AAH Analyzer Alarm High AAL Analyzer Alarm Low AC Analyzer Controller AE Analyzer Element AH Alarm High AI Alarm Indicator AI Analyzer Indicator AIC Analyzer Indicator Controller AIT Analyzer Indicator Transmitter AL Alarm Low AO Analog Output AOJ AutoOffJog Selector Switch AP Analyzer Test Point AR Analyzer Recorder ARC Analyzer Recorder Controller ART Analyzer RecorderAAH Analyzer Alarm High AAL Analyzer Alarm Low AC Analyzer Controller AE Analyzer Element AH Alarm High AI Alarm Indicator AI Analyzer Indicator AIC Analyzer Indicator Controller AIT Analyzer Indicator Transmitter AL Alarm Low AO Analog Output AOJ AutoOffJog Selector Switch AP Analyzer Test Point AR Analyzer Recorder ARC Analyzer Recorder Controller ART Analyzer RecorderAAH Analyzer Alarm High AAL Analyzer Alarm Low AC Analyzer Controller AE Analyzer Element AH Alarm High AI Alarm Indicator AI Analyzer Indicator AIC Analyzer Indicator Controller AIT Analyzer Indicator Transmitter AL Alarm Low AO Analog Output AOJ AutoOffJog Selector Switch AP Analyzer Test Point AR Analyzer Recorder ARC Analyzer Recorder Controller ART Analyzer Recorder
A AAH - Analyzer Alarm High AAL - Analyzer Alarm Low AC - Analyzer Controller AE - Analyzer Element AH - Alarm High AI - Alarm Indicator AI - Analyzer Indicator AIC - Analyzer Indicator Controller AIT - Analyzer Indicator Transmitter AL - Alarm Low AO - Analog Output AOJ - Auto-Off-Jog Selector Switch AP - Analyzer Test Point AR - Analyzer Recorder ARC - Analyzer Recorder Controller ART - Analyzer Recorder Transmitter ASH - Analyzer Switch High ASHL - Analyzer Switch High Low ASL - Analyzer Switch Low AT - Analyzer Transmitter ATM - Atmosphere AY - Analyzer Computer AW - Analyzer Probe AWT - Automatic Well Test B B - Burner BC - Burner Controller BDV - Blow Down Valve BE - Burner Element BG - Burner Glass BI - Burner Indicator BIC - Burner Indicator Controller BIT - Burner Indicator Transmitter BPV - Back Pressure Valve BR - Burner Recorder BRC - Burner Recorder Controller BRT - Burner Recorder Transmitter BSH - Burner Switch High BSHL - Burner Switch High Low BSL - Burner Switch Low BT - Burner Transmitter BW - Burner Probe BY - Burner Computer C CAH - Conductivity Alarm High CAL - Conductivity Alarm Low CC - Corrosion Coupon CE - Conductivity Element CIT - Conductivity Indicating Transmitter CP - Cut Probe CS - Car Seal CSC - Car Seal Closed CSO - Car Seal Open CS - Conductivity Switch CSH - Conductivity Shutdown High CSL - Conductivity Shutdown Low D DE - Density Element DR - Density Recorder DT - Density Transmitter DPSH - Differential Pressure Shutdown High DPSL - Differential Pressure Shutdown Low DTT - Differential Temperature Transmitter DI - Discrete Input (Digital Input) DO - Discrete Output (Digital Output) E ESD - Emergency Shutdown EY - Voltage Computer EC - Voltage Controller EE - Voltage Element EI - Voltage Indicator EIC - Voltage Indicator Controller EIT - Voltage Indicator Transmitter ER - Voltage Recorder ERC - Voltage Recorder Controller ERT - Voltage Recorder Transmitter ESH - Voltage Switch High ESHL - Voltage Switch High Low ESL - Voltage Switch Low ET - Voltage Transmitter F FC - Fail Closed FO - Fail Open FP - Fail Position FA - Fire Alarm FA - Flame Arrestor F - Flow FY - Flow Computer FCV - Flow Control Valve FC - Flow Controller FE - Flow Element FG - Flow Glass FI - Flow Indicator FIC - Flow Indicator Controller FIT - Flow Indicator Transmitter FM - Flow Meter FO - Flow Orifice FQY - Flow Quantity Computer FQE - Flow Quantity Element FQI - Flow Quantity Indicator FQIC - Flow Quantity Indicator Controller FQIT - Flow Quantity Indicator Transmitter FQR - Flow Quantity Recorder FQRC - Flow Quantity Recorder Controller FQSH - Flow Quantity Switch High FQSL - Flow Quantity Switch Low FQT - Flow Quantity Transmitter FFC - Flow Ratio Controller FFI - Flow Ratio Indicator FFIC - Flow Ratio Indicator Controller FFR - Flow Ratio Recorder FFRC - Flow Ratio Recorder Controller FFSH - Flow Ratio Switch High FFSL - Flow Ratio Switch Low FR - Flow Recorder FRC - Flow Recorder Controller FRT - Flow Recorder Transmitter FSV - Flow Safety Valve FS - Flow