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Cấu trúc

  • If yesterday had been Tuesday 's tomorrow and tomorrow is Saturday's yesterday, what day would be?

  • Ex: The pretty girl

  • Some pretty college girls







    • Formula

    • Nouns

    • Verb+ER/ OR / ANT

    • Verb + ION / TION

    • Verb + MENT / AL

    • Verb + ING

    • Adj + NESS

    • Adj + TY

    • Adj + TH

    • Adj + DOM

    • Noun + IST / IAN

    • Noun + ISM

    • Noun + SHIP

    • Noun + HOOD

    • Formula

    • Verbs

    • DIS + verb

    • Mis + verb

    • Out + verb

    • Over + verb

    • Re + verb

    • Under + verb

    • Adj + EN

    • EN + Adj / Noun

    • Noun / Adj + ISE / IZE


Nội dung

DATE : 1592017 LESSON 1: PRESENT TENSES I: LÝ I.The Simple Present tense: S + V(ses); S + amisare S + dodoes + not + V; S + amisare + not DoDoes + S + V … ? AmIsAre + S …? 2) The usage : : 2.1 tả thói quen hoặc hành động lặp đi lặp lại thường xuyên: always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, , every dayweekmonth … E.g: Mary often gets up early in the morning. 2.2 nhiên chan lý. E.g: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 2.3 gian E.g: The last train leaves at 4.45. II.The Present Continuous tense: S + amisare + Ving S + amisare + not + Ving – AmIsAre + S + Ving … ? The usage : 2.1 Một hành động đang diễn ra ở hiện tại (trong lúc nói); sau câu mệnh lệnh, đề nghị. Trong câu thường có các trạng từ: now, right now, at the moment, at present, … E.g: What are you doing at the moment? I’m writing a letter. Be quiet My mother is sleeping. Look The bus is coming. 2.2 Một hành động đã được lên kế hoạch thực hiện trong tương lai gần. E.g: What are you doing tonight? I am going to the cinema with my father. 2.3 Một hành động nhất thời không kéo dài lâu, thường dùng với today, this week, this month, these days, … E.g: What is your daughter doing these days? She is studying English at the foreign language center. 3.1 Động từ chỉ giác quan: hear, see, smell, taste 3.2 Động từ chỉ tình cảm, cảm xúc: love, hate, like, feellike,fancy,dislike,detest,want,wish 3.3 Động từ chỉ trạng thái, sự liên hệ, sở hữu: look, seem, appear, have, own, belong to, need, … 3.4 Động từ chỉ sinh hoạt trí tuệ: agree, understand, remember, know, … III. The Present Perfect tense: S + havehas+ V3ed S + havehas + not + V3ed HaveHas + S + V3ed … ? The usage : Thì HTHT dùng để diễn tả: 2.1 Một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ không xác định rõ thời điểm. E.g: Have you had breakfast? – No, I haven’t. 2.2 Một hành động xảy ra trong quá khứ, còn kéo dài đến hiện tại. (Đi since for) E.g: My friend Nam has lived in HCMC since 1998. 2.3 Một hành động vừa mới xảy ra ra so . (cĩ: just, recently, lately…) E.g: I have just finished my homework. 2.4 Trong cấu trúc: Be + the firstsecond… time + S + havehas + V3ed Be + the ss nhất + N + S + havehas + V3ed E.g: This is the first time I have been to Paris. She is the most honest person I have ever met. 3) Các trạng từ thường dùng với thì HTHT: just (vừa mới), recentlylately (gần đây), ever (đã từng), never (chưa bao giờ), yet (chưa), already (rồi), since (từ khi – mốc thời gian), for (khoảng), so faruntil nowup to nowup to the present (cho đến bây giờ), several times, for the last ten years IV.The Present Perfect Continuous: 1) Cách thành lập: Câu khẳng định S + havehas+ been + Ving Câu phủ định S + havehas + not + been + Ving Câu hỏi HaveHas + S + been + Ving … ? 2) Cách dùng chính: Thì HTHTTD dùng để diễn tả: Hành động bắt đầu trong quá khứ, kéo dài liên tục đến hiện tại và còn tiếp diễn đến tương lai,

