Symbols: dm mass flow ratedt =exhaust relative to the airplane u =speed of airplane v =drag force D =Principle of impulse and momentum... Apply the impulse - momentum principle to the mo
Trang 1The masses are mA=mB =1350 kg and mC =5400 kg.
Letv vA, B, andvC be the sought after final velocities, positive to the left
(mB +m vC) BC =m vB( )B 0 +m vC( )C 0
6750vBC = +0 5400 2.2222 vBC =1.77778 m/sCar-truck strikes car
Trang 2Conservation of linear momentum for block, cart, and bullet together
m vv
Consider block and bullet alone
Principle of impulse and momentum
Also, just after impact, the velocity of the cart is zero
Accelerations after impact
Trang 3The block moves 0.424 to the left relative to the cart
(b) This places the block 1.000 0.424 0.576 m− = from the left end of the cart
0.576 m from left end of cart
Trang 4Initial momentum of system: m vA( )A 0 +m vB( )B 0+m vF( )F 0 = 0.
There are no horizontal external forces acting during the time period under consideration Momentum is
0= m vA A +m vB B +m vF F124.2vA +114.9vB +1366.5vF = 0 (1) The relative velocities are given as
/ /
7 ft/s3.5 ft/s
Trang 5The masses are A WA, B WB, and F WF.
Initial momentum of system: m vA( )A 0+m vB( )B 0+m vF( )F 0 = 0
There are no horizontal external forces acting during the time period under consideration Momentum is
1.02 7.65 6.63 ft/s1.02 7.5 6.48 ft/s
Trang 6impact takes place before the load has time to acquire velocity
Momentum immediately after impact:
m v′+m +m v′= m +m v′ (2) Equating (1) and (2) and solving for v′ ,
3 0
m vv
Trang 7The masses are m for the bullet and m and A m for the blocks B
(a) The bullet passes through block A and embeds in block B Momentum is conserved
m v m vm
v v
mv m vv
Trang 8(a) Woman dives first
v′ = ′ +
Trang 9(a) Woman dives first
Trang 10(1)(2)(3)( ) Solving for a v vA, B, andv C, v =A 1.333 m/s vA =(1.333 m/s)j
Trang 11( ) ( ) ( ) (1.800 kg m /s2 ) (0.900 kg m /s2 ) (3.60 kg m /s2 )
Trang 12The masses are mA = mB = mC =9 kg.
Position vectors (m): rA = 0.9 ,k rB = 0.6i +0.6j+0.9 ,k rC = 0.3i+1.2j Coordinates of mass center G expressed in m
( )(9 0.9 ) ( )(9 0.6 0.6 0.9 ) ( )(9 0.3 1.2 )
270.3 0.6 0.6
Trang 14Position vectors expressed in ft
Trang 15(7.83 lb s) (5.22 lb s)
m =v ⋅ j− ⋅ k (c) Position vectors relative to the mass center G (ft)
3 6 2.667 1.333 2.6670.333 4.667 2.667
6 3 2.667 1.333 2.6672.667 4.667 0.333
3 3 2.667 1.333 2.6670.333 1.333 0.333
Trang 162.667 1.333 2.667
0 7.83 5.2227.826 13.913 20.870 27.827 13.913 20.870
Trang 17Linear momentum of each particle expressed inkg m/s.⋅
Trang 18Position vectors, (meters): rA =3j k+ , rB =3i +2.5 ,k rC = 4i+2j k +
Trang 20The mass center moves as if the projectile had not exploded
2 2
Trang 21There are no external forces The mass center moves as if the explosion had not occurred
Trang 22Mass center at time of first collision
: 432440 3600= v tBj
(3600 3.6363432440)( ) 30.034
Trang 23Mass center at time of first collision
( )1 ( )1
: 432440 12240= vB , vB =35.33 ft/s,j
48.1 mi/h
Trang 24Projectile motion ax =0, ay = − = −g 9.81 m/s ,2 az = 0
( )vx 0 =165 m/s, ( )vy 0 = 0, ( )vz 0 = 0After the chain breaks the mass center continues the original projectile motion
Trang 25Place the vertical y axis along the initial vertical path of the rocket Let the x axis be directed to the right (east) Motion of the mass center: ax = 0, vx = 0, x = 0
Trang 26Velocities of pieces C and D after impact and fracture
2.1 3 m/s, 3tan30 m/s0.7
2.1 2.333 m/s, 2.3333tan m/s0.9
Trang 27o o
Solving simultaneously,
Trang 29Weight of arrow: 2 oz 0.125 lb.