Switch FP - Flow Test Point FT - Flow Transmitter G GDE - Gas Detector Element H HC - Hand Controller HIC - Hand Indicator Controller HS - Hand Switch HOA - Hand-Off-Automatic Selector Switch I IY - Current Computer IE - Current Element II - Current Indicator IIC - Current Indicator Controller IIT - Current Indicator Transmitter IR - Current Recorder IRC - Current Recorder Controller IRT - Current Recorder Transmitter ISH - Current Switch High ISHL - Current Switch High Low ISL - Current Switch Low IT - Current Transmitter IA - Instrument Air J JY - Power Computer JE - Power Element JI - Power Indicator JIC - Power Indicator Controller JIT - Power Indicator Transmitter JR - Power Recorder JRC - Power Recorder Controller JRT - Power Recorder Transmitter JSH - Power Switch High JSHL - Power Switch High Low JSL - Power Switch Low JT - Power Transmitter K KY - Time Computer KCV - Time Control Valve KC - Time Controller KE - Time Element KI - Time Indicator KIC - Time Indicator Controller KIT - Time Indicator Transmitter KR - Time Recorder KRC - Time Recorder Controller KRT - Time Recorder Transmitter KSH - Time Switch High KSHL - Time Switch High Low KSL - Time Switch Low KT - Time Transmitter L LACT - Lease Automatic Custody Transfer L - Level LAD - Level Alarm Device LAHI - Level Alarm High Interface LY - Level Computer LCV - Level Control Valve LCVI - Level Control Valve Interface LC - Level Controller LCI - Level Controller Interface LD - Level Differential LE - Level Element LEI - Level Element Interface LG - Level Glass LI - Level Indicator LIC - Level Indicator Controller LICI - Level Indicator Controller Interface LIT - Level Indicator Transmitter LP - Level Probe LR - Level Recorder LRC - Level Recorder Controller LRT - Level Recorder Transmitter LSHI - Level Shutdown High Indicator LSL - Level Shutdown Low LSLI - Level Shutdown Low Indicator LS - Level Switch LSHH - Level Switch High High LSL - Level Switch Low LSLL - Level Switch Low Low LT - Level Transmitter LTI - Level Transmitter Interface LL - Liquid Level LLC - Liquid Level Controller LLG - Liquid Level Gauge LC - Lock Closed LO - Lock Open N NOC - Net Oil Computer NC - Normally Closed NO - Normally Open O OWD - Oil Water Detector OM - Orifice Meter P PAD - Pressure Alarm Device PY - Pressure Computer PCV - Pressure Control Valve PC - Pressure Controller PDAH - Pressure Differential Alarm High PDY - Pressure Differential Computer PDCV - Pressure Differential Control Valve PDC - Pressure Differential Controller PDI - Pressure Differential Indicator PDIC - Pressure Differential Indicator Controller PDIT - Pressure Differential Indicator Transmitter PDR - Pressure Differential Recorder PDRC - Pressure Differential Recorder Controller PDRT - Pressure Differential Recorder Transmitter PDS - Pressure Differential Switch PDSH - Pressure Differential Switch High PDSL - Pressure Differential Switch Low PDT - Pressure Differential Transmitter PE - Pressure Element PIT - Pressure Indicating Transmitter PI - Pressure Indicator PIC - Pressure Indicator Controller PR - Pressure Recorder PRC - Pressure Recorder Controller PRT - Pressure Recorder Transmitter PSE - Pressure Safety Element PSV - Pressure Safety Valve PSH - Pressure Shutdown High PSL - Pressure Shutdown Low PS - Pressure Switch PP - Pressure Test Point PT - Pressure Transmitter PV - Pressure Valve PLC - Programmable Logic Controller Q QY - Quantity Computer QE - Quantity Element QI - Quantity Indicator QIC - Quantity Indicator Controller QIT - Quantity Indicator Transmitter QR - Quantity Recorder QRC - Quantity Recorder Controller QRT - Quantity Recorder Transmitter QSH - Quantity Switch High QSHL - Quantity Switch High Low QSL - Quantity Switch Low QT - Quantity Transmitter R RY - Radiation Computer RC - Radiation Controller RE - Radiation Element RI - Radiation Indicator RIC - Radiation Indicator Controller RIT - Radiation Indicator Transmitter RW - Radiation Probe RR - Radiation Recorder RRC - Radiation Recorder Controller RRT - Radiation Recorder Transmitter RSH - Radiation Switch High RSHL - Radiation Switch High Low RSL - Radiation Switch Low