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Recommendations to enhance port state control in quang ninh port area

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    • Figure 2.4: Go in/ out foreign ship (time) in Quang Ninh Port area in 2010 – 2014 24

    • Figure 2.5: Number of ship inspected PSC in Quang Ninh Port area in 2010 – 2014 25



    • 1.1 Overview of PSC

      • 1.1.1 General information of PSC

      • 1.1.2 Some definitions of PSC

        • PSC definition:

        • Clear grounds

        • Deficiency

        • Detention

        • Inspection

        • More detailed inspection

        • Substandard ship

        • Port State Control Officer

    • 1.2. Legal basis of PSC

      • 1.2.1 International Documents

    • Table 1.1 International documents

  • The International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea, 1972 (COLREG 72)

    • [ CITATION Asi14 l 1033 ]

    • International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 1974)

    • International Convention on Load Lines 1966 and Protocol, 1998 (LOADLINE 66)

    • International Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships 1973 and Protocol, 1878 (MARPOL 73/78)

    • International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarer, 1978 (STCW 78/95)

    • International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969(TONNAGE 1969)

    • International Regulations for Preventing Collision at sea, 1972 (COLREG 72)

    • Maritime Labor Convention (MLC 2006)

    • 1.2.2 Vietnamese Regulations:

    • Table 1.2. Vietnamese Regulations


    • 2.1 Overview of Quang Ninh Port area:

      • 2.1.1 Geographical location:

      • 2.1.2 Terminals in Quang Ninh area:

      • 2.1.3 Output statistics in 2010 – 2014:

    • Table 2.1. Output statistics in Quang Ninh Port area in 2010 – 2014

    • [ CITATION Qua l 1033 ]

    • 2.2 PSC in Quang Ninh Port Area:

      • 2.2.1 General information of Quang Ninh Maritime Adminiatration

        • Human resource:

        • Major function and duty

        • Organizational Structure

      • Figure 2.1: Quang Ninh Maritime Administration Organizational Structure

      • 2.2.2 PSC in Quang Ninh Port area:

        • Organizational structure and human resource

      • Figure 2.2. General PSC organizational structure

        • Maritime Safety & Inspection Division belongs to Quang Ninh Maritime Administration. This division takes responsible for Port State Control. Quang Ninh Maritime Administration has 08 PSCO who are provided by Viet Nam Maritime Administration. Mr. Tran Van Hieu, Mr. Bui Duc Hien and Mr. Le Van Duyen – 03 Deputy Managers of Marine Safety & Inspection Division may take part in PSC with these 04 PSCO according to the Manager’s decision. Mr. Hoang Van Hoan – Manager of Marine Safety & Inspection Division also sometimes participates in serious PSC case. There are 04 staffs of Maritime Safety & Inspection Division who implement PSC mainly. The following table shows the name and main duties of these 04 PSCO.

      • Table 2.2. Duties of four main PSCO in Quang Ninh Maritime Administration

        • [ CITATION Hoa14 l 1033 ]

        • Content of PSC

      • Table 2.3. PSC check list

        • Procedure:

      • Figure 2.3: Current PSC Procedure of Quang Ninh Maritime Administration

      • Table 2.4. PSC result in Quang Ninh Port area in 2010 - 2014

  • 2011

    • Figure 2.4: Go in/ out foreign ship (time) in Quang Ninh Port area in

    • 2010 - 2014

    • Figure 2.5: Number of ship inspected PSC in Quang Ninh Port area in

    • 2010 - 2014

      • Table 2.5. Deficiencies of specific ship

    • 2.3 Evaluation on PSC in Quang Ninh Port area.

