625 – 61 John J Conley, S.J., is associate professor of philosophy at Fordham University He is the author of The Suspicion of Virtue: Women Philosophers in Neoclassical France and coeditor of Prophecy and Diplomacy: The Moral Doctrine of John Paul II The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637 The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London © 2003 by The University of Chicago All rights reserved Published 2003 Printed in the United States of America 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 ISBN: 0-226-64831-1 (cloth) ISBN: 0-226-64833-8 (paper) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Pascal, Jacqueline, 1625–1661 [Selections English 2003] A rule for children and other writings / Jacqueline Pascal ; edited and translated by John J Conley p cm — (The other voice in early modern Europe) Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-226-64831-1 (alk paper) — ISBN 0-226-64833-8 (pbk : alk paper) Jansenists—France—History—Sources I Conley, John J II Title III Series BX4735.P3 [A25 2003] 282؅.092—dc21 2002040862 ⅜ ϱ The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992 To the memory of my beloved sister Nancy Maureen Conley (1961–67) CONTENTS Acknowledgments ix Series Editors’ Introduction xi Volume Editor’s Introduction Bibliography on Jacqueline Pascal 15 Poetry (1638–43) 18 On the Mystery of the Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ (1651) 30 Report of Soeur Jacqueline de Sainte Euphémie to the Mother Prioress of Port-Royal des Champs (1653) 41 A Rule for Children (1657) 69 Interrogation of Soeur Jacqueline de Sainte Euphémie (Pascal), Subprioress and Novice Mistress (1661) 121 A Memoir of Mère Marie Angélique by Soeur Jacqueline de Sainte Euphémie Pascal (1661) 124 Letters of Jacqueline Pascal (1647–61) Series Editors’ Bibliography 153 Index 165 128 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T his book could not have been written without the assistance of numerous people who encouraged the research, the translation, and the publication of the works of Jacqueline Pascal I thank the Folger Institute for a grant to participate in the seminar on gender and sanctity led by Dr Alison Weber of the University of Virginia The seminar permitted me to develop my first paper on Jacqueline Pascal I also thank the Society for the Study of Women Philosophers, where I presented a paper on Jacqueline Pascal’s subversion of virtue theory The meetings of the Society also permitted me to gauge the interest among professional philosophers for a translation of her work on education I thank Fordham University for a sabbatical (1999–2000) that permitted me to consult manuscripts and rare printed material in several Parisian libraries, and I thank the staffs of the following libraries for their professional courtesy: Bibliothèque nationale de France; Bibliothèque Mazarine; Bibliothèque de la Société de Port-Royal I also recognize my debt to the French editors of the works of Jacqueline Pascal: Père Pierre Guerrier, Victor Cousin, Armand Prosper Faugère, and Jean Mesnard I owe a particular debt to Mesnard, whose magisterial edition of the works of the entire Pascal family has provided contemporary Pascal scholars with a detailed map of Jansenist culture Perhaps the greatest debt is to a small circle of Jansenist laywomen and nuns, such as Gilberte Pascal Périer and Mère Angélique de Saint-Jean, who managed to preserve the manuscripts of Jacqueline Pascal in the face of a century of censorship, confiscation, interdict, imprisonment, and exile Thanks to their determination