Hướng dẫn ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh 8 thi điểm tập 1 (Có đáp án) Hướng dẫn ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh 8 thi điểm tập 1 (Có đáp án) Hướng dẫn ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh 8 thi điểm tập 1 (Có đáp án) Hướng dẫn ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh 8 thi điểm tập 1 (Có đáp án) Hướng dẫn ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh 8 thi điểm tập 1 (Có đáp án) Hướng dẫn ôn tập và kiểm tra tiếng anh 8 thi điểm tập 1 (Có đáp án)
Trang 1AN VAffiMA
Trang 2HU6NG DA}I Ox rAp
, ,r! P)
Trang 3Hiifi n,i_r,, t:hltong tritth hoc tiittg,lnh tt)d chting ta clong kh6ng ngt)ng d6i mdi
rii nhing -,-ttt tiu ngit' Ling t:uo Diiu nir dr)i ht)i vt r'6 gtlng hon nia tt)a ctic
en hoc tinh di deip ting nhiLtg titt crir thto( tidt r(! l.(ii nong nnin mung lqi
Lho ctit: en hot sinh,.lt7'biit li (oc en dttng th<t hot thaong linl1 nii nhAt
( d Bi GiLia tlu(' Dito too nhiutg kiin tht)a h6 ich vi qtun trt)ng nhrit, ch.ting
tii dd ditth tthiiu lhii gittl t,i fin hrlit hianloun bii sat:h Ht6n.q din 6n tip
t,i kilnt ntt tiing Anh niy,.
Ctin scith tluoc chitt lhanh 6 d(fn vi hill ho( b{in sdt n6i Llltnq tron! sdch piia
liho.t Mii hii hoL) hoo g6nt ) phiu
Phin l : Ll' TH t | IT \ Ci pl t ip:,,t, 1', h,t ,), .,t,,,t At, t, ttt*,,., hau
cuo btii hot dA cac em tti thtl ijtt ltti kiin thtir: tn6t (tic cd hi tho g.
Phan 2: KIEM TRA D,.NH CIti: tlent tui r:ho cdc en nhiitr biti retp ila tlutg dt:
ttut ltotth,i- lt,,ttlltti toii,t.ta:Jih,r \1,.t J.'n il-.,i no, Ji,t.i, ) l-.ttAi,nt
t ta,t,thti,t.1,',o,ttt,,',tlt, 11, L,iittt t",, r,t, nttlirt r,t, t1 tlt;,., r nt,nlt \,tu Ahl
lt.,,t.t th,tnll r, t-',t, t,.t ,,t, t,.ti Atct't t,,, t,,tt ai,,- t,,-ti,1 ,.,:tt,X.o, c, ,i lt.,',,
dtkiL tbn \,?n nii (lu]tg boi ho(
\gaii ft!, .h ng fii n)ong t itlg (i( biti lulin nght: thudn giong Anh ,,1nh ciu
rtgtt)i btrn ngir s0 li nil hi liiu hiilt i.h giilt cac ent lim quen ning cuo ki ndn74
n.qht hiiu, t i rltu clLi truu l6i inh ))iu 16i t1g6t1 ngli nd!
llic dir di rtit ti gdng, nhtng t.i li ttong quti trinh biin soun s? ti nhittg thitlu
' , AIL' t,,tnt1 l,]1,,1 l), trt-,hunt r ,,tt ,n,,& \; Dhrtt Jtnn nlli,n! J,.,1! !,,1,
tlt-t h,ut t\t ,, 1t,i rtt,rt \r r.t t.,),.\tn u,t ttuh J.l htton thh , fi;1 \j,h h.n
trong lin tdi bin sau.
Trang 4DOng tir chi i thlch theo sarubti dsnh .ling filholc @ng ti gayAn rhi
- Khi ta mu6n dirng hai ttQng tt k5 ti6p nhau thi dQng tri tti sau phdi tt6
6 dang nguyGn th6 fro- infinitives) ho{c danh dQng tt (gerunds)
Vi dtt (VD):
My father hates to see food being leftover : My father hates seeing food
being leftover Btj 6i rA ghdt nhin th(iy dd ,in bi bd lqi.)
She loves makine bread in her ftee time : She loves to make bread in her
fuee nme (C6 iiy thich ldm bdnh vdo thdi gian rdnh rdi.)
