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Gabrielle de coignard spiritual sonnets a bilingual edition the other voice in early modern europe 2003

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SPIRITUAL SONNETS THE OTHER VOICE IN E A R LY M O D E R N EUROPE A Series Edited by Margaret L King and Albert Rabil Jr RECENT BOOKS IN THE SERIES CASSANDRA FEDELE FRANÇOIS POULLAIN DE LA BARRE Letters and Orations Three Cartesian Feminist Treatises Edited and Translated by Diana Robin Introductions and Annotations by Marcelle Maistre Welch Translation by Vivien Bosley MARIE LE JARS DE GOURNAY “Apology for the Woman Writing” and Other Works Edited and Translated by Richard Hillman and Colette Quesnel ANNIBAL GUASCO Discourse to Lady Lavinia His Daughter Edited, Translated, and with an Introduction by Peggy Osborn ANNE-MARIE-LOUISE D’ORLÉANS, DUCHESSE DE MONTPENSIER SISTER BARTOLOMEA RICCOBONI Life and Death in a Venetian Convent: The Chronicle and Necrology of Corpus Domini, 1395–1436 Edited and Translated by Daniel Bornstein MARÍA DE SAN JOSÉ SALAZAR Book for the Hour of Recreation Introduction and Notes by Alison Weber Translation by Amanda Powell Against Marriage: The Correspondence of La Grande Mademoiselle MADELEINE DE SCUDÉRY Edited and Translated by Joan DeJean Translated and with an Introduction by Karen Newman OLYMPIA MORATA The Story of Sapho The Complete Writings of an Italian Heretic LUCREZIA TORNABUONI DE’ MEDICI Edited and Translated by Holt N Parker Edited and Translated by Jane Tylus JACQUELINE PASCAL JUAN LUIS VIVES “A Rule for Children” and Other Writings “The Education of a Christian Woman”: A Sixteenth-Century Manual Edited and Translated by John J Conley, S.J Edited and Translated by Charles Fantazzi Sacred Narratives Gabrielle de Coignard SPIRITUAL SONNETS A Bilingual Edition Edited and Translated by Melanie E Gregg THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS Chicago & London Gabrielle de Coignard, ca 1550 – 86 Melanie E Gregg is assistant professor of French at Wilson College The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637 The University of Chicago Press, Ltd., London © 2004 by The University of Chicago All rights reserved Published 2004 Printed in the United States of America 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 ISBN: 0-226-13983-2 (cloth) ISBN: 0-226-13984-0 (paper) Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Coignard, Gabrielle de, d 1586 [Sonnets spirituels English & French] Spiritual sonnets : a bilingual edition / Gabrielle de Coignard ; translated and edited by Melanie E Gregg — 1st ed p cm — (The other voice in early modern Europe) Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-226-13983-2 (cloth : alk paper) — ISBN 0-226-13984-0 (pbk : alk paper) I Gregg, Melanie E II Title III Series PQ1607.C56A7613 2004 841؅.3—dc22 2003012759 ø The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Information Sciences—Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1992 To Colette H Winn CONTENTS Acknowledgments ix Series Editors’ Introduction xi–xxxi Volume Editor’s Introduction 1–21 Volume Editor’s Bibliography 