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oxford exam support Topic and vocabulary Grammar Functions THE STORY SO FAR / QUICK CHECK p.4 UNIT Ecology Predictions about the future Possibilities Promises Alternative technology will may, might Talking about the future Talking about future possibility Making promises Classroom behaviour Rules of the road Fair play and cheating in sport must, mustn’t have to Talking about obligation Talking about rules and laws Past and future obligation Inventors and inventions Computers Films First conditional when, as soon as, unless Defining relative clauses t who, which, that, whose Talking about conditions Giving information Talking about purpose Describing people and things must, may, might, could, can’t Interesting India Non-defining relative clauses t who, which, whose Places Wales Making deductions Giving extra information Describing places Planning a trip Air travel Irish legends Past continuous when, while, as could, was/were able to, managed to Past actions in progress Talking about past ability Interrupted past actions Money and savings Celebrities and charity The post office Lottery winners Present perfect t for, since each, every, all Talking about duration Talking about multiple items At the post office Animal care Jobs Job interview Animal welfare Present perfect continuous t for, since Adjectives + prepositions Talking about unfinished actions Talking about skills Going for a job interview Collocations with make, and get Computer games Natural disasters Migration make, and get Present simple passive Describing processes Talking about natural disasters p.6 UNIT p.16 UNIT p.26 UNIT p.36 UNIT p.46 UNIT p.56 UNIT p.66 UNIT p.76 Language plus 1–8 pp.86–101 Writing bank pp.102–107 Oral exam plus pp.108–111 NEW HORIZONS STUDENT BOOK © Oxford University Press Reading: predicting content, general comprehension (magazine article) Speaking: topic discussion (cheating in sport) Listening: true/false (favourite sport) Writing: paragraph (favourite sport) Pronunciation: have, have to Language plus p.88 Exam plus t Unit p.15 Oral exam plus p.108 Speaking: class discussion (film genres) Reading: matching headings (film review) Listening and Speaking: multiple matching, summarising information (favourite films) Writing: a film review Pronunciation: for Language plus p.90 Exam plus t Unit p.34 Oral exam plus p.108 Speaking: speculating, describing pictures (Welsh scenes) Listening: listening to a description, completing sentences, multiple matching (Wales) Reading: matching pictures to paragraphs, comprehension Writing: tourist brochure Pronunciation: word stress in compound nouns Language plus p.92 Exam plus t Unit p.35 Oral exam plus p.109 Speaking: talking about pictures (mythical creatures) Reading: matching definitions, general comprehension (in-flight magazine article) Listening: ordering events (ghost stories) Writing: a story Pronunciation: was, were Language plus p.94 Exam plus t Unit p.54 Oral exam plus p.109 Speaking: topic discussion (happiness and winning the lottery) Reading: jumbled paragraphs, general comprehension (newspaper article) Listening: true/false (a practical joke) Writing: newspaper article Pronunciation: have, has Language plus p.96 Exam plus t Unit p.55 Oral exam plus p.110 Listening: ordering events (animal bravery) Reading: matching headings, general comprehension (an article) Speaking: topic discussion (animal welfare) Writing: a formal letter Pronunciation: u Language plus p.98 Exam plus t Unit p.74 Oral exam plus p.110 Speaking: topic discussion (immigration in the USA) Reading: reading for specific information, multiple matching (history book) Listening: making notes, multiple choice (interview with an immigrant) Writing: a newspaper article Pronunciation: g Language plus p.100 Exam plus t Unit p.75 Oral exam plus p.110 NEW HORIZONS STUDENT BOOK © Oxford University Press LANGUAGE REVIEW UNITS & p.84 Language plus p.86 Exam plus t Unit p.14 LANGUAGE REVIEW UNITS & p.64 Speaking: topic discussion (saving the planet) Reading: summary, matching headings (magazine article) Listening: multiple matching (alternative energy sources) Speaking: the language of discussion Pronunciation: won’t, want LANGUAGE REVIEW UNITS & p.44 Optional extension LANGUAGE REVIEW UNITS & p.24 Skills and culture/Pronunciation I Work in pairs Have you got a good memory? Do this Quiz and see how much you remember of the story from New Horizons