- MOt s5 dong tir CIIi du c theo sau b ii gerund: .tztest, lenLy, enioy,
mind, adore, dislikt
Trang 5$HHudng ftp8tapIden dn tap va Xiim tra tidns Anh
Nancv f:rncies neeting all those ivell-knou,n actors /,\dr l, tttut)tt t*toc
cit, t.;t , ,t ttlli tt.4 ]tant diin r ,-i n ttui t i nq 4-)
\l-erdor<s $,'tk]nS \\irh.ltildr,:n rr ,,r_t'tot tl htim 't\, tt,; \ ,,h-)
- aa( dol! tu .lrr 1 rhrih lo*' IiA,' hate ti prtlir io rlri.duoc rirro
sau btri ilong tir nguv6n tho crj to (t(t-inrtnitit'es) hoic danh along ti
(gerundsl ni khiing tha) al6i nhidu vG nghia
I would prct'cr to discuss thc rnatter in p vatc lTii muon thtto fuin tin di
nil cLk:h ri0ng tt.)
[{e hated to be arvay t'ron his l'amily (Anh to gh(tt ph.ii xd gia dinh.)
Mai hatcs making mistakcs /,l,/ai g/rtjr r.,iic ni<: lii.l
Trang 6Underline and correct on€ mistake in each sentence.
2 He like sitting in ftont of his computer for hours.
3 I don't hatc do sports.
.1 Linn fancy leading novcls in her-o\\'n roon
Trang 7Hudng d5n 6n tAp va Kiim ra fl€ng Anh
My brothcr doesn't liking the *.ay you trcat pcople
Did she mind not get the job'l
l'd lore to read :,'nre oflour pocms.
It was a terriblc day I pref'er to not talk about it
Lana prcfers to rcceiving bad news in person.
Listen to thr€e t€enagers Match each person to his or her hobbies
l Hannah A music
2 Nick B gymnasxics
3 Daniel C using taptop for leisure
Listen again and complete the s€ntences with th€ names of the
Trang 8Unit I
Sam's hobby is collecting stamps lt is also one ofthe most popular hobbiesamong children because it is inexpensive Sam stafted collecting stamps
when she was sir years old Her interest startcd from the day Bill' onc of
her neighbour, gave her a t'ew pieces tiom his amazing collection Since
then, Sam has been collecting both local and foreign stamps so she has
a great stack of stamp albums now At Sam only collected local stamps
r," hich she got from the lette$ of her friends and rclatives But cver silrce
her f'amily members knew her interest in stamps, they would buy stamps
for herwhenever they came across nice ones During spare time, shc bringsout all her lovely collections lays them on the ground and admires them Stamps represent histo cal events, people and places, so Sam has leamt
much about the world or local history She is really proud ofher collcclion
and always Bants to share with her friends When she has extra stampb ofthe same kind, she oftcn exchanges them with her friends to enrich their
collections Collecting things is a great way to have fun, learn more about
things that interest you, and spend time with friends It is also healthier
than playing video games or watching TV
1 Collecting stamps is popular among children because it's
B easy D expensive
2 When did Sam's interest in stamps start to glow?
A when she was nine
B whan her neighboru garre her some stamps
C when she went to primary school
D when she came to secondary school
Trang 9Ci )ocal and tbreign starnps
D black and *hite stamps
C letters D rclatives
A They supported her
B They also staxted their own stamps collection
C They gave her money to buy more stamps.
D A1l ofthe above.
6 What is NOT TRIII: about Sam'l
A She is proud olher collection
B Shc doesn't u.ant to share her stamps \\.ith an-vone.
C She has leaml something front collection stirrnps.
l) Shc has been collectirg since she u'as young
7 Collecling stanps helps Sam to
A leam how to take photographs
B leam to lay things on ground
C leam how to draw
D leam more about the world and local history
8 If Samgets extra stamps ofthe same kind, she will
A stick them on hcr notebook B scll them online
C kccp thenr in another album D cxchange them uithhcrfiiends
H'rons din on tdp va Xidm tra tiins Anh
tdp 8 tap r
Trang 1010 Write doun thrcc things.vou can collect as a hobby:
Write a paragraph (about 100 - 120 \yords) to discuss your opinionabout watching TV and childr€n
Gootl sides ofwatching TW
- Is a way for children to spend their leisue time
- Provide children with new information, etc.
Btttl sides ol watclting Th
- Waste til]]e
- Can bling hamfirl allecls 1o chjldren, etc.
Trang 11Complete the words.
