Week: 1 Preparing date: 06 09 2018 Period: 1 Teaching date: 11 08 2018 UNIT 1: HELLO SECTION A I. Aims: + General aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to greet and introduce about themselves. Ss will be able to greet and introduce about themselves: “Ss: Hello. I’m + name. or Ss: Hi. I’m + name. + Private aims: Ss 3: be able to greet “Hello, Hi” Ss 1: be able to greet and introduce about themselves. II. Techniques: pair works, group works, role plays. III. Teaching aids: text book, pictures, cassette, and tape. VI. Procedures: 1. Greeting. 2. The new lesson: UNIT ONE: HELLO (A1,2,3)
Trang 1Week: 1 Preparing date: 06 / 09 /2018 Period: 1 Teaching date: 11 / 08 /2018
I Aims:
+ General aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to greet and introduce about themselves Ss will be able to greet and introduce about themselves:
“Ss: Hello I’m + name or Ss: Hi I’m + name
+ Private aims: - Ss 3: be able to greet “Hello, Hi”
- Ss 1: be able to greet and introduce about themselves
II Techniques: pair works, group works, role plays.
III Teaching aids: text book, pictures, cassette, and tape.
VI Procedures:
1 Greeting
2 The new lesson : UNIT ONE: HELLO (A1,2,3)
Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents
1 Warm up:
- T: introduce something about English,
themes and characters that Ss will learn
during the school year
2 New lesson:
A1 Look, listen and repeat.
- T: ask Ss to describe the picture in
- Ss: describe
- T: elicit the vocabularies
- Ss: write the words down their
- T: read the new words
- Ss: listen and repeat
- T: call some Ss to read the words
- T: play the tape
- Ss: look at the book and listen to the
- Ss: repeat after tape at least twice
- T: ask Ss to work in pairs
- Ss: work in pairs
- T: call some pairs to read the dialogues
before class
- T: listen and correct Ss’ pronunciations
if any
A2 Look and say:
- T: ask Ss to talk about the picture
* Themes: You and me; my school, my
family, the world around us
* Characters: Li Li, Alan (from
Singapore), Peter (from America), Linda (from England), Mai and Nam (from Vietnam)
A1 Look, listen and repeat.
* The picture: Ss are greeting and
introducing their names
I Vocabulary:
- Hello: xin chào
- Hi: xin chào
- I am = I’m: tôi là
* The dialogue:
a) Nam: Hello I’m Nam Mai: Hi.I’m Mai
b) Alan: Hi I’m Alan
Li Li: Hello, Alan I’m Li Li
A2 Look and say:
* Characters: Alan and Li Li are from
Trang 2What are they doing?
- T: ask Ss to look at their books, fill in
the blanks with names and self
- Ss: practice individually
- T: call four Ss1 and two Ss 3 to greet
and introduce each character’s name
- Ss: practice
- Ss: listen and correct if any
- T: provide Ss different ways to greet
and introduce oneself
A3: Let’s talk:
- T: ask Ss to describe the situation
- Ss: describe
- T: have Ss make a similar dialogue
with their true names
- Ss: work in pairs
- T: do as an example if Ss don’t
understand what they’ll do
- Ss: work in pairs
- T: call some pairs (Ss 1) to do before
- Ss: listen and correct
- T: listen and correct is necessary
* Remember:
- T: repeat the grammar about the
greeting and introducing and ask Ss to
write down their notebooks
3 Homework:
Vietnam They are greeting and introducing their names
* The dialogues:
a) Alan: Hello I’m Alan
Li Li: Hi I’m Li Li
b) Mai: Hello I’m Mai
Nam: Hi, Mai I’m Nam
* Some different ways to greet and introduce the name:
Say: - Hello I’m + tên.
- Hi I’m + tên
Reply: - Hello/ Hi I’m + tên.
- Hello/Hi, tên I’m + tên
A3: Let’s talk:
* The picture: Two Ss are greeting and
introducing their names but uncompleted
* Practice:
SA: Hello I’m A
SB: Hi, A I’m B
II Remember:
1 Chào hỏi: Hello/ Hi
2 Giới thiệu tên: I’m (I am) + tên
III Homework:
- Learn the vocabularies and grammar
by heart
- Do the exercises 3, 4 page 8 in workbook
Trang 3Week: 1 Preparing date: 06 / 09 /2018 Period: 2 Teaching date: 14 / 08 /2018
I Aims:
+ General aims: Ss keep practicing on greeting and introducing names in different situation Ss will be able to greet and introduce about themselves “Ss: Hello I’m + name or Ss: Hi I’m + name
+ Private aims: - Ss 3: be able to greet “Hello, Hi”
- Ss 1: be able to greet and introduce about themselves
II Techniques: pair works, group works, role plays.
