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MASTER THESIS IMPROVEMENT OF WATER SUPPLY FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION THROUGH OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT BY CONSIDERING SALINITY INTRUSION ADAPTATIONCASE STUDY: TU CAU IRRIGATION SYSTEM, VU GIA_ THU BON RIVER BASIN, VIETNAM Student: Viet Nguyen Duc Supervisors: Pro. Dr. Sabine Schlüter Dr. Phong Nguyen Tung [Table of content] Introduction Objective Approach Methodology Literature review Results and Discussions Conclusions Bibliography

MASTER THESIS IMPROVEMENT OF WATER SUPPLY FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION THROUGH OPERATION AND MANAGEMENT BY CONSIDERING SALINITY INTRUSION ADAPTATION CASE STUDY: TU CAU IRRIGATION SYSTEM, VU GIA_ THU BON RIVER BASIN, VIETNAM Student: Viet Nguyen Duc Supervisors: Pro Dr Sabine Schlüter Dr Phong Nguyen Tung Table of Content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Bibliography Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Introduction 1.1 Background  Currently, climate change threatens human life Viet Nam is one of the five countries affected seriously by climate change, specifically the phenomenon of sea level rise and salinity intrusion (Center for Global Development)  To solve the problem of salinity intrusion impacts on ability to supply water for agricultural production, this master's thesis selected Tu Cau irrigation system – Dien Ban District – Quang Nam Province (a coastal district of Vu Gia - Thu Bon river basin - in South Central region of Viet Nam) as study area  This irrigation system collects water from Vinh Dien river belongs to Vu Gia – Thu Bon river basin Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Introduction 1.2 Problem tree Climate change Sea level rise and decline of water from upstream Salinity intrusion in Vu Gia – Thu Bon and Vinh Dien river Reduce water supply of Tu Cau irrigation system Shortage of water supply for agricultural production Table of content Introduction Objective The global climate change has warmed by an average of 0.74oC during 1906 – 2005 periods Temperature in continents increased faster than in the ocean (IPCC 2007) Comparing to period of 1980-1999 sea level in Vietnam could go up about 30cm to 70 cm by the mid and the end of the 21th century respectively (MONRE, 2009) In the dry season in 2011, salt concentration of Vinh Dien river up to 10.2‰, it is also impact of water supply resources for Tu Cau pumping station Lack of water for cultivation areas and reducing operation capacity of Tu Cau irrigation system Drought, failure of crop affect food security at Dien Ngoc, Dien Ban district, Quang Nam province Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Introduction 1.3 Problem in O&M of Tu Cau irrigation system  Due to low efficiency (50 to 60%) of pump units, concrete canal rate is low and serious salinity intrusion upon Vinh Dien river that lead to lack of time to operate Tu Cau pumping station for water supply for agricultural production Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Winter– Spring crop Summer– Autumn crop Operating time of Tu Cau pumping station Relationship between rice schedule and operating time of Tu Cau pumping station Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Introduction 1.4 Problem in O&M of Tu Cau irrigation system  Current operation procedures is ≥ 0.8‰ unreasonable during salinity intrusion time upon Vinh Dien Measuring of salt concentration river that results in the late decision making for pumping  ≥ 0.8‰ Salt concentration hour hour hour Case < 0.8‰ Although there are Sen lake Case and Cung lake within irrigation region but O&M of these lakes < 0.8‰ have not supported for Pump operation procedure of Tu Cau pumping station Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Objective  Objective To enhance the water supply efficiency and propose possible solutions to adapt climate change impacts on irrigation systems  Specific objectives To assess impact of salinity intrusion to water supply capacity and O&M of Tu Cau irrigation system for agriculture production; To propose solutions and changes in O&M to adapt salinity