=Conservation of momentum: Let v be velocity immediately after impact
Trang 30A B C
(−600i +750j−800k)+2400j+2400j =vA Aλλλλ +4vB Bλλλλ +4vC Cλλλλ Resolving into components,
: 600 0.66667 1.69160: 5550 0.66667 3.58828 3.81792: 800 0.33333 0.51260 1.19312
Trang 3119.51
explosition have the directions of the unit vectors
Trang 3219.51
/ 27 1500 ft/s0.018
C/ 22.5 1875 ft/s0.012
Trang 33(2)(3)Since mass is conserved, W =WA +WB +WC =6 lb (4) Solving equations (1), (2), and (4) simultaneously,
Trang 34i i i i
Trang 35This condition is satisfied if,
( ) 0 Point has zero velocity
or ( ) Point coincides with the mass center
or ( ) is parallel to Velocity is directed along line
Trang 36This condition is satisfied if
( ) 0 The frame is newtonian
or ( ) Point coincides with the mass center
or ( ) is parallel to Acceleration is directed along line
Trang 37The masses are m for the bullet and m and A m for the blocks B
The bullet passes through block A and embeds in block B Momentum is conserved
m v m vm
v v
mv m vv
Trang 38Data and results from Prob 14.1
2.9630 m/s,
v = vB =vc =1.18519 m/sInitial kinetic energy: 0 1 ( )20 1 ( )20 1 ( )20
2 1 10.67 kJ
T =T =
Trang 39Initial momentum of system: m vA( )A 0 +m vB( )B 0 +m vF( )F 0 = 0.
There are no horizontal external forces acting during the time period under consideration Momentum is
0= m vA A +m vB B +m vF F124.2vA +114.9vB +1366.5vF = 0 (1) The relative velocities are given as
/ /
7 ft/s3.5 ft/s
Trang 40From the solution to Prob 14.27,
Initial velocity of 6-lb shell: v0=1464 ft/s
Trang 41Velocity of mass center: (mA +mB)v =mA Av +mB Bv
Trang 42mE
Trang 43(a) A strikes B and C simultaneously
During the impact, the contact impulses make 30° angles with the velocity v 0
component: 0 0 sin 30 sin30
Trang 44Second impact: A strikes C
During the impact, the contact impulse makes a 30o angle with the velocity v 0
Thus, vC =vC cos30° −i sin30°j
Trang 46(a) Velocity of B at maximum elevation At maximum elevation ball B is at rest relative to cart A vB = v AUse impulse-momentum principle
x m vA 0 + =0 m vA A +m vB B = (mA+m vB) B
0 A B
m vv
=+ (b) Conservation of energy:
Trang 47Velocity vectors: v0 =v0(cos30° −i sin30°j ) v0 =15 ft/s
i: v0cos30° = vBsin 30° +vCcos30° j: −v0sin30° = − −vA vBcos30° +vCsin30° Solving for vB and ,v C
3 15 7.5 6.4952 ft/s2
1 15 7.5 11.25 ft/s2
Trang 48Velocity vectors: v0 =v0(cos45° +i sin 45°j ) v0 =15 ft/s
i: v0cos 45° =vBsin 60° +vCcos60° j: v0sin 45° = vA −vBcos60° +vCsin 60° Solving for vB and ,v C
Trang 491sin ,
θ = cos 8,
θ = θ =19.471°Velocity vectors v0 = −v0j
Divide by m and resolve into components
i: 0 2 cos= vA θ −uBsinθ
−j: v0 = +2 sinvA θ +uBcosθ −vCSolving for vA and ,u B 1( 0 ) 0.94281( 0 )
Trang 501 8sin , cos , 19.471
v′ = vCord becomes taut
Trang 51B = v °
v +[0.94281v0 19.471° ] [0.95743 0
Fraction of energy lost = 0.0556
Trang 52(a) Use part (a) of sample Problem 14.4 with mA=mB=m.