in the midst of persecution, Jacqueline Pascal can still speak to us of the rights of conscience and of the formation of conscience in the shadow of the cross ix 158 Series Bibliography Goldsmith, Elizabeth C Exclusive Conversations: The Art of Interaction in Seventeenth-Century France Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1988 ———, ed Writing the Female Voice Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1989 Goldsmith, Elizabeth C., and Dena Goodman, eds Going Public: Women and Publishing in Early Modern France Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995 Greer, Margaret Rich Maria de Zayas University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000 Hackett, Helen Women and Romance Fiction in the English Renaissance Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000 Hall, Kim F Things of Darkness: Economies of Race and Gender in Early Modern England Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995 Hampton, Timothy Literature and the Nation in the Sixteenth Century: Inventing Renaissance France Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001 Hardwick, Julie The Practice of Patriarchy: Gender and the Politics of Household Authority in Early Modern France University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998 Harth, Erica Cartesian Women Versions and Subversions of Rational Discourse in the Old Regime Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992 ——— Ideology and Culture in Seventeenth-Century France Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1983 Haselkorn, Anne M., and Betty Travitsky, eds The Renaissance Englishwoman in Print: Counterbalancing the Canon Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1990 Herlihy, David “Did Women Have a Renaissance? 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death, 31– 33, 37– 40, 114, 143 – 46 Angélique, Mère See Arnauld, Jacqueline Angélique de Saint-Jean, Mère See Arnauld d’Andilly, Angélique angels, 94, 115, 138 Angelus, 73 Anne d’Autriche (queen and regent of France), 2, 18, 19, 20, 28–29 Anne-Marie de Sainte-Eugénie, Soeur See Arnauld d’Andilly, Anne-Marie annihilation, 31, 40 “Another Epigram, to Madame d’Hautefort,” 21 Apollo, 25 aristocracy, 41, 69 Arnauld, Antoine, 3, 3n 11, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13 Arnauld, Henri (bishop of Angers), Arnauld, Jacqueline (Mère Angélique): in correspondence of Jacqueline Pascal, 128, 152n 39; and crisis of dowry, 41, 42, 46, 47, 49–67; and education, 69, 72; literary portrait of, 124–27; and religious reform, – 6, 4n 14, 11–13 Arnauld, Jeanne Catherine (Mère Agnès): in correspondence of Jacqueline Pascal, 128, 142; and crisis of dowry, 41–46, 64; and miracle of thorn, 30; and religious reform, 5, 6, 13 Arnauld d’Andilly, Angélique (Mère Angélique de Saint-Jean), 10, 42, 128, 143–52 Arnauld d’Andilly, Anne-Marie (Soeur Anne-Marie de Sainte Eugénie), 128, 143–46 Assembly of the Clergy, Augustine of Hippo, Saint, 13, 116, 150 – 51 Augustinianism, 3, Augustinus, Ausoult, Adrien, 131 autobiography, 41–68 avarice, 64, 66 Ave Maria, 79, 89, 92, 114 Bail, Abbé Louis, 9, 121–27 baptism, 104 Basil, Saint, 122, 122n Benedict, Saint, 116 165 166 Index Benedicte, 81 Benserade, Isaac de, 18 Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint, 116, 149 Bibliothèque Mazarine, 11 Bibliothèque nationale de France, 11, 14 biography, 12, 124 –27 Book of Hours, 122 Book of the Foundations, 116 books, 116–17 Cadet, Félix, 115 calculating machine, 2, 131 Calvinism, Carmelites, 58 catechism, 7, 69, 85 – 86, 96, 122 Catherine de