23–33 Coignard’s Spiritual Sonnets, with English translations on facing pages 34–159 Notes 161–78 Series Editors’ Bibliography 179–88 Index 189 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to those who have helped me bring this project to completion First, I am greatly indebted to Sandra G Connolly for her tireless labor and assistance with the Biblical references included in the notes to this translation I thank her, too, for the time she so willingly devoted to reading (and rereading) my translation and introduction Her critique and suggestions were crucial to my revisions for the final draft I would also like to thank Sylvia S Johnson for her diligent and thorough reading of both the introduction and the translation I am grateful in particular for her sensitive ear: several of her recommendations served to improve the quality and flow of the verse in translation Melinda W Schlitt’s assistance with this project has also been invaluable Her critical reading of the introduction and the translation, as well as our numerous discussions about possible renderings in English of the more convoluted lines of the original, facilitated and vastly improved the final draft I thank her, above all, for her untiring support, encouragement, and availability throughout the entire process of this project The comments, questions, and suggestions I received from my anonymous reader were most helpful to the final revisions of the manuscript and sparked some ideas for future projects as well Finally, I would like to thank Albert Rabil and Margaret King for including my translation in their series It has been a privilege to work with such a fine team I am particularly grateful to Albert Rabil for his kind and generous guidance throughout the various stages of this project Melanie E Gregg ix 182 S e r i e s E d i t o r s’ B i b l i o g r a p h y Bloch, R Howard Medieval Misogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991 Bornstein, Daniel, and Roberto Rusconi, eds Women and Religion 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Artemisia, xxvii Art poétique (Peletier du Mans), 12, 12 n 57 Art poộtique franỗois (Sộbillet), 12 n 57 Ascension, 135, 174 n 239 Assumption, 141, 175 n 254 Astell, Mary, xxvi, xxviii; Serious Proposal to the Ladies, for the Advancement of Their True and Greatest Interest, xxv Athena, 17, 177 n 294, 177 n 297 Augustine, Saint, xv, 174 n 242 Barbaro, Francesco, xxiixxiii, xxviii Belleforest, Franỗois de, 17 Bergamo, Filippo da, xxi Berriot-Salvadore, Evelyne, n 6, 11, 17, 20 n 89, 163 n 31, 174 n 234 Boccaccio, Giovanni, xxv; Concerning Famous Women, xxi; Il Corbaccio, xvii, xxi; Decameron, n Bodin, Jean, xxiv body: affliction and chastisement of, 67, 75, 89, 139; as agent, 11; as carnal burden, 115; as carnal skin, 11, 164 n 36; as chariot, 53, 75, 164 n 36; as cloister, 159; constrainment of, 53, 113; as depraved, 53, 71, 95; dichotomy of soul and, 173 n 221; eyes of, 131; flesh of, 73, 91, 95, 151; full of sin, 101; as ice, 87, 119; languor of, 121, 123; mortal life of, 43, 69; as obstacle, 164 n 36; as path, 85; as receptacle, 129; revolt of soul against, 119; subject to 