III Teaching aids: text book, pictures, cassette, and tape.
VI Procedures:
1 Greeting.
2 Check – up: T asks 2 Ss to greet and introduce their names.
3 The new lesson: UNIT ONE: HELLO (A4, 5, 6, 7)
Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents
*Warm – up: T tells Ss that the lesson
today is to keep practicing on greeting
and introducing the name by listening
and writing
A4 Listen and check:
* Pre-listening:
- T: ask Ss to tell about the differences
between the two pictures
- Ss: answer
- T: tell Ss the way to listen
* While - listening:
- T: ask Ss to listen to the tape and
choose the right picture
- T: play the tape(twice)
- Ss: listen and tick the mentioned
- T: ask Ss to give their answer
-Ss: give their answer
- Ss: listen and correct if any
- T: check and give the final answer if
* Post - listening:
- T: play the tape again
- Ss: listen, check the answer and
remember the dialogue
A4 Listen and check:
* picture a: Mai and Li Li are greeting and introducing their names
* picture b: Alan and Mai are greeting
* picture a: Nam is greeting and introducing his names
* picture b: Alan is greeting and introducing his name
* Dialogue:
1 A: Hello, I’m Alan
B: Hi, Alan I’m Mai
2 Hi, I’m Nam
* Key: 1 - b, 2 - a
Trang 4- T: turn on the tape and ask Ss to listen
and repeat
- Ss: listen and repeat
- T: Call some Ss to read aloud before
- T: provide the way to remember the
pronunciations of “h” and “i”
A6: Let’s write:
- T: ask Ss to read the sentences and fill
in the blanks with human beings’ names
- Ss: work in pairs to discuss and fill in
the blanks with their true names
- T: call some pairs to read their task
before class
- Ss: listen and correct
- T: check and correct
A7: Let’s play:
- T: tell Ss the way to play
- Ss: draw the human being’s face on
their two fingers and name it any name
- Ss: turn their fingers toward the class,
greet and introduce the name
- T: do as an example so that Ss can
- T: divide the class into 6 groups and
start to play
- T: call one representative group to
practice before class
- Ss: practice
Hi I Hello Hi
A6: Let’s write:
1 I am + tên
2 Hello I’m + tên
A7: Let’s play:
Draw and say
A7 Homework:
- Learn the vocabularies and grammar
by heart
- Prepare Section B
Trang 5Week: 2 Preparing date: 14 / 09 /2018 Period: 3 Teaching date: 18 / 09 /2018
I Aims:
+ General aims: By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to introduce their names and express the friendliness for the first meeting
+ Private aims: - Ss 3: be able to introduce their names
- Ss 1: be able to read the dialogue very well
II Techniques: pair works, group works, role plays.
III Teaching aids: text book, pictures, cassette and tape.
VI Procedures:
1 Greeting:
2 Check – up: T calls one S to go on the board and write the sentence to
introduce his names
3 The new lesson: UNIT ONE: HELLO (B1, 2, 3)
Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents
1 Warm up:
- T: talk in Vietnamese the way to express
the friendliness for the first meeting and
introduce the lesson content
2 New lesson:
B1 Listen and repeat.
- T: ask Ss to describe the picture in
- Ss: describe
- T: elicit the vocabularies
- Ss: write the words down their notebooks
- T: read the new words
- Ss: listen and repeat
- T: call some Ss to read the words again
- T: play the tape
- Ss: look at the book and listen to the tape
- Ss: repeat after tape at least twice
- T: ask Ss to work in pairs
- Ss: work in pairs
- T: call some pairs to read the dialogues
before class and translate in Vietnamese
- Ss: read and translate
- T: listen and correct Ss’ pronunciation if
B2 Let’s talk:
- T: ask Ss to talk about the picture and
what they will do
* The situation: LiLi is Singaporean
and Nam is Vietnamese They greet friendly when the first time they meet
B1 Listen and repeat.
* The situation: Li Li is Singaporean
and Nam is Vietnamese They greet friendly when the first time they meet
I Vocabulary:
- nice: tốt, đẹp
- meet: gặp, thấy
- you: bạn
- too: cũng vậy
* The dialogue:
Li Li: Hello I’m Li Li
Nam : Hi, Li Li I’m Nam
Li Li: Nice to meet you, Nam
Nam: Nice to meet you, Li Li
B2 Let’s talk:
* The situation: Two Ss are greeting
and express the friendliness
Trang 6words, phrases to fill in the blanks.