DATE : 15/9/2017 LESSON 1: PRESENT TENSES * PHẦN I: LÝ THUYẾT I.The Simple Present tense: S + V(s/es); S + am/is/are S + do/does + not + V; S + am/is/are + not Do/Does + S + V … ? Am/Is/Are + S …? 2) The usage : : 2.1 Diễn tả thói quen hành động lặp lặp lại thường xuyên: always, often, usually, sometimes, seldom, rarely, every day/week/month … E.g: Mary often gets up early in the morning 2.2 Sự thật hiển nhiên chan lý E.g: The sun rises in the east and sets in the west 2.3 Thời gian biểu E.g: The last train leaves at 4.45 II.The Present Continuous tense: S + am/is/are + V-ing S + am/is/are + not + V-ing – Am/Is/Are + S + V-ing … ? The usage : 2.1 Một hành động diễn (trong lúc nói); sau câu mệnh lệnh, đề nghò Trong câu thường có trạng từ: now, right now, at the moment, at present, … E.g: - What are you doing at the moment? - I’m writing a letter - Be quiet! My mother is sleeping - Look! The bus is coming 2.2 Một hành động lên kế hoạch thực tương lai gần E.g: - What are you doing tonight? - I am going to the cinema with my father 2.3 Một hành động thời không kéo dài lâu, thường dùng với today, this week, this month, these days, … E.g: - What is your daughter doing these days? - She is studying English at the foreign language center 3.1 Động từ giác quan: hear, see, smell, taste 3.2 Động từ tình cảm, cảm xúc: love, hate, like, feellike,fancy,dislike,detest,want,wish 3.3 Động từ trạng thái, liên hệ, sở hữu: look, seem, appear, have, own, belong to, need, … 3.4 Động từ sinh hoạt trí tuệ: agree, understand, remember, know, … III The Present Perfect tense: S + have/has+ V3/ed S + have/has + not + V3/ed Have/Has + S + V3/ed … ? The usage : Thì HTHT dùng để diễn tả: 2.1 Một hành động xảy khứ không xác đònh rõ thời điểm E.g: Have you had breakfast? – No, I haven’t 2.2 Một hành động xảy khứ, kéo dài đến (Ñi với since for) E.g: My friend Nam has lived in HCMC since 1998 2.3 Một hành động vừa xảy xảy gần so với (Thường có: just, recently, lately…) E.g: I have just finished my homework 2.4 Trong cấu trúc: Be + the first/second… time + S + have/has + V3/ed Be + the ss nhaát + N + S + have/has + V3/ed E.g: This is the first time I have been to Paris She is the most honest person I have ever met 3) Các trạng từ thường dùng với HTHT: just (vừa mới), recently/lately (gần đây), ever (đã từng), never (chưa bao giờ), yet (chưa), already (rồi), since (từ – mốc thời gian), for (khoảng), so far/until now/up to now/up to the present (cho đến bây giờ), several times, for the last ten years IV.The Present Perfect Continuous: 1) Cách thành lập: - Câu khẳng đònh S + have/has+ been + V-ing - Câu phủ đònh S + have/has + not + been + V-ing - Caâu hoûi Have/Has + S + been + V-ing … ? 2) Cách dùng chính: Thì HTHTTD dùng để diễn tả: Hành động bắt đầu khứ, kéo dài liên tục đến tiếp diễn đến tương lai, thường với How long, since for E.g: - How long have you been waiting for her? - I have been waiting for her for an hour * HTHT: hành động hoàn tất > < HTHTTD: hành động tiếp tục PRACTICE TEST I Complete the sentences with SIMPLE PRESENT or PRESENT CONTINUOUS: Sarah Star is a singer She sings ………(sing) and ……………… (dance) on TV She …………………… (drive) a red Mercedes At the moment she is with Nick Pear They …………………… (eat) in a restaurant Sarah …………………… (drink) a cocktail and Nick …………………… (talk) to the waiter Ann is a doctor She ………………… (work) in a hospital but today she ……………(stay) at home Now she ……………………… (cook) dinner Her friends ………………… (visit) her today It ………………… (be) her birthday Susan usually ……………… (go) to school by bus, but now she ……………… (go) to school by train 4.Mary often ……………… (read) in bed, but today she is very tired and she ……………… (not / read) 5.The boys usually … (ride) their bikes to school They ………… (like / ride) their bikes They ………… (be) very naughty boys They always ……… (go) to school late Today their teacher … (be) very angry, because they ……… (be) late again 6.Mary ………… (like / eat) sweets Every morning she ……… (have) coffee with a lot of sweets and chocolate For lunch she and her friends often ……… (eat) sweets or ice-cream She …………… (not / like / eat) fruit or vegetables She ……… (eat / never) eggs or cheese Today she ………… (be) sick She ……………… (sleep) in her room now II Build up sentences: He / like watching TV / but / he / not / watch / at the moment / because / he / sleep // What / Wendy / / at the moment / ? // She / clean / her teeth / bathroom // mother / can ( - ) / help me / now / because / she / cook / kitchen // Where / your cousin / live / ? // She / live / Sydney / Australia // Why / you / eat / sandwich / now / ? // Because / I / be / hungry // Tim / usually / go / work / bicycle // children / play / games / everyday // My brother / can ( - ) / play / tennis / because / he / not / have / racket // How often / mother / cook / pizza / ? // 10 My parents / not / like / roller-skates / because / they / be / dangerous // III Circle the correct answer: Look! Thomas is bringing / brings his little sister to class My older sister is often listening / often listens to pop music We are writing / write an exercise now Mmmm! Mum is making / makes a cake Our teacher is giving / gives us a test every month Listen! Dad is reading / reads a story to Ricky Mr Michael usually is growing / grows roses in his garden They are building / build a new house on the hill now Maria is drinking / drinks milk every morning 10 Look! Nick is running / runs down the hill IV This is Anna’s first letter in English to David There are some mistakes Rewrite wrong verb forms Underline if the verb form is correct: Dear David, I live ……… in a large flat in Rome I’m having… have … two sisters They are called Rosa and Maria We are getting up ……………at seven o’clock every morning, and we have … coffee and a small breakfast I leave … the flat at eight and walk to the university I am finishing …………….classes at five every day, and I arrive ……………… home at six This month I work………………………… very hard for my exams At the moment, I eat… breakfast in the kitchen of our flat, my mother drinks …coffee, and my sisters are reading …….magazines On Saturday afternoons I am playing …………………… tennis with my friends, or I go …… to the cinema Today, I’m going to see a new English film Sometimes I am watching ………… American films on TV, but I’m not understanding …………………………… the words! Are you liking ……………films? Please write to me soon With best wishes, Anna V Write a suitable sentence using the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE : Ann’s hair was dirty Now it’s clean (wash) …… Ann has washed her hair………… Tom was 80 kg Now he’s 70 (lose weight) …………………………………………… Bill played football yesterday Now he can’t walk; his leg is in plaster (break) ……………………………… My sister is looking for her pen (lose) …………………………………………………… Mary is on holiday in France (go) ……………………………………………………… Mr Hill was in Canada last week He’s back in London now (be) …………………………………………… Look! Mrs Smith has got a lot of packages (buy) ……………………………………… I can’t eat anything now (eat too much) ………………………………………………… Mrs Jenkins is very tired (clean / house) ………………………………………………… 10 Tony needs a holiday (work / hard / this year) …………………………………………… VI Use PRESENT PERFECT TENSE or PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS to fill in the blanks: I’ve bought / have been buying a new pair of shoes Have you finished / Have you been finishing reading that book yet? They’ve eaten / have been eating fruit all afternoon, ever