189 190 Index body (continued) decay, 71; submission of, 43, 65, 117; weakness of, 49 Bonnefon, Paul, 15 n 72 Bourbon, Catherine de, n 10 Bourbon, Gabrielle de, n 10 Brantôme, Pierre de, xxi Bruni, Leonardo, xxviii caesura, 11 n 56, 12, 12 n 61 Cain, 143 Cantelma, Margherita of Mantua, xxv Capra, Galeazzo Flavio, xxiii Carles, Bernard, n 18 Castiglione, Baldassare, xxii Cathédral Saint-Etienne, 169 n 143 Catherine of Aragon, xxv Catholicism, 4, 6, 17, 65 Catholics, 16, 18, 166 n 71 Cave, Terence, n 6, 16, 16 n 77, 17 n 79 Centurie premiere (Favre), 11 Ceres, 17, 77, 167 n 98 Cereta, Laura, xxiv Champion of Women, The (Le Franc), xxii charity, 55, 65, 71, 123, 167 n 80 See also agape Chassignet, Jean-Baptiste, 11, 168 n 101; Mespris de la vie et consolation contre la mort, 11 chastity, 45, 57, 61, 137 Christmas, 93, 95, 169 nn 134, 140 Chrosroes II, 165 n 54 Circe, 17, 57, 165 n 50 city, flight from, 10, 113, 125, 173 n 217 Cloquemin, Abraham, n 18 Coignard, Aymond de, 169 n 123 Coignard, Gabrielle de, 1; biography, 4–5; Christian, 7; daughters, 5, 7, n 35, 35, 37, 149, 151, 164 n 33, 169 n 143, 176 n 287; death, 5, 39; debt to Petrarch, 14; education, 4; faith, 8, 9; family, 4, 169 n 123; first-person poetic voice, 9, nn 33–35, 11; on high style, 10, 10 n 44; husband, 4, 5, 8, n 35, 133, 168 n 105, 177 n 293; literary legacy, 2; marriage, 174 n 231; Oeuvres chrétiennes, 4, n 19, 6, 8; on paganism, 18; on parental responsibility, 10; poetic inspiration, 8, n 26, 15, 16, 18–19; 35–43, 53; poetic skill, 3; poetic techniques, 11– 16; social status, 4; Sonnets spirituels, 5, n 19, 7; sources for, 16–19; title, 5; Vers chrestiens, 5, n 19, 6–7; widow, 5, 8, n 35 Coignard, Jean de, 4, n 14, 169 n 123 Col, Gontier, xxii Colletet, Guillaume, 15, 15 n 72 Confrérie des pénitents bleus, 171, n 183, 175 n 246 contrition, 91, 121, 159 See also penitence; regret; remorse Cottrell, Robert, n Courtier, The (Castiglione), xxii courtly love, xvi–xvii Cross, 8, 85, 103, 105, 109, 115, 119, 129, 139; beneath, 65, 79; Day of the Exaltation of, 59; death of Jesus Christ on, 85, 109, 135, 141, 143, 145, 147, 171 n 173, 175 n 257; as inspiration, 8, 103; invention of, 165 n 58; mystery of, 165 n 55; protection of, 79, 105, 162 n 16; return of, 165 n 54; shadow of, 7, 8, 43, 61, 165 n 57; as subject of affections, 57, 65, 103 Crudelis Herodes Deum, 170 n 158 Crux Fidelis, 165 n 56 David, 169 n 121, 172 n 205 death, 55, 79, 87, 109, 115, 147; bittersweet, 89; as escape, 10, 10 n 40; fear of, 97, 151; furious, 59, of Jesus Christ, 55, 65, 143, 147; Jesus Christ as conqueror of, 61; liberation from, 73, 101; love and, 165 n 51; as major theme, 7, 8; pale, 67; path to, 91; presumed, 95; proud, 133 deceit, 45, 47, 79, 151, 157, 177 n 291 Index Defense of Good Women (Elyot), xxvii Dentière, Marie, n 10 desire, blessed, 131; good, 87; holy, 83; human (worldly), 43, 45, 53, 61, 65, 67, 71, 101, 133, 141; to praise, 155; for salvation, 147; wholesome, 81 Desportes, Philippe, Quelques prieres et meditations chrestiennes, 11 Des Roches, Madeleine and Catherine, 1, n 5, 3; Oeuvres, Les, n 5; Secondes oeuvres, Les, n See also