- Ss: work in groups
- T: call some Ss to give the answer
- T: have some pairs practice playing roles
following the example in their books
- Ss: use their true names and play roles
before class
- Ss: listen and correct if any
- T: listen and correct if any
- T: provide Ss the order of the sentence
when communicating
B3: Listen and number:
* Pre-listening:
- T: get Ss to describe the pictures by
answering the question: Who are they?
What are they doing?
- Ss: describe the picture
- T: explain what Ss will do
- Ss: listen and number the pictures in
* While - listening:
- T: play the tape
- Ss: listen to the tape and number (twice)
- T: ask Ss to give their answer
- Ss: answer
- Ss: correct if any
* Post - listening:
- T: turn on the tape again
- Ss: listen and check the answers
- T: have Ss read the dialogue and
* Remember:
- T: repeat the grammar the way to express
the friendliness
- Ss: look and write down on their
a) A: Hello I’m + tên người A.
B: Hi, tên người A I’m + tên người B.
A: Nice to meet you.
B: Nice to meet you too.
b) Mai: Hello I’m Mai
Nam: Hi, Mai I’m Nam
* The sentence order:
- Hello/ Hi→ I’m + tên → Nice to meet you → Nice to meet you too
B3: Listen and number:
* The picture:
a, Mai and Nam are greeting and express the friendliness for the first meeting they meet
b, Nam is greeting and introducing his name
c, Li Li and Alan are greeting and expressing the friendliness
*The dialogue:
1 Hello, I’m Nam
2 A: Hi, I’m Alan
B: Hi, Alan I’m Li Li
3 A: Hi I’m Mai
B: Hello I’m Alan
A: Nice to meet you, Alan
B: Nice to meet you, Mai
a - 3, b - 1, c - 2
II Remember:
Say: Nice to meet you.
Respond: Nice to meet you too
III.3 Homework:
- Learn the vocabularies and grammar
by heart
- Prepare unit 2
Trang 7Week: 2 Preparing date: 14 / 09 /2018 Period: 4 Teaching date: 21 / 09 /2018
I Aims:
+ General aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to say goodbye
+ Private aims: - Ss 3: be able to say goodbye
- Ss 1: be able to greet and introduce about themselves and say goodbye
II Techniques: pair works, group works, role plays.
III Teaching aids: text book, pictures, sub-board.
VI Procedures:
1 Greeting.
2 Check – up: T asks 2 Ss to greet express the friendliness.
3 The new lesson: UNIT ONE: HELLO (B4, 5, 6, 7)
Teacher’s and students’ activities Contents
* Warm – up: T asks Ss to know how to
say goodbye the teacher when they end
the class in Vietnamese
B4 Read and match:
- T: tell Ss what they will do
- Ss: read and match the dialogue with the
suitable pictures
- T: ask Ss to work in pairs, discuss the
picture content
- Ss: work in pair and give their answer
- T: ask Ss of the group 1 to work in pairs
to read the dialogue before the class
- Ss: read and match
- Ss: listen and correct
- T: listen and correct if any
- T: ask the whole class to repeat the
dialogue after teacher
B5: Let’s write:
- T: ask Ss about the purpose of the given
- Ss: answer
- T: tell Ss about their tasks
- Ss: find the words or phrases to
complete the sentences
- T: call two Ss 2, 3 to give their answer
for two sentences
- Ss: answer
- Ss: write the missing words to complete
B4 Read and match:
*The picture content:
a, Li Li and Mai are greeting and introducing their names
b, Mai and Alan are greeting and introducing their names
* Key: 1- b, 2 - a
B5: Let’s write:
1 Hello I’m + tên
2 Nice to meet you
Trang 8- T: write the final answers on the board.
- Ss: write the sentences down their
B6: Let’s play:
- T: tell Ss the way to play
- T: divide the class into some groups
- T: do as an example so that Ss can
- Ss: each member chooses one name,
greet and introduce the name and express
the friendliness after the book with the
next one
- Ss: play until the rest person If any
group finishes earliest, they are winners
B6: Let’s play:
Hello/ Hi I’m + tên Nice to meet you
B7 Homework:
- Learn the vocabularies and grammar
by heart
- Prepare Section B