Audit Risk Audit risk means the risk that the auditor gives an inappropriateaudit opinion when the financial statements are materially misstated ISA 400.. Audit Risk ModelRisk of Materi
Trang 23.1 Basic Auditing (Các vấn đề chung về kiểm toán)
3.2 Techniques in Collecting Audit Evidence (Các kỹ
thuật thu thập bằng chứng kiểm toán )
3.3 Types of Audit Tests (Thử nghiệm kiểm toán)
3.4 Internal Control (Kiểm soát nội bộ)
3.5 Audit of Items in Financial Statements and Business
Cycles (Kiểm toán các khoản mục trên báo cáo tài chính và
các chu trình kinh doanh)
Trang 3Basic Auditing
Trang 43.1.1 Nature of Auditing
Auditing is the accumulation and evaluation
of evidence about information to determineand report on the degree of correspondencebetween the information and established criteria
Auditing should be done by a competent,
independent person
Trang 5Information and Established
To do an audit, there must be information in a
verifiable form and some standards (criteria)
by which the auditor can evaluate the information
Trang 6Accumulating Evidence and
Evaluating Evidence
Evidence is any information used by the auditor
to determine whether the information being
audited is stated in accordance with the
established criteria
electronic Communications with outsiders
Trang 7ProperConclusion
Trang 8Types of Audits and
Types of Auditors
Trang 10Operational Audit
Example Evaluate computerized payroll systemfor efficiency and effectiveness
Information Number of records processed, costs ofthe department, and number of errors
Trang 11Compliance Audit
Example Determine whether bank requirementsfor loan continuation have been met
Information Company records
Trang 12Audit of Financial Statements
Boeing's financial statements
Generally accepted accounting principles
Documents, records, and outside
Trang 13Certified public accounting firms
Governmental accountability office auditors
Internal auditors
Trang 14Three Requirements for
Becoming a CPA
Educational requirement
Uniform CPA examination requirement
Experience requirement
Trang 15Learning objectives
Fraud and Error
Materiality and Audit risk
Audit Evidence
3.1.3 Fundamental Concepts
in Auditing
Trang 16Fraud and Error
A Student took materials (text books or mini photocopies) inexamination room (Rule: Close-book exam)
What is fraud and error?
Trang 17What is Fraud?
Fraud is an intentional act by one or more individuals among management, those charged with governance, employees, or third parties, involving the use of deception to obtain an unjust or illegal advantage.
Although fraud is a broad legal concept, the auditor is concerned with fraud that causes a material misstatement in the financial statements.
Trang 18Types of Fraud
Misappropriation of assets
Fraudulent Financial Reporting
Trang 19Misappropriation of assets (“employee fraud”) involves theft of an
entity’s asset.
Examples include:
Embezzling receipts
Stealing physical assets or intellectual property
Assets are used wrong purposes
Trang 20Fraudulent Financial Reporting (“management fraud”)
Misrepresentation in, or intentional omission from, the financial statements of events, transactions, or other significant information
Manipulation, falsification or alteration of records or documents from which financial statements are prepared
Intentional misapplication of accounting principles relating to amounts, classification, manner of presentation, or disclosures.
Trang 21What is Error?
Unintentional mistakes in financial information such as:
Errors of commission: mathematical or clerical mistakes
in the recording and accounting data;
Errors of omission: transactions, events is left out of an
accounting statement by mistake
Errors of principle: misapplication or misunderstanding of
accounting policies unintentionally Ex: wrong allocationbetween different accounts, wrong valuation of assets,…
Trang 22Study break
An CPA has the responsibility to design the audit to provide
reasonable assurance of detecting errors and fraud that may have
a material effect on FS Which of the following, if material,
would be a fraud as defined in auditing standard:
1, Misappropriation of an assets
2, Mistake in calculation of asset’s value
3, Mistake in application of accounting principles
4, Duplication of recording accounting transaction
Trang 23Materiality is the magnitude of an omission or
misstatement of accounting information that, in the light of
surrounding circumstances, make it probable that the judgment
of reasonable person relying on the information would havebeen changed or influenced by the omission or misstatement
Trang 24Assessment of Materiality
Materiality is a relative rather than absolute concept
Materiality includes both quantitative and qualitative consideration (size and nature of the misstatement)
Trang 25 Quantitative materiality level
No official guidelines within auditing standards
Bases for evaluating Materiality
5-10% of Net Income before Taxes
Trang 26 Qualitative Considerations
- Amount involve fraud are usually more important than
unintentional errors of equal dollar amounts => reflect on
honest and reliability of management
- Misstatements that are otherwise minor may be material ifthere are consequences influenced related significant
- Misstatements that are otherwise immaterial if they affect atrend in earning
Trang 27Study Break
1 Which is the following statements is not correct about materiality:
A.The concept of materiality recognizes that some matters are important for fair presentation of FS in conformity with GAAP, whereas other matters are not important.