Fradonnet, Catherine; Neveu, Madeleine distaff, 8, 122, 177, nn 295, 296, 298 Da María, xxv Dorcas, 6, 37 Du Bartas, Guillaume Salluste, 18, 19 n 88, 162 n 10 Du Bellay, Joachim, 3, n 11, 18, 162 n 10, 164 n 42, 165 n 51; Défense et illustration de la langue francoyse, La, n 11 Du Guillet, Pernette, 1, n 4, 3, 14 n 69; Rimes, n See also poètes lyonnais ecstasy, mystical, 8, 9, 11, 14 Eleanora of Aragon, xxv Elizabeth I (queen), xxvii Elyot, Sir Thomas, xxvii enjambment, 13, n 64 envy, 49, 119 See also jealousy Equicola, Maria, xxiii, xxv Erasmus, Desiderius, xxiii, 164 n 42 Eros, 17, 165 nn 51, 52 escape, 10, 119 eternity, 81, 111 Eve, xv–xvi, xxi, xxiii, xxvi–xxvii evil, 47, 51, 89, 107 Faerie Queen (Spenser), xxvii Faure, Jacques, n 18 Favre, Antoine, 11 Fedele, Cassandra, xxiv Ferguson, Gary, nn 8, 9, n 35, 17 n 79 Feugère, Léon, 15, 15 n 72 fire: baptism with, 167 n 86; continual, 61; divine, 41, 43, imagery, 43, 73, 162 n 15, 65, 71, 91, 105, 121, 123, 131, 147; ecstatic, 115, 131; of love, 57; purifying, 53, 117, 167 n 87; salamander and, 151, 176 n 290 First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstruous Regiment of Women (Knox), xxvii Fonte, Moderata, xxvi Fradonnet, Catherine de, n 5, 177 nn 295, 298 See also Des Roches, Madeleine and Catherine Francis I (king), n 8, 12 n 57, 176 n 290 Gabriel, Saint, 73, 75, 167 nn 88, 89 Galen, xii Galileans, 137 Gallerie of Heroic Women (Le Moyne), xxi Garonne River, 7, 55, 164 nn 45, 46 Gerson, Jean, xxii glory: eternal, 69, 73, 139; God’s, 41, 47, 73, 133; rejection of, 10, 10 n 45, 18, 41, 57 Goggio, Bartolommeo, xxiii, xxv Good Friday, 171 nn 171, 179, 175 n 257 Gospel, 131 Gournay, Marie de, xxviii grace, 81; divine, 67, 69, 85, 97, 107, 133, 155, 157, 172 n 193; eternal, 43; incomparable, 99; infinite, 147; merciful, 51; salutary, 149; sovereign, 41, 129; unyielding, 45 Granada, Louis of, 16 n 78, 17, 17 nn 80 – 81; Le vray chemin (The True Path), 17, 17 n 79, 163 n 29, 168 n 99, 171 nn 182, 185; Libro de la oración y mediatión, 17 Gregory the Great, Saint, 16 n 78 Guazzo, Stefano, xxiv Guillaume de Lorris, xvii Hammer of Witches, The (Krämer and Sprenger), xxiii 191 192 Index heaven, 81, 83, 89, 131; canopy of, 57; divine repast from, 97; eternal graces in, 43; path of, 75; prize in, 69; rebirth in, 73 See also Paradise Hebrews, 105 Helen, Saint, 165 n 58 hell, 91, 145; abyss of, 93; association of body with, 174 n 221; as black province, 93; demons in, 107; eternal torment in, 91; gates of, 149; as infernal well, 159; as lakes of servitude, 109; as manor of infernal horror, 123 Henri II (king), Henri III (king), 16, 161 n 2, 171 n 183 Henri IV (king), n 7, Heraclius, 165 n 54 Hercules, 47 Hilarion de Coste, Father, 15 n 72 Hippocrene, 162 n 12 Homer, 53 Horace, 174 n 224 Huguenots, 162 n humanism, xix–xx, xxii, 18, 119, 162 n 10 humility, 6, 18, 19, 53, 97, 129, 143, 153 Icarus, 143, 175 n 255 ice, 43, 47, 73, 87, 119, 121 Immortal Triumphs and Heroic Enterprises of 845 Women (Ribera), xxi In Praise of Women (Goggio), xxiii, xxv Isaure, Clémence, 6, 35, 161 n Jacob, Father, 15 n 72 Jagourt, Pierre, n 18 jealousy, 59, 165 n 53 See also envy