Hudng d5n 0n tAD ve Xi6m tra liCns Anh
l! Ell genplete the sentences with the words in the box you
- may change the form if necessary Use each word ONCE only.
prefer enjoy hate make love mind
Su2an spinach because it's smelly
My dad bread in his fiee time
Trang 12@ co-plete the sentences with the correct forms of the
\ erbs in brackcts
6 Do you fancy (go) out this evening?
7 I didn't like (dlsturb) you
8 She really deresrs (mock)
9 I love (swim) bltlhale (jog)
10 Although she distiked (exercise) she knew she had
to do it to improve her health
t rJ,
G tll listen and decide whether th€ following statements are
true (T) or false (F)
1 He bought a silver bike last year.
2 At tust, he often cycled by himself
3 He joined up a cycling club in his company.
4 The club often rides their bikes together at the weekends.
5 The members ofthe club often take photos when they go out
GlfRDi Lirt n ru rhe conversarion berw€er a girl and her farher.Then, fill in the blanf<s $),
Girl: Dacl, it's Sunday I want to go to a (6)
Dad: We11 Lct me look at the (7) Ah, here's a movie
rhar sHn ar (d)
Girl: That soulds grcat, dad.
Dad: And what should u.e do aiier that?
Trang 13
Hudng den dn tap va Kiim tra tidng Anh Ldp 8 tip r
Cirl: I rvoulcl like to go on a lalk through thc (9)
Dad: And then rna) be we can 1]o out to ( l0) bnight
Ciirl: Ycah !
Gabriclle Srrith is a fbotball lovcr and nou,pla.ving for her school tcam.
ln this intcrvieiv Gabliclle shares $ ith School \\'eekly Nlagazine (SWM)
aboLrt hcr training
SWNI: Hi Gablielle *e ale so happ), to ha\c you todar When did you
start playing lootball?
I staned to play tbotball u.ith ury cousins u,hcn I \1,as six I decicled ar-join lhe school teirm becausc I really lovc rhis spor.t Can you tell me about your training?
\Vc train thrcc times a u,cck a1ler school on Mondays, Tucsdal s,
and ThuNda.vs, but dte n']atches are a1\ays ol.] Sunday urominss.Horv do you train?
We pr.acticc ruoning andjumping and train our legs to build up
our strengths.
SWNI: Is there anv dilTercnce in thc training bctweelr boys ar]d girls?(;abricllc: Very lirtle We run similar distanccs and do similar excrcises.
SWNI: Have you cvcr been scr.iously injured rvhile training?
Gabrielle: Never L)ul coach is r,er1 experienced I{e provides us a saf'e
and ell'ectivc fitness plan which meets each member,s speciiic
Trang 14, I when you or one ofyour members scores I
I SWftl t Does your team members get along wift eacb other?
I Cunri"U", We bave a really good relationship After bard trainitrg hous I
| * often spend time baving meals or watching loorball
I matches orjust sitring and lalkhg to build up our relationship I
,- I SWM: Do you want ro play football afier graduation? I
: I l Read the text quickly What is it about? Choose A, B C or D I
' I A subjects at schoor
I I B A very popular hobby in Engtand I
I I C An activity at school I
'' 2 Choose the correct answers
f,lr,,-rEi.roor,.r re rov es/nares Tool Dar l.
l Gabrielle played football with her co usinsfriends rvhen she was sir
) They traln threefozr times a week.
, -1 The team practices it the morningslafternoons
5 Thc nratches are always ott SaturdaylSuzdal mornings
6 Boys and girls do similarldilJbrent e:xercrses.
1 Cabrlelle hatlhasz ? been seriously injured while training
t 8
We can see that the coachis responsiblelirrcsponsible
9 Gabrielle plays it d(bnselmid/ield
Trang 15Hudns d5n 6n tap vA Xidm tra tiinq Anh
r4r o4rvc so sfuir noN ctn dun rt4
D Tinh tir cd mQt dm tiit
IDr My sister is fwo years older than me (Chi gdi t6i hm t6i 2 tuiji.)
New York is bigger than Pais 1?,lew york r6ng hon paris.)
He is hapuicr lhaa his paxents (A htqhqnhph c httn bi5 me.)
Tinh ti^ d 2 iim riit tra tin
Blair is more beautiflll thaq tl.\at gil (tll.tit :inh hon ci) gai di.)Living in tlte cib is nore e\pensire than livilg in the countrr,side.
