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Memoirs MCZ 241899

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MEMOIRS OF THE MUSEUM OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY AT HARVARD COLLEGE VOL XXIV CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A PRINTED FOR THE MUSEUM "l899 University Press : John AVilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A CONTENTS REPORTS ON AN EXPLORATION OFF THE WEST COASTS OF MEXICO, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, AND OFF THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, Alexander Agassiz, by the U S Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross " cluriug 1891, Lieut -Commander Z L Tannek, U S N Commanding XXVI The Fishes By S Gakman pp 431 97 Plates, and a chart of the route December, in charge of , 1899 V (1^ bmoirs of tijc P^usemn of Compiiratifa^ ^oblogn AT HARVARD COLLEGE Vol XXIV EEPORTS ON AN EXPLORATION OFF THE WEST COASTS OF MEXICO, CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICA, AND OFF THE GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, IN CHARGE OF ALEXANDER AGASSIZ, BY THE U S FISH COMMISSION STEAMER "ALBATROSS," DURING 1891, LIEUT COMMANDER Z L TANNER, U S N., COMMANDING XXVI THE FISHES By GARMAN S one volume text, with ninety-seven plates, AND A CHART OF THE ROUTE TEXT [Published by Permission of Marshall McDonald and George M Bowers, U of Fish and B'isheries.] CAMBRIDGE, Printctr for tJje U.S.A.: Jlusciun December, 1899 S Commissioners ; CONTENTS Page General Discussion Special Discussions and HoLOCEPHALA LXIV fig Plate 20 Descriptions 20 Antennariida; 21 Pliitosomia 21 Cottoids 22 Trigloids Plate VI Scyliorhinidae Plate Squalij£e IV.- V I LXIX Plate ; fig fig Plate Il.-in Plate ; fig I LXIX Chlamydoselachidse 31 Plates Gobiidse 41 Blennioids Percoids Plate LXIX figs 3-5 Anacanthini 45 Lycodoids 50 Plates LXXL fig VII-IX 51 55 Plate A, fig B; Plate D, figs 1-2 ; X.-XII ; Plate LXXL Plate ; LXXIL ; 56 Scombroids 68 Trichiuridse 68 Teuthidioids 70 Plate L', fig TeuthididK D, Tracliinoids 70 125 Plate E,fig Plates ; XXX-XXXni 127 141 Plate Opbidiidro LXXIIL fig Plate E,fig XXXIV.-XL Plates LXXIV.-LXXXIfig ; Gadoids 46 177 XLI.-XLIII Plates Plates LXXXL LXXXIIL fig ; 2- fig 180 192 Macruroids G-H, 74 75 LXXXIV.figs.1,2 81 Plate Plates Uraiioscopidae ; F; XLIV.-LI; LXXXIIL fig 2; 77 142 143 Biotuloids Plates Lophiidaj 123 125 73 Lopliidia 115 123 Trachinidse XIII.^XV Plate L',fig Macruridoe Plates 122 Zoarcidaj Gadida; 110 121 72 Ceratiidas fig XXVII.-XXIX Brotulidse Plates fig Opliidioids ; Berycoids Berycidae Plate Blenniidso 45 45 Scorpaenoids Scorpsenidse Plate A, fig 114 Liparididpe 32 107 108 26 Acantliopterygii Plate Peristediida; 45 Serranidse Gobioids Teleostea Plate 26 LXX fig Plate 2, 108 Triglidaj Plates ; LXXI figs Discoboles Scymnorhinidffl IsistiidiB 86 Plate 26 Plates ; 83 X VIII.- Plates XXVL Plagiostomia EaiiJee Plate 1,2 figs Oncoceplialidse Antacea C ; Plates LXXIIL Plate XVI.-XVIL; Plates 1; fig Plate Plate Pleuronoctida; 194 220 Pleuronectoids Plate LII 221 ; ; CONTENTS Page Plate Sternoptychidfe J, Plate L\fig 2-3; Plate K, fig LIV.-LV.fig LV figs Plate 270 Plate L IdiacanthidsB Lateral Canal System Notacanthoids 3-6 340 348 Plates IXIX.