Jean de Meun, xvii, xxii Jerome, Saint, xvi, 75, 167 nn 88, 93 Jesus Christ, 7, 75, 83, 95, 99, 105, 107, 133, 143, 145, 147, 170 nn 161, 162; as divine child, 93, 99, 101, 109, 145; last words of on the Cross, 107, 175 n 257, 176 n 280; as spouse, 61, 63, 71, 97, 170 n 150 See also Cross Jeux Floraux, Les, 4, nn 13, 14, 6, n 19, 18, 162 n 10 Jews, 133, 175 n 258 John, Saint, 95, 97, 145, 149, 164 n 44, 170 n 144 Joseph of Arimathea, 175 n 254 joy, 59, 75, 77, 109, 133, 139 judgment, divine, 91, 93, 137 Jupiter, 153, 177 nn 297, 298 Jussie, Jeanne de, n 10 justice, divine, 10, 14 n 71, 67, 103, 123, 125, 143 Knox, John, xxvii Krämer, Heinrich, xxiii Labé, Louise, 1, n 3, 3, 14 n 69, 166 n 65; Debat de la Folie et d’Amour, n 3; Euvres de Louise Labé Lionnoize, n See also poètes lyonnais Lamentations (Mathéolus), xvii, xx, xvii, xx La Ceppède, Jean de, 11 La Maynardière, Henry, n 18, 15 Larsen, Anne, n 5, 161 n 7, 177 n 295 Lazard, Madeleine, n laziness, 51, 53, 103, 109, 115, 129 See also acidia Lebègue, Raymond, 13 n 65 Le Franc, Martin, xxii Le Moyne, Pierre, xxi Lent, 53 Lives of Illustrious Women (Brantôme), xxi love, 57, l65 n 51 See also Eros Loyola, Ignatius of, 16 n 78, 17, 17 n 80, 171 n 185; Spiritual Exercises, 17, 17 nn 79, 81, 163 n 29, 166 n 73 Luna, Alvar de, xxv lute, 47, 119 lyre, 47, 53, 107 Malherbe, Franỗois de, 15 Mansencal, Catherine de, 5, 6, 35, 37 Index Mansencal, Jean de, Mansencal, Jeanne de, 5, 6, 35, 37 Mansencal, Pierre de, 4, Marczuk-Szwed, Barbara, n 6, 8, n 29 Margaret (duchess of Austria), xxv Marguerite de Navarre, 2, 2nn 7, 8, n 10, 12 n 57, 17 n 79; Dialogue en forme de vision nocturne, Le, n 7; Heptaméron, L’, n 7; Miroir de l’âme pécheresse, Le, n 7; Navire, La, n Marguerite de Valois, 6, n 21, 35, 161 nn 1, maritime imagery, 79; devastating shipwreck, 63; port of salvation, 65, 73 See also sea; storm imagery Marot, Clément, 12, 12 n 58 See also rhyme (marotique) Marquets, Anne de, 2, n 9, n 10, 17 n 79; Divines poesies de Marc Antoine Flaminius, Les, n 9; Sonets, prières et devises en forme de pasquins, n 9; Sonets spirituels, 2, n Martha, 83, 85, 168 n 108 Martin, Saint, 155, 177 nn 302, 304 Mary (mother of Jesus), xvi, 93, 97, 101,141, 145; Mother of God, 75, 93, 101, 135, 141; prayers to, 165 n 61, 172 n 202; Saint John and, 145, 149 Mary Magdalene, 85, 168 nn 110, 111, 113, 115, 169 n 116 Mary of Bethany, 83, 85, 168 n 108 Mathéolus, xvii, xx Medici, Catherine de’, xxvii, 6, n 21 mercy, divine, 10, 10 n 49, 101, 121, 137, 172 n 193 meter, alexandrine, 11, 11 n 56, 12, 21; decasyllable, 11, 12 Michael, Saint, 117, 172 n 203 Minerva, 162 n 14 Molitur, Ulrich, xxiv Montenay, Georgette de, n 10 Montreuil, Jean de, xxii Morata, Olympia, xxiv Moulin, Jeanine, 1, 166 nn 65, 72 Müller, Armand, 15 Muses, 53, 55, 103, 159 See also Pagan muse mythological references, 17, 18 nature, 8, n 26, 172 n 190; appreciation of, 143, 155, 157; retreat to, 10, 49, 51, 113, 125, 129 Neveu, Madeleine, n See also Des Roches, Madeleine and Catherine night, 115, 123; bitter, 109; Christmas, 95; forgetful, 51; penitential suffering during, 109, 113, 149; personification of, 49, 133, 135, 