"o , tl t'l jl Everybody Everybody Everybody Everybody Evenybody Everybody Everybody... Lislen, point, ond soy... : doctor: hUrse ,teocher student Listen ond find... 5* police officer fi
Trang 1I ,!
Trang 2,
tl t'l
Everybody Everybody Everybody Everybody
Evenybody Everybody Everybody
Trang 3Pqtrick Jockson
Trang 4u\:1':R!::-i:?:si
\::r':::-i \: 1-,::i
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IleneWeiss: 7,9,25,27
For darling Kai My main guy Now iet's make up for alt those times when
I told you to leave me alone because I was too busy
For my wonderful family-Riccardo, Audrey,
"rO ^",rrIi.r.r.
Trang 5Welcome .2
Unit I How We Feel +
Unil2 In Town , t2 Review I .20
Unit 3 Things to Ecrt 22
Unit 4 Things to lf,ear .30
Ftevimw 2 38
Phonies X .39
Unit 5 Thingls to Do LIO Unif 6 Home r+8 Review 3 .56
Phonies 3 .57
Unit 7 Mg Dclg 58
Unit8 Mg Week 66
Review t+ 7+
PhonFcs 4 .75
Sgllcrbus 76
Ifford list .78
Trang 6[) Listen, reod, ond soy 6ir>
I I Iike pizzo.t don't
d b like gree n pizzol
Q! Whot obout you? Tolk with your clossmofes @1,
Trang 7The Doys of the lteek
Gf Sing 6i**
It's Sundoy It's Sundoy.
Trang 8Lislen, point, ond soy *s-+
-, 'q*
il B
Trang 9Listen ond soy Then
Listen, osk, ond onswer Then proctice.
Look of Point, osk, ond onswer.
Are you thirsty?
Trang 10., -i#
Trang 11Listen, osk, ond onswer Then proclice i%*
Trang 13Lislen ond number it".'
E- -:;d i .
Trang 14She
boll cor doll kite
bird dog
1" \ l I
Trang 15Point, osk, ond onswer.
Whot con she see?
qa.r She con see o pen.
Trang 16,'3' Lislen, point, ond soy ?1.,
=.=-fr= '?q
F "'tll5'- ' :
doctor: hUrse ,teocher student
Listen ond find ld|
t {
ffi ry
Trang 17isn't : is not
He She
Trang 18g Listen, point, ond soy gE
Listen ond
soy Then proctice 5*
police officer firefighter bus driver soccer ployer
Trang 19Listen, osk, ond onswer Then proclice.
No, they oren't They're tirefighters.
I .,.1
J ,s;
Trang 20Tolk obout the pictures Then lislen qnd reod ?iui,
Trang 21Listen ond number $c,
tffi, ;M
i'1*;;;3r l *c;lll*,# 3'f: *i" i,:ii *" 1':+: ?
, Listen ond soy Then oct.
borrow your phone?
., .):.
m ffii
Trang 23Listen ond number.
Look ot
I Ask ond qnswer.
Where's the firefighter?
Trang 24I con sqy these words.
a,:a::;*1*'1"' -t' i4:':t:l:- 1r::f:Li!
Trang 25.r: &
p ,{
[] 1 ,-.J
Look ol Point ond
Listen ond reod aT
reod wilh your portner. n;
The girl is in the cove.
'I'* € :',sffi-ra11:r€i!:ar.:iiiFar'.aia.ten -
The hippo is on the jug.
Trang 26Listen, Foint, ond soy $&,
Trang 27Lislen ond soy Then proclice tio.=
Look qt Point, osk, ond onswer :i e
Whot does he wont?
& ,,& 2 ta,e 3 r&
Trang 28Listen, poinl, ond soy.
Listen ond soy Then proctice *3.
oppl oron
w sr
.i$*a: ' -fiil :ii,
Trang 29O Listen, osk, ond onswer Then proctice iiirl @
s) Drow piclures Ask ond onswer @_
Do you hove opples?
Trang 30Tolk oboul the piclures Then listen ond reqd q6
@ Unita
Trang 31Listen ond number.
!*;' Do You ltont on Apple? # d:, jl
Listen ond soy Then oct.
Do you wont on opple?
Trang 32Listen, Foint, ond soy, it;
Lislen, osk, ond onswer Then proctice 5r
.& .rs,f,r #
Trang 33Listen ond motch #s
Lesson 4 @
Trang 34Listen, point, ond soy s3'
ffi t
aa: *,q.
, 1.l d'l
t $
, ;
."$ ':
" ::i{ .;l'."i l
Trang 35weoring?
Trang 36d
g., .:,1 :*t *re'.:, ,
point, Lislen,
:; :*.i: '.-.
T-shirt sneokers
Trang 37se,-O Listen, osk, ond qnswer Then proclice Bq.,
o red cop
I'M We're
1t*i l,.i #;
tt i3
O Sing 36*:
€ Tolk with your clqssmoles.
Ask ond onswer Go
I'm weoring o block
Whol ore you weoring?
Trang 38Tolk oboul the piclures Then lislen ond reod ai
Trang 40#u bools
Lislen, point, ond soy **'
Listen, osk, ond onswer Then proctice ai