Saint-Jean, Soeur See Le Mtre, Catherine Arnauld Cecilia, Saint, 26 chapter of faults, 69, 84 – 85, 104 charity: of convent, 48, 49, 62, 68; and Crucifixion, 37, 38, 39; and financial gift, 44; of Mère Angélique, 60, 64; of Mère Marie-Dorothée, 42; as motive, 45, 47, 56, 58, 59, 65, 66, 84; perfect, 62; and prayer, 90, 92, 93, 115; and schoolmistresses, 97– 98, 100, 105–7; and sick pupils, 119; transgressions against, 110; and unity, 148; and vows, 136 – 37, 140; and the worldly, 52– 53 Chatillon, M de, 143 childhood, 94–95 Christian Maxims, 116 Christmas, church, 40, 137, 147– 52 Cistercians, 115 Clermont, 1, 10 compassion, 41, 46, 58, 62, 128 compline, office of, 7, 74, 81, 88 conferences, educational, 102–7 confession, 7, 145; and convent school, 70, 71, 82, 84, 85, 101, 108 –11, 145 confessor, 111–12 Confirma Hoc Deus, 86 confirmation, 71, 113 –14 Confiteor, 80–81, 93 conscience, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13; and convent school, 80–81, 85–86, 96, 107, 109; and crisis of dowry, 50, 56, 57, 63, 65; and crisis of signature, 147; rights of, 129; and vows, 136, 140 Constitutions of Port-Royal, 10, 71 Contes, Jean-Baptiste de (vicar of archbishop of Paris), 9, 121, 147n 33 contrition, 108 convent school, 5, 9, 15, 42; treatise on, 69–120 Corneille, Pierre, 3, 18 correction, 83, 84, 100, 101, 107, 112 Counter-Reformation, 30 courage, 41, 49, 60–61, 109, 147, 150 Cousin, Victor, 11, 14, 71 cowardice, 147, 152 Credo, 89 crown of thorns, 8, 141 Crucifixion, 3040 Cum occasione, curriculum, 6, 6970 Dalanỗay, Martin, 143 Delfaut, Louise, 134n 14, 140n 19 Delforge, Frédéric, 13–14 Descartes, René, 4, 128, 129–31 desert fathers, 12, 53, 116 detachment, 49, 51, 52, 59 devotion, 104, 115, 125, 135, 139 dialogue, 70 discretion, 41, 82, 105 dishonesty, 6, 101, 108, 120, 148, 151– 52 disinterestedness, 42, 58, 61, 66 Divine Office, 7, 12, 145; and PortRoyal education, 69, 73, 77–78, 80, 88, 99, 145 doctors, medical, 117–19, 143–44 dowry, crisis of, 5, 12, 41–68, 128 droit/fait distinction, 8, 9, 150 education: and freedom, 42; methods of, 6–7; philosophy of, 13, 69–120; for women, 1–2 Index elect, God’s, 90, 121 epigram, 3, 18–22, 24, 26 “Epigram for Mademoiselle,” 20 “Epigram on the Quickening of the Queen’s Child,” 19 “Epigram to Thank God for the Gift of Poetry,” 18, 22 Euphemia, Saint, 121 Explanations of the Holy Mass, 79 Extreme Unction, 146 faith, 128, 150–51 Faubourg Saint-Jacques, Faugère, Armand Prosper: as editor, 11, 14, 135n 15; fear of God, 97, 108; texts edited by, 18 –19, 31, 42, 71, 121, 124 Five Propositions, 7, forgiveness, 107–8, 127 Formulary, 8, 9, 147, 149 – 52 freedom, 9, 42, 60, 119, 128 gambling, 66, 124–25 gender, 18 generosity, 46, 52, 66 gentleness, 119 God: fear of, 97; generosity of, 43, 55; grace of, 49, 51, 52, 57, 68; and Holy Communion, 111, 113; and interrogation of Jacqueline Pascal, 123; judgment of, 44, 83, 125 –27; love of, 87, 104; mercy of, 58; and miracle of thorn, 143; omnipotence of, 72; omniscience of, 48; poetry addressed to, 22–24, 25 –26; prayers addressed to, 89 – 95, 114; and religious vows, 135 – 40; and retreat, 132–35; reverence toward, 79 – 81, 99 –103, 105 – 9; and Soeur Anne-Marie, 144 – 46; spirit of, 34, 67; will of, 56 good thief, 37 Gospel, 148 grace, 9: in crisis of dowry, 43, 49, 51, 52, 55, 57, 67, 68; in interrogation of Jacqueline Pascal, 123; and Mère Angélique, 125, 127; and miracle of thorn, 143; and passion of Christ, 35, 37, 39; and religious vows, 137– 38; and schooling, 77, 79, 84, 92– 93, 97, 99, 105, 111, 114, 119 grand silence, 69, 73, 80 gratitude, 