B.An auditor considers materiality for planning purpose in term of
largest aggregate level of misstatements that could be material to any one of the FS
C.Materiality judgments are made in light of surrounding circumstances and necessarily involve both quantitative and qualitative judgments D.An auditor’s consideration of materiality is influenced by the auditor’s perception of needs of reasonable person who will rely on the FS
Trang 28Study Break
2 Any amount of misstatement that is less than the level of materiality
would be referred to as:
A Quantitative misstatement
B Material misstatement
C Immaterial misstatement
D Probable misstatement
Trang 29Audit Risk
Audit risk means the risk that the auditor gives an inappropriateaudit opinion when the financial statements are materially
misstated (ISA 400)
It’s not practical totally eliminate audit risk => minimize the risk
to extent possible (accepted audit risk)
Trang 30Accepted audit risk
Accepted audit risk is a measure of how willing the auditor is
to accept that the financial statements may be materially
misstated after the audit is completed and an inappropriateopinion has been issued
For many audit firms, accepted audit risk is 5% or lower (1%
or ½%,…)
Trang 31Accepted audit risk
AAR = 5%??????????????
Same as audit assurance = 95%
Trang 32Audit Risk Model
Risk of Material Risk that the Auditors Audit Risk = Misstatement * Fail to Detect
the Misstatement
= Inherent Control Detection
Risk * Risk * Risk
Trang 33Inherent Risk
Inherent risk is the susceptibility of an account balance or
class of transactions to misstatements that could be material,individually or when aggregated with misstatements in otherbalances or classes, assuming that there are no related
internal control (ISA 400)
Or Risk of fraud / errors arising due to nature of entity
Trang 34Control Risk
Risk that a material misstatement, that could occur in an
account balance or classic of transaction and that could be
material individually or when aggregated with misstatements
in other balances or classes, will not be prevented or detected
on a timely basis by the company’s internal control (ISA 400)
OR Risk that controls do not prevent or detect fraud / errors
Auditors assess CR through evaluating the effectiveness of
internal control system
Trang 35Detection Risk
Risk that an auditors’ substantive procedures will not detect
a material misstatement that exist in an account balance or
class of transaction, individually or when aggregated with
misstatements in other balances or classes (ISA 400)
OR Risk that auditor’s procedures do not detect material
fraud / errors
Auditors can control DR => have responsibility to reduce
DR by performing substantive tests
Trang 36Audit Risk Model
Trang 37Interrelationship of the components of audit risk
Any information used by the auditor to
determine whether the information being
audited is stated in accordance with
established criteria
Trang 39Audit Evidence (AE)
AE is the information obtained by the auditor in arriving atthe conclusions on which the audit opinion is based
AE is the documentations and information which is
obtained by the auditor in connection with audit on which
the audit opinion is based (ISA 500 para 04)
AE includes source documents and accounting records
underlying the financial report and corroborating
information from other sources
Trang 41 Management Assertions
Audit Objectives
3.1.4 Audit objectives in
financial audit
Trang 42Management Assertions
1 Assertions about classes of transactions and
events for the period under audit
2 Assertions about account balances at period end
3 Assertions about presentation and disclosure
Trang 43Management Assertions for Each Category of Assertions
Transactions and Events Account Balances Presentation and Disclosure
Existence Occurrence and rights
and obligations Completeness
Accuracy Classification
Completeness Completeness Valuation and
allocation Accuracy andvaluation
Classification and understandability Rights and
Trang 44Audit Objectives
Trang 45General Transaction-related Audit Objectives
Recorded transactions exist
Existing transactions are recorded
Recorded transactions are stated
at the correct amountsPosting and
Trang 47General Balance-related Audit Objectives
Amounts included exist
Existing amounts are included
Amounts included are stated atthe correct amounts
Classification Amounts are properly classified
Trang 50Presentation and disclosure related audit objectives
Trang 51Phase I an audit approachPlan and design Phase III
Perform analyticalprocedures andtests of details
of balances
Phase II
Perform tests ofcontrols andsubstantive tests
of transactions
Phase IV audit and issueComplete the
an audit report
3.1.5 Audit process
Trang 52Phase I: Plan and design an audit approach
Accept client and perform initial planning Understand the client’s business and industry
Assess client’s business risk Perform preliminary analytical procedures
Set materiality and assess acceptable
audit risk and inherent risk Understand internal control and assess control risk
Gather information to assess fraud risks
Trang 53Phase II: Perform tests of controls and
substantive tests of transactions
Plan to reduce assessedlevel of control risk?