      • 2.3.1. International Conventions and Vietnamese Regulations Compliance:

      • 2.3.2 PSC Procedure Compliance:

      • 2.3.3 Organizational structure and Human Resource:

      • 2.3.4 The cooperation between Captain, ship-owner and PSCO

      • 2.3.5 Working condition and working equipment:

      • 2.3.6 Training courses

      • 2.3.7 References:

      • 2.3.8 Port State Control Officer (PSCO)

        • Responsibility and Duty

        • Professional knowledge

        • English skill


    • 3.1 Improving organizational structure

    • 3.2 Holding training courses and seminars regularly

    • 3.3 Saving documents systematically

    • 3.4 Improving PSCO ability

      • 3.4.1 Defining specific PSCO’s responsibility and duty

      • 3.4.2 Improving professional knowledge

      • PSC examination requires PSCO must master technical process and rules about marine safety, marine security, marine environmental protection, laws and regulations which relate to PSC and process violation handle. Therefore it is very necessary to improve professional knowledge for PSCO. Beside seminars which are held by IMO and Tokyo MOU, Viet Nam Maritime Administration should hold training courses to improve knowledge for PSCO and enhance PSC. These types of training courses and seminar should be held one time per three months. In addition, in months which do not have seminars or training courses, Maritime Safety & Inspection Division should hold weekly meeting in order to discuss about PSC case in the last week and make PSC plan in this week. Quang Ninh Maritime Administration should encourage PSCO to give their opinions and share their experience about PSC because PSCO implement PSC directly. Therefore, from these meetings, seminars or training courses, PSCO may understand their strong points as well as weak points in order to fix their weak points and raise professional skill. Quang Ninh Maritime Administration should update the PSC knowledge in seminars or training courses of Tokyo – MOU and diffuses for every PSCO. Quang Ninh Maritime Administration also should create opportunity for PSCO to improve their nautical experience by short time sea voyage.