since they came from school I’ve been reading / have read this book now, so you can have it back I’ve been writing / have written eight pages already Oh, no! There’s nothing to eat My sister has been eating / has eaten everything I left in the kitchen Oh, no! There’s no wine to drink They have drunk / have been drinking all the wine No wonder your eyes hurt You’ve been playing / have played computer games ever since you had your breakfast I haven’t seen / haven’t been seeing you for ages 10 God! Hakan has scored / has been scoring 11 I have been waiting / have waited for you for ages 12 I’ve finished / ‘ve been finishing my work 13 He has visited / has been visiting ten museums this week 14 I’m very tired Because I have travelled / have been travelling around Istanbul all day 15 She has found / has been finding a good job 16 I’m hot because I have been running / have run VII Use PRESENT PERFECT TENSE or PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS to fill in the blanks: I’m trying to study I ………… (try) to study for the last hour, but something always seems to interrupt me I think I’d better go to the library The children are playing basketball right now They ……… (play) for almost two hours They must be getting tired The telephone ………………………… (ring) four times in the last hour, and each time it has been for my roommate The telephone ………………………………… (ring) for almost a minute Why doesn’t someone answer it? It ……………………………………… (rain) all day I wonder when it will stop We (have) three accidents so far this week I wonder how many more we will have if you keep using the tools carelessly We ………………………………………… (live) here since last June My little son is dirty from head to foot because he ……………………………………… (play) in the mud What’s the matter? Your eyes are red and puffy I hope you … (not / cry) Oh, now I understand You (peel) some onions 10 Hello, Rob I’m happy to see you again I … (not / see) you for weeks What …… you …………… (do) lately? Exercise 1: Choose the best answer: When I got home I found that water .down the kitchen walls A ran B was running C has run D had been running After he .his English course, he went to England to continue his study A has finish B had finished C was finished D would finish How .since we .college? A are you- left B were you- left C have you been- have left D have you been- left I much of you lately We three months ago A haven’t seen- last met B didn’t see- met C haven’t seen- have meet D didn’t see- have met When I arrived at the meeting the first speaker .speaking and the audience A just finished- were clapping B had just finished- had clapped C had just finished- were clapping D just finished- had clapped He his job last month and since then he out of work A lost- was B was lost- had been C has lost- was D lost- has been In the last hundred years, travelling .much easier and more comfortable A become B has become C became D will became In the 19th century, it two or three months to across North America by covered wagon A took B had taken C had been taken D was taking In the past, the trip very rough and often dangerous, but things a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years A was- have changed B is- change C had been- will change D has been- changed DATE: 22/9/2017 LESSON 2: PAST TENSES The Simple Past tense S + V2/ed; S + was/were S + did + not + V; S + was/were + not Did + S + V … ?; Was/Were + S … ? The usage : Thì QKĐ dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy hoàn tất khứ với thời gian xác đònh rõ Các trạng từ thường kèm: yesterday, ago, last week/month/year, in the past, in 1990, … E.g: Uncle Ho passed away in 1969 Past Continuous: S + was/were + V-ing S + was/were + not + V-ing Was/Were + S + V-ing … ? The usage : Thì QKTD dùng để diễn tả: 2.1 Một hành động xảy vào thời điểm xác đònh khứ E.g: - She was studying her lesson at last night - What were you doing from 3pm to 6pm yesterday? - I was practising English at that time 2.2 Moät hành động xảy khứ (Were/Was + V-ing) có hành động khác xen vào (V2/ed) E.g: - He was sleeping when I came - While my mother was cooking dinner, the phone rang 2.3 Hai hành động diễn song song lúc khứ E.g: - While I was doing my homework, my brother was playing video games VII The Past Perfect tense: S + had + V3/ed S + had+ not + V3/ed Had + S + V3/ed … ? The usage : Thì QKHT dùng để diễn tả: 2.1 Một hành động xảy hoàn tất trước thời điểm hành động khác khứ (hành động trước dùng HAD + V3/ed, hành động sau dùng V2/ed) E.g: - We had had dinner before eight o’clock last night - Lan had learned English before she came to England 2.2 Một hành động xảy chưa hoàn thành, tính đến thời điểm khứ E.g: - By the time I left that school, I had taught there for ten years 3) Thì thường dùng với từ, ngữ sau đây: * After, before, when, as, once E.g: - When I got to the station, the train had already left * No sooner … than (vừa … thì) Hardly/Scarely … when (vừa … thì) E.g: - He had no sooner returned from abroad than he fell ill -> No sooner had he returned from abroad than he fell ill * It was not until … that … (mãi … …) Not until … that … (mãi … …) Ex: It was not until I had met her that I understood the problem -> Not until I had met her did I understand the problem VIII.The Past Perfect Continuous tense: 1) Cách thành lập: - Câu khẳng đònh S + had + been + V-ing - Câu phủ đònh S + had + not + been + V-ing Caâu hoûi: Had + S + been + V-ing … ? 2) Cách dùng chính: Thì QKHTTD dùng để nhấn mạnh tính LIÊN TỤC hành động hành động khác xảy khứ Ex: When she arrived, I had been waiting for three hours PRACTCE TEST I Fill in the blanks with a verb from the box in the SIMPLE PAST: break swim spend buy have drink make lose sit write wash She ………………… a cake an hour ago She ………………… a hat last week The boy ………………… a letter yesterday They …………………… in the sea for an hour They ………………… a lot of Coke last night She ………………… her arm last week He …………………… all his money last week She …………………… a bath two minutes ago He …………………… his wallet last night 10 She ………………… on the old chair a minute ago 11 She ………………… the clothes yesterday II Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses using the SIMPLE PAST or he PAST PROGRESSIVE: Sally …………………………… (eat) dinner last night when someone …………(knock) on the door I began to study at seven last night Fred … (come) at seven-thirty I …… (study) when Fred …… (come) While I …………………… (study) last night, Fred ……………(drop by) to visit me My roommate’s parents ……… (call) him last night while we……… (watch) TV My mother called me around five My husband came home a little after five When he………… (come) home, I (talk) tomy mother on the phone Yesterday Tom and Janice … (go) to the zoo around one They………… (see) many kinds of animals They stayed at the zoo for two hours While they … (walk) home, it …… …… (begin) to rain, so they ……… (stop) at a small café and ……………(have) a cup of coffee Yesterday afternoon I … (go) to visit the Parker family When I… (get) there around two o’clock, Mrs Parker …… (be) in the yard She ………… (plant) flowers in her garden Mr Parker … (be) in the garage He … (work) on their car He …………………… (change) the oil DATE: 30/9/2017 Lesson 3: FUTURE TENSES The Simple Future tense: S + will/shall + V S + will/shall + not + V Will/Shall + S + V … ? The usage: Thì TLĐ dùng để diễn tả: 2.1 Một hành động xảy tương lai: E.g: I will call you tomorrow 2.2 Một đònh đưa vào lúc nói: E.g: It’s cold I’ll shut the window 2.3 Một tâm, lời hứa, đề nghò, yêu cầu: E.g: I will lend you the money - Will you marry me … ? 