~ 351 Distribution of Genera 365 Depths and Lo- Plates ; 294 LXXXIV figs IX Vllf IXXXIV List of Species with 284 IX 325 339 Plate 280 Halosauroids Plate 1; Plate Symphytobranchii Plate M,fig fig 339 Homeida; 283 2, LXIII 320 274 282 Plate L VII figs LVIII.,L1X 316 Plate Plate Alepocephaloids Alepocephalidfe Plate IX V figs Plates IX VI, IX VII ]\ryxinid£e Salmoids Halosauridse 2,2a: 304 figs 2, Atopichthyes VI figs LVII fig M, Mtxinia figs 2,3 Plate IXIV LXV.fig 269 K, N; Plate IXL IXII fig Plate Nemichthyidfe 260 Plate Plate 1,1a; 2a; Plate IXIfig.2; LXIIfig.2 253 1-3 301 Nettastomidae Plate J, fig ; figs 2, 3; Plate Chauliodidae 4-6 ; Plate 251 Plates ; Stoniiatoids Stomiatidse figs Plate H.jigs Chlorophtlialmidoe Plate figs 302 MuiKuidae 249 SynodontidEe I', i-4b 232 1-i ; Plate LIII Plate Murtenoids Jigs Myctophoids Myctophidfe Notacanthidse 231 Sternoptychoiils L VI Pagr 231 Physostomi ; 409 Systematic List 417 294 Bibliography 421 300 Index 427 Plate 379 calities List of Stations and of Species DEC 28 1899 DEEP SEA FISHES GENERAL DISCUSSION The collection upon which this report based was made is during February, March, and April, 1891, by the steamer "Albati'oss" of the United States Fish Cominission in that part of the Pacific Ocean lying Galapagos Archipelago, and of a east of the Lower of coasts of The area traversed California Mexico and of Central America; from line is it to the peninsula it bounded on the east by the long and narrow, but by is extending obliquely across the meridians and the parallels it reaches through thirty-five degrees of longitude and twenty-nine degrees of 71" to 112" tude, from T west longitude and from south latitude to 28° north The Pacific, yet the importance of the material collected by the section is small in comparison with the entire extent of the position of the locality, by the Panama and immediately nearly all many ; greatly enhanced the larger portion close to the equator, in the Gulf More than twelve hundred to the westward specimens of fishes were secured is much fact that of the dredging and trawling was done of lati- of these were shoal water forms, of which belonged to species described by Jenyns, Gunther, Steindachner, Jordan, Gilbert and others, and having only an indirect pres- ent interest depths a ; About nine hundred of the specimens belong to the greater they represent thirty-three families, a hundred genera, or about hundred and eighty species hardly more than have been heretofore described The depths fifteen per cent of at wdiich the bathybial fishes were taken range from a hundred fathoms downward 2232 fathoms, occurred west to Acapulco, Mexico, the Gulf of fathoms of Costa Rica on a line to ; the greatest depth, from Culpepper Island and the nearest approaches to Panama about midway which this were found off the Galapagos in 1823 and 1877 " DEEP SEA FISHES Previoiis the year 1S91 almost no deep to On attempted in the eqnatorial regions had searched the depths off sea collecting had been other cruises the " Albatross the western coasts of North America from the The same Gulf of California to Bering Sea and other vessels vessel of the Coast Survey and of the Fish Commission of the United States had obtained a fair knowledge of from the Caribbean Sea northward, lenger" contributed also leur," the " Talisman," rendered a the northwestern conditions in which the British steamer " Chal- to something; Atlantic "Challenger" the the " Travail- and other vessels of various European governments like service in the northeastern Atlantic from the Cape Verdes and the Mediterranean northward; the "'Challenger" researches added much to ichthyological knowledge of the northwestern Pacific and the Aus- and the tralian regions, also a little concerning the southwestern Atlantic Antarctic; and the British Indian steamer "Investigator" has done a great deal of work in the northern reaches of the Indian Ocean The most of these researches wei'e effected far to the north of the equator and a comparatively small collection amount was accomplished the of " Albatross " in southern latitudes The present from the waters under the supplies data equator and in a measure provides the means of connecting the results obtained in the north with those from the soutli, which latter, however, pertain almost entirely to the shoal water fauna of that region Genera of animals known toward the Arctic regions having been found to occur in the Antarctic, to some extent the fact that they had not been carefully sought in the equatorial waters was overlooked, and a theory of a bipolar distribution with absence from the torrid a considerable all amount of favor Acceptance of this zone was accorded theory was not at general, for as early as 1880 Gunther had published his belief that separate horizontal regions could not be distinguished in connection with the fishes of the abyssal fauna, yet collection, that it was not until 1891, in the present abundance of material proof that the Avas secured, — proof that the bipolar theory could not bial fishes So many was well founded belief apply to the bathy- of the least expected families appear in the collection that there are doubts of the absence from the localities from which it The presence of was gathered of any of the fishes of the deep sea Eaite, Pediculates, Discoboles, Gadoids and Myxinidas, among others, leads one to anticipate the occurrence in the same areas of any of the known fishes of great depths If the collection is compared with collections made SYSTEMATIC The new Genera and the new LIST Species are those not followed by the Name of an Authority TracbiiiidiO holocephala Chiasmodnn Plagiostomia .iiilniger Uranoscopida; Platosomia Kathetostcma aiaTunciis Uaia badia Rata horea B Lopibiido3 Lnphiomus Jhiia liyperhorea Coll Kaia J Lophidia KaiKla; spihirus Liiphiomus caulinaris alia Ceratiidoe DolopichlJiys Antacea Dolopichlhys allector SLyliorbiiiidEe Aiiteniiariida; Squalida; Chaunax {Chauiiaco/m) Centroscjjltium nigrum coloratus Oncocepbalida; ScymuorhiiiidBe Oncocephalus porrcctus Isistiidse Isislius brasiliensis Zalieutes elater J G Q G Halieulopsis Chlaiiiydoselacliiilic Halieutopfis tumifrmis Chlamydoselachus anguineus Garm DibTanchu.'i hystrix Teleostea Dihranchu!' scaber Acanthopterygii Dib7-anchus anper Dibranchopsis Servaiiida; Liopropoma Dibranchopsis spoiigiosa Gilb longilepis DibrancJuchlJiys Serranus Bidleri Boul Aitlhias eos Gill) Dibranchichlhya nudicrimcr Anthiax midlifasciatus Gill - Mallhopsis Certlrixthnus Matlliopnin erinacea Cenirisikmus signifer Malthnpsis ipijwxa .''parsa Malthopsis spinutosa Scorpajnidfe Triglidse Pontinu.i furcirhinus Prionotus frontalis Ectreposebastes Peristediida; Eclreposebastex imics Peristcilium barbigcr BuiTfida; Pcristedium cruslosum lloplosiethus jiacijicus Trachichlhys menlo Disciibnli Catdolepis subulidens LipaiididK Garm Melampltaes mi:olepis Giint Careproctus Mclampliais lugubris Gilb Paraliparis Jind)riatu.i Gai'in lUdamphaes longijilis Paraliparis grandiceps n igrofulvus Melamplia'es maxillaris Paraliparis altenunlus Melamphaes Paraliparis angustifrons frntitosus Paraliparis lalifrons Trichiuridae GempyJus Gobiidre thyrsitoides Less Callionymna atrilabiatns Trichiurus nitens Bleiiniiibf TeutliididiB Eniomacroduf crucnlalun Teullnjs ejegai\s 27 DEEP SEA FISHES 418 Anacanthini Lcemonema gracillipes Phyciculus longipes Zoarcidce Phyciculus rastrdUger Bothrocaropsis Bothrocaropsis ahtlonrjn Both rocarnpsis riciolata Bregmaceros longipes Jfacruridse Bothrocaropsis elongata ilacrurus hidhiceps Gymnelis conorhynchus D'wrolene nigra Macrurvs lucephalus Macrurus liraticeps Macrurus barbiger Macrurus Uolejiis Gilb Macrurus capito Macrurus leucophaus Macrurus borips Macrurus fragilis