145 greed, 46, 47, 65, 66 Gregory the Great, Saint, 12 Grenada, Louis de, 116 Guerrier, Père Pierre, 10, 19, 31, 71 Habert, Jacques, sieur de SaintLéonard, 129–30 Hautefort, Marie d’, 21 Heavenly Ladder, The, 116 heresy, 121 History of the Persecutions of the Nuns of PortRoyal, 10, 121 Hobier, M., 136 Hodencq, Abbé Alexandre de, 147 Holy Communion, 7, 70, 82–83, 111– 13, 141, 144, 146 Holy See, 150 Holy Spirit, 34, 39, 63, 79, 90, 92, 113, 140 honor, 41, 46, 49, 65 hope, 128 humility, 6; and confession, 108–10; during crisis of dowry, 46, 57, 64; and crisis of signature, 152; and education, 93, 104, 113–15; Mère Angélique on, 125, 127; of Soeur Anne-Marie, 128, 145 hypocrisy, 85, 87, 102–3, 120 idleness, 76 illness, 100, 117–20, 131, 141–46 Imitation of Jesus Christ, The, 96, 116, 117 impatience, 145 impiety, 77 indifference, 35, 49, 50, 51, 59, 113 indocility, 103 ingratitude, 68, 132 inheritance controversy, 44, 47, 51, 55, 58, 62 injustice, 48, 51, 54, 58, 60, 64 167 168 Index innocence, 94 Innocent X (pope), inquest, ecclesiastical, –10, 121–23 insensibility, 34 instruction, classroom, 84 – 86 Interrogation of Soeur Jacqueline de SainteEuphémie (Pascal), 12, 121–23 Introduction to the Devout Life, 116 Jacqueline de Sainte-Euphémie, Soeur See Pascal, Jacqueline Jansenism: and biography of Jacqueline Pascal, 1, 3, 4, –10, 12–14; and education, 69 –70; and heresy, 121, 128; of Mère Angélique, 124; and theology of cross, 30 Jansenius, Cornelius (bishop of Ypres), 3, 3n 9, 7, 128, 149 jealousy, 58 Jerome, Saint, 12, 116 Jesuits, 6, Jesus Christ, 4: and confession, 109, 114; and convent school, 84; death of, 30–40, 122; and grace, 148 – 52; and Mère Angélique, 126; prayers to, 89, 90 – 93, 94 John Climacus, Saint, 12, 86, 116, 86n 20 Joseph, Saint, 116 joy: in convent school, 104; and crisis of signature, 148; and miracle of thorn, 143; of Soeur Anne-Marie, 144–46; spiritual, 59, 62; of vocation, 136–37 judgment, divine, 125 justice, 47, 48, 51, 59, 61, 62, 148 lauds, office of, 81 laziness, 72, 108 Leconte, Dorothée (Mère MarieDorothée de l’Incarnation), 42– 44, 46, 47, 50, 60, 63, 66, 67 Le Mtre, Antoine, 6, 42 Le Mtre, Catherine Arnauld (Soeur Catherine de Saint-Jean), 126 Le Mtre de Saci, Isaac, 145 – 46 Lent, 76, 85, 88, 141 Lepailleur, Jacques, 130 Le Roy de la Potterie, Abbé Pierre, 141–42 Letters of Jacqueline Pascal, 11, 12, 128– 52 Letters of Saint-Cyran, 116 Letters of Saint Jerome, 116 licentiousness, 107 liturgy, 7, 69, 77–78 Louis XIII (king of France), 2, 28–29 Louis XIV (king of France), 1, 8, 121 love: and cross, 31; for God, 106, 109, 135, 136; poetry, 27–28; for pupils, 104; for siblings, 51 Marie-Dorothée de l’Incarnation, Mère See Leconte, Dorothée martyrdom, 10, 14 martyrology, 7, 74 Mary, Blessed Virgin: as educational model, 78, 84, 115; and passion of Christ, 32; in poetry, 18, 26–27; prayers to, 91, 93 Mass, 50, 69, 73, 78–80, 85, 95, 145 mathematics, 3, 69–70, 96 matins, office of, 77, 143 Mauriac, Franỗois, 15 Maxime, 13 Meditations of Saint Teresa of Avila on the Pater Noster, 116 Memoir of Mère Marie Angélique by Soeur Jacqueline de Sainte-Euphémie Pascal, A, 3, 12, 124–27 memory, 70, 86, 95–96, 102, 114, 138 Mersenne, Marin, 131 Mesnard, Jean, 11, 14, 134n 14, 135n 15 method, pedagogical, 72–88, 96–117 miracle, 53; of thorn, 8, 128, 141–43 Miserere, 74 modesty, 77, 81, 115 monasticism, 69, 71 Montigny, M de, 129–30 Montpensier, Anne-Marie Louise d’Orléans, duchesse de, 2, 18, 20 Moralia, 122 moralist, 128 Index Morangis, Mme de, 21 mortification, 35, 37, 75, 110, 111 nature, 137, 139 needlework, 