or v = with B 0 vA=v0 (c) Consider positions when θ θ= max and θ θ= min
Since vB A/ = at these states 0
v =vConservation of momentum
mv =mv +mv
v =v = v
Trang 53Both A and B keep moving to the right with A and B stopping intermittently
Trang 54Relative velocity and acceleration
Trang 55B/A B/A
Trang 56There are no external forces Momentum is conserved
Trang 57There are no external forces Momentum is conserved
(a) Moments about D : 0.9m vA 0 =1.8m vC C +0.9m vB B
( )( ) ( )( )
0.9 0.9 0.5 12 0.5 3.5 4.251.8 A 1.8 B
Trang 58(a) Linear and angular momentum.
Trang 59B= v
v i
Trang 62Let the system consist of spheres A and B
State 1 Instant cord DC breaks
Trang 63( ) ( )HG 2 = HG 1
Trang 64The system is spheres A and B and the ring D
Initial velocities: vA =v0(−cos30° −i sin 30°j )
0 cos30 sin 300
Trang 65Let m be the mass of one ball
Conservation of linear momentum: (Σmv) (= Σmv )0
( )vC y =( ) tan 30vC x ° =2.25tan30° =1.2990 ft/s
From (1), ( )vB y = −1.2990 ft/s
( )vB y= −1.299 ft/s (2.25 ft/s) (1.299 ft/s)
Trang 66Let m be the mass of one ball
Conservation of linear momentum: (Σmv) (= Σmv )0
( )vC y=( ) tan 45vC x ° = 2tan 45° =2 ft/s
From (1), ( )vB y= −2 ft/s
( )vB y= −2.00 ft/s (2.00 ft/s) (2.00 ft/s)
Trang 67Conservation of linear momentum: WA WB 0 WA A WB B
Trang 69Let ω be the spin rate
Trang 70Velocities in m/s Lengths in meters Assume masses are 1.0 for each ball.
Before impacts: ( )vA 0 = v0i = 4 , i ( )vB 0 =( )vC 0 = 0
After impacts: vA = −1.92 , j vB =( )vB xi+( )vB yj, vC =vCi
Conservation of linear momentum: v0 = vA+vB + v C
i: 4 0= +( )vB x +vC ( )vB x = −4 vCj: 0 = −1.92+( )vB y +0 ( )vB y =1.92
Trang 71Velocities in m/s Lengths in meters Assume masses are 1.0 for each ball.