Macrurus carminifer Macrurus gracUlicauda Macrurus orbitalis Macrurus toricalus Macrurus cuspidatus, Macrurus converyens Macrurus latirostratus Macrurus anguticeps Macrurus latitiasulus Macrurus trichiurus Macrurus tenuicauda Dicrolene pullata 3Iacrurus canus Lycodnpsis scaurus Lycodes aiiguis Lycodes serpens Lycodes iricisus Lycodes cicatrifer Phucoccetes suspeclus Phucocates latitatts Jen Lycodapus Jierasfer Gilb Maynea Cunn Maynea bulbiceps Ophidiiilse Lepophidium emmelas Gilb BrotuliiUc Leiicicorus Leucicorus lusciosvs Mixonus caudalis Dicrolene Jilainentosa Porogadus longiceps Porogadus atripectus, Porogadus hreviceps Monomitopus Ale Monomitopus torvus Trachyrhynchus helolepis Gilb Pleuronectidje Hippoglossina vagrans Engyojdirys Sancti-Lnurenti J B Citharichlhys maculifer Platophrys leopardinus Giint ilonomeropus Diplacanthopoma Jordani Monolene maculipinna Monolene dubiosa Symphurus varius Bassogigas stelliferoides Gilb Syynphurus atramentalus, J B Holcomycteronus Symphurus Monomeropus malispinostts Bassozetus nasus Holcomycteronus microlepis digittatus Eretriiichlhys Pbysostomi Eretmichthys pinnatus Eretmichthys ocella Stenioptycbidge Cataetyx Giiut Sternoptyx obscura Cataetyx simus Argyropelecus lychnus Pseud onus Argyropelecus caiiinus Pseudunus acutus Acanthonus spinifer Polyipnus Giint Sciadonus Polyipnus laternatus Argyropelecus affinis Sciadonus pedicellaris Valenciennellus stellalus Lamprogrammus Ale Lnmprogrammus illusiris Maurolicus oculatus Maurolicus lucetius Lychnopoles GadiJse Microlepidium Lychnopoles argcnteolus Microlepidium grandiceps Cyclothone signata Leptophycis Leptophycis Cyclothone acclinidens Jilifer Synodontida; Merluccius anguslimanus Si/nodus simulans Antimora rhina Syiioilus acutus ^ SYSTEMATIC 419 LIST Congenrmrmna prorigera Gilb Chlorophthalmii.l,T; CIdorophtlialmus mento Congrosoma Scopelengys dispar Congrosotna Evermanni Bathyplcro'is ventralk Cryptopterus frontalis Bathyplerois peclnraiis Ophiclithys biserialis Ipnops Agassizii Pisodontop>lds peninsuke Gilb Myct()pbida3 MyctopJiion oculeum Mi/clophum tenuiculum Mijctoph urn luminosum Myctnph I/Hi auTolaternatwn Echidna cocosa Echidna scahra Xenomystax rictus Nettasfoiiiida: Chlopsis Gilberti MyctopJium nilkluium Venejica occlla jSIyciophum laternatum Venefica tentaculala Myclophum atralum Nemicbtbyida; Serricomer sector Cbauliodidce ChauUodus harhatus _ Cliauliodus dentatus Labichthys Boicersii Nemichthys fronto Atopicbtbyes Stoniiatidse Stomias Cuv A topichthys Stotnias coiiibrlnus Atopichlhys sicarius esunculus Slo7nias hexagonatus Alopichthys ductus Stomias atriventer Atopichlhys dentatus Dactylostomias A topichthys Daclylnslomias Jilifer Atopichlhys opdiichlhys Idiacatitbidw Idiacanthus anlroslomus Gilb A topichthys cinguhis Atopichlhys lychnis Alepocephalida; Atopichlhys obtusus LeptocluUchthys Leptochiliclilhys falcidens Atopichlhys acus A gassizii Atopichlhys longidens Balhytroctes ahnfrons Bdl/iy/rocles alceatus Batliytrocles i7ispeclor Mtxinia Symphytobranchii Narceles plwiseriaiis Alepocephalus asperifrons A lepocephalus convexifrons A lepocephalus fundulus Halosauridac Ihuosaurus atlenuatus Ilalosaurus radiatus Notacantbida; Notacatithus spinosus Muraiiiidse Myxinidffi Myxine Linn Myxine circifrons Myxine tridentiger Myxine australis Jen Myxine limosa Gir Myxine acutifrons Myxine glulinosa Linn Homeida3 Uroconger vartdens Ilomca Flem Congermurcena caudalis Homea cirrhata B S ; BIBLIOGRAPHY Agassiz, a., 1888, " Three Cruises of the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey Steamer ' Ulaiic,' in the Gulf of Mexico, in the Caribbean Sea, and along the Atlantic Coast of the United States, from 1877 