74–76, 80, 86 Ninevites, 127 none, office of, 53, 96 novitiate, 51, 123, 139 nuns, 54, 103 – 4, 118, 134 – 35, 146 nursing, 118 obedience, 32, 43, 63, 65, 71, 99, 128 obstinacy, 41 Of Christian Almsgiving, “On the Apparent Healing of the King,” 28 “On the Conception of the Virgin,” 3, 18, 26 –27 On the Mystery of the Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 4, 12, 13, 30 – 40 Oratorians, 10 Paris, 2, 7, 8, 9, 151 Pascal, Antoinette Begon, Pascal, Blaise: during crisis of dowry, 41, 53, 55, 56, 62, 128, 129; letter of Jacqueline Pascal to, 135 – 40; relationship with Jacqueline Pascal, 2–5, 8, 11, 12, 15, 133; and visit of Descartes, 128, 129 – 31 Pascal, Étienne, 1– 4, 12, 41, 128 –29, 132– 35 Pascal, Gilberte See Périer, Gilberte Pascal Pascal, Jacqueline: bibliography on, 15–17; biography of, 1–10; canon of, 10–12; influences on and of, 12–14; portrait of, 1; studies of, 14–15 Works: Interrogation of Soeur Jacqueline de Sainte Euphémie (Pascal), 121–23; letters, 128 – 52; Memoir of Mère Marie Angélique, A, 124 –27; On the Mystery of Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 30 – 40; poetry, 18 –29; Report of Soeur Jacqueline de SainteEuphémie, 40 – 68; Rule for Children, A, 69 –120 Passart, Soeur Catherine de SainteFlavie, 141–42 Passion of Christ, 4, 12, 30–40, 77, 143 passions, 39, 51, 53, 83–84, 103, 105, 149 Passiontide, 76 pastoral letter, 9, 147, 147n 33, 148 Pater Noster, 89, 92, 115 Path of Perfection, 116 patience, 39, 41, 64, 144 patristics, 12 Paul, Saint, 37 penance: as punishment, 70, 78, 83, 101, 107, 108, 113; for sin, 31, 106, 111; spirit of, 75, 81, 104, 109, 115, 140, 144–45 Périer, Florin, 5, 134 Périer, Gilberte Pascal: during crisis of dowry, 41, 60; as editor, 71; letters from Jacqueline Pascal to, 128, 129 – 31, 141–43; relationship with Jacqueline Pascal, 2, 5, 10, 11, 14 Périer, Marguerite, 8, 10, 11, 14, 128, 141– 43 Perroy, Marguerite, 15 persecution, 8, 10, 126, 128, 148 perseverance, 109 Peter, Saint, 151 petites écoles, petites écoles de Port-Royal, Les, 14 Phyllis, 21 piety, 44, 81, 83, 115, 124 poetry, 2, 3, 11, 12, 14, 18–29 politeness, 76, 84 Pontius Pilate, 151 portrait, moral, 3, 13, 14 Port-Royal: convent of, 1, 3–6, 128, 133; and crisis of dowry, 41, 42, 49, 68; Jansenism and, 8–10, 121, 124; orthodoxy of, 10, 12, 121; publications of, 10–11; school at, 7–8, 69– 70 poverty, spiritual, 30, 46, 52, 59, 64 Practice of Holy Mass, 95 prayers, 73–74, 80–81, 89–94, 114– 16 169 170 Index predestination, 121 Pretiosa, 73 pride: and crisis of dowry, 41, 48, 60, 61, 64; Mère Angélique on, 125; of pupils, 93, 103, 110, 112 prime, office of, 7, 50, 73, 74, 77, 88, 95 Prix de la Tour, 3, 18, 26 profession, religious: and crisis of dowry, 41– 44, 46, 48, 49, 51, 61, 62, 64, 65; of Jacqueline Pascal, 5, 128, 135 – 40 providence, divine, 36, 55 Provinciales, Les, 8, 149 prudence, 41, 147 psalter, 7, 117 punishment, 79, 99, 101, 103, 108 purity, 95 reading, 69 –70, 81, 86 – 87, 116 –17 recreation, 81–84, 87– 88 reform, monastic, – regulations for feast days, 95 – 96 Relations concernant la vie de la Mère Angélique et de plusieurs de ses religieuses, 42 Relations sur la vie de la Mère Angélique, 124 reparation, 31, 107, 140 repentance, 128 Report of Soeur Jacqueline de Sainte-Euphémie to the Mother Prioress of Port-Royal des Champs, 5, 12, 41– 68 respect, 147–49 resurrection, 35, 40 retreat, religious, 38, 132– 35 reverence, 99, 115 Ricard, Antoine, 15 Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal, 2, 6, 24 –25 Rigorism, 70, 112, 113, 124 Roberval, Gilles Personne de, 130 – 31 