      • 3.4.3 Improving English Skill






Nội dung

Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area PREFACE Currently, globalization becomes a common trend in all over the world so trade activity between countries also is encouraged and Viet Nam isn’t exception Viet Nam joined many international organizations in order to encourage the trading activities with other countries such as WTO, ASEAN, etc In fact, 90% of cargo in all over the world is transported by ship[ CITATION Shi15 \l 1033 ] Viet Nam is implementing policy to trade with many foreign countries and that is the reason why the number of foreign ship which arrives Vietnamese port increases considerable The increase of foreign ship which arrives Vietnamese port leads to many consequence about safety, security and environment Quang Ninh is one of the region which plays important role in the development of marine economy in the North of Viet Nam beside Hai Phong The number of foreign ship which arrives Quang Ninh Port area rises significantly from 2010 – 2014[ CITATION Out14 \l 1033 ] Therefore, Quanh Ninh’s authority and Quang Ninh Maritime Administration have to control PSC tightly in order to ensure marine safety, marine security and marine environmental protection As the result, I decide to choose the topic: “Recommendations to enhance Port State Control (PSC) in Quang Ninh port area” I declare that this report is my own unaided work It has not been submitted before If violated, I am solely responsible for and bear the punishments of the Institution and University Student Pham Minh Thuy Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area ACKNOWLEGEMENT Firstly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Prof Hoang Thi Lich for the continuous support of my dissertation, her patience, her motivation, and her immense knowledge Her guidance helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my study Secondly, I also would like to express my sincere gratitude to the staffs of Marine Safety & Inspection Division, especially to Mr Tran Van Hieu – Deputy Manager of Marine Safety & Inspection Division who created favorable conditions for time, equipment, document and guided me thoroughly to complete this dissertation Although I have taken a hard effort and encouraged to complete this dissertation, the content of my dissertation still includes deficiency because of time and knowledge limitation Therefore, I hope that I can receive lecture’s additional suggestion to make my dissertation become more perfect Thank you sincerely! Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE i ACKNOWLEGEMENT ii TABLE OF CONTENTS .iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vi LIST OF TABLES vii LIST OF FIGURES viii INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW .4 1.1 Overview of PSC 1.1.1 General information of PSC .4 1.1.2 Some definitions of PSC 1.2 Legal basis of PSC 1.2.1 International Documents 1.2.2 Vietnamese Regulations: 12 CHAPTER 2: PORT STATE CONTROL (PSC) IN QUANG NINH PORT AREA 13 2.1 Overview of Quang Ninh Port area: .13 2.1.1 Geographical location: 13 2.1.2 Terminals in Quang Ninh area: .13 2.1.3 Output statistics in 2010 – 2014: 13 2.2 PSC in Quang Ninh Port Area: .14 2.2.1 General information of Quang Ninh Maritime Adminiatration 14 2.2.2 PSC in Quang Ninh Port area: 16 2.3 Evaluation on PSC in Quang Ninh Port area 27 2.3.1 International Conventions and Vietnamese Regulations Compliance: 27 2.3.2 PSC Procedure Compliance: 28 2.3.3 Organizational structure and Human Resource: .29 2.3.4 The cooperation between Captain, ship-owner and PSCO .29 2.3.5 Working condition and working equipment: 30 2.3.6 Training courses .30 2.3.7 References: .30 2.3.8 Port State Control Officer (PSCO) 31 Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area CHAPTER 3: RECOMMENDATIONS TO ENHANCE PORT STATE CONTROL (PSC) IN QUANG NINH PORT AREA 33 3.1 Improving organizational structure .33 3.2 Holding training courses and seminars regularly 33 3.3 Saving documents systematically 34 3.4 Improving PSCO ability .35 3.4.1 Defining specific PSCO’s responsibility and duty 35 3.4.2 Improving professional knowledge 37 3.4.3 Improving English Skill 37 CONCLUSION .38 REFERENCE 40 APPENDIX I: ASIA PACIFIC COMPUTERIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM (APCIS) APPENDIX II: DEFICIENCY ACTION CODES APPENDIX III: COMMON DEFICIENCY WHICH WAS DISCOVERED BY PSCO AT QUANG NINH PORT AREA Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS PSC Port State Control PSCO Port State Control Officer DWT Dead Weight Tonnage IMO International Maritime Organization ILO International Labor Organization MLC Maritime Labor Convention Tokyo – MOU Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control in the Asia – Pacific Region APCIS Asia Pacific Computerized System SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea LOADLINE International Convention on Load Lines 1966 and Protocol 1988 MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from ship 1973 and Protocols 1878 STCW International Convention on Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarer 1978 TONNAGE International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ship 1969 COLREG International Convention for Preventing Collision at Sea GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1 International Documents .7 Table 1.2 Vietnamese Regulations 11 Table 2.1 Output statistics in Quang Ninh Port are in 2010 – 20014 13 Table 2.2 Duties of four main PSCO in Quang Ninh Maritime Administration 17 Table 2.3 PSC check list .18 Table 2.4 PSC result in Quang Ninh Port area in 2010 – 2014 .23 Table 2.5 Deficiencies of specific ship 24 Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Quang Ninh Maritime Administration organizational structure 15 Figure 2.2 General PSC organizational structure 15 Figure 2.3 Current PSC Procedure of Quang Ninh Maritime Administration 20 Figure 2.4: Go in/ out foreign ship (time) in Quang Ninh Port area in 2010 – 2014 24 Figure 2.5: Number of ship inspected PSC in Quang Ninh Port area in 2010 – 2014 25 Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area INTRODUCTION Neccessitation: Viet Nam locates at the west coast of the East Sea – a big and important ocean of the region and all over the world According to the Convention of United Nation about marine law in 1982, Viet Nam has not only continent which is quite narrow with S shape but also territirial water which is more than million km2, triples mainland’s acreage Along the coast, it has more than 100 marine ports, 48 bays and more than 112 estuarys Viet Nam territorial water has more than 3000 islands with the acreage is appriximate 1636km2 and distribute mainly at northeast and southwest territorial water There are many islands which are famous, beautiful and have strategic location such as: Bach Long Vi, Phu Quoc, Con Son, Con Co, Phu Quy, Cat Ba, Hoang Sa, Truong Sa,etc.[ CITATION Gen15 \l 1033 ] Many years ago, sea always has close – knit relation with production activities and life of Vietnamese people In 21th century, like other countries, Viet Nam has being focused on the sea to enhance economic potential This is a judicios heading because Viet Nam has big potential to develop the economy Sea exploitation for economic development is promissing and plays an important role in social and economic development of Viet Nam Viet Nam has big advantage because Viet Nam territorial water locates next to some main international marine lanes which includes the Strait of Malacca – most of ship in all over the world go through this Strait every year Vietnamese coast is very close to marine lanes so it is very convenient for international trade Currently, most of exporting, importing cargo and considerable cargo of Viet Nam are transported by sealanes in East Sea In some other countries, the volume of cargo which is transported by sea is going to increase dramatically At this time, The East Sea in general and Viet Nam in particular will play imporant role in international trade; Viet Nam territorial water will become important connection in order to develop international trade and enhance trade activities and relation with other countries in the region and all over the world Marine economic development which includes marine transport field is one of the most important factor to develop national economy With the potential location, experience of production, business and significant marine service network, Quang Ninh has made prestige in marine market about Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area marine port system ability It increases not only cargo but also turnover of ports after changing the direction to container – products account for high density Quang Ninh also play considerable role in the marine development of nation However, with the opportunity, the risk of marine unsafe also rises Port State Control is duty of countries which take part in Conventions of safe, security and marine environmental pollution from ship Port State Control is implemented in order to ensure that international Conventions are caried out carefully to enhance level of marine safety, marine security and marine environmental protection With the important role, the unification of PSC must be set up by the cooperation of countries which have sea In order to prove the effect of PSC, International Marine Organization encourages to implement PSC in small regions, issues many resolutions, directions and often supplement and modify Conventions to support countries Awareness of the important of PSC, with responsibility be member of International Marine Organization and Tokyo MOU, Viet Nam has implemented PSC in all Marine Administration At Quang Ninh Maritime Administration, PSC activities was implemented in 2005.[ CITATION Gen05 \l 1033 ] However,PSC still has certain limitations In recent year, the number of serious marine accident increase considerably so Viet Nam must be raise marine safe, marine security and marine environmental pollution Because of this problem, I decided to research topic “ Recommendations to enhance Port State Control (PSC) in Quang Ninh Port area” Methodology: Gathering related news and fingures Analytical method: statistical method, descriptive method,etc Research object: To gather figures about PSC in Quang Ninh Port area To evaluate and analyze PSC in Quang Ninh Port area Recommendations to enhance PSC in Quang Ninh Port area Research scope: Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area Ports in Quang Ninh area in the period 2010 – 2014 Research finding: To define weak point of PSC in Quang Ninh Port area and recommendations to enhance PSC in Quang Ninh Port area Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area PSCO has to examine ship’s condition in order to make sure that foreign ships which arrive Vietnamese port area meet the requirement of marine safety, marine security and marine environmental protection PSCO has to draw up the minutes and write a reports of examination’ result and recommend solutions to rectify ship’s deficiency; take individual responsible for their