to 1880." Fishes in Vol II., chapter XV., with numerous figures 1889, " List of the Pleuronectidae obtained in the Bay of Bengal [by the steamer 'Investigator'] in 1888 and 1889, with Descriptions of new and rare Species," in Jour As Soc Bengal, LVllI 1889, " On the Bathybial Fishes of Alcock, a., ; Bay Bengal and neighboring waters, obtained during the seasons of 1885-1889," in Ann Mag Nat Hist., (6) IV., 376-450 1890, " On the Bathybial Fishes collected in the Bay of Bengal during the season of 1889-90," in Ann the of ; 1891, " On the Results of Deep Sea Dredging during the Season of 1890-91," in Ann Mag N H., (6) VIIT., 16, 119, 268, 427 1891, " On a viviparous bathybial Fish from the Bay of Bengal," in Proc Zuol Mag N H., (6) VI., 197, 295 ; ; Soc Lond., 226 ; 1892, " On the Bathybial Fishes collected during the Season of Ann Mag N H., (6) X., 345 1892-98, " Illustrations of the Zoology of H M Indian Marine Surveying Steamer Investigator,' under the command of Commanders Carpenter and Hoskyn " 1893, " An account of the Deep Sea Collection made during the Season of 1892-93," in Jour As Soc Bengal, LXII 1894, " An Account of a Recent Collection of Bathybial Fishes from the Bay of Bengal and from the Laccadive Sea," in Jour As Soc Bcng., LXIII 1896, " A supplementary List of the Marine Fishes of India, with descriptions of two new Genera and eight new Species," in Jour As Soc Beng., LXV 1898, " A Note on the Deep-sea Fishes, with Descriptions of some new Genera and Species, including another probably viviparous Ophidioid," in Ann Mag N IT., (7) II., 136 Bean, B A., 1898, " Notes on the Capture of rare Fishes," in Pr U S Mus., XXL, 639 Bean, T H., 1884, " Notes on some Fishes collected hy James Swan in Washington Territory, including a new Species of Macrurus," in Pr U S Mus., VI., 362 1886, " Description of a new Species of Plcctromus (P crassiccps) taken by the United States Fish Commission," in Pr U S Mus., VIIL, 73 1890, " New Fishes collected off the coast of Alaska and the adjacent region southward," in Pr U S Mus., XIIL, 37 Bennett, F D., 1840, " Narrative of a Whaling Voyage round the Globe." Fishes in 1891-92," in ; ' ; ; ; ; ; VoLIL, Bennett, p 255 "Gatherings of a Naturalist in Australasia." Blainville, H M D., 1816, " Prodrome d'une nouvelle distribution systdmatique du regne animal." Bloch, M E., 1782-1795, " Oeconomische Naturgeschichte der Fische Deutschlands," G., 1860, and "Naturgeschichte der auslandischcn Fische.'' ' DEEP SEA FISHES 422 Bloch, Schneider, 1801, " Systcma ichth\'oIogiae iconibns ex illustratum." BocAGE & Capello, 1864, " Diagnoses de algiimas especies iii^ditas da Familia Squalidae ; " 1866, " Peixes Plagiostomos." Bonaparte, C L., 1832-1841, '' Iconografia della Fauna Italica," Toino III., Pesci BoDLENGER, G A., 1895, " Catalogue of the Fishes in the British Museum, I." Brandt, J F., 1851, " Remarques sur le Mi^moire de Mr Lowe," etc., in M(^m des Sav Etr., VII Canestrini, G., 1863, " I Gadidi e Macrouridi del Golfo di Genova," in Arch, per la Zool., II., 30.3 Carte, A., 1866, " Notes on the Genus Chiasmodon," in Pr Z S Lond., 35 Clarke, F R, 1878, " On two new Fishes," in Trans New Zealand Inst., X., 243 Cocco, A., 1838, " Su di alcuni Salmonidi del mare di Messina, Lettera del Professore Anastasio Cocco al Ch Principe D Carlo Luciano Bonaparte," in Nuovi Annali delle Scienze Natural!, Bologna, II., 161 CoLLETT, R., 1879, " On a new Fish of the Genus Lycodcs from the Pacific," in Pr Z S Lond., 381 1879, " Fiske fra Nordhavs-Expcditionens sidste Togt, Sommeren 1878," in Forh Vid Selsk Christ.; 1880, "Den Norske NordhavsExpedition 1876-1878," Zoologi, Fiske; 1886, "On a