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TEST BANK microbiology a systems approach cowan 3e chapter010

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Chapter 010 Genetic Engineering a Revolution in Molecular Biology Multiple Choice Questions The use of an organism's biochemical processes to create a product is A Genetic engineering B Biotechnolo gy C Recombinant DNA D Gel electrophoresis E Gene probes The various techniques by which scientists manipulate DNA in the lab are called A Genetic engineering B Biotechnolo gy C Recombinant DNA D Gel electrophoresis E Gene probes A technique that separates a readable pattern of DNA fragments is A Genetic engineering B Biotechnolo gy C Recombinant DNA D Gel electrophoresis E Gene probes DNA strands can be clipped crosswise at selected positions by using enzymes called A Palindrom es B Reverse transcriptase C Restriction endonucleases D Ligase s E DNA polymerases Geneticists can make complimentary DNA copies of messenger, transfer and ribosomal RNA by using A Palindrom es B Reverse transcriptase C Restriction endonucleases D Ligase s E DNA polymerases EcoRI and HindIII are A Palindrom es B Reverse transcriptase C Restriction endonucleases D Ligase s E DNA polymerases Sequences of DNA that are identical when read from the 5' to 3' direction on one strand and the 3' to 5' direction on the other strand are A Palindrom es B Reverse transcriptase C Restriction endonucleases D Ligase s E DNA polymerases Analysis of DNA fragments in gel electrophoresis involves A Larger fragments move slowly and remain closer to the wells B DNA has an overall negative charge and moves to the positive pole C DNA fragments are stained to see them D An electric current through the gel causes DNA fragments to migrate E All of the choices are correct This is often used in forensic science to distinguish one sequence of DNA from another by comparing the sequence of the strands at specific loci A Clonin g B Gene therapy C Antisense therapeutic D DNA fingerprinting E None of the choices are correct 10 DNA is denatured at A 37 o C B 42 o C C 60 o C D 90 o C E 100 o C 11 DNA fragments can be separated in gel electrophoresis because A Nitrogenous bases have a net positive charge B Nitrogenous bases have a net negative charge C Phosphate groups have a net positive charge D Phosphate groups have a net negative charge E None of the choices are correct 12 Restriction endonucleases recognize and clip at DNA base sequences called A Codon s B Palindrom es C Intron s D Exon s E Gene s 13 In recombinant DNA technique, what enzyme is needed to seal the sticky ends of genes into plasmids or chromosomes? A DNA polymerase I B DNA polymerase II C DNA helicase D DNA ligase E Primas e 14 Labeled, known, short stretches of DNA used to detect a specific sequence of nucleotides in a mixture are known as A Genetic engineering B Biotechnolo gy C Recombinant DNA D Gel electrophoresis E Gene probes 15 Gene probes can be labeled for detection with reporter molecules such as A Enzyme s B Fluorescent dyes C Radioisotop es D All of the choices are correct E None of the choices are correct 16 The Western Blot technique detects A DN A B RN A C Protein s D Recombinant DNA E Specific genetic marker sequence on genes 17 The fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) probes are applied to intact cells and observed microscopically for the presence and location of A DN A B RN A C Protein s D Recombinant DNA E Specific genetic marker sequence on genes 18 The Southern blot method analyzes A DNA to DNA B RNA to DNA C RNA to RNA D DNA to RNA E mRNA to proteins 19 Two different nucleic acids can _ by uniting at their complementary sites A Hybridiz e B Covalently bond C Form a peptide bond D Ligat e E None of the choices are correct 20 Which of the following is not true of fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH)? A Applied to intact cells B Can locate genes on chromosomes C Can identify unknown bacteria without culturing D Uses electrophoresis to separate the DNA E Can detect RNA in cells 21 The function of the dideoxy (dd) nucleotides that are used in the Sanger method of DNA sequencing is to A Denature DNA into single strands B Serve as primers C Be a fluorescent tag D Incorporate into newly replicated DNA strands and stop elongation E None of the choices are correct 22 Dideoxynucleotides are used in DNA sequencing because A They are tagged for visualization B They begin the growing DNA strand C They terminate the growing DNA strand D Their extra oxygen atom facilitates DNA chain extension E None of the choices are correct 23 The size of DNA is often given in the number of _ that it contains A Gene s B Codon s C Base pairs D Protein s E Triplet s 24 Amplification of DNA is accomplished by A Polymerase chain reaction B DNA sequencing C Gene probes