conclusion PSCO has to respect seafarers; keep calm if objections of seafarers occur, to be upright and not to be controlled by presents, profits or invitations Knowledge requirement: PSCO has to be thorough grasp of regulations and laws about marine safety, marine security and marine environmental protection; marine laws of Viet Nam; International Marine Conventions; PSC’s process PSCO has to have ability of analyze, summary and evaluation on technical process and norm about marine safety implementation Level requirement: PSCO has to graduate from technical field of universities; take part in State Administrative Management course of National Academy of Public Administration; take part in PSC examination course and know how to use electronic device and Microsoft office Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page 37 Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area 3.4.2 Improving professional knowledge PSC examination requires PSCO must master technical process and rules about marine safety, marine security, marine environmental protection, laws and regulations which relate to PSC and process violation handle Therefore it is very necessary to improve professional knowledge for PSCO Beside seminars which are held by IMO and Tokyo MOU, Viet Nam Maritime Administration should hold training courses to improve knowledge for PSCO and enhance PSC These types of training courses and seminar should be held one time per three months In addition, in months which not have seminars or training courses, Maritime Safety & Inspection Division should hold weekly meeting in order to discuss about PSC case in the last week and make PSC plan in this week Quang Ninh Maritime Administration should encourage PSCO to give their opinions and share their experience about PSC because PSCO implement PSC directly Therefore, from these meetings, seminars or training courses, PSCO may understand their strong points as well as weak points in order to fix their weak points and raise professional skill Quang Ninh Maritime Administration should update the PSC knowledge in seminars or training courses of Tokyo – MOU and diffuses for every PSCO Quang Ninh Maritime Administration also should create opportunity for PSCO to improve their nautical experience by short time sea voyage 3.4.3 Improving English Skill It goes without saying that, PSCO have to communicate with many ships come from many foreign countries and they have to communicate with foreign seafarers by international language - English Furthermore, documents and certificates are written in English so PSCO must have not only specialist knowledge but also good English skill when implementing PSC In order to improve PSC’s efficient; PSCO must improve their English skill Quang Ning Maritime Administration should hold English exam or English test to evaluate English skill of each PSCO specially speaking skill and listening skill After that, Quang Ninh Maritime Administration requires PSCO make plan to improve English skill PSCO may take part in some English courses at English centers to improve their listening and speaking skill For certificates and documents which are written by English, PSCO have to search to improve specialized terminologies Moreover, Quang Ninh Maritime Administration should require PSCO study in group every week in order to help each other understand terms in documents of PSC Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page 38 Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area CONCLUSION After completing internship at Quang Ninh Maritime Administration, I had opportunity to improve knowledge and understand deeply about marine safety, marine security and marine environmental protection and specially PSC During this time, I had opportunity to know documents and materials which relate to PSC as well as PSC examination of specific ship In this dissertation, I searched PSC at ports in Quang Ninh; I also evaluated PSC at ports in Quang Ninh and I recommended solutions to enhance PSC in Quang Ninh port area There are some solutions which I recommend to enhance PSC at ports in Quang Ninh: Improving organizational structure In order to implement PSC well, it is necessary to build reasonable organizational structure PSC should be continued implemented by Marine Safety and Inspection Division but Quang Ninh Maritime Administration should build a team which is responsible for PSC and this team should include PSCO who have professional knowledge and experience Holding training courses and seminars regularly Beside the annual training courses and seminar of IMO, Tokyo – MOU or Viet Nam Maritime administration, Quang Ninh Maritime Administration should others training courses and seminar Furthermore, Quang Ninh Maritime Administration also should invite expertswho work in marine field to take part in these training courses and seminars so PSCO will have opportunity to discuss with those experts and get useful knowledge as well as experience Saving documents systematically In addition, Quang Ninh Maritime should use specific room as a library in order to save every conventions, regulations, law and documents which relate to marine safety, marine security and marine environmental protection Improving PSCO’s ability Currently, Viet Nam is focusing on developing Maritime Industry so the number of ship which arrive Vietnamese ports increases considerable As the result, marine Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page 39 Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area safety, marine security and