and 2! Check your answers on page 111 When Steve arrives at Emily's house, it's a his birthday b Christmas Day c Emily's birthday Unit Who's Katie Young? a Emily's sister b Emily's cousin c Emily's stepsister Unit What kind of music does Rob like? a rap music b rock music c hip hop Unit What time does Rob start w ork at the dogs' home? a ten olclack b eight o'clock c nine o'clock Unit Where's Lorenzo staying while he's in the UK? a at a youth hostel b at a hotel c at Rob's house Unit There's a problem when Rebecca has a dinner party What is it? a There isn't any pepper b The fish is still in the freezer c There isn't any juice Unit Unit Where Emily and Lorenzo have lunch together? a at a fish and chip shop b at Emily's house c at an Italian restaurant Amar says London is a friendlier than Delhi b cheaper than Delhi c less polluted than Delhi Unit Rob's upset with Emily because a she went to the cinema b she bought a new T-shirt c she went out with Lorenzo Unit Where did Amar work before he came to the UK? a at a yout h hostel b at a call centre c at a TV company Unit What happened to Amar's laptop? a he dropped it b someone stole it c he left it on the plane Unit Whose mobile, keys and jumper are almost left in the park after the picnic? a Amar's b Rebecca's c Rob's Unit What's Lorenzo going to study at university? a Medicine b languages c History Unit What's the weather like in London w hen Emily phones Lorenzo? a It's sunny b It's raining c It's cloudy and grey Unit What does Steve say he's never done? a been to Edinburgh Festival b been to Sheffield c eaten haggis Unit When they go to Amar's house·warming party, Steve and Rebecca have just got back from a an IYJC meeting b a film festival Grammar Vocabulary and communication Choose the correct a lterna ti ve Bristol is the lbiggescjbigger city in the west of England It is more c rowded l chanjfrom Bath, I like travelling around Europe by I t_ _ but travelling by lp _ _ is much Quicker What did you in Ireland? We went ' h and we went 4W _ _ in the beautiful countryside What sp _ _ does the train leave from? I don 't know, but the coach leaves from 'b_ _ 12 but not 3sucl!/as beau tiful as Bat h Sum mers in Bristol are milder 4as/than in the north of England, but winters are probably as rainy 5likejas in the north Bristol has got one of 6a/the best universi ties in the coumry which is probably 7popu{arerjmore popular with studen ts than mOst other English universi ties The city has got great nightlife and weekend nights are 8busier!as busy as in London You can buy the newspaper althe 7~ on the corner, and get fruit from the 8&-nexl to the bank S A city can be more 9p _ _ and 10S_ _ than the country, but it is also 111 _ _ and more Write the dia logue using the Past sim ple A Where/you/go on the school tri p last month? 12i_ _ B I/gojParis She's wearing an elegant 13 d _ _ and a pair of black 14 b _ _ • A Where/you/stay? B We stay/hostel/near the Eiffel Tower S A What/you/de? Comple te t he w ord s Comple te the sen tences w ith th e cor rect verbs a bo ut life c h oices B We go sightseeing/we visit monuments and museums A you/buy/anything? B I/ buy/ learher jacket _ _ to another country _ _ married and ve four children _ _ at university and _ _ a scien tist Co mpl e te the sentences w ith the co rrect form of the verbs a nd ex pression s in brackets Work in pairs Use the ideas above or othe r life c hoices to ta lk a bout your futu re p la n s S ID A What (do) when you leave school next year? B I (have) a gap year I (meet) Liz at six o'clock We're going to the cinema A (ever be) to New York? B Yes, I I (go) there last Ch ristmas A What _ _ ,-_ (be) the weather like? B It _ _ _ (be) freezing A I (never be) 10 the circus B Neither -:c -, -: I A (buy) the latest Green Day CD? B (not buy) it yet She (go) to the hairdresser's bu t she _ _ (not come) back yet I (not make) dinner yet A Cl/help) you with your homework? B No, it's OK I (already/do) it A I (buy) a newspaper when I go out B Thanks Can you get The llldepellderu? She Uust/come) back from the UK She (arrive) last night Put the le tte rs in th e correct orde r to w r ite th e w ea the r words rifezegn ynidw dyocul gyfgo Wri te fi ve more weath e r w ords The n compa re your lis l with a pa rtner Trans late th e pe rso nalil y adjectives inlo yo ur la ngua ge I selfish reliable confident indecisive Write fi ve more pe rsonality adjec ti ves T he n com pare your lis t w ith a partne r Write the past pa r tici ples of these verbs I eat study get fly go move W hich verbs are regular? 