intrusion Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Approach and Methodology 3.1 Approach Tu Cau irrigation system (pump units, intake, canals, etc) Propose models O&M to adapt salinity intrusion Assess the status of Tu Cau irrigation system under salinity intrusion Concentrate on study solutions for Operation & Management Calculate water shortage for agricultural production Determine causes of water shortage corresponding to salinity intrusion Oriented research Application Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Approach and Methodology 3.2 Methodology  To determine volume of water demand via water balance calculations of Tu Cau irrigation system by using CropWAT 8.0 software;  To assess status of Tu Cau irrigation system by data collection;  To calculate volume of water supply of Tu Cau irrigation system by analyzing status of works such as: pump units, canals, intakes, check regulator, etc and time of salinity intrusion upon Vinh Dien river;  To determine volume of water shortage by comparison volume of needed water with water supply capacity of Tu Cau irrigation system;  To propose O&M solutions which base on existing conditions such as local regulating reservoirs and tide regime Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Literature reviews  According to Abdul Rahim S and Abdul Ghani R (Malaysia): “In general, salinity intrusion is the movement of salt water into fresh water aquifer or intrusion of salt water into river estuaries” In report of Oxford about “Proceedings of the Oxford Symposium”, (April 1980) has been studied control of salinity intrusion in estuaries by means of a dual-purpose reservoir; Institute of Geography – Viet Nam (2010) had some study access the relationship between sea level rise and salinity intrusion at coastal area in Quang Nam province (Case study: Thu Bon – Vu Gia river basin); Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Discussions 6.4 Initial benefit analyses Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Conclusions 7.1 Conclusions  Tu Cau Pumping satation was built a long time ago (1976) and its canal system has been downgraded They, therefore, need to be improved and upgraded to meet the requirements in production  Proposed solutions to improve O&M efficiency of Tu Cau pumping station took advantages of existing structres as well as local conditions such as regulating reservoirs and tidal regime  Applying of proposed solutions in O&M have improved the water supply efficiency of Tu Cau irrigation system under salinity intrusion that leads to aggriculture production increased and ensure local food security Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Conclusions 7.2 Recommendations  Workshops with stakeholders such as local authorities, line departments, irrigation companies and other climate change experts need to be organized to find out more solutions to solve local salinity intrusion issues;  It is required for more investment in modernization of Tu Cau irrigation system and capacity building in O&M under salinity intrusion impacts for local officers and staffs of Tu Cau irrigation system;  Transferring the decision supporting software (DSS) to staffs of Tu Cau irrigation system is recommended in order to improve O&M with more effectively Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Conclusions 7.3 Further need of research  Applying proposed methods has improved water supply capacity of Tu Cau irrigation system under salinity intrusion In fact, however, water for agriculture production is lightly salt water so long-term using of this water will have negative impacts on nutritional composition of farmland  Evaluating and find out “the solutions to overcome farmland degradation due to use of lightly salt water”;  This study aims to:  Reduce dissolving salt concentration to ordinary level for agriculture production;  Increase nutritional content for plants;  Improve physical properties of soil Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Bibliography  A Naifer, S.A Al-Rawahy, and S Zekri, 2011, "Economic impact of salinity: the case of Al-batinah in Oman", International Journal of Agricultural Research 6, no 2, pp 134 – 142;  