(Sing tr rhtinh phi rhi ddt hon o n6ng th6n.)
Trang 17I2.' The teacher has begun to speak more quickly (CO gido b& ddu n6i
nhanh futn.1
It flew more highly ttraa-we expected Q'16 bay cao hon ch ng t6i
mong dqr.)
My ftiend did the test more carefullv than I did (Bqn t6i ldm bdi
kidm ta ciin thdn hon t6i.)
D Trgng tir chi aich thrtc cd dgng gi6ng t[nh ti
Yen al.riyed later than I did (Yin din nu6n hon tii.)
\\'e are studying ha4ler 1br the final exam (Chung t6i dang hocchin c:hi hon chct ki thi cu;i K:\'.)
Rill rvoke up earlier than lack (Bill t)nh da, stm hon.lttck.)
r.cl1 => bctter far => Iuflher,ifaflher badly :> worse
rrluc]r:> more little:> less
Lily drivcs worse than Robin does (Lily ldi xe kltn hon Rohin.)
They hacl u,alked 1'ufthcr than thcy rcalizcd lHo dd di bQ xa hon
Trang 18A boating on the vcr
B picking ripc f'mit
C rurrning around thc hill
D collecting lvatel'
L biking along the river
Trang 19Hudng d6n 6n t6p va KiAm tla ti6ng Atrh Ldp 8 tap I
Choose the correct \dords
1 Non-smokers usuitlly live longerllong than smokers.
2 Herc is a more detailed/detaileder map,
3 A hotiday by the s ea is goodl better than a holiday in the mountains
4 A knife is more dangerousldangerously than a spoon.
5 This dress is beatrtifuler/uore beautiful than that one.
6 Arsenal played worselmore bad thanReal Maddd yesterday.
8 A glass of coke is expensiver/more exper,rive thar a glass of beer
9 Suzy cooks wel//belter tharll do
10 My brother has a more ti.bltidier roomthan me
Trang 21Hudng dan 6n tap vi Kidm tla tiins Anh Ldp 8 tap 1
Wales is a beautiful counhy located in the west of the United Kingdom
Its population isjust under thrce million and most of Welsh people live in
the south ofthe counhy The capital of Wales is Cardiff Wales has a longcoastline, around 1,300 lcn
different ilom English For example, in Welsh, ,Good moming, is ,Bore
da' and 'How are you?' is 'Sua mae?' Only around 20% ofpeople in Wales speak Welsh but students have to leam this la[guage at schoot until theytum 16 Street signs are also written in both English and Welsh.
spectacular landscape and beaches, Wales attmcts signiflcaflt toudsm
Cardiff is the most famous destination for visitors in Wales Farming is
dominated by raising cows and sheep, but it is now dimault to eam money
from farming so many farms are closing Many unemployed people are
now leaving for the north to getjobs in the big cities
Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true
(T) or false (F)
l Wales is located in the cast of thc UK
2 There arc over 3 million pcople in Wales.
3 Most Welsh people live in southem side ofWhlcs
4 Therc are 2 oliicial languages in Wales.
5 'Sua rnae?'means 'Hou' are yorfl'
6 Everyone in Wales speaks Wclsh.
7 In Wales, street signs arc writlell in t$,o languages.
8 The two main industries in Vy'ales are mininr and f'aming
Trang 22llnit 2 UFT IN IHE COUNTR/SIDE
, Cardiil is the most popular dcstination for visitors.
\ou,adays it is eas), to make moley &on] farming in Wales.
Use the words in bold to complete the comparatiye sentences.
lffitp 0 your cat is nice Itb much nicdr thdk ny cat.
He quickly reads a book in t hour I rcad a book in I hour ancl a halll
He rcads a book .I do.
OLrr basketball team played badly last Fliday but our tixrtball teanr
,' al rd .
\bbyisaprett)'girl.buthersisterisevcn her
h< bu drit el rr:rs seriousll injur.J
Luckily, thc passcngcrs \\"ere injurcd
It is ar interesting lnovie, bul thc onc \\,hich I $,atched $.ith nr-v sister
lLs u cck rras etett
Peter driyes carefully
\t.dinB is r dangrrou\ \poll l)o\ (\ o bungecjurnping i
- sut'ting.
flris iaku r eheap l,rrt rhr one r.
She's just no$ beginning to scc things clearlv atter the e)e surgery.
10 We live in a small house.
My uncle's house is even , oum.