Before impacts: ( )vA 0 = v0i = 5 , i ( )vB 0 =( )vC 0 =0
After impacts: vA = −vAj, vB =( )vB xi +( )vB yj, vC =3.2i
Conservation of linear momentum: v0 = vA+vB + v C
i: 5 0= +( )vB x +3.2 ( )vB x =1.8j: 0 = − +vA ( )vB y +0 ( )vB y = vA
Trang 720 = v0
v i The initial velocities in this system are ( ) ( )v′A 0, v′B 0 and ( )vC′ 0, each having a magnitude of lω They are directed 120° apart Thus,
( ) ( )v′A 0+ v′B 0+( )v′C 0 = 0(a) Conservation of linear momentum:
( )A 0 ( )B 0 ( )C 0 ( A 0) ( B 0) ( C 0)
m v′ +m v′ +m v′ =m v −v +m v −v +m v −v
0= vAj−vi + −vBj−vi + vCi−v i Resolve into components
Trang 73(c) 3 m/s
Trang 74Use a frame of reference that is translating with the mass center G of the system Let v be its velocity 0
0 =v0
v i The initial velocities in this system are ( ) ( )v′A 0, ,v′B 0 and ( )v′C 0, each having a magnitude of lω They are directed 120° apart Thus,
( ) ( )v′A 0+ v′B 0+( )v′C 0 = 0Conservation of linear momentum:
( )A 0 ( )B 0 ( )C 0 ( A 0) ( B 0) ( C 0)
m v ′+m v′ +m v′ =m v −v +m v −v +m v −v
0= vAj−vi + −vBj−vi + vCi−v i Resolve into components
i: vC −3v0 = 0 vC =3v0 =( )( )3 0.4 =1.2 m/sj: vA−vB = 0 vB =vA
Initial kinetic energy: 1 3 1 02 3 1 2 2
Trang 75Conservation of angular momentum about G
Trang 76Mass flow rate As the fluid moves from section 1 to section 2 in time ∆t, the mass ∆m moved is
Trang 77Consider velocities measured with respect to the plate, which is moving with velocity V The velocity of the stream relative to the plate is
(1000)(600 10 )
Trang 78Let F be the force that the wedge exerts on the stream Assume that the fluid speed is constant v = 60 ft/s.Volumetric flow rate: Q =475 gal/min = 1.0583ft /s3
slug/ft 1.0584 ft /s 2.051 slug/s32.2
Trang 79(48 ft/s )
Volumetric flow rate: Q =500 gal/min = 1.1141ft /s3
slug/ft 1.1141 ft /s 2.1590 slug/s32.2
Use a frame of reference that is moving with the wedge to the left at 12 ft/s In this frame of reference the
upstream velocity vector is
Trang 80Let F be the force exerted on the chips Apply the impulse-momentum principle to the chips Assume that the feed velocity is negligible
16.89 lb
Trang 824040 N
Trang 83The line of action of F passes through point O
Components : ( )∆m uA+ F t( )∆ sinα = ∆( )m uBcosθ
α =Thus point C lies at the midpoint of arc AB
Trang 84( )800 ( )( )
13.333 L/s 1.000 kg/L 13.333 L/s 13.333 kg/s60
∆93.6 N
Trang 85Mass flow rate: 62.4 lb/ft 40 ft /min2 1.29193 lb s/ft
60 s/min32.2 ft/s
moments aboutD: ( )( sin 60 ) 15 ( )( cos60 ) 23 ( ) 15
Trang 86Volumetric flow rate: Q =300 gal/min= 66840 ft /s3
slug/ft 0.6684 ft /s 1.2954 slug/s32.2
Moments about C: ( )∆m v a WA − P( )∆t lcosθ = ∆( )m v bB
Trang 87Volumetric flow rate: Q =300 gal/min= 66840 ft /s3
slug/ft 0.6684 ft /s 1.2954 slug/s32.2
moments about C: ( )∆m v a WA − p( )∆t l cosθ = ∆( )m v bB
Trang 88Symbols: dm mass flow rate
dt =exhaust relative to the airplane
u =speed of airplane
v =drag force
D =Principle of impulse and momentum
Trang 89Let F be the force exerted on the slipstream of one engine Then, the force exerted on the airplane is −2F as shown
Trang 90Let F be the force exerted on the slipstream of one engine
Trang 91Use a frame of reference moving with the plane Apply the impulse-momentum principle Let F be the force that
the plane exerts on the air
Trang 92The thrust on the fluid is dm( B A)
Trang 93720 = 22.36 slug/s, 1860 ft/s, 560 mi/h 821.33 ft/s32.2
(22.36 1860 821.33)( − )−D1 =0 D1 = 23225 lbDrag force factor:
After control surface malfunction: k2 =1.2k1 =0.04131 lb s /ft⋅ 2 2
When the new cruising speed is attained,