Hoffman and Evans, 2007, "Irrigation water management in Latin America", Chilean journal of agricultural research 69 (Suppl 1), 2007: 7;  IPCC, 2007, "Summary for policymakers", Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, pp 11;  Phong Nguyen Tung, 2006, Overview of irrigation modernization concepts, Vietnam Academy for Water Resources Research, Hanoi;  Royal Haskoning, 2010, Phu Ninh Irrigation Modernization, Quang Nam - Project - Water and Coastal & River ASIA, Hanoi, pp 19;  N Huu-Thoi and A Das Gupta, 2001, "Assessment of water resources and salinity intrusion in the Mekong Delta", Water International 26, no 1, pp 86-95 Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Acknowledgement  I am heartily thankful to my German supervisor, Prof Dr Sabine Schluter, the Institute for Technology and Resources Management in the Tropics and Subtropics (ITT) – Cologne University of Applied Sciences;  It is an honor for me to thank my Vietnamese supervisor, Dr Phong Nguyen Tung, Director of Center for Training and International Cooperation (CTIC) – Vietnam Academy for Water Resources (VAWR);  I also would like to acknowledge my old colleagues at the Institute for Water and Environment (IWE), staffs of Dien Ban Branch of Irrigation Enterprise  Finally, grateful acknowledgements are extended to my family for constant encouragement and moral support Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions These maps display country rankings for four dimensions of climate impact: Extreme Weather, Sea Level Rise, Agricultural Productivity Loss and Overall Center for Global Development (http://www.cgdev.org/section/topics/climate_change/mapping_the_impacts_of_climate_change?utm_&&&) Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Drough at Đien Ban district – Quang Nam province, 2010 (Source: http://baoquangnam.com.vn) Drough at Hoa Quy ward – Da Nang city, 2010 (Source: http://phapluattp.vcmedia.vn) Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Concentration of salt on July 2011 - 7.00AM ‰ Concentration of salt 6.3 5.2 5.2 5.2 4.6 4.3 3.9 3.2 3.4 2.1 0.5 2.1 2.5 2.3 2.3 1.2 1.2 0.8‰ 0.1 2.5 2.3 0.4 0 3.2 2.4 1.1 0.1 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 Date Concentration of salt on July 2011 - 7.00PM ‰ Concentration of salt 8 7 5.8 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.7 5.8 5.2 4.5 4.1 3.9 7.2 6.2 6.4 5.8 4.4 4.3 3.4 3.7 3.6 3.3 2.9 2.5 2.4 2.3 1.3 1.3 0.8 0.8‰ 0.7 0 Table of content 4.8 Introduction Objective 10 12 14 16 18 Approach & Methodology 20 22 24 26 28 Literature review 30 32 Date Results Discussions Conclusions 2700.00 2400.00 2400.00 2400.00 QWD 2400.00 Qwsl 2100.00 1800.00 1762.360 1762.360 1762.360 1650.00 1733.280 1600.080 1500.00 1200.00 900.00 505.600 600.00 505.600 534.490 534.490 300.00 00 QWD Qwsl 218.160 PrePu Puddl Init Init Dev 10-May to 21-May 22-May to 24-May 25-May to 29-May 30-May to 18-Jun 19-Jun to 06-Jul 1762.360 2400.00 1762.360 2400.00 1762.360 2400.00 505.600 1650.00 505.600 1733.280 Mid End 07-Jul to 29- 20-Jul to 15Jul Aug 534.490 218.160 534.490 1600.080 In the Summer – Autumn crop of year 2011: VWS = 167,022.24 m3 Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Tide up Utilization of regulating reservoir Table of content Introduction Objective Tide down Operating the pumping station relating tide amplitude Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions Test results of salt concentration after diluting water at Tu Cau pumping station, Dien Ngoc commune in year 2011 Salt concentration after diluting (‰) Dilution ratio Initial concentration 1‰ 2‰ 3.4‰ 4.8‰ 5.5‰ 8.1‰ salt : fresh 0.46 1.10 1.70 2.40 2.75 4.05 salt : fresh 0.34 0.67 1.10 1.70 1.83 2.70 salt : fresh 0.25 0.50 0.90 1.15 1.38 2.03 salt : fresh 0.22 0.40 0.70 0.95 1.10 1.62 salt : fresh 0.17 0.33 0.57 0.87 0.92 1.35 salt : fresh 0.15 0.28 0.49 0.67 0.79 1.16 salt : fresh 0.13 0.26 0.43 0.61 0.69 1.01 salt : fresh 0.12 0.22 0.38 0.55 0.61 0.90 salt : fresh 0.11 0.19 0.33 0.49 0.55 0.81 salt : 10 fresh 0.04 0.18 0.30 0.42 0.50 0.74 Table of content Introduction Objective Approach & Methodology Literature review Results Discussions Conclusions

Ngày đăng: 17/03/2018, 12:38