2.4 Một tiên đoán, dự báo tương lai: E.g: People will travel to Mars one day 2- The Future Continuous tense: S + will/shall + be + V-ing S + will/shall + not + be + V-ing Will/Shall + S + be + V-ing? The usage : Thì TLTD dùng để diễn tả hành động diễn thời điểm hay khoảng thời gian tương lai E.g: - This time next week I will be playing tennis - We’ll be working hard all day tomorrow .The Future Perfect tense: S + will/shall + have + V3/ed S + will/shall + not + have + V3/ed Will/hall + S + have + V3/ed? The usage : Thì TLHT dùng để diễn tả: 2.1 Một hành động hoàn tất trước thời điểm tương lai E.g: It’s now 7pm I will have finished teaching this class by 8.30 2.2 Moät hành động hoàn tất trước hành động khác tương lai E.g: By the time you come back, I will have written this letter * Thì thường bắt đầu By + time (By then, By the time, By the end of this week/month/year) .The Future Perfect Continuous tense: 1) Cách thành lập: - Câu khẳng đònh S + will/shall + have + been + V-ing - Câu phủ đònh S + will/shall + not + have + been + V-ing - Câu hỏi Will/Shall + S + have + been + V-ing? 2) Caùch dùng chính: Thì TLHTTD dùng để nhấn mạnh tính LIÊN TỤC hành động so với thời điểm hành động khác tương lai E.g: - By next month, he will have been working in the office for ten years - When George gets his degree, he will have been studying at Oxford for four years FUTURE TENSES I Fill in WILL or BE GOING TO: A: Why you need so much sugar? B: I ……………………………………… make a cake A: Oh no! I’ve left my purse at home and I haven’t got any money on me! B: Don’y worry I ………………………………………… lend you some A: I don’t know how to use this mixer B: That’s OK I ………………………………… show you A: Why are all these people gathered here? B: The Prime Minister ……………………………… open the new hospital ward A: Did you remember to buy the magazine I asked for? B: Sorry, I didn’t I ………………………………… buy it when I go out again A: What’s that on your curtains? B: It’s a stain I ………………………………… take them to the dry cleaner’s tomorrow A: These bags are very heavy I can’t lift them B: I ………………………………… carry them for you A: I hear you’re going to Leeds University in September B: Yes, I …………………………………… study French and German A: Why don’t you tidy your room? B: I …………………………………… play football in ten minutes, so I haven’t got time 10 She has bought some wool She …………………………… knit a sweater 11 A: This problem is very difficult B: I ……………………… help you to solve it 12 A: Why are you taking down all the pictures? B: I ……………………………… paint the room 13 I’m sure he ………………………… climb that mountain one day 14 Look at that young man He looks very pale He …………………………… faint 15 I ………………………………… be 38 years old next week 16 A: I’ve got a terrible headache B: Have you? Wait here and I …………………………… (get) an aspirin for you 17 A: Why are you filling that bucket with water? B: I …………………………………… (wash) the car 18 A: Look! There’s smoke coming out of that house It’s on fire! B: Good heavens! I ………………………… call the fire-brigade immediately 19 A: The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it? B: No, it looks as if it ………………………………… (fall) down 20 A: I can’t work out how to use this camera B: It’s quite easy I ……………………………… (show) you II Make sentences with WILL BE –ING: I’m going to watch television from until 10 o’clock this evening So at 9.30 I …………………………………………………………………… Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to play tennis from o’clock until 4.30 So at o’clock tomorrow I …………………………………………………… Jim is going to study from o’clock until 10 o’clock this evening So at 8.30 this evening he ……………………………………………………… We are going to clean the flat tomorrow It will take from until 11 o’clock So at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning …………………………………………… Tom is a football fan and there is a football match on television this evening The match begins at 7.30 and ends at 9.15 So at 8.30 this evening ………………………………………………………… Don’t phone me between and ………………………………………… (we / finish) dinner then A: Can we meet tomorrow afternoon? B: Not in the afternoon ………………………………………………… (I / work) 8 Do you think ………………………………………………… (you / still / do) the same job in ten years’ time? If you need to contact me, ………………………………………………… (I / stay) at the Hilton Hotel until Friday III Use FUTURE PERFECT TENSE: By next February I ……………………………………………… (write) my third book I hope you …………………………………………… (not / forget) my name by tomorrow By next week we …………………………………………… (redecorate) the house Next July she …………………………………………… (be) dead for ten years I hope I ……………………………………………… (not / make) a lot of mistakes in this exam when I finish it By the end of this year I ………………………………………… (drive) more than one hundred thousand kilometers with this car I hope it …………………………………………… (stop) raining before the match starts I …………………………………………… (have) an operation when you turn back By this time next week I ………………………………………………… (marry) 10 If nothing is done one million species that are alive today ………………………………… (become) extinct in twenty years * PHẦN II: BÀI TẬP VẬN DỤNG I Choose the best answer among A, B, C, or D When I last saw him, he _ in London A has lived B is living C was living D has been living We _ Dorothy since last Saturday A don’t see B haven’t seen C didn’t see D hadn’t seen The train half an hour ago A has been leaving B left C has left D had left Jack the door A has just painted B paint C will have painted D painting My sister for you since yesterday A is looking B was looking C has been looking D looked I Texas State University now A am attending B attend C was attending D attended He has been selling motorbikes A ten years ago B since ten years C for ten years ago D for ten years Christopher Columbus _ American more than 500 years ago A discovered B has discovered C had discovered D had been discovering He fell down when he towards the church A run B runs C was running D had run 10 We _ there when our father died A still lived B lived still C was still lived D were still living 11 They table tennis when their father comes back home A will play B will be playing C play D would play 12 By Christmas, I _ for Mr Smith for six years A shall have been working B shall work C have been working D shall be working 13 I _ in the room right now A am being B was being C have been being D am 14 I to New York three times this year.A have beenB was C were D had been 15 I’ll come and see you before I _ for the States A leave B will leave C have left D shall leave 16 The little girl asked what _ to her friend A has happened B happened C had happened D would have been happened 17 John a book when I saw him A is reading B read C was reading D reading 18 He said he _ return later A will B would C can D would be 19 I have been waiting for you A since early morning B since 9a.m C for two hours D All are correct 20 Almost everyone _ for home by the time we arrived A leave B left C leaves D had left 21 By the age of 25, he two famous novels A wrote B writes C has written D had written 22 While her husband was in the army, Mary to him twice a week A was reading B wrote C was written D had written 23 I couldn’t cut the grass because the lawn mower a few days previously A broke down B has been broken C had broken down D breaks down 24 I have never played badminton before This is the first time I _ to play A try B tried C have tried D am trying 25 Since _, I have heard nothing from