174 n 233; protective,163 n 32, 174 n 234; revolving, 81 See also sleep Nogarola, Isotta, xxiv, xxviii Of Illustrious Women (Bergamo), xxi On the Excellence and Dignity of Women (Capra), xxiii On the Family (Alberti), xxii–xxiii On Marriage (Barbaro), xxii–xxiii, xxviii On Women (Equicola), xxiii, xxv Orlando Furioso (Ariosto), xxvii Orpheus, 163 n 27 Ovid, 177 n 297 oxymoron, 14, 163 n 23 Pagan imagery, 163 n 27 Pagan muse, 43 Paganism, rejection of, 18, 41, 43 Pallas, 17, 153, 177 n 298 Paradise, 59, 145, 149, 175 n 260 See also heaven Parnassus, 159, 178 n 310 passions, 67, 81; of the age, 45; foolish, 71; jealous, 59; strange, 79; as sickness, 89 Paul, Saint, xvi peace, 63, 65, 113, 117, 125, 155, 163 n 32; eternal, 75, 89, 115, 119 Pegasus, 17, 41, 162 nn 11, 12 Peletier du Mans, Jacques, 12, 12 n 57 penitence, desert of, 75; Protestant rejection of, 16, 17 n 79, 67; for sal- 193 194 Index penitence (continued) vation, 15 n 71; true, 85 See also contrition; regret; remorse penitential, exercices, 67, 77, 105, 139; lyric, 8, n 26, 11, 163 n 29; suffering, 17 n 79, 109, 113, 149 Peter, Saint, 6, 35, 37, 83, 161 n 6, 168 n 104 Petrarch, 14, 163 n 22, 164 n 48 Petrarchan poetics, 14, 163 nn 23, 24, 30, 165 n 51, 168 n 103 Philandre, 39, 162 n Phoebus, 139 See also Apollo Pizan, Christine de, xx, xxii, xxiv, xxviii; Book of the City of Ladies, xvii, xx–xxi, xxiv, xxvi; Treasure of the City of Ladies, xxiv Plato, xiii Platonic tradition, 165 n 51, 173 n 220 pleasures, 69, 129, 151; deceitful, 137, 175 n 243; of human life, 67; vain, 83, 127; worldly, 45, 61, 139 Pléiade, La, n 11, 173 n 215; Coignard and, 18–19; poetics of, n 19, 13 n 64, 14, 18 Poètes lyonnais, Les, 14, 14 n 69 See also Du Guillet, Pernette; Labé, Louise; Scève, Maurice Poitiers, 139, 175 n 244 pride, criticism of, 18, 41, 57, 87, 103, 129, 170 n 167 Protestants, 16, 18, 166 n 71, 170 n 168 Quelques prieres et meditations chrestiennes (Desportes), 11 querelle des femmes, xxi–xxii Radegonde, Saint, 137, 175 n 244 Raphael, 75, 167 n 90 Read, Kirk, n 10 recompense, 61, 73, 75, 89, 111, 137 regret, 55, 67, 69, 71, 75, 77, 89, 101, 113, 115, 121, 139, 149 See also contrition; penitence; remorse remarriage, rejection of, 10, 137, 174 n 242 remorse, 49, 87, 109, 121, 123 See also contrition; penitence; regret Rémy, Nicolas, xxiv rhetorical figures, 13–14 rhyme, internal, 12; marotique, 12; masculine and feminine, 12, 12 n 59; rich, 12, 12 n 60; scheme, 12, 20 Ribera, Pietro Paolo de, xxi Rigolot, Franỗois, 19 n 87, 161 n 7, 166 n 65 Rodríguez de la Camara, Juan, xxii Roman law: Corpus of Civil Law, xiv–xv, marriage, xiv–xv; paterfamilias, xiv Romance of the Rose See courtly love; Guillaume de Lorris; Jean de Meun Ronsard, Pierre de, n 9, 3, n 11, 12, 15, 47, 162 n 10, 163 n 26, 178 n 308; Abrộgộ de lart poộtique franỗais, 12 n 57; Amours de Cassandre, n 11; death of, 8, 159, 178 nn 308, 309; Hercule chrestien, 163 n 28; Hymnes, n 11; Odes, n 11; Petrarchan tradition and, 165 n 51, 168 n 103; Pléiade and, 3, 18; “La quenouille,” 177 n 295 Salies, Pierre, 4, 169 n 143, 174 n 231 salvation, 47, 63, 73, 109, 147, 149 Salve Regina, 167 nn 95, 