10 'Tra ns la te the word s for furn it ure a nd hom e equi pm en t into your la nguage I bookcase l sink rug washing-machine Write five m ore w ords fo r furniture or home equ ip men t Compare your list w ith a partne r • How will life change in the future? l ackie Davidson is a fi nalist in the Interna tio nal Young Journalist Competit io n (IYJC) She's ta lki ng to Lily Thompson , an alternative energy special ist ~ Listen and read Lil y Jackie Hi! I'm Lily Thompso n Hello J'm Jackie Davidson I'm from Cardiff Lily Oh, yes You emailed me abou t an article on energy in the future Jackie Lily Is there any bad news? That sounds awful! Translate it! Ja ckie Lil y Comprehension check Thue or fal se ? Write T or F Correct the fa lse sentences I Jackie contacted Lily before they met Z Lily thinks life in the futu re will be similar to today People will use alternative energy in the future Nobody uses oil in Sweden People will use cars less in the futu re People will often go to fo reign countries in the future • Jackie Lily Jackie First of all, how will life change in the future, Lily? Well, I think it'll change a lot The biggest problem is that we wan', have much oil left, so we'll probably create electricity with solar panels and wind turbines Sweden is ahead of most cou ntries, and Ihey say they'll SlOp using oil completely by 2020 I see So will the world be cleaner? Yes, I hope it wil l Because there won't be much petrol , we'll probably walk, cycle and use public Iransport more We'll probably use fuel from new sources, too For example, I'll be in Bi rmi ngham next week to meet some scientists they're making fuel from recycled rubbish! Wow! Is there any bad news? Well , we wo n't go on holiday abroad much - it'll be 100 expensive to fly because the fuel will cost so much That sounds awful! @nD Complete the sentences with the words from the box Then listen and check Grammar Guide Don't use pla tes It's bad for the environment to plastic We'll get our electricity from and will subject + will + base form will to talk about predictions and future facts "'e use We'll separate all our and everything We won't sunbathe because the hole in the will be bigger S People will take care not to damage the lffirmative nl be in Birmingham next week, (future fact) It'll be too expensive (prediction) We'll probably walk (prediction) Negative from cars is causing We won't have much oil left (prediction) We won't go on holiday abroad (prediction) Will it come true? I the world be cleaner? Yes, it wi ll./No, it won't ! IlOok out! n wrrtten English we only use ' 11 after personal pronouns and not after names or nouns Ne don't use '11 in short answers Work in pairs Read the following predictions about your life in the future Say if you think they will or won ' t come true I You won't be married before you're 30 You'Ulive in another country Check! You'll have at least three children You won't earn a 101 of money in your job S You'll drive an electric car You won't live in a big city Complete the sentences with 'U, will or WOIl 'c Use the contracted form where possible A You'll live in another country I love studying I'm sure I S go 10 university Don 't take your umbrella It rain today A Will people live longer in the future? B Yes, they _ I think we be poorer in the future A Will you work in your dad's company? B NO,we _ , Vocabulary ecology wind turbines environment global warming recycle pollution solar panels throwaway rubbish disposable Examples: B No, I don't think I will I'll always Jive here.j Yes, (hat will probably come true A You won't be married before you're 30 B No, I think I will j Yes, I think that will defi nitely come true Write three more predictions abou t your partner's future, using w ill or won 'c The n say if you agree with your partner's predictions about your future Language (jJJ) When we disagree about the future, we say I don't think it will NOT Hhmk-it-woff't We can use the adverbs probably (not completely sure) or definitely (very sure) to say how much we think the predictions are likely to come true ~ Already fillished? Write six sentences predicting what w ill happen to you in the next two weeks Read it again in two weeks' time a nd see how many of your sentences were true \\ Workbook pp.4-5 Ex.I-5 ) fa Talking about future possibility I may come to Cardiff at the weekend