marine environmental protection are becoming alarming issue; Quang Ninh is not exception Quang Ninh Maritime Administration should focus on improving PSCO ability by specific actions such as: defining specific PSCO’s responsibility and duty, improving professional knowledge, improving English skill Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page 40 Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area REFERENCE English Sources: Abuja MOU - Members (2015) Retrieved from http://www.abujamou.org/ Asia-Pacific Port State Control Manual (2014) Tokyo MOU Secretariat Black Sea MOU - Members (2015) Retrieved from http://www.bsmou.org/ Caribbean MOU - Organization (2015) Retrieved from http://www.caribbeanmou.org Definition of marine terms relate to PSC (2013, February 4th) India Marine Engineer's World India MOU - Organization (2015) Retrieved from http://www.iomou.org/ International Convention for the Prevention Marine Pollution from Ships IMO International COnvention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution from Ships (1973) IMO 9.International COnvention for the Safety of Life at Sea (1974) IMO 10 International COnvention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarer IMO 11 International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships (1969) IMO 12 International Regulations for Preventing Collision at sea (1972) IMO 13 Marine Labor COnvention (2006) International Labor Organization 14 Mediterrranean MOU - Organization (2015) Retrieved from http://www.medmou.org/ 15 MOU,V.d.(2015).Vina del Mar MOU - Organization http://www.acuerdolatino.int.ar/ 16 (2014) On Board Maintainance Check List I.N.S.B Class Society Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page 41 Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area 17 Paris MOU - Inspection types - More detained inspection (2015) Retrieved from https://www.parismou.org 18 Paris Mou - Organization (2015) Retrieved from https://www.parismou.org 19 (2003) Port State Control - IMO http://www.imo.org/ 20 (PSC Mannual (2014) Tokyo MOU Secreteriat 21 Riyadh MOU - Members (2015) Retrieved from http://www.riyadhmou.org/ 22 Shipping and World Trade (2015) Retrieved from http://www.ics-shipping.org/ 22 Tokyo MOU - Organization (2015) Retrieved from http://tokyo mou.org/organization/ 23 (2013) Tokyo MOU http://indianmarineengineers.blogspot.com/2013/01/definition-of-marine-termsrelated-to.html 24 Tokyo MOU (2015) Retrieved from http://www.tokyo-mou.org/ Vietnamese Sources: Viet Nam Maritime Administration (2013) Retrieved from http://www.vinamarine.gov.vn (2010 - 2014) Annual report of Output Statistics of Quang Ninh Maritime Administration Quang Ninh Maritime Administration, Port Managerment Division Quang Ninh: Quang Ninh Maritime Administration (2014) Common defficiencies in Quang Ninh Port area Ha Long: Quang Ninh Maritime Administration (2015) Form A Ha Long: Quang Ninh Maritime Administration General information of Quang Ninh Maritime Administration (2005) Retrieved from http://www.ics-shipping.org/ General information of Quang Ninh Provine (2013) Invest Quang Ninh Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page 42 Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area General information of Vietnamese sea and islands (2015) Retrieved from http://www.hoangsa.danang.gov.vn/ (2014) Human resource of Marine Safety & Inspection Division Marine Safety & Inspection Division Ha Long: Quang Ninh Maritime Administration (2012) Organizational Structure , Quang Ninh Maritime Administration Quang Ninh Maritime Organization 10 (2010 - 2014) Output Statistics Quang Ninh Maritime Administration, Port Management Division Quang Ninh: Quang Ninh Maritime Administration 11 (2015) Port State COntrol Procedure in Quang Ninh Maritime Administration Quang Ninh: Quang Ninh Maritime Administration 12 (2015) PSC Procedure in Quang Ninh Port area Maritime Safety & Inspection Division Quang Ninh Maritime Administration 13 (2010 - 2014) PSC result in Quang Ninh Port area Ha Long: Quang Ninh Maritime Administration 14 Quang Ninh Maritime Administration Quang Ninh Maritime Administration 15 Quang Ninh Maritime Administration's annual report of output in 2010 - 2014 Quang Ninh: Quang Ninh Maritime Administration Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page 43 Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page 44 Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area APPENDIX I: ASIA PACIFIC COMPUTERIZED INFORMATION SYSTEM (APCIS) General introduction: According to regulations of decree 21/2012, foreign ships have to send announcement to MarineAdministration before arriving to the port which is managed by this Marine Administration After receiving announcement, staffs of Marine Safety and Inspection Division have to look up the information about this ship in APCIS of Asia Pacific region The Asia Pacific Computerized Information System (APCIS) is established under provisions of the Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control and aimed to provide effective information exchange among MOU parties in relation to the PSC inspections The central APCIS site is a computerized database with authorized access via Internet To work with the APCIS a user should install a computer connected to the Internet and receiveappropriate credentials from the APCIS Manager.The central site of the APCIS is located in Moscow, Russia and hosted by the Maritime Administration of the Russian Federation.