Trang 23Hudng dan On tap va Kiim tra iidng Anh
1 John is much (&eaD - than his mother.
2 Amy is (successfuD . - than Stan is.
3 You should greet the custome$ fpolitely)
Trang 246 Haley looks &eauriful)
S Could you write (c/earl,
9 My sister's voice is (soft) than ury mother's
10 The old man smiled (happily) than before
false @.
1 The speaker lives in a village in the south ofviet Nam
2 There are many modem buildings in the village
.3 Village events are held in a temple
4 People living in the village don't know each other well
5 The people are lrieodly and kind
6 There are many fields around the village
7 They have many vehicles
8 The speaker often spends time walking with hisAer friends
9 There is much entefiainurent in the village
10 The speaker said that life in their village was peaceful
Trang 25Hudns d6n 6n tap vi Kidm rra tidnq Anh
tdp 8 tap 1
Vietnamese countryside life is simple and traditional people gather to
form villages Each village developed its own regulations The purpose
ofthese regulations is the promotion ofgood customs within populations
In each village, there is a communal cultural house where villagers often
hold events to worship the village god or important celebrities Vietnamese
villagers survive by faming, raising cattle and making handicraft They
are well known for being kind, hard-working andpatient Villagers usually
get up very early in the moming Afler the children leave for school, the
adults usually go to the rice paddies, feed the pigs, collect eggs aad grow
vegetables Children often help their parents do household chores after
school Viehramese people highly respect the importance of family in their
admired by the young ones Young people are thought to be obedient and have good behaviors toward old people.
Rexd the text and complete the lbllowing sentences with NO NIORE
1 Vietnamese countnside li1'e is
2 lrach r.illagc der.elopcd rts own regulations to promote tlre
within populatioirs
3 Villagers often holcl inportant events in a
4 Vietnamcse villagers oftcn live bv l'amring raising cattlc ard.
5 Vietnarncse people are though 1k) be kind hard rvorkins and
6 Villagers usually very carly in the moming
Trang 26plays an important parl in Viotnamese
are highly respectcd by thc young
l0- Young people-have toward old people
Write a short paragraph (100 - 120 words) about the changes in thecountryside in Vi€t Nam
ZD.' Which is Lily's hat? (Ctii ndo ld mfr cia Lily?) - The brown one.
(Cdi miru ndu.)
Which shit should I bly? (l,finh nAn mua cai tio ndo nhi?)
-The grey one (Cai mdu xtim ily.)
I/D.' W ich writer has influenced you most in your life? Q,lhd vdn ndo co
dnh hfing ldn nh& dAn ban trong cu6c siing?)
Which ofyour teachers do you llke best? (Trong sd giao vi1n cia bgn thibtln thich thiy hay c6 ndo nhtji?)
Hudng din On tAp va Kidm tra tidng Anh I kip 8 tap I
"11 ;
Ilhich d.toc ditgthay cho whqthoic who trong c6u h6i vd
nguoi Ld cdu h6i y6u cdu chon I trong 2 hay nhi6u ngudi,
rhidu thr?.
Trang 28I Unit 3
They havc trvo children: a son and a daughler The son is stutlying
lan, at Yale (llo to hai nguoi totl: tl6t trdi n gAi Nguii (on i'ai
dttng hoc luit o Yttlel.
M.v grandma li\.es in a house in thc suburb The house is big and
bcatrtil'ul /Br) lrii.irlr lg trcng m1t ng6i nha o ving ngoui 6 Ng6i nhit
A\' tu) ti dqp)
fre ding cho vlit th6 duy nhiit hoic dLrnc xcm Li duy nh6t.
The Eath gocs itround thc Sun /7iril Ditt qud.r'xtrttg quonh ittit
llte Sttn ri.c irr rlrc ca.l , V,it tt1't- nt,\ J.tn4 J ,n< t
Tie dung trong dang so s6nh hon nhiit cua tinh til rd
trang tir
ZD.' Nile River is the longest river in the world (Sdng Nile ld ddng s'6ng
dat nhat the gK/t.)
Viet Anh is the tallest boy in the class (net Atlh ld bgn nam caonhat lop.)
Ilrc dung clo danh ru di duo.'c nhic tl6n rruqc do hodc
mdt kh6i niem pn6 tn6ng
Trang 29) Mgo ttr khong xic atinh a/an
cdch phrit dm).