96 Satan, 131, 149 Scève, Maurice, n 4, 14 n 69, 168 n 103; La Délie, n See also poètes lyonnais Schurman, Anna Maria van, xxviii Sébillet, Thomas, 12 n 57 sickness, n 26, 69, 87, 115, 119,135, 151, 172 n 197; penitential, 123 Simeon, Saint, 101, 170 n 163 sin, 77, 87, 107, 135, 139, 172 n 193; body full of, 101; as crimes, 81; infinite, 85; Jesus Christ’s payment for, 91, 147; punishment for, 79, 147; remorse for, 105, 109, 121 sleep, 49, 51, 55, 81, 109, 113, 121, 131, 163 n 32 Sommers, Paula, n 8, 177 n 298 Spenser, Edmund, xxvii Index Sprenger, Jacob, xxiii Stephen, Saint, 95, 169 n 141 storms, imagery of, 57, 61, 79, 121, 131, 139 tears, 53, 63, 77, 83, 109, 113, 117, 163 n 32; ecstatic, 43; of Mary Magdalene, 85; penitential, 49, 51, 65, 67, 69, 75, 139, 149, 151, 166 n 71 temptation, 11, 67, 151 Tertullian, xvi Theocritus, 174 n 224, 177 n 295 Theoremes, Les (La Ceppède), 11 Theresa, Saint, 164 n 43 Thomas, Saint, 133, 174 n 230 Thomas Aquinas, xiii, xvi time: loss of, 157; passage of, 67, 115, 166 n 72 Tobit, 75, 167 n 90 Triumph of Women (Rodríguez de la Camara), xxii Toulouse, 162 n 9; birthplace of Coignard, 4; Cathédral Saint-Etienne in, 169 n 143; children of, 162 n 10; famous city of, 55; Jeux Floraux and, n 13, 6; Philandre and, 39; quarter of Miremont in, n 16 Vaganay, Hugues, n 18 vanity, of carnal world, 99; criticism of 10, 71, 133, 143 Venus, 162 n 14 Vexilla Regis Prodeunt, 165 nn 55, 59, 60 vice, 67, 105, 107, 141, 153 Vidal-Miremont, Jeanne de, Virgil, 174 n 224 virginity, 61 virtue, 75, 137; growth of, 51; of innocent souls, 59; love that incites, 57; model of, 73; recompense brought by, 111; rock of, 153; of Saint Radegonde, 139; those who reproach, 49 Vivès, Juan Luis, xxiii, xxv, 164 n 42; On the Education of Christian Women, xxviii war, 79, 121; civil, n 26, 173 n 210; imagery, 97; intestine, 119; of religion, 65, 166 n 69; on vices, 67 Weyer, Johann, xxiv Whooping Cough, 65, 166 n 70 widowhood, 5, 8, n 35, 45, 113, 174 n 241 women: and chastity, xxv–xxvi, xxviii; in Christian thought, xi, xv–xvi; in Greek thought; xii–xiv; humanist treatises on, xxii–xxiii; as humanists, xx; and knowledge, xxviii; in medieval literature, xvi–xviii; as patrons, xxv; and power, xxvi– xxvii; in Roman law, xiv–xv; and speech, xxvii; and virtues, xxvi; as witches, xxiii–xxiv; as writers, xxiv–xxv women poets: religious, 2–3, 11; secular, 2–3 women’s roles: in the church, xviii–xix; in the family, xviii wrath, divine, 10, 14, 65, 121, 159, 172 n 193 Zemon Davis, Natalie, n 15 195 ... edited and translated by Virginia Cox Lucrezia Marinella, Happy Arcadia, edited and translated by Susan Haskins and Letizia Panizza Chiara Matraini, Selected Poetry and Prose, edited and translated... the Italian noblewoman Isotta Nogarola had begun to attain a reputation as a humanist, she was accused of incest a telling instance of the association of learning in women with unchastity That... that women (reworking the Adam and Eve narrative from quite a new angle) are actually superior In the same vein, the Italian humanist Maria Equicola asserted the spiritual equality of men and

Ngày đăng: 25/02/2019, 13:02