him A he had left B he left C he has left D he was left 26 After I _ lunch, I looked for my bag A had B had had C have has D have had 27 By the end of next year, George _ English for two years A will have learned B will learn C has learned D would learn 28 The man got out of the car, round to the back and opened the book A walking B walked C walks D walk 30 He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he dinner A finish B finishes C will finish D finishing 31 Ask her to come and see me when she _ her work A finish B has finished C finished D finishing 32 Tom and Mary for Vietnam tomorrow A leave B are leaving C leaving D are left 33 He always for a walk in the evening A go B is going C goes D going 34 Her brother in Canada at present A working B works C is working D work 35 Last week, my professor promised that he today A would come B will come C comes D coming II Choose the underlined part in each sentence (A, B,C, or D ) that needs correcting After Mrs Wang had returned to her house from work, she was cooking dinner A B C D Jimmy threw the ball high in the air, and Betty catching it when it came down A B C D Linda has worn her new yellow dress only once since she buys it A B C D Last week Mark told me that he got very bored with his present job and is looking for a new one A B C D Having fed the dog, he was sat down to his own meal A B C D When I turned on my computer, I was shocked to find some junk mail, and I just delete it all A B C D They are going to have to leave soon and so we A B C D The boss laughed when the secretary has told him that she really needed a pay rise A B C D The telephone rang several times and then stop before I could answer it A B C D 10 Debbie, whose father is an excellent tennis player, has been playing tennis since ten years A B C D 10 16 You _ ring the bell; I have a key A may not B needn’t C mustn’t D couldn’t 17 You _ drink this; it’s poison A must B needn’t C mustn’t D shouldn’t 18 Nobody knows how people first came to these islands They _ have sailed from South America on drafts A might B must C should D had 19 She felt ill and _ leave early A has to B must C had to D ought 20 I want this letter typed, but you _ it today Tomorrow you will A must B needn’t C couldn’t D mustn’t 21 “Did you hear me come in last night?” “No, I _ asleep.” A must be B must have been C should be D should have been 22 When I first went to England, I _ English, but I _ it A can read / can’t speak B can read / couldn’t speak C could read / couldn’t speak D could read / can’t speak 23 The car plunged into the river The driver _ out but the passengers were drowned A is able to get B could get C was able to get D can get 25 If you had to, _ you go without food and drink? A can B could C must D will 26 I got lost and _ ask a policeman the way A have to B must have to C had to D would 27 We _ reheat the pie We can eat it cold A needn’t B must C mustn’t D should have 28 we _ forget to shut the lift gates A> should B must C mustn’t D needn’t 29 The swimmer was very tired, but he _ the shore before he collapsed A was able to reach B can reach C could reach D has reached 30 If a letter comes for me, _ you please forward it to this address> A shall B could C must D should 31 The shops here don’t deliver We _ carry everything home ourselves A might B must C have to D used 32 If you go to a dentist with a private practice, you _ pay him quite a lot of money A have to B must have C ought D need 33 You _ talk to other candidates during the exam A shan’t B mustn’t C needn’t D hadn’t better 34 You had better _ your child so much money It may spoil him A not give B not to give C to not give D don’t give 35 You can phone me, but I’d rather you _ it to me by email A to send B send C sent D should send ←  EXPERIENCES: ← LESSON 43 CLEFT SENTENCES I LÝ THUYẾT Câu chẻ dùng để nhấn mạnh thành phần câu chủ từ, túc từ hay trạng từ Nhấn mạnh chủ từ (Subject focus) a It + is / was + Noun / pronoun (người) + who/that + V + O … Ex: My brother collected these foreign stamps → It was my brother who collected these foreign stamps (Chính anh tơi người sưu tầm tem nước này) b It + is / was + Noun (vật) + that + V + O … Ex: Her absence at the party made me sad → It was her absence at the party that made me sad (Chính vắng mặt cô buổi tiệc làm buồn) Nhấn mạnh túc từ (Object focus) a It + is / was + Noun / pronoun (người) + who(m) + S + V… Ex: I met Daisy on the way to school → It was Daisy who(m) I met on the way to school (Chính Daisy người tơi gặp đường học) Note: Khi nhấn mạnh túc từ ta dùng who thay cho whom nhấn mạnh chủ từ khơng dùng whom thay cho who b It + is / was + Noun (vật) + that + S + V … Ex: My brother bought an old motorbike from our neighbor → It was an old motorbike that my brother bought from our neighbor (Chính xe máy cũ anh tơi mua từ người hàng xóm) Nhấn mạnh trạng từ (Adverbial focus) It + is / was + Adverbial phrase + that + S + V … Ex: - We first met in December → It was in December that we first met (Chính tháng mười hai gặp lần đầu tiên) - I was born in this village → It was in this village that I was born (Chính ngơi làng nơi sinh ra) Câu chẻ bị động (Cleft sentences in the passive) a It + is / was + Noun / pronoun (person) + who + be + P.P… Ex: Fans gave that singer a lot of flowers → It was that singer who was given a lot of flowers (Chính người ca sĩ tặng nhiều hoa) b It + is / was + Noun (thing) + that + be + P.P… Ex: People talk about this film → It is this film that is talked about (Chính phim nói đến) - Fans gave that singer a lot of flowers → It was a lot of flowers that were given to that singer (Chính nhiều hoa tặng cho người ca sĩ) II BÀI TẬP A Rewrite the sentences to focus attention on the underlined information Using structure” it is / was that” She bought the car from Tom ………………………………………………………………… My secretary sent the bill to Mr Harding yesterday ………………………………………………………………… We are coming to stay with Jane this weekend ………………………………………………………………… The president makes the important decisions ………………………………………………………………… I’m looking forward to physics exam ………………………………………………………………… I lost my wallet somewhere in there ………………………………………………………………… I was born and grew up in a small village ………………………………………………………………… My teacher helped me a lot of with my study last semester ………………………………………………………………… The headmaster gave Tam a bicycle as a scholarship ………………………………………………………………… 10 Your carelessness caused the accident ………………………………………………………………… B Choose the best answers: I bought the golden fish A It was from this shop that B I was from this shop where C It was this shop which D It was this shop that It was Tom _ to help us A comes B that comes C to come D who came _ the police had rescued from the fire A The baby B The baby that C It was the baby whom D The baby whom my parents gave me the fish tank A It was on my birthday when B It was my birthday on that C It was my birthday that D It was on my birthday that _ I first met my girlfriend A It was in London that B It was in London where C It was London that D It was London which _ on the phone A It is his mother whom is B It was his mother whom is C It was his mother who is D It is his mother who is a high level of blood cholesterol A It is eggs that contain B Those are eggs it contains C It is eggs that contains D It is eggs contain _ England won the World Cup A It was in 1966 that B It was on 1966 that C It was in 1966 when D It was 1966 in that we all look for A It is happiness that B That happiness C Happiness it is that D Happiness it is 10 me how to play the drum A It was my uncle who taught B My uncle who taught C It was my uncle taught D It is my uncle teaching C Cleft sentences in passive My husband watered the flowers every day. They celebrated their wedding last week. He described his home town in his novel. Most girls like spring. -My father bought the car for me on my birthday. The prince kissed my younger sister at the party. My younger sister always keeps her doll carefully. -The boy hit the dog in the garden. -The woman answered the man rudely. 