ZD.' We need a orinter (Ch ng t6i cAn m6t c(ii ma, in.)
Tom is looking for a new pl4gq (Tom dang tim ch| d mo.i.)
,/D.' A bear eats fish (Giu dn cd.)
They work five days a week (Ho ldm viic ndm ngdy mdi tuAn.)
l{ung wants to be an actor (Hing ntton tro thirnh rliin viitt.)
My sister owns an exoensive car (Chi t6ico n6t chijc xe r:lfu riin.)
ffi *srr*,*,
,4 duoc dirng v6i nghia mqi, m6i,,.
lr ding trudc danh nr sri it bit dAu bing nguyGn 6m(trong crich ph6t dm).
Trang 30Pick out one redundant lett€r.
1 She works in pub
2 Lana has got urgent business so shc left a o11ice early.
Trang 313 Tuvet is fastest runner
4 There is swimming pool near my scliool
5 The Ho Chi Minh is a big city
Remember book u,e bought last week?
Barncy lives in the sma1l house in the suburb.
Last Friday, my boyfriend took me to the good restaurant.
My grandparents live in the Sydney.
10 Do you sell eggs by dozen?
Listen and fill in the blanks with NO MORE TIIAN TWO WORDS.Bun cha is one of the most (1) dishes in Viet Nam It
is thought to have (2) from Ha Noi, the capital ofVietNam .Ban cha is ofteu (3) with g lled pork, noodle,
(4) and seasoned sauce The sauce is considered the (5)
of bun cha.'lhe best bun c&a restaurants in Viet Nam
Trang 32I Unit 3
the traditional (7) of Ha Noi ancient brn cla Although
this dish uses simple (8) that arc vcq, eas) to find in
Vict Nam but the initial prcparation lakes time and (9)
Bzrr cfur Ha Noi is a.(10) dish u,hich is loved b1'both
Iocal people and fbreigners It was also added to the list of the tasticst
dishes ofthe world
situated at the heafi of thc city lt $as named after a legerd of the
Goldcn Turtle God claiming a magic srvord liom an ancient cmpcror
The water color of Hoan Kierr Lakc is vcry special, greenish, uith
dark or light shade depending on tlre r.eflectior of the sk"v A stroll
around this f'amous lake is a pcrl'cct cscapc from the noise of the ciry
2 Ta Hien is a small and crorvded street lying near IToan Kicrr Lakc
This street is 1'amous tbr IIa Noi bccr Hundrcds of foreigners and
Victnamese gather here enjoy iced beer and \1,atch the very chal]ning
clutter ofHa Noi The comf'otablc and fiicndly atmosphere as wellas
grcat bee$ are the main reasons for the attraction ofTa Hien Street.
weckcnd cvcnings stafling from Hang Dao streel to the edge of Dong
Xuan Market The streets are filled u.ith stalls and local food vcndors
that brings hugc crowds of locals and tou sts Many Hanoiars loveto
stroll here to feel the atmosphere chat u ith farril"v or fiiends and enjoy
sonle snack.
Trang 33G ffii Match the headings with the paragraphs (t-3).
Noi Night Nlarket
Noi Ancient Streets
IIa Noi Beer
Hoan Kicm Lake
Gl[HfDi ReaO the text and choose the best answer for each question
4 Hoan Kien Lakc is located in
A the nodh ofHa Noi
B the west ofHa Noi
Which is TRUE about Hoan Kien Lake?
A It is a great place for a stroll
B lt is fllled with supermarkets.
( l lrcrc are nrrn\ boal: L,n lhe litke.
D The r.ater color is nornral
What can a tourist do or') Ta Hicn Street?
A plav rnusic
B do ererciscs
7 What is TRUE about Ha Noi Weekend Nisht Market?
A It's rvell knorvn tbr beer.
U This market introduces tbod liom other countries
C It is not ar') intcrsting place ofHanoians
D Tourists can cnjoy local food hcre.
