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THE NATURAL HISTORY OF BRITISH INSECTS; EXPLAINING THEM IN THEIR SEVERAL STATES, WITH THE PERIODS OF THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS, THEIR FOOD, (ECONOMY, &c TOGETHER WITH THE SUCH MINUTE INSECTS JIISTORY OF AS REQUIRE INVESTIGATION BY THE MICROSCOPE THE WHOLE ILLUSTRATED BY COLOURED FIGURES, DESIGNED AND EXECUTED FROM LIVING SPECIMENS By E DONOVAN VOL XIII LONDON: Printed for the Author, And for F C and J Rivington, N° MDCCC 62, St, Paul's VIII Church-Yard ' v /J 22 — 49 [ ] PLATE XXII TIPULA PLUMOSA Plumose, or Sea Tipula DiPTERA GENERIC CHARACTER Mouth with a very membranaceous probofcis, the back fhort grooved and receiving a bridle feelers : beak fhort and without two, incurved, filiform and longer than the head a fheath : : antennae filiform in general SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS f a Thorax greenifh brown dot : : wings white glofTed with thorace virefcente, : » 31 thorace virefcente, Nut found in the Mant alis Inf 974 month of April quently been miflaken for the '?; hyalinis xii p in common alis albis Fair antennis plumofis is and antennae feathered Tipula Plumosa Tipula piifinatic hues, 324 /> S/> : Inf fufco, p 406 n 37 puncto nigro n pun&o 26.— Fn Linn Syfl Suec 1?58» marfhy places, and has fre- gnat P L AT E 45 [ PLATE ] CGLXVIII FIG I HIPPOBOSCA HIRUNDINIS GENERIC CHARACTER Roftrum bivalve, wavering feet : armed with many nails SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS Wings tapering from the bafe to a point fix claws on each foot HlPPOBOSCA Hirundinis : alis fubulatis, pedibus hexadaclylis Linn Syjl Nat 1010 Geoff Inf 547 Found adhering Fn Sv 1923 2.—Panz-Faun Inf to the bodies of the Swallows, and Germ is not unfre- the nefts of thofe birds quently obferved in denotes the natural fize ° mQ fmalleft The H E3 F I G PLATE A6 CCLXVIII FIG II HIPPOBOSCA OVINA SPECIFIC CHARACTER Without wings HiPPOJBOSCA ovina : alis nullis Linn Syji Nat % 1011 Fn Sv 1924 Fri/ch Inf tab 18 This and the preceding, with the two fpecies included in plate 261, are the only defcribesl examples of the Hippobofca genus found in Britain- PLATE 2,67 C PLATE CCLXL FIG I I HIPPOBOSCA EQUINA Horse, or Spider Fly Diptera GENERIC CHARACTER Roftrum bivalve, wavering: armed with many feet nails SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS Wings obtufe: thorax varied with white : feet armed with three crotchets or claws Hippobosca Equina, alis obtufis, tetradaBylis Linn Syjl 192l.-Fab.Ent.SyJl Degeer Inf 257 Reaum Few thorace albo variegato, pedibus Nat Vol p 1010 415 Fn Sv 1 tab 16 fig I Z, 9Inf tab 179 fig differed Four Hippobofcae have hitherto been fpecies of and Fabncms has not encreafed known to Linn,us flZ PLATE zz number that is in either of his defcribed by Gmelin CCIXI A Entomological Syftems in the The under the name of Uralenfis* fifth fpecies of the Syftema Naturas, edition laft fpecies in the Entomologia Systematica of Fabricius, are Equina, Avicularia, Hirundinis, and £o~ The firft is rather larger than the others, and is well known by common name of Horfe Fly, becaufe it frequently molefts thofe vina the animals, and attaching fucks their blood country, and like The H bodies, penetrates the fkin, and natives of this of certain ani- found chiefly on the bpdies of birds, and hirudinis more efpecially on fwallows Thefe creatures are all of mals H itfelf to their The three other fpecies are alfo the H equina, fubfift on the blood avicularia a difgufting form, means are flat, is and hard : they adhere very tenacioufly by ol the nails or crotchets of their talons, numerous; and are not eafily by killed which equina has three fharp incurvated nails to each foot, dinis is furnifhed with twice that number on FIG in this genus The H and H hirurj- preffure each II, HIPPOBOSCA AVICULARIA, SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS, Wings * Hippobofca Uralenfis: uitenti'um Lepechin it qbtufe atra i t 19 : Thorax of one colour hirfuta f dorfo ordinibus tribus veficularum albarum babi'ai In defer to Uralenji Hlpp.OBOSCA PLATE Hippobosca Avicularia, The CCLXI alis obtufis, thorace unicolore Linn, Syji Nat 1010 2.—Fn Sv 1922 Fab Ent 4, p 415 figure of Hippobofca avicularia in the agrees with our infe6t, except in colour; iefl 23 of the green S%ft works of Sulzer nearly it is of a dull brown, with caft PLATE ... afpecimenof the larger kinds of Tipula with the rarely find complete; the LATE efcape by leaving fpider its legs to obferve the broken limbs of the Jipulte in the fnares of this fpecies of fpider The. .. accelerated in the cannot it will then live a considerable Tipula Riyofa being entangled by two of of a large fpider leg 31 of one or two of thofe members not materially retard the brifknefs of total... furface of the earth June and July; the is taken in May and June, the Tipula Crocata in latter is obferyed in the flower-garden or orchard PLATE 77 [ PLATE FIG Shews XXXV I the natural fize of the