10 The boy played ping pong the whole afternoon. 11 The girl gave the boy a special gift on his birthday. -12 My wife gave this T-shirt to me on my last birthday party. 13 I always keep your picture besides me. 14 He borrowed the money from his close friend. -15 The police arrested the man at the railway station. 16 The man is learning English. 17 The woman gave him the English book. 18 She sent her friend a post card. -19 Hoa borrowed some English books from Long. -20 The little boy greeted his grand father in a strange language. -21 The pedestrian asked the policeman a lot of questions. -22 The dog barked at the stranger. -23 My mom is making some cakes for our dinner. 24 We all saw her husband out side the theater lats night. -25 Mr.Hao repaired the roof yesterday morning. -26 I always meet my students in the cafee whenever I come there. -27 I bought this motor in HCM city some years ago. -28 I met Sasa on the way to my school. 29 Vietnamese people celebrate Tet as the greatest occasion in a year. 30 My mother gave me this story book as a birthday present. -31 Her younger sister broke her classes. 32 She frightened the children. -33 My father bought me a lap top for my birthday. -34 People talked a lot about his house. 35 The pedestrian asked the policeman for the direction to the post office. -36 Fans gave Christina lots of flowers. -←  EXPERIENCES: ← ← ← LESSON 44 -SENTENCES TRANSFORMATION ← ← 1.”Sam, I am so sorry I have hurt your feelings.” ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← -> Michelle apologized _ We had only just arrived at the hotel when there was a power cut -> No sooner _ Someone almost certainly broke the window on purpose -> The window must _ I applied for the job but was turned down -> My _ I’ve never been on a transatlantic flight before -> This is The storm totally destroyed the fence of the garden -> The garden I wasn’t a bit surprised to hear that he failed the exam -> It came _ The plane couldn’t take off because of the bad weather -> The bad weather _ The prize she got in that competition went beyond her expectation -> Never 10.”Although I am very tired, I will still take part in the game tomorrow,” Lan said -> Lan said 11 The water was so cold that the children could not swim in it -> The water was not 12.”Where has he been?” -> She doesn’t know _ 13 Your handwriting is less nice than hers -> Your handwriting _ 14 Children can amuse themselves by playing thousands of interesting games -> Children can _ 15 But for his alertness, he must have been smashed beneath the tree -> Had 16 The clerk needs not call the boy to help her with her luggage -> It is not _ 17 She now knows the horrible existence of the needy -> She now knows how _ 18 There is nothing better than real life hands-on learning opportunities for children -> Nothing _ 19 I’m sorry that I didn’t go to the party last Sunday -> I wish 20 The basketball coach made me train very hard -> I was _ 21 Although it was raining heavily, none of the guests came late -> In _ 22 If it hadn’t been for your help, he would have been in a worse mess -> If you _ 23 He had no money and didn’t know anyone he could borrow from -> He had no money, nor _ 24 The refugees continued to feel homeless until they had come home -> Not until 25 Somebody has suggested pulling the old building down -> It has been suggested _ 26 I don’t know what the answer is CLUE 27 Don’t forget you are due to see the dentist at ten o’clock APPOINTMENT 28.”Don’t swim just after you have eaten,” she said to them WARNED 29 What you expect me to in this situation? SUPPOSED 30 Sending someone to prison for defending their own property isn’t fair INJUSTICE 31 It was the first time I had seen such an extraordinary creature -> Never before _ 32 After fighting the fire for 10 hours the firemen succeeded in putting it out -> The firemen managed _ 33 Although Khoa was disabled, she participated in many sports -> Despite her 34.”Can I borrow your surfboard for a day, please?” Paul said -> Paul asked me to _ 35 We were in a position which gave us no room for manoeuvre -> The position that 36 I don’t know who she was, but she must be very powerful and confident -> Whoever 37 You have too little experience to work as a flight controller -> You are not 38 Samantha usually makes vague promises -> It’s typical _ 39 To threaten him with prison was the only way we could make him speak -> Only by _ 40.”This is very important Don’t forget it.” -> The teacher said 41 Agree to be back by midnight and you can go PROVIDING 42 None of the passengers was injured because of the driver’s quick reaction BUT FOR ← ← 43 It was Mark who told us that the film was not worth watching DISCOURAGED ← ← ← 44 That diet of yours doesn’t contain many nutritious elements DEFICIENT ← ← 45 We’d prefer the successful candidate to have previous experience in the field WOULD RATHER ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← 46.The website wouldn’t allow me to access certain pages DENIED -> The website _ certain pages 47 Some people will anything to make money LENGTHS -> Some people will _ to make money 48 Domitri couldn’t finish the crossword despite really trying hard MIGHT -> Try , Domitri couldn’t finish the crossword puzzle 49 Sir Dunkan’s indifferent approach really shocked us ABACK -> We indifferent approach 50 I can’t imagine what Rod is planning to buy me for Christmas FAINTEST -> I don’t _ what Rod is planning to buy me for Christmas 51 Here’s my phone number, because you might need it -> In case _ 52 Visitors mustn’t touch the exhibits in the museum -> Visitors are not _ 53 We left quietly so that we wouldn’t disturb the children -> So as 54 It’s nobody’s fault that the meeting was cancelled -> Nobody _ 55.”We had better check the whole system before sending for the technician.” -> He recommended _ 56 Although the film received good reviews, not many people watched it -> Despite _ 57 Is this the only solution to the problem? -> Isn’t there _ 58 Provided your paper is handed in on June 2nd, the teacher will let you present it -> So long as the teacher _ 59 Marky loses his temper very easily -> Marky is 60 The report didn’t mention the identities of the suspects -> Nowhere 61 Without my friend’s help I would have been in so much trouble -> If it _ 62.”I think you may be coming down with chickenpox.” The doctor said the the child -> The doctor said that _ 63 There is no point trying to persuade my mother to let me go out after 11 pm -> It is 64 I surely don’t intend to go to the beach when it is this cold ->I have _ 65 People say that Da Nang has one of the most beautiful beaches in the world -> It 66 The shop only delivers goods after receiving the money -> Only after the money 67 I lost my wallets twice before this time -> This is the _ ← ← ← ← ← ← ← 68 I can’t wait until next summer when we have a big