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Trang 1oxroRD
Trang 2ubr upt uil
Everybody up, up,
Everybody up, up, Evenybody up!
I I , I
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I l t
up, up!
' J.l
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Trang 3Polrick Jockson Suson Bonmqn Sileci
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Trang 5L '€"''-a
Unit I Things to Eclt +
Unit 2 lLround Town t2
Unit 3 People in Town .22
Trang 6I.
I'm o student I'm doing my
homework in my bedroom My desk is
next to my bed My fovorite subject is
moth Whot's your fovorite subject?
:-' Julie
I'm excited! I'm ploying my new video
gome in the living room I like korote.
I go to korote closs on Mondoys.
When do you go to English closs?
It's six thirty in the evening I'm of home.
I'm listening to music We eot dinner
of seven o'clock I'm hungry I wont spoghetti! When do you eot dinner?
Look, purple flowers! They smell good.
My fovorite color is purple I'm weoring o
purple shirt ond o purple skirt I'm weoring purple shoes, too! Whot ore you weoring?
Trang 7ffi t-isten, osk, qnd qnswer Then proctice ti+"=
Whot's the dote todoy? It's Jonuory lst Whot's : Whot is
Study for o test Toke o test.
Trang 9i ,.-n* "'n
Whot does she wont?
She wonts some pototo chips.
don't : do not doesn'l : does not He
I wqnt some peonuts whot
obout you?
Trang 10LEsfem, pmNnruff, ffimd scy" ,t
Do you neeC cny ,) "'re$, we dCI corrot onton
' N!0, vre clon't cobbog potolo tomoto pepper
ta ''X 'ir.t
Trang 11.'i Listen, osk, qnd onswer.
Whot do you need?
We need some pototoes.
Whot vegetobles
do you like?
qi Lesson 2 O
Trang 12Just try it, Leo.
Whot's for lunch?
Trang 13Gl n"od ond circle.
I Mike ond Leo ore hungry.
2 Mike likes soup ond solod.
@f sins ito
Yes Yes
No No
Whot's Jor breokJost?
Yogurt ond on opple.
I wont Jrench Jries!
French Jries, Jrench Jries.
Yogurt ond on opple.
French Jries, Jrench Jries.
Yogurt ond on opple.
Just trg it!
Mmm, it's good.
lunch souP solod
chicken Pototoes
Qt usten qnd soy Then qct Ti'rt, @,'.
breoKost: breod ond juice
dinner: steok ond
french fries
Whot do you
wont fon dinnen?
Whot's for lunch?
lunch: soup ond solod
Trang 14,: fruit solod o milkshoke
2 I wont to moke o smoothie I need
some bononos ond some yogurt.
3 I wont to moke o fruit solod I need L+ I wont to moke o milkshoke I need
some oronges ond some peoches some milk ond some ice creom.
Trang 15Omor needs some bononss.
Ello wonts to moke on omelet.
Liso needs some peoches.
I wont to moke o solod.
Whot do you need?
I need some tomotoes, some
peppers, ond some cheese.
Con you
moke q
Trang 16Listen, point, ond sqy.
.:r q, Tfifi : -r -:!
deportmenl store
l{ r,
I ,S*
Trang 17It's ocross from the nnovre theater
Where's the pork?
It's between the school ond the movie ihecter,.
Where's the librory? It,s ocross from
the post office.
Trang 18Listen, poinl, ond sqy.
wotch o
borrow books
: moil letlers buy
kick o boll
doing ol the :'ii:j[]i,Iiii'il.jirti l.::i i,'{:? He',s
shop borrow
Trang 19@f Usten, osk, ond onswer Then proctice Eiu: cS)
They're : They ore
They're shopping.
SI sins Eiu:
Whot's he doing ot the movie theoter?
Whot ore they doing?
he post olJice moiling letters
G) n"t, osk, ond qnswer @
Whot's she doing?
Where is she?
She's kicking o boll.
She's ot the pork ffiffi
Trang 20Tolk obout the story Then listen qnd reod $i '.i"i'd*
Excuse me.
Where's the
post office?
The post office?
It's ocross from the Iibrory.
Yes The school is ocross from the supermorket, ond thot's next to the post office See?
Well, it's between the school ond the restouront It's
Ah! I see it a
The post office?
It's over there!