C the east ofHa Noi
D the centre ofHa Noi
C enjoy a local bcverage
D buy inexpensive souvenirs
Trang 34Tuyen is ftom Ho Chi Minh City It is the fust time he has been to HaNoi He wants to try some local clrink He should visit
A Hoaq Kiem Lake
B Ta Hien Stleet
Cl Ha Noi Night Mar*et
D llang Dao Str.eet
Jinrnry is an Americar pairter ln his ti|st time to Ha Noi, he u,irnts
to paint a t'aDrous placc that is related to a lege d He shouldvisil
C Ha Noi Night Market
D Dong Xulrn MarkctI[) Alisa conres lrom IirLssia h hel trip to IIa Noi she wants to Yisit a
spccial markct and try sorne local tbods She shoLrld r, isit
C lla Noi Night Market
D 'lhe Old Qua er
A Hoan Kiem Lake
You catr start with:
Try this delicious recipe :
Trang 35Hudng den 0n tap va Kiim tra tiing Anh
Trang 36Complete tho sente\ces with u, an' the or zeru a icle (x).
1 My grandpa ahyays listens to radio in the moming
2 Billy has aunt in Ha \oi.
3 They are brare boys.
4 I like - blue skirt better than red one.
5 Carol has become , doclor
6 The speed ofthis carwas 160 miles hour.
7 There is bike in m1 yard
8 Do you still live in Brooklyn?
q Emily's busband works as engineer
10 His sister is leaming to play guitax.
Listen and put the steps of msking Vi€tnamese fried spring rolls in thecorrect order
A Add some eggs.
B Heat the oil in the par
' C Place rice paper on the flat surface.
D Serve the fried spring rolls with sauce and vegetable.
E Combine the jngredients
F Keep_ the heat on medium a,l1d start frying
Trang 37H'dns d5n 6n tap va Kiim tra tidng Anh
L'rp 8 tap 1
G Lear.e the lilling to sit lor about l5 minutes
II l)eep liy
l Folcl and ro11 up the rice papcr.
J Place the fiiccl sprinr rolls on paper touJel.
The Tay are the earliest known etbdc minority in Viet Nam They are
believed to have arrived from inland South EastAsia about 500 BC The Tay
mostly settle in the plains ofthe norlh ofViet Nam and build their villages
at the foot of a mountain The Tay villagers mainty live in houses built
on the ground Their families are small and the father is the owner ofthe
family Children begin school at six years ofage and study the Vietnamese
language Young people can choose their o*n marriage pa.rlners Ancestor
worship is a religious rite ofthe Tay The alta.s for the ancestors are placed
in the center ofthe house The Tay have developed agricultural pmctices
quite well and are able to cultivate wet dce and other vegetables Today,
the Tay have been primarily assimilated into the Vietnamese society.
Read the text and decide whether the following statements are true
(T) or l'alse (F)
L The Tay axe thought to haye
400 Bc.
come lrom ioland South Fa)t Asia
2 The Tay mostly live in the plains ofthe south ofViet Nam
3 Tay villages are usually built at the foot of a mountain
4 They mainly live in srilt houses.
5 Thc f'ather is thc holder ola Tay family
6 Clhildren stLrdy the Vietnamese language.
Trang 38
T-Young people are arranged mariage.
The altars for the ancestom are placed in a central locatioir
in the house.
9 Ihe Tay .rre able to gro\\, wet ricc and otlrer vegetables.
10 No$,ada),s thc Tay are still excluded fllrn the Viehanrese
llrs Smith and his wife li|e in Boston.
Ilho live in Boston?
This dress is more expensive than that dress.
Jcrcrny is \\'riti[g a letter.
3 There u,as a traditional rl]a< ncar our house.
The doctor finallv came.
, ,, , ,, ,,.1,, ,
I want the blue iersey.
Trang 396 Jcnny bought a cooking book becausc she wanted to leam ncw dishes.
7 French is morc common than Spanish in Canada.
Lily isn't sleeping late today.
9 That bike belongs to my cousin
10 Tcd was down on his lgfu knee.
Trang 40PMil [ li IHUYfI ilGO P[[P
Should vit shouldn't dugc dr)ng d6 dua ra lli khuy6n
I/D.' You should do what the doctor told you (Anh nAn hm nhu nhfrng
gt Dac st da nol-)
Cathy should aBBly for rhls job (Catlq' nen img tuyen cOng yi€t ndy.)
Children shouldn't eat aloi of sweas (Tri con kh6ng ntn dn nhi€u keo.)
Peter shouldn't spend too much time in tont of the TY (Peter
kh1ng nAn xem tiyi qud nhiiu.)
Hqve to dtADtetirih chdt nghia vg, bit buQc cria su vi6c do t6c tfQngban
ngoiti Tr?c ld aido quydt dinh riec ban phai l2rm gi
COng thic chung;
(+) Subiect + have tolhas to + infinitiye
r.,-sne."11; frip