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THE NATURAL HISTORY o F BRITISH INSECTS; EXPLAINING IN THE1VJ THEIR SEVERAL STATES, WITH THE PERIODS OF THEIR TRANSFORMATIONS, THEIR FOOD, ECONOMY, &p TQQETHEIJ WI|H TIJS HISTORY OF SUCH MINUTE INSECTS AS REQUIRE INVESTIGATION BY T*I£ MICROSCOPE THE WHOLE JLHJSTR.ATEP By COLOURED FIGURES, DESIGNED AND EXECUTED FROM LIVING SPECIMENS g By E i DONOVAN VOL VI LONDON: Printed for the Author, Asd for F and C, RiyiNGTON, N° 62, St Paul's HlPCCXCVII Church-Yard, f V 47 [ ] PLATE CCLXIX SPHINX OCELLATA.Eyed Hawk Moth GENERIC CHARACTER Antennas thickeft in the middle : wings deflected when at reJL Fly by night SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS Wings angulated : pofterior pair red, with a large blue eye in the middle of each Sphinx Ocellata Fab : alis angulatis, Syft Ent 536 Sphinx Ocellata, alis Nat 796 Fhal&na alis pofticis rufis ocello cceruleo repandis, pofticis ocellatis 1.—Fri Linn Syfl Sv 1083 inferioribus macula opthalmoide infignibus Alb Inf tab S.fig 2, Drury Inf tab 25 fig Reef Inf phal I tab Schaff Icon tab 99 fig Merian The Sphinges Fjurop tab 87 are only, in a few inftances, remarkable for that which render the Butterfly tribe fo gaiety and fplendour of colours, E4 pleafing PLATE 48 CCLXIX pleafing and interefting to general obfervers There is, however, Sphinges, which a peculiar grace and elegance of form throughout the immediately diftinguifh them from the Phalasnae, or third tribe of Lepidopterous Infe&s are, for the moft and ; part, their colouis, this this for The Sphinx we have country few authors, alfo who have ; and, in general, the Ocellata is common treated more fpecies of the tribe in in other countries of Europe : on the Entomology of any par t of k continent have neglecled to give The larva of the it a place in their Sphinx Ocellata' June, and July, about which mains in the earth retreat and comes forth till is found on the willow, time and the works it becomes June following when it quits latter of beautiful certainly an exception to more gay or abundant not a It is The Sphinges very prettilv diverfified Great Britain are not numerous kinds are rare though chafte or obfcure, a pupa, its in May, and re- fubterranean in the perfecl flate PLATE k 43 C ] PLATE LIIL SPHINX TIPULIFORMIS, Currant Sphinx Caterpillar, Chrysalis, and Sphinx The Female hollow depofits her eggs in the crevices of fuch twigs as arc and a peculiar inftinit almoft invariably directs her to the ; of the currant trees ftalks Caterpillar ing entire is : enlarged from the egg, it fence againft many Thus it eafy of accefs, but Immediately that the perforates the ftalk, and, hav- pofTemon of the inner channel, abundant within is which are not only nourifhment to the young brood afford grateful which of the Natural Size it feeds on the foft fubftance fecured by nature, with a de- is depredators, to which all Caterpillars, except in- ternal feeders, are expofed It changes to a Chryfalis within the A ftalk fhort time before the Infect burfts forth, the Chryfalis truded through Chryfalis the outer bark, precifely in the (Plate of the Sp Apiformh 25.); and is is pro- as the fupported by a every fegment being ferrated, or armed, with a fimilar contrivance, row of very minute fame manner which firmly embrace the fubliance of the teeth, and elevate the Chryfalis in an oblique pofture; until the efforts of the Infect completely difengages it from the cafe ftalk, The Sp Tipuliformh Hawk-Moths, which is is the only Species of the tranfparent-winged common fed of this divifion of the genus fpecies : near : London country The ; and is the fmalleft In- the divifion contains few individual but fuch as are generally very rare local in this laft ; Currant Sphinx Gi at leaft the is broods appear taken in June PLATE — [ *7 ] PLATE VI SPHINX FILIPENDULyE Burnet Hawk-Moth Six Spot Lepidoptera GENERIC CHARACTER Antennae thickeft in the middle two, reflected Winers when Tongue ufually