Rouen, 3, 133–34 Rule for Children, A, 6, 7, 10 –13, 69 –120 sacraments, 7, 13, 70, 113 –14, 119 Saint-Cyran, Jean Duvergier de Hauranne, abbé de: and crisis of dowry, 54 – 55, 66; and crisis of signature, 151, 152; and Jansenism, 3, 3n 10, 7, 13; writings of, 70, 79, 86, 116 Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin, 15 Saint Germain-en-Laye, Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, saints, 91, 93, 115, 116 salon, 2, 3, 23 salvation, 6, 32, 70, 89, 121, 123, 133 Salve Regina, 88 sanctity, 59 schoolmistress: activities of, 73, 75, 76, 79, 80, 82, 84; Jacqueline Pascal as, 6, 69; spirit of, 97–102, 111, 116–17 scrupulosity, 112 selfishness, 51, 52, 53, 59, 84, 93, 103 sext, office of, 79, 80, 81, 96 signature, crisis of, 9–10, 12, 13, 128– 29, 146–52 Simple Theology See Théologie familière simplicity, 94, 100, 102, 105, 140 sin: and repentance, 92–93, 109–10; and responsibility, 122, 123; of Saint Peter, 151; of siblings, 59, 65, 140; of world, 50 sincerity, 105–6, 108 singing, 79, 82, 96 Singlin, Abbé Antoine: as chaplain at Port-Royal, 4, 4n 13, 6, 126, 144– 45; during crisis of dowry, 41, 46, 48, 64; and treatise on education, 69, 71 sloth, 72, 110 solitaires, les, sonnet, 19, 21, 25–26, 28–29 “Sonnet of Devotion,” 25–26 “Sonnet to the Queen,” 19 Sorbonne, soul, 40, 108, 122 “Stanzas for the Queen,” 20 “Stanzas on the Same Subject,” 18, 22– 23 “Stanzas to Thank God for Her Recovery,” 23–24 “Stanzas Written Spontaneously,” 21– 22 state of life, 34, 36, 104, 110, 129, 139 Sub tuum praesidium, 78 Index superstition, 124 Sylvia, 22 Te Deum, 122 temperament, moral, 106 terce, office of, 77, 78 Teresa of Avila, Saint, 116 Théologie familière, 7, 70, 86n 21, 95, 116, 117 theology, 7, 129, 131 Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 114 timidity, 151 “To His Eminence the Cardinal, Duc de Richelieu,” 24–25 tolerance, 64 “To Madame Morangis,” 21 “To Madame the Duchesse d’Éguillon,” 25 “To Saint Cecilia,” 26 “To the Queen, on the Regency,” 18, 28 –29 Tradition of the Church, 116 translation, 13 Treatise on Confirmation, 95 Trinity, 89, 150 truth, 147– 49, 150 – 51 vacuum, experiments on, 4, 130 vanity, 46, 49, 51, 53, 73, 102, 128 Veni, Sancte Spiritus, 84 Vers de la petite Pascal, 16 vespers, office of, 53, 77, 87, 96, 116– 17 vices, 41, 66, 105, 110, 132 virtues, 4, 6, 12; Christian, 85, 103–4, 111–12; during crisis of dowry, 41, 46, 50, 57, 64; and Crucifixion, 30, 37; and religious vows, 132, 137, 139; of Soeur Anne-Marie, 144 vocation: of Jacqueline Pascal, 4, 5, 12, 14; of nun, 104; right to, 41–42, 128, 133; of writer, 18 vows, 38, 41, 43, 49, 62, 104, 135–40, 152 welfare of pupils, 96–120 will, 40 wisdom, 41, 148 women: authority of, 7, 29; education of, 6, 69–120; rights of, 1, 9, 13, 15, 42, 129, 150 Woodgate, Mildred, 15 work, 75 –77, 82 world: death to, 32, 33, 36, 38, 40; opposition to, 30, 33, 140; spirit of, 32, 35, 137–39 writing, 79–96 171 ... Bigolina, Urania, edited and translated by Valeria Finucci Francesco Buoninsegni and Arcangela Tarabotti, Menippean Satire: “Against Feminine Extravagance” and “Antisatire,” edited and translated... (paper) Library of Congress Cataloging -in- Publication Data Pascal, Jacqueline, 1625–1661 [Selections English 2003] A rule for children and other writings / Jacqueline Pascal ; edited and translated... VIVES The Education of a Christian Woman”: A Sixteenth-Century Manual Edited and translated by Charles Fantazzi Jacqueline Pascal A RULE FOR CHILDREN AND OTHER WRITINGS Edited and translated by

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