RT - Radiation Transmitter R - Recorder RTD - Resistance Temperature Detector RO - Restriction Orifice S SRV - Safety Relief Valve SP - Set Point SD - Shutdown SDV - Shutdown Valve SP - Spare SAH - Speed Alarm High SY - Speed Computer SCV - Speed Control Valve SC - Speed Controller SE - Speed Frequency Element SI - Speed Indicator SIC - Speed Indicator Controller SIT - Speed Indicator Transmitter SR - Speed Recorder SRC - Speed Recorder Controller SRT - Speed Recorder Transmitter SSH - Speed Switch High SSHL - Speed Switch High Low SSL - Speed Switch Low ST - Speed Transmitter SLO - Station Lock Out SSV - Surface Safety Valve S - Switch T TY - Temperature Computer TCV - Temperature Control Valve TC - Temperature Controller TDI - Temperature Differemtial Indicator TDR - Temperature Differemtial Recorder TD - Temperature Differential TDY - Temperature Differential Computer TDCV - Temperature Differential Control Valve TDC - Temperature Differential Controller TDIC - Temperature Differential Indicator Controller TDIT - Temperature Differential Indicator Transmitter TDRC - Temperature Differential Recorder Controller TDRT - Temperature Differential Recorder Transmitter TDT - Temperature Differential Transmitter TE - Temperature Element TI - Temperature Indicator TIC - Temperature Indicator Controller TIS - Temperature Indicator Switch TISHL - Temperature Indicator Switch High Low TIT - Temperature Indicator Transmitter TP - Temperature Probe TR - Temperature Recorder TRC - Temperature Recorder Controller TRS - Temperature Recorder Switch TRT - Temperature Recorder Transmitter TSE - Temperature Safety Element TS - Temperature Switch TP - Temperature Test Point TT - Temperature Transmitter TW - Thermowell T - Transmitter U UY - Multivariable Computer UI - Multivariable Indicator UR - Multivariable Recorder ULO - Unit Lock Out USD - Unit Shut Down V VFD - Variable Frequency Drive V - Ventf VTA - Vent to Air VAHH - Vibration Alarm High High VY - Vibration Computer VE - Vibration Element VI - Vibration Indicator VIT - Vibration Indicator Transmitter VR - Vibration Recorder VRT - Vibration Recording Transmitter VS - Vibration Switch VT - Vibration Transmitter W WY - Weight Computer WCV - Weight Control Valve WC - Weight Controller WDC - Weight Differential Computer WDCV - Weight Differential Control Valve WDC - Weight Differential Controller WDI - Weight Differential Indicator WDIC - Weight Differential Indicator Controller WDIT - Weight Differential Indicator Transmitter WDR - Weight Differential Recorder WDRC - Weight Differential Recorder Controller WDRT - Weight Differential Recorder Transmitter WDSH - Weight Differential Switch High WDSL - Weight Differential Switch Low WDT - Weight Differential Transmitter WE - Weight Element WI - Weight Indicator WIC - Weight Indicator Controller WIT - Weight Indicator Transmitter WR - Weight Recorder WEC - Weight Recorder Controller WRT - Weight Recorder Transmitter WSH - Weight Switch High WSHL - Weight Switch High Low WSl - Weight Switch Low Y YY - Event Computer YC - Event Controller YE - Event Element YI - Event Indicator YIC - Event Indicator Controller YR - Event Recorder YSH - Event Switch High YSL - Event Switch Low YT - Event Transmitter Z ZC - Position Controller ZCV - Position Control Valve ZDY - Gauge Deviation Computer ZDCV - Gauge Deviation Control Valve ZDC - Gauge Deviation Controller ZDE - Gauge Deviation Element ZDI - Gauge Deviation Indicator ZDIC - Gauge Deviation Indicator Controller ZDIT - Gauge Deviation Indicator Transmitter ZDR - Gauge Deviation Recorder ZDRC - Gauge Deviation Recorder Controller ZDRT - Gauge Deviation Recorder Transmitter ZDSH - Gauge Deviation Switch High ZDSL - Gauge Deviation Switch Low ZDT - Gauge Deviation Transmitter ZE - Position Element ZI - Position Indicator ZIC - Position Indicator Controller ZIT - Position Indicator Transmitter ZR - Position Recorder ZRC - Position Recorder Controller ZRT - Position Recorder Transmitter ZS - Position Switch ZSC - Position Switch Closed ZSO - Position Switch Open ZSHL - Position Switch High Low ZT - Position Transmitter ZY - Position Computer