Amar Prabhu meets Jackie Davidson a t an IVl e meeting in London ~ Listen a nd read That's very kind of you What's your na me? lackie Amar I'm lackie Davidson I come from Cardiff Oh, yes You' re writing about the environment Hi Are you Amar Prabhu? Ama r Yes, I am Jackie I saw your documentary on call centres It was excellent! lackie Ama r Amar l ackie That's right I' m doing an article on alternative energy and CAT CAT? The Centre for Alternative Technology Give me your email address - I'll sen you a link to their website My laptop's broken at the moment se may not have Internet access for wee But I may come to Cardiff at the weel I've never been 10 Wales, so I'd like I sightseeing Perhaps we could meet l: It's in Wales A mar Really? That sounds very interesting That's very ki nd of you meet up Give me a ring Tra nslate it! Comprehension check Jackie Amar I'd love to, bu t I may not be there this weekend - I might be away wi th my parents Give me a ring tomorrow evening I'll know by then OK What's your phone number? Answe r th e questions Has Jackie met Amar before? How did she hear about Amar? Whal does Jackie offer to do? Why does Amar want to go to Cardiff? Why isn't Jackie sure if she can see Amar a the weekend? What does Jackie tell Amar to do? ~ Look! I might go 10 Grammar Guide ~ Listen a nd tick may, might :> Olivia a nd Josh ua are discussing what they might during the s ummer ho lidays fI' the activities they mention su bject + may/might + base form Affirmative I may come to Cardiff at the weekend I might be away egative I might not have !nternet access I may not be there this weekend Interrogative Short answers Might she be away? "Ill you be there? Yes, she might No, I might not Might"'t isn't very common and we don't use may n~ ~ Check! Make these sentences less certain, using the verb in brackets I'm going to go on holiday in July (may) Amar's going to Cardiff at the weekend (might) He's feeling ill so he won 't be at the meeting (may) The supermarket is open today (might) I'm not going to finish the project on time (might) His story isn '( true (may) I won't come to your pany (may) The weather's awful so the plane will be late (m ight) What might happen? Work in pairs Look a t the picture and say nine thin gs that might happen Exa mp le: Number 5: I think the boy with the red T·shirt might lose his balloon 10 0 visit Mexico meet friends go on a surfing course find a summer job go on holiday with a friend study French go on a sailing course stay at home go camping go to San Francisco Work in pairs Discuss what you might next s ummer I promise I'll be here I1 The next day Amar phones Jackie ~ Listen and an swer the questions Wby is Amar phoning lackie? What has Amar done? Where will lackie be at the weekend? What does she suggest? Can Amar stay with Jackie? When are Ibey going 10 speak on the phone? What will lackie give Amar then? Language (jJ'; We also use will to make promises II Exa mples: I promise I'll be here then "/I take you out to dinner Different uses of will 1I 12 Read the sentences and write A (prediction) B (offer ) or C (promise) _ _ _ _ _ _ Cars won't use petrol in 20 years' lime I really wil! try co get to school on time She'll probably go to university next year I'll the washing-up if you want Honestlyl I'll never use your laptop again I'm going that way, so I'll give you a lift to the sta tion I won't be late 13 Work in g roups In the UK peopl e oft en ma ke New Year's resolutions (promi ses to change their bad habits in the new yea r) Write three New Year's resolUlioos 00 three separate pieces of paper Fold them and mix them up in the middle of the table, Pick up three and read them Say who you think wrote them Example: I won't be late for the bu,s every mornin!f I'll lend mlCDs fo mlfriends (fhey wanf tll help my sister wdh her Maths homework • ~ Wor kb ook p.5 Ex.6-7, p.7 Ex.14) Pronunciation· won 't, want ~ Li sten Th en liste n a nd repeat a /w;)Ont/ b /wont/ I won 't go IQ the party I want to go to the party ~ Listen to the sentences a nd choose the Correct alternative: a or b I a wan', b want a woo't b want a won't b want a won't b wanl a won't b want a won't b want ~ repea t Lisle n and check , Then liste n a nd Communication Spending trends Work in pairs Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of having a part-time job as a student When you have finished your li st make an overall decision: is it a good idea or a bad idea to have