Trang 21Gl n"qd ond circte,
I The mon is lost.
2 He's going to the supermorket.
3 Jomes ond Julie help the mon.
r+ The post office is next to the librory.
lfil 5;nn Es*
Excuse me Where's the post ojjice?
It's over there.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No No No
resto uront
Ah! I see it I see the post oJJice.
over there.
fi| usten ond soy Then oct ?i* @
Excuse me Where's
the post office?
Trang 22Listen, point, ond soy dd.
l Let's moke o town.
First, color the house
Next, cut the poper.
Whot shopes con
you see?
ond buildings.
Whot colors
do you like?
3 Then, fold the poper Con your + Finolly, glue the house.
@ unit2
Trang 23t I Then, fold the poper.
I 3 First, color the house ond buildings.
F + Next, cut the poper.
ffiffi tFo5t-OrE_]
t-t t .'l T ]
ir/,_\-ffiffi EHffibH
Where's the school?
lt's ocross from the librory.
-, 't"-l:lt'I
Trang 25fip usten ond reod fiu
Movie Dclg
My friends ond I go to the
the pork We like wotching
too It's fun!
ffip n"od qnd onswer.
l Whot is her nome?
2 Where do they go on Soturdoys?
3 Where is the movie theoter?
+ Whot do they eot?
Trang 26'l *1.:, ,,,,
Trang 27fi) Usren, osk, ond onswer Then proctice $io; qe
Who works of the supermorkel?
Where does the coshier work?
Where does the
server work?
Trang 28f,! usten, point, qnd sqy,
drive buses
fly plones
fight fires
Trang 29S| Usten, osk, ond onswer Then proctice cDl .3i G'1O
fi! usten qnd number tii.;
Does your fother
drive buses?
Whot does your mother do?
No, he doesn'|.
Trang 30Tolk obout the story Then listen ond reod d&*
Emmo ond Ann ore
shopping for o birthdoy
present for Mom.
Excuse me How
much is this sweoter?
Trang 31Reqd ond circle.
2 The sweoter is $30.
3 The shoes ore $ I S.
L+ They moke o sweoter for Mom.
Sing riiu
Excuse me How
much is this sweoter?
It's $30.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
How much? How much?
Excuse me How much is this swenter?
It's $30 Oh, no!
Trang 32Mott is sick Whot's the motter
with him? He hos o cold.
He's eoting soup.
This is Nick Whot's the motter
with him? He hos o stomochoche.
He isn't of school todoy.
he him
hOS O -: ," she her
*rI "'i'
2 Moggie is sick Whot's the motter
with her? She hos o fever.
The doctor con help her.
This is Kelly She's sleeping.
Whot's the motter with her?
Trang 332.
Who hos o cold?
Who hos o stomochoche?
Who hos o fever?
Whot's the motter with him?
Trang 34Listen, point, ond soy ti*'n
:i 5r.-rl !r, , ': f,'
Trang 35Listen ond soy Then proctice tii"
They' re Donny's D0rent's. Donny's cousln.
he? He's iris ,-lnete.
she? She's nrs ou;tt.
uncle qunt ponents
He's Donny's cousin.
-i: f\
f 't-f
Trang 36Lislen, point, ond soy" ss
@ Unirrt
Trang 37@) t-isten, osk, ond onswer Then proctice $i:1, .@:
Q) usten ond number H,{rl,
is this?
Whose plote is this?
Trang 38Tolk obout the story Then listen qnd reod d*
Donny, Mike, ond Mike's
fomily ore of o restouront.
Trang 39Gl n"od ond circle.
I Donny ond Mike ore of o restouront.
2 They hove knives ond forks.
Yes Yes Yes Yes
No No No
G) sins ti9
I con use chopsticks.
7 r-ryJ F"{E'TTI$ETIEI#I|EII: T- \
How do gou use chopsticks?
How do gou use chopsticks?
How do you use chopsticks?
Like this Like this.
o kniJe ond Jork
o ruler
Trang 40This is
t We're from Mexico This is our flog.
It's ours It's green, white, ond red.
3 They're from Russio This is their
flog Russio's flog is white, blue,
ond red It's theirs.
*.t -,
2 We're from Jopon This is our flog.
It hos o red circle It's ours.
+ They're from Turkey This is their flog It's theirs It's red ond white.