vacation -> I am looking _ 69.”Please don’t shout at me!” the child begged his mother -> The child pleaded _ 70 It is said that the old man is in a serious condition in hospital -> The old man _ LESSON 45 : PRACTICE TEST PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words A busy B noisy C sugar D present A bored B more C explore D boss A naked B wanted C needed D.walked Choose the word whose main stress pattern is put differently from that of the other words A television B education C entertainment D information A capital B activity C different D opera Choose A, B, C, or D that best complete each sentence your help, I wouldn't have got the scholarship A Had not it been for B Unless I had C If I had had D But for Let your name …………………… in the sheet of paper A to be written B be written C write D being written _ that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50 A So successful was her business B So was her successful business, C Her business was successful D So successful her business was, It was not midnight that they discovered the children were not in their beds A at B during C until D when 10 Henry a rich man today if he had been more careful in the past A was B will be C would be D would have been 11 Working as a volunteer gives her a chance to develop her interpersonal skills, promote friendship, and _ her own talent A discovering B dicovered C discover D to discover 12 Germany was defeated by Brazil in the final Germany was the _ A runner - up B winner C champion D second rank 13 I just bought _new shirt and some new shoes shirt was quite expensive, but _shoes weren't A the - The - the B a - The - a C a - The - the D a - A - a 14 “I don’t like being asked personal questions.”- “ _” A I am too B So I C Neither I D Either I 15 It was difficult _ a date which was convenient for everyone A making B to make C make D made 16 After the car crash last night , all the injured _ to the hospital in an ambulance A were rushed B was rushing C were rushing D was rushed 17 You should look up the meaning of new words in the dictionary misuse them A so not to B so that not to C so as not to D so that not 18 By the time Alfonso finally graduated from school, he seven different from schools because his parents moved frequently A attended B was attending C had attended D had been attending 19 _ make a good impression on her A Only by so doing I can B Only by doing so can I C Only so doing can I D Only by doing so I can 20 ."Why are you wearing your old shoes?" - Because I the car A All are correct B wash C will wash D am going to wash 21 David is not with his position in the national football team A satisfying B satisfaction C satisfied D satisfies 22 - "What you think of love story films?" - " _." A That's a good idea B I prefer love story films C I find them moving D I don't think so 23 If he .more slowly, he wouldn't make so many mistakes A has worked B worked C had worked D works 24 Mary: " I will never go mountaineering again" Linda: " Me " A either B so C too D neither 25 My classmate, I wanted to see, was on holiday A which B whose C whom D that Identify the mistakes in these sentences 26 Once when I was ten I used to get sick and went to the hospital A B C D 27 Woody Guthrie wrote thousands of songs during his lifetime, many of them became classic folk songs A B C D 28 The student must have her assessment form fill in by the examiner during the oral exam A B C D 29 Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods A B C D 30 Could you tell me what the air conditioner use for? A B C D Read the passage below and then choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D READING WITH THE FINGERS Blindness is one of the most difficult of human (1) The fact that our eyes are so important (2) our learning is one of the key problems One thing making education (3) _ and life more pleasant for the blind is the development of a system by (4) they are able to learn to read Since the blind cannot use their eyes, they are taught to use the (5) _ of touch in their fingers Reading raised printed matters of the common type is very, very difficult A special system now used was invented by a Frenchman, Louis Braille This reading device is called Braille, (6) Louis Braille, who made it usable for the blind In the Braille plan, the letters are (7) by raised dots The Braille alphabet uses from one to five dots These dots are arranged upon a six-dot plan Different patterns are used for (8) _ letters Many thousands of books are now printed in Braille and sent to most countries in the world A blind person who has (9) this system passes the ends of his fingers along the line of Braille print At first his reading may be painfully slow, but it becomes faster with (10) _ A drawbacks A for A possible A whom A feeling A for A symbolized A every A received 10 A practice B sufferings B on B probable B what B sensitivity B by B represented B all B taught B training C handicaps C with C enabled C which C sensation C after C taken over C another C learned C direction D shortcomings D to D easy D that D sense D on D made D each D mastered D use PHẦN TỰ LUẬN Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets If she (1 not stay) up so late last night, she (2 not feel) sleepy now The children enjoy (3 allow) to stay up late when there is something special on TV He used to talk to us about all the interesting things he (4 do) in his life While she (5.talk) .on the phone, the children (6 start) fighting and breaking a window I am used to (7 get)…… up before o’clock in summer 6.Who (8.break)…… my window yesterday? My house (9 build)…… many years ago I’ll come and see you before I (10.leave)………… for the States 10 Read the text below Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line There is an example at the beginning LEISURE AND THE COUNTRYSIDE With the (0) development of fast motorway system in many countries, once remote DEVELOP parts of the countryside are (1) becoming INCREASE (2) _ to people who live in towns and cities In many parts ACCESS of the world, rising (3) incomes have resulted in mass PERSON (4) _ of motor cars at a time when people have more leisure time OWNER to fill This means that there is a lot of (5) on the countryside PRESS to accept a growing number of visitors In Britain, for example, the (6) NATION parks are used by more than one hundred million people annually In (7) _, similar numbers visit areas that not enjoy the same level of (8) Some people regard this invasion of the countryside as (9) and they have begun campaigning to try and save some aspects of (10) rural culture ADD PROTECT DESIRE TRADITION 10 Put these sentences in the right order to complete the text Number has been done for you as an example A B C D E F G H I J K is also an international city where you can eat food from wonderful beaches! When they think of Sydney, many people think opened in 1973 for music, theatre and dance Near building looks like sails on Sydney Harbour It was the Opera House is one of the longest all over the world, or just visit some of the thirty Sydney is the oldest and biggest city, with 3,7 million buildings are the centre for much of Australian business It people It is a busy modern city and its high-rise of the Sydney Opera House The roof of this beautiful bridges in the world - the Sydney Harbour Bridge G Rewirte each sentence, using the suggestions, so that the meaning stay the same The last time he visited Ha Long Bay was years ago He hasn’t………………………………………………………………………… What a pity I don’t know how to use a computer I wish …………………………………………………………………………… She said to her son, “How many engineers are there in your factory?” She asked ……………………………………………………………………… Nobody has invited her to the concert She ……………………………………………………………………………… We didn’t go because it rained heavily If it hadn’t……………………………………………………………… Shall we play tennis for a change? Why …………………………………………………………………………………? He hurried He didn’t want to be late for the lecture He hurried in ………………………………………………………… ……….