a part-time job as a student? Prepare a presentation to tell the class your point of view Present your opinion to the class Which pair's presentation was the most convincing? Imagine you had a part-time job and that you earned (50 a week What wou ld you spend it on? Look al the table below and decide how much money you would spend on each item Write your answer in the 'Me' column Me Student Student 50 50 50 Clothes Music Books Games Food and drink Entertainment Other Total 50 €So Speak 10 four other students in your class Ask them how th ey would spend their (50 a nd compl ete the rest of the table Work in small groups Compare the informa tion you gathered in exercise Are most students' spending habits similar or different? 10 Report back to the class with your findings What most teenagers like spending their money on? What you th in k about it? • What have you been doing? I Work in pairs Ask your partner about their parents Find out about languages sport and music Add your own ideas to each topic Make a note of your partner's answers Example : A Can your fa ther speak English? B Yes, he can A How long has he been studying English? B He's been studying English for ten years No Yes How long? languages speak English speak Italian speak Polish Sport play volleyball play basketball play football swim ride a bicycle ski ice-skate go to the gym f Music play the play the play the play the piano guitar recorder drums Now write a short profile in 80- 120 words of your partner's parents Begin like this: Annas father speaks £n.!jlish al'll! he's been stuo/in!l d for ~ Listen to Derek What does he in his spare time? CD ~ Can you remember what Oerek said? Complete the sentences below Lis ten and check _ _ in London for two years now History for the past year a pan-time evening course I lots of new things I hard because I have exams at the end of the month Derek is a teacher What essential qualities, skills and personal qualities yo u think he needs for this job? Choose the best word s and phrases from the Ih ree categories in the lable to describe him Essential qualities Skills has to be interested in: w riti ng working in an office travelling helping people working with other people good good good good good good good good good good good has to have good eyesight has to have good reflexes has to be physically fit Personal qualities at teamwork with your hands at using your initiative at dealing with people at Math s at using a computer at working to deadlines at making decisions at working under pressure at communicating at solving problems Example: A I th in k that a doctor has to be interested in helpi ng people and good at making dedsions B Yes, I agree (or) No, I think it's more important for him or her to be good at working under pressu re t olerant calm understanding independent conscientious self·confident Communication What are you good at? Work in pairs Look at these four jobs Choose suitable words and phrases from the table above to describe them needs to be: patient caring inquisitive creative dedicated reliable ambitious Look at the chart in exercise aga in What skills and qualities you think you have? Look at the the skills and interests in exercise I What are you good at? What are you interested in? Write a short profile in 80- 120 words about yourself Include information about qualities and skills from exercise and skills and interests from exercise I 10 Work in groups Compare your skills and qualities with each other What are the other students in your group good at? How similar are you to other studen ts in your group? 11 Work in groups Try 10 give each other advice on what jobs to in the future based on your discussion in exercise 10 Choose any three jobs that you think would be su itable for each student in your group 12 In your groups discuss what your ideal job wou ld bc Think about the following: • Working with other people/working on your own • Working indoors/working outdoors • Speaking fo reign languages • Travelli ng • Helping people • Giving presentations • Working wit h numbers • That's music! Work in pairs and look al the pictures How you think they might be related to each other? -e Read through the text quickly to see if you a re right Complete the text with the passive form of the verbs below Use each verb only once attract view make play produce download show find ~ Listen and check Look al the lext again Translate the underli ned words or phrases into your language