Perform tests of controlsPerform substantive tests of transactions
Assess likelihood of misstatements in
financial statements
No Yes
Trang 54Phase III: Perform analytical procedures
and tests of details of balances
Perform analytical procedures
Medium unknownHigh or
Perform tests of key itemsPerform additional tests
of details of balances
Trang 55Phase IV: Complete the audit and
issue an audit report
Perform additional tests forpresentation and disclosureAccumulate final evidence
Evaluate resultsIssue audit reportCommunicate with auditcommittee and management
Trang 56The audit report is the only thing that most users
see in the audit process and the consequences of
issuing an inappropriate report can be severe
Issue an Audit Report
Trang 57Types of Audit Report
Trang 58Techniques in Collecting
Audit Evidence
Trang 59Types of Audit Evidence
Physical Examination
Audit Evidence
Trang 60Physical Examination
It is the inspection or count by the
auditor of a tangible asset.
This type of evidence is most often
associated with inventory and cash
Trang 61Definition: describes the receipt of a written or
oral response from an independent third party
examining the accuracy of information that was
requested by the auditor
Trang 62Information often Confirmed
Trang 63It is the auditor’s examination of the
client’s documents and records.
documents documentsExternal
Trang 64Analytical Procedures
Understand the client’s industry and business
Assess the entity’s ability to continue as a
going concern
Indicate the presence of possible misstatements
in the financial statements
Reduce detailed audit tests
Trang 65Inquiries of the Client
It is the obtaining of written or oral
information from the client in response to
questions from the auditor
Trang 66Involves rechecking a sample of calculations
made by the client
Trang 67The auditor’s independent tests of client
accounting procedures or controls that
were originally done as part of the entity’s
accounting and internal control system
Trang 68 Use one’s senses to assess
client activities
Tour plant to obtain a general
impression of client’s facilities
Observation is rarely sufficient
by itself
Often need to corroborate
with another kind of evidence
Trang 69Appropriateness of Types of Evidence
Trang 70Case study
For each of following audit procedures, indicate which type of
evidence is being gathered:
1 Sending a written request to the client’s customers requesting that they
report the amoung owned to the client.
2 Examining large sales invoices for period of two days before and after
year- end to determine sales recorded in the proper period
3 Agreeing the total of account receivable subsidiary ledger to account
receivable gerneral ledger account
4 Comparing the current year gross profit percentage with the gross
profit percentage for the last year.
5 Watching the client’s warehouse personel count of the raw material
Trang 71Types of Audit tests in
Financial Audit
Trang 72Types of Audit Tests
Tests of Controls Substantive tests
Trang 73Tests of control
An auditor performs tests of control to obtain evidence
about whether the control activities of the internal control
system are effective
The tests are designed to provide evidence to support an
assessment of control risk at a level below high (indicatingreliance on the keys controls)
Trang 74Substantive tests
Performed on specific transactions and balances to see
whether the dollar amount of an account balance is
materially misstated
These tests reduce detection risk
Trang 75Types of substantive tests
Analytical procedures: involve the study and comparison of
relationships between accounting data and related
Tests of details: obtaining evidence on the items (or details)
included in an account balance or class of transactions:
Substantive tests of transactions (used to determine
whether all six transaction related audit objectives have been satisfied for each class of transactions).
Tests of details of balances (focus on the ending general
ledger balances for both balance sheet and income
statement accounts)
Trang 76Internal Control
Trang 77Five Components of Internal
Trang 78Control environment
Includes governance and management’s overall attitude,
awareness and actions regarding IC and its importance in theentity (ASA/ISA 315.A65)
Auditors should consider:
Communication and enforcement of integrity and ethical values
Commitment to competence
Participation by those charged with governance
Management’s philosophy and operating style
Organisational structure
Assignment of authority and responsibility
Trang 79Entity’s risk assessment process
Entity’s way of identifying and responding to business risks
Once risks are identified, management needs to consider
their significance and how they should be managed
Management may introduce plans to address specific risks
or it may accept a risk on a cost-benefit basis