… In spite of his age, he still enjoys life Although he ……………………………………………………….…………… 10 11 My sister had someone repair her old computer My sister had her……………………………………………………………… 10 If you have completed your test, you can go home Get ……………………………………………………………………………… ~ GOOD LUCK TO YOU~ ĐÁP ÁN PHẦN TRẮC NGHIỆM Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words A busy B noisy C sugar D present A bored B more C explore D boss A naked B sacred C needed D.walked Choose the word whose main stress pattern is put differently from that of the other words A television B education C entertainment D information A capital B activity C different D opera Choose A, B, C, or D that best complete each sentence your help, I wouldn't have got the scholarship A Had not it been for B Unless I had C If I had had D But for Let your name …………………… in the sheet of paper A to be written B be written C write D being written _ that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50 A So successful was her business B So was her successful business, C Her business was successful D So successful her business was, It was not midnight that they discovered the children were not in their beds A at B during C until D when 10 Henry a rich man today if he had been more careful in the past A was B will be C would be D would have been 11 Working as a volunteer gives her a chance to develop her interpersonal skills, promote friendship, and _ her own talent A discovering B dicovered C discover D to discover 12 Germany was defeated by Brazil in the final Germany was the _ A runner - up B winner C champion D second rank 13 I just bought _new shirt and some new shoes shirt was quite expensive, but _shoes weren't A the - The - the B a - The - a C a - The - the D a - A - a 14 “I don’t like being asked personal questions.”- “ _” A I am too B So I C Neither I D Either I 15 It was difficult _ a date which was convenient for everyone A making B to make C make D made 16 After the car crash last night , all the injured _ to the hospital in an ambulance A were rushed B was rushing C were rushing D was rushed 17 You should look up the meaning of new words in the dictionary misuse them A so not to B so that not to C so as not to D so that not 18 By the time Alfonso finally graduated from school, he seven different from schools because his parents moved frequently A attended B was attending C had attended D had been attending 19 _ make a good impression on her A Only by so doing I can B Only by doing so can I C Only so doing can I D Only by doing so I can 20 ."Why are you wearing your old shoes?" - Because I the car A All are correct B wash C will wash D am going to wash 21 David is not with his position in the national football team A satisfying B satisfaction C satisfied D satisfies 22 - "What you think of love story films?" - " _." A That's a good idea B I prefer love story films C I find them moving D I don't think so 23 If he .more slowly, he wouldn't make so many mistakes A has worked B worked C had worked D works 24 Mary: " I will never go mountaineering again" Linda: " Me " A either B so C too D neither 25 My classmate, I wanted to see, was on holiday A which B whose C whom D that Identify the mistakes in these sentences 26 Once when I was ten I used to get sick and went to the hospital A B C D 27 Woody Guthrie wrote thousands of songs during his lifetime, many of them became classic folk songs A B C D 28 The student must have her assessment form fill in by the examiner during the oral exam A B C D 29 Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in producing foods A B C D 30 Could you tell me what the air conditioner use for? A B C D Read the passage below and then choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D READING WITH THE FINGERS Blindness is one of the most difficult of human (1) The fact that our eyes are so important (2) our learning is one of the key problems One thing making education (3) _ and life more pleasant for the blind is the development of a system by (4) they are able to learn to read Since the blind cannot use their eyes, they are taught to use the (5) _ of touch in their fingers Reading raised printed matters of the common type is very, very difficult A special system now used was invented by a Frenchman, Louis Braille This reading device is called Braille, (6) Louis Braille, who made it usable for the blind In the Braille plan, the letters are (7) by raised dots The Braille alphabet uses from one to five dots These dots are arranged upon a six-dot plan Different patterns are used for (8) _ letters Many thousands of books are now printed in Braille and sent to most countries in the world A blind person who has (9) this system passes the ends of his fingers along the line of Braille print At first his reading may be painfully slow, but it becomes faster with (10) _ A drawbacks A for B sufferings B on C handicaps C with D shortcomings D to A possible A whom A feeling A for A symbolized A every A received 10 A practice B probable B what B sensitivity B by B represented B all B taught B training C enabled C which C sensation C after C taken over C another C learned C direction D easy D that D sense D on D made D each D mastered D use PHẦN TỰ LUẬN Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1.hadn’t stayed 2.wouldn’t feel 3.being allowed 4.had done 5.was talking WORD FORMATION A 1.Increasingly Accessible national Addition 6.started 7.getting 8.broke 9.was built 10.leave Personal Protection Ownership Undesirable pressure 10.traditional Put these sentences in the right order to complete the text Number has been done for you as an example ( 10 11 G I H A F B J D C E K Rewirte each sentence, using the suggestions, so that the meaning stay the same He hasn’t visited Ha Long Bay for years I wish I knew how………… She asked her son how many engineers there were in his factory She hasn’t been invited to the concert If it hadn’t rained heavily/ been for the heavy rain, we would/could/might have gone Why don’t we play tennis for a change? He hurried in order not tobe late for the lecture Although he is old, he…………… My sister had her old computer repaired 10 Get your test completed and you can go home ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ... C was spoken D is spoken 12 DATE: 14 /10/ 2017 LESSON 5: SỰ HOÀ HỢP GIỮA CHỦ TỪ VÀ ĐỘNG TỪ I Phần lý thuyết: Danh từ (NOUN) a Danh từ số (Singular Noun) - Danh từ không đếm (uncountable noun) Ex:... fruit - Danh từ theo sau A/ AN (khơng hình thức số nhiều) Ex: a book, a box, an apples b Danh từ số nhiều (Plural Noun) - Danh từ tận _S / _ES Ex: books, boxes, apples, c Cách thành lập danh từ... stop before I could answer it A B C D 10 Debbie, whose father is an excellent tennis player, has been playing tennis since ten years A B C D 10 DATE: 6 /10/ 2017 LESSON 4: THỂ BỊ ĐỘNG Phần lí thuyết:

Ngày đăng: 06/02/2018, 21:04