[ CITATION PSC141 \l 1033 ] The APCIS performs the following main functions: - Collects PSC inspection data from the PSC officers on 24-hour basis; - Provides PSC officers with the PSC inspection data on a particular ship on 24-hour basis; - Provides PSC officers and MOU Authorities with the PSC inspection data of their ports; - Generates statistical reports; - Calculates target factor; - Publishes notifications; - Supports interregional information exchange projects [ CITATION PSC142 \l 1033 ] Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area Working with APCIS: Step 1: access website https://apcis.tmou.org/ Step 2: PSCO complete the blank at the right upper corner by their account and click “login” Step 3: PSCO click bank “search by”, they can choose the way to find ship such as: IMO number, Ship name, Callsign, Company IMO or Company name and PSCO Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area often choose “IMO number” After that, PSCO complete IMO number of ship in blank “value” Step 4: After complete blank “search by” and “value”, PSCO click “search” They can receive the following result: Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area The system supplies all background information about the ship for PSCO Specifically, the name of ship is ROYAL 18, IMO number is 9591662, Flag state is Viet Nam, ship type is bulk carrier, Deadweight is 5618DWT, etc The system also supplies list of this ship’s previous PSC examination Specifically, the latest PSC examination happened in May 30th, 2015 at Davao (Philippines) and had 03 deficiencies without detention In addition, this system supplies the time which the next PSC examination may be implemented and in this example, the time Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area for the next PSC examination of ship ROYAL 18 is from October 30th, 2015 to January 30th, 2016 APPENDIX II: DEFICIENCY ACTION CODES “Deficiency action codes” are to be allocated against specific deficiencies There are some common codes Code 00 10 12 15 16 17 18 19 25 30 35 36 40 45 50 55 60 70 80 85 95 96 99 Required actions Do not need remediable action Deficiency rectified Every deficiency is being rectified Rectify deficiency at the next port Rectify deficiency within 14 days Rectify deficiency before departure Rectify deficiency within months Serious deficiency is rectified before the ship leave Ship is allowed to leave after late Ship is captured The end of capture/ ship is allowed to leave after capture Ship is allowed to leave after being capture continuance Inform to the next port Inform to the next port in order to capture ship Inform to Administrative Authority/ Consulate/ Flag Administrative Authority Inform to Administrative Authority/ Flag Administrative Authority Inform to regional Authority Inform to Register of shipping agency Replace equipment contemporarily Investigate the violation of waste leave provisions Issue warning letter Revoke warning letter Other actions ( are written clearly in document) [ CITATION PSC143 \l 1033 ] Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area APPENDIX III: COMMON DEFICIENCY WHICH WAS DISCOVERED BY PSCO AT QUANG NINH PORT AREA Code Deficiency 07101 Fire prevention structural integrity 01309 Fire control plan Convention S74/CII – 2/ R7 S74/CII-2/R4 Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area 01323 04102 04103 04105 05101 07106 07113 08102 08107 10124 11101 11102 13101 02103 02117 03102 03107 03110 03109 01317 01320 Fire safety operational booklet Emergency fire pump and its pipes Emergency, lighting, batteries and switches Location of emergency installations Distress messages: obligations and process Fire detection and alarm system Fire pumps and its pipes Emergency signal Machinery controls alarm Life- saving signals Lifeboats (Number) Lifeboats inventory(security) Propulsion main engine ( oil supply failure) Stability/ strength/ loading information and instruments(damaged condition –cargo ship) Decks – corrosion (maintenance of condition) Freeboard marks (lines) Doors (gaskets, closing devices) Manholes/flush scuttles Machinery space opening Cargo record book Garbage record book 14101 01201 01212 01213 01306 01307 09102 09108 09224 Control of discharge(machinery space) Certificates for master and officers issue Certificate for medical care Evidence of basic training Schedules for watchkeeping personnel Tables of working hours Dirty, parasites Lighting (accommodation) Stowage of cargo(deck cargo, safe access) Guards – fencing around dangerous machinery 09233 parts [ CITATION Com14 \l 1033 ] S74/CII-2/R16 S74/CIII/R6 S74/CII-1/R25 S74/CII-1/R31 S74 /CII/R4 S74-1/CII-2/R36 S74/CII-2/R5(a)(b)(c) S74/CIII/R26d S74-1/CII-1/R31.2.7 S74-1/CV/R16(d) S74/CIII/R8 S74/CIII/R12 S74-1/ CII-1/R27.5 LL66/ANI/R27 LL66/ANI/RI LL66/ANI/R6 LL66/ANI/R12 LL66/ANI/R18 LL66/ANI/R17 M73/78/ANII/R9 M73/78/ANV/R9.3.4 M73/78/ANI/R9.1(b) STCW/CII,III STCW/CIV/R4.2 STCW/CIV/R1 STCW/PA/CVIII/1.5 STCW/PA/VIII-1 ILO92/PIII/A17.1 ILO92/PIII/A92 ILO134/A4.3(a).(d) ILO134/A4.3(c) ... Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area Ports in Quang Ninh area in the period 2010 – 2014 Research finding: To define weak point of PSC in Quang Ninh Port area. .. 31 Pham Minh Thuy – GMA02 Page Recommendations to enhance Port State Control in Quang Ninh port area CHAPTER 3: RECOMMENDATIONS TO ENHANCE PORT STATE CONTROL (PSC) IN QUANG NINH PORT AREA ... object: To gather figures about PSC in Quang Ninh Port area To evaluate and analyze PSC in Quang Ninh Port area Recommendations to enhance PSC in Quang Ninh Port area Research scope: Pham Minh Thuy

Ngày đăng: 09/03/2018, 13:33