Work in groups Talk about the following questions: Do you like music videos? Where yOll usuaJJy watch them? What's your favourite music video? Why? How often you buy music? Do you buy CDs or download tracks from the Internet? Why? What you th ink about free dow nloads and about file shari ng? wJtat are m\lSic vjdeqs and why are they ~eleased? ~ ~ ~~ lrrrrrrr ~ lrrrrrrrrtr : ~ liar : ~~ A music video is a short video or film that _ to accompany a song or a piece of music One of the main reasons why a music video _ is to promote the sale of the music If a video is cool and ~, more people _ to it and are therefore more likely to buy the music A simple strategy, but effective! So when did they start? In 1981, music videos became mainstream wi th the launch of MTV, which ~ them 24 hours a day, seven days a week Many rock and pop bands from the 1980s and 1990s have MTV to thank for their fame and popularity as music videos were now accessible to a wide range of people Later, other similar music channels started, many specialising in just one type of music Nowadays, however, the Internet has taken over as the most popular and accessible place for people to check out their favourite bands or new releases In facl, most videos today _ on websiles such ru: YouTube As a resul t, fewer and fewer music video! by TV channels, while there has been a massive growth in the number of videos that e_ from the Internet so that they can 1_ on MP3 5_ lrrrrrrrrtr : ~ players In any case, whether music videos _ on TV or or the Internet, they have been, and will probably continue to be, entertaining and aopealing to the viewers, as well as a very effective marketing IIrrrr strategy for the record companies ~ ~ Communication Music to your ears Jenny likes music videos Read her diary entry Why does she want her own computer? I1 was st.udyillj earlier today ad afur a wlute jP!, f{lIit.e tirerl decide' lo We a break 0Ad watch sOllle IIItti/C videos lAey Calt be So cool ad origi.u1.l Ithelt 2~ dOWItSfAirS, saw {),at lily brot.lter was asi,,!! the C0III.fu1£r 39Pf, a IdiJe bit OJvt/Jl.jerl as lte ¥jf!! Ius (J /It COIllfu1£r for Ius hirlMay last 1fIJ'fi)" astei hi"" lo let lIIe ase tM cOlII.fli.Ur for a fllw Illliudes bu1lte lo" lIIe thai M £1flI, alt i!lII.a d Iro*l thiS Jir/lte liKes 0Ad lte wOJti.I!d to refly lo her, :He looK absolu1ellj ages ad eventu.a.lllj 'pt, bore' wa.itilfj IQr hi"l so l welf! ba.CK to "I.1j hOlllewQrK, }(aljbe a.t Christ#ffl.S 1'1/ 7% a If.2W COIII.fui.2r fro#/ "I.Ij jX1felfis, 11 1fOl, th/1Ik 1'/1 have £0 'gE {)1f2 "I.ljulf so calf wateh lII.asic Videos whel/2ver wf1.4t/ ", Study Read th e five qu estions in exercise (lJ'p Remember that listening to music in English can be a good way to improve your listening and vocabulary skills! 12 Find out some more information about your musician/ music group Think about the following: • • • • • Where they come from How (hey got together Their type of music, When they had (hei r first big break Any hit albums or songs they have had 13 Create a poster for your favourite musician/ mus ic group Find so me photos and find the lyrics for a song to put on the poster Write a short description of your favourite musician/ music group using the information you found in exercise H l.ook at the Jenny's diary entry again The verb gel has been underlined eight times, Replace the verb each time with one of the verbs buy, receive arrive or become Don't forget to use the same tense! Work in pairs or small groups Think of a British or American musician/ music group that you like, Why you like them? 14 Present your musician/ music group to the rest of the class Which pair/ group has the best presentation/ poster? 10 Can you replace the verb get in each question with buy, receive arrive or become? Translate the five questions into your language Can you use the same verb or different verbs in your language to express these ideas? 10 Work in pairs When was the last time • • • • • you you you you you got gOt got got got \ annoyed wilh someone? tired from studying? an email from a good friend? yourself new clothes? back really late in the evening? Tell each other about what happened, • Informal letter • Put your address (but not your name) in the top right corner if you want to include it We often leave this out 23 Woodlovtd Pork Bristol 1552 1XY • Use Dear and the name I• of the person you are writing to to start Write {he date ~ "Jol1.Wlry 2011 I D""r Fio""" JtUt ~ qt