D Southern blot E Western blot 25 DNA polymerases used in PCR A Use an RNA template to make complementary DNA B Must remain active at very cold temperatures C Include Taq polymerases and Vent polymerase D Are labeled with fluorescent dyes E All of the choices are correct 26 Which PCR step causes the denaturation of double-stranded DNA? A Add DNA polymerase and nucleotides at 72° C B Cool DNA to between 50° C and 65° C C Add primers D Heat target DNA to 94° C E Repeat the cycle of heating and cooling 27 Which PCR step synthesizes complimentary DNA strands? A Add DNA polymerase and nucleotides at 72° C B Cool DNA to between 50° C and 65° C C Add primers D Heat target DNA to 94° C E Repeat the cycle of heating and cooling 28 Thermococcus litoralis and Thermus aquaticus are thermophilic bacteria that are A Used as cloning vectors B Sources of heat stable DNA polymerases C Genetically engineered bacteria D Principal sources of restriction endonucleases E None of the choices are correct 29 The primers in PCR are A Synthetic DNA oligonucleotides B Bacterial enzymes C Short RNA strands D DNA polymerases E Reverse transcriptases 30 If you start with double stranded DNA fragments, after cycles of PCR you will have fragments A B C D E 73 Id en tifi ca tio n of un iq ue D NA fin ge rpr int s rel ies on th e pr es en ce of sin gl e nu cle oti de po ly m or ph is ms a m on g sa m pl es TR UE Lea rnin g Obj ecti ve: 10 14 Disc uss the sign ifica nce of sing le nucl eoti de poly mor phis ms (SN Ps) Chapter 010 Genetic Engineering a Revolution in Molecular Biology Summary Ca te go ry # of Qu est ion s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 01 Pr ov id e ex a m pl es of pr ac tic al ap pli ca tio ns of ge ne tic m an ip ul ati on Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 02 Ex pl nt he im po rta nc e of re str ict io n en nu cl ea se st o ge ne tic en gi ne eri ng Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 03 De sc rib e ho w ge le le ctr op ho re sis he lp si nt he an al ysi s of D NA Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 04 Di sc us s So ut he rn bl ot s an d ho w ge ne pr ob e fig ur ei nt he m Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 04 Di sc us s So ut he rn bl ot s an d ho w ge ne pr ob es fig ur ei nt he m Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 05 Ou tli ne th e pr oc es s of D NA se qu en ci ng Le 11 ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 06 Lis tt he st ep si nt he po ly m er as e ch nr ea cti on Le 13 ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 07 De sc rib e ho w yo u ca n cl on e a ge ne int o a ba ct eri u m Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 08 De fin er ec o m bi na nt in th e co nt ex to ft his ch ap ter Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 09 Pr ov id e se ve ral ex a m pl es of re co m bi na nt pr od uc ts th at ve co nt rib ut ed to hu m an he alt h Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 10 Co m pa re an d co nt st re co m bi na nt ba ct eri a Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 11 Di ffe re nti at e be tw ee n so m ati c an d ge rm lin e ge ne th er ap y Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 11 Di ffe re nti at e be tw ee n so m ati c an d ge rm lin e ge ne th er ap y Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 12 De sc rib e at le as tt wo ge ne sil en ci ng str at eg ies Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 13 Ou tli ne th e ge ne ral st ep si n D NA pr ofi lin g Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 14 Di sc us st he si gn ifi ca nc e of sin gl e nu cl eo tid e po ly m or ph is m s( SN Ps ) Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 15 De sc rib et he uti lit y of D NA mi cr oa rra y an al ysi s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 15 De sc rib et he uti lit y of D NA mi cr oa rra y an al ysi s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :1 16 De sc rib et he uti lit y of D NA mi cr oa rra y an al ysi s Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :a nd an im als Le ar ni ng Ob je cti ve :p la nt s Ob je cti ve :1 07 De sc rib e ho w yo u ca n cl on e a ge ne int o a ba ct eri u m ... Human insulin E Human adrenaline 51 Choose the antisense to the following mRNA sequence: AUGAUCCGCGAUU A TACTAGGCGCTAA B AUGAUCCGCGAU U C UAGUAGCGGCUA A D UACUAGGCGCUA A E AU CAUCGCCCUAA 52 Antisense... because A Nitrogenous bases have a net positive charge B Nitrogenous bases have a net negative charge C Phosphate groups have a net positive charge D Phosphate groups have a net negative charge... Provide examples of practical applications of genetic manipulation 3 A technique that separates a readable pattern of DNA fragments is A Genetic engineering B Biotechnolo gy C Recombinant DNA D Gel

Ngày đăng: 07/03/2018, 16:34

