New grammar 3 - student book Audio:
[...]... and 10 irom goats, and they ate a lot oi 11 12 rvith honey They baked their 13 They sweetened their in mud-brick ovens Thev also ate lruit t,rC¡t /t\ :_1 \ @t & _.¿J ;r -, - ,-' -l;o ;- ,r ' /.ltr( F ,/ f -j' a' ) T :: :- -: :-Ce S are - - ::ri Egyptians had a lot of - ,' @ rino the mystery word q rS - true or false Correct :- rheir houses :" dtdn't have much furniture in Which words are uncountable?... done? ' i re pictures What has Nick done? -? ', e Tom - hag and Nick done? Use verbs from g.ql -: -^ and Tom - ,: áfld Tom the grass the goldiish Tom's .hlsbed Chip a bath Chapter 3 r @ Rctivities ,: t -3 ' ," senrences using the present conlinuous with for or since -, :r',anda has tennis lessons (20 03)¡da haq bs.qn having tqnnis , l.egsenq qinqs ?0 03 =) Jenny has plano lessons (three years)... suitcase coin _,;,.9s - dren learned to play an - :nt :.'.,n'r lound much information about - r.;rcient Egypt -; ch Egyptian jewellery was made of music gold news answer fact chair lurniture money ([-uD knowledge hair week luggage sandwich story song -. dn't eat much lruit ¿:e a lot ol iish - -n wore make'up and perfume . :- a partner Ask and answer four about the Ancient Egyptians Ask : t- lurniture, their... match I iasU!\.c Grammar lesson Present perfect simple We use the present perfect simple for a finished action at an unknown or unstated time Have you seen Ben? l've had a great time in the park We use the present perfect simple with ever, never, just, already and not yet Have you ever played football with him? I The \ Mayor - ,-\ {¡ot-" :-* .Y : .-, -/ open a youth club on Friday J .- r' '-' ' ,-/ & Past simple... Adam Woods - :r^pLete the sentences with the present perfect simple or , -. ::p1e ol the verbs in brackets , r- about ten years - l + " beqqng (you become) a stuntman? :11 one night about ten years ago I 1 lstop) a light how d¡¿ " \JqH - a bar 2 Jake, who is now my boss, ::ion and 3 (offer) me (saY) 'Yes', - (see) me in a job rvith his stunt team I ol course (you ever ¡ump) out of a Plane? -: :s lots... here It's hot in here :rtrT\ER WLty don't you open a window? s :- rhirsty .: got a headache :r- rired ,: got a lot ol homework to do - hrrndrrz ' '*''5'-Y' 6 7 8 9 My bike's dirty My leet are wet I'm cold I never have any money 1-0 My watch is broken Chapter 5 You're good at drawing -ing form so/neither do l, etc ToN4 Have you heard the news? Everyone in the school has to do something for the school... (never have) 1 6 (lose) my new (fall) ofl our hotel balcony and almost (not hurt) herself I 11 (land) in a palm tree She : = 10 I ,."r0" 3 (even learn) a few words oi Spanish (happen) there .' , ¡4 1 (destroy) the ffee, (send) you a postcard (you geg irz "ri I 13 (start) at my new school.IL4 (make) a ' -: \v lriends already ' re bit ol news: ,e I15 (paint) my room - bright orangel Mum and dad... Anna 1( nut" Amanda )) Beth tt TrM> It(,-ff *sri Paul /' ,/_ \-4 ) , Emma Simon ' n - !949 lqeK.tng out ol the window 5 h r-:landa and Anna tam -' 'rc "' '5 - in the corner sandwiches Simon Beth , at the CDs 7 cola 8 Emma and Lucy cards 6 the guitar Tom and Paul Chapter 2 li : :r':: rir Drackels in the past simple or past cont¡nuous S.t.aLlss Cdrne -: l'L he 1 (come) from a small town rn...q g -' : -3 square - r'.iinitives and the past simple forms = :hem in the lists past simple ::ln1tlve + X D F T o o t\ M C A o M E W Y U P o R G P KO RA ZO P UK MIN S E E W o R K E E T W W C S D R E G K N FA OW N L C A M E T H T A K E tr U K S W T X N T H L a E D W U Z N I a @ ,ir "rát were they doing? :,,-rrday, Jenny went to a party When she :- rhis is what she saw Say... serious nervous bright edge 2 Miss "k 3 Pim lose her cat Merton Rangers win the on Thursday cup on Saturday preparation C-apter 4 :- /,=\ s*; -: \\' restaurant open lF 'it 5 on Mondav J Jo Smith win the lottery on Friday *a\ en't written for a long time " =:e rhe letter with the present perlecl simple or the past simple of the ,, : brackets -' annah r gqL ' ,_ r I+2.n4-v9.f ,]! wr"¡.tten.(norwrite) ioralongtime.r4 . Thursday iasU!.c J - - r'&apos ;-& apos; ,- {¡ot-" ;- ' ,- & :-* .Y. : ,-/ -/ Words to learn balcony land destroy bright boss offer serious edge nervous preparation "k 3 Merton. like? What don't you like? d + 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 b W I don't watch too much TV. ^,^^^ ,.4 IIreil T lo I i D etectives - - ::-i )'lick - -: lle s€flt are looking at simple. shop assistant corner marry tailor sew cloth import special ^, ^ ,.4 - a- = z: iru q g -& apos; : -3 square - r'.iinitives and the past simple forms = :hem in the lists. ::ln1tlve past