exferted Palpi at reft deflected SPECIFIC CHARACTER Anterior wings cyaneous-green, with red fix fpots : poflerlor wings red with a blue border Sphinx Filipendulae: alisprimoribuscyaneis: pundb'sfex rubris, pofterioribus rubris Suec 1097 : margine cyaneo Gmel Linn Linn Fn Nat S)jL 2290 Sp 34 Zyg/ENA Filipendulae : Fair Ent.SyJl Degeer Inf p 591 n We 7" I p I t 4/4>.f have in England two fpecies of the Sphinx of Fabricius) that are known by 386 Sp 1 tribe, (Zygeena the trivial appeliatian of Burners, namely, the five-Jpat Burnet, and ihejix-fpot Burnet Thefe are not they are evidently varieties, as they have been fometimes confidered ; diftincl fpecies, the former Zygsena Sphinx Filipendulae oi Linnaeus Loti There of is a Fabricius, the latter variety of Filipendulae PLATE ig found with a fmgle rufous belt, but this kind in this country The fix lias under the name of it it nothing more than a variety of fpot Burnet Sphinx is taken pretty frequently in the parts of Bedfordshire the five-fpot Burnet all marked is our knowledge, /3 neighbourhood of London, where the other As abdomen not, to Efper gives : Sphinx Peucedani, Gmelin deems Filipendulze ,- of the continent, in which the in fotne paits been difcovered VI is is rarely found In forae very common lepidopterous infetls are liable to fome trifling variations in the colours and markings of their wings from accidental circumflances, fo fpecimens of Sphinx Filipendulae have been taken with the two fpots near the bafe very clofely united like a Tingle fpot, any other five fpot Burnet If, with the true five fpot Burnet, The latter is fmaller, the the apex of the fuperior The a however, infomuch exigence of we compare this variety finking difference muff be perceived in the fix fpot wing is Burnet is deeper, wanting larva of the prefent fpecies feeds is is fituated nearefl to on the Genifla Anglica, on Ulex Europasus, and Spirea Filipendula, from the us Linnsean name as to appear as to the blue border of the inferior wings and the fpot ol red, which the ; and hence arofe fome doubt latter of which derived I L ATE *7 [ PLATE j CCCXIX SPHINX LOT I Five Spot Burnet Sphinx GENERIC CHARACTER Antennae thickeff in the Wings middle deflefled when at reft Fly flow, morning and evening SPECIFIC CHARACTER AND SYNONYMS Anterior wings greenifh, with five red fpots : posterior; pair fan- guineous, bordered with fine blue ZyGjENvE Loti alis : anticis viridibus pofticis fanguineis: T Sphinx Loti : punclis quinque rubris, limbo cyaneo Fab* Ent Syji* SS7 fp Wien Verz 45 3 p p Schaff Icon tab 16 fig 6, Sphinx Loniceras Efp Inf tab 24 fig This beautiful little fpecies figured Sphinx Filipendula, neral refemblance is ftriking, may he eafily confounded with the in the fixth plate of this and it work differs chiefly in the ; its ge- number of Sphinx Filipendula has inadorn the fuperior wings red fpots that latter as conftantly only five, the each wing, ° and uy*w u on variably ' • i r^Ws o^me PLATE 6$ Some readers former, from may be its admit deem general appearance, but fynonyms quoted above, this fubjecl: inclined to CCCXIX it It is rare in this that feveral it it a will mere variety of the be perceived by the of the continental writers on as a diftin£l fpecies country, and the larva unknown, or at leaft is undefcribed PLATE ... the Larva or Cater, grown, and change to the Pupa the Sphinx appears About pillars are full (late, CCXLI the May PLA' V, ; THE NATURAL HISTORY Off BRITISH INSECTS PLATE CCLXXXIX SPHINX ATROPOS... /F/Z£x pap to3 The Sphinx Atropos a magnificent fpecies, is the European infects of its tribe The a very flrong refemblance to the figure of a is is the largefl of characterise marks of creature... produced mentioned were dug up to rear The flate, though, them, few of the perfect greater number in the gardeners' in- of the larvae above- grounds in the vicinity of London PLATE 7Q0 [ PLATE CCXC

Ngày đăng: 04/11/2018, 17:03


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