Trang 94Apply the impulse - momentum principle to the moving air Use a frame of reference that is moving with the airplane Let F be the force on the air
270 km/h 75 m/s
600 m/s
Trang 95Symbols: n = number engines operating
dt = mass flow rate for one engine
u = discharge velocity relative to jetliner = 800 m/s
(250) 1 37.879 m/s3(800 250)
k dt
−(a) One engine lost: n = 2
37.8792(800 )
Trang 96u be the velocity of the stream relative to the velocity of the blade u=(v V− )
t ρ
∆ =
∆Principle of impulse and momentum
(∆m u F t) − t( ) (∆ = ∆m u) cosθ(1 cos ) ( )(1 cos )
The force Ft on the fluid is directed to the left as shown By Newton’s law of action and reaction, the
tangential force on the blade is Ft to the right
Output power: Pout=FVt =ρAv vA( A−V V) (1 cos )− θ
(a) V for maximum power output
v = V (b) Maximum power
P = ρAv − θ Input power = rate of supply of kinetic energy of the stream
Trang 97( ) (1 cos )1
Trang 98×
mechanical efficiency 0.551=
Trang 99∆ =
∆Input power 1 3
Trang 100input power 10,000 W, 36 km/h 10 m/sdT
Trang 101Mass flow rate:
mass density volume
density area length
Trang 102Q = b gd d d +d
Trang 103Mass flow rate:
mass density volume
density area length
Trang 104Q =b gd d d +dData: g =9.81 m/s, b = 3 m, d1 =1.25 m, d2 =1.5 m
3 9.81 1.25 1.5 1.25 1.5 15.09 m /s2
Trang 105From hydrostatics, the pressure at section 1 is p1= rh = ρgh.
The pressure at section 2 is p2 = 0
Calculate the mass flow rate using section 2
mass =density×volume= density×area×length
Trang 10662.4 lb/ft
Q 11.1408 10 ft /s32.2 ft/s
23.413 ,
β = α =60o −β = 36.587o Moments about O:
sin21.590 10 0.72648 60 sin 36.587 0.726480.56093 0.011395 lb ft
Trang 107Consider the conservation of the horizontal component of momentum of the railroad car of mass m and the 0sand mass qt.
dt = = m qt
+Integrating, using x =0 0 and x = L when t =tL,
0 qL m vL
v = v e−
Trang 108Apply the impulse-momentum principle
Trang 109Letρ be the mass per unit length of chain Apply the impulse - momentum to the entire chain Assume that the reaction from the floor it equal to the weight of chain still in contact with the floor
Calculate the floor reaction
Trang 110(a) Letρ be the mass per unit length of chain The force P supports the weight of chain still off the floor
Trang 111Letρbe the mass per unit length of chain Consider the impulse-momentum applied to the link being brought to
forces contributing to moments about O in the diagram
Moments about O:
( )∆m v+[ρgh C t− ]∆ = ∆( )m v
C = ρghEquating the two expressions for C,
Trang 112Letρbe the mass per unit length of chain Assume that the weight of any chain above the hole is supported by the floor It and the corresponding upward reaction of the floor are not shown in the diagrams
Case 1 Apply the impulse-momentum principle to the entire chain
Trang 114750 lb/s,dW
Trang 115Thrust of one engine:
Trang 116As all the fuel is consumed: m1=1500 1200− =300 kg
1 15 9.81 0.05 9.81300
Using (1) and (2) for a and 1 a and substituting into (3), 0
Trang 117Pqu
Trang 118Apply the principle of impulse and momentum to the satellite plus the fuel expelled in time ∆t
Trang 119Data from Problem 14.97: m0 =5000 kg, u = 4200 m/s
Trang 120Apply conservation of momentum to the rocket plus the fuel
Trang 121Apply conservation of momentum to the rocket plus the fuel
0 1 fuel 1 1200 lb
W =W +W =W +
1 1
1200 exp 450 1.08690
1200 0.08690
Trang 122See sample Problem 14.8 for derivation of
0 0
z z
Trang 123260 8.0745 lb s/ft32.2
= & = = ⋅
2 fuel
fuel 4000 124.22 lb s /ft
fuel 124.22 15.385 s8.0745