new Podiculate Fish from ; 1890, " Sur quclqucs Poissons rap218; port^s de Madere par le Prince de Monaco," " Bull S Descriptions de deux especes nouvelles du genre Onus Risso," in 1890, " Le Genre Cyelothone Goode et Bean," in Bull S Z de F., Z de F., 105 1896, 94; 1896, "Poissons provenant des campagnes du Yacht L'Hirondelle (18851888) " 1897, " On Chlamydoselaehus anguineus Garm., a remarkable Shark the Sea off Madeira," in Pr Z S Lond., 138 ; in Bull Soc Zool de France, ; ' ' ; found in Norway, 1896," " Steraftryk af Universitctcts Festskrift Kong Oscar til Hans Majes- Anledning af Regjeringsjubilajct 1897." Cunningham, R 0., 1870, "Notes on the Reptiles, Amjdiibia, Fishes, Mollusca, and Crustacea obtained during the voyage of II M S Nassau' in the years 1806-69," taet II i ' in Trans Linn Soc., XXVII., 46.5 Cdvier, G., 1817, " Le Regne Animal," 1829, " Le Rfegne Animal," H CuviER & Valenciennes, 1828-1849, " Histoire naturelle des Poissons." DuMERiL, A M C, 1806, " Zoologie Analytique." DuMERiL, A., 1865, " Histoire naturelle des Poissons, ou Iclithyologie g^n^rale," I Garman, S., 1881, " Report on the Selachians " collected by the U S Coast Survey Steamer " Blake " during the Summer of 1880, in Bull Mus Comp Zool VIII., 231 1884, « New Sharks," in Bull Essex Inst., XVI 1885, " Chlamydoselaehus anguineus Garm A living Species of Cladodont Shark," in Bull Mus Comp Zool., XII., 1888, " On the Lateral Canal System of the Selachia and Holocephala," in Bull Mus Comp Zool., XVII 1892, " The Discoboli," Mem Mus Comp Zool., XIV., No 1892, " The Distribution of Fishes'," in Science, XIX., 187; 1896, "Report on the Fishes collected by the Bahama Expedition of the State University of Iowa, under Professor C C Nutting in 1893," in Bull Univ of Iowa Lab Nat Hist., IV., 76 GiGLioLi, H., 1893, " Di una nuova specie di Macruride appartenente alia fauna abissale del Mediterraneo," in Zool Anz., XVI., 343 Gilbert, C H., 1890, " A preliminary Report on the Fishes collected by the Steamer Albatross on the Pacific Coast of North Amferica during the Year 1889, with II ; ; ; — ; ; ; ' ' ; BIBLIOGRAPHY new Genera and ninety-two new Descriptions of twelve 423 Species," in Pr U S Mus., XIII., 49; 1891, "Descriptions of Apodal Fishes from the tropical Pacific," XI\^, 347; 1891, " A supplementary List of Fishes collected at new Genus and three new Species," in Pr U S Mus., XIII., 449 1892, " Descriptions of thirty-four new Species of Fisiies collected in 1888 and 1889, principally among the Santa Barbara Islands and in the Gulf of California," in Pr U S Mus XIV., 539 U in Pr S Miis., the Galapagos Islands and Panama, with descriptions of one ; 1896, " The Ichthyological Collections 'Albatross' U S Fish Commission Steamer during the years 1890 and 1891," in Kep U S Commissioner of of the On the Occurrence of Caulolepis longidots Gill, on the Coast of California," in Pr U S Mus XXL, 565 Gilbert & Cramer, 1896, " Report on the Fislies dredged in deep water near the Hawaiian Islands, with Descriptions of twenty-three new Species," in Pr U S Mus., XIX., 403 Fisheries for 1893, Gill, T., 1864, "A 393 p ; 1898, " Synopsis of the eastern American Sharks," in Pr Phil Ac, 258 ; 1879, " Synopsis of the Pediculate Fishes of the Eastern Coast of extra-tropical North America," Pr U S Mus., in Pr I., 227 ; Mus., I., 215; 1879, "Note on the Ceratiids," in " Note on the MalthciidiB," in Pr U S Mus., I., 1879, U S 1883, " Supplementary Note on the Pediculati," in Pr U S Mus., V., 551 ; 1884, " Diagnosis of new Genera and Species of